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Fashion sebagai Komunikasi dan Pencitraan (Studi Dramaturgi Erving Goffman dikalangan Eksekutif Muda Jakarta)

  • Independent Researcher
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The purpose of this research is; to know the front and back stage of young person in Jakarta through their fashion. This research uses Interactionism Symbolic by Mead & Blummer, also “Dramaturgical” theory by Goffman. The method is qualitative with interpretive approach. The result of this research found that young person (young man and woman) in Jakarta do realize their appearance in front of their audience while they do their interactionism were their stages to appeal their best as in here their image were taken considerately important, they’ve also knew that through their fashion which is what they wore from top to toe are part of a statement whom communicate of what or who were they and their status in societies.
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