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Balancing urban density, energy performance and environmental quality in the Mediterranean: a typological evaluation based on photovoltaic potential


Abstract and Figures

As research on the correlation between urban design and environmental performance is still lacking, the following long-standing question still stands – How far can we densify urban districts without sacrificing their energy balance and indoor environmental quality? This question served as the starting point for a parametric typological study conducted at the block scale in the context of Tel Aviv, with the overall aim of promoting performance driven design of Mediterranean urban environments. Dynamic input parameters included fenestration ratio, aspect ratios and floor area ratios of 5 different building typologies in both office and residential land uses. Environmental outputs included energy cooling loads, spatial daylight autonomy and the monthly average load match between energy demand and photovoltaic energy supply. The courtyard typology was found to achieve the best performance in terms of monthly Load Match, however mostly in residential uses of lower density. Although the high-rise typology offered the best daylight conditions, it recorded the worse performance in terms of energy balance and energy cooling demand. Results demonstrate the potential of a parametric typological workflow to effectively indicate the tradeoffs between single building and urban scale design considerations. This potential could be harnessed to assess the environmental feasibility of net zero energy typologies in Mediterranean climates and will be used for district energy studies as part of future work.
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Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
Assessing the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor
temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast
I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
aIN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research -Instituto Superior Técnico,Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
bVeolia Recherche & Innovation,291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
cDépartement Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement -IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
prolonging the investment return period.
The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand outdoor temperature function for heat demand
forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change
Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CUE2018-Applied Energy Symposium and Forum
2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems.
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientic committee of the CUE2018-Applied Energy Symposium and
Forum 2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems.
CUE2018-Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities and
urban energy systems, 5–7 June 2018, Shanghai, China
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities
and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems,
CUE2018, 5–7 June 2018, Shanghai, China
Balancing urban density, energy performance and environmental
quality in the Mediterranean: a typological evaluation based on
photovoltaic potential
Jonathan Nataniana*, Thomas Auera
Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Dept. of Architecure, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich.
As research on the correlation between urban design and environmental performance is still lacking, the following long-standing
question still stands – How far can we densify urban districts without sacrificing their energy balance and indoor environmental
quality? This question served as the starting point for a parametric typological study conducted at the block scale in the context of
Tel Aviv, with the overall aim of promoting performance driven design of Mediterranean urban environments. Dynamic input
parameters included fenestration ratio, aspect ratios and floor area ratios of 5 different building typologies in both office and
residential land uses. Environmental outputs included energy cooling loads, spatial daylight autonomy and the monthly average
load match between energy demand and photovoltaic energy supply. The courtyard typology was found to achieve the best
performance in terms of monthly Load Match, however mostly in residential uses of lower density. Although the high-rise typology
offered the best daylight conditions, it recorded the worse performance in terms of energy balance and energy cooling demand.
Results demonstrate the potential of a parametric typological workflow to effectively indicate the tradeoffs between single building
and urban scale design considerations. This potential could be harnessed to assess the environmental feasibility of net zero energy
typologies in Mediterranean climates and will be used for district energy studies as part of future work.
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low
carbon cities and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
Keywords: Urban density; building typologies; urban energy balance; energy driven urban design; urban environmental performance;
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities
and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems,
CUE2018, 5–7 June 2018, Shanghai, China
Balancing urban density, energy performance and environmental
quality in the Mediterranean: a typological evaluation based on
photovoltaic potential
Jonathan Nataniana*, Thomas Auera
Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Dept. of Architecure, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich.
As research on the correlation between urban design and environmental performance is still lacking, the following long-standing
question still stands – How far can we densify urban districts without sacrificing their energy balance and indoor environmental
quality? This question served as the starting point for a parametric typological study conducted at the block scale in the context of
Tel Aviv, with the overall aim of promoting performance driven design of Mediterranean urban environments. Dynamic input
parameters included fenestration ratio, aspect ratios and floor area ratios of 5 different building typologies in both office and
residential land uses. Environmental outputs included energy cooling loads, spatial daylight autonomy and the monthly average
load match between energy demand and photovoltaic energy supply. The courtyard typology was found to achieve the best
performance in terms of monthly Load Match, however mostly in residential uses of lower density. Although the high-rise typology
offered the best daylight conditions, it recorded the worse performance in terms of energy balance and energy cooling demand.
Results demonstrate the potential of a parametric typological workflow to effectively indicate the tradeoffs between single building
and urban scale design considerations. This potential could be harnessed to assess the environmental feasibility of net zero energy
typologies in Mediterranean climates and will be used for district energy studies as part of future work.
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low
carbon cities and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
Keywords: Urban density; building typologies; urban energy balance; energy driven urban design; urban environmental performance;
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
1104 Jonathan Natanian et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3
2. Methodology
2.1. Analytic Approach
The setting of the theoretical urban model was inspired both by previous studies which used a similar method, as
well as by local urban design guidelines by the Israeli Ministry of Construction, the MIU (Movement for Israeli
Urbanism) and the Israel Green Building Council (ILGBC). An urban block with the proportions of 80 x 80m was set
in the center of a 9 square grid homogenous urban model (Fig. 1). This block accommodated different typologies on
which the performance analysis was conducted, for both residential and office uses. Five building typologies were
identified - four typical of the contemporary Israeli building tradition plus the more traditional courtyard typology; all
of which were characterized using input data from the Israeli building regulations as well as from the SI 5282 code
for baseline modeling configurations of both office and residential uses (Appendix A). The analytic part was based on
a detailed bottom-up evaluation of energy demand, PV energy production and daylight performance, for each
typology, under a dynamic range of design parameters. Despite recent advancements in the field of Urban Building
Energy Modeling (UBEM), this part of the research relied on a BEM (Building Energy Modeling) framework, both
due to its ability to serve as a good option for small urban scale analysis [14], as well as to be integrated in a parametric
framework. The BEM framework was set for the energy and daylight analysis via ‘EnergyPlus’ [15] and 'Radiance' /
'Daysim' [16] programs respectively, with Honeybee (Grasshopper plugin) [17] acting as the interface for both
simulation engines. ‘Colibri’, a ‘Grasshopper’ plugin [18] was used to automatically export the results. In this way
selected input parameters were automated, and performance outputs were recorded for 1,440 iterations (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: analytic workflow
2.2. Model definitions and constrains
Hourly climate data for energy and daylight simulations was generated by ‘Meteonorm’ ( for the
meteorological station in Bet Dagan, representing the Mediterranean coastal climatic conditions under which the
majority of Israel’s urban settlements are located.
For thermal zoning division, this research followed the strategy used by Reinhart et al. [19] in which each floor is
divided into perimeter and internal zones (Fig. 2). The depth of the perimeter zone was set to 8 meters, representing
2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
1. Introduction
The recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals by the UN reveal the troubling challenges humanity is facing
during its urban era, with a 60 percent urbanization rate expected globally by 2030 [1]. In the light of the major role
cities play as energy consumers, urban energy optimization is becoming a key topic in the debate on urban
sustainability and resilience, specifically in hot climates where the major demographic challenge lies [2].
Corresponding to this need, recent studies on urban energy performance have indicated a shift in focus from the
building to the wider urban context. These studies offer a variety of new approaches and tools, applied in different
scales, which usually focus on the border-line between urban form and density, urban climatology and energy
Although current approaches in research on urban environmental performance may seem fragmented, these studies
often share the same input and output parameters and can be loosely categorized according to the following research
methods and approaches; A simple division of urban energy studies is offered by Compagnon [3], between urban
solar and daylight potential, i.e. the resources availability by geometry, and utilization factors i.e. the technical means
to effectively harness these resources by devices and systems. Another classification is derived according to the
analysis methods between geometry-based, external solar and full climate urban performance studies, each method
using a different evaluation metric [4]. Many studies use architypes or typologies to categorize urban morphologies,
buildings or occupancy patterns towards evaluation analysis; for example, Strømann-Andersen and Sattrup [5] use
typological classification to characterize urban canyon models, the building infills within them as well as their uses;
similarly, A.L. Martins et al. [6] categorize different building masses both by their urban spatial distribution as well
as by the single building characteristics. In terms of the physical reference for analysis, many studies sample existing
urban fabrics of different types, densities and contexts as a basis for a theoretical models generated for further analysis
and evaluation [7-9], while others rely on specific sites' physical conditions for their analysis models [3, 4]. While
most studies focus on homogeneous urban settings, others explore the challenges and opportunities of non-uniform
building clusters [6, 10, 11]. Despite these common research efforts, the field of urban environmental performance it
is still considered as emerging, and the quantitative evaluation of the effect of urban density on various environmental
parameters is still lacking, with energy being a key parameter among them.
The need to establish a contextual methodology for performative urban design is specifically relevant to hot
climatic regions. Despite the growing debate on smart cities and zero energy buildings (ZEBs) within these regions,
only few studies analyzed the contextual feasibility of these concepts. Research on the integration of ‘smart’ and ‘zero’
built environments is mostly required at the block and district scales in which building and urban design parameters
interact; the load match index [12] could serve as an effective indicator for the purpose of optimizing the urban energy
balance in these scales, by taking into account the temporal coverage ratio between energy generation and demand. In
addition to the urban energy balance, new approaches are needed in order to synergize urban energy considerations
together with outdoor and indoor environmental quality indicators in different density scenarios; especially due to the
interdependencies between energy performance and visual and thermal comfort at the urban scale.
Within the context of the Mediterranean, Israeli cities are experiencing rapid urban sprawl dominated by the
“towers in the park” typology which, due to small coverage and high floor area ratios, has resulted in a pseudo dense
urban fabric, often characterized by lack of urban activity or walkability at the pedestrian level. Despite the very high
annual global irradiation rates, solar energy generation in the built environment is still extremely rare, and energy
efficiency considerations are only starting to be applied trough the energy rating of buildings code, SI 5282 [13], under
the Israeli green construction code (SI 5281). With high technological advancement, high construction rates and rising
awareness of environmental performance in Israel, a typological performative evaluation is urgently required in order
to inform design decision-making with concrete quantitative environmental indicators.
This paper reports on the first part of a larger research project on nearly zero energy optimization of dense districts
in hot climates. This part of the research explores the extent to which different urban typologies could be densified
without sacrificing energy balance and indoor environmental quality under different density scenarios, with a focus
on the block scale in the coastal-Mediterranean climate of Tel Aviv. The following sections introduce the parametric
workflow which was set to explore this challenge, and highlight key findings and future outlooks.
Jonathan Natanian et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108 1105
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3
2. Methodology
2.1. Analytic Approach
The setting of the theoretical urban model was inspired both by previous studies which used a similar method, as
well as by local urban design guidelines by the Israeli Ministry of Construction, the MIU (Movement for Israeli
Urbanism) and the Israel Green Building Council (ILGBC). An urban block with the proportions of 80 x 80m was set
in the center of a 9 square grid homogenous urban model (Fig. 1). This block accommodated different typologies on
which the performance analysis was conducted, for both residential and office uses. Five building typologies were
identified - four typical of the contemporary Israeli building tradition plus the more traditional courtyard typology; all
of which were characterized using input data from the Israeli building regulations as well as from the SI 5282 code
for baseline modeling configurations of both office and residential uses (Appendix A). The analytic part was based on
a detailed bottom-up evaluation of energy demand, PV energy production and daylight performance, for each
typology, under a dynamic range of design parameters. Despite recent advancements in the field of Urban Building
Energy Modeling (UBEM), this part of the research relied on a BEM (Building Energy Modeling) framework, both
due to its ability to serve as a good option for small urban scale analysis [14], as well as to be integrated in a parametric
framework. The BEM framework was set for the energy and daylight analysis via ‘EnergyPlus’ [15] and 'Radiance' /
'Daysim' [16] programs respectively, with Honeybee (Grasshopper plugin) [17] acting as the interface for both
simulation engines. ‘Colibri’, a ‘Grasshopper’ plugin [18] was used to automatically export the results. In this way
selected input parameters were automated, and performance outputs were recorded for 1,440 iterations (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: analytic workflow
2.2. Model definitions and constrains
Hourly climate data for energy and daylight simulations was generated by ‘Meteonorm’ ( for the
meteorological station in Bet Dagan, representing the Mediterranean coastal climatic conditions under which the
majority of Israel’s urban settlements are located.
For thermal zoning division, this research followed the strategy used by Reinhart et al. [19] in which each floor is
divided into perimeter and internal zones (Fig. 2). The depth of the perimeter zone was set to 8 meters, representing
2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
1. Introduction
The recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals by the UN reveal the troubling challenges humanity is facing
during its urban era, with a 60 percent urbanization rate expected globally by 2030 [1]. In the light of the major role
cities play as energy consumers, urban energy optimization is becoming a key topic in the debate on urban
sustainability and resilience, specifically in hot climates where the major demographic challenge lies [2].
Corresponding to this need, recent studies on urban energy performance have indicated a shift in focus from the
building to the wider urban context. These studies offer a variety of new approaches and tools, applied in different
scales, which usually focus on the border-line between urban form and density, urban climatology and energy
Although current approaches in research on urban environmental performance may seem fragmented, these studies
often share the same input and output parameters and can be loosely categorized according to the following research
methods and approaches; A simple division of urban energy studies is offered by Compagnon [3], between urban
solar and daylight potential, i.e. the resources availability by geometry, and utilization factors i.e. the technical means
to effectively harness these resources by devices and systems. Another classification is derived according to the
analysis methods between geometry-based, external solar and full climate urban performance studies, each method
using a different evaluation metric [4]. Many studies use architypes or typologies to categorize urban morphologies,
buildings or occupancy patterns towards evaluation analysis; for example, Strømann-Andersen and Sattrup [5] use
typological classification to characterize urban canyon models, the building infills within them as well as their uses;
similarly, A.L. Martins et al. [6] categorize different building masses both by their urban spatial distribution as well
as by the single building characteristics. In terms of the physical reference for analysis, many studies sample existing
urban fabrics of different types, densities and contexts as a basis for a theoretical models generated for further analysis
and evaluation [7-9], while others rely on specific sites' physical conditions for their analysis models [3, 4]. While
most studies focus on homogeneous urban settings, others explore the challenges and opportunities of non-uniform
building clusters [6, 10, 11]. Despite these common research efforts, the field of urban environmental performance it
is still considered as emerging, and the quantitative evaluation of the effect of urban density on various environmental
parameters is still lacking, with energy being a key parameter among them.
The need to establish a contextual methodology for performative urban design is specifically relevant to hot
climatic regions. Despite the growing debate on smart cities and zero energy buildings (ZEBs) within these regions,
only few studies analyzed the contextual feasibility of these concepts. Research on the integration of ‘smart’ and ‘zero’
built environments is mostly required at the block and district scales in which building and urban design parameters
interact; the load match index [12] could serve as an effective indicator for the purpose of optimizing the urban energy
balance in these scales, by taking into account the temporal coverage ratio between energy generation and demand. In
addition to the urban energy balance, new approaches are needed in order to synergize urban energy considerations
together with outdoor and indoor environmental quality indicators in different density scenarios; especially due to the
interdependencies between energy performance and visual and thermal comfort at the urban scale.
Within the context of the Mediterranean, Israeli cities are experiencing rapid urban sprawl dominated by the
“towers in the park” typology which, due to small coverage and high floor area ratios, has resulted in a pseudo dense
urban fabric, often characterized by lack of urban activity or walkability at the pedestrian level. Despite the very high
annual global irradiation rates, solar energy generation in the built environment is still extremely rare, and energy
efficiency considerations are only starting to be applied trough the energy rating of buildings code, SI 5282 [13], under
the Israeli green construction code (SI 5281). With high technological advancement, high construction rates and rising
awareness of environmental performance in Israel, a typological performative evaluation is urgently required in order
to inform design decision-making with concrete quantitative environmental indicators.
This paper reports on the first part of a larger research project on nearly zero energy optimization of dense districts
in hot climates. This part of the research explores the extent to which different urban typologies could be densified
without sacrificing energy balance and indoor environmental quality under different density scenarios, with a focus
on the block scale in the coastal-Mediterranean climate of Tel Aviv. The following sections introduce the parametric
workflow which was set to explore this challenge, and highlight key findings and future outlooks.
1106 Jonathan Natanian et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 5
achieve high energy balance even when following the minimum requirements of the Israeli energy code, mostly due
to their compact form leading to lower cooling demand and higher roof surface for PV generation. However, the same
typology performed poorly in terms of daylight, which indicates the need for a detailed tradeoff analysis of the inner
courtyard size and fenestration ratios. In office buildings, load match differences between typologies were more
moderate, indicating the predominant effect of internal gains compared to those in residential buildings.
The effect of urban density on environmental performance could be clearly seen in all typologies; in higher
densities, mutual shading between buildings reduces the energy load match mostly due to the reduction in PV energy
generation on façades; the moderate reductions in cooling energy demand due to self-shading were not sufficient to
balance energy generation reductions. Daylight performance was best achieved in the high rise typology, which
accounts for the highest exposure both in terms of the building scale (highest window to floor ratio) and the urban
environment (lowest GSI). However, the high rise typology performed poorly in terms of both cooling energy demand
and the monthly energy balance (lowest load matches), in both residential and office buildings.
Fig. 3. Load match, cooling energy demand and sDA for different typologies under different Floor Area Ratios. for office and residential uses.
4. Conclusions
This study has demonstrated the possibilities of a parametric framework to evaluate the environmental performance
of different block scale typologies in dense Mediterranean urban contexts. In order to reinforce the link between urban
design and energy planning, a cross-criteria approach should be adopted, one in which the energetic balance is
complemented by indoor and outdoor environmental quality criteria. The framework offered in this paper can already
indicate the performative consequences of design decisions as well as the spatial outcomes of nearly zero and high
environmental quality targets. During the next research phases, this framework will be used for further exploration of
design and performance tradeoffs and will be used to address district level performative challenges associated with
spatial mixed-use configuration and urban energy systems.
The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
for his PhD research grant. The authors would like to thank Prof. Abraham Yezioro and Dr. Or Aleksandrowicz from
the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology for their valuable insights.
Av. monthly load match Cooling energy demand Spatial daylight autonomy
4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
the passive zone depth and corresponds to the Israeli office building baseline properties, as defined by the Israeli
energy rating of buildings code (SI 5282). Both internal and perimeter zones were set according to the same
construction, schedules and load definitions (Appendix A). Daylight analysis was conducted at ground level, reflecting
the most restricted visual comfort conditions. The analysis grid was set to be 2 meters dense and was located 0.8m
above the ground level. Photovoltaic energy generation potential was calculated using the Ladybug photovoltaics
surface and DC to AC derate factor components, integrated within the Grasshopper workflow. 70 % of roof and south
facing opaque walls were accounted for with 15% efficiency.
Fig. 2. Division to internal and perimeter zones for energy simulations of five different typologies
2.3. Input parameters
Aside from predetermined building and urban scale design parameters, which were defined according to local codes
and informed by current research, this project highlighted a few key dynamic building and the urban scale inputs
which were studied parametrically – WWR, Street Width, Building typology and Floor Area Ratio (Table 1). Based
on these parameters, other form and density indicators were calculated and recorded for each iteration: Ground Space
Index (GSI), representing the building footprint to building site ratio; Shape Factor (SF), representing the building's
volume to envelope surface area, and the average Sky View Factor (SVF),representing the fraction of the sky patch
that can be seen from a certain point at the ground level (averaged between 8 points on the site's perimeter).
Table 1. Dynamic input parameters
Dynamic Input Parameter Units Values No. of iterations
Building Contours Geometry Courtyard, Scatter, Slab NS, Slab EW, High rise 5
Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) % 20,40,60,80 4
Street width (NS axis) m 10,20,30 3
Street width (EW axis) m 10,20,30 3
Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) / 2,4,6,8 4
Building use Residential, Offices 2
Total No. of iterations 1440
2.4. Evaluation criteria and output parameters
The following environmental parameters were used as performance indicators: 1) Load Match [%] – the ratio
between energy supply and demand (limited to 100% as a maximum), calculated for each month of the year and
averaged yearly. 2) sDA [%]– Spatial Daylight Autonomy, indicating the percentage of the ground floor area that
receives at least 300 lux for at least 50% of the annual occupied hours. 3) Cooling Energy Demand [kWh/m2] –
generated from 'Energyplus' according to the thermal model and HVAC specifications by the local Israeli code.
3. Results and discussion
Results for both monthly energy balance (load match), cooling demand and daylight performance (Fig.3) for the
five different typologies under 4 different density scenarios, reveal that the courtyard typology yielded the best energy
balance in both residential and office uses. Low density residential courtyard buildings in Tel Aviv (FAR 2), could
Courtyard Scatter Slab NS Slab EW High rise
Jonathan Natanian et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108 1107
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 5
achieve high energy balance even when following the minimum requirements of the Israeli energy code, mostly due
to their compact form leading to lower cooling demand and higher roof surface for PV generation. However, the same
typology performed poorly in terms of daylight, which indicates the need for a detailed tradeoff analysis of the inner
courtyard size and fenestration ratios. In office buildings, load match differences between typologies were more
moderate, indicating the predominant effect of internal gains compared to those in residential buildings.
The effect of urban density on environmental performance could be clearly seen in all typologies; in higher
densities, mutual shading between buildings reduces the energy load match mostly due to the reduction in PV energy
generation on façades; the moderate reductions in cooling energy demand due to self-shading were not sufficient to
balance energy generation reductions. Daylight performance was best achieved in the high rise typology, which
accounts for the highest exposure both in terms of the building scale (highest window to floor ratio) and the urban
environment (lowest GSI). However, the high rise typology performed poorly in terms of both cooling energy demand
and the monthly energy balance (lowest load matches), in both residential and office buildings.
Fig. 3. Load match, cooling energy demand and sDA for different typologies under different Floor Area Ratios. for office and residential uses.
4. Conclusions
This study has demonstrated the possibilities of a parametric framework to evaluate the environmental performance
of different block scale typologies in dense Mediterranean urban contexts. In order to reinforce the link between urban
design and energy planning, a cross-criteria approach should be adopted, one in which the energetic balance is
complemented by indoor and outdoor environmental quality criteria. The framework offered in this paper can already
indicate the performative consequences of design decisions as well as the spatial outcomes of nearly zero and high
environmental quality targets. During the next research phases, this framework will be used for further exploration of
design and performance tradeoffs and will be used to address district level performative challenges associated with
spatial mixed-use configuration and urban energy systems.
The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
for his PhD research grant. The authors would like to thank Prof. Abraham Yezioro and Dr. Or Aleksandrowicz from
the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology for their valuable insights.
Av. monthly load match Cooling energy demand Spatial daylight autonomy
4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
the passive zone depth and corresponds to the Israeli office building baseline properties, as defined by the Israeli
energy rating of buildings code (SI 5282). Both internal and perimeter zones were set according to the same
construction, schedules and load definitions (Appendix A). Daylight analysis was conducted at ground level, reflecting
the most restricted visual comfort conditions. The analysis grid was set to be 2 meters dense and was located 0.8m
above the ground level. Photovoltaic energy generation potential was calculated using the Ladybug photovoltaics
surface and DC to AC derate factor components, integrated within the Grasshopper workflow. 70 % of roof and south
facing opaque walls were accounted for with 15% efficiency.
Fig. 2. Division to internal and perimeter zones for energy simulations of five different typologies
2.3. Input parameters
Aside from predetermined building and urban scale design parameters, which were defined according to local codes
and informed by current research, this project highlighted a few key dynamic building and the urban scale inputs
which were studied parametrically – WWR, Street Width, Building typology and Floor Area Ratio (Table 1). Based
on these parameters, other form and density indicators were calculated and recorded for each iteration: Ground Space
Index (GSI), representing the building footprint to building site ratio; Shape Factor (SF), representing the building's
volume to envelope surface area, and the average Sky View Factor (SVF),representing the fraction of the sky patch
that can be seen from a certain point at the ground level (averaged between 8 points on the site's perimeter).
Table 1. Dynamic input parameters
Dynamic Input Parameter Units Values No. of iterations
Building Contours Geometry Courtyard, Scatter, Slab NS, Slab EW, High rise 5
Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) % 20,40,60,80 4
Street width (NS axis) m 10,20,30 3
Street width (EW axis) m 10,20,30 3
Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) / 2,4,6,8 4
Building use Residential, Offices 2
Total No. of iterations 1440
2.4. Evaluation criteria and output parameters
The following environmental parameters were used as performance indicators: 1) Load Match [%] – the ratio
between energy supply and demand (limited to 100% as a maximum), calculated for each month of the year and
averaged yearly. 2) sDA [%]– Spatial Daylight Autonomy, indicating the percentage of the ground floor area that
receives at least 300 lux for at least 50% of the annual occupied hours. 3) Cooling Energy Demand [kWh/m2] –
generated from 'Energyplus' according to the thermal model and HVAC specifications by the local Israeli code.
3. Results and discussion
Results for both monthly energy balance (load match), cooling demand and daylight performance (Fig.3) for the
five different typologies under 4 different density scenarios, reveal that the courtyard typology yielded the best energy
balance in both residential and office uses. Low density residential courtyard buildings in Tel Aviv (FAR 2), could
Courtyard Scatter Slab NS Slab EW High rise
1108 Jonathan Natanian et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 1103–1108
6 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
Appendix A.
Main settings for energy and daylight simulations (According to the baseline configurations in SI 5282 [13])
Parameter Value [Offices] Value [Residential]
Heating/cooling setpoints 20.5° / 23.5° 20° / 24°
COP 3 (heating and cooling) 3 (heating and cooling)
Schedules Weekdays 07:00-19:00
(cooling Apr. – Oct., heating
Nov. – Mar.)
Weekdays 16:00-24:00 weekends 07:00 – 24:00
Sleeping 24:00-08:00
(cooling Apr. – Nov., heating Dec. – Mar.)
Zone loads: Lighting 12 W/m² 5 W/m²
Occupancy 0.16 People/m² 0.04 People/m²
Equipment 9 W/m² 8 W/ m²
Schedule Sun.-Thur. 08:00-18:00 16:00-24:00
Material prop.: Walls U = 0.55 W/m²K U = 1.3 W/m²K
Roofs U = 0.7 W/m²K U = 1.05 W/m²K
G. Floors U = 1.2 W/m²K U = 1.2 W/m²K
Windows U = 3.57 W/m²K, SHGC = 0.64 U = 5.44 W/m²K, SHGC = 0.73
Infiltration 1 ACH 1ACH
Shading None applied None applied
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... Additionally, Natanian studied the energy performance of building prototypes across various FAR values. The results showed that as the FAR increases, the energy cooling demand of residential buildings tends to decrease [59]. Previous studies conducted in various climates have also demonstrated that increased building compactness contributes to enhanced building energy efficiency [60,61]. ...
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Building operations account for a large amount of energy use and CO2 emissions, and the morphology of buildings in residential clusters strongly impacts energy efficiency performance. However, little research has focused on the morphology and energy electricity usage of high-rise residential clusters in hot summer and cold winter (HSCW) regions. We investigated 96 residential clusters in Hangzhou, China, and established a corresponding morphology database. Additionally, we obtained annual electricity consumption for 16 of these residential clusters. With this database, we performed optimization of morphological parameters upon energy use intensity (EUI) using a genetic algorithm (GA). Specifically, the cooling, heating, and lighting EUIs of high-rise residential clusters were studied. After implementing the optimized morphological parameters, there was a reduction of up to 7.73% in EUI. According to regression analysis, the average aspect ratio was the most significant factor influencing EUI (r = −0.907), followed by floor area ratio (r = −0.755), average orientation (r = 0.502), and average number of floors (r = −0.453). These results indicate that a higher intensity of land development with a greater floor area ratio, average aspect ratio, and average number of floors can reduce total energy consumption. Additionally, we found that an average building orientation of southwest 15° (with respect to south) is optimal. The findings of this study can assist urban planners and designers in developing more sustainable residential clusters, leading to decreased energy costs and CO2 emissions.
... reduce these impacts by, e.g., minimizing energy consumption [1], minimizing material usage [2], or maximizing photovoltaic gains to achieve net-zero buildings [3]. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a novel, more flexible and faster software framework for design space exploration (DSE) in Rhino/Grasshopper, that allows users to sample the design space, train and deploy machine-learning (ML) models, and visually and interactively explore the design space, and evaluates it with a case study. In light of the climate crisis, the integration of simulation-based optimization processes in the design of buildings is becoming ever more important. Architectural design optimization can effectively reduce a building's climate impact by, e.g. minimizing energy consumption. However, these optimizations rely on costly simulations and present the designers with only a limited selection of feasible design candidates, i.e. the result of the optimization algorithm. If the so explored well performing design variates do not fulfill other criteria, such as aesthetics, the designers are likely to disregard the optimization results. This is where DSE tools come into play. By utilizing ML to estimate the performance values instead of simulating, and visualizing the results in intuitive ways, designers can be informed of a design variate's performance in real-time.
Urban block form significantly impacts energy and environmental performance. Therefore, optimizing urban block design in the early stages contributes to enhancing urban energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. However, widely used multi-objective optimization methods based on performance simulation face the challenges of high computational loads and low efficiency. This study introduces a framework using machine learning, especially the XGBoost model, to accelerate multi-objective optimization of energy-efficient urban block forms. A residential block in Nanjing serves as the case study. The framework commences with a parametric block form model driven by design variables, focusing on minimizing building energy consumption (EUI), maximizing photovoltaic energy generation (PVE) and outdoor sunlight hours (SH). Data generated through Latin Hypercube Sampling and performance simulations inform the model training. Through training and hyperparameter tuning, XGBoost’s predictive accuracy was validated against artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF) models. Subsequently, XGBoost replaced traditional performance simulations, conducting multi-objective optimization via the NSGA-II algorithm. Results showcase the framework’s significant acceleration of the optimization process, improving computational efficiency by over 420 times and producing 185 Pareto optimal solutions with improved performance metrics. SHAP analysis highlighted shape factor (SF), building density (BD), and building orientation (BO) as key morphological parameters influencing EUI, PVE, and SH. This study presents an efficient approach to energy-efficient urban block design, contributing valuable insights for sustainable urban development.
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Urban sprawl and energy consumption issues suggest to consider how to design energy efficient dense cities. Solar radiation is a significant heat input in well insulated buildings in temperate climates. However, the solar masks generated by the surrounding buildings in dense urban areas can reduce significantly this energy gain. This paper proposes a definition of a district as a periodic urban fabric, where a given configuration of buildings, called urban cell, is repeated to represent the urban outline. It allows us to evaluate the relationship between cumulative solar potential on façades and urban shape, with solar masks that are consistent with the considered area. In this study, an evolutionary algorithm is used to explore the set of urban cells composed of a square grid of blocks of varying height. Four conditions for solar radiation are taken into account: clear sky direct radiation at the latitude of 50° North for three particular days (winter solstice, summer solstice and equinox), and annual direct and diffuse radiation based on the meteorological data of Paris, France. For each condition of solar radiation, the influence on the optimization results of the size of the area of interest and its built density is assessed. The results provide information on what are the urban shapes maximizing solar potential and give some quantitative indications on the amount of solar radiation that can be captured.
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This work explores the double effect of urban compactness on building energy performance in a Mediterranean climate, namely the increase of urban heat island (UHI) intensity and the decrease of solar radiation availability on building façades. The energy demand of a test apartment has been calculated under varying conditions of UHI intensity and solar radiation for different urban textures. Results show robust relationships between the energy demand and the ‘site coverage ratio’ of the buildings. This demonstrates that compact urban textures are more energy efficient than less dense urban patterns in a Mediterranean climate.
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As high performance design is becoming more desirable in the field of architecture, the need for supporting architects with environmental analysis tools is also growing. Rhino/Grasshopper is one of the most widely used platforms that are used by designers today. There are already a number of environmental plugins developed for Rhino/Grasshopper. However, Ladybug offers several advantages that are currently not offered by existing Rhino/Grasshopper related environmental design plugins. Ladybug imports standard EnergyPlus Weather files (.EPW) in Grasshopper and provides a variety of 2D and 3D designer-friendly interactive graphics to support the decision-making process during the initial stages of design. It also simplifies the process of analysis, automates and expedites the calculations, and provides easy to understand graphical visualizations in the 3D modeling interface of Rhino/Grasshopper. It also allows users to work with validated energy and daylighting engines such as EnergyPlus, Radiance and Daysim. Integration with the parametric tools of grasshopper allows for almost instantaneous feedback on design modifications, and as it runs within the design environment, the information and analysis is interactive. The development is a free and open source; users can customize the tool based on their needs and contribute to the source code.Copyright
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At the beginning of 21th century, the world was faced with unprecedented environmental transformations. The urbanization process reached record levels and it keeps increasing, especiallyin developing countries. Around 3/4 of global resources are currently consumed in urban settlements, with corresponding adverse environmental consequences which leads to severe local climate changes, affecting environmental quality of spaces and leading to a significant increase of energy demand in buildings. A projection of the world urban population indicates that this situation will worsen in the coming years. It is therefore imperative that we understand how to design less resource intensive urban settlements. This research consists of a contribution to the energy debate in cities, focusing on the energy potentially consumed and produced by the built environment in the neighborhood scale. Urban morphology has been pointed out as a pivotal issue on shifting to climate adapted urban environments towards energy efficiency of buildings. In tropical climate regions, solar energy represents a high potential for renewable electric production in buildings, recording high levels of irradiation throughout the year. Though, engaging such a strategy may suggest applying sparsely low-density urban forms, aiming at reducing obstructions caused by the urban built surroundings. On one hand, scattered and less dense urban forms may result in significant increase of solar thermal load in buildings vertical facades, but on the other hand, the control of the solar heat gains in urban facades may represent significant losses on indoors daylight levels andalso reducing solar energy harness. Estimating the relative potential of these conflicting design strategies, taking into account the constrained parameters related to local building regulation, requires coupling multidisciplinary and multiobjective models of analysis in order to integrate multi-criteria approach in the urban design process. This thesis aims to contribute to a prospective energy debate toward sustainable urban districts for the city of Maceió in Brazil. Firstly, a set of energy-related morphological parameters are applied to identify, classify and characterize the solarpotential of local urban typologies. Then, these parameters are analyzed by means of a sensitivity analysis using a design of experiments reduced factorial method. The statistically most significant parameters are then submitted to a parametric design methodology via optimization, in which thenon-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is coupled with a simplified radiosity algorithm.The solar constraints are integrated as design criteria aiming at maximizing the solar energy potential on building roofs and minimizing solar gains on the their vertical facades. Daylight threshold levels as well as local building regulation parameters are taken into account as design constraints. Five representative types of urban fabric of Maceió were identified which allowed examining and adapting them from the use of energy-related indicators of the urban form. A set of most influential indicators of solar potential of urban forms was hierarchized, highlighting the role of the aspect ratio and albedo of urban surfaces. The application of optimization algorithm allowed testing more than 80,000 urban settings, pointing out a great diversity of "optimum" morphologies of urban blocks. The urban block designs obtained behaved better compared to the existing local typologies. Dealing with conflicting energy strategies by means of a constrained evolutionary optimization design process offered a great opportunity in searching for new solutions to the urban design in the neighborhood scale, helping to guide urban designers' decisions and allowing arenewal of the Architecture of the city
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Our aim is better understanding of the theoretical heat-energy demand of different types of urban form at a scale of 500 m x 500 m. The empirical basis of this study includes samples of dominant residential building typologies identified for Paris, London, Berlin, and Istanbul. In addition, archetypal idealised samples were created for each type through an analysis of their built form parameters and the removal of unwanted 'invasive' morphologies. The digital elevation models of these real and idealised samples were run through a simulation that modelled solar gains and building surface energy losses to estimate heat-energy demand. In addition to investigating the effect of macroscale morphological parameters, microscale design parameters, such as U-values and glazing ratios, as well as climatic effects were analysed. The theoretical results of this study suggest that urban-morphology-induced heat-energy efficiency is significant and can lead to a difference in heat-energy demand of up to a factor of six. Compact and tall building types were found to have the greatest heat-energy efficiency at the neighbourhood scale while detached housing was found to have the lowest.
In the last two decades, preliminary energy assessments have gradually become mandatory for new constructions in most of Europe, Australia and North America. Sound tools have been developed to support the energy performance analysis of building designs. However, their scale of analysis is limited by definition. The complexity that results from the minute consideration of multiple parameters grows exponentially when further buildings are added to the model. It is, therefore, highly inefficient to base the assessment of large urban areas on models that are intended for individual buildings. Yet the need for instruments that facilitate evaluations at the urban scale is unquestionable. A great extent of the current urban fabric has never been analyzed and hence measures to reduce consumption and carbon emissions from existing buildings are grounded on assumptions and generalizations. This paper presents the Urban Energy Index for Buildings (UEIB), a tool that has been specifically designed to assess the energy performance of buildings in large urban areas. It is based on the reduction of the urban geometry into a simpler notional grid that retains critical information to perform meaningful estimates. It aims for simplicity and ease of use so that energy aspects can be incorporated at the preliminary stages of urban plans and policies.
We present a comprehensive review of modelling approaches and associated software tools that address district-level energy systems. Buildings play an important role in urban energy systems regarding both the demand and supply of energy. It is no longer sufficient to simulate building energy use assuming isolation from the microclimate and energy system in which they operate, or to model an urban energy system without consideration of the buildings that it serves. This review complements previous studies by focussing on models that address district-level interactions in energy systems, and by assessing the capabilities of the software tools available alongside the theory of the modelling approaches used. New models and tools that address these district-level interactions are reviewed and their competences assessed. These are divided into the following sections: district energy systems (including heat networks, multi-energy systems and low-temperature networks), renewable energy generation (including solar, bioenergy, wind and the related topic of seasonal storage), and the urban microclimate as it relates to energy demands. The scope and detail covered by twenty cross-disciplinary tools is summarised in a matrix; many other tools that focus on specific areas are also discussed. We end by summarising the current state of district-scale urban energy modelling as it relates to the built environment, along with our perspective on future challenges and research directions.
The energy performance of a building is strongly influenced by its level of solar exposure, in turn affected by the climate, built context, and building morphological characteristics. Since these are typically fixed at the early-design phase, performance assessment methods based on solar considerations at the urban scale are essential to support early decision-making. As the adaptation of the well-developed building performance simulation methods to the urban scale lead to complexity issues, it is of interest to verify whether simpler metrics can act as performance indicators, as is often done at the building level with quantities such as form factor.
The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussion on the role of Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net ZEBs) on future energy systems by the interplay between on-site generation and the building loads, often called load matching, and the resulting import/export interaction with the surrounding electricity grid, commonly named grid interaction. This investigation analyzes five case studies with high resolution data, three of which are based on real monitored buildings. The research aims at selecting and suggesting a limited set of quantitative indicators that: (a) can provide practical information for building as well as grid designers and operators, and (b) are understandable for a wider audience and do not require complex simulation tools or additional resources. This paper also presents novel graphical representations describing the yearly or daily variation of the indexes in an understandable manner.