
An Empirical Examination of the Structural Antecedents of Attitude toward the Ad in an Advertising Pretesting Context

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Recent research has identified attitude toward the ad (AAd) as an important construct mediating the effects of advertising on brand attitude and purchase intention. To date, however, little attention has been directed toward explaining the origins of AAd. The authors present the latest version of a theory of AAd formation, report the results of an empirical test of a portion of that theory, and offer further refinements to the theory based on the observed results. Implications of the findings for advertising practice are discussed.

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... This water utility is concerned to improve the well-being of society CASR3 This water utility behaves responsibly regarding the environment Perceived crisis response (MacKenzie and Lutz, 1989) PCR1 ...
Purpose Responsible management of water resources is critical owing to its effects on the environment and society. This study aims to address customer perceptions of a water utility during a severe environmental crisis that affected northern Italy and aims to deepen the understanding of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR), perceived crisis response and corporate reputation. Design/methodology/approach This study draws on legitimacy theory and attribution theory, adopting a quantitative design. In detail, a moderated mediation model is used to investigate the direct effect of CSR on reputation, the mediating effect of perceived crisis response on the relationship between CSR and reputation and the moderating effect of blame attribution on the relationship between CSR and perceived crisis response. In addition, the evolution of the crisis event and its management is traced through the analysis of the water utilities’ sustainability reports published since the beginning of the crisis. Findings The findings show that CSR affects corporate reputation directly and via perceived crisis response. In addition, CSR improves perceived crisis response, especially when an organization is held responsible for a crisis. The analysis of the CSR report allows for understanding the evolution of CSR policies of water utilities, shifting attention from a merely informative role of sustainability disclosure to a more comprehensive approach to perfluoroalkyl substances risks in the struggle of contributing to sustainable development. Theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed. Practical implications The findings suggest some managerial implications about the usefulness of adopting CSR for crisis management and, furthermore, the importance of communicating CSR policies to all stakeholders overall – the customers of public utilities. Originality/value This paper focuses on the relationship between CSR, reputation and blame attribution. Literature on this topic is still scarce overall in the field of public utilities. Furthermore, this study is relevant because it faces one of the major European environmental crises that affected the water sector and provides helpful insights for all public utility sectors and, more generally, for environmental crisis management.
... Attitude toward advertising is a disposition that users gradually develop by learning the advantages and disadvantages that ads provide them [37]. Ads in online videos can be considered advantageous when perceived as entertaining, informative, credible, and personalized [33,38], or disadvantageous when perceived as intrusive, excessive, or irritating [39,40]. ...
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Subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) platforms face high churn rates and substantial revenue losses from SVOD content piracy, all of which limit their ability to invest in acquiring/creating content compelling enough to win and retain subscribers. Based on social exchange theory, this study argues that platforms can improve relationships with SVOD content users by offering tiered discounts in exchange for advertising/loyalty and by promoting anti-piracy messages with a prosocial (threatening) approach that emphasizes harm to filmmakers (punishment for pirates). We hypothesize that these incentives enhance subscription intention when the incentive specifications (advertising levels, loyalty levels, message approach, and message credibility) match the public’s heterogeneous dispositions (advertising attitude, loyalty attitude, justice sensitivity, and fear of punishment). In a survey on the intention to subscribe to a hypothetical new platform, we confirmed the hypothesized interactions for advertising-based discounts, loyalty-based discounts, and prosocial messages, but did not find support for threatening messages. Further exploration showed that the evaluation of platform content was much more influential than any other incentive and that tiered loyalty discounts had a remarkable capacity to enhance subscription intention. This study’s findings may help shape incentives that are more satisfying to users and ultimately more profitable for platforms.
... Afterwards, participants rated their attitudes towards the corporate, measured by using three semantic differential scales: good/bad (1 = bad, 7 = good), pleasant/ unpleasant (1 = unpleasant, 7 = pleasant), and favorable/unfavorable (1 = unfavorable, 7 = favorable) [51]. Next, participants had to answer whether they agree with the three statements related to purchase intention (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree) [52]. ...
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With the increasing awareness of sustainable development and the construction of a water-saving society, many Chinese enterprises, especially those with high water-consuming corporations, have begun to pay attention to water-saving management. This study employs a scenario experiment method, focusing on high water-consuming corporations, to examine the differentiated responses of consumers to both symbolic and substantive corporate water-saving behaviors. The results show that substantive water-saving behaviors significantly enhance positive consumer attitudes and purchase intentions compared to symbolic behaviors. Consumer–company identification mediates the impact of water-saving behaviors on consumer responses. Corporate abilities and water resource conditions in consumer’s location moderate this relationship. These findings underscore the market value of corporate water-saving behaviors and provide guidance for companies in developing effective water-saving practices and marketing strategies.
... Ad credibility refers to how much the consumer believes and finds the claims made about the brand in the advertisement to be trustworthy and believable (Mackenzie and Lutz 1989). Credibility is an important element in forming a positive attitude toward ads and brands (Choi and Rifon 2002), since individuals place great value on credible sources of information (Ducoffe 1995), which thereby influences the perceived value of advertising (Abbasi et al. 2021). ...
... Additionally, a set of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) questions -was initially developed by Ajzen (1991), including "Attitudes," "Subjective Norms," "Behavioral Control," and "Intentions." The original questions were revised based on later studies such as (MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989;MacKenzie et al., 1986;S. B. Yang et al., 2019;Yi et al., 2020). ...
... Smith et al. (2007) further emphasized that creativity in advertising increases the perceived value and appeal of a product, leading to more favorable consumer attitudes. With respect to informativeness in ads, MacKenzie & Lutz (1989) demonstrated that providing detailed and relevant information helps consumers make informed decisions, reduces uncertainty, and increases confidence in the product. Similarly, Ducoffe (1995) reported that informativeness in advertising enhances consumers' perceptions of the ad's value, thereby positively influencing their attitudes. ...
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China, as one of the world’s leading markets, has witnessed substantial growth in electric vehicle (EV) adoption, fueled by environmental benefits and strong government incentives. However, despite this growth, the transition from traditional internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs has been relatively slow, particularly among domestically produced Chinese brands. This study aims to analyze this marketing issue by investigating the impact of advertising on Chinese consumers’ intentions to test drive indigenous EVs—a crucial yet often overlooked step in the consumer decision-making process. The research focuses on three key advertising elements: creativity, informativeness, and emotional appeal, and examines their influence on consumer attitudes toward test driving EVs. By employing the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the theoretical framework, the study explores how these advertising components directly shape consumer attitudes and drive their intention to test drive EVs. Furthermore, the study delves into the moderating role of advertising literacy, utilizing Inoculation Theory to understand how consumers’ ability to critically evaluate advertisements influences their attitudes. The findings reveal that advertising plays a significant role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors. Importantly, the study also confirms that advertising literacy acts as a moderator in these effects, with more advertising-literate consumers better equipped to critically assess and respond to the persuasive elements within advertisements. The study suggests that EV companies can more effectively encourage test drives and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in China by enhancing the creativity and emotional appeal of their advertisements, while also taking into account the growing advertising literacy among consumers. By doing so, these companies can improve consumer engagement, leading to higher test drive rates and ultimately driving greater sales of domestically produced EVs.
... Therefore, consumers' attitudes toward advertising are vital for effective ad campaigns, as these attitudes shape their cognitive responses to ads, rooted in emotions and thoughts (Gardasevic et al., 2018). Research indicates that attitudes toward advertising (ATA) significantly affect advertising effectiveness, purchase intentions, and brand perceptions (Lutz, 1985;MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989). Zipporah and Mberia (2014) argue that highly credible advertising endorsers can quickly attract genuine consumers and boost purchase intentions. ...
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This study examines how commercialization and a competitive environment (CE) in sports have reshaped the role of coaches, positioning them as both athletic leaders and key influencers in marketing trends (MT) and strategies. By exploring coaches’ attitudes toward advertising (ATA), it highlights the significance of communication theory in understanding the evolving dynamics of sports marketing. Employing a quantitative survey methodology and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study investigates the complex interplay among these variables. The findings reveal significant associations between the competitive environment and coaches’ attitudes toward advertising, underscoring the importance of strategic marketing initiatives in response to competitive dynamics. Moreover, a substantial correlation is observed between marketing trends and coaches’ attitudes toward advertising, emphasizing the need for sports organizations to adapt their marketing strategies to align with current market dynamics. Additionally, the research highlights the multifaceted nature of factors influencing coaches’ attitudes toward advertising, including ethical beliefs, adherence to rules, and personal utility. These findings offer valuable insights for developing more effective advertising and marketing strategies tailored to the unique context of sports coaching, contributing to the advancement of marketing practices within the sports industry.
... According to Lee et al. (2017) advertisement through mobile is beneficial for users and build up positive users' or viewers' attitude and intention toward Ad. Viewers' attitude toward ads is an imperative fact because it is an important source for building the perception of viewers or users towards ads (MacKenzie and Lutz, 1989). Additionally, prior investigations have analysed that users' attitudes toward skippable advertisements and intentions have positive relation towards each other (Duroy et al., 2018). ...
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Research in the field of online advertising has focused on the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes and intentions to purchase. However, little is known regarding the crucial role of viewer’s control in terms of the ‘skip ad option’ towards the attitude to purchase. This research aims to investigate the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes to purchasing with the moderating role of viewer control. Primary data was collected from respondents of Vehari district of Pakistan through a questionnaire based on 5 points Likert scale. 370 questionnaires were incorporated after excluding the questionnaires having missing values. Structural equation modelling was used through SmartPLS-3 software in testing the hypotheses. The findings reveal that, in-stream (emotional, informational, and entertaining) ads have positive impact on viewers’ attitudes, and viewers’ control moderates the relationship between in-stream ads and viewers’ attitudes towards the ads. Further, viewers’ attitude toward the ads has a significant positive impact on viewers’ intention to purchase. To the best of our knowledge this is one of the first studies that examines the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes to purchasing with the moderating role of viewer control in the context of a developing country, like Pakistan.
... Attitudes towards the product (Att P ). Three seven-point semantic differential scales were used to measure attitude toward the product: negative/positive, bad/good, and unfavorable/favorable (Coulter & Punj, 2007;MacKenzie & Lutz, 1989;Muehling, 1987). ...
This study investigates the impact of visual branding cues on consumer responses in the cannabis market. Visual communication plays a critical role in shaping consumer behavior and perception. However, limited research exists on how consumers evaluate visual branding cues in the context of cannabis products. This study focuses on the effects of branded versus unbranded cannabis packaging for edible and inhalable products. It explores consumer product trust, product attitude, purchase intention, and willingness to pay in relation to visual branding cues. By investigating the impact of visual branding cues in the cannabis market, this study contributes new insights into the applicability of cue utilization theory and the theory of reasoned actions through this novel context.
... Researchers have investigated the role of attitude as a crucial predictor of consumer responses to advertising messages, attitudes towards a company or brand, and the formation of purchase intentions Birmingham (1969), MacKenzie et al. (1986c), Moore & Hutchinson (1983). Notably, these studies posit that attitude toward an advertisement can serve as a reliable indicator of its effectiveness MacKenzie & Lutz (1989). Furthermore, research underscores that positive reactions to advertisements are closely associated with more robust impacts, including an improved attitude toward the company or brand and a heightened likelihood of purchase Moore & Hutchinson (1983). ...
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Advertising is a potent tool for shaping societal perspectives. India has witnessed a significant transition from traditional gender stereotypes to pro-female approach in advertising in recent years. These advertisements advocating gender equality possess the potential to capture consumers by emphasising the vital role of women across diverse life domains.While television commercials are primarily meant to promote products, they increasingly portray progressive images of women and convey messages that foster liberal perceptions and acceptance of gender equality. Such representations can influence social and psychological perceptions and consumers' brand preferences. This growing affinity for gender equality, reflected in these advertisements, contributes to the broader acceptance of these principles within society.Employing the snowball sampling technique for data collection, this study was initiated with a small group of participants in select capital cities of South Indian states, who then recruited additional individuals from their social networks to take part in the survey The research investigates the evolving attitudes of Generation Z towards pro-female advertising across the capital cities of five southern Indian states: Amaravati, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Thiruvananthapuram. It evaluates shifts in attitudes and purchase intentions by employing Ostrom's ABC Model of Attitude (1969) to examine emotional, behavioural and cognitive changes resulting from exposure to pro-female advertising.
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While many brands face the after-effects of historical transgressions, prior research provides little insight into these issues. Against this backdrop, this research presents five experiments providing convergent evidence for a lingering negative effect of historical brand transgressions (HBTs) on present brand evaluation, an effect that is due to a detrimental effect of HBTs on perceptions of brand warmth. Studies 1 and 2 establish the main effect and mediation. Studies 3–5 examine mitigating effects. Study 3 checks if high institutional pressure can serve as an excuse strategy that buffers the negative effects of a transgression. Studies 4 and 5 test the mitigating effect of different response styles (recognition, apology, and/or compensation). Together, these results contribute to the business ethics and marketing literature by defining the concept of HBT and showing why it harms a current brand’s evaluation and how brands can mitigate its negative effects.
This study evaluates the role of advertising value in attitude towards advertising on social networks. The study’s proposed research model is based on the theoretical foundation of advertising value and relevant work to assess the impact of structural factors on user attitudes. The study is conducted on 230 data samples collected from social networks. Data analysis through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that credibility, informativeness, entertainment, and personalization have a positive impact on advertising value, and advertising value has a positive impact on attitude towards advertising.
Despite the significance of scandal severity in determining consumer responses to athlete scandals, a notable gap persists in the systematic understanding of perceived athlete scandal severity (PASS). The present study addresses this gap through three objectives: (a) identifying dimensions of PASS; (b) developing a multidimensional measurement scale; and (c) testing the validity of the PASS scale. Our systematic approach, which included an extensive literature review, open-ended surveys, and quantitative verification, led to the identification of eight dimensions that serve as formative indicators of the PASS scale: harm, illegality, media attention, intentionality, sport integrity-relatedness, transgression history, personal relevance, and cultural background. By developing and validating the PASS scale, this study opens avenues for further exploration into consumers’ multifaceted responses to athlete scandals. The PASS scale also equips marketing managers to make informed decisions based on the severity of athlete scandals, facilitating the implementation of effective crisis-management strategies.
Terror Management Theory suggests that health messages can trigger mortality thoughts, influencing consumer behavior. Two studies were conducted to explore this mortality salience effect in the context of travel marketing during a pandemic. Findings from Study 1 showed that health-focused travel ads led to more mortality thoughts and increased travel intentions. Both low and high levels of these thoughts boosted travel intentions, while moderate levels deterred them. Drawing on Protection Motivation Theory, Study 2 examined the roles of trust in destination and perceived health risk in the effects of message-induced mortality-related thoughts on travel intentions. Travel ads that evoked mortality thoughts encouraged both domestic and international travel when health risks were perceived as low, but discouraged it when risks were high. Furthermore, the findings suggest that trust in the destination can mitigate the negative effects of mortality-related thoughts. This study offers insights into consumer reactions to health-related travel ads, with both theoretical and practical implications.
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The present study enhances our understanding of followers’ perceptions of the information credibility of Chinese social media influencers. Employing the heuristic-systematic model, we examined the influence of source credibility and argument quality on the content credibility of micro-influencers and their relational impact on followers’ attitudes and behavioural decisions, with involvement as a moderator. Chinese respondents who follow beauty influencers on Sina Weibo were targeted. The respondents were contacted by posting a web link on WeChat to the survey created on Sojump. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the relationship between variables. The results revealed that argument quality (i.e. systematic cue) and source credibility (i.e. heuristic cue) are significantly affect the information credibility perceived by consumers. The findings also indicate that perceived information credibility has a significant impact on brand/video attitude and purchase intention. There are notable theoretical extensions to the literature on information processing, attitude and consumer behaviour.
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The current study chose a convenience sampling technique to sample the university students of Karachi. By using time displacement theory as a theoretical lens, the study confirms that excessive usage of social media decreases family socialization. The quantitative method is applied to prove the research findings. Results also indicate that with excessive social media usage, the relationship with families might affected as students are already isolated from their families due to the tough schedule and studies burden. This research may also provide evidence to encourage family members to focus on their kids and minimize the communication gap which has been lingering due to excessive use of social media. This major impact on families not only shrinks healthy family time but also shrinks socialization and face-to-face interaction among siblings and parents. Thus, the study advances its knowledge by analysing the perception, attitude, and behaviour toward social media with the assumption that it may hamper the quality of time with family. Keywords: social media, students, communication, families, and behaviour perception and attitude. INTRODUCTION In recent times, the Internet is considered one of the most powerful resources, which connects people all over the globe. The advancement in social network sites also made the source more familiar and popular that it is now treated as a necessity of life, hence its absence impacts individuals' daily routine. However, the emerging trend of SNs usage in the context of connecting people is creating a gap in their family lives as well. For organizations, brand loyalty is an extremely crucial asset as it helps to achieve a sustainable position in the competitive market and simultaneously ensures commercial success in the long run. Studies, conducted so far, elaborate that brand loyalty has the potential to maximize an organization's profit as loyal customers make purchases regularly, spend their money on trying new products or even recommend their favourite brands to others. Besides that, brand loyalty also creates barriers for new entrants, hence, giving leverage to companies to prepare reactive strategies against competitors (Danish et al., 2018). Moreover, it is brand loyalty which at times gives benefits to organizations to make consumers less price-sensitive. Thereby, it is believed that it could act as a buffer in times of intense price competition. Scholars also agree that brand loyalty is a highly effective tool for organizations as it helps generate high customer retention and lower marketing costs eventually leading to high market share (Laksamana, 2018). Organizations, thereby, are focusing on the implementation of those
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Objective: In a context where beauty plays a fundamental role as a generator of empathy and trust, sexualised communication floods social networks as a method of attracting attention. Does this type of communication really generate attention and trust, and is it influenced by gender and type of sender? Methodology: This study analyses sexualised communication on Instagram, based on a selection of two influencers (male and female) and two peers (male and female), and a sample of 40 young people (aged between 18 and 25) and attempts to provide answers on the differences in evaluation, in terms of credibility, trust, recommendation capacity, attention or memorization.The study is approached from a dual methodological perspective; through neuroscience techniques, encephalogram (EEG) and galvanic skin response (GSR), and through surveys to measure the declarative and rational part.Results: The results suggest that when the receiver is female and the sender is a female peer, the values of attention, valence, trust and recommendation are the lowest, and therefore the use of this type of communication is not recommended.However, the study suggests that when the receiver is male, the analysed values improve (attention and memorization), even being higher in aspects of credibility when the sender is a female peer.Limitations: The limitations are centred on the methodology, which is carried out on a small sample and a small selection of stimuli, which is usual in this type of study.Practical implications: The study offers clear practical implications for content creators on social media.keywords: Instagram; sexualised communication; self-sexualisation; “fitinspiration”; sex-ual objectification
This study examines public expectations regarding Corporate Social Advocacy (CSA) using the framework of strategic issue management (SIM). A 14-item, single-factor scale was developed to measure CSA expectations, which was validated through four surveys. The CSA expectancy scale will assist businesses in effectively navigating CSA initiatives, preventing stakeholder support withdrawal, and thus bolstering organizational sustainability and social impact.
This study focuses on the impact of authenticity in organizational advocacy for polarizing sociopolitical issues. The study examined how individual publics’ perceptions of authenticity influence the quality of the relationship between an organization and the public, as well as the level of support for the organization. The study also compared these effects across different polarizing sociopolitical issues. Through an online survey ( N = 387), findings revealed a positive association between authenticity in organizational advocacy and the quality of an organization’s relationship with individuals, which led to increased support. Furthermore, the multigroup analysis highlighted the heightened importance of authenticity when organizations advocate for more polarizing issues.
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Incentivizing consumers to share product recommendations and other forms of eWOM (electronic word of mouth) with their social media friends has become a prevalent promotional strategy among marketers. However, could this strategy potentially backfire? Adopting a metacognitive perspective, we suggest that this approach adversely affects those consumers who reject the incentive and resist sharing the message. We hypothesize that for individuals who rejected an incentive to share a message, lower initial message trustworthiness leads to decreased subsequent message trustworthiness. This effect arises as consumers reflect on their own behavior, subsequently developing perceived manipulative intent. This proposed sequential process was substantiated in two experimental studies. The results demonstrate a negative effect of initial eWOM trustworthiness on subsequent trustworthiness following incentive rejection (Studies 1-2). Furthermore, this effect is mediated by perceived manipulative intent and is bounded by the size of the incentive offered for sharing eWOM (Study 2). Both theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
The current paper explores the influence of social media advertising, brand trust, and customer’s attitudes toward advertising on buying intent in Cambodia. Social media platforms become increasingly important in marketing strategies. Therefore, marketers must understand their impacts on consumer behavior because it is crucial for businesses operations in emerging markets. This study is conducted on a sample of 371 consumers in Cambodia. The results illustrate that social media advertising has an impacting role on buying intention. The influence is facilitated by the perceived informativeness and entertainment value of the advertisements. Brand trust is also found to affect the customer’s buying intent. The study also emphasizes the impact consumer attitudes towards advertising. This shows that positive attitudes create effective marketing campaigns in social network platforms. The outcomes suggest that strengthening brand trust and informative advertisements can boost consumers’ purchasing intent.
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A portion of a company’s long-term strategy should be devoted to digital marketing transformation. It is a challenging task to select the effective marketing strategy when conducting business in modern digital world. This study seeks to elucidate the influences of digital marketing strategy forms on customer attitude and purchase intention of students towards electronic gadgets. The relationship between four digital marketing strategies such as search engine advertising, social media, content marketing and email marketing towards customer attitudes and purchase intention was investigated in accordance with hypotheses, 225 students from Bangalore city, India, who had experience in online purchase of electronic gadgets comprised as a research sample. The relationship among the selected variables are tested with help of Correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis. The study conclude that there is an impact of various forms of digital marketing strategies on customers’ attitude and the purchase intention of young (Students) customer.
Americans say that reading, watching, or listening to the news is one of their leading causes of stress. And indeed, research has shown that negative news can negatively impact people’s attitudes, behaviors, and mental health. To combat the unwelcome effects of negative news, some have suggested that reporters practice more constructive or solution-oriented journalism by reporting stories that highlight societal progress. Drawing on cognitive appraisal theory and the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, this study tested the impact of constructive news. In a mixed-design quasi-experiment, participants received access to a Google Assistant feature in which they could prompt the assistant to summarize a constructive news story. After 2 weeks, those who used the feature were more likely, between pretest and posttest, than those who did not to feel positive while consuming traditional news, suggesting constructive news could mitigate the effects of more typical, negative news.
The urgency to launch sustainable innovations rapidly in competitive markets increases the risk of greenwashing, as companies may overstate their products' environmental benefits. This article sheds light on the potential repercussions of deceptive sustainability claims within the realm of product innovations. Using four scenario‐based experiments, this study reveals that exposure of greenwashing damages brand perception, a critical factor in the diffusion of innovations, even more than if products lacked green attributes at all. Findings from mediation analyses reveal that these reactions stem from negative disconfirmations, arising from a perceived discrepancy between expected sustainability and quality beliefs and the product's failure to meet these expectations. Moreover, this research deepens our understanding of greenwashing by providing the first empirical evidence that the intensity and focus of greenwashing activities on core components of product innovations significantly exacerbate the adverse effects. Overall, our study not only replicates findings on the detrimental effects of greenwashing in product innovation contexts but also advances the theoretical understanding by identifying the psychological processes behind these effects and their variations with greenwashing intensity and focus. In doing so, results advocate for a shift from a one‐dimensional, uniformly perspective to a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between greenwashing intensity and focus on consumer responses. From a practical perspective, the results underscore the risks of greenwashing in sustainable innovation contexts and emphasize the crucial role of transparency and authenticity in sustainability claims.
Purpose Brands can build meaningful, effective connections with consumers through digital influencers. This paper aims to understand the factors determining digital influencers’ success concerning brand-related (i.e. intention to follow influencer advice) and influencer-related (i.e. intention to recommend the influencer) outcomes. We present a conceptual model derived from established theories and psychological reasoning, identifying influencer authenticity and perceived value as important antecedents. We present satisfaction with the influencer and influencer credibility as the psychological mechanism explaining why antecedents transform into favorable outcomes. Design/methodology/approach With structural equation modeling and two studies (N1 = 814; N2 = 685) relying on active followers from two countries (the UK and India), this paper examines the direct and indirect effects of the value and authenticity of digital influencers on followers’ behavioral outcomes and the cultural context’s potential moderating effect. Findings Authenticity and value of digital influencers positively affect intention to follow influencer advice and recommend the influencer. Such effects are mediated by follower satisfaction and influencer credibility. The effects of influencer authenticity and value on intentions to follow and recommend are not stronger in India than in the UK. Originality/value We contribute to the literature by presenting a theoretically informed framework capturing the antecedents of successful influencers and the importance of differentiating brand-related and influencer-related outcomes. Furthermore, our studies highlight that research findings about influencers’ impact may not be generalizable to other cultural contexts.
Reklam etkisi itibari ile tüketicinin markaya karşı tutum ve davranışlarında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Tüketici kadın/erkek ve bilinçli (eğitimli) olduğunda bireysel tüketimlerinde seçici davranabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla reklam faaliyetinin tüketicilerde cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi ve inancın genel tutuma etkisinin derinlemesine incelenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışma kadın hedef kitleye yönelik reklam kampanyalarında eğitimin reklama olan inanç ve genel tutum üzerindeki düzenleyici rolünü incelemekte ve bu bağlamda pazarlamacılara yön gösterici bir kaynak sunmayı amaçlamaktır. Yöntem: Araştırmada kolayda örneklem yöntemi ile kapalı uçlu anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Anket 610 kadın katılımcı ile tamamlanmış ve veriler IBM® SPSS 24 ve IBM® AMOS 18 programları ile analiz edilmiştir. Öncelikle tamamlayıcı istatistikler yapılmış, sonrasında sırasıyla keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri, geçerlik ve güvenilirlik analizleri, dağılım, korelasyon analizi ve son olarak hipotez testleri yapılmıştır. Analizlerin tamamında %95 güven aralığı tercih edilmiştir. Katılımcıların reklama inanç ve reklama yönelik tutum ölçeklerinden aldıkları puanın eğitime göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığına yönelik ANOVA testi yapılmıştır. Farklılığın tespit edilmesinden sonra varyansların homojenliği kontrol edilmiştir. Varyansların homojen olduğunun tespitinden sonra Tukey testi yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Eğitim durumlarına göre reklama yönelik inanç ve reklama yönelik tutum ölçeklerinden alınan puanlar arasında anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmiş ve eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe reklama yönelik inancın ve reklama yönelik tutum puanlarının düştüğü tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonucun kadın hedef kitle seçilerek yapılacak reklam kampanyaları strateji ve yaratıcı süreçlerinde ve de bu alanda yapılacak araştırmalara önemli katkılar sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
Femvertising is a general advertisement term that builds awareness of women's issues, rights, and gender equality. This particular type of advertisement is used by brands with the expectation that it will be effective on women, especially women with high levels of feminism. This study aims to determine the effects of brand awareness and the level of feminist messages on brand trust, word of mouth (WoM), attitude toward advertisements, and purchase intention. To achieve this aim, a 2 × 2 experimental design was used to manipulate the level of brand awareness and the level of feminist messages in the advertisement. A total of 405 women with high feminist attitudes participated in the experiment. Data analyses revealed that brand awareness exerts a positive effect on brand trust, but the level of feminist messages does not exert any significant effect on either brand trust or purchase intentions. Furthermore, data analyses showed that less familiar brands can achieve more positive results in attitude toward advertising and WoM if they use strong feminist messages in their advertisements, compared to well-known brands.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of service recovery actions on customers' post‐recovery responses to initial service failure and a double deviation and to investigate the moderating effect of price on the relationship between recovery actions and these responses. The findings show that active recovery actions led to more favorable post‐recovery responses than passive actions in both initial and double deviation situations. No moderating effect of price was found between recovery actions and customers' post‐recovery responses. From an academic perspective, this study helps researchers understand how customers positively perceive recovery actions that reflect procedural and interactional justice in service failure situations. The findings also suggest that practitioners of OTAs should engage in active recovery actions that include prompt communication on the progress of the incident (i.e., procedural justice) and a sincere apology (interactional justice) to alleviate customers' negative responses due to service failures.
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This study is a quantitative study to determine the direct influence between promotion, attitude, perception of trust, perception of ease of use, perception of usefulness on purchase intention on Sociolla e-commerce. Data collection in this study was conducted through a survey with a questionnaire in the form of a google form. The population in this study were Sociolla e-commerce consumers who live in the province of DKI Jakarta, have made transactions more than twice and are 17 years of age and over. The questionnaires collected amounted to 135 respondents using the formula (Hair et al., 2020). Sampling used a purposive sampling technique, then the data was processed using a multiple regression analysis method. Based on the results of the study, from the 5 hypotheses accepted, namely promotion has a positive effect on purchase intention, attitude has a positive effect on purchase intention, perception of trust has a positive effect on purchase intention, perception of ease of use has a positive effect on purchase intention, perception of benefits does not have a positive effect on purchase intention. The results of this study are expected to provide input for beauty product e-commerce to better understand customer needs and continue to develop better digital sales strategies to help consumers in their shopping activities. Keywords: Promotion, Attitude, Perceived Trust, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Purchase Intention.
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Advertising is an important instrument in Marketing Communication to build a Product Image. However, with the Republic of Indonesia Law number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting, article 46 prohibits the promotion of cigarettes by displaying their appearance. To get around this, Sampoerna A-Mild cigarettes broadcast advertisements in the "You'll Understand" version which has meaning and mythology requirements. What mythology is used in branding to show the ideology of building a strong image for A-Mild Cigarettes? Through a postmodern philosophical approach in popular culture, this research wants to dismantle the sole dominance of Modernity. Using Roland Barthes' textual analysis method, it was revealed that the advertisement gave a strong meaning that the Sampoerna A-Mild cigarette advertisement wanted to create a masculine, strong, glamorous image in communal culture, as a form of resistance to the dominance of single modernity.
This study aims to extend our understanding of how psychological and technological stimuli drive the user’s entrance to the flow state and, in turn, affect user satisfaction and motivate them to continue their use of the metaverse. Building upon the stimuli-organism-response model, we theorize and examine the forces that cause users to develop flow state experiences, which are anticipated to improve user satisfaction and encourage continued use of the metaverse. We empirically test our hypotheses using a structural equation modeling technique on a sample of 306 metaverse users in China. The results provide strong support for the important role of psychological and technological stimuli forces as determinants of the development of users’ flow state experiences in the metaverse, which is further positively related to their satisfaction with the metaverse and continued use.
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Tüketim olgusu, günümüzde postmodern tüketim kültürünün oluşmasıyla birlikte salt insan ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasından çok daha kapsamlı ve geniş bir kavrama dönüşmüştür. Tüketim kültürü spordan sanata, modadan günlük temel ihtiyaçlara kadar hemen hemen her alanda etkisini göstermektedir. Kültürün bir parçası konumunda olan spor; birçok üreticinin, kurumun ilgi odağı haline gelmiş ve endüstride fark yaratan olmaya başlamıştır. Çalışmanın amacı postmodern tüketim kültürü çerçevesinde sporun, toplumun tüm katmanlarına erişim gücü temel alınarak, toplumu yönlendirme ve ikna süreçlerinde iletişim aracı olarak etkisi incelenmektedir. Bu amaca yönelik sporun, görsel metaforlar aracılığıyla sosyal sorumlu tüketime yönelik algıya etkisi ve tüketimin taşıdığı değerler ile spor içerikli görsel metaforların etkileşimi incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın amacına yönelik olarak karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel bölümünde tasarlanan ölçme aracı, Türkiye’de yaşayan 18 yaş üstü bireylere uygulanmıştır. 626 bireyden elde edilen veriler SPSS 25 ve AMOS 22 istatistik programları ile analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi için bağımsız iki örneklem t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi, regresyon analizi, bootstrap yöntemi ve yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nitel bölümünde Phillips ve McQuarrie’in görsel retorik tipolojisi kapsamında incelenen spor içerikli görsel metaforlar, göstergebilim kuramcısı Roland Barthes’ın yaklaşımı temel alınarak üzerlerinde yer alan metinlerle birlikte içerik analizi yöntemiyle kalitatif bir analize tabi tutularak yorumlanmışlardır. Araştırma sonucunda; tüketimin taşıdığı değerler, sosyal sorumlu tüketim davranışları ve spor içerikli görsel metaforlara yönelik eğilim boyutları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Tüm boyutlar ile eğitim ve gelir değişkeni arasında pozitif yönde, yaş değişkeni ile negatif yönde bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Spor veya egzersiz yapma durumu ve spor takibi ile tüm boyutlar arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. Yapısal eşitlik modeli analizlerinde tüketim kültürünün taşıdığı değerlerin; sosyal sorumlu tüketim davranışları üzerindeki etkisinde, spor içerikli görsellere yönelik eğilimin aracılık etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen görsel yapı ve sosyodemografik analiz sonuçlarına ilişkin veriler bütünüyle değerlendirmeye alındığında; spor içerikli görsel metaforlar, sosyal sorumlu tüketim davranışı oluşumunda ve diğer toplumsal değişim çalışmalarında güçlü ve etkili bir faktör olarak yer alabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Spor, Görsel Metafor, Postmodern Tüketim Kültürü, Toplumsal Değişim, Reklam Today, postmodern consumer culture has gone far beyond meeting human needs and has turned into an extensive concept. Consumption culture not only has an impact on fashion, art, and many daily needs but also affects sports. As sports become a part of culture, it attracts the attention of many manufacturers and extensive corporate identities. Thus, it started to make a difference in the sports industry. This study aimed to examine the impact of sports in the context of postmodern consumption as a means of communication in the directing processes and persuading people as a power of access in all layers of society. It was investigated the interaction of sports-related visual metaphors with the perception of the impact of sports on socially responsible consumption and the values carried by consumption and using visual metaphors. A mixed-method design was used in the research. The measurement tool was applied to individuals over 18 years old in Turkey in the quantitative research part of the study. 626 people participated in the research, and the collected data was analyzed via using SPSS 25 and AMOS 22 statistical programs. It was applied an independent two-sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance, regression analysis, bootstrap method, and structural equation model to analyze the data. Sports-related visual metaphors were employed and examined within the scope of Phillips and McQuarrie's visual rhetoric typology, helping from the approach of semiotics theorist Roland Barthes in the qualitative research section. The data was conducted the content analysis and interpreted. Research findings showed a statistically significant relationship between consumption values, socially responsible consumption behaviors, and a tendency towards visual metaphors with sports content. It was found a positive relationship between all dimensions of the research and the education and income variables. However, the study revealed a negative relationship between all factors and the age variable. Additionally, the research showed a statistically significant relationship between all dimensions and the sports group or exercise and following sports. The structural equation model analysis displayed that the tendency towards sports content mediates the effect of consumer culture values on socially responsible consumption behaviors. The visual structure and demographic research findings indicated that visual metaphors with sports content could be a valid factor in socially responsible consumption behavior formation and other social change studies. Keywords: Sports, Visual Metaphor, Postmodern Consumer Culture, Social Change, Advertising
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The emergence of COVID-19 prompted diverse advertising strategies globally, with humor appeal being one of the notable approaches. Method. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine and analyze the utilization of humor appeal in Moroccan advertising during the pandemic, employing a semiotic perspective. Analysis. The study adopts a qualitative approach and employs Barthes’ model of denotative and connotative meanings for analysis. Results. The findings indicate that when humor is employed contextually, it significantly enhances the impact of the advertisements. The study reveals the creativity and adaptability of Moroccan advertising agencies in utilizing humor appeal to engage audiences during the crisis. Conclusion. This research highlights the effectiveness of humor appeal in advertising during unprecedented times, providing insights into adaptive advertising strategies through a semiotic analysis of the Moroccan context.
This investigation used expectancy violation theory (EVT) to explain how a body positivity influencer's clothing styles (modest or revealing) and skin tones (filtered or unfiltered) affected viewers' responses to branded Instagram posts violating (i.e., unfiltered and revealing) or confirming (i.e., filtered and modest) appearance norms. Specifically, viewers' attractiveness and authenticity ratings as well as their emotional responses were measured to verify that their appearance norm internalization triggered EVT's effects. Finally, this study explored how viewers' attractiveness, authenticity, and emotional response ratings mediated the effect of the influencer's appearance on their purchase intentions. The results indicate viewers punished norm violations in their attractiveness ratings but rewarded them in their authenticity and emotional response ratings. Finally, viewers' emotional responses and authenticity ratings more powerfully shaped their purchase intentions than their attractiveness ratings. These results suggest body positivity influencer marketing may mutually benefit both sponsors and consumers while countering toxic appearance norms on social media and society at large.
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Tüketicilerin beklenti ve istekleri doğrultusunda markaların toplumsal konuları gündeme getirerek yeniden canlanması ve eşitlik, adalet gibi temel ve varoluşsal konuları içeren reklam mesajları, yeni bir reklam paradigmasının ortaya çıkmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Aktivist reklamcılık olarak ifade edilen bu yaklaşım markaların reklam kampanyalarında hedef kitlelerine toplumsal ve sosyal konulara yönelik mesajlar iletmelerini içermektedir. Özellikle toplumsal ve sosyal konularda daha duyarlı olan ve markalardan farklılıklar bekleyen Y ve Z kuşakları için markaların aktivist bir duruş sergilemeleri büyük önem taşımaya başlamıştır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışma, yeni bir reklamcılık akımına ışık tutan aktivist reklamlara yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada reklama yönelik tutum oluşumu üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olan (a) reklam değeri, (b) güvenilirlik (c) bilgilendiricilik, (d) aldatıcılık, (e) eğlendiricilik ve (f) rahatsız edicilik tutum değişkenlerinin aktivist reklama yönelik tutum ve satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi de irdelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan anket tekniği kullanılarak 417'si Y kuşağı ve 417'si Z kuşağı olmak üzere 834 birey anket çalışmasıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Y ve Z kuşağı katılımcıları bağlamında aktivist reklamlara yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirildiğinde, regresyon analizinin bağımlı değişken (satın alma niyeti) ile bağımsız değişken (reklama yönelik tutum) arasındaki etkileşimi anlamlı bir şekilde ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca reklama yönelik tutum oluşumunda önemli rol oynayan tutum değişkenleri boyutlarının aktivist reklama yönelik tutum ve satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirildiğinde, bağımlı değişkenler (tutum, satın alma niyeti) ile bağımsız değişkenler (reklam değeri, bilgilendiricilik, aldatıcılık, eğlendirici ve rahatsız edici, güvenilirlik) arasındaki etkileşimi açıklayan regresyon analizinin de anlamlı sonuçlar verdiği görülmektedir.
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Attitude toward the ad (Aad) has been postulated to be a causal mediating variable in the process through which advertising influences brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Previous conceptual and empirical research on this topic has suggested four alternative models of the relationships between brand-related cognitive, affective, and conative responses and ad-related cognitive and affective responses. The authors describe a structural equations analysis of these four models, utilizing two data sets generated within a commercial pretest setting. The results suggest that a dual mediation hypothesis, which postulates that Aad influences brand attitude both directly and indirectly through its effect on brand cognitions, is superior to the other three models under the particular set of conditions in the pretest setting.
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The chapter discusses the role of the manner of attitude formation. It focuses on the development of an attitude through direct behavioral experience with the attitude object and examines whether such attitudes better predict subsequent behavior than attitudes formed without behavioral experience. The chapter provides an overview of the attitude-behavior consistency problem and describes the effect of the manner of attitude formation through the “housing” study, the “puzzle” experiment, and the “subject pool” study. The prior-to-later behavior relation is also discussed in the chapter, wherein it has described the self-perception of past religious behaviors, attitudes and self-reports of subsequent behavior, an individual difference perspective, and a partial correlation analysis. The chapter discusses attitudinal qualities—namely, confidence and clarity, the persistence of the attitude, and resistance to attack. The reasons for the differential strength are also explored in the chapter—namely, the amount of information available, information processing, and attitude accessibility. The chapter briefly describes the attitude-behavior relationship, personality traits, and behavior.
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The results of an experiment examining the use of attitude toward the ad and brand-related beliefs in brand attitude formation under two different processing "sets"-brand evaluation and nonbrand evaluation-are reported. Findings suggest that attitude toward the advertisement affects attitude toward the advertised brand as much under a brand evaluation set as under a nonbrand evaluation set.
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P. M. Bentler and D. G. Bonett (1980) argue that it is often useful to compare a hypothesized covariance structure model or set of models to a nested null model using fit coefficients and they propose both generic null models for a variety of cases and 2 new measures of fit extends the work of Bentler and Bonett in 2 ways / 1st, we provide general analytic conditions for ascertaining whether their generic null models are nested under a substantive model of interest, an issue they do not address clearly and completely / 2nd, we show that the null models they propose are inappropriate in all but the purely exploratory case / in other cases, we argue that the comparison should be developed in terms of baseline models that reflect the state of prior theory and knowledge, unlike the null models of Bentler and Bonett (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Factor analysis, path analysis, structural equation modeling, and related multivariate statistical methods are based on maximum likelihood or generalized least squares estimation developed for covariance structure models (CSMs). Large-sample theory provides a chi-square goodness-of-fit test for comparing a model (M) against a general alternative M based on correlated variables. It is suggested that this comparison is insufficient for M evaluation. A general null M based on modified independence among variables is proposed as an additional reference point for the statistical and scientific evaluation of CSMs. Use of the null M in the context of a procedure that sequentially evaluates the statistical necessity of various sets of parameters places statistical methods in covariance structure analysis into a more complete framework. The concepts of ideal Ms and pseudo chi-square tests are introduced, and their roles in hypothesis testing are developed. The importance of supplementing statistical evaluation with incremental fit indices associated with the comparison of hierarchical Ms is also emphasized. Normed and nonnormed fit indices are developed and illustrated. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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In the latest decades, emotions have become an important research topic in all behavioral sciences, and not the least in advertising. Yet, advertising literature on how to measure emotions is not straightforward. The major aim of this article is to give an update on the different methods used for measuring emotions in advertising and to discuss their validity and applicability. We further draw conclusions on the relation between emotions and traditional measures of advertising effectiveness. We finally formulate recommendations on the use of the different methods and make suggestions for future research.
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This article argues that affective responses (ARs) should supplement the cognitive responses more often studied in communication research. ARs are not evaluative responses to an advertisement, but represent the moods and feelings evoked by the ad. The literature on ARs is reviewed, and a typology for such responses is presented. Three ARs are studied empirically; they appear to be antecedents of the attitude towards the ad ( A ad ) and to have a weak but significant impact on brand attitudes.
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Two experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that the amount of attention drawn to an attribute by an advertisement mediates the effect of advertising on attribute importance. The first experiment manipulated the amount of attention given to an attribute in an advertisement and found this to have an impact on the importance of the attribute. The second experiment manipulated the concreteness of an advertisement's copy mentioning the attribute, the relevance of the ad's picture, and the number of repetitions of the ad, and found that attention mediated the impact of textual concreteness on attribute importance, but that picture relevance and repetition were not related to attention or importance.
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Using a naturally occurring situation as a quasi-experiment, this article contrasts measures of attitude toward advertisements for groups of subjects with different potential levels of exposure to repeated airings of the ads during a four-month TV campaign. These measures were taken after several different periods of delay following subjects' exposure to the ads. The results indicate that even with all of the confounding variables that exist in a natural viewing environment, subjects' evaluations of the ads decline as levels of potential exposure increase, though those evaluations return to their initial levels after an eight-month period of no exposure. A striking result, however, is that two different measures of attitude toward the ad show very different patterns over time. The article also presents exploratory evidence on the role of the initial likeability of the ad.
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A bipolar adjective scale, the Personal Involvement Inventory (PII), was developed to capture the concept of involvement for products. The scale successfully met standards for internal reliability, reliability over time, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. Tests of construct validity demonstrated that the scores were positively related to perceived differences among brands, brand preferences, interest in gathering information about the product category, and comparison of product attributes among brands.
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A conceptual framework is presented that depicts both the mediating role of mood states and their potential importance in consumer behavior. Reviewing findings from the psychological literature indicates that mood states have direct and indirect effects on behavior, evaluation, and recall. The scope and limitations of these effects are addressed, and the implications for consumer behavior in three areas—service encounters, point-of-purchase stimuli, and communications (context and content)—are examined. Finally, the potential feasibility and viability of mood-related approaches to marketing research and practice are discussed.
The authors describe new developments in structural equation modeling as incorporated in LISREL V. The procedures are illustrated on data from three previous studies.
Past research has examined the effect of level of involvement (high vs. low) on subjects’ reactions to persuasive communications. The authors suggest that high involvement can be differentiated into two types (cognitive vs. affective). By manipulating involvement level and type (low involvement, cognitive involvement, affective involvement), they show that the three different forms of involvement have different effects on how brand attitudes are formed. They also examine how music, as a peripheral persuasion cue, affects the process of brand attitude formation. The results indicate that the effect of music on brand attitude depends on the type and level of involvement. Music had a facilitative effect on brand attitude for subjects in the low involvement condition and a distracting effect for those in the cognitive involvement condition; its effect for those in the affective involvement condition was not clear. Alternative explanations of these results are offered and implications for advertising research are discussed.
The results of an experiment examining the use of attitude toward the ad and brand-related beliefs in brand attitude formation under two different processing “sets”—brand evaluation and nonbrand evaluation—are reported. Findings suggest that attitude toward the advertisement affects attitude toward the advertised brand as much under a brand evaluation set as under a nonbrand evaluation set.
Repetition of a pattern of television commercials caused wearout in viewers’ evaluation of the commercials and the products being advertised. As predicted by an information processing view, wearout was not forestalled by strategies designed to enhance attention.
Fishbein's attitude theory posits that beliefs are the only mediators of attitude formation and change. The validity of this proposition for consumers’ beliefs about product attributes and brand attitudes was exmained in the context of an advertising effects study. To manipulate product attribute beliefs and to create settings in which other mediation processes might occur, the authors exposed subjects to simple advertisements that contained either a verbal claim or visual information. Level of repetition also was varied. As expected, product attribute beliefs mediated attitude formation. However, another variable, termed attitude toward the advertisement, also mediated brand attitudes and purchase intentions. The authors discuss alternative explanations for the results and offer suggestions for future research.
Repetition of a pattern of television commercials caused wearout in viewers' evaluation of the commercials and the products being advertised. As predicted by an information processing view, wearout was not forestalled by strategies designed to enhance attention.
The authors describe new developments in structural equation modeling as incorporated in LISREL V. The procedures are illustrated on data from three previous studies.
Past research has examined the effect of level of involvement (high vs. low) on subjects' reactions to persuasive communications. The authors suggest that high involvement can be differentiated into two types (cognitive vs. affective). By manipulating involvement level and type (low involvement, cognitive involvement, affective involvement), they show that the three different forms of involvement have different effects on how brand attitudes are formed. They also examine how music, as a peripheral persuasion cue, affects the process of brand attitude formation. The results indicate that the effect of music on brand attitude depends on the type and level of involvement. Music had a facilitative effect on brand attitude for subjects in the low involvement condition and a distracting effect for those in the cognitive involvement condition; its effect for those in the affective involvement condition was not clear. Alternative explanations of these results are offered and implications for advertising research are discussed.
Attitude toward the ad (Aad) has been postulated to be a causal mediating variable in the process through which advertising influences brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Previous conceptual and empirical research on this topic has suggested four alternative models of the relationships between brand-related cognitive, affective, and conative responses and ad-related cognitive and affective responses. The authors describe a structural equations analysis of these four models, utilizing two data sets generated within a commercial pretest setting. The results suggest that a dual mediation hypothesis, which postulates that Aad influences brand attitude both directly and indirectly through its effect on brand cognitions, is superior to the other three models under the particular set of conditions in the pretest setting.
This article addresses the issue of how advertising influences consumers' brand choices. A concept termed the attitude toward the advertisement approach (ATT A) is introduced; a theoretical case is developed showing why ATT A is an important mediator of brand choice; empirical evidence in support of this case is presented; and suggestions for future research are offered.
Used affectively valenced TV commercials for supermarket products as stimuli in a laboratory test of the impact of consumer attitudes toward an advertisement on consumers' brand attitudes. 168 undergraduates served as Ss. The test was designed to evaluate the classical-conditioning model of the influence of an advertisement. Theoretically, the model indicates that an advertised brand may elicit, after repeated pairing with an affectively valenced advertisement, the same affective response as the advertisement itself. Actual TV commercials that had not been shown for several years were shown to Ss, and they rated the commercials' ability to elicit positive, neutral, or negative affect. Ss saw each commercial 3 times while GSR or heart rate data were recorded (a ruse to induce strategy-limited low involvement); they then completed measures of their attitudes toward the commercials and the advertised brands and belief and evaluation items to assess cognitive structures related to the products. Results fail to provide strong support for the classical conditioning model—only 3 of 10 positive and negative affect advertisements supported the hypothesis that attitudes toward the advertisement would affect attitudes toward the product. Theoretical and statistical accounts of the data are presented. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Investigated the role of viewer involvement (INV) in commercial effectiveness (measured by recall of brand name and message, attitude toward commercial, and intention to buy). It was hypohesized that program environments that are higher in INV will cause commercials embedded in them to be less effective than those embedded in environments that are lower in INV. INV was operationalized by analyzing a small sample of TV viewers' rank orderings of 15 shows from most to least suspenseful, and by choosing the 2 shows determined to be the most and least involving. Data were collected by questionnaire from 87 Ss in a random sample of employees in a medium-size organization. Results support the hypothesis. Implications for research on differences in degree of INV and their impact on commercial effectiveness are noted. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This classic text surveys a number of different theoretical approaches to the related phenomena of attitude and belief change. These theories are grouped into seven major approaches, each presented and evaluated in a separate chapter. Each contributes in an important way to a complete understanding of the persuasion process. Appropriate for both upper level undergraduates and graduates in the social sciences.
Four experiments investigated the dependence of persuasion on cognitive factors. All experiments employed a court case for which 795 subjects acted as jury members, reading summaries of both the prosecution and defense's testimony. The amount of objective information on both sides of the case was varied. Persuasion was a position function of the number of prosecution arguments and the number of defense arguments. This finding was extended by obtaining measures of the subjects’cognitive reactions to the case as well as their opinions and by following both of these measures over time. Both analysis of variance and multiple regression techniques showed that subjects could have derived their opinions from their cognitions about the case. This relationship also held up over time. These results suggest the general form of an information-processing theory of persuasion. One prediction of this theory is for an asymptotic function relating objective information to persuasion. This prediction received empirical support.
Significant, favorable attitudinal response toward both the brand and ad were observed at the first exposure in a laboratory experiment on the effects of repeated exposure to television advertisements. At higher levels of repetition, lower, although still positive, ratings were obtained. Response was significantly mediated by prior brand attitude. Mean differences in attitude toward the brand and ad were only partially accounted for by changes in brand perception.
This article presents the results of a study designed to obtain a better understanding of the effects of using valenced visual information in advertising. In the study, subjects saw advertisements for hypothetical products that contained affect-laden photographs with different valences (Picture Type Manipulation). The results indicate that the affect-laden photographs had an effect on both attitude toward the advertisement ( A ad ) and brand attitudes; however, no differences were found in the product attribute beliefs that were formed. Photographs that were evaluated positively created more favorable attitudes toward the advertisements and brand attitudes, whereas the reverse was true for photographs that were evaluated negatively. The results of an analysis of covariance indicate that the inclusion of both the predicted attitude from structured scales (ΣΣ b i , e i ) and elicited beliefs did not eliminate all the reliable Picture Type effects on brand attitudes; however, the inclusion of A ad did eliminate these effects. In addition, A ad was found to affect brand attitudes for advertisements that contain only copy, and evidence is presented that A ad and brand attitudes are separate hypothetical constructs. Finally, a Dual Component model is presented to explain the effects of visual and verbal information in advertisements.
The impact of the feeling of warmth created by a commercial, as measured by the “warmth monitor,” is explored in a series of three studies. The first study examines the relationship between warmth and arousal as measured by skin response. The other studies explore the relationship between warmth and advertising responses such as liking of the ad and purchase likelihood through testing ads with warm and other execution strategies. They also test the effects of sequences of commercials on warmth responses and on the impact of the ad.
  • Calder Bobby J.
Advertising in America: The Consumer View
  • Raymond A Bauer
  • Greyser
  • A Stephen
Measuring Emotional Responses to Advertising
  • Ronald P Hill
  • Michael B Mazis
Hill, Ronald P. and Michael B. Mazis (1986), "Measuring Emotional Responses to Advertising," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 13, R. J. Lutz, ed. Provo, UT: As
Assessing the Effects of Attitude-Towardthe-Ad on Brand Attitudes: A Multitrait-Multimethod Design
  • Thomas J Madden
  • Kathleen Debevec
  • Jacquelyn L Twible
Madden, Thomas J., Kathleen Debevec, and Jacquelyn L. Twible (1985),\ "Assessing the Effects of Attitude-Towardthe-Ad on Brand Attitudes: A Multitrait-Multimethod Design," in Marketing Communications-Theory and Research, M. J. Houston and R. J. Lutz, eds. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 109-13.