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Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of rotator cuff impingement due to reduction of subacromial space height during complex shoulder motion to determine safety of sexual activities. The hypothesis was that such activities could be deleterious if not performed with precaution. To use a patient-specific 3D measurement technique coupling medical imaging and optical motion capture to evaluate the safety of various sexual positions according to subacromial compression. Descriptive laboratory study. A volunteer couple underwent Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and motion capture of their shoulders. Five common active and passive sexual positions were evaluated. Significant differences in subacromial space height were observed between the different performed actions. All active sexual positions requiring important pressure on the hands or elbows (e.g., scorpio) or weight lifting (e.g., superman) caused subacromial impingement. No subacromial impingement was however observed during passive sexual activities (e.g., basset hound). This study indicates that some sexual positions could potentially place the rotator cuff at risk. Such high-tech investigation shows promise in the areas of cause, intervention and education. The present findings may assist health professionals in providing them with preventive measures and is highly relevant for decision-making regarding health promoting initiatives.
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Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
Sexual Activities asRisk Factors ofRotator Cu Lesions:
AProspective Cohort Study
AlexandreLädermann1,2,3,4 · GrégoryCunningham1,2,3,4· SylvainChagué5·
Published online: 30 October 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of rotator cuff impingement due to
reduction of subacromial space height during complex shoulder motion to determine
safety of sexual activities. The hypothesis was that such activities could be deleterious if
not performed with precaution. To use a patient-specific 3D measurement technique cou-
pling medical imaging and optical motion capture to evaluate the safety of various sexual
positions according to subacromial compression. Descriptive laboratory study. A volun-
teer couple underwent Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and motion capture of their
shoulders. Five common active and passive sexual positions were evaluated. Significant
differences in subacromial space height were observed between the different performed
actions. All active sexual positions requiring important pressure on the hands or elbows
(e.g., scorpio) or weight lifting (e.g., superman) caused subacromial impingement. No sub-
acromial impingement was however observed during passive sexual activities (e.g., basset
hound). This study indicates that some sexual positions could potentially place the rotator
cuff at risk. Such high-tech investigation shows promise in the areas of cause, intervention
and education. The present findings may assist health professionals in providing them with
preventive measures and is highly relevant for decision-making regarding health promoting
Keywords Shoulder pathology· Rotator cuff tear· Tendinopathy· Subacromial
impingement· Sexual activity· Kinematics· Biomechanics· 3D simulation· Switzerland
* Alexandre Lädermann
1 Division ofOrthopaedics andTrauma Surgery, La Tour Hospital, Avenue J.-D. Maillard 3,
1217Meyrin, Switzerland
2 Faculty ofMedicine, University ofGeneva, Geneva, Switzerland
3 Division ofOrthopaedics andTrauma Surgery, Department ofSurgery, Geneva University
Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
4 Division ofOrthopaedics andTrauma Surgery, Hirslanden La Colline, Geneva, Switzerland
5 Medical Research Department, Artanim Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
Tears of the rotator cuff are a frequent and a well-known cause of chronic pain and dys-
function in the shoulder [1]. Their aetiologies in non-traumatic situations are controver-
sial, with two main theories described: an extrinsic mechanism, also called subacromial
impingement, where symptoms are caused by compression of the rotator cuff [2], and
an intrinsic one, where symptoms are thought to result from overload on degenerating
rotator cuff tendons [3]. The authors of the present study have noted other alarming risk
factors in recent publications that may impede with general quality of life. Indeed, it has
been proved that almost all enjoyable activities (i.e., sports [4], good food associated to
hypercholesterolemia [5], alcohol [6] or tobacco [7]) are deleterious for the rotator cuff.
Sexual activity is another known factor of emotional happiness [8]. However, no such
association has been established with shoulder injuries yet. To rule out a ‘worst case
scenario’, the authors investigated if the latter activity was also associated with rotator
cuff overload in order to promote, if required, adequate injury prevention. This issue
remaining rarely discussed and very limited objective data being available to propose
recommendations, they felt the necessity to fill this gap. Simulating dynamically subac-
romial impingements during activities of daily living is challenging. This requires accu-
rate 3D reconstruction of the shoulder bones, kinematics estimation of the joint dur-
ing complex shoulder motion and evaluation of impingement using the subject-specific
3D models and kinematics. Fortunately, the authors previously developed and validated
in different studies all the necessary tools to perform such challenging simulation [4,
The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of rotator cuff impingement dur-
ing complex shoulder motion using an invivo technique combining optical motion cap-
ture and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine safety sexual activities for
men. The hypothesis was that such activities could be deleterious for shoulders if not
performed with precaution.
This study was a prospective trial carried out on two healthy right-handed volunteers
(one female, one male) that did not report previous shoulder injury or surgery. The
age, weight, height and body mass index of the two subjects were 39 and 31 years,
161 and 180cm, 52 and 80kg, and 22.5 and 24.7 kg/m2, respectively. The dominant
arm was used throughout testing. Young healthy subjects were chosen for two reasons:
(1) patients presenting symptomatic rotator cuff tears are becoming younger [1] and
are therefore sexually more active; (2) certain sexual positions tested being at risk or
physically demanding, inclusion of healthy subjects was hence preferable to avoid any
incident during motion capture. Exclusion criteria included previous pathology or sur-
gery of the shoulders, any psychiatric condition such as obsessive–compulsive disor-
der (OCD, DSM-IV Code 300.3) or psycho-physiological sexual dysfunction. The latter
was based on medical history collection, only. The study was approved by our hospital’s
institutional review board (AMG-12.18).
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Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
Study Variables
The outcome of interest was the impact of common sexual positions on subacromial space
3D Reconstruction, Kinematic Recording andModelling
The volunteers underwent an MRI performed with a 1.5 T HDxT system (General Elec-
tric Healthcare, Milwaukee WI, USA). A dedicated shoulder surface coil was used. Three
3D MRI volumes were acquired: a cosmic 3D fast gradient echo sequence with fat satu-
ration (section thickness 1.8 mm; no gaps; TR/TE ms 6.1/3.0; flip angle 45°) capturing
from the acromion to approximately the mid-part of the scapula, a cosmic 3D fast gradient
echo sequence (section thickness 4mm; no gaps; TR/TE ms 5.7/2.8) capturing from the
acromion to approximately the mid-shaft of the humerus, and a lava 3D fast gradient echo
sequence (section thickness 5.2mm; no gaps; TR/TE ms 3.7/1.7) capturing from the acro-
mion to the elbow.
The MR images were manually segmented and a virtual 3D model of the shoulder com-
plex was reconstructed using Mimics software (Materialize NV, Leuven, Belgium). For
each volunteer, patient-specific 3D models of the shoulder bones (humerus, scapula, clavi-
cle and sternum) were thus obtained.
The next step was motion recording. The two volunteers were equipped with a dedi-
cated shoulder markers protocol [9], including 69 spherical retroreflective markers placed
directly onto the skin using double sided adhesive tape.
Then, after appropriate preliminaries, the two volunteers were asked to perform five
common sexual positions (Fig.1) divided into the following categories: “man-on-top” such
as missionary and scorpio, “woman-on-top” such as watering can, “doggy style” such as
basset hound and “standing” such as superman. A mattress was utilized when needed.
The female and male volunteers were asked to simulate each sexual position three times.
Motion was recorded using a Vicon MXT40S motion capture system (Vicon, Oxford Met-
rics, UK) consisting of 24 cameras sampling at 120Hz.
Fig. 1 The five common sexual positions used in this study. In all images, the woman is represented in yel-
low and the man in green (Color figure online)
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Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
Shoulder kinematics were computed from the recorded markers’ trajectories using
a validated biomechanical model [9] which accounted for skin motion artifacts. The
model was based on a patient-specific kinematic chain using the 3D models recon-
structed from participants’ MRI scan data and a global optimization algorithm with
loose constraints on joint translations (accuracy: translational error < 3mm, rotational
error < 4°). As a result, the motion of the subject’s shoulder 3D models could be visual-
ized at each point of the movement (see Fig.2).
Evaluation ofSubacromial Space Height
Subacromial space height was assessed for all tested positions during sexual activity by
measuring the minimum distance between the inferior acromial surface and the humeral
head surface [10]. This distance was calculated in 3D based on the simulated bones
models positions and was reported in millimeters. A color scale was used to map the
variations of distance on the scapula surface, with red denoting the zone of minimum
distance and other colors denoting the areas of increased distance (Fig.2). Given the
thickness of the potential impinged tissues, subacromial impingement was considered
when the computed acromio-humeral distance was < 6mm, as suggested in previous
studies [12, 13].
Statistical Analysis
For each shopping angle and sexual position, we calculated the minimal subacromial
space height for the three trials performed. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were
then computed for each positions.
Fig. 2 Visualization of the acro-
mio-humeral distance during the
60° shopping angle. Left: joint
pose computed by motion cap-
ture. Right: zoom in the shoulder.
The colors represent the vari-
ations of distance between the
acromion and humeral head. Red
denotes the zone of minimum
distance. Note: the humerus is
not shown for clarity (Color
figure online)
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Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
Results are summarized in Table1. No shoulder pathologies were noticed on MRI. Mini-
mal subacromial height ranged between 0.91mm and 6.2mm for the sexual positions.
The least favorable sexual activity with respect to subacromial space height was during the
practice of the scorpio position.
Subacromial impingement and superior rotator cuff pathologies are associated with dys-
function and pain related to the upper extremity [14]. Physicians and probably patients
wonder about the risk related to sexual activities. Presently, surgeons or other healthcare
professionals lack scientifically validated information on appropriate answers or guide-
lines and are therefore unable to provide specific instructions to patient’s inquiries. The
hypothesis of this study was confirmed as it demonstrated that certain positions during
sexual activities might participate to the development of rotator cuff degeneration. The
study revealed that five activities decreased the subacromial space, participating in tendon
lesions by friction on the undersurface of the acromion. As shoulder pathologies represent
a paramount socioeconomic burden on the society and a cause of great distress to patients,
the present findings are highly relevant. Indeed, sexual activities, if not performed with
temperance, seem to be deleterious and may play a role in the dramatic surge in overall
incidence rate in rotator cuff disease that has been recently reported [1].
The results of the present simulation seem to indicate that male or female can, in case
of pain during intercourse, safely adopt a more passive attitude. Indeed, as expected, the
watering can and the basset hound sexual positions required less stress on the rotator cuff
and could be therefore considered as safer.
Strengths andLimitations
This prospective study was the first to precisely analyze the impact of sexual positions on
subacromial space height. The information helps the caregiver to advice patients suffering
from rotator cuff pathologies. The findings are relevant and may explain the dramatic surge
in overall incidence rate in rotator cuff disease [1]. Moreover, patient selection was strict
with exclusion of all conditions (previous pathology or surgery, obsessive–compulsive dis-
order, etc.) that might affect the results. However, there were several limitations that war-
rant discussion. First, only two patients were tested due to the complexity of analysis and
Table 1 Minimal subacromial
space height (mm) for each
position (n = 3)
Data are reported for the male participant performing three trials for
each position
Man’s sexual positions Mean SD
Missionary 1.27 0.03
Scorpio 0.91 1.06
Watering can 6.1 0.22
Basset hound 6.2 0.17
Superman 1.76 1.60
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Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
the sensitive nature of the experiment or delicate topic in which the subjects were asked
to participate. This prevents us from verifying if similar patterns of subacromial impinge-
ments are observed in other individuals and correlating the results to patient-specific anat-
omy. Second, the body mass index of the two patients reflects reasonably healthy patients.
Consequently, this study may underestimate the stress on rotator cuff generated by such
activities in patients with higher body mass index. Third, the accuracy of the kinematics
computation from motion capture data could be criticized. Gleno-humeral orientation and
translation errors were respectively within 4° and 3mm for each anatomical plane [9],
which is acceptable for clinical use in the study of shoulder pathology. Fourth and last, we
based our analysis of subacromial impingement on acromio-humeral distance [15]. Never-
theless, previous theories about acromio-humeral distance have been questioned. Indeed, it
is unclear if the height of the subacromial space really plays a role, as it is now considered
as a neo-articulation—the permanent contact between the humeral head and coraco-acro-
mial arch during elevation of the arm being normal [16]. There is also growing evidence
suggesting that distinct scapular morphologies and not simply subacromial impingement
may accelerate the underlying degenerative process [17]. Despite these potential limita-
tions, we do believe in the validity of the conclusions of this preliminary study.
This study indicates that some sexual positions could potentially place the rotator cuff at
risk. Such high-tech investigation shows promise in the areas of cause, intervention and
education. The present findings may assist health professionals in providing them with pre-
ventive measures and is highly relevant for decision-making regarding health promoting
Author Contributions AL designed the study and wrote the manuscript. GJC critically reviewed the study
proposal and served as scientific advisors. SC collected and analysed the data and provided and cared for
study patients. CC collected and analysed the data and wrote the manuscript.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Ethical/IRB Approval Hospital’s institutional review board (AMG-12.18).
Informed Consent Obtained from the volunteers.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-
tional License (http://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Sexuality and Disability (2018) 36:305–311
1 3
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... Specifically, the VO 2 is a variable representing the ability of the respiratory and circulatory systems to supply oxygen during any sustained physical activity (Hawkins et al., 2007). In contrast, the kinematic variables, which were selected in line with previous studies (Charbonnier et al., 2014;Lädermann et al., 2018;Sidorkewicz & McGill, 2014, included those related to the movement patterns (e.g., range of motion in degrees or penetration cycle speed) used during sexual intercourse. Once the data were extracted, a systematic qualitative review and interpretation of results was carried out. ...
... Lastly, there was one study that collected data on the kinematic demands on the rotator cuff, based on the height of the subacromial space (Lädermann et al., 2018). This study found that the subacromial space height was lower for the Scorpion, missionary and superman may be stressful positions for the rotator cuff since these positions showed less subacromial space height than the watering can and basset hound positions Sidorkewicz and McGill (2014) Mean lumbar spine angular range of motion Quadruped 1: 0.60 ± 11.30°Q uadruped 2: 7.50 ± 11.50°M issionary 1: 10.70 ± 4.80°M issionary 2: 20.50 ± 7.40°S ide-lying: 3.60 ± 7.60°T he movements were cyclic and performed in the sagittal plane of motion. ...
... Also, the female's knees are brought up to his side and her trunk is leant forward Position 11: the male lies on his back with the knees slightly flexed and the female on top with her face opposite his. Also, the female's knees are brought up to his side and her trunk is perpendicular to the male Position 12: the male sits on a chair while he enters the female (who is sitting on him) from behind watering can (~ 6.10 mm) and basset hound (~ 6.20 mm) positions compared to the scorpion (~ 0.91 mm), missionary (~ 1.27 mm), or superman (~ 1.76 mm) positions (Lädermann et al., 2018). ...
Full-text available
The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature investigating the physical demands of sexual intercourse and to synthesize the evidence related to this research topic. Original studies published on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science up until April 2020 were examined. The Effective Public Health Practice Project scale was used to assess the methodological quality of each study. Eighteen studies analyzed physical demands during sexual intercourse through the physiological demands (n = 14) and kinematics (n = 4) of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse can elicit an energy expenditure of ~ 100 kcal (or ~ 6 metabolic equivalent units, METs) during the activity, mean heart rates between ~ 90 and ~ 130 beats per minute (bpm), and peak heart rates up to ~ 170 bpm. However, these physical demands may vary depending on health status, intercourse position, activity duration, intercourse phase, and sex differences. The movement pattern was cyclic in all positions and the greatest demands in lumbar spine flexion were found in the missionary positions for women. Missionary and side-lying positions elicited the greatest lumbar flexion movement in men. Regarding the movement of the hip joint during sexual intercourse, flexion, abduction, and external rotation mainly characterized the woman’s movement while external rotation did so in the man. In conclusion, sexual intercourse may elicit moderate intensity physical demands, but these demands vary depending on contextual variables. In addition, not only studies combining physiological and kinematic analyses are necessary but also more high-quality studies need to be published in order to have a better understanding of the physical demands of sexual intercourse.
... For example, Nikoobath and colleagues [12] recommend avoiding painful positions or increasing physical activity in order to improve the quality of the sex life. Similar advice was reported in studies on knee, hip, or shoulder joints [39,40]. ...
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Background: The literature shows a relationship between sexual activity and low back pain (LBP). The aim of this work is to provide a theoretical framework and practical proposal for the management of sexual disability in individuals with LBP. Methods: Based on a literature review, a team of specialized physical therapists developed a pattern for the management of LBP-related sexual disability. Results: A patient reporting LBP-related sexual disability may be included in one of four clinical decision-making pathways corresponding to one of the following: #1 standard physical therapy (PT); #2 psychologically informed physical therapy (PIPT); #3 PIPT with referral; or #4 immediate referral. Standard PT concerns the management of LBP-related sexual disability in the absence of psychosocial or pathological issues. It includes strategies for pain modulation, stiffness management, motor control, stabilization, functional training, pacing activities comprising education, and stay-active advice. PIPT refers to patients with yellow flags or concerns about their relationship with partners; this treatment is oriented towards a specific psychological approach. "PIPT with referral" and "Immediate referral" pathways concern patients needing to be referred to specialists in other fields due to relationship problems or conditions requiring medical management or pelvic floor or sexual rehabilitation. Conclusions: The proposed framework can help clinicians properly manage patients with LBP-related sexual disability.
... It suggests that the tear is caused by repetitive microtrauma and a gradual tendon breakdown due to ageing and wear and tear rather than an acute injury or trauma [22,34]. Many genetic, metabolic, and behavioral factors are thought to contribute to intrinsic tendon tearing [21]. On the other hand, the extrinsic theory suggests that the rotator cuff is subject to external stresses, such as traction and tendon compression in the subacromial space (impingement). ...
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Background The bone morphology of the greater tuberosity and lateral acromion plays a central role in subacromial impingement syndrome. The critical shoulder angle (CSA) and greater tuberosity angle (GTA) are two-dimensional measurement parameters that have been validated to evaluate it radiologically. These markers are, however, static and don’t consider the dynamic effect of glenohumeral motion. Objectives This study aimed to better understand the biomechanics in subacromial impingement with a dynamic simulation based on a validated 3D biomechanical model coupling joint kinematics and 3D reconstructed computed tomography. Study design & methods Sixty-one patients were included in this study: a case group of 44 patients with degenerative rotator cuff tears involving only the supraspinatus, and a control group of 17 without a rotator cuff tear. Patients with previous surgeries, traumatic cuff tears, and cuff tear arthropathy were excluded. CSA, GTA, and impingement-free range of motion (IF-ROM) of the glenohumeral joint in scaption were calculated. Correlation tests were used to determine the relationship between ROM and CSA, GTA, and combined CSA and GTA values. Results CSA and GTA were significantly higher in the rotator cuff tear group (p = 0.001 and < 0.001), while IF-ROM was significantly higher in the control group (p = 0.001). There was no overall correlation between CSA and GTA (R = 0.02, p = 0.8). Individual correlation between both angles with IF-ROM was negatively weak for CSA (R = -0.4, p < 0.001) and negatively moderate for GTA and IF-ROM (R = -0.5, p < 0.001). However, combining both angles resulted in a negatively high correlation with IF-ROM (R = -0.7, p < 0.001). Conclusion Subacromial space narrowing during scaption is highly correlated to the cumulative values of GTA and CSA. These findings suggest that the combined bony morphology of the lateral acromion and greater tuberosity plays an important role in subacromial impingement. Level of evidence III
Background Three-fourths of Americans are sexually active and studies show a correlation between sexual activity and good health. Rotator cuff tears and subsequent repairs can cause significant disruption in daily living including sexual activity. Orthopedic surgeons rarely discuss sexual activity with patients. Therefore, patients have little information about expectations, restrictions, and return to sexual activity. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate patient improvement in sexual activity following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and evaluate factors that affect sexual activity. Methods An anonymous 20-item multiple-choice survey was sent to patients greater than six-months following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair performed by seven fellowship trained orthopedic shoulder and elbow surgeons between March 2018 and May 2019. The survey assessed preoperative and postoperative sexual activity, and included questions regarding frequency, pain, positioning, and postoperative injury. Results A total of 88 patients met inclusion criteria and completed the survey. Preoperatively, 65% of patients admitted that their shoulder interfered with the quality and/or frequency of their sexual activity, most commonly secondary to inability to weight bear on the affected arm (31%). Postoperatively, the majority of patients (79%) found it easier to engage in sexual activity, with 35% of patients attributing this to less pain. At six weeks postoperative, 72% of patients returned to sexual activity. The overall trend demonstrated a statistically significant (p<0.001) increase in sexual activity frequency as one progressed from their operative date. Interestingly, 31% of patients removed their sling to engage in sexual activity following surgery, with 7% admitting to aggravating their shoulder or causing significant pain. Conclusion Prior to arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, most patients experience limitations in the quality and/or frequency of their sexual activity secondary to their shoulder. Following surgery, the majority of patients will more easily engage in sexual activity by 6 weeks, with increasing frequency as time progresses from surgery. Many patients are non-compliant with sling wear during sexual activity and 7% will aggravate their shoulder.
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Background and purpose — Long-term alcohol intake is associated with various negative effects on capillary microcirculation and tissue perfusion. We hypothesized that alcohol consumption might be a risk factor for both the occurrence and the severity of rotator cuff tears (RCTs). Patients and methods — A case-control study was performed. We studied 249 consecutive patients (139 men and 110 women; mean age 64 (54–78) years) who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Tear size was determined intraoperatively. The control group had 356 subjects (186 men and 170 women; mean age 66 (58–82) years) with no RCT. All participants were questioned about their alcohol intake. Participants were divided into: (1) non-drinkers if they consumed less than 0.01 g of ethanol per day, and (2) moderate drinkers and (3) excessive drinkers if women (men) consumed > 24 g (36 g) per day for at least 2 years. Results — Total alcohol consumption, wine consumption, and duration of alcohol intake were higher in both men and women with RCT than in both men and women in the control group. Excessive alcohol consumption was found to be a risk factor for the occurrence of RCT in both sexes (men: OR = 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2–3.9; women: OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 0.94–4.1). Massive tears were associated with a higher intake of alcohol (especially wine) than smaller lesions. Interpretation — Long-term alcohol intake is a significant risk factor for the occurrence and severity of rotator cuff tear in both sexes.
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Purpose: Rotator cuff and labral lesions in tennis players could be related to posterosuperior internal impingement or subacromial impingement during tennis serve. However, it is unknown which of these impingements are responsible for the lesions found in the tennis player's shoulder. Moreover, there is a lack of validated noninvasive methods and dynamic studies to ascertain impingement during motion. Methods: Ten intermediate or ex-professional tennis players were motion captured with an optical tracking system while performing tennis serves. The resulting computed motions were applied to patient-specific shoulder joints' 3D models based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. During motion simulation, impingements were detected and located using computer-assisted techniques. An MRI examination was also performed to evaluate the prevalence of shoulder lesions and to determine their relevance with the simulation findings. Results: Simulation showed that internal impingement was frequently observed compared to subacromial impingement when serving. The computed zones of internal impingement were mainly located in the posterosuperior or superior region of the glenoid. These findings were relevant with respect to radiologically diagnosed damaged zones in the rotator cuff and glenoid labrum. Conclusions: Tennis players presented frequent radiographic signs of structural lesions that seem to be mainly related to posterosuperior internal impingement due to repetitive abnormal motion contacts. The present study indicates that the practice of tennis serve could lead with time to cartilage/tendon hyper compression, which could be damageable for the glenohumeral joint.
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Shoulder pain and injury are common in tennis players. The precise causes for such pain remain unclear. Impingement at critical tennis positions and glenohumeral instability have never been dynamically evaluated in vivo. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the different types of impingement and stability during tennis movements. Laboratory study. Type and frequency of impingement as well as percentage of subluxation were evaluated in 10 tennis players through a novel dedicated patient-specific measurement technique based on optical motion capture and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). All volunteers, nine male and one female, had a clinically functional rotator cuff. MRI revealed 11 rotator cuff lesions in six subjects and six labral lesions in five subjects. Lateral subacromial, anterior subacromial, internal anterosuperior, and internal posterosuperior impingements were observed in four, three, two and seven subjects, respectively. No instability could be demonstrated in this population. Tennis players presented frequent radiographic signs of structural lesions that could mainly be related to posterosuperior impingements due to repetitive abnormal motion contacts. This is the first study demonstrating that a dynamic and precise motion analysis of the entire kinematic chain of the shoulder is possible through a non-invasive method of investigation. This premier kinematic observation offers novel insights into the analysis of shoulder impingement and instability that could, with future studies, be generalized to other shoulder pathologies and sports. This original method may open new horizons leading to improvement in impingement comprehension. Copyright © 2014 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose and hypothesis: Shoulder lesions are common and a challenge to diagnose. They often result in significant disability for the patient and are an economic burden to society. From recent studies, an increasing incidence has been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate and map the incidence of shoulder lesions in Denmark from 1996 to 2013 with focus on sex, age and geographical area. Methods: The Danish National Patient Registry was searched retrospectively to find the number of shoulder lesions in Denmark during the period 1996-2013. Regional population data were retrieved from the services of Statistics Denmark. Incidence rates were analysed using Poisson regression models, and all analyses were done in R 3.2.2, and p values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: During the 18-year period, 244,519 patients with a DM 75 diagnosis were registered. Male-to-female ratio was 51:49, and median age was 51. Most frequent were rotator cuff syndrome with a mean incidence rate of 313.3 (confidence interval 241.8-384.8) per 10(5) person-years at risk (PYRS). A statistically significant increase in overall incidence rate from 149.4 per 10(5) PYRS in 1996 to 715.3 per 10(5) PYRS in 2013 was found (p < 0.01). Incidence was highest for men aged 51-70 (1085.1 per 10(5) PYRS in 2013). There was no significant difference in incidence between sexes. Rural areas had a 1.4-fold higher mean incidence rate than urban areas. Conclusion: The incidence of shoulder lesions rapidly increased mainly due to an increase among people of working age (31-70 years). There were no significant differences in incidence between sexes. Rural areas had a 1.4-fold higher incidence rate than urban areas. As shoulder lesions impose a huge socioeconomic burden on society, not to mention a great distress to the patient, the present findings is highly relevant for political decision-making regarding preventive and health promoting initiatives.
Background: The incidence of healing failure after rotator cuff repair is high, and fatty infiltration is a crucial factor in healing failure. Purpose: To verify the effect of hypercholesterolemia on fatty infiltration and the quality of tendon-to-bone healing and its reversibility by lowering the cholesterol level in a chronic tear model using the rabbit supraspinatus. Study design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Forty-eight rabbits were randomly allocated into 4 groups (n = 12 each). After 4 weeks of a high-cholesterol diet (groups A and B) and a regular diet (groups C and D), the supraspinatus tendon was detached and left alone for 6 weeks and then was repaired in a transosseous manner (groups A, B, and C). Group D served as a control. Group A continued to receive the high-cholesterol diet until the final evaluation (6 weeks after repair); however, at the time of repair, group B was changed to a general diet with administration of a cholesterol-lowering agent (simvastatin). Histological evaluation of the fat-to-muscle proportion was performed twice, at the time of repair and the final evaluation, and an electromyographic (EMG) test, mechanical test, and histological test of tendon-to-bone healing were performed at the final evaluation. Results: For the EMG test, group A showed a significantly smaller area of compound muscle action potential compared with groups C and D (all P <.01), and group B showed a larger area than group A, almost up to the level of group C (P = .312). Similarly, group A showed significantly lower mechanical properties both in load-to-failure and stiffness compared with groups C and D (all P <.05). In addition, although not significantly different, the mechanical properties of group B were higher than those of group A (mean load-to-failure: group A = 42.01 N, group B = 58.23 N [P = .103]; mean stiffness: group A = 36.32 N/mm, group B = 47.22 N/mm [P = .153]). For the histological test, groups A and B showed a significantly higher fat-to-muscle proportion than did groups C and D at 6 weeks after detachment (all P <.05), but at the final evaluation, group B showed a decreased fat-to-muscle proportion (mean ± SD: from 64.02% ± 11.87% to 54.68% ± 10.47%; P = .146) compared with group A, which showed increased fat-to-muscle proportion (from 59.26% ± 17.80% to 78.23% ± 10.87%; P = .015). Groups B and C showed better tendon-to-bone interface structures than did group A, which showed coarse and poorly organized collagen fibers with fat interposition. Conclusion: Hypercholesterolemia had a deleterious effect on fatty infiltration and the quality of tendon-to-bone repair site, and lowering hypercholesterolemia seemed to halt or reverse these harmful effects in this experimental model. Clinical relevance: Systemic diseases such as hypercholesterolemia should be tightly controlled during the perioperative period of rotator cuff repair.
Impingement on the tendinous portion of the rotator cuff by the coracoacromial ligament and the anterior third of the acromion is responsible for a characteristic syndrome of disability of the shoulder. A characteristic proliferative spur and ridge has been noted on the anterior lip and undersurface of the anterior process of the acromion and this area may also show erosion and eburnation. The treatment of the impingement is to remove the anterior edge and undersurface of the anterior part of the acromion with the attached coracoacromial ligament. The impingement may also involve the tendon of the long head of the biceps and if it does, it is best to decompress the tendon and remove any osteophytes which may be in its groove, but to avoid transplanting the biceps tendon if possible. Hypertrophic lipping at the acromio-clavicular joint may impinge on the supraspinatus tendon when the arm is in abduction and, if the lip is prominent, this joint should be resected. These are the principles of anterior acromioplasty.
Epidemiologic studies of sexual function problems in men have focused on the individual male and related sociodemographic characteristics, individual risk factors and lifestyle concomitants, or medical comorbidities. Insufficient attention has been given to the role of sexual and relationship satisfaction and, more particularly, to the perspective of the couple as causes or correlates of sexual problems in men or women. Previously, we reported results of the first large, multi-national study of sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness in 1,009 midlife and older couples in five countries (Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, U.S.). For the present study, we examined, within each problem, the association of four major sexual problems in men (loss of sexual desire, erectile problems, premature ejaculation, delayed/absent orgasm) and multiple problems, with male and female partners' assessments of physical intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and relationship happiness, as well as associations with well-known health and psychosocial correlates of sexual problems in men. Sexual problem rates of men in our survey were generally similar to rates observed in past surveys in the general population, and similar risk factors (age, relationship duration, overall health) were associated with lack of desire, anorgasmia, or erection difficulties in our sample. As in previous surveys, there were few correlates of premature ejaculation. As predicted, men with one or more sexual problems reported decreased relationship happiness as well as decreased sexual satisfaction compared to men without sexual problems. Moreover, female partners of men with sexual problems had reduced relationship happiness and sexual satisfaction, although these latter outcomes were less affected in the women than the men. The association of men's sexual problems with men's and women's satisfaction and relationship happiness were modest, as these couples in long-term, committed relationships were notable for their relatively high levels of physical affection and relationship happiness.
To investigate the association of smoking with rotator cuff (RTC) disease and shoulder dysfunction, defined as poor scores on shoulder rating scales. A systematic review was performed using a search strategy based on "shoulder AND [smoke OR smoking OR nicotine OR tobacco]." English-language clinical or basic science studies testing the association of smoking and shoulder dysfunction on shoulder rating scales or disease of the soft tissue of the shoulder were included. Level V evidence studies and articles reporting only on surgery outcomes, subjective symptoms, adhesive capsulitis, or presence of fracture or oncologic mass were excluded. Thirteen studies were included, comprising a total of 16,172 patients, of whom 6,081 were smokers. All 4 clinical studies addressing the association between smoking and patient-reported shoulder symptoms and dysfunction in terms of poor scores on shoulder rating scales (i.e., Simple Shoulder Test; University of California, Los Angeles shoulder scale; and self-reported surveys) confirmed this correlation with 6,678 patients, of whom 1,723 were smokers. Two of four studies documenting provider-reported RTC disease comprised 8,461 patients, of whom 4,082 were smokers, and found a time- and dose-dependent relation of smoking with RTC tears and a correlation of smoking with impingement syndrome. Smoking was also reported in 4 other articles to be associated with the prevalence of larger RTC tears or tears with pronounced degenerative changes in 1,033 patients, of whom 276 were smokers, and may accelerate RTC degeneration, which could result in tears at a younger age. In addition, 1 basic science study showed that nicotine increased stiffness of the supraspinatus tendon in a rat model. Smoking is associated with RTC tears, shoulder dysfunction, and shoulder symptoms. Smoking may also accelerate RTC degeneration and increase the prevalence of larger RTC tears. These correlations suggest that smoking may increase the risk of symptomatic RTC disease, which could consequently increase the need for surgical interventions. Level IV, systematic review of Level II through IV studies. Copyright © 2015 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.