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Axon numbers and landmarks of trigeminal donor nerves for corneal neurotization


Abstract and Figures

Purpose Corneal anesthesia leads to chronic corneal injury. This anatomical study characterizes the donor nerve branches of the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves used for corneal neurotization. Methods In 13 non-embalmed cadavers, the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves were dissected and distances to anatomical landmarks measured. Cross-sections of supratrochlear and supraorbital donor nerves were harvested and histomorphometrically analyzed to assess the number of myelinated axons. Results The donor axon counts were 3146 ± 1069.9 for the supratrochlear and 1882 ± 903 for the supraorbital nerve distal to the supraorbital notch. The supratrochlear nerve was dissected on the medial upper eyelid 2 cm lateral to the facial midline and the branch of the supraorbital nerve 1 cm medial to the mid-pupillary line. Conclusion The supraorbital and supratrochlear branches of the trigeminal nerve are potent donor nerves for corneal neurotization in the treatment of neuropathic keratopathy and can be reliably dissected using anatomical landmarks.
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Axon numbers and landmarks of trigeminal
donor nerves for corneal neurotization
Eva Gyo
, Chieh-Han John TzouID
, Wolfgang J. Weninger
, Lukas ReissigID
Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
, Christine Radtke
, Roman Dunavoelgyi
1Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Anatomy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of
Ophthalmology and Optometry, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Corneal anesthesia leads to chronic corneal injury. This anatomical study characterizes the
donor nerve branches of the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves used for corneal
In 13 non-embalmed cadavers, the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves were dissected
and distances to anatomical landmarks measured. Cross-sections of supratrochlear and
supraorbital donor nerves were harvested and histomorphometrically analyzed to assess
the number of myelinated axons.
The donor axon counts were 3146 ±1069.9 for the supratrochlear and 1882 ±903 for the
supraorbital nerve distal to the supraorbital notch. The supratrochlear nerve was dissected
on the medial upper eyelid 2 cm lateral to the facial midline and the branch of the supraor-
bital nerve 1 cm medial to the mid-pupillary line.
The supraorbital and supratrochlear branches of the trigeminal nerve are potent donor
nerves for corneal neurotization in the treatment of neuropathic keratopathy and can be reli-
ably dissected using anatomical landmarks.
Corneal anesthesia is a serious condition that leads to corneal injury through impaired protec-
tive sensation, which causes chronic erosions and infections, which may result in loss of vision
in severe cases [1]. The cornea is innervated by the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
PLOS ONE | October 31, 2018 1 / 12
Citation: Gyo¨ri E, Tzou C-HJ, Weninger WJ,
Reissig L, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Radtke C, et al.
(2018) Axon numbers and landmarks of trigeminal
donor nerves for corneal neurotization. PLoS ONE
13(10): e0206642.
Editor: Leila Harhaus, BG Trauma Center
Ludwigshafen, GERMANY
Received: July 16, 2018
Accepted: October 16, 2018
Published: October 31, 2018
Copyright: ©2018 Gyo¨ri et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The study was funded by the Austrian
grant “Medical Research Fund of the Mayor of
Vienna” (project no. 17010) to RD, https://www.
fonds/. The funders had no role in study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
[2]. Corneal sensitivity is important for initiating the blink reflex and preserving the integrity
of the corneal epithelium [3].
Multiple congenital and acquired etiologies of corneal anesthesia have been identified,
which lead to the clinical condition described as neurotrophic keratopathy [1,3,4]. The most
common causes of neurotrophic keratopathy are viral infections such as herpes simplex or her-
pes zoster keratoconjunctivitis [4,5]. Acquired causes of corneal anesthesia include chemical
burns, physical injuries and corneal surgery [4]. Intracranial pathologies affecting the trigemi-
nal nerve or ganglion, lesions in the posterior fossa and pathologies affecting the brainstem
can also lead to neurotrophic keratopathy [4]. Systemic conditions like diabetes or demyelinat-
ing diseases can also affect the corneal sensitivity [1,4].
Congenital corneal anesthesia is either complete or partial, and typically affects both eyes
[2,6]. Cases of unilateral congenital corneal anesthesia have been reported, which can be asso-
ciated with anesthesia in other areas of the face supplied by the first and second division of the
trigeminal nerve [2]. Congenital cases can be either syndromatic, or non-syndromatic. Syn-
dromatic cases can be associated with ocular, neurological and systemic conditions, like the
VACTERL association, Goldenhar syndrome or Moebius syndrome [2].
With multiple etiologies causing corneal anesthesia, the cellular pathophysiological mecha-
nisms are complex and not yet fully investigated [4]. The cornea is densely innervated by sen-
sory, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which each express specific neurotransmitters
[4]. Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide are highly expressed in sensory corneal
nerves, while sympathetic nerves contain neurotransmitters like noradrenaline, serotonin and
neuropeptide Y [4]. Altered neurotransmitter levels are a crucial mechanism leading to neuro-
throphic keratopathy [4]. Experimental studies showed that altered levels of cAMP, cGMP and
Substance P affect corneal epithelial cell regeneration in corneal anesthesia [2,7].
Despite the complex pathophysiology of corneal anesthesia, the treatment of neurotrophic
keratopathy was mainly symptomatic and included artificial tears, lubricants, bandage contact
lenses, protective glasses, punctual occlusion and tarsorrhaphy to avoid severe consequences
of corneal injury [2,8]. Surgical reinnervation of the anesthetic cornea was first described
by Terzis and colleagues in 2009. Six patients with unilateral facial palsy and neurotrophic ker-
atopathy were treated with corneal neurotization surgery using direct nerve transfers [3].
Through a bicoronary incision, the contralateral supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves were
used as donor nerves [3]. Corneal sensation was restored, but the method did not gain wide-
spread popularity, due to the bicoronary approach and extensive sensory donor nerve deficit
In 2014, Elbaz and colleagues published a minimally-invasive technique where autologous
sural nerve grafts are used for corneal neurotization to reduce the extent of surgical exposure
and to reduce donor site morbidity [5]. Depending on the etiology of corneal anesthesia, the
contralateral or ipsilateral supratrochlear nerves were used as donor nerves, with a minimally-
invasive access through small incision in the tarsal folds [5,9]. This method includes a side-to-
end coaptation of a sural nerve graft to the supratrochlear nerve, thus limiting the donor nerve
deficit by preserving the continuity of the donor nerve [5,9]. The authors reported improved
corneal sensation 6 months after neurotization, which is determined by the regeneration dis-
tance, given peripheral nerve regeneration of approximately 1 mm per day [9]. Postoperative
in vivo confocal microscopy showed successful corneal reinnervation in the stromal and sub-
basal corneal layers [10]. Some of the treated patients subsequently underwent corneal trans-
plantation after successful restoration of corneal sensation [5,10].
Ting and colleagues described favorable long-term outcomes after corneal neurotization,
which were confirmed by in vivo confocal microscopy and histopathological measures [11].
Benkhatar and colleagues successfully used the great auricular nerve as a nerve graft instead of
Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
the sural nerve for minimally-invasive corneal neurotization in a patient with unilateral neuro-
trophic keratopathy [12]. The nerve graft was coapted end-to-end to the contralateral supra-
trochlear nerve [12]. A minimally-invasive case of corneal neurotization using the ipsilateral
supraorbital nerve was described by Jacinto and colleagues in a patient with corneal anesthesia
from a local injury to the long ciliary nerves [13]. In this case report, the direct transfer of the
supraorbital nerve was performed while avoiding a bicoronary incision. In this case, the inter-
position of a nerve graft was not necessary, thus avoiding an additional sensory donor nerve
deficit and longer regeneration distances [13].
In all reported cases of corneal reinnervation, donor nerve branches of the supratrochlear
or the supraorbital nerve, were used [3,5]. They are distal branches of the ophthalmic division
of the trigeminal nerve and provide sensation to the forehead region, the upper eyelid and the
cornea [3,5].
As recent reports of corneal neurotization demonstrated reproducible, successful reinner-
vation in the anesthetic cornea, the donor nerves have not yet been further characterized. In
this study, we aimed to describe the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves as donor nerves
for corneal neurotization and to analyze the number of myelinated axons available for sensory
reinnervation of the anesthetic cornea. The detailed analysis of available donor nerve branches
is crucial, because their axonal load determines the reinnervation capacity and the subsequent
donor nerve deficit. Terzis and colleagues described 900 myelinated axons as a cut-off value
for donor nerve branch selection in cases of facial reanimation surgery [14]. However, these
values might not directly translate to corneal reinnervation, as donor branches of the facial
nerve a motoric donors and regeneration distances through cross-face nerve grafts are signifi-
cantly higher. The optimal number of donor axons for corneal reinnervation is not yet estab-
lished. In this anatomical study, we aimed to provide detailed data of trigeminal donor nerve
characteristics. The second aim of this study was to describe reliable anatomical landmarks to
guide intraoperative donor nerve dissection.
Materials and methods
The study was performed under the approval of the ethics commission of the Medical Univer-
sity of Vienna (protocol number 1826/2016) and followed the guidelines of the Helsinki Decla-
ration of 1975 and the regulations concerning the use of body donor materials for science
and teaching. Written pre-mortem consent for anatomical research was obtained from each
Anatomical dissection
Thirteen fresh, non-embalmed white cadavers (7 female and 6 male) were dissected for this
study. The exclusion criteria for anatomical specimen selection were periorbital scars and cra-
nial trauma. All dissections were performed under surgical loupe magnification. Measure-
ments were obtained bilaterally using a standard surgical ruler. Through a tarsal incision, the
supratrochlear nerve was identified and the distances to the facial midline, the medial corner
of the eyelid, the mid-pupillary line and the nasocranial margin of the orbita were measured
(Fig 1). Subsequently, the supraorbital nerve was dissected using a supraciliar incision. The
distances to the facial midline, the medial corner of the eyelid and the mid-pupillary line were
measured (Fig 1).
Sural nerve grafts were harvested with minimally invasive technique through a lateral retro-
malleolar incision using a nerve stripper. Proximally, 2 to 3 small skin incisions of 15 to 20
mm were performed to aid nerve graft harvesting, depending on the branching pattern of the
Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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Fig 1. Anatomical landmarks. The facial midline (solid arrow), the medial canthus (dashed arrow) and the mid-
pupillary line (dotted arrow) were used as landmarks to provide guiding distances for donor nerve branch dissection of
the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves in this anatomical study.
Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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sural nerve [15]. Nerve grafts of approximately 15 cm length were used for corneal neurotiza-
tion, as previously described by Bains and colleagues [9].
As clinically described in unilateral cases of neuropathic keratopathy, the contralateral
supratrochlear or supraorbital nerve can be used as the donor nerve branches and the sural
nerve graft was passed from the donor side to the recipient side through a subcutaneous tunnel
(Fig 2A). On the insensate side, the sural nerve graft was pulled through a craniomedial con-
junctival incision and guided to the superior fornix using a Wright Fascia Needle (Fig 2B). The
fascicles at end of the nerve graft were separated and the ends trimmed (Fig 2C). The 4 to 5
individual fascicles of the nerve graft were placed under the conjunctiva (Fig 2D), spread out
evenly and sutured to the sclera with perilimbal 10–0 Nylon interrupted sutures (Fig 2E) as
described previously [5,9]. The nerve graft was coapted to the donor nerve with interrupted
10–0 Nylon epineural sutures. In a clinical situation, the patient’s eye would have been closed
with a temporary tarsorrhaphy for one week [5].
Nerve cross-sections and myelinated donor nerve counts
Cross-sections of the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves were obtained for histomorpho-
metric analysis. The samples were harvested at the site of coaptation to the autologous nerve
graft to assess the available donor nerve counts for corneal reinnervation. Samples of the
Fig 2. Neurotization of the anesthetic cornea using a sural nerve graft and supratrochlear donor nerve. Cadaveric dissection to
neurotize the right cornea using the contralateral supratrochlear nerve as a donor, which is dissected through a small skin incision
on the upper eyelid. A subcutaneous tunnel connects the donor and recipient side (A). The sural nerve is used as an autologous
nerve graft and pulled through the to the superior fornix with a Wright Fascia Needle (B). The fascicles of the sural nerve graft are
separated (C) and tunneled under the conjunctiva (D). The 4 to 5 fascicles are placed around the limbus and sutured to the sclera
using 10–0 Nylon interrupted sutures (E).
Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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supraorbital nerve were harvested proximally in the cranial part of the orbita and further dis-
tally after its passage through the supraorbital notch. Additionally, biopsies of the sural nerve
graft were harvested. Nerve biopsies were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and processed as previ-
ously described [16,17]. Characteristics of nerve cross-sections and myelinated nerve fibers
were measured using a semi-automated image analyzing software (LUCIA-M, Nikon Labora-
tory Imaging, Prague, Czech Republic) [17]. Axon diameters were marked by the investigator
for an area covering at least 30% of the nerve cross-section. The image analysis software was
subsequently used to calculate the axon numbers of the entire nerve biopsy.
Statistical analysis
Mean values and standard deviations were reported for all anatomical measurements and his-
tomorphometric criteria. The different myelinated donor axon counts were analyzed by one-
way ANOVA and post-hoc Bonferroni corrections. A two-sided p-value of <0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant.
Anatomical dissection
Seven female and 6 male cadavers were dissected for this study. The mean age was 79.4 ±9.5
years. Cause of death was pneumonia in 3 cases, cardiovascular events in 3 cases and cancer in
1 case. In 6 cases, the exact cause of death was not available, however, all included anatomical
specimen met the criteria of no periorbital scars or trauma.
Anatomical landmarks
In this cadaver study, the supratrochlear nerve (Fig 3A) was dissected through a short trans-
verse incision on the medial upper eyelid under surgical loupe magnification. The mean dis-
tance to the supratrochlear nerve was 20.1 ±2.8 mm lateral to the facial midline and 14 ±2.9
mm medial to the mid-pupillary line. The supratrochlear nerve was found 2.7 ±1.6 mm lateral
to the medial canthus and 2 mm caudal to the craniomedial orbital rim.
The supraorbital nerve (Fig 3B) was accessed through a supraciliary incision at the medial
third of the eyebrow. The supraorbital nerve was 19.6 ±3.1 mm lateral to the facial midline
and 11.8 ±2.4 mm medial to the mid-pupillary line. The mean distance to the medial canthus
was 1.7 ±0.6 mm.
As practical dissection guidelines for the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves as donor
nerves with limited skin incisions, the supratrochlear nerve can be located through a tarsal
incision approximately 2 cm lateral to the facial midline and 2 mm caudal to the craniomedial
orbital rim. The supraorbital nerve can be dissected through a supraciliary incision approxi-
mately 1 cm medial to the mid-pupillary line.
Myelinated donor nerve fiber counts
Nerve biopsies were obtained for histomorphometric analysis of myelinated axons and nerve
cross-sections were evaluated. The supratrochlear nerve contained 3146 ±1069.9 myelinated
axons in 2 ±1.5 fascicles (Fig 4A). The supraorbital nerve branch distal to the supraorbital
notch, which was dissected through a supraciliary incision, included 1882 ±903 myelinated
axons in 6 ±3.8 fascicles (Fig 4B). The proximal part of the supraorbital nerve, which was dis-
sected proximal to the orbital rim through a tarsal approach, contained 6035 ±1675.2 myelin-
ated nerve fibers in 4 ±2.2 fascicles. The sural nerves harvested as autologous nerve grafts
contained 3179 ±1524.5 myelinated nerve fibers in 7 ±3.8 fascicles (Fig 4C).
Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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Fig 3. Donor nerve branch dissection using anatomical landmarks. The donor branch of the supraorbital nerve distal to the
supraorbital notch accessed through a supraciliary incision and found approximately 1 cm medial to the mid-pupillary line (A). The
supratrochlear nerve branch was located 2 cm lateral to the facial midline and dissected through a small transverse incision on the
medial upper eyelid (B). The sketch on the left side displays the anatomical landmarks (see Fig 1).
Fig 4. Nerve biopsies. Cross-sections of nerve biopsies of the supratrochlear nerve (A), the supraorbital nerve (B) and the sural
nerve graft (C) were analyzed histomorphometrically to determine the myelinated axon counts.
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The myelinated axon counts of cross-sections of the proximal supraorbital nerves were sig-
nificantly higher than those of the distal supraorbital nerves (p <0.001), the supratrochlear
nerves (p = 0.003) and the sural nerves (p = 0.001). The myelinated axon counts of the supra-
trochlear nerve and the distal supraorbital nerve biopsies did not differ significantly.
Reinnervating the anesthetic cornea provides a therapeutic treatment option for neuropathic
keratopathy, which was previously managed symptomatically [3,5,9]. Corneal neurotization
was first described by Terzis and colleagues and has been successfully performed in few
patients worldwide [3,9,11]. Corneal reinnervation is either performed by direct nerve trans-
fers [3,13] or by interposition of nerve grafts [5,9,11,12]. This study analyzed the characteris-
tics of the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerve branches of the trigeminal nerve used as
donors for corneal neurotization. Additionally, reliable anatomical landmarks for donor nerve
branch dissection were described for both, the supratrochlear and the supraorbital nerve
The main findings of this study were the robust donor nerve counts of the trigeminal donor
nerve branches: the supratrochlear nerve contained approximately 3150 myelinated axons and
the supraorbital nerve 1880 distal and 6000 proximal to the supraorbital notch, respectively.
The high numbers of myelinated axons available for sensory reinnervation of the anesthetic
cornea concur with the clinical reports of successful postoperative outcomes in patients with
neuropathic keratopathy [3,5,10,11].
The data of this anatomical study described the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerve
branches as strong donor nerves, however, the optimal number of donor axons has not yet
been determined. The previously reported cut-off point of 900 myelinated axons [14] for
donor branch selection in facial reanimation surgery may not be directly translatable to cor-
neal reinnervation surgery, because regeneration distances are significantly longer and the
axonal input required for adequate motor reinnervation may differ from the axonal load nec-
essary to restore corneal sensation. The high axon counts of all available trigeminal donor
nerves, confirm that distal donor nerve branch selection, which reduced the donor nerve defi-
cit, is possible. The supraorbital nerve proximal to the supraorbital notch contains significantly
more myelinated donor axons than its distal branch and the supratrochlear nerve. It remains
to be determined if choosing a stronger donor nerve branch for end-to-side coaptation to the
nerve graft leads to superior results compared to harvesting a smaller, more distal donor nerve
branch for end-to-end coaptation and creating a partial sensory donor nerve deficit.
The different techniques of corneal neurotization involved either direct nerve transfers
through a bicoronary dissection [3], or a minimally-invasive technique using small tarsal and
supraciliary incisions with interposition of nerve grafts [5,9]. Recently, Leyngold and col-
leagues described an endoscopic technique to dissect the supraorbital nerve for corneal neuro-
tization [18,19]. The nerve fascicles are coapted around the limbus using microsurgical
technique in all surgical methods, using either direct nerve transfers or nerve grafting [3,5,9].
When autologous nerve grafts were used, the proximal coaptation of the nerve graft to the
donor nerve was performed with micro-sutures and fibrin glue [9]. Here, the donor nerve
branch selection and coaptation method influences the amount of donor nerve fibers that will
grow through the nerve graft and subsequently reinnervate the cornea. As indicated by Elbaz
and colleagues, depending on the size of the selected donor nerve branch and the clinical pre-
sentation, end-to-side or end-to-end coaptations of the nerve graft can be performed [5].
Larger donor nerve branches are more suitable for end-to-side coaptations, where the end of
the nerve graft is sutured to the side of the donor nerve, which preserves donor nerve function
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[20]. In neuropathic keratopathy, future experimental studies are needed to determine the
number of donor nerve axons growing into the nerve graft and reinnervating the cornea. Pre-
vious studies have shown that the number of axons growing into nerve grafts is generally less
predictable after end-to-side coaptations than after end-to-end coaptations [20,21]. There are
numerous clinical and experimental examples of successful regeneration through end-to-side
nerve coaptations [2128], but in cases of corneal neurotization their applications and benefits
compared to end-to-end coaptations remain to be determined. Choosing smaller donor nerve
branches and opting for end-to-side coaptations while preserving the continuity of the donor
nerve reduces the sensory donor nerve deficit and may be beneficial for the patient, given
recent clinical reports of successful corneal neurotization using these less invasive techniques
with interposition of nerve grafts [5,9,11] compared to the more invasive direct nerve transfer
through a bicoronary approach [3]. The additional sensory deficit of the sural nerve graft is
limited to the dorsolateral foot and clinically acceptable for the majority of patients [15].
Through improved minimally invasive techniques, the skin incisions in both the donor nerve
dissection in the face and the dorsal to the lateral malleolus are limited and the scars are cos-
metically acceptable [5]. Benkhatar and colleagues recently proposed using the great auricular
nerve instead of the sural nerve graft [12]. The smaller diameter of the nerve graft, which is
more compatible to the donor nerve branches than the sural nerve, and the harvest site were
cited as main benefits of this technique [12]. The length of the harvested great auricular nerve
was 7 cm [12], which is shorter than the sural nerve graft of approximately 15 cm used by
other authors [5]. Clinically, the appropriate nerve graft selection will depend on donor nerve
selection and anatomical features of the patient, which determine the regeneration distance
that needs to be covered.
In the present study, distances to anatomical landmarks for simple donor nerve branch dis-
section were described. The supratrochlear nerve can be found 2 cm lateral to the facial mid-
line and 2 mm caudal to the orbital rim, whereas the supraorbital donor nerve branch distal to
the supraorbital notch can be dissected 1 cm medial to the mid-pupillary line. The described
anatomical landmarks are easily clinically applicable and facilitate reliable donor nerve
Clinical studies demonstrated successful corneal neurotization which improved patients’
vision by avoiding corneal injuries associated with corneal anesthesia and providing improved
conditions for subsequent corneal transplantation [5]. After corneal neurotization, in vivo
confocal microscopy confirmed the successful reinnervation of stromal and subbasal corneal
layers and documented the presence of new sensory nerve fibers [10]. Ting and colleagues
underlined the importance of neurotrophic factors providing trophic support after corneal
neurotization [11]. It is yet unclear how many ingrowing nerve fibers are required to achieve
clinically adequate results. Soluble factors released by trigeminal neurons, which stimulate cor-
neal epithelial cells, and neurotrophic factors expressed by corneal epithelial cells that promote
nerve regeneration have been shown to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of neurotrophic
keratopathy [4]. Their role in corneal reinnervation will be the focus of future investigations.
The cornea is the most densely innervated surface tissue due to the complex innervation and
branching patterns of corneal nerves [29]. Corneal nerves are heterogeneous and innervate dif-
ferent nociceptors: about 20% are mechano-nociceptors, 70% are polymodal nociceptors and
10% are cold-receptors [30]. The role of nociceptor excitation and sensitization after corneal
reinnervation remains to be explored in experimental studies and will improve our under-
standing of the underlying cellular mechanisms of corneal neurotization.
The present study showed that both the supraorbital and the supratrochlear nerve are
potent donor nerves that can be reliably dissected using clinical landmarks. Limitations of the
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study were the advanced age of the cadavers and the limited information about preexisting
neurological conditions available from the donors.
The supraorbital and supratrochlear branches of the trigeminal nerve are potent donor nerves
for corneal neurotization, that can be reliably dissected using anatomical landmarks. Restoring
sensory innervation to the cornea provides a therapeutic treatment option for patients suffer-
ing from neuropathic keratopathy.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Supporting information for nerve biopsies. Histomorphometric analysis of nerve
biopsy characterizing fascicle numbers and myelinated axon counts.
The authors thank Maria Prieto Barea and Andrea Ofner for creating the anatomical sketch.
They also thank Sonja Wolf and Melanie Schmid for the histomorphometric analysis of nerve
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Eva Gyo¨ri, Roman Dunavoelgyi.
Data curation: Eva Gyo¨ri.
Formal analysis: Eva Gyo¨ri, Roman Dunavoelgyi.
Funding acquisition: Eva Gyo¨ri, Roman Dunavoelgyi.
Investigation: Eva Gyo¨ri, Chieh-Han John Tzou, Roman Dunavoelgyi.
Methodology: Roman Dunavoelgyi.
Project administration: Eva Gyo¨ri.
Resources: Wolfgang J. Weninger, Lukas Reissig, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Christine Radtke.
Supervision: Wolfgang J. Weninger, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Christine Radtke.
Visualization: Eva Gyo¨ri, Chieh-Han John Tzou.
Writing original draft: Eva Gyo¨ri.
Writing review & editing: Chieh-Han John Tzou, Wolfgang J. Weninger, Lukas Reissig,
Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Christine Radtke, Roman Dunavoelgyi.
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Donor nerves for corneal neurotization
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October 2018
... Notably, the distal branches of the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves, emerging from the orbital rim, contain more than 2000 myelinated axons, making them ideal donor nerves without causing end-organ damage. [10] In an anatomic and histomorphometric feasibility study, Catapano et al. [11] reported that the infraorbital nerve contains 975 myelinated fibers, a number considered sufficient for contemplation as a donor nerve. Hence, the supraorbital, supratrochlear, or infraorbital nerve can serve as a donor nerve for CN. ...
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This study aimed to comprehensively explore the intricacies of corneal neurotization (CN) and the nuanced factors that set it apart from routine clinical practice, exerting a substantial influence on its success. A symbiotic relationship is evident between corneal innervation and ocular surface health. The loss of corneal innervation results in a potentially challenging corneal condition known as neurotrophic keratopathy (NK). The majority of treatments are primarily focused on preventing epithelial breakdown rather than addressing the underlying pathogenesis. Consequently, to address the impaired corneal sensation (underlying etiology), a novel surgical approach has emerged, namely CN, which involves transferring healthy sensory nerve axons to the affected cornea. This review offers valuable insights into the existing body of supporting evidence for CN, meticulously examining clinical studies, case reports, and experimental findings. The aim is to enhance our understanding of the effectiveness and potential outcomes associated with this innovative surgical technique. The exploration of innovative therapeutic avenues holds promise for revolutionizing the management of NK, offering a potentially permanent solution to a condition once deemed incurable and severely debilitating.
... Through dissection of non-embalmed cadavers, they found that the mean donor axon counts were 3146 ± 1069.9 for the supratrochlear nerve and 1882 ± 903 for the supraorbital nerve. Consequently, the supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves, both sensory nerves, can be considered potent donor nerves for ocular neuropathologies [54]. ...
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Facial palsy (FP) is a debilitating nerve pathology. Cross Face Nerve Grafting (CFNG) describes a surgical technique that uses nerve grafts to reanimate the paralyzed face. The sural nerve has been shown to be a reliable nerve graft with little donor side morbidity. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the microanatomy of the sural nerve. Biopsies were obtained from 15 FP patients who underwent CFNG using sural nerve grafts. Histological cross-sections were fixated, stained with PPD, and digitized. Histomorphometry and a validated software-based axon quantification were conducted. The median age of the operated patients was 37 years (5–62 years). There was a significant difference in axonal capacity decrease towards the periphery when comparing proximal vs. distal biopsies (p = 0.047), while the side of nerve harvest showed no significant differences in nerve caliber (proximal p = 0.253, distal p = 0.506) and axonal capacity for proximal and distal biopsies (proximal p = 0.414, distal p = 0.922). Age did not correlate with axonal capacity (proximal: R = −0.201, p = 0.603; distal: R = 0.317, p = 0.292). These novel insights into the microanatomy of the sural nerve may help refine CFNG techniques and individualize FP patient treatment plans, ultimately improving overall patient outcomes.
... Domoshek et al. compared the distal supraorbital to the supratrochlear nerve, indicating that the former contains approximately 1000 more axons than the latter (3146 ± 1069 versus 1882 ± 903), which is an important consideration in direct reinnervation techniques [76]. If the supraorbital nerve is approached very proximally, just above the orbital rim, it contains yet more axons, suggesting that connecting the nerve (or coaptation) to a nerve graft should be done as proximal as possible to maximize the axonal load [77]. The same study by Domoshek et al. reported that the sural nerve, harvested as a conduit graft, contained 3176 ± 1524.5 myelinated nerve fibres. ...
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Corneal neurotization is a promising surgical approach for the treatment of moderate to severe neurotrophic keratopathy. This technique aims to restore corneal sensation by transferring healthy nerves, either directly or via a conduit, to the anesthetic cornea. This review provides a report on the current state of development, evidence, and experience in the field. We summarize the data available from clinical reports and case series, placing an emphasis on the diversity of the surgical techniques reported. While these data are encouraging, they also highlight the need for a consensus in reporting outcomes and highlight how the next step will involve validating putative outcome parameters when researching and reporting corneal neurotization surgery.
Purpose Corneal neurotization is an emerging technique that offers potential for visual rehabilitation in neurotrophic keratopathy. This study reports on a multicenter experience and outcomes for both direct and indirect methods of corneal neurotization. Methods Retrospective case series. Sixteen patients with neurotrophic keratopathy who underwent corneal neurotization across 5 centers in Australia and Israel were identified for inclusion. Corneal neurotization was performed via direct neurotization from the ipsilateral or contralateral supraorbital/supratrochlear nerve or by the use of an interpositional sural nerve graft. Change in corneal sensitivity (measured in millimeters by the Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometer), visual acuity, and corneal health. Results Over a mean follow-up period of 31.3 months (range: 3 months–8 years), mean corneal sensitivity improved from 3.6 mm (range: 0–25 mm) to 25.3 mm (range: 0–57 mm). Visual acuity improved on average from 20/380 to 20/260. Twelve of 16 patients (75.0%) improved in at least 2 out of the 3 main outcome measures. Nine patients (56.3%) showed an improvement in visual acuity; 13 (81.3%) showed an improvement in average corneal sensitivity; and 11 (68.8%) showed an improvement in corneal health. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Conclusions Corneal neurotization is an emerging surgical treatment option for the management of neurotrophic keratopathy. With appropriate case selection, outcomes are favorable and complication rates are low, for a condition that is otherwise challenging to manage. Patients with severe neurotrophic keratopathy should be considered for this surgical treatment option.
This chapter aims to recapitulate the anatomy of the cranial nerves. It briefly introduces and discusses alternative systematics but pragmatically uses traditional terminology. However, in contrast to classical textbooks and scientific articles, it describes nerves following the direction of action potential conduction and refers to inconsistencies in nomenclature when appropriate. A separate subchapter carefully describes the parasympathetic pathways and the nerves and nerve fiber bundles derived from and associated with the parasympathetic head ganglia. Major sympathetic pathways to the skin of the head, however, are described with the nerves passing the parasellar region. Important and complex topological relations are illustrated in a number of carefully selected and comprehensively labeled figures.
Corneal neurotization (CN) is a potentially curative surgical procedure that has revolutionized the management of severe neurotrophic keratopathy (NK). Prior therapies for neurotrophic corneas focused on predominantly supportive measures for ocular surface preservation, but more recent medical and surgical innovations have targeted the underlying corneal hypoesthesia or anesthesia causing inadequate trophic support. Though the modern technique for CN was only first described in 2009, there has been rapid progress in both surgical techniques and understanding of nerve regeneration pathophysiology since the initial report. This has facilitated more widespread adoption of this procedure as a viable treatment for NK even earlier in the disease course to improve ultimate visual rehabilitation outcomes. Given the expansive body of literature that has continued to grow recently, the goal of this chapter is to discuss the current techniques and limitations of this procedure that have arisen over the past decade.KeywordsNeurotrophic keratopathyNeurotrophic keratitisPersistent epithelial defectNoninfectious corneal ulcerCorneal anesthesiaCorneal hypoesthesiaCorneal neurotization
Background: There are a number of nerve grafting options for facial reanimation and the ansa hypoglossi (AH) may be considered in select situations. Objective: To compare axonal density, area, and diameter of AH with other nerves more usually used for facial reanimation. Methods: AH specimens from patients undergoing neck dissections were submitted in formalin. Proximal to distal cross sections, nerve diameters, and the number of axons per nerve, proximally and distally, were measured and counted. Results: Eighteen nerve specimens were analyzed. The average manual axon count for the distal and proximal nerve sections was 1378 ± 333 and 1506 ± 306, respectively. The average QuPath counts for the proximal and distal nerve sections were 1381 ± 325 and 1470 ± 334, respectively. The mean nerve area of the proximal and distal nerve sections was 0.206 ± 0.01 and 0.22 ± 0.064 mm2, respectively. The mean nerve diameter for the proximal and distal nerve sections were 0.498 ± 0.121 and 0.526 ± 0.75 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The histological characteristics of the AH support clinical examination of outcomes as a promising option in facial reanimation.
Ocular symptomatology in lesions of the facial nerve is associated with disturbed innervation of the circular muscle of the eye that leads to disruption of the protective function of the eyelids and the development of exposure symptoms, and is accompanied by a breach in corneal tear film integrity. The main clinical manifestation of the trigeminal nerve damage is the loss of sensory innervation of the cornea and disruption of the supply of neurotransmitters to its cells, manifesting as corneal hypo- or anesthesia. This triggers a cascade of pathological processes that lead to the development of neurotrophic keratopathy. In combined pathology of the facial and trigeminal nerves, a number of interrelated and mutually aggravating problems arise that require correction of lagophthalmos and functional restoration of the trigeminal nerve, since there is an interaction between the corneal epithelium and trigeminal neurons through trophic neuromodulators, which normally contribute to the proliferation of epithelial cells, their differentiation, migration and adhesion, and are essential for vital functions, metabolism and healing of surface lesions of the eye. Classical methods of treating neurotrophic keratopathy aim to protect the ocular surface, and are palliative or auxiliary, do not provide radical relief of the symptoms of neurotrophic keratopathy. Modern surgical technique of neurotization of the cornea allows restoring the structural growth of the nerve, which provides nerve trophism and corneal sensitivity, and is the only pathogenetically substantiated method of effective treatment of neurotrophic keratopathy. At the same time, direct neurotization has undeniable advantages over methods involving intercalary donor nerves, since neuropeptides from nerve fibers are immediately released into the recipient tissue and start reparative processes. Taking into account the accumulated positive experience of neurotization surgeries, scientific and clinical research should be continued in order to improve the most effective methods of corneal neurotization and promote their wider implementation into clinical practice.
The cornea is among the most densely innervated structures in the human body and corneal innervation is indispensable for maintaining the ocular surface health. The acquired loss or congenital absence of corneal nerve fibers result in neurotrophic keratopathy. This degenerative disease of the anesthetic cornea is characterized by progressive corneal thinning and ulceration which may culminate in permanent vision loss. Conventional ophthalmic treatment strategies for neurotrophic keratopathy manage the symptoms and prevent disease progression but do not address the fundamental lack of corneal innervation. Corneal neurotization surgically reroutes healthy donor nerve fibers to the anesthetic cornea in order to restore corneal innervation. The rerouted nerve fibers provide the cornea with sensation and thereby protect the cornea from injury. Beyond that, corneal clarity and surface health can be recovered due to corneal (re-)innervation, with a significantly reduced incidence of non-healing epithelial defects. Although corneal neurotization research is still in its infancy these results underpin the clinical value of this procedure to prevent vision loss in patients suffering from neurotrophic keratopathy.
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Purpose: We describe the first case of minimally invasive corneal neurotization with the great auricular nerve (GAN) to treat unilateral neurotrophic keratopathy. We assessed corneal sensation and reinnervation by esthesiometry and confocal microscopy over 12 months of follow-up, and we provide a detailed description of the surgical technique. Methods: Corneal neurotization was successfully achieved with the ipsilateral GAN in a 58-year-old woman. Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometry and in vivo confocal microscopy were performed before and after corneal neurotization, to monitor the recovery of corneal sensation and corneal reinnervation by subbasal nerve fibers. Results: Neurotrophic keratopathy was a complication of the surgical treatment of meningioma. Before surgery, the patient had no corneal sensation or corneal innervation. Six months after surgery, confocal microscopy confirmed regrowth of a large number of nerve fibers in the subepithelial space of the cornea. Nine months after surgery, a central esthesiometry score of 10-mm was attained. Conclusions: Corneal neurotization leads to reinnervation of the cornea and recovery of ocular sensation in adults. The GAN is suitable for use in corneal neurotization because of its anatomical proximity and the low level of associated morbidity. Confocal microscopy demonstrated the occurrence of corneal reinnervation, which preceded the recovery of corneal sensation.
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Purpose: To describe the long-term outcomes and in vivo confocal microscopic (IVCM) and histopathological findings after corneal neurotization surgery. Methods: We included 2 patients who underwent corneal neurotization surgery for severe unilateral neurotrophic keratopathy secondary to cerebellopontine angle meningioma. Corneal sensation was measured using the Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer (CBE) (0-60 mm). IVCM was performed using the Heidelberg HRT3 Rostock Corneal Module. Histopathological examination was performed on the excised corneoscleral disc of patient 2. Results: In patient 1, corneal sensation improved from 0 mm preoperatively to 60 mm in all 4 quadrants by 2 years postoperatively and was maintained at 5 years postoperatively with identifiable subbasal and stromal corneal nerves on IVCM. In patient 2, corneal sensation improved from 0 mm preoperatively to 10 mm in 3 quadrants (9 months postoperatively) but returned to 0 mm in all quadrants by 2 years postoperatively. IVCM failed to identify any subbasal and stromal corneal nerves. At 5 years postoperatively, evisceration was performed to ameliorate uncontrolled and persistent ocular pain and poor cosmesis. Histopathological examination of the excised corneoscleral disc confirmed the presence of normal-sized, central corneal stromal nerve fascicles but without direct continuity with the transplanted perilimbal nerve bundles. Conclusions: Our study elucidates the mechanism of corneal neurotization surgery at a cellular level. Although only 1 patient achieved long-term improvement in corneal sensation postoperatively, the findings on IVCM and histopathological examination suggest that partial regeneration/maintenance of corneal nerves after corneal neurotization surgery is likely attributed to the paracrine neurotrophic support, instead of direct sprouting, from the perilimbal transplanted nerve fascicles.
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Purpose: To report a case of regained corneal sensation and function in a patient with neurotrophic keratopathy due to direct damage to the long ciliary nerves by performing a corneal neurotization procedure using ipsilateral supraorbital nerve. Surgical technique is described in detail as well as a review of the literature on corneal neurotization. Observations: A patient with devastating corneal anesthesia and poor visual acuity refractory to other treatments underwent a new surgical technique involving an ipsilateral supraorbital nerve transfer to the surrounding limbus to restore corneal sensation. At 8 months follow up, there was resolution of corneal stromal opacification documented with photographs and greatly improved corneal sensation by testing with a wisp of cotton in all 4 quadrants. Her visual acuity had improved, and at two years she was stable with even more improvement in visual acuity and ocular surface health. Conclusions and importance: We present the first successful case of corneal neurotization with ipsilateral supraorbital nerve in a patient with corneal anesthesia from a local injury to the long ciliary nerves. Our case demonstrates that the described method of corneal neurotization is a viable option for patients with recalcitrant neurotrophic keratopathy and an intact ipsilateral frontal nerve.
Purpose: The authors describe a minimally invasive surgical technique to re-establish corneal sensibility in a patient with neurotrophic keratopathy with the supraorbital nerve harvested endoscopically. Methods: Pedicled contralateral supraorbital nerve was harvested endoscopically through small eyelid crease and scalp incisions and transferred to the affected eye. Results: Endoscopic corneal neurotization was successfully performed with restoration of corneal sensibility and corneal epithelial integrity. Conclusions: The use of an endoscope allows for a minimally invasive approach to successful corneal neurotization with the supraorbital nerve.
Purpose: To document the presence and location of new sensory nerve fibers after corneal neurotization using in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) in 2 patients with neurotrophic keratopathy (NK). Methods: Two patients with unilateral advanced NK received corneal neurotization to surgically reinnervate the cornea. IVCM was used to identify subbasal nerve fibers and document corneal reinnervation. In 1 patient (case 1), IVCM was performed before and after corneal neurotization; in the second patient (case 2), IVCM was performed after neurotization and corneal transplantation. Results: In case 1, who had hand motion visual acuity due to NK-associated corneal perforation that necessitated cyanoacrylate gluing, preoperative IVCM identified no subbasal nerves; however, subbasal nerves were identified 6 months after corneal neurotization, and there were no further episodes of persistent epithelial defects. In case 2, in whom NK with a total absence of corneal sensation was the result of treated basal skull meningioma, corneal sensation, visual acuity, and ocular surface health improved after corneal neurotization. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty was performed 2.5 years after corneal sensation was reestablished. IVCM demonstrated corneal reinnervation at the stromal and subbasal level in a pattern different from the normal cornea. Conclusions: Corneal neurotization restores corneal sensation by reinnervating the stromal and subbasal layers of the cornea. In doing so, corneal neurotization may halt the process of NK and prevent further visual loss.
Purpose: The authors describe a cadaver feasibility study investigating a minimally invasive technique for corneal neurotization with the supraorbital nerve harvested endoscopically. Methods: A cadaver study was performed to investigate the technical feasibility of corneal neurotization via endoscopic supraorbital nerve transfer to the corneoscleral limbus. Results: Endoscopic corneal neurotization was successfully performed on each cadaveric hemiface. Conclusion: The use of an endoscope allows for a minimally invasive approach to corneal neurotization with the supraorbital nerve.
Forty-three patients with the syndrome of congenital trigeminal anaesthesia (CTA) have been reported to date. The cases have been divided into three groups based on the presence and nature of any associated clinical problems. Three additional cases are presented as characteristic of each of the groups. A different aetiology is proposed for each group. Group I consists of patients with CTA as an isolated finding. It is almost always bilateral, and typically involves the distribution of only the first division of the fifth nerve. There is no evidence of other neurological abnormalities or associated mesoectodermal congenital anomalies. The aetiology is suspected to be a primary neural hypoplasia. Patients with associated congenital mesenchymal anomalies were placed in the second group. CTA was often a minor part of another well defined, more extensive clinical syndrome, such as Mobius or oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia (OA VD). The sensory abnormality was either unilateral or bilateral. The skin of the face was almost always involved, as well as the cornea and conjunctiva. This may be a heterogenous group with multiple aetiologies having in common an injury early in embryogenesis. The third group is defined as patients with CTA without evidence of mesenchymal dysplasia. These cases differ from the first group primarily because of the presence of associated focal brainstem signs. The aetiology is thought to be due to focal neural dysgenesis secondary to a prenatal injury, possibly vascular in nature.
Corneal anesthesia is a debilitating condition which can ultimately lead to blindness from repetitive corneal injury and scarring. We have developed a minimally invasive technique for corneal re-innervation that we have used with excellent results in ten eyes. This article and accompanying video describes the relevant anatomy and demonstrates the technique in detail.
In unilateral facial palsy, cross-face nerve grafts are used for emotional facial reanimation. Facial nerve regeneration through the grafts takes several months, and the functional results are sometimes inadequate. Chronic denervation of the cross-face nerve graft results in incomplete nerve regeneration. The authors hypothesize that donor axons from regional sensory nerves will enhance facial motoneuron regeneration, improve axon regeneration, and improve the amplitude of facial muscle movement. In the rat model, a 30-mm nerve graft (right common peroneal nerve) was used as a cross-face nerve graft. The graft was coapted to the proximal stump of the transected right buccal branch of the facial nerve and the distal stumps of the transected left buccal and marginal mandibular branches. In one group, sensory occipital nerves were coapted end-to-side to the cross-face nerve graft. Regeneration of green fluorescent protein-positive axons was imaged in vivo in transgenic Thy1-green fluorescent protein rats, in which all neurons express green fluorescence. After 16 weeks, retrograde labeling of regenerated neurons and histomorphometric analysis of myelinated axons was performed. Functional outcomes were assessed with video analysis of whisker motion. "Pathway protection" with sensory axons significantly enhanced motoneuron regeneration, as assessed by retrograde labeling, in vivo fluorescence imaging, and histomorphometry, and significantly improved whisker motion during video analysis. Sensory pathway protection of cross-face nerve grafts counteracts chronic denervation in nerve grafts and improves regeneration and functional outcomes.
Importance Corneal anesthesia is recalcitrant to conventional treatment and can lead to permanent visual loss.Objective To assess the outcomes of a novel sensory reconstructive technique for the treatment of corneal anesthesia.Design, Setting, and Participants This prospective study evaluating a new technique was conducted at a tertiary referral center. Four eyes in 3 patients with corneal anesthesia underwent nerve transfers with nerve grafting to restore corneal sensation. Corneal sensory reconstruction was performed using a segment of the medial cutaneous branch of the sural nerve. Two patients with unilateral trigeminal nerve anesthesia—one following basal skull fracture and another following large posterior fossa tumor resection—underwent corneal sensory reconstruction using the contralateral supratrochlear nerve as the donor sensory nerve. One patient with a history of cerebellar hypoplasia and bilateral congenital corneal anesthesia underwent bilateral corneal sensory reconstruction using the respective ipsilateral supratrochlear nerves as the sensory donor nerves. Corneal anesthesia was evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively in the center of the cornea and in 4 corneal quadrants using a Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer (Luneau). Complications of the procedure were also documented.Main Outcomes and Measures Esthesiometry scores.Results All eyes had prior complications of corneal anesthesia and had no measurable corneal sensation in the affected eye(s) preoperatively. Two patients—one with cerebellar hypoplasia and the other with posterior fossa tumor resection—had markedly improved corneal sensation 6 months postsurgery (3 eyes; mean [SD] central esthesiometry, 55 [5] mm). A third patient with a history of basal skull fracture underwent unilateral corneal neurotization and recovered 15-mm esthesiometry score centrally after 7.5 months of follow-up. None of the operated on eyes have developed corneal anesthesia–related complications since reconstruction.Conclusions and Relevance Corneal sensory reconstruction provides corneal sensation in previously anesthetic corneas. This can be achieved with minimal morbidity using sural nerve grafts, which surgeons commonly use to reconstruct nerve gaps elsewhere. This multidisciplinary approach restores an ocular defense mechanism and may enable subsequent corneal transplant in these patients.