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The notion that paid work and personal life are competing priorities rather than complementary element has called for this research. This study therefore examined the influence of work-life balance practices on employees' productivity in the Nigerian University. Stratified sampling technique was adopted in selecting a sample of three hundred and forty one (341) respondents from among the working population of two thousand three hundred and twenty four (2,324) employees. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings from the study revealed that there is a significant effect of work life balance on employees productivity (R 2 =0.171, Adjusted R 2 = 0.154, P=0.000). The results also indicated a moderate positive relationship between flexitime (r=0.534, P<0.01), job sharing (r=0.623, P<0.01) and telework (r=0.228, P<0.01) on employees productivity. It was therefore recommended that management in the helm of affairs, while considering work friendly policies, should make flextime, job sharing and telework their priorities. By so doing, it will afford all employees the opportunity of total concentration on their work, hence increase productivity.
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
Abioro, Matthew Adekunle
Department of Business Administration, College of Management Sciences,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
Oladejo, Dauda Adewole
Department of Entrepreneurial Studies, College of Management Sciences,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
Ashogbon, Faderera Oluwatoyin
Department of Business Education, College of Vocational & Technology Education,
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Nigeria.
The notion that paid work and personal life are competing priorities rather than complementary element has called
for this research. This study therefore examined the influence of work-life balance practices on employees’
productivity in the Nigerian University. Stratified sampling technique was adopted in selecting a sample of three
hundred and forty one (341) respondents from among the working population of two thousand three hundred and
twenty four (2,324) employees. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The data
obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings from the study revealed that there is a
significant effect of work life balance on employees productivity (R2=0.171, Adjusted R2= 0.154, P=0.000). The
results also indicated a moderate positive relationship between flexitime (r=0.534, P<0.01), job sharing (r=0.623,
P<0.01) and telework (r=0.228, P<0.01) on employees productivity. It was therefore recommended that
management in the helm of affairs, while considering work friendly policies, should make flextime, job sharing and
telework their priorities. By so doing, it will afford all employees the opportunity of total concentration on their
work, hence increase productivity.
Keywords: Work- life- balance, Flexitime, Productivity, Job-sharing, Telecommuting.
1. Introduction
The evolution from perceiving work life balance practices merely as a process of accepting different personnel with
various tasks to identifying their role towards administrative effectiveness is a significant paradigm swing that is still
much on course. Employees play a key role in any business formation and therefore there is need to provide an
enabling environment at all levels, so as to attain the stated objectives and goals of the organization. However,
demand between work and home is becoming a major concern for employees in recent years. Some of this anxiety
has to do with the demographic and workplace changes, especially for women in the labor force that are required to
do longer working hours (Azeem & Akhtar, 2014). In reaction to these alterations alongside the dispute they
produce between the numerous roles that individual hold, various establishments are gradually pressured to come up
with work practices arrangement that will facilitates employee’s efforts to accomplish both their work related and
their private errands (Ryan & Koseek, 2008). Work life balance is a critical issue which is of paramount worry to
every employee at different level be it public or private segment alike. The issue is far more than prioritizing the
work role and one’s personal life. It equally have a way of influencing ones psychological, social, economical and
ultimately the mental well-being of an individual. Nevertheless, the above assertion will reflect in the output of the
employees, which invariably affect his or her productivity at workplace in the long run if not properly managed
(Ojo, Salau & Falola, 2014).
Fundamentally, work life balance practices is an essential part of human resource management which is getting
collective and adequate consideration from government, employers of labour and researchers. Reason being that, it
is a solid component of motivation for improved organizational responsiveness with respect to application and
administration of balance of work life strategies. It is also mostly connected with stability in-between the quality of
time and energy an individual dedicates to work and private undertakings in order to sustain a harmonious life. The
practice of work life balance approaches are to enhance stability between the hassles of the occupation and the
robust management of life outside work station and flexible work environment.
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
In spite of scholars and researchers efforts in the management field to look into the frequent challenges being faced
by worker’s job and their personal life, employees still experience conflict as regard the job and individual life as
they continue to look for the kind of life they desired. Hence, harmonizing work and family life poses as a major
challenge facing employees in the organizations. It is against this backdrop that this research attempt to identify the
factors that assist work life balance and the extent to which these identified factors can improve or worsen the
productivity and performance of the employees in Nigeria public Universities.
The specific objectives of the study were to:
i. investigate the nexus between work life balance and employee’s productivity; and
ii. examine the effect of work life balance on employee’s productivity in Nigerian University system.
The hypotheses were stated in a null form;
i. H0: there is no significant relationship between work life balance and employees productivity.
ii. H0: there is no significant effect of work life balance on employee’s productivity.
2. Literature Review
Conceptual clarifications: Work life balance
The foundation for practices of work life balance spans from work-life dispute experienced by employees. The
work life conflict concept identifies that most people have numerous duties and the practices of work life balance
can assist in minimizing the level of such conflict (Premeaux, Adkins & Mossholder, 2007). While there are many
definitions as to what creates a work life balance practice, the word ordinarily represents one of the followings:
administrative provision for indigent care, personal or family leave and supple work options (Oluseyi & Ayo, 2009).
Hence, these practices encompass family leave plans (adoption, compassionate and parental leave), on-site crèche
and eldercare facilities, work from home identified as telework, compressed work week, which include working four
days’ worth of hours, while the fifth day is taken as off day, division of a full time job between employees (job
sharing), flexible work hours (flexitime), which empowers employees to vary their commencement of work and
when they are going to finish, provided a certain number of hours is worked.
Operationally defined, work life balance (WLB) is said to be the aggregate time an individual uses to carry out his
work in comparison with the aggregate time spent with relations and other individual’s engagement. It is also the
process of regulating the work designs to permit staff to join work with their other duties like child care or aged
family member (Upadhaya, Munir & Blount, 2014). Clarke (2000) further opined that work life balance is the level
of satisfaction and the connection amongst the several roles in the life of a person.
Accordingly, various work life balance strategies which are friendly that can be adopted by different organizations
are briefly discussed below;
i. Flexitime: It is a process that allows an employee, to negotiate the time to commence and end their
work daily, in as much appreciable period of work is achieved. Research indicated that the introduction
of work that is flexible in nature will lead to reduction in absenteeism of staff and can bring about
increase in the level of job satisfaction. (Pierce & Gardner, 2004).
ii. Telecommuting: This is also known as ‘telework’. The process permit an individual to work from
home. The strategy assist employees to build their family and personal life around their work in order
to reduce expenses related to work and to work in a less disruptive and stress free zone. (Yeandle,
Crompton, Wigfield & Dennett, 2002).
iii. Compressed work weeks: It involves providing an avenue for the employees to extend their working
hour (shift work) in order to reduce the number of work days in a week.
iv. Part time work: This approach tolerate individual that are interested to further their education and at
the same time wishes to work (e.g. student). Also people with disabilities can as well take up this
arrangement in order to obtain adequate work experience (Clarke, Koch & Hill, 2004).
v. Job Sharing: This is an agreement that allows two or more individual to engage in a full time work,
whereby they shared the responsibilities between themselves. (Hayman, 2010).
Work life balance practices is therefore a thoughtful organizational modifications in strategies or administrative
philosophy which are planned to lessen work-life conflict and support employees to be more active both at work and
in other sphere of life.
Employees Productivity
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
Employee’s productivity in any organization is a key area in the work environment. It assist the business to develop
the capability of the human resources in the system to be competent. Productivity means the end result of an activity
of a person or organization. According to Chris and Awonusi (2004), confirmed productivity as a process of
measuring and scrutinizing the responsibilities of employees in the organization. Therefore, an organization required
an increase level of productivity of its employee’s, in order for the stated goals to be achieved (Dreher, 2003). A
business dictionary explain employee productivity as the job related events projected of a staff and to what extent
those activities were implemented. Different empirical research are in support to the fact that an individual will
contribute to the development of their organizations when they enjoy a work life balance (Oswald, 2012). This
revealed that the success of any organization largely rest on the productivity of employees within the system. It is
therefore, necessary for managers at the helm of business affairs to adopt the approach that will lead to employee’s
retention. The essence of balancing both private and work life is to encourage healthy environment that can
guarantee loyalty of the staff and secure high level of productivity. Consequently, the combination of flexibility of
work schedule together with job attitude has been linked to increase in organizational commitment from employees,
satisfaction from the job and most especially reduction in turnover intention (Lewis & Gambles, 2007).
Theoretical Review
For this study, Boundary and Border theory and Spillover theory served as the theoretical underpinning upon which
this study is anchored. A study by Saltzstein, Ting and Saltzstein, (2001) emphasizes that both family and work are
not isolated domains but are symbiotic spheres or parts with penetrable boundaries. The Boarder theory has to do
with domestic and work spheres. It lays emphasis on the fact that individuals are everyday boarder crosser as they
progressed between work and home. Clark (2000) in his study postulated that the aim of border theory is all about
aiding performance and functioning at home and at work, with a lowest of role dispute.
However, the Spillover theory which was postulated by Guest (2002) opined that the circumstances wherein
spillover can occur between the family (macro system) and the work (micro system). Spillover may be negative or
positive as the case may be. If work-family connections are strictly designed in space and time, at that moment,
spillover in terms of energy, behaviour and time will be negative. Also, when there is flexibility that allows
individual to participate and join family together with work duties, this will bring about positive spillover that is
contributory to realizing a fit and healthy work life balance. Spillover therefore happens, when there is intrusion of
one phase of life into another. The significance of these theories to the study is that management is expected to
embrace constructive work life balance practices which will make every employee to be more committed towards
attaining higher productivity level.
Empirical Review
In spite of the attraction of work life balance practice as a subject of academic discussion, and the amount of
popularity of schedule practices (i.e. a supportive-family-friendly-policy) in organization across the globe, study on
the productivity level of employees of such strategy is not that incorporated (Leblebici, 2012; Grover & Crooker,
1995). An assessment of the previous work, however, question the supposed connection between work life balance
and employee productivity. The research in respect to work life which reflects the stability between workplace and
people’s personal life has been evaluated over time (Lewis & Gambles, 2007). According to Clarke, (2000) work
life balance reflects on fulfilment level of the worker in operating excellently both at work and home respectively.
Essentially, there are different perspectives to the concept of work life balance. From the employee’s standpoint, it is
the protection of one’s family alongside with the responsibilities at work. However, employer’s viewpoint as regard
the advantage, is in connection with all other fringe benefits attached to the working conditions of their employees
(Grant, 2007).
While previous work life balance study centers on workers family duties, there are studies that identify the
commitment to associates and communal groups, expanding the affected population to virtually all employees
(Beauregard, 2006). According to Hill, Hawkins, Ferris & Weitzman (2010), flexitime help workers to be in control
of their family and work responsibilities which permit them to improve the level of productivity at work and also
reduction in work family conflict at home. A research by Meyer and Kirsten, (2005) on nursing mothers working in
the best 100 companies in the world, discovered that organization that subscribe to work life balance programs
enjoyed better revenue rates. However, a survey conducted by European institute on employees condition of work,
confirmed that 85% of people that work below 30 hours per week were pleased with their work life balance. Rau
(2003) carried out an assessment in the health sector in Kenya of a non-governmental group which endorse the
implementation of excellence WLB practices.
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
In a related study by Abioro (2017) it was learnt that a deficient flexible schedules, inconsistent friendly- family
strategies, do have a negative impact on workers which most often reduce job performance and some leading to
broken homes. Consequently, according to Blair-Loy and Wharton (2002), the study shows that one key source of
stress that is significant, according to 69% of staff interviewed is workload; while the remaining 41% are of the
opinion that they typically feel tense or strained out during workday (Oludayo, Gberevbie & Popoola, 2015). It is
therefore imperative to say that an individual with great level of social and physical state of mind are likely to
perform well in an organization compare with employees suffering from emotional security.
Moving from perception to reality, there are number of studies that has a contrary view to the concept of work life
balance practice. A research by Judiesch and Lyness (1999) in a financial services establishment among 11,815
managers in America, stated that staffs that frequently apply for leave due to family related issues, most times
received less promotion as well as upgrade in salary compare to those individual that hardly go on leave.
Irrespective of the kind of leave or the manner in which the leave was granted, study revealed that employees that
mostly apply for leaves of absence, are often time denied compensation and reward as against the staff that enjoy
just one annual leave in a year. It is therefore not unexpected that work life balance practices is likely not to be used
by single employees, male staff and career women. The anxiety of adverse career setback for using the practices has
been connected with high rate of work life conflict (Ashforth, Kreiner & Fugate, 2000).
However, after studying the literature on work life balance practices on employee’s productivity, it revealed that
such programs do not certainly lower the levels of employees work life conflict. An employee may think that using
work life programs set up by the organization may affect his/her career progression in the system as well as the
perception of management of not being committed to the development of the business. Therefore, this study intend
to contribute to this ongoing discussion by examining the effect of work life balance on employees’ productivity in
the Nigeria university system.
3. Research Method
For the purpose of this study, a descriptive survey was used as the primary source of data collection to investigate
the influence of work life balance practices on employee’s productivity in the Nigerian university system. This study
targeted a total population of two thousand three hundred and twenty four (2,324) employees working at Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB Annual Report, 2017). Simple random sampling technique was
used to select the employees so as to give them equal chance of being selected. A sample size of three hundred and
forty one (341) respondents from the total population constitutes the sample size for questionnaire that was
administered; Out of the (341) questionnaire distributed, only 250 were filled and returned appropriately. The
determination of sample size for the study was achieved using the formula stated below as expressed by Ewurum
n = N
{1 + N (e)2 }
n = Desired Sample Size
N = Total Population
e = error limit
1= A constant
n = 2,324
{1 + 2324 (0.05)2 }
Where: 2,324
{1 + 2324 (0.0025) }
= 2,324
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
{1 + 5.81}
2,324 = 341
The questions were separated into two sections; section A focus on demographic report of respondents while section
B centered on questions relating to the subject matter of the research. Likert type interval rating scale which allows
respondents to grade their opinion on scale of 1 to 5 was used to elicit appropriate responses; where 5=Strongly
agree, 4=Agree, 3=Undecided, 2=Disagree, and 1=Strongly disagree. Data collected were analyzed with the use of
descriptive and inferential statistics.
4. Result and Findings
This section outlines the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data collected from the respondents
through questionnaire. The data generated from the personal profile of the respondents were used to arrive at the
descriptive analysis.
Table 1: Participating University in the Survey
Name of University
No of Employees
Allotted Questionnaire
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
Source: FUNAAB Annual Report, 2017 N= 250
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Respondents (N=250)
Staff Category:
Bus. Admin
Year of Service:
16 Above
Source: Field Survey (2018)
The information in table 2 shows that 48% of respondents were males, and 52% were females. It therefore indicated
that majority of the staff sampled were females. However, it also revealed that 38% of the staff were members of
ASUU, while 62% were non-academic staff (NASU). Hence, the data shows that majority of the respondents were
NASU members. Moreso, the table signifies that 35.2%, 17.6%, 3.2%, 2.0% and 36.8% of the respondents were
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
from Registry, Bursary, Business Administration and Establishment Departments respectively. Finally, table 2
shows that 11.2%, 18.8%, 37.2% and 32.8% of the respondents have spent between 1-5years, 6-10years, 11-15 years
and 16 years above in service. Hence, the result revealed that majority of the respondents have served the university
between 11-15years.
Table 3: Descriptive Statistics of work life balance and employees productivity
Std. Deviation
There is a good flexible working condition in my university.
The adoption of flexitime strategy can be a tool for job satisfaction for
all employees.
Long hours of works brings about conflict between work and family
My work schedule mostly denied me from attending appointment and
special events in my family.
I am happy with the quality of my work output.
Employees were permitted to share jobs in order to ease work stress in
the University.
The strategy of Job sharing is capable of retaining employees in my
There is provision to relieve staff on maternity and paternity leave in my
The attainment of employee and organizational productivity is made
easy with job sharing arrangement.
Productivity will increase when employees are permitted to share jobs
among themselves.
The adoption of telework strategy is an avenue for employees to be lazy
in my University
Telework as a work life balance policy will affect employees
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
Telework adoption by employees always affect their performance
appraisal score.
There is provision of telework practice in my University
Employees with good work life balance are more productivity in my
Management encourages her employees to proceed on leave as and when
due to aid productivity
Productivity will increase when employees are permitted to share jobs
among themselves
There is high rate of employees productivity in my University
The strategy of Job sharing is capable of retaining employees in my
Source: Authors computation, 2018
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics of work life balance variables and employees productivity with the mean and
standard deviation values of the factor analysis. However, on the statement of evaluation the average mean value is
Test of Hypotheses
Hypothesis I
H0: there is no significant relationship between work life balance and employees productivity.
Table 4a:
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Job sharing
Job sharing
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
4c. Correlations
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The entries in table 4a-c show the result of Pearson Product Moment correlation carried out to test the relationship
between independent variable (work life balance) and dependent variable (employee’s productivity). Given the
correlational analysis, the result reveals that there is a moderate significant relationship between work life balance
and employee productivity, where flexitime (r = 0.534, P< 0.01); job sharing (r= 0.623, P< 0.01), and telework (r =
0.228, P< 0.01). Therefore, we accept the alternative hypothesis that a significant relationship exist between work
life balance and employees productivity.
Hypothesis II
H0: there is no significant effect of work life balance on employee’s productivity.
Table 5a
Model Summaryb
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Telework, Flexitime, Job sharing
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Productivity
Table 5b ANOVAa
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Productivity
b. Predictors: (Constant), Telework, Flexitime, Job sharing
VOL. XIII NO. II, SEPTEMBER 2018. Pp 49-59
ISSN 2141-9094;
Table 5c
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Job sharing
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Productivity
It was also found out from table 5a-c, that there is a significant effect of work life balance factors on employee’s
productivity; (R2 =0.171, Adjusted R2= 0.154, P=0.000). These indicates that of the variation in employee’s
productivity, work life balance factors accounted for 15.4%. Further analysis also reveals that of all the work life
balance factors, job sharing accounted for (23.5%); where flexitime and telework accounted for the variation in
employee productivity at (18.4%) and (14.8%) respectively.
4. Conclusion
This study examines effect of work life balance practices on employee’s productivity in the Nigerian university
system. An employee is said to derive pleasure and self fulfilment at home and work when there is lowest of role
conflict. Based on the review of literature, it is apparent that decision on issues relating to flexitime, telecommuting
and job sharing form the basis for ensuring an efficient and effective employees’ attitude to work. A critical
analysis on the subject matter of this research was carried out and discoveries have been made. Three variables
which are flexitime, job sharing and telework was used as a determinant of work life balance for the study. The
results revealed a moderate positive relationship of these identified factors on employee’s productivity. Therefore,
based on the foregoing, this research concludes that for Universities to achieve high level of performance, there is
need to pay more attention on the work life balance of its workforce across all levels.
5. Recommendations
Based on the results of this research, it is therefore recommended that management in the Nigerian universities,
should focus more on different work life balance incentives, such as (compressed work schedules, wellness
programmes and telecommuting) to enhance workers productivity. Provision should also be made for nursing
mothers in terms of child care assistance which can be inform of crèche and after school services. There is also need
for job sharing (shift work) for employees on essential duties to reduce the stress and also for them to have time for
their respective family. By so doing, it will afford all employees the opportunity of total concentration on their work
and also with a better output.
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... Various studies have scrutinized the proposition that diligent performance of duties by individuals, with a concerted focus on achieving work-life balance across diverse circumstances, correlates positively with heightened employee productivity and, consequently, augments the overall organizational performance and satisfaction (Jackson and Fransman, 2018; Ngambi, 2004;Abioro et al., 2018;Rawal, 2023). These studies collectively contributed to the understanding of the nexus between individual work practices, the attainment of work-life equilibrium, and the resultant impact on both employee productivity and organizational outcomes. ...
... The insights garnered from these studies underscore the intricate interplay between individual work behaviors and broader organizational dynamics, offering valuable considerations for organizational policies and practices aimed at optimizing workforce performance and satisfaction. The synthesized findings from Jackson and Fransman (2018), Ngambi (2004), Abioro et al. (2018), and Rawal (2023) coalesce to form a comprehensive perspective on the critical role played by work-life balance in fostering optimal productivity and organizational well-being. ...
... Employees' brainpower is considered as one of the finest possessions of every organization for future financial survival. They are essential to the establishment of any business, so it is necessary to create an environment that is supportive of them at all levels in order to achieve the organization's declared aims and objectives (Abioro et al., 2018). However, nowadays employees face various challenges and problems. ...
... However, nowadays employees face various challenges and problems. Recent years have seen an increase in the demands placed on workers between work and home (Abioro et al., 2018). Employees are juggling greater obligations outside of work due to the collapse of the traditional family, the rise in dual-career couples, and the rise in single parents (Lazar et al., 2010). ...
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This study looked into the mediating effect of work-life balance on the relationship between financial well-being and intention to leave. Additionally, the possibility of job sector moderating was investigated. The millennial workforce from Philippine public and private organizations makes up the respondents. The study adopted a quantitative methodology. Respondents were given the adopted instrument, which was utilized to quantify the responses. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of the respondents. The results showed that there were notable relationships between work-life balance and financial well-being, as well as between work-life balance and turnover intention. The results were consistent with the findings of Kundnani and Mehta (2015) showing that stress caused due to financial obligations is negatively related to work-life balance. Also, financially unstable employees are more likely to seek new job opportunities. Moreover, work-life balance was found to partially mediate between financial well-being and turnover intention and is supported by the study of Lestari and Margaretha (2021). Nevertheless, it was discovered that the moderating influence of the employment sector on the correlations between the variables was not statistically significant. In light of the study’s findings, conclusions were reached and suggestions for resolving the problems were made.
... This insecurity affected their work performance. They also started facing stress and anxiety which in turn resulted in imbalance in their personal and professional life (Abioro et al. 2018). Companies started observing the consecutive downfall in the performance of the employees who were the top performers. ...
... The establishment of this equilibrium enables people to efficiently handle their job and personal obligations, resulting in heightened commitment and efficiency (Alzadjali & Ahmad, 2024). The notion of work-life balance stems from the clash between personal and professional spheres encountered by individuals, entailing the quest for a harmonious allocation of time between work and personal life (Abioro, Oladejo, & Ashogbon, 2018). Establishing a work environment that promotes work-life balance serves as a motivation for organizations to improve employee performance (Mattarelli et al., 2024). ...
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This study explores the role of telecommuting on work-life balance (WLB) in the IT sector at Bank Rakyat. The objective is to examine the effects of workload (WL), work flexibility (WF), and core self-evaluation (CSE) on WLB, with telecommuting as a mediating factor. It acknowledges the challenges of increased workloads during the shift to remote work in IT and the importance of understanding the relationship between workload and WLB for effective telecommuting policies. The study highlights potential downsides of higher workloads and the need for customized telecommuting guidelines to ensure WLB. Grounded in the Job Demand Resources Model, data were collected from 181 junior IT executives at Bank Rakyat's headquarters using purposive sampling. A two-stage structural equation approach assessed the validity, reliability, and impact of variables. Results show telecommuting positively influences WLB by enhancing work flexibility and CSE, while workload does not significantly affect WLB among IT staff at Bank Rakyat. This research provides insight into the relationships between WL, WF, CSE, and WLB, and offers an understanding of how telecommuting helps junior executives at Bank Rakyat balance work and personal life.
... Having separate to-do lists, scheduling time for things, and just being realistic will never be stuck. Furthermore, many studies confirm the positive significant influence of work-life balance on productivity, specifically stating that flexible work arrangements significantly increase employee productivity (Abioro et al., 2018;& Ansari et al., 2015). Finally, Koushki et al. (2019) found a strong significant relationship between organizational commitment and employee productivity. ...
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In an organizational context, various resources like finances, manpower, and materials are essential. However, time stands out as a universally shared resource. This study explored how effectively time could be managed to enhance performance, focusing on employees' time management at LGU Anda's office. The study had three main objectives: first, to profile respondents in terms of demographics and departmental details; second, to assess the extent of standard time management practices among employees; and third, to examine their work-life balance concerning happiness, job satisfaction, work environment, stress management, remote work, relaxation time, and loyalty. A literature review on effective time management among employees was conducted to support the study, aiding in study formulation and research streamlining. A descriptive research design was adopted, employing a standardized questionnaire to collect data. Data collection methods included questionnaires, interviews, and observations, with results presented through percentages, frequency distributions, and tables. Respondent profiles were analyzed using percentage and frequency, providing insights into demographic characteristics such as age, gender, education, and experience. Evaluation of time management and work-life balance utilized weighted mean, considering both importance and satisfaction levels of various factors. This approach offered a nuanced understanding of how employees manage time and balance their personal and professional lives. Overall, findings indicated that most employees were relatively new and young in their roles, with limited experience. The sample comprised 83 respondents, revealing a strong implementation of time management practices and a solid grasp of time's value.
... Employee productivity refers to the efficient completion of tasks that contribute to a company's financial success. Productivity refers to the result of an individual's or company's procedures (Abioro et al., 2018). One defined employee productivity as the evaluation of the worker's internal efficiency and the efficacy of outcomes from the customer's perspective. ...
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Despite its growth, Indonesia’s startup industry struggles with high failure rates; this industry relies on employee productivity and promoting new work methods that reshape modern workplaces. The study aims to examine the impact of new ways of working on employee productivity and work engagement in Indonesian unicorn startups post-pandemic while also observing the current situation using importance-performance analysis. The data analysis uses structural equation modeling (SEM) with partial least squares (PLS) and Smart-PLS software. This study analyzes survey data from 56 leaders of Indonesian unicorn startups. It delves into the complex relationships between these variables based on the leaders’ perspectives. According to the findings, new ways of working impact employee productivity (β = 0.521; p-value < 0.05), new ways of working impact work engagement (β = 0.856; p-value < 0.05), work engagement impact employee productivity (β = 0.379; p-value < 0.05), and new ways of working impact employee productivity through work engagement (β = 0.325; p-value < 0.05). The findings indicate that new ways of working significantly affect work engagement and productivity. It also identifies work engagement as a key driver of employee productivity. Interestingly, the effect of new ways of working on employee performance is also mediated by work engagement, highlighting the relationship between these factors.
... A balance between work and personal life can result in higher productivity in an organization through increased individual performance of employees (Konrad & Mangel, 2000;Bloom et al., 2009;Abioro et al., 2018). Balance between work and private life reduces the risk of stress, fatigue, and sickness and prevents better individual well-being. ...
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Work plays a very important role in the lives of people, companies, and society, in general. Individuals value work for the income it provides, but also because it contributes to self-esteem and personal happiness that people feel when they put their competencies to work. Work is important from the point of individual well-being, but it also forms the cornerstone of economic and social development. However, as a very common phenomenon, not only in our country, but in other countries, too, is that work can prevail in the workers family and private life. Many employees may feel unable to make an adequate balance between their work and private life. Because of this, frustration often arises among them as they are aware that they do not spend enough time with their family, or are neglecting their personal needs. In the same time, families are facing with reduced functionality and alienation of family members. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the level of work-life balance in Serbia, and its relation to job stress. The methodology of the research consists of theoretical and empirical analysis. Theoretical research is based on a literature review, while the empirical research is based on the answers of 291 employees from different organizations in Serbia. The data were collected in October 2023. The analysis is performed by implementing PLS-SEM to investigate the relations between work-life balance and job stress, and by descriptive statistics to investigate the level of work-life balance in Serbia.
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Numerous governments worldwide acknowledge Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ' crucial role in fostering economic growth and revitalizing economies. Despite this recognition, SME financing remains a significant challenge. Microfinance is a key instrument in bridging the financing gap within the SME sector. Hence, this study sought to evaluate microfinance's perceived impact on SMEs' growth and performance. Employing the descriptive survey method, the investigation was carried out in Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol, where eighty (80) respondents provided insights into their demographic and business profiles and their perceptions of microfinance. Data interpretation utilized frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean. Results indicated that most respondents were aged 41 and above, predominantly female, engaged in retail trading, operated their businesses for 1-5 years, and had an average monthly turnover of less than Php15,000. The overall weighted mean of perceived microfinance impact suggested agreement among respondents, implying a discernible but minimal influence on SME growth and performance. Additionally, it was inferred that microfinance met SMEs' operational and development needs, enhancing entrepreneurial practices, business experience, training, and overall competitive advantage. Furthermore, microfinance provides individuals with new opportunities, enabling them to access and manage finances, thereby empowering them to take charge of their future. This study is poised to assist SMEs in stabilizing income, fostering prosperity, and offering support during crises, facilitating their resilience and recovery efforts.
This study examined flexible working arrangements and employee normative commitment in selected hospitals in Delta State. Specifically, to access the influence of flexi-time, job-sharing and telecommuting on employee normative commitment. A cross-sectional research design and simple random sampling technique was adopted. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument for the study with 173 respondents deemed usable. The study was anchored on border theory and data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were employed to analysed the study hypotheses. The results showed that flex-time and telecommuting significantly influence employee normative commitment while sharing did not significantly influence employee normative commitment. The study concludes that flexi-time, job-sharing and telecommuting jointly significantly influenced employee normative commitment. Therefore, the study recommends among others that there should be well detailed policies that will guide both the hospital management and their employees on flexible working arrangements.
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Work life balance is the necessity for every individual in order to manage professional and personal life. Chennai being IT hub after Bangalore has more number of employees in IT sector. The present study is proposed to identify the dominating factors of work life balance and productivity with special reference to IT sector in Chennai. A sample of 324 software employees working in Chennai were identified and a structured questionnaire was circulated to collect their perception about the dominating factors of balancing work and life along with and productivity. The result proved that: the dominating factors of work life balance were : Work hour driven factors, Positive stress driven factors, Organization driven factors, factors related to Life satisfaction and happiness& motivation.
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The study examines the effects of perceived work-life balance and job satisfaction on organizational commitment among healthcare employees. It was predicted that perceived work-life balance fosters job satisfaction which leads to the organizational commitment among employees in the long run. The degree of work-life balance is measured using the five statements from Chaney (2007) and eight statements from Gutak et. Al. (1991). Short version of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) was used to measure job satisfaction. Organizational commitment was measured by selecting 11 items from Blau's (1993) work commitment index. 275 respondents completed the survey. Results showed that respondents have moderate level of perceived work-life balance, job satisfaction and commitment. Significant relationship is found among work-life balance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. A regression analysis revealed that 37% variance in organizational commitment and job satisfaction is attributed to work-life balance.
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This study examines the effect of a time usage policy on employee's work-life conflict and the impact of leave programmes on employes' attitude using five selected banks in Nigeria. A sample of N=386 respondents were randomly selected from these banks to participate in the study. Questionnaire was used to collect information from respondents. The standard multiple regression was used to generate results that indicate how well the set of variables representing work-life initiatives on time usage is able to predict work-life conflict. In order to find the relationship between the work-life initiatives on time usage and work-life conflict, the Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient was used. The result also showed that the correlations between the dependent variable-job-related attitude and independent variable-Leave initiatives to determine the level of relationship the work-life balance initiative bears on job-related attitude. The finding shows that a relationship exists between job related attitude and leave initiatives; however they are not statistically significant @ .05 level.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of performance measurement systems in organisational effectiveness in the context of the financial services sector within a developing country. Design/methodology/approach – Using the mail survey method data were collected from 69 financial institutions operating in Nepal. Multivariate analysis, in particular multiple regression analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. Findings – The results suggest that non-financial measures and feedback are tightly intertwined with organisational effectiveness. While institutions are focused on using the performance measures concerning internal business process perspective, less emphasis is placed on using customer and employee-related performance measures because they are considered less significant to organisational effectiveness. The findings also reveal that strategy-related feedback is considered more critical by management, as opposed to performance and staff. The study also provides evidence that 40.58 per cent of the financial institutions in Nepal had implemented the Balanced Scorecard, which is considered to be high when compared with other developing countries. Practical implications – The findings provide managers with valuable insights pertaining to the role of non-financial performance measures and the importance of feedback in improving organisational effectiveness, which could assist them in (re) aligning their performance measurement practices. Originality/value – The findings of this study contributes to the limited management accounting literature on performance measurement and the impact on organisational effectiveness by providing evidence from the financial services sector within the context of a developing country.
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The study investigates the concept of work-life balance (WLB) policies and practices in three sectors of the Nigerian Economy namely the Banking, Educational and Power Sector. The types of WLB initiatives available in the three sectors were explored and the barriers to implementation of the WLB initiatives were identified. This research implored quantitative methods to investigate the work-life balance practices in three sectors of the Nigerian Economy. This was achieved using an in-depth case study analysis of these sectors. The data set comprised of responses from both managers and employees in the Banking sector with five hundred and eighty six copies of the questionnaire retrieved. The Educational sector comprised of both managers and employees with five hundred and thirty one copies of the questionnaire retrieved; while five hundred and seven copies retrieved from the Power Sector. The findings reveal that there is diversity in terms of how respondents perceive the concept of Work-Life Balance. There is a wide gap between corporate WLB practices and employees’ understanding of the concept; the paper suggests some policy implications which would aid the implementation of WLB policies in the studied sectors. This study also suggests direction for future research.
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Although many employers have adopted policies to support the integration of work with personal and family life, expected positive gains due to enhanced workplace inclusion are not always realized. One reason for this gap is that practitioners and researchers often overlook how variation in how policies are implemented and used by different employee stakeholder groups fosters a culture of inclusiveness. We discuss four ways in which work-life policies are implemented differently across and within organizations that can affect the degree to which policies are seen as promoting inclusion or exclusion. They are: the level of supervisor support for use, universality of availability, negotiability, and quality of communication. These implementation attributes affect whether an adopted policy is seen as leading to fulfilling work- life needs and signaling the organization's support for individual differences in work identities and life circumstances, thus affecting levels of inclusiveness. Implications for HR practitioners are discussed.
The study investigated influence of work motivation, leadership effectiveness and time management on employees' performance in some selected industries in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. 300 participants were selected through stratified random sampling from the population of staff of the organizations. The study employed expost facto design; data were collected through Work Motivation Behaviour Profile (α = 0.89), Leadership Behaviour Rating scale (α = 0.88) and Time management Behaviour Inventory (α = 0.90) adapted from Workers' Behaviour Assessment Battery.Three research questions were answered at 0.05 level of significance. The data were analysed using multiple regression statistical method and correlation matrix. The findings revealed that the three independent variables (work motivation, leadership effectiveness and time management) accounts for 27.2% variance in employees' performance (R2 adjusted = 0.272). Each of the independent variables contributed to employees' performance. In terms of magnitude of the contribution, leadership effectiveness was the most potent contributor to employees' performance (β = 0.521, t = 7.11, P < 0.05), followed by work motivation (β = 0.289, t = 5.42, P < 0.05) while time management was the least contributor to employees' performance (β = 0.190, t = 2.43, P < 0.05), Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that employers, human resource managers and other leaders in organizations are encouraged to show greater interest in the welfare of workers to make them more valuable contributors to the success of the organization.
The workplace environment plays a crucial role for the employees. Nowadays employees may have a large number working alternatives, then the environment in workplace becomes a critical factor for accepting and/or keeping the jobs. The quality of environment in workplace may simply determine the level of employee's motivation, subsequent performance and productivity. How well employees get along with the organization influence the employee's error rate, level of innovation and collaboration with other employees, absenteeism and ultimately time period to stay in the job. This paper presents the analysis of working environment of a foreign private bank in Turkey and examines the relationship between the workplace physical conditions and employee's productivity.