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Abstract and Figures

We conducted an online experiment (n = 2024) on a representative sample of internet users in Germany, Sweden, Poland, Spain and the UK to explore the effect of notifications on security behaviour. Inspired by protection motivation theory (PMT), a coping message advised participants on how to minimize their exposure to risk and a threat appeal highlighted the potential negative consequences of not doing so. Both increased secure behavior – but the coping message significantly more so. The coping message was also as effective as both messages combined, but not so the threat appeal. Risk attitudes, age and country had a significant effect on behavior. Initiatives seeking to promote secure behavior should focus more on coping messages, either alone or in combination with fear appeals.
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International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
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Using protection motivation theory in the design of nudges to improve
online security behavior
René van Bavel
, Nuria Rodríguez-Priego
, José Vila
, Pam Briggs
Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Edificio Expo, C/ Inca Garcilaso 3, Sevilla (41092), Spain
DevStat Chair on Quantitative Decision-making and Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory, Center for Research in Social and Economic Behavior, University of Valencia,
Department of Psychology, School of Life Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom
Security behavior
Protection motivation theory
Behavioral economics
Online experiment
Coping message
Threat appeal
We conducted an online experiment (n= 2024) on a representative sample of internet users in Germany,
Sweden, Poland, Spain and the UK to explore the effect of notifications on security behaviour. Inspired by
protection motivation theory (PMT), a coping message advised participants on how to minimize their exposure
to risk and a threat appeal highlighted the potential negative consequences of not doing so. Both increased
secure behavior – but the coping message significantly more so. The coping message was also as effective as both
messages combined, but not so the threat appeal. Risk attitudes, age and country had a significant effect on
behavior. Initiatives seeking to promote secure behavior should focus more on coping messages, either alone or
in combination with fear appeals.
1. Introduction
Digital technology has enabled innovation, greater connectedness,
economic growth and productivity, but has also given rise to the threat
of cybercrime. Criminal adversaries now have access to a range of re-
sources to support cyberattacks, many of these becoming more widely
available, such that nearly half of organizations surveyed in a 2017
report had been subject to serious cyberattacks, many as a consequence
of social engineering attacks. Users are aware of this threat and many
now shy away from certain activities over the internet (especially those
that involve the disclosure of personal information or economic trans-
actions), yet a majority of security professionals report concerns about
the behavior of end users and would seek measures to change or limit
vulnerable behaviors such as clicking malicious links in emails
(Cisco, 2017).
In Europe, a report has shown that 27% of users are reluctant to use
the internet for e-commerce transactions due to concerns about the lack
of security in online payments (Cisco, 2017; European Commission,
2016). In a survey in the United States in 2017, 64% of Americans
reported that they had personally experienced a major data breach,
with 41% having reported fraudulent charges on their credit cards and
35% reporting that sensitive data (such as an account number) had
been compromised. Not surprisingly, nearly half of Americans (49%)
feel that their personal information is less secure than it was five years
ago (Pew Research Center, 2017).
For many years, researchers and security professionals have re-
ported that the ‘weakest link’ in any security chain is human behavior.
Indeed, social engineering attacks are now commonplace and con-
sidered one of the most significant threats to organizations and users
alike (Cisco, 2017). Nearly one-quarter of all cybersecurity failures are
due to human error (Waldrop, 2016). Certainly, with the rise of social
media, human vulnerabilities have escalated as information posted
online can be used to identify potential victims (Saridakis et al., 2016;
Shelton and Skalski, 2014). However, many researchers recognize that
it is unreasonable to simply cite ‘human error’ as a major factor without
first understanding that users are ‘not the enemy’ (Adams and
Sasse, 1999). Users are simply faced with overly complex security
systems, unusable cybersecurity policies and a complex range of other
job demands than mean that they lack the knowledge, the time and the
support to be able to deal with cyber threats (Kraemer et al., 2009). As a
result of such insights, ‘usable security’ is now seen as a key issue in the
design of more resilient systems (e.g. Herley, 2014).
There are significant challenges, therefore, in ensuring that people
are both aware of cybersecurity risks and can respond to those risks in a
meaningful way. Simple policy campaigns or warning messages, in-
tended to increase their awareness of the risks involved are not always
effective, as they implicitly rely on users making very informed or ra-
tional decisions (Acquisti et al., 2015). Also, users find it relatively easy
Received 29 November 2017; Received in revised form 7 September 2018; Accepted 2 November 2018
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. van Bavel).
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
Available online 03 November 2018
1071-5819/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
to dismiss the threat as irrelevant or unlikely, or they fail to act, simply
because they have neither the time nor the skills to respond (Bulgurcu
et al., 2010; Reid and Van Niekerk, 2016).
Unfortunately, hackers seem to be more knowledgeable about
human behavior and exploit this knowledge via sophisticated social
engineering attacks. They send phishing emails from a sender that
seems authoritative, at a time of the day when users are busy, in-
creasing the chances that they will click where they should not. The
institutions meant to defend users, on the other hand, are lagging be-
hind. The excessive requests for authentication in an organization (23
per day on average, according to a study by Stevens et al., 2014), drain
people's time and mental energy and recent evidence suggests that the
guidelines for proper password management are misguided
(Waldrop, 2016). The end result is a series of onerous initiatives that
work to increase the security ‘compliance budget’ (Beautement et al.,
2009; Bulgurcu et al., 2010).
Recently, the focus has turned towards a more human-centered
perspective on cybersecurity. Towards the end of his time in office,
President Obama proposed spending more than $19 billion in federal
cybersecurity funding, including a research and development plan that
made human-factors research an explicit priority. Similar trends were
found in the UK (e.g. with research funding for a large ‘human-di-
mensions of cybersecurity’ initiative made in 2016). Research outcomes
that place usable security at the heart of business include the promotion
of more usable passwords (National Cyber Security Centre, 2016;
Waldrop, 2016) and a range of new guidelines and frameworks de-
signed around user behavior (Briggs et al., 2017; Nurse et al., 2011).
This article follows that trend. It is part of a larger initiative which
takes a human centred approach to cybersecurity and explores the
contribution of behavioral insights to cybersecurity. The aim is to ob-
serve whether small changes in the design of online notifications (i.e. a
nudge according to the behavioral economics literature; Thaler and
Sunstein, 2008) can seamlessly trigger more secure behaviors.
Our study is based on an online experiment (n= 2024) across five
European countries: Germany, Sweden, Poland, Spain and the UK. We
randomly assigned participants to a control group or one of three
treatment groups, and then let them purchase in a mock e-commerce
store. The nudges applied were subtle, and were embedded in a noti-
fication reminding them to navigate safely. They differed across treat-
ment groups in how they directed participants' attention, and were
based on insights from protection motivation theory (PMT).
2. Protection motivation theory
PMT seeks to clarify the cognitive processes which mediate behavior
in the face of a threat (Rogers, 1975, 1983). It posits that, when facing a
threatening event, people conduct two appraisal processes: one focused
on the threat itself and the other on their ability to act against that
threat (threat appraisal and coping appraisal, respectively). This affects
their intention to take precautionary action and results in adaptive or
maladaptive behaviors vis-à-vis the threat.
In their threat appraisal, people will consider how negative the
consequences of the threat are (perceived severity) and the likelihood
of the threat materializing in a way that will affect them directly
(perceived vulnerability). This threat appraisal may lead to maladap-
tive behaviors such as denial or avoidance (e.g. Witte and Allen, 2000).
In their coping appraisal, people will assess whether undertaking a
recommended course of action will remove the threat (response effi-
cacy) and also their level of confidence in being able to carry that action
out (self-efficacy; Boer and Seydel, 1996; Maddux and Rogers, 1983;
Bandura, 1997). This appraisal my lead to adaptive behaviors, pro-
viding that the costs of making an adaptive response (response costs)
are not too high. In two meta-analyses of the traditional PMT literature,
largely taken from studies in the health domain, the coping appraisal
components had larger effect sizes than the threat appraisal compo-
nents on both behavioral intentions and actual behaviors. In addition,
the effect sizes for intentions were greater than for behaviors (Floyd
et al., 2000; Milne et al., 2000).
PMT has been applied to cybersecurity, specifically to virus pro-
tection behavior (Lee et al., 2008), security behavior among people who
know how to protect their systems but fail to do so (Workman et al.,
2008), security behavioral intentions of home computer users
(Anderson and Agarwal, 2010), convincing internet users to protect
themselves (Shillair et al., 2015), the role of personal responsibility in
the protective behavior of college students (Boehmer et al., 2015);
teenagers' willingness to provide information online (Youn, 2005), se-
curity behavior in response to fear appeals by employers (Johnston and
Warkentin, 2010), and employees' adherence to information security
policies (Ifinedo, 2012; Siponen et al., 2014). An analysis of the effect
sizes of these various constructs in the cybersecurity literature was re-
cently conducted by Mayer et al. (2017) who concluded that all PMT
constructs aside from ‘response cost’ had reliable positive albeit weak to
medium effect sizes. Response costs on the other hand, had weak to
strong negative influences on cybersecurity.
There is, therefore, a significant and growing body of research in
this area, however most of the PMT studies have used behavioral in-
tention as a proxy for cybersecurity behavior. This is typical of many
approaches that are derived from Ajzen's (1985) theory of planned
behavior, which has behavioral intention as the primary driver of ob-
served behavior. But while behavioral intentions are generally quite
well correlated with subsequent behaviors, there is a known gap be-
tween intention and behavior (Sheeran, 2002; Sniehotta et al., 2005). A
review of the evidence suggests that intentions result in behavior only
about half of the time (Sheeran and Web, 2016). This is a limitation of
the studies that have used PMT as an explanatory model in the cyber-
security sphere (e.g. Boehmer et al., 2015; Crossler et al., 2014; Herath
and Rao, 2009; Johnston and Warkentin, 2010; Lee, 2011; Liang and
Xue, 2010; Tsai et al., 2016).
A few studies have used actual behavior as the dependent variable
(Neuwirth et al., 2000; Woon et al., 2005; Workman et al., 2008),
which works better than intention. When it comes to privacy and se-
curity behavior, protection of information resources relies upon action
rather than intention (Crossler et al., 2013). However, even in those
studies where behavior is the dependent variable, self-reported beha-
vior is often used as a proxy measure (e.g. Crossler et al., 2014) and
there are questions about how reliable such measures are. In contrast,
the current study captured behavior in an incentivised experiment, also
adopting a sample size that far outstrips most of those studies based on
behavioral intention and reported behavior. This then constitutes one of
the greatest strengths of this study and ensures a distinct contribution to
the field.
The premise of the current study is that people will behave more
securely online if (a) their awareness of the threat is heightened (threat
appraisal) and (b) they are made aware of the appropriate protective
responses to take (coping appraisal). To explore this, we set up a task in
which participants were asked to navigate an e-commerce site securely.
Three PMT-inspired notifications were designed to trigger or nudge
more secure behavior:
Acoping message told users it was easy to minimize the chances of a
cyber-attack and also indicated what steps to take.
Afear appeal warned individuals that their behavior could leave
them vulnerable to a cyber-attack.
Athreat and coping message contained both elements described
The threat appeal highlighted both the severity of the threat and
This is similar to a persuasive boost in self-efficacy, one of four sources of
self-efficacy according to Bandura (1997), in addition to mastery experience,
vicarious experience and physiological factors.
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
the user's vulnerability at the same time, since prior research (out-
side security behavior) suggests they jointly determine the likelihood
of individuals performing adaptive behaviors (Neuwirth et al.,
2000). Taken together, these three messages drove the following
Hypothesis 1. The group exposed to the coping message will show
more secure online behavior than the control group.
Hypothesis 2. The group exposed to the threat appeal will show more
secure online behavior than the control group.
Hypothesis 3. The group exposed to the combined coping + threat
message will show more secure online behaviour than the control
We were also interested in which of the threat vs coping messages
would be more effective and also whether the threat and coping ele-
ments would be additive (i.e. to explore whether the two elements
combined would be more effective than each presented in isolation) –
but here our expectations here were less clear. From the survey lit-
erature, there is some evidence that coping messages are stronger
predictors of good security behaviors than threat appeals (e.g.
Shillair and Dutton, 2016), yet we were also mindful that there is a
response cost to taking ‘coping’ actions which may possibly act to
deter participants in the coping and threat + coping conditions. It is
interesting, too, to note that in the much more extensive literature on
health behavior change, strong fear appeals when presented alone
have been deemed ineffective (generating high levels of defensive
responding without corresponding action), whereas strong fear ap-
peals presented in combination with coping messages have produced
the greatest behavior change, despite the associated response costs
(Witte and Allen, 2000).
Finally, while we might anticipate the main effect of manipulating
threat appeals and coping information across our participant sample, it
is worth considering whether these interventions are likely to be
mediated by other factors. For example, we know that older adults
show some distinct vulnerabilities. They are more suspicious about
online security threats, feel overwhelmed by their changing nature, do
not feel they can cope with them, implement fewer coping strategies in
their defense, and are more likely to rely on others for assistance
(Grimes et al., 2007; Jiang et al., 2016; LaRose et al., 2015). They are
also more willing to trust those they encounter through digital trans-
actions (Grimes et al., 2010) and so it is not surprising that they are
disproportionately targeted for internet crime and fraud (Martin and
Rice, 2013). For this reason, it is worth considering the age of the
participant as an important variable in this study.
Another important issue is the extent to which any individual might
tolerate risk. The Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT) scale mea-
sures self-reported propensity to engage in risky behaviors across
ethical, financial, health and safety and social behaviors. Although this
is a general measure of risk-taking propensity it has good psychometric
properties and been used quite widely in cybersecurity research (see
Gratian et al., 2018; Hadlington, 2018; and Tischer et al., 2017 for
recent examples). It has been shown to predict the extent to which an
individual might engage in security behaviors such as visiting untrusted
sites (Egelman and Peer, 2015a). Such scales can be used for the psy-
chographic targeting of privacy and security interventions and it is
worth exploring the way that personal propensity to risk might mod-
erate the uptake of any intervention designed to help people be safe
online (Egelman and Peer, 2015b).
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Participants
A total sample of 2024 participants, evenly distributed across
Sweden, Poland, Germany, Spain and the UK, were recruited through
the Toluna online panel.
Toluna recruits members for its proprietary
panels using various methods including web-banners, website referrals,
pay-per-click, natural search optimization, affiliate marketing, email,
and online public relations activities. In addition, Toluna applies Real-
Time Sampling®to recruit individuals in real-time from a network of
websites with which Toluna has developed referral relationships. This
methodology taps into the many potential survey takers online who are
willing to participate in surveys, but who may not necessarily want to
join a market research panel. Past-participation and participation fre-
quency is limited by tracking each respondent's participation over the
full duration of the study. The panel applies a points-based incentive
system that, in the case of our economic experiment, included both a
fixed participation fee and a variable incentive depending on partici-
pants’ decisions and random events that may take place during the
experiment. Toluna uses techniques for monitoring and limiting frau-
dulent respondents through active cleaning and exclusion of observed
offenders from the panel. Sample selection
was made randomly among
panellists that had bought a good or service online in the last 12
months. Sex and age quotas were established for each combination of
experimental condition and country. Each experimental treatment
group included at least 100 participants from each country. Panellists
were invited to participate in the study once, with no further follow up.
The Ethics Committee on Experimental Behavioural Economics at the
Center for Research in Social and Economic Behavior (ERI-CES), Uni-
versity of Valencia, approved the experiment and confirmed that it
adhered to its charter of ethics. Informed consent was given by all
3.2. Procedure
The overall design of the experiment was simple: participants had to
navigate as securely as possible while making a mock online purchase
of a digital good on an e-commerce website. The more secure their
behavior, the lower was their probability of a suffering a cyber-attack
(which was the main outcome measure) and the higher their probability
of receiving a variable fee in addition to a fixed fee.
Secure behavior
also typically incurs a higher ‘response cost’ in terms of time and effort
to complete the study, which may have mitigated the effect of the
payoff (see Briggs et al., 2017). However, this was the same for all
treatments, i.e. there was no independent manipulation of response
costs across treatments. Note our use of an e-commerce simulation was
a variant of the ‘free simulation methodology’ described by Gefen and
Straub (2004) in which participants are presented with e-commerce
web pages highly similar to those found in real-world settings. Note also
that in keeping with the free-simulation methodology and to ensure
good ecological validity, there were no experimental manipulations of
the web pages themselves across treatments. The treatment manipula-
tions appeared in a pop-up message immediately after the participant
entered the e-commerce environment.
Participants from the online panel were invited to the experiment in
an email message sent by Toluna. To participate they had to click on a
link. Participants were familiar with Toluna and their recruitment
A detailed description of the recruitment sources and procedures applied by
Toluna, as well as a description of its quality controls and standards and their
privacy and ethics policy can be found at
source/Brochure_Docs/esomar-28.pdf?sfvrsn=10 validation methods and data
This sample was extracted from a larger sample of 5,065 participants across
those same countries, which included additional experimental treatments not
covered in this article (van Bavel and Rodríguez-Priego, 2016).
The use of a variable economic incentive to generate induced value is a
differential feature of economic experiments. Through the variable fee, parti-
cipant's decisions have an actual impact, increasing the ecological validity and
the accuracy of the experimental results. For a detailed discussion see
Smith (1976) and Holt and Laury (2002).
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
practices, and had voluntarily given them their contact details.
Therefore, despite the risk of phishing attacks through emails con-
taining hyperlinks from an alleged known sender (Vishwanath et al.,
2018), no distrust in Toluna's email or embedded link was expected in
this case. At the initial screen they had to report their age and gender to
comply with the quotas for representativeness according to these
variables. They were then shown the general instructions for the ex-
periment, which included information about secure behavior and the
additional variable payment. Subjects did not have information at this
stage on how much variable payment they would receive. They were
only informed about the need of navigating safely during the experi-
ment or they would increase the probability of suffering a cyber-attack,
which would result in receiving less variable payment at the end. Every
time they made a decision that was not safe, the probability of a cyber-
attack increased.
Before the mock purchasing process began, participants answered
questions relating to their socio-demographic characteristics and the
DOSPERT scale (Blais and Weber, 2006; Weber et al., 2002). As soon as
the purchasing process began, participants were exposed to a notifica-
tion of the risks of unsecured behavior (based on insights by PMT,
Fig. 1). The objective of the experiment was to observe if this message,
which varied across experimental treatments, affected the level of se-
curity of participants' online behavior.
During the purchasing process, participants had the opportunity of
taking four security-related actions. These were actions that are con-
sidered necessary for users to maintain cybersecurity (Coventry et al.,
2014). Participants' choices at these points in the purchasing process
determined their overall level of secure behavior.
3.2.1. Action 1: choosing a secure connection
Participants had to connect to a simulated intranet before entering
the eCommerce website. They faced a choice: spend extra time and
effort connecting securely or select an instant connection which left
them exposed (Figure A2, Appendix A). This setup was designed to
reflect the costs of secure behavior. It sought to evoke the compliance
budget that users resort to when making a decision (Beautement et al.,
2009), i.e. the selection of a secure connection incurs a response cost.
The secure connection implied waiting for 60 seconds and entering
a lengthy access code which combined 12 upper- and lower-case letters
and numbers (such as eH2GdR56Mb9A). The unsecured connection, on
the other hand, meant an instant connection and did not require a
password. If participants chose the secure option, the next screen dis-
played a processing bar while the connection was established. Below
the bar was a button that allowed participants to switch to the un-
secured connection, in case they became impatient (as in the real
world). Participants scored zero if they chose not to behave securely
and one if they made the secure choice.
3.2.2. Action 2: selecting a trusted vendor
In the eCommerce website, once a product was selected, a detailed
product information page appeared. On this page, there was a choice of
two vendors, which appeared in random order (Figure A3, Appendix A).
One vendor offered the product for free through a Hypertext Transfer
Protocol, or HTTP, link. The other vendor offered the product for €2
through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure link, or https, with a logo
next to it suggesting the link could be trusted. Participants scored zero if
they chose the unsecured option and one if they chose the secure option
(i.e. the trusted vendor). This set-up (or choice architecture in the
Fig. 1. The four security notifications tested.
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
behavioral economics nomenclature) sought to reflect how, in the real
world, access to free products through unknown sites may imply a se-
curity risk, which is mitigated when a product is purchased through a
trusted vendor.
3.2.3. Action 3: choosing a strong password
Participants had to create their passwords when registering on the
eCommerce site. On the same screen, participants were asked to in-
troduce the number, CVV and expiry date of a simulated credit card
shown (see Figure A4, Appendix A). A poor password was taken as an
indicator of unsecured behavior.
A secure password adhered to six security criteria, which included a
minimum number of characters (in total), lower case characters, upper
case characters, numeric digit characters, and special characters. A final
criterion was that the password should not contain the username.
Participants scored between zero (if they did not meet any of the cri-
teria) and six (if they met them all).
3.2.4. Action 4: logging out
Once subjects had completed the purchasing process, a button ap-
peared at the bottom right-hand side of this screen which led partici-
pants to the 'next questionnaire'. However, they had the option to log
out before doing so, by clicking on a button in the top right-hand corner
(see Figure A5, Appendix A). Logging out of their eCommerce session
was considered secure behavior, but the website did not specifically ask
participants to log out. It simply asked them to exit the eCommerce site
and complete the second questionnaire. Participants scored zero if they
just clicked on the 'next questionnaire' button and one if they chose the
safe option and logged out first.
3.3. Main outcome measure
The main outcome measure of this study was the probability of the
participant to suffer a cyberattack in the experiment, which would re-
duce her or his variable payment. This probability was a continuous
value from 5% to 65%, determined by the decisions made by partici-
pants during the experiment. Specifically, the minimum probability of
suffering the cyberattack in the experiment was set at 5%. From this
minimum value, the selection of an unsecured connection, a non-
trusted vendor or not logging out added up to the probability of cy-
berattacks by 15 percentage points each. Finally, lack of strength of the
selected password added up to this probability on a range from zero
percentage points (if the password met all six security criteria
) to 15
points (if it met none).
The probability of suffering the attack worked as a measure of the
security level of decisions made by the subjects: if they always pro-
ceeded in the safest way this probability was kept at its minimum value
(5%). On the other hand, if a subject selected the riskiest option at each
step of the experiment, the probability reached its maximum value
(65%). This maximum probability was much higher than what could be
expected when navigating well-known e-commerce sites in the real
world. This was done to offer a wide range of variation in the outcome
measure. Also, since this value was actually not known by participants,
it had no impact on their online behaviour. Finally, although the
probability of suffering a cyberattack was not related to the actual
chances of suffering a cyberattack outside the experiment, the decisions
that determined the probability were based on good security behaviour
in the real world (Coventry et al., 2014).
3.4. Experimental treatments
The experimental treatments were based on a notification which
appeared as a pop-up window in the centre of the screen at the be-
ginning of the purchasing process. Participants had to close it in order
to continue with the experiment. The message then appeared in the
upper part of the screen and remained there throughout the purchasing
process. Participants were randomly assigned to either the control or
one of three treatment groups. The samples sizes were almost identical
for each experimental condition (as shown in Table 2, the smallest
sample size was 504 subjects and the largest sample size 508). No
procedure to compensate potential differences in samples sizes was
In the control condition, the message simply reminded the partici-
pant to navigate safely. The experimental conditions, based on PMT,
sought to heighten self-efficacy and response efficacy (both components
of coping appraisal) and perceptions of the cybersecurity threat. The
warning messages are presented in Fig. 1. Six other treatments were
included in the larger study which provided the data for this article;
however, only the treatments related to PMT are reported here.
4. Results
This section presents a brief discussion of the socio-demographic
profile of participants in the sample, including the possible impact of
dropouts (i.e. people who began the experiment but did not complete it)
on the final sample. Following this, the section analyses the effects of
the different treatments using an ANCOVA model.
4.1. Sample profile
The final sample of participants in the experiment was re-
presentative regarding sex and age of the national population that had
bought goods or services online in the last 12 months. These quotas,
different for each country, were applied equally to the four treatment
groups in each country. In the total sample, 50.3% of the participants
were women and the mean age was 40.8 years. The educational level
and employment status of the participants are shown in Table 1.
The sample consisted of participants who volunteered to complete
the online experiment. In this context, the number of dropouts merited
close attention, as it could have affected the results of the experiment.
Naturally, given data protection and consent practices, no information
is available on dropout demographics immediately following the in-
vitation to participate in the experiment (as there was no consent to
collect data). However, it is worth noting that dropouts at this point
could not reflect any effect of treatment as participants did not yet fully
understand the nature of the experiment. Our analysis of dropouts dealt
with three subsequent stages of the experiment, the most critical point
being the moment when the warning message was shown (21.8% of the
dropouts). Dropouts were also significant at the sign-up stage, where
(mock) payment data were required (13.1%) and at the presentation of
instructions on how to proceed with the mock online purchase (11.2%).
In other words, the main triggers of dropouts were the messages in-
creasing the awareness of cybersecurity problems and those points in
the experiment where participants were interacting with a mock e-
commerce site, which they may have mistrusted. The percentage of
dropouts varied from country to country, from the minimum level in
Spain (49.8%) up to the maximum level in the UK (73.2%). The
dropouts in Poland, Sweden and Germany were 66.6%, 66.9% and
72.9%, respectively.
Warning messages about cyber-security threats may have dissuaded
people from continuing with the experiment instead of increasing the
security of their online behavior, but here the dropouts according to
treatments is interesting.
The threat appeal led to the largest number of dropouts (65.3%),
followed by the coping + threat combination (61.4%) and the coping
The six security criteria for the password are: non-inclusion of the user name
as part of the password; length of at least 8 characters; and inclusion of at least
two lower-case, upper-case, numerical, and special characters, respectively.
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
message (61.5%). The control condition showed a dropout rate of
58.2%. The difference between the threat appeal and the control con-
dition is significant (t= 2.29, p< 0.05), but not so the differences
between the other two treatment groups and the control. In the light of
these results, we controlled for the possibility that dropouts led to a
biased sample: i.e. those participants who were most affected by the
warning messages might have dropped out, leaving the more resilient
or blasé individuals to complete the experiment. We checked this by
analyzing the risk appetite of both groups (using the DOSPERT scale).
Using a t-test, we compared (a) drop-outs with (b) subjects completing
the experiments, without the assumption of equality of variances for
each item between both groups. In the control group, we detected no
difference in DOSPERT scores between dropouts and non-dropouts (p-
value = 0.251). However, we observed differences between these
groups in the other three treatments (p-value = 0.003, 0.043 and 0.004
for threat, coping and coping + threat treatments, respectively).
The results suggest that notifications had an impact on the type of
person who dropped out: the more risk-averse tended to drop out fol-
lowing the warning, while the more risk-seeking tended to stay. To
control for this effect in subsequent analyses, DOSPERT scores were
included as variables in the model testing the effect of warning mes-
sages on behavior.
4.2. Effects of the treatments on the main outcome measure
The calculated probability of suffering a cyberattack differed across
treatment groups, being highest in the control group and lowest in the
coping message and coping + threat combination groups (Table 2 and
Fig. 2). Table A3 in Appendix A breaks down the effect of the treat-
ments on the different behaviors that determined the probability of
suffering a cyberattack. By performing an a priori hypothesis test
(specifically a Kruskal-Wallis test that can be considered a non-para-
metric version of ANOVA), we can reject the null hypothesis that the
median of the probability of suffering an attack is identical in the four
experimental conditions. The test statistic, which is distributed as a Chi
square with 3 degrees of freedom, is 72.63 with a p-value smaller than
Since probabilities are continuous variables, the most appropriate
method to estimate the effect of the notifications is an analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA). The application of an ANCOVA model requires
some statistical assumptions: the sample size for the control and the
treatment groups needs to be similar (balanced samples), the sampling
distribution of the mean of the dependent variable has to be normal
(normality assumption), and its variance has to be the same among the
four experimental conditions. As shown in Table 2, the sample sizes are
almost identical in the four experimental conditions. On the other hand,
the Central Limit Theorem states that given random and independent
samples of N observations each, the distribution of sample means ap-
proaches normality as the size of N increases, regardless of the shape of
the population. Given the size of the total sample (2024 cases), we use
this asymptotic property to assume normality, although this is a lim-
itation of the model since our data have been obtained by quota sam-
pling. Hypothesis testing is not an adequate tool to use to assess the
validity of the assumption of equality of variances among experimental
treatments. If the sample size is small, they have no power to detect any
variance differences, even if the variance differences are large. If the
sample size is large (as in this case), tests have enough power to detect
even the most trivial deviations from equal variance, and the null hy-
pothesis of equal variance will be rejected. This situation is observed in
our case: Table 2 shows that the standard deviations in the control and
in each of the three treatments are similar, although the Levene test for
equality of variances rejects the null hypothesis of equality of variance
among the different experimental conditions (F= 3.08, P-
value = 0.00).
We estimated a first ANCOVA model with (i) the probability of
suffering a cyberattack as the dependent variable; (ii) the three PMT
treatments (coping message, threat appeal and coping + threat com-
bination) as independent variables and the control condition as a
baseline; (iii) age, sex, risk aversion and country as independent control
variables; and (iv) the interactions between control and treatments
included. This first ANCOVA showed no significant impact of sex.
Moreover, the model presented no significant interaction between the
control variables and treatments, showing that the effect of the treat-
ments do not depend on the age, sex, risk aversion or country of re-
sidence of participants. We eliminated these non-significant variables
and conducted a final ANCOVA (Table 4). This final model can explain
the probability of cyberattack (F-statistic = 14.09 with a p-
value < 0.001) and can be applied to analyze the effects of the treat-
ments. Table 3 presents the detailed Analysis of Variance of the final
model. This table shows the results of the tests of the impact of country,
age and risk attitude, as well as the impact of the experimental treat-
ments. The results of the corresponding F-tests (P-values ≤ 0.001)
suggests all these factors are significant and should be considered in the
model. As discussed before, the size of the sample is large, which makes
the statistical test prone to reject the null hypotheses. To provide a
clearer view of the actual explanation level provided by each variable,
Table 3 also presents the values of the variance explained by each
variable (η
The estimation of the final model is presented in Table 4. As shown
by the corresponding statistical test (p-value < 0.001), all experimental
treatments had a significant impact on participants' behavior, reducing
their probability of suffering a cyberattack. Again, due to the large
sample size, it is convenient to state not only the p-value, but also in-
formation on the actual values of the effects of the treatments on the
probability of suffering the cyberattack. This information is provided by
the estimated values of the coefficients in Table 4, which shows that
cyberattack probability is reduced by 6.32% (coping message), 3.12%
(threat appeal) and 6.51% (coping + threat message), respectively.
Research hypotheses 1 to 3 are supported by our data.
Post-hoc analysis with a Tukey test compared the difference in
probability of suffering a cyberattack between pairs of experimental
groups. Fig. 3 presents the confidence intervals for these differences (if
zero is included in a given interval, the average probability was the
same, at a 95% confidence level). There was a difference between all
treatment groups and the control group, between the coping message
and the threat appeal, and between the coping + threat combination
and the threat appeal. However, there was no difference between the
Table 1
Education level and employment status of participants.
Education level % Employment status %
No studies 0.35 Self-employed 8.16
Primary or lower secondary
12.51 Employed by a public or
private institution
Upper secondary education and post-
secondary, non-tertiary
40.84 Unemployed 9.11
Bachelor degree or equivalent 33.95 Homemaker 4.63
Postgraduate degree 12.35 Student 10.35
Disabled 4.13
Retired 9.51
Other 0.6
Table 2
Mean and standard deviation of the probability of suffering a cyberattack by
treatment group (%).
Group Sample size Mean Standard deviation
Control 507 34.41 13.33
Coping message 505 28.11 15.33
Threat appeal 504 31.44 12.32
Coping + threat combination 508 28.03 14.54
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
coping message and the coping + threat combination.
In other words, treatments including a coping message worked
better than a threat appeal; it was more effective to tell subjects how to
effectively manage the probability of suffering a cyberattack than to
threaten them with the consequences of not behaving safely. Viewed
differently, a coping message was effective and the addition of a threat
appeal did not significantly increase its effectiveness (Table 2). On the
other hand, although the threat appeal on its own was effective, the
addition of a coping message significantly increased its effectiveness.
In addition to the experimental groups, the ANCOVA model in-
cluded three control variables for subject's profile: age, attitude to risk
and country (Table 4). Age had a significant and negative impact on the
probability of suffering a cyberattack: the older the participant, the
more securely he or she navigated through the mock purchasing pro-
cess. This does not necessarily indicate a linear relationship and could
of course be due to the riskier internet behaviors of younger adults.
Indeed the relationship between age and cybersecurity is highly com-
plex. For example, older adults are more vulnerable than younger
adults to certain types of phishing attack, but less vulnerable to others
(Oliveira et al., 2017). Both younger and older adults are likely to
modify their purchasing security behaviors following a warning of some
kind but older adults are particularly affected by trust violations
(Chakraborty et al., 2016). The effect of age is also likely to be mod-
erated by e-commerce experience, as age effects do not tend to emerge
with very experienced e-shoppers (Hernández et al., 2011). Risk atti-
tude, measured with the DOSPERT scale, had a significant and positive
impact on the probability of suffering a cyberattack. The more risk-
seeking the participant, the higher was his or her probability of suf-
fering a cyberattack.
Finally, about country, the probability of suffering a cyberattack
was significantly lower for participants in Sweden and UK than in Spain
(taken as the baseline). A Tukey test also looked at the differences
between other pairs of countries: they are confirmed for the UK and
Spain, the UK and Poland and, to a lower extent, between Sweden and
Poland and Sweden and Spain (Fig. 4).
5. Discussion and conclusion
Our first and clearest finding is that those participants exposed to a
coping message, either in isolation or in combination with a threat
appeal, behaved more securely than participants in the control condi-
tion. In other words, the most successful interventions simply involved
telling our participants what effective actions to take to protect them-
selves online. This emphasis on protective coping behaviors is inter-
esting given Schillair et al.'s (2015) observation that the PMT literature
has spawned a significant number of studies in relation to the pre-
sentation of threat appeals, but that insufficient attention has been
given to changing coping appraisals. In taking this argument forward,
Burns et al. (2017, p. 193) have claimed that 'security conceptualiza-
tions have largely ignored positive coping, such as self-efficacy, and
have focused on security motivation purely in terms of fear appeals'.
In the Burns et al. (2017) paper, organizational employees learned
how to protect themselves online and then answered a multi-compo-
nent questionnaire designed to identify the predictors of their intention
Fig. 2. Box-plot of the probability of suffering a cyberattack by experimental group (%).
Table 3
Analysis of Variance of the final model.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) η
Country 4 4854.00 1213.50 6.40 0.000 0.01
Age 1 2738.80 2738.80 14.44 0.000 0.01
Risk 1 2012.52 2012.52 10.61 0.001 0.01
Treatment 3 14,455.59 4818.53 25.40 0.000 0.04
Residuals 2014 382,055.05 189.70
Table 4
Estimated coefficients of the final model.
Estimate Std. Error tvalue Pr(> |t|)
(Intercept) 33.55 2.05 16.31 0.000
Germany −1.18 0.97 −1.20 0.227
Poland 0.05 0.96 0.05 0.952
Sweden −2.59 0.97 −2.66 0.007
UK −2.81 0.98 −2.85 0.004
Age −0.06 0.02 −3.11 0.001
Risk 2.02 0.59 3.40 0.000
Coping −6.32 0.86 −7.30 0.000
Threat −3.12 0.86 −3.60 0.000
Copying + threat −6.51 0.86 −7.53 0.000
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
to engage in those protective behaviors. The authors found the coping
elements of PMT were more influential than the threat appeals in
predicting intention to engage in protective behaviors. In another recent
paper exploring security behaviors in the home environment,
Hanus and Wu (2016) found again that two of the coping appraisal
elements of PMT (self-efficacy and response-efficacy) were significant
predictors of reported security behavior, while the threat elements
(perceived severity and perceived vulnerability) did not predict secure
behavior. We should note, however, that both of these studies were
based upon survey data, while our study is the first to demonstrate the
primacy of coping interventions in a study that captures observed be-
Some limitations apply to this study. For one, the observed behavior
took place in an experimental setting, where participants were asked to
navigate safely through and mock online shopping exercise. While the
experiment was incentivised, it did not capture the actual behavior of
someone dealing with an online threat, which might exhibit different
characteristics. The experiment was also conducted online, which
means the environment was less controlled than in a lab. For example,
participants could have been distracted by background noise or influ-
enced by the presence of other people in the room. This means that
other factors, apart from the manipulated variables, could have had a
bearing on behavior. Other limitations are a consequence of applying
the ANCOVA model in our analysis. ANCOVA models assume that the
dependent variable is continuous, normally distributed and homo-
scedastic. As discussed in Section 3, our dependent variable is con-
strained to 2.5% increments and cannot take all possible real values.
Moreover, although normality is claimed as consequence of the central
limit theorem for random sample, the ANCOVA model has been applied
to data obtained by quota sampling. As regards homoscedasticity, al-
though the standard deviation of the dependent variable is similar in
the four experimental conditions, the Leven test rejects the null hy-
pothesis of the variance being identical in the four groups. Finally, the
variance explained by the different independent variables in the model
(eta squared) is low and the reliability of the dependent variable of the
model is unknown.
Fig. 3. Confidence intervals for the difference of the average probabilities of suffering a cyberattack between pairs of experimental groups (confidence level: 95%).
Fig. 4. Confidence intervals for the difference of the average probabilities of suffering a cyberattack between each pair of countries of residence (confidence level
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
We can turn to the wider psychological literature on PMT and as-
sociated models in order to make sense of this study's findings. Firstly,
as noted, the literature so far has predominantly focussed on fear ap-
peals and secondly, we should note that the bulk of the literature has
focussed upon health interventions (e.g. attempts to promote smoking
cessation or improve diet). However, even in this health literature,
there has been a growing recognition that fear appeals made in isolation
are of limited value in securing behavior change. A meta-analysis of the
efficacy of fear appeals (Witte and Allen, 2000) concluded that strong
fear appeals work only when accompanied by equally strong efficacy
messages. They recommended that any intervention must ensure that
target populations understand how to perform a recommended re-
In a review of over sixty years of fear appeals research in the health
domain that includes six meta-analyses, Ruiter et al. (2014) concluded
that fear appeals made in isolation can often be counter-productive. In
large part, this is because fear appeals produce defensive responding,
particularly in those sectors of the population who are most vulnerable.
People may engage in risk denial, biased information processing or
simply refuse to attend to the fearful messages, because the threat
makes them feel uncomfortable and they have no coping mechanism to
know how to deal with that threat.
This assertion is interesting and is somewhat supported by the
dropout pattern in our own study. We could argue that dropouts fol-
lowing exposure to the warning message could be taken as a measure of
defensive responding (i.e. that dropout is, itself, a useful measure in
that it represents a genuine defensive reaction to a security threat). In
our data, the dropout was highest following the threat appeal. In other
words, while the coping message was effective in equipping partici-
pants with the know-how to deal with a security threat, the threat
appeal may simply have scared them away. We would argue that fur-
ther work around this issue would be useful to understand the extent to
which dropout might be a viable dependent measure in studies such as
Our study offers some findings relating to socio-demographic
characteristics. With regard to risk attitudes (as measured by the
DOSPERT scale), the study finds that people with a greater appetite for
risk navigated less securely than those who were more risk-averse.
Moreover, a comparison of risk attitudes between dropouts and non-
dropouts revealed significant differences, but only among those in the
treatment groups. In other words, those participants who were dis-
suaded to continue in the experiment by the security notifications
tended to be more risk averse than those who continued. While these
results are not particularly counterintuitive, they do highlight the re-
levance of risk attitudes in the study of security behavior, and confirms
the utility of the DOSPERT scale for these purposes.
With regard to age, we found that older participants navigated more
safely. This is a contribution to the debate on the role of age in online
behavior. The literature would seem to suggest that, either because of
difficulties in processing information, lack of appropriate social net-
works, or simply lack of interest, older people would navigate less se-
curely (Esposito et al., 2017; Lunn and Lyons, 2010; Monsuwé et al.,
2004; Venkatesh and Morris, 2000). Our results, however, show the
opposite. No interaction between age and the treatments were found,
showing that the effect of the treatments is not affected by the age of
the subjects. However we were unable to test whether our age effects
reflected e-commerce experience. It may be possible that older adults
were less experienced e-commerce users and took greater care as a
The analysis of socio-demographics also yields a case of 'the dog that
did not bark'. Education is expected to be relevant in studies such as this
one. More educated people should be better equipped to handle the
decisions inherent to secure online behavior, as they are less appre-
hensive about handling a computer (Igbaria and Parsuraman, 1989)
and are better able to learn when dealing with sophisticated systems
(Bower and Hilgard, 1981). However, education showed no effect. The
implication for policy is that 'more education' is not necessarily the
answer to unsecure behavior. Rather, it is about providing users with
the specific knowledge, at the right point in time, needed to carry out a
Finally, regarding the effects of country, participants in Poland and
Spain behaved less securely than participants in Sweden and the UK.
The underlying reasons for this divergence are not clear. However, this
finding is fully consistent with international reports of cybersecurity
preparedness at the national level and can be seen as a validation of our
methodology. For example, a report by CompariTech on EU countries
with the lowest and highest malware infection rates showed Sweden
and the UK in the top ten (most secure) and Poland at the bottom (least
Our findings highlight the way that individual decision-
making strategies differ across countries, and suggest the need to adopt
a multi-national approach in studies such as this one, especially if the
aim is to produce policy options that are generalizable across contexts.
In summary, messages that contain ‘coping’ information that sup-
port the user in taking action against cybersecurity threat are most
effective in improving secure behaviors. Threat messages, presented in
isolation, are more likely to lead to a defensive or avoidant response
(dropout in our study). This pattern is consistent across countries and
across different user profiles. There are communication and policy
implications arising from this finding. We should recognize that the
‘fear’ message is the one most typically propagated via the popular
media and workplace campaigns. Thus we are told on an almost daily
basis that we are under attack, that data has been lost, that ransomware
is on the increase, but such information is usually accompanied by
bland and often unhelpful ‘coping’ information exhorting us to ‘stay
safe online’. Yet we have shown that stronger coping messages are
much more likely to bring about secure behavior change - a finding in
keeping with survey data on behavioral intentions (Tsai et al., 2016;
Jansen and van Schaik, 2017).
We need to focus more attention on the ways that coping messages
are promoted and recognise that, as it currently stands, people are
rarely given simple, consistent information about how to deal with a
cyber-threat and often don't know which source to trust (Shillair and
Meng, 2017). This situation is particularly frustrating, given the ob-
servation by Shillair et al. (2015, p. 206) that coping interventions
would be particularly useful when prior knowledge of protective mea-
sures is weak – which is often the case in relation to protective cyber-
security behavior.
In future work, we could explore more carefully the knowledge gap
on appropriate behaviors to take and assess the efficacy of different
coping messages on those with different levels of cybersecurity literacy.
This would demand a more careful application of PMT in order to un-
derstand the way that interventions could target self-efficacy and re-
sponse-efficacy knowledge and beliefs, but it would also give us more
information about the ways in which small behavioral nudges might
produce larger security effects. We would also wish to look more
carefully at dropout rates across a range of cybersecurity experiments as
these are often overlooked but could be considered an important metric
for understanding threat avoidance.
Declarations of interest
We are grateful to Néstor Duch-Brown, Ioannis Maghiros and
Patricia Farrer for their help and support. The study was part of the
European Commission's project Behavioural Insights on Cybersecurity
(JRC/SVQ/2014/J.3/0039/RC-AMI). The views expressed in this
R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
article are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances
be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.11.003.
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R. van Bavel et al. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 123 (2019) 29–39
... The PLS-SEM model confirmed that both formative indicators contribute substantially to the Threat Appraisal construct, corroborating their vital roles in shaping citizens' perceptions of cyber risk [78,79]. Similarly, coping appraisal was assessed through two formative constructs: Self-Belief in Security Measures [80] and Perceived Countermeasure Efficiency [81]. The PLS-SEM analysis demonstrated that these constructs significantly contribute to the overall Coping Appraisal construct, consistent with theoretical frameworks such as Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) [47,82]. ...
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This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the psychological and technical factors that influence citizen engagement in e-governance systems in Bangladesh, with implications for policy development and future research. This study employs a cross-sectional research design to investigate citizens’ engagement with cybersecurity measures in the context of cybersecurity and trust in Bangladesh. The study focuses on the interplay between perceived threat magnitude, perceived exposure risk, and citizens’ perceptions on various dimensions of cybersecurity, such as technical security attributes, user-friendly security, and security system efficiency. The analysis reveals that Threat Appraisal plays a pivotal role in influencing Technical Security Attributes, User-Friendly Security, and Benevolence. Moreover, Perceived Technical Competency, Security System Efficiency, E-Gov Integrity, Tech Adoption & Policy Adherence of citizens, and Trust are key determinants in shaping citizens’ cybersecurity attitudes and behaviors, especially in contexts like Bangladesh, which are at the cusp of digital transformations. The integrated theoretical framework developed in this study offers a multitude of practical implications that could significantly influence both the development and implementation of cyber security systems, particularly in situations like Bangladesh.
... As a result, nudges are no longer restricted to theoretical discussions; they are now employed in practice to influence individuals' behaviors within political and economic decision-making processes. Accordingly, nudging has been utilized to promote positive behaviors in previous literature in several contexts such as electric vehicle adoption (Zhang et al., 2022), security-related behavior adoption (Van Bavel et al., 2019), and recycling behavior adoption (Lakshmi, Nguyen, Mazhikeyev, Hack-Polay, & Anafievna, 2022). Driven by the importance of nudging techniques, several governments have established particular units to deploy the concepts of nudging in their strategies (Halpern, 2015). ...
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Nudges are approaches that direct individuals to perform particular courses of action to meet a pre-determined goal, without coercion. Previous literature has explored the design of nudge and its impact on users’ behavior in several domains and contexts. Still, scarce and fragmented knowledge about the design approaches, ethical considerations, and theoretical grounds have been presented by previous literature. Hence, this study aims to investigate the literature through bibliometric analysis and a narrative review of the nudging techniques and their impact on social behavior with an emphasis on the application domains, nudge designs, ethical considerations, and theoretical grounds. Focusing on nudge design and impact, we scan the landscape of the research in the area through bibliometric analysis and narrative review approaches. We searched for papers that included keywords related to nudges from the Scopus database and analyzed them using a bibliometric-based approach. Several diagrams that visualize the terms of the studies, sources, citations, and thematic trends were presented. The research provides several insights for researchers in terms of the design of the nudge, the theoretical grounds, ethical considerations, and the application domains of nudging.
Conference Paper
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Knowledge about threats and countermeasures is essential for ad- equate protection in digital societies. Three government agencies from Germany (Federal Office for Information Security, BSI), the United Kingdom (National Cyber Security Centre, NCSC), and the United States (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, CISA) all have the legal mandate to inform the public about threats and countermeasures. However, no systematic analysis of their communication strategies has been conducted. To close this gap, we conducted an exploratory content analysis. We developed a LinkedIn crawler to download all posts from the three government agencies in 2023. Based on this data set, we did a high-level ex- ploratory analysis of 2,410 posts. We analyzed length, engagement (i.e., number of likes, shares, comments), and media types used as attachments. Afterwards, for March, 188 posts were analyzed using the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) as a theoretical, analytical framework for risk communication. We find that the NCSC used PMT elements the most and managed to do so while posting the shortest posts in comparison. We furthermore identified thematic differences between the authorities. For example, the NCSC most frequently publishes information on cybersecurity risks without a current reason, while the BSI, like the CISA, frequently communi- cates on (scientific) publications apart from its self-marketing.
The concept of misleading information categorized as misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information among others is receiving much attention, as it is seen to have detrimental consequences on the organizations’ reputation and going concerns. Corporations face more challenges in honing responses to combat these cyber threats as there are still significant differences in the proposed governance solutions and a lack of empirical research investigating the most prevalent ones to fight these growing risks. Grounded on protection motivation theory, empirical evidence, and the data collected from the Statistics Canada Open Sources Database, this paper investigates the appropriateness of governance solutions that corporations contemplate in managing these cybersecurity risks. Our results show that governance solutions related to increasing online presence and customer outreach explained 52% of overall solutions contemplated by corporations to fight these cyber threats. The results also revealed that organizations ranked governance solutions associated with employee training, new increase cybersecurity measures, marketing campaigns, legal action, political advocacy, and reporting to external parties as the most adopted solutions to combat false or misleading information. Overall, our paper contributes to a growing disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information literature in business environments by providing empirical evidence on key governance solutions favored by corporations to combat misleading information.
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In Nigeria, widespread security breaches have been systematically destroying human lives and property for decades. On January 9, 2020, the governors of Nigeria's six southwest states launched Operation Amotekun, commonly known as Amotekun, in response to the ongoing security infractions in the southwest geopolitical zone. Amotekun, a regional self-help security initiative, aims to assist the federal government in addressing security challenges through local enforcement. Since its launch, Amotekun has generated research and media interest. In particular, mainstream media and social media sites like X (previously Twitter) have a significant influence on the sentiments that are trending around security. It is unclear, though, what public perspectives exist about Amotekun on social media. This study explores public sentiments regarding Amotekun through the prism of neorealism. 153,300 unique tweets were collected from X users that matched the keyword #Amotekun and cleaned to remove redundancies and repetitions. The data were analysed using the NLTK libraries. Findings reveal that public sentiment towards Amotekun was predominantly positive, with 69,894 (45%) tweets, followed by negative tweets at 48,925 (32%), and the least, 36,212 (23%), tweets representing neutral sentiments. These findings indicate a general approval of the initiative, suggesting its acceptance among the public. The study contributes to the understanding of self-help security initiatives and their impact on public sentiments, highlighting the broader implications for regional security policies.
We draw on the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to design interventions that encourage users to change breached passwords. Our online experiment ( n =1,386) compared the effectiveness of a threat appeal (highlighting the negative consequences after passwords were breached) and a coping appeal (providing instructions on changing the breached password) in a 2×2 factorial design. Compared to the control condition, participants receiving the threat appeal were more likely to intend to change their passwords, and participants receiving both appeals were more likely to end up changing their passwords. Participants’ password change behaviors are further associated with other factors, such as their security attitudes (SA-6) and time passed since the breach, suggesting that PMT-based interventions are useful but insufficient to fully motivate users to change their passwords. Our study contributes to PMT’s application in security research and provides concrete design implications for improving compromised credential notifications.
Email is frequently the attack vector of choice for hackers and is a large concern for campus IT organizations. This paper attempts to gain insight into what drives the email security behaviors of students, faculty, and staff at one midwestern public, master’s granting university. The survey relies on the health belief model as its theoretical basis and measures eight constructs including email security behavior, perceived barriers to practice, self-efficacy, cues to action, prior security experience, perceived vulnerability, perceived benefits, and perceived severity. Barriers to practice, self-efficacy, vulnerability, benefits, and prior experience variables were found to be significant determinants of self-reported email security behaviors. Additional discussion of results based on subgroups of the respondents and interaction models is included in this paper. The findings of this study may help shed light on how universities can better prepare students, faculty, and staff to handle this critical information security concern. Given the makeup of the subject population, some findings may be applicable to businesses beyond academic institutions.
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In this paper, we correlate human characteristics with cyber security behavior intentions. While previous papers have identified correlations between certain human traits and specific cyber security behavior intentions, we present a comprehensive study that examines how risk-taking preferences, decision-making styles, demographics, and personality traits influence the security behavior intentions of device securement, password generation, proactive awareness, and updating. To validate and expand the work of Egelman and Peer, we conducted a survey of 369 students, faculty, and staff at a large public university and found that individual differences accounted for 5%–23% of the variance in cyber security behavior intentions. Characteristics such as financial risk-taking, rational decision-making, extraversion, and gender were found to be significant unique predictors of good security behaviors. Our study revealed both validations and contradictions of related work in addition to finding previously unreported correlations. We motivate the importance of studies such as ours by demonstrating how the influence of individual differences on security behavior intentions can be environment-specific. Thus, some security decisions should also depend on the environment.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to compare three social cognitive models in their ability to explain intentions of precautionary online behaviour. The models are: protection motivation theory (PMT), the reasoned action approach (RAA) and an integrated model comprising variables of these models. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 1,200 Dutch users of online banking by means of an online survey and analysed using partial least squares path modelling method. Findings The two models equally explain about much of the variance in precautionary online behaviour; in the integrated model, the significant predictors of the two models remained significant. Precautionary online behaviour is largely driven by response efficacy, attitude towards behaviour and self-efficacy. Research limitations/implications One limitation is that the predictor variables – “self-efficacy” and “attitude” – are represented by one item only in the path-analysis because of high cross-loadings of the other items with the dependent variable. Practical implications The results give practitioners a potentially wider range of options to design preventative measures. Originality/value The three models are successfully applied to online banking. This paper concludes that both PMT and RAA make a unique contribution in explaining variance for precautionary online behaviour. This paper is a re-publication of a previous conference paper (Jansen and van Schaik, 2016).
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Ensuring safe and satisfactory online shopping activity, especially among vulnerable consumers such as elderly and less educated citizens, is part of a larger set of consumer policy objectives seeking to strengthen trust in the electronic marketplace. This article contributes to that goal by testing the effectiveness of nudges intended to prevent the purchase of 'incompatible' digital products (i.e., those which cannot be used with the devices owned by consumers or the systems they operate). We ran a computerised lab experiment (n = 626) examining three types of nudges, the effects of age and education, and interaction effects between these variables and the nudges. Results show that emotive warning messages and placing incompatibility information at the checkout page rather than earlier in the purchasing process were effective in reducing the purchase of incompatible goods. Age was also a relevant factor: older participants were more likely to purchase incompatible goods. In addition, there was an interaction effect between all nudges and age: two nudges exacerbated the effect of age, while another mitigated it. These results suggest nudges can be an effective policy tool, confirm a generational gap in online behaviour, and highlight how nudges can moderate the effect of socio-demographic variables.
A great deal of research has been devoted to the exploration and categorization of threats posed from malicious attacks from current employees who are disgruntled with the organisation, or are motivated by financial gain. These so-called "insider threats" pose a growing menace to information security, but given the right mechanisms, they have the potential to be detected and caught. In contrast, human factors related to aspects of poor planning, lack of attention to detail, and ignorance are linked to the rise of the accidental or unintentional insider. In this instance there is no malicious intent and no prior planning for their "attack," but their actions can be equally as damaging and disruptive to the organisation. This chapter presents an exploration of fundamental human factors that could contribute to an individual becoming an unintentional threat. Furthermore, key frameworks for designing mitigations for such threats are also presented, alongside suggestions for future research in this area.
Conference Paper
Users do often not behave securely when using information technology. Many studies have tried to identify the factors of behavioural theories which can increase secure behaviour. The goal of this work is to identify which of the factors are reliably associated with secure behaviour across multiple studies. Those factors are of interest to information security professionals since addressing them in security awareness and education campaigns can help improving security related processes of users. To attain our goal, we conducted a systematic literature review and assessed the reliability of the factors based on the effect sizes reported in the literature. Our results indicate that 11 out of the 14 factors from well established behavioural theories can be associated with reliable effects in the information security context. These factors cover very different aspects: influence of the users skills, whether the environment makes it possible to exhibit secure behaviour, the influence of friends or co-workers, and the perceived properties of the secure behaviour (e.g. response cost). Also, we identify areas, where more studies are needed to increase the confidence of the factors' reliability assessment.
Conference Paper
Spear phishing emails are key in many cyber attacks. Successful emails employ psychological weapons of influence and relevant life domains. This paper investigates spear phishing susceptibility as a function of Internet user age (old vs young), weapon of influence, and life domain. A 21-day study was conducted with 158 participants (younger and older Internet users). Data collection took place at the participants' homes to increase ecological validity. Our results show that older women were the most vulnerable group to phishing attacks. While younger adults were most susceptible to scarcity, older adults were most susceptible to reciprocation. Further, there was a discrepancy, particularly among older users, between self-reported susceptibility awareness and their behavior during the intervention. Our results show the need for demographic personalization for warnings, training and educational tools in targeting the specifics of the older adult population.
This study suggests that average users don't recognize the danger of connecting unknown peripherals to a computer, underscoring the continued risk posed by USB drives. Steps organizations can take to safeguard against USB-based attacks are discussed.