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Now a day the threat of malware is increasing rapidly. A software that sneaks to your computer system without your knowledge with a harmful intent to disrupt your computer operations. Due to the vast number of malware, it is impossible to handle malware by human engineers. Therefore, security researchers are taking great efforts to develop accurate and effective techniques to detect malware. This paper presents a semantic and detailed survey of methods used for malware detection like signature-based and heuristic-based. The Signature-based technique is largely used today by anti-virus software to detect malware, is fast and capable to detect known malware. However, it is not effective in detecting zero-day malware and it is easily defeated by malware that uses obfuscation techniques. Likewise, a considerable false positive rate and the high amount of scanning time are the main limitations of heuristic-based techniques. Alternatively, memory analysis is a promising technique that gives a comprehensive view of malware and it is expected to become more popular in malware analysis. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) providing an overview of malware types and malware detection approaches, (2) discussing the current malware analysis techniques, their findings and limitations, (3) studying the malware obfuscation, attacking and anti-analysis techniques, and (4) exploring the structure of memory-based analysis in malware detection. The detection approaches have been compared with each other according to their techniques, selected features, accuracy rates, and their advantages and disadvantages. This paper aims to help the researchers to have a general view of malware detection field and to discuss the importance of memory-based analysis in malware detection.
) No.
A Survey on Malware Analysis Techniques: Static, Dynamic, Hybrid
and Memory Analysis
Rami Sihwail#, Khairuddin Omar*, K. A. Z. Ariffin*
# Supporting Studies Centre, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia
*Faculty of Information Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract— The threats malware pose to the people around the world are increasing rapidly. A software that sneaks to your computer
system without your knowledge with a harmful intent to disrupt your computer operations. Due to the vast number of malware, it is
impossible to handle malware by human engineers. Therefore, security researchers are taking great efforts to develop accurate and
effective techniques to detect malware. This paper offers an overall view and detailed survey for malware detection methods like
signature-based and heuristic-based. The Signature-based is largely used today by anti-virus software to detect malware. It is fast and
capable to detect known malware. However, it is not effective in detecting zero-day malware and is easily defeated by malware that
use obfuscation techniques. Likewise, a considerable amount of legitimate files that are incorrectly classified as malware (false
positive) and long scanning time are the major limitations of heuristic-based. Alternatively, memory-based analysis is a promising
technique that gives a comprehensive view of malware and it is expected to become more popular in malware detection. This paper
mainly focuses on the following areas: (1) providing an overview of malware types and malware detection methods, (2) discussing
current malware analysis techniques, their findings and limitations, (3) studying the malware obfuscation, attacking and anti-analysis
techniques, and (4) exploring the structure of memory-based analysis in malware detection. The methods of malware detection are
compared with each other according to their techniques, selected features, accuracy rates, and their advantages and disadvantages.
This paper aims to help the readers to have a comprehensive view of malware detection and discuss the importance of memory-based
analysis in malware detection.
Keywords— malicious; malware detection method; feature; behaviour-based; memory analysis; security.
The threat that malware (short for malicious software)
cause to the computing world is growing rapidly. According
to the AV-TEST institute, 48 million various malware
samples were developed in the first quarter of 2017 [1].
Due to the vast number of malware, it is impossible to
handle malware by human engineers. Thus, security
researchers use malware detection systems to detect
malware. Detection systems includes two stages: analysis
and detection. Anti-virus software commonly use signature-
based approach to detect malware. This approach is fast and
capable to detect known malware with minimal false
positive rate. However, signature-based fails to discover
unknown malware and is easily defeated by malware that
uses obfuscation techniques. On the other hand, behavior-
based is another approach that is used in malware detection
where suspicious files are executed in a controlled
environment, monitored, and marked as malicious if their
behaviors match with known malware behavior. Behavior-
based is able to detect unknown malware and malware that
use obfuscation techniques, but it is time consuming with
considerable false positive rate [2].
Alternatively, memory-based is another approach that is
becoming more popular in malware detection lately due to
the wealth of information found in the dumped memory that
can be used in investigating malicious activities [3].
The paper is organized as follows: In the next section,
under material and method, we explain malware types,
detection methods, analysis techniques, and an overview of
related works, Section III discusses the future direction of
malware and the main sources of malware dataset. Finally,
the conclusion of the survey.
This section provides an overview of malware types,
malware detection methods, and analysis techniques.
A. Malware Types
Malware is a software that is inserted into the system
without user knowlege. It can harm the computer system by
compromising computer functions, stealing data or evading
access controls. The following list presents the common
categories of malware:
Virus: A malicious software that duplicates itself by
injecting its code into other programs. Virus can
spread from one program to another and from one
computer to another [4].
Worms: Are malicious programs that replicate
themselves in a computer and destroy the files and
data on it. Worms might also encrypt files or send
junk emails. Unlike viruses, worms carry themselves
in their own containers [5].
Trojan horse: While acting as a legitimate programs,
Trojans perform unknown and unwanted activities [4].
Trojans allow attackers to gain access to the effective
computer and extract user confidential information
like password and banking details.
Spyware: Spyware is a software that continuously
spies on the users activities. It is used to gather
information about the users like webpages regularly
visited and credit card number without their
knowledge, then sends that information back to the
attackers [6].
Rootkit: Rootkit is a collection of malicious software
that is programmed to access a computer system and
allow other types of malware to get into the system
Ransomware: A harmful software that allows the
hacker to lock the computer and restrict the victim
access to the vital information. Ransomware encrypts
the important data on the infected computer or
network then asks for payment to lift the restriction
Adware: Advertising-supported software is a type of
malware that continuously brings advertisements to
the computer. Usually adware is bundled with free
downloaded software and applications like free
playing games [9].
Botnet: A malware that remotely controls a group of
devices like PCs, smart phones and internet of things
devices are infected and controlled by a cybercriminal.
Botnet is typically used for spam emails campaigns or
denial of service attacks. Users are often unaware that
their systems are infected by a botnet malware [10].
Fig. 1 Methods of Malware detection
B. Malware Detection Methods
Malware detection methods are categorized in several
ways from different point of view. In this section, we discuss
the main methods of malware detection: Signature-based and
heuristic-based. Figure 1, shows the main malware detection
1) Signature-Based Detection
Majority of available antivirus software use signature-
based approach. This approach extracts unique signature
from captured malware file and use this signature to detect
similar malware. A signature is a sequence of bytes or a file
hash that can be used to identify specific malware [11].
Therefore, this method has small false positive (FP) rate
[14].. However, it is not difficult for attackers to change
malware signature to evade being detected by antivirus
software. Signature-based is very effective and fast in
detecting known malware, but it is incapable to capture new
released malware [13]. Signature-based approach depends
on implementing static analysis to extract exceptional byte
sequences known as marks [12]Figure 2 shows the
signature-based general procedure for malware detection.
Fig. 2 Signature-based general flow
Malware authors have created another challenge for
signature-based approach by using obfuscation techniques.
This techniques include dead code insertion, register
reassignment, instruction substitution, and code
manipulation [15]. In the following we briefly explain each
Dead-Code insertion: This simple code obfuscation
technique adds some NOP (No operation Performed)
instructions or inserts ineffective PUSH/ POP
statements to a program to change its look, but keep
its same behavior.
Register Reassignment: This technique works by
switching registers or by reassigning the value of one
register to unused one. For example, EAX is
reassigned to EBX register.
Subroutine Reordering: Subroutine is a group of
program operations that do a specific task. This
technique changes the subroutines order randomly in
the program.
Instruction Substitution: In this technique, original
instructions that perform the same function are
replaced by equivalent ones, such as replacing MOV
instruction with PUSH instruction.
Code Integration: A malware that embedded itself to
another legal program. It was first found in Zmist
malware. To apply this technique, malware
decompiles its targeted program and adds itself in
between its source code [16]. Code integration is
considered as one of the most sophisticated
obfuscation techniques that allows malware to evade
2) Heuristic-Based Detection
Heuristic-based is also known as anomaly or behavior-
based detection. In this detection, the activities performed by
malware during runtime are analyzed in a training (learning)
phase. After that, the file is labelled as malicious or
legitimate file during a testing (monitoring) phase based on a
pattern extracted during the training test [11].
Unlike signature-based, behavior-based approach is
capable to detect both unknown malware and malware that
uses obfuscation techniques. However, the major drawbacks
of behavior-based are a considerable false positive rate (FP)
and excessive monitoring time [14]. Further, the reduction of
thousands of extracted features, evaluate similarities
between them, and monitoring malware activities are
directly effecting the ability of detecting zero-day malware
attacks [17], [18].
Heuristic-based commonly depends on data mining
techniques in order to understand the behaviors of running
files, such techniques include Support Vector Machine,
Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest.
C. Malware Analysis Techniques
Malware analysis concerns studying malicious files with
the aim of having better understanding about several aspects
of malware like malware behavior, evolution over time, and
their selected targets [19]. The outcome of malware analysis
should allow security firms to strengthen their defence
strategies against malware attacks.
Techniques used for malware analysis mainly categorized
into three parts: Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid analysis. In
addition, memory-based analysis is another technique that is
very useful in malware analysis. Figure 3, shows malware
analysis techniques and their common features.
Fig. 3 Malware analysis techniques and features
1) Static Analysis
This technique refers to analyzing the Portable Executable
files (PE files) without running them. Malware commonly
uses binary packer, such as UPX and ASP Pack Shell, to
avoid being analyzed [6]. A PE file needs to be unpacked
and decompressed before being analyzed. To decompile
windows executable file a disassembler tool can be used,
such as IDA Pro and OlleyDbg that display assembly
instructions, provide information about the malware, and
extract pattern to identify the attacker.
The detection pattern can be extracted in static analysis
like Windows API calls, string signature, control flow graph
(CFG), opcode (operation codes) frequency and byte
sequence n-grams [20]. In the following, we explain the
main features in static analysis.
Almost all programs use Windows API (short for
Application Programming Interface) calls to communicate
with the operating system. For example, the "OpenFileW" is
a Windows API in "Kernel32.dll" that creates a new file or
opens an existing one. Therefore, API calls reveal the
behavior of programs and could be considered as an
essential mark in malware detection. For instance, the
Windows API calls "WriteProcessMemory", "LoadLibrary"
and "CreateRemoteThread" are a suspected behavior used by
malware for DLL injection into a process, while rarely come
together in a legitimate set. DLL injection is discussed in
memory analysis section.
Strings are good indicator of malicious existence. Strings
reveal the attacker's intent and goals since they often hold
critical semantic information [6]. For example, the following
string “This program cannot be run in DOS mode” indicates
malicious file when it is found outside of the typical PE
header, which is a common feature of droppers and
Control Flow Graph (CFG): A CFG is a directed graph
that demonstrates the control flow of a program, where
blocks of code are presented by nodes and control flow paths
by edges. In malware detection, CFG can be used to capture
the behavior of a PE file and extract the program structure
Opcodes is the first part of a machine code instruction
(also called machine language) that identifies what operation
to be executed by the CPU. A full machine language
instruction composed of opcode and, optionally, one or more
operands (e.g., "mov eax 7", "add eax ecx" and "sub ebx 1").
Opcode can be employed as a feature in malware detection
by testing opcode frequency or calculating the similarity
between opcode sequences.
N-grams are all of contiguous subsequences of a sequence
of a length N [21]. For example, the word "MALWARE" is
a sequence of letters of length 7, it can be segmented into 3-
grams as: "MAL", "ALW", "LWA", "WAR" and "ARE". N-
Grams have been applied with various detection features like
API calls and opcodes.
Beside the previous features, there are other features that
have been used in static analysis like file size and function
length. Networking features like TCP/ UDP ports,
destination IP and HTTP request are also features in static
analysis [19].
One of the most significant research on malware signature
evasion techniques has been done by Kirat and Vigna [22].
They were able to extract techniques from 2810 malware
samples and group them into 78 similar evasion signature
Hashemi and Hamzeh presented a new approach that
extracts unique opcode from the executable file and converts
them into digital image. Visual features are then extracted
from the image using Local Binary Pattern (LBP), which is
one of the most famous texture extraction method in image
processing. Finally, machine-learning methods are used to
detect malware. The proposed detection technique obtained
accuracy rate of 91.9% [23]. Shaid and Maarof also
suggested displaying malware in the form of images. Their
technique captures API calls of malware and converts them
into visual cues or images. These images are used to identify
malware variants [24].
On the other hand, both Salehi et al. [25] and Han et al.
[26] built their techniques based on extracted API calls.
Salehi et al. extracted API calls from each binary files and
used API frequencies to learn the classifier. Then, three
feature sets were generated ‘API calls list’, 'API arguments'
and ‘API and arguments list’, and each set has been tested
separately. Results showed that API arguments list is better
compared to the other two sets with accuracy of 98.4% and
false positive rate around 3%. In the same way, Han et al.
extracted APIs from the IAT table (import Address Table)
using static analysis. They compared the extracted API
sequence with another sequence and calculated the similarity
between them to classify malware family. Han found that
malware within the same family are about 40% similar and
false positive rate calculated 16%. Likewise, Cheng et al.
[27] analyzed native APIs sequences using WinDbg tool and
applied Support Vector Machine to detect shellcode
malware. They used a too small training set, and were able
to achieve 94.37% accuracy rate. However, false negative
rate accounted as high as 44.44%.
Table I, shows the results of surveyed papers that applied
static analysis in their malware detection approaches.
Year Static
feature Classifier Dataset
Benign Acc FP
2018 [23] Opcode KNN M=3,100
B=3,100 91.9% -
2014 [25]
DT, J48,
B=395 98.4% 3%
2012 [26]
sequence - M=545 40%* 16%
2013 [28]
sequence DT, KNN,
BN, SVM M=1,000
B=1,000 97.5% 6%
2017 [27]
Native APIs
sequence SVM M=18/
B=72 94.4% 1.4%
* Similarity within the same family
2) Dynamic Analysis
It is also called behavior analysis. In this analysis,
suspicious files are executed and monitored in a controlled
environment like VM, emulator or simulator [9]. The
infected files need to be analyzed in invisible environment
for simple reason that some malware are supported with
anti-virtual machine and anti-emulator techniques. Malware
behave normally when they detect such environment and do
not show any malicious activity.
Compared to static analysis, dynamic analysis is more
effective as there is no need to disassemble the infected file
to analyze it. In addition, dynamic analysis is able to detect
known and unknown malware. Furthermore, obfuscated and
polymorphic malware cannot evade dynamic detection.
However, dynamic analysis is time intensive and resource
consuming [6].
Year Dynamic
feature Classifier Dataset
Benign Acc FP
2016 [32] API calls DT, ANN,
SVM M=12,199 91.3% -
2013 [29]
file system,
KNN M=1,980 95% 5%
2015 [30]
file system,
KNN M=115,000 99% -
2017 [33]
sequence DT, RF,
SVM M=2,000/
B=2,000 97.2% -
2015 [34]
sequence - M=23,080 99.8% 0%
2015 [35]
User API,
native API J48, NB,
SVM M=773/
B=253 95.9% 5%
Various techniques can be used with dynamic analysis,
such as function call monitoring, function parameter
analysis, instruction traces, and information flow tracking
[20]. Reviewing the surveyed papers, API and system calls
are largely employed in malware dynamic analysis as well as
file system, Windows registry and network features.
Mohaisen et al. tried to classify Zeus malware using
several machine learning techniques. Artifacts like registry,
file system, and network features were used to learn the
classifier [29]. The dataset consisted of 1980 samples of
Zeus Banking Trojan and accuracy achieved close to 95%.
Afterward, in the next work, Mohaisen et al. proposed
AMAL, an automated and behavior-based malware analysis
and labeling system. AMAL consists of two components:
AutoMal and AutoLabel. Automal uses file system, network
activity logging, and registry monitoring features to analyze
malware samples. Further, AutoLabel classifies malware
samples into their families based on their behavior. AMAL
used more than 115,000 malware samples and achieved
detection rate around 99% [30].
In their work [31], Chen and Bridges studied WannaCry
Ransomware features from system logs, which is produced
using Cuckoo Sandbox. TF-IDF approach, shorts for term
frequency–inverse document frequency, has been used to
calculate frequent terms with high weights in the system
Most of the dynamic techniques focused on API calls to
represent malware behaviors (e.g. [32], [33], [34][35]).
Liang et al. [32] introduced a behavior-based malware
variant classification technique that captures API calls of
running malware, then creates multilayer dependency chain
based on the dependency relationship of the API calls. The
technique is able to measure the degree of similarity between
malware variants. Galal et al. also applied API hook to
capture information about API calls and their parameters.
Then, related API calls that share common semantic
purposes are set together into sequences. Their highest
accuracy was 97.19% achieved using Decision Tree [33].
Likewise, Ki et al. [34] proposed an approach that extracts
user level API call sequences by using, Microsoft supported
tool, Detours and apply Multiple Sequence Alignment
algorithm (MSA), which is one of the most popular
algorithms used in DNA sequence alignment. After that, Ki
et al. applied Longest Common Subsequence algorithm
(LCS) to match similar sequences. The approach achieved
99.8% accuracy and zero (0) false positive. Further, Fan et
al. [35] used API hooking to trace APIs that malware try to
hide. The technique monitors both regular APIs and native
APIs like undocumented and low-level APIs. In the
experiment, only 80 APIs were selected and detection rate
reached 95% using Decision Tree and Naive Bayesian
Table II, shows the results of surveyed papers that applied
dynamic analysis in their malware detection approaches.
In dynamic analysis, malware are executed in a controlled
environment to examine the live behavior of malicious files
without being harmed by them. There are several types of
control environment like emulators, debuggers, simulators
and virtual machines. Next, we present each type and
explain the strategies malware use in order to detect the
existence of controlled environment.
Emulator is a controlled environment that is used to
control the execution of a malicious program. A full
emulation system controls the CPU, hard disk and resources.
Emulators are distinguished based on the controlled part of
the running environment. TEMU, which is part of BitBlaze
project, introduced in 2008 by Sont et al. [36] as a full
emulation system that supports dynamic binary analysis by
monitoring features like network activities, memory
locations, function calls, processes, modules and API calls.
TTAnaylze [37] is another type of emulators that works on
QEMU, which is an open source machine emulator, and
provides automatic malware analysis module that records
windows APIs and native APIs. However, majority of
malware are able to detect emulated environment. In case of
partial emulation system, malware can perform operation
that works outside the emulated environment to detect
whether it is running inside a controlled environment.
Further, malware can still detect the characteristics and side
effects of full environment system like detecting imperfect
CPU features and comparing system properties (i.e.
currently logged-in user) [38].
Debugger is another type of controlled environment,
which is a program that observes and examines the
execution of other binary programs. WinDbg, OllyDbg and
GDB are debuggers that can be used to monitor the
execution behavior of suspected binaries at the instruction
level. Unlike OllyDbg, WinDbg also supports kernel
debugging. Further, IDA Pro is a static analysis tool that has
less capable built-in debugger. Though, The use of Windows
API is the most straightforward technique malware use to
determine that it is being debugged. API functions that can
be used for anti-debugging include “IsDebuggerPresent”,
“CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent” and “OutputDebugString”.
Another technique performed by malware is to look for signs
of installing debugging tool on the system such as searching
registry keys, files and directories. Further, malware can use
several techniques like exceptions and interrupts to disrupt
the execution of a program only if it is being debugged [40].
Another environment is simulator, which is a program
that simulates operation in order to be observed by user
without actually performing that operation. Simulator tools
such as CWSandbox, Norman sandbox and Detours allow
malware to execute in a controlled virtual environment and
record its behavior. Detours is used to intercept function
calls made by a process to any DLL (DLL injection), while
CWSandbox performs API hooking to capture Windows
API calls invoked by a malware. On the other hand, Norman
sandbox simulates Windows operating system, LAN and
Internet connectivity on the host machine [38]. For anti-
simulation, Malware checks for registry, files or processes to
determine the existence of certain sandbox product. The
execution time is another technique to detect sandbox and
virtual environment as executing instruction under controlled
environment requires longer time than a real one [41].
The most common controlled environment is virtual
machine (VM). VM is a computer software that runs an
operating system and applications. These applications are
isolated from the host system. Thus, running file or software
inside a virtual machine cannot interfere with the host
machine. Virtual machine applications include VirtualBox,
Parallels and VMware. A virtual machine monitor (VMM) is
a software that creates, runs and manages virtual machine
[39]. Furthermore, it is also responsible for assigning
hardware to virtual machine. However, Malware examines
the existence of virtual machine (VM) on a system by
searching for artifacts that installed VM tools leave in the
file system, registry and process listing. Malware can also
look for certain instructions that can be invoked by user
mode such as “sidt”, “sgdt“, and “sldt“ to observe the
presence of VM tools [40]. Furthermore, Hardware
characteristics and features may lead to the presents of
virtual machine. For example, CPUID hypervisor bit is set to
zero in the real system and malware, therefore, can test this
bit to determine if they are running inside a virtual machine.
In addition, most debuggers and Virtual Machines create
files and drivers that belong to that particular tool, malware
can look for these artifacts to discover the presence of virtual
machines or debuggers [41].
3) Hybrid Analysis
Hybrid analysis gather information about malware from
static analysis and dynamic analysis. By using hybrid
analysis, security researchers gain the benefits of both
analyses, static and dynamic. Therefore, increasing the
ability of detecting malicious programs correctly [42]. Both
analyses have their own advantages and limitations. Static
analysis is cheap, fast and safer compared to dynamic
analysis. However, malware evade it by using obfuscation
techniques. On the other hand, dynamic analysis is reliable
and can beats obfuscation techniques. Furthermore, it is able
to recognize malware variants and unknown malware
families. However it is time intensive and resource
consuming [6].
Shijo and Salim [43] proposed an integrated technique to
detect and classify unknown files. Printable strings
information (PSI) feature was extracted by performing static
analysis. Besides, using dynamic analysis to extract API
calls. Experiment showed detection rate of 95.8% applying
static, 97.1% applying dynamic and 98.7% for hybrid
analysis. Their highest accuracy was achieved using SVM
technique. Islam et al. [44] extracted two features from static
analysis Function Length Frequency (FLF) and Printable
String information (PSI) and API calls and parameters
during dynamic analysis. Based on the results, Random
Forest machine learning technique showed the highest result
in classifying the data. In addition, they have found that
applying the approach on old malware samples has better
accuracy compared to new samples, with accuracy of 99.8%
and 97.1% respectively. Further, Ma et al. [45] introduced a
method to reduce false positive in malware classification
called Ensemble that combined static and dynamic classifier
into one classifier. The method uses multi features include
static import functions and dynamic call functions to
improve the accuracy and reduce false positive.
Furthermore, Santos et al. [46] introduced OPEM, a tool to
detect unknown malicious files by combining opcode
frequency obtained during static analysis and system calls,
operations and raised exceptions during dynamic analysis.
OPEM showed accuracy of 95.9% from static analysis,
77.26% using dynamic and 96.6% using hybrid analysis with
Table III, shows the results of surveyed papers that applied
hybrid analysis in their malware detection approaches.
Dynamic Classifier Dataset
Benign Acc FP
2016 [43] PSI/ API calls RF, SVM M=1,368
B=456 98.7% -
2013 [44]
length, PSI/
RF, IB1 M=2,939 97% 5.1%
2016 [45]
functions/ call
SVM M=279 - -
2013 [46]
system calls,
operations, and
NB, SVM M=13,189
B=13,000 96.6% 3%
4) Memory Analysis
Memory analysis has become a popular technique, in the
recent years, proven to be efficient and accurate in malware
analysis. Memory analysis attracts malware analysts as it
gives comprehensive analysis of malware [47] since it is
able to examine malware hooks and code outside the
function normal scope [48]. It uses memory image to
analyze information about running programs, operating
system, and the general state of the computer.
Memory forensics investigations pass through two steps:
memory acquisition and memory analysis. In the memory
acquisition, the memory of the target machine is dumped to
obtain a memory image using tools such as Memoryze,
FastDump and DumpIt. The memory analysis step is to
analyze the memory image looking for malicious activities
using tools like Volatility and Rekall.
A number of researches related to memory forensics
techniques have been proposed. Teller and Hayon [50]
proposed a trigger-based memory analysis approach that
triggers memory dumps based on the following events: API-
based, performance-based and instrumentation-based in
order to know what happens during the execution of the
malware file and not only at the end of it. Further, Choi et al.
[51] introduced a modification to Teller and Hayon’s
technique in [50]. By implementing API trigger-based
memory dump technology for Cuckoo sandbox, which
makes Cuckoo capable to dump the memory at every wanted
API call.
In their research, Mosli et al. [3] investigated three
features extracted from memory images: imported libraries,
registry activity, and API function calls to detect malware.
Their highest accuracy was about 96% using SVM with data
from registry activity. Afterward, in the next research, Mosli
et al. [52] proposed a technique that uses the process handles
to detect whether the suspected sample is malicious or
benign. The experiment have spotted the light on the main
types of handles that malicious process commonly use, such
as section handles, process handles and mutants. On the
other hands, Zaki and Humphrey [7] studied the memory
artifacts left by rootkits in kernel-level such as: driver,
module, SSDT hook, IDT hook and callback. The
experiment has proven that callback functions, modified
drivers, and attached devices are the most suspicious
activities in the kernel-level. Table IV, shows the results of
surveyed papers that applied memory analysis in their
malware detection approaches.
Year Feature Classifier Dataset
Benign Acc FP
2016 [3]
imported libraries,
API calls
B=100 96% -
2017 [52]
Number of
opened handles KNN,
SVM, RF M=3,130
B=1,157 91.4% -
2014 [7]
Driver, module,
hooks, callback - - - -
In addition, Memory forensic techniques are able to
monitor malware behaviors like API hooking, DLL injection
and Hidden processes [49]. In the following, we discuss each
behavior and malware anti-forensics techniques.
Windows API is generally used to communicate with
system resources like files, processes, registry and network
[53]. Malware use a technique called API hooking to
interrupt the function calls. In other words, it can change the
behavior and flow of API calls. Following is the most
common types of API hooks [54] [55]:
IAT hooks: A PE file stores the address of API
functions in the Import Address Table (IAT). Malware
overwrites the location of API in the IAT, thus forcing
the process to call an attacker function instead of the
original API. Many well-known malware are using
IAT hook like Zeus, FinFisher and Stuxnet.
Inline API hooks: Also called trampoline or detours
hooks. Inline hooks require writing in few places in
process's memory. For example, Malware adds jump
instruction (JMP) into a legitimate function prologue
to move the flow to a different memory location that is
occupied by a rootkit.
IDT hook: The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) stores
functions for handling interrupts and exceptions.
Malware changes the value in 0x2E entry in the IDT
and gain control when a call to a kernel mode API
function is executed.
SSDT hooks: The System Service Descriptor Table
(SSDT) is a table containing pointers to kernel mode
functions. Malware uses SSDT to protect and hide
themselves. For example, by hooking the SSDT
malware can negate the call to "NTOpenProcess" and,
therefore, no program will be able to kill the malicious
IRP hook: Applications in Windows communicate
with drivers through Input/ Output Request Packet
(IRP). Malware uses IRP hook to do malicious actions
such as keylogging and disk access filtering.
DLL injection is a technique aiming to insert a malicious
code into a legitimate process. Once the malicious DLL is
injected, the execution flow is transferred to the malicious
memory space [56]. The DLL injection can be categorized
into the following main techniques:
Classic DLL injection using remote thread: DLL
injection is a common technique malware use to inject
malicious code into another process. Malware write
the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) path in the virtual
address space of the target process, and creates remote
thread in the target process to make sure that it loads
the malicious DLL. The malware first calls the API
"VirtualAllocEx" to assign memory into the address
space of the victim, and then it calls
"WriteProcessMemory" to write the DLL path into the
allocated memory. After that, "LoadLibrary" is called
for the DLL load. Finally, the malware calls function
like "CreateRemoteThread", "NtCreateThreadEx" or
"RtlCreateUserThread" to create the thread in the
target process [57].
Injecting via registry modification: Hackers modify
the value of "Appinit_DLL" registry key that is
located at
sion\Windows\Appinit_Dlls", to conduct DLL
injection. Then, the location of the malware library is
added to "Appinit_DLL" to make another process load
their library. To apply this, malware calls
"RegCreateKeyEx" to open the "Appinit_Dlls"
registry key, and then calls "RegSetValueEx" to
modify its values. Additional, rebooting the system is
needed to apply the modifications in the registry
values to the system [58].
Injection using window hooking function: In
Windows application, program code is executed based
on events. Malware can load their malicious DLL
whenever certain event is triggered. The
"SetWindowsHookEx" function is used to install a
hook routine into the hook chain. Thus, the malicious
action inputted into the "SetWindowsHookEx"
function is called whenever a particular event is
triggered such as mouse move or key press [56].
The existence of hidden processes, files or network
connections is a good indicator of a successful malicious
attack [59]. Therefore, attackers try to hide their malicious
artifacts. Hiding a process is typically accomplished by
rootkit called stealth rootkit, which modifies program
binaries. Another method is to hook the call path between
applications and the kernel by modifying system call tables,
dynamic link structures, libraries, or operating system
functions [60]. Further, some rootkits modify the kernel data
structures using direct kernel object manipulation (DKOM)
leading to incorrect user requests and, therefore, unrevealing
the existence of malicious process [61].
In order to prevent memory forensics or make it
unworkable, malware use anti-forensic techniques. The
following are some of anti-forensic techniques:
Memory hiding: Malware tries to hide malicious
memory region form memory analysis tools.
Memory acquisition failure: By terminating certain
processes or limiting driver loading to thwart memory
acquisition process.
Anti-Carving: Malware attempts to prevent memory
analysts from extracting kernel information by
manipulating the kernel data structure field in order to
make the memory analysis tools mislead the field [62].
Increase timing: Malware creates fake objects in the
kernel data structure to increase analysis time.
A. Future Direction
Many security researchers believe that the future of
malware still ambiguous. There are a number of challenges
in the future of malware development in which, we believe,
security firms and researchers should consider. First, one
worry is the automation of creating malware variants.
Studying the latest malware detection methods and using
machine learning, attackers can develop automated tools that
are able to produce thousands of different malware samples
every day. Second, malware groups may offer those malware
automation tools for rental or sale, giving the chance to low-
skilled groups and amateur hackers to enter malware world.
Third, Malware are rapidly change in terms of structure and
functionality. Most of the surveyed techniques used one
malware dataset to learn and test the behaviors (the
classifier). Although they have got a high detection rate, but
results would be different when applying the techniques on a
new released malware. Finally, malware are expected to
become more complicated in the future. Attackers might use
a new encryption methods or obfuscation techniques to make
malware detection and analysis an impossible job.
The traditional way anti-virus software use to capture
malware is by searching for known signature. Unfortunately,
this technique can easily be evaded by simple obfuscation
technique [63]. Static and dynamic analyses have their
limitations as well. Alternatively, memory analysis gives
comprehensive analysis of malware. Malware can hide its
code in the computer system effectively. However, malware
must execute its code in the memory to perform its tasks
eventually. Volatile memory (RAM) keeps its contents until
it is powered off. Therefore, analyzing the RAM can tell us
about the activities which is happening in the system.
Valuable live Information that resides in memory include
running process, Dynamic Link Library (DLL), files,
registry keys, services, sockets and ports, and active network
connections [64]. Thus, memory analysis is a promising
technique that is expected to become more popular, together
with data mining and machine learning techniques, in
malware detection.
B. Dataset
In order to study malware techniques and tricks, it is very
important for researchers to collect malware samples. One
way to collect samples is by using honeypots, which is a
dedicated machine deployed to attract attackers to learn their
attacking techniques [65]. Researchers can also use known
malicious URLs. In addition, malware dataset can be
downloaded from anti-malware agents' websites such as
Malware DB, Malwr, MalShare, VX Heaven, theZoo and
VirusShare malware repository. Furthermore, some
specialized companies and research project groups
occasionally share their collection of malware datasets. In
2015, Microsoft provided 500 GB dataset of known malware
files in the big challenge competition [66]. Recently,
Endgame is sharing “ember” project with 600 thousands
malicious files to address the lack of open-source datasets in
the domain of static detection malware [67].
Malware is causing a critical threat to our computer
systems, internet and data. The challenges that malware
authors pose by developing complicated malware that
frequently changes their signature to evade detection, and by
releasing more sophisticated versions of malware that use
new obfuscation techniques, have brought many issues to
anti-virus software and security researchers. In this paper,
we briefly surveyed malware types and malware detection
methods. We have also reviewed three types of malware
analysis techniques: static, dynamic and hybrid. We also
gave a discussion on the use of memory forensics in finding
malware artifacts. In addition, we discussed the future of
memory-based analysis in malware detection. Techniques
used by malware to evade detection such as obfuscation,
attacking and anti-analysis techniques have been reviewed as
well. Finally, the future direction of malware development
and the main sources of malware dataset have been studied
in this paper.
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education
Malaysia for supporting this work under grant
FRGS/1/2016/ICT02/UKM/01/1. Also, would like to thank
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for supporting this
work under grant GGPM-2017-026.
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... Their research shows that new malware detection approaches and analysis have regularly been developed in recent times. Heuristic-based detection approach is gaining momentum as a futuristic method because unlike the Signature-based approach or Behavior-based approach, the heuristic-based approach utilizes data mining techniques in order to analyze the characteristics of malware (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). These techniques includes Support Vector Machine, Naives Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). ...
... Heuristic-based detection approach is gaining momentum as a futuristic method because unlike the Signature-based approach or Behavior-based approach, the heuristic-based approach utilizes data mining techniques in order to analyze the characteristics of malware (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). These techniques includes Support Vector Machine, Naives Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). Heuristic-based malware detection approach can be compared to other data mining techniques such as Logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, K-Nearest Neighbors, Classification, and Regression Tree (Maniriho, and Mahmood and Chowdhury, 2022). ...
Research Proposal
Full-text available
Malware detection and mitigation have become a concern and a global catastrophe, as malware has infiltrated cybersecurity organizations and systems designed to fight against cyber-attacks. Malware authors have developed clever patterns to evade detection and mitigation by Anti-Virus, Trojan Remover, and Cyber Security analysts. This research will determine how to detect and mitigate Trojan attacks on Windows computers. In this essay, we analyze the patterns of Static, Dynamic, and Machine learning anti-detection methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the heuristic-based technique is a modernized solution for exploiting the weaknesses of Trojan malware's polymorphic and metamorphic tendencies, which allow them to adapt the code as it spreads (Roseline and Geetha, 2021). This study uses exploratory research to investigate the sophisticated strategies Trojan malware utilizes to avoid detection and mitigation and then compares the results to advanced techniques for malware detection and mitigation using machine learning methods such as XGBoost, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Base, Decision Trees, and Boosting. This study uses Machine Learning algorithms, data collection (benign and malicious samples), Labeling, Model training, and Monitoring. It has been discovered that the machine learning approach to malware detection is more accurate in identifying Trojan malware attacks in computers than static and dynamic analysis focusing on signature and behavioral-based detection (Singh and Singh, 2021). The best way to identify known and unknown Trojan malware on computers in the face of increasingly sophisticated anti-detection and anti-mitigation techniques is addressed in this study.
... Their research shows that new malware detection approaches and analysis have regularly been developed in recent times. Heuristic-based detection approach is gaining momentum as a futuristic method because unlike the Signature-based approach or Behavior-based approach, the heuristic-based approach utilizes data mining techniques in order to analyze the characteristics of malware (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). These techniques includes Support Vector Machine, Naives Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). ...
... Heuristic-based detection approach is gaining momentum as a futuristic method because unlike the Signature-based approach or Behavior-based approach, the heuristic-based approach utilizes data mining techniques in order to analyze the characteristics of malware (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). These techniques includes Support Vector Machine, Naives Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest (Sihwail, Omar and Ariffin, 2018). Heuristic-based malware detection approach can be compared to other data mining techniques such as Logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, K-Nearest Neighbors, Classification, and Regression Tree (Maniriho, and Mahmood and Chowdhury, 2022). ...
Full-text available
Malware detection and mitigation have become a concern and a global catastrophe, as malware has infiltrated cybersecurity organizations and systems designed to fight against cyber-attacks. Malware authors have developed clever patterns to evade detection and mitigation by Anti-Virus, Trojan Remover, and Cyber Security analysts. This research aims to determine the most effective Trojan malware detection technique using heuristic based machine learning approach. In this essay, we analyze the patterns malware authors use to conceal Trojan malware through Static, Dynamic, and finally we compared the shortcomings with the proposed Machine learning algorithm. The purpose of this study is to identify how heuristic-based technique using machine learning algorithms is a modernized solution for preventing the exploitation of static and dynamic detection by Trojan malware's while analyzing the patterns of polymorphic and metamorphic malware behaviors, which allow Trojan malware avoid detection by static and dynamic methods. This study uses exploratory research to critically analyze the strategies Trojan malware utilizes to avoid detection and mitigation and then compares the results to the machine learning malware detection methods such as XGBoost, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Base, Decision Trees, and Boosting. This study also analyzed the results of the Machine Learning algorithms through appropriate data collection (Trojan benign and malicious samples), Labeling, Model training, and evaluation to prefer the most accurate machine learning algorithm to detect Trojan malware. Machine learning malware detection approach is more accurate in identifying Trojan malware attacks in computers than static and dynamic analysis which focus on signature and behavioral-based patterns. The issues of identifying unknown Trojan malware on windows computers in the face of increasingly sophistication of Trojan malware anti-detection techniques is addressed in this study through experimentation of Trojan malware heuristic using machine learning algorithms to evaluate the accuracy and validate the findings of the study.
Full-text available
### Abstract In this research, Cleeve Corporation is utilized as a case study to explore the multifaceted challenges that modern organizations face in the realm of cybersecurity. In September 2023, Cleeve Corporation, a prominent global entity, suffered a significant cyberattack that compromised sensitive data for approximately 200 million users. This incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive security measures tailored to the evolving threat landscape. To address these vulnerabilities, the study recommends a multi-layered cybersecurity strategy, which includes the implementation of rigorous security policies, investment in advanced malware detection technologies utilizing machine learning, and regular employee training programs. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of continuous software updates and a robust incident response plan, advocating for the adoption of a Zero Trust security model and the establishment of continuous monitoring through advanced intrusion detection systems. By applying these recommendations, Cleeve Corporation can enhance its cybersecurity resilience, safeguard sensitive information, and effectively mitigate future threats in an increasingly complex digital environment. The findings not only illuminate the specific vulnerabilities faced by Cleeve Corporation but also provide a framework that other organizations can adopt to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.
With the rapid advancement of Internet technology, the threat of malware to computer systems and network security has intensified. Malware affects individual privacy and security and poses risks to critical infrastructures of enterprises and nations. The increasing quantity and complexity of malware, along with its concealment and diversity, challenge traditional detection techniques. Static detection methods struggle against variants and packed malware, while dynamic methods face high costs and risks that limit their application. Consequently, there is an urgent need for novel and efficient malware detection techniques to improve accuracy and robustness. This study first employs the minhash algorithm to convert binary files of malware into grayscale images, followed by the extraction of global and local texture features using GIST and LBP algorithms. Additionally, the study utilizes IDA Pro to decompile and extract opcode sequences, applying N-gram and tf-idf algorithms for feature vectorization. The fusion of these features enables the model to comprehensively capture the behavioral characteristics of malware. In terms of model construction, a CNN-BiLSTM fusion model is designed to simultaneously process image features and opcode sequences, enhancing classification performance. Experimental validation on multiple public datasets demonstrates that the proposed method significantly outperforms traditional detection techniques in terms of accuracy, recall, and F1 score, particularly in detecting variants and obfuscated malware with greater stability. The research presented in this paper offers new insights into the development of malware detection technologies, validating the effectiveness of feature and model fusion, and holds promising application prospects.
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In recent years, malware authors have had significant developments in offering new generations of malware and have tried to use different methods to make malware detection hard, so detecting malware has become one of the most important challenges for the security of computer systems. These developments have made detection of malware using conventional methods rather difficult and in many cases impossible. Thus, inventing new methods for detecting malware is critical. In this paper, a new method is proposed to detect unknown malware based on micro-patterns within the executable files. In the proposed method, for extracting required micro-patterns, one of the well-known methods in machine vision field is used. The proposed method works as follows: first executable files are converted into digital images; second, these images are used to extract visual features of the executable files; finally, machine learning methods are used to detect malware. The main idea of the proposed method is based on differences in the behavior and functionality of malware and benign files, where different behavior results in different micro-patterns which can be used to distinguish between malware and benign files. Accordingly, in this paper a textural image classification method is used which aims to extract micro-patterns of digital textural images, to detect and extract micro-patterns of executable files and use them to detect malware.
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Data mining techniques have been concentrated for malware detection in the recent decade. The battle between security analyzers and malware scholars is everlasting as innovation grows. The proposed methodologies are not adequate while evolutionary and complex nature of malware is changing quickly and therefore turn out to be harder to recognize. This paper presents a systematic and detailed survey of the malware detection mechanisms using data mining techniques. In addition, it classifies the malware detection approaches in two main categories including signature-based methods and behavior-based detection. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) providing a summary of the current challenges related to the malware detection approaches in data mining, (2) presenting a systematic and categorized overview of the current approaches to machine learning mechanisms, (3) exploring the structure of the significant methods in the malware detection approach and (4) discussing the important factors of classification malware approaches in the data mining. The detection approaches have been compared with each other according to their importance factors. The advantages and disadvantages of them were discussed in terms of data mining models, their evaluation method and their proficiency. This survey helps researchers to have a general comprehension of the malware detection field and for specialists to do consequent examinations.
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Coping with malware is getting more and more challenging, given their relentless growth in complexity and volume. One of the most common approaches in literature is using machine learning techniques, to automatically learn models and patterns behind such complexity, and to develop technologies to keep pace with malware evolution. This survey aims at providing an overview on the way machine learning has been used so far in the context of malware analysis in Windows environments, i.e. for the analysis of Portable Executables. We systematize surveyed papers according to their objectives (i.e., the expected output), what information about malware they specifically use (i.e., the features), and what machine learning techniques they employ (i.e., what algorithm is used to process the input and produce the output). We also outline a number of issues and challenges, including those concerning the used datasets, and identify the main current topical trends and how to possibly advance them. In particular, we introduce the novel concept of malware analysis economics, regarding the study of existing trade-offs among key metrics, such as analysis accuracy and economical costs.<br/
Conference Paper
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Exfiltration of sensitive data by malicious software or malware is a serious cyber threat around the world that has catastrophic effect on businesses, research organizations, national intelligence, as well as individuals. Thousands of cyber criminals attempt every day to attack computer systems by employing malicious software with an intention to breach crucial data, damage or manipulate data, or to make illegal financial transfers. Protection of this data is therefore, a critical concern in the research community. This manuscript aims to propose a comprehensive framework to classify and detect malicious software to protect sensitive data against malicious threats using data mining and machine learning classification techniques. In this work, we employ a robust and efficient approach for malware classification and detection by analyzing both signature-based and anomaly-based features. Experimental results confirm the superiority of the proposed approach over other similar methods.
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Ransomware, a class of self-propagating malware that uses encryption to hold the victims' data ransom, has emerged in recent years as one of the most dangerous cyber threats, with widespread damage; e.g., zero-day ransomware WannaCry has caused world-wide catastrophe, from knocking U.K. National Health Service hospitals offline to shutting down a Honda Motor Company in Japan[1]. Our close collaboration with security operations of large enterprises reveals that defense against ransomware relies on tedious analysis from high-volume systems logs of the first few infections. Sandbox analysis of freshly captured malware is also commonplace in operation. We introduce a method to identify and rank the most discriminating ransomware features from a set of ambient (non-attack) system logs and at least one log stream containing both ambient and ransomware behavior. These ranked features reveal a set of malware actions that are produced automatically from system logs, and can help automate tedious manual analysis. We test our approach using WannaCry and two polymorphic samples by producing logs with Cuckoo Sandbox during both ambient, and ambient plus ransomware executions. Our goal is to extract the features of the malware from the logs with only knowledge that malware was present. We compare outputs with a detailed analysis of WannaCry allowing validation of the algorithm's feature extraction and provide analysis of the method's robustness to variations of input data\textemdash changing quality/quantity of ambient data and testing polymorphic ransomware. Most notably, our patterns are accurate and unwavering when generated from polymorphic WannaCry copies, on which 63 (of 63 tested) anti-virus (AV) products fail.
Conference Paper
Malware is the fastest growing threat to information technology systems. Although a single absolute solution for defeating malware is improbable, a stacked arsenal against malicious software enhances the ability to maintain security and privacy. This research attempts to reinforce the anti-malware arsenal by studying a behavioral activity common to software – the use of handles. The characteristics of handle usage by benign and malicious software are extracted and exploited in an effort to distinguish between the two classes. An automated malware detection mechanism is presented that utilizes memory forensics, information retrieval and machine learning techniques. Experimentation with a malware dataset yields a malware detection rate of 91.4% with precision and recall of 89.8% and 91.1%, respectively.
In the Internet age, malware (such as viruses, trojans, ransomware, and bots) has posed serious and evolving security threats to Internet users. To protect legitimate users from these threats, anti-malware software products from different companies, including Comodo, Kaspersky, Kingsoft, and Symantec, provide the major defense against malware. Unfortunately, driven by the economic benefits, the number of new malware samples has explosively increased: anti-malware vendors are now confronted with millions of potential malware samples per year. In order to keep on combating the increase in malware samples, there is an urgent need to develop intelligent methods for effective and efficient malware detection from the real and large daily sample collection. In this article, we first provide a brief overview on malware as well as the anti-malware industry, and present the industrial needs on malware detection. We then survey intelligent malware detection methods. In these methods, the process of detection is usually divided into two stages: feature extraction and classification/clustering. The performance of such intelligent malware detection approaches critically depend on the extracted features and the methods for classification/clustering. We provide a comprehensive investigation on both the feature extraction and the classification/clustering techniques. We also discuss the additional issues and the challenges of malware detection using data mining techniques and finally forecast the trends of malware development.