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Abstract and Figures

Background: Chondrus crispus is red seaweed widespread in the northern Atlantic coasts due to the high proteins, burden it is quite helpful supplement for some symptoms such as fatigue, asthenia, and weakness and for supporting skeletal muscles in sports athletes. Aims and Objectives: This retrospective observational “not inferiority” study investigates and compares the clinical effects of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus and non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations for the treatment of musculoskeletal and articular symptomatology related diseases. Materials and Methods: Eighty patients were retrospectively reviewed through the Second Opinion Medical Network. Patients were prescribed 3 capsules/day after the main meals for 3 weeks of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus or non-overwintered stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations. Quality of life (QOL) assessment was evaluated by the Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire before starting the treatment and after the third week. Benefits declared by patients were also reported after the treatment in addition to some subjective observations related to the symptomatology and to the health status. Results: Fifty patients were treated with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus and 30 patients were treated with the non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementation. The general benefit of treatment with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus was 76%, while that obtained with non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus was 33.3% (P
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Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 7
The red seaweed Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta) is widely
distributed in the northern Atlantic.1 As an economically
important seaweed species in the Atlantic Canada
region, Chondrus crispus is also cultivated on land in Nova
Scotia, Canada.1
In addition to high content of total proteins, oligopeptides
and pigments, this alga is rich in the water-soluble
Clinical effects of overwintered-stressed Chondrus
Crisupus and non-overwintered-stressed
Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
Beniamino Palmieri1, Maria Vadalà2, Carmen Laurino3
1Professor, Department of General Surgery and Surgical Specialities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Largo del Pozzo 71, 41124 Modena (MO). Second Opinion Medical Network, Modena (MO), Italy, 2,3Medical Doctor,
Department of General Surgery and Surgical Specialities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Largo del Pozzo
71, 41124 Modena (MO). Second Opinion Medical Network, Modena (MO), Italy
Background: Chondrus crispus is red seaweed widespread in the northern Atlantic coasts
due to the high proteins, burden it is quite helpful supplement for some symptoms such
as fatigue, asthenia, and weakness and for supporting skeletal muscles in sports athletes.
Aims and Objectives: This retrospective observational “not inferiority” study investigates and
compares the clinical effects of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus and non-overwintered-
stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations for the treatment of musculoskeletal
and articular symptomatology related diseases. Materials and Methods: Eighty patients were
retrospectively reviewed through the Second Opinion Medical Network. Patients were prescribed
3 capsules/day after the main meals for 3 weeks of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
or non-overwintered stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations. Quality of life (QOL)
assessment was evaluated by the Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire before
starting the treatment and after the third week. Benets declared by patients were also reported
after the treatment in addition to some subjective observations related to the symptomatology
and to the health status. Results: Fifty patients were treated with overwintered-stressed
Chondrus Crisupus and 30 patients were treated with the non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus
crispus dietary supplementation. The general benet of treatment with overwintered-stressed
Chondrus Crisupus was 76%, while that obtained with non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus
crispus was 33.3% (P <0.01). Results of SF-36 general health status after the treatment
demonstrated that 37 patients (74%) and 11 patients (36.7%) felt better than before in the
overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus group and non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus
crispus group, respectively (P < 0.01). A great improvement of subjective exhaustion, fatigue,
pain, digestive, and peristalsis disturbances symptoms, in addition to mood and concentration
amelioration that would be a consequence of symptomatology regression, was also observed.
Conclusions: This retrospective observational comparative study evidences that overwintered-
stressed Chondrus Crisupusimproved musculoskeletal and articular symptomatology related
diseases better than non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus.
Key words: Chondrus crispus; Energy; fatigue; Musculoskeletal symptoms; Articular
symptoms; Overwintered; Cold; L-citrullynin-L-arginine
Access this article online
DOI: 10.3126/ajms.v9i6.20978
E-ISSN: 2091-0576
P-ISSN: 2467-9100
Address for correspondence:
Carmen Laurino, Department of General Surgery and Surgical Specialities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Largo del Pozzo 71,
41124 Modena (MO). Second Opinion Medical Network, Modena (MO), Italy. Phone: +390594222483. E-mail:
© Copyright AJMS
Submitted:03-09-2018 Revised: 19-09-2018 Published: 01-11-2018
Palmieri, et al: Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
8 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6
polysaccharide carrageenan (approximately 50-65 % on a
basis of dry weight).2,3 Carrageenan is widely used in the
food industry as a thickener, stabilizer and emulsier.
Thanks to the high content of total proteins among these
seaweeds, Chondrus crispus is in the folk medicine, reputed as
effective supplement for some symptoms such as fatigue,
asthenia, and weakness and for supporting skeletal muscles
in sports athletes.4
Physiologically, the food content in amino acids is the
substrate of biosynthesis of structural and functional
proteins in the body. These digested amino acids can be used
for oxidative phosphorylation and gluconeogenesis5, 6 as
well as the facilitation of numerous physiological functions
including acting as precursors for the biosynthesis
of neurotransmitters, hormones, phosphoglycerols,
glycolipids and nucleic acids.7, 8
It has been estimated that the skeletal muscles in the human
body are 40–60% of body mass and thus represent the
major bulk of the body’s protein.9 The body does not has
specic protein stores, but when it is not possible to obtain
sufcient protein via ingestion during exercise, illness or
trauma, it breaks down proteins to amino acids via the
process of proteolysis where the non-myobrillar proteins
display a high turnover rate to meet demands.10 The amino
acids released from this turnover of protein can enter the
blood circulation for metabolism as required and can be
lost in sweat and urine.5, 6
An increased amino acids recruitment would be seen during
illness and recovery from trauma11 as also in sarcopenia12
an in patients with critical illness or other muscle wasting
illness.13 Increased losses of amino acids were observed in
cancer patients affecting by fatigue during and following
radiation therapy and chemotherapy, involving amino acid
homeostasis.11 Signicantly, depleted amino acid levels have
also been associated with long-term fatigue leading often
to a frank nitrogen imbalance.14
This retrospective observational comparative study
investigates and compares the clinical effects of overwintered-
stressed Chondrus Crisupus* and non-overwintered-stressed
Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations for the treatment
of musculoskeletal and articular symptomatology related
Patients. We reviewed medical records (electronic or paper-
based) of 80 patients that had appealed to our “Second
Opinion Medical Network”, (Modena, Italy), between
January and April 2018, because of musculoskeletal and
articular symptomatology (asthenia, fatigue, articular,
musculoskeletal, rheumatic and post-traumatic pain, digestive
and peristalsis disturbances and migraine). Patients were
aged over 40 years and were affected at least 6 months by
different clinical conditions (cancer, infections, sarcopenia,
colitis, rheumatologic, traumatic, musculoskeletal, articular,
autoimmune and genetic diseases) with an attested related
symptomatology and diagnosis. The Second Opinion
Medical Network is a consultation referral web and Medical
Ofce System recruiting a wide panel of real-time available
specialists, to whom any patient affected by any disease or
syndrome and not satised with the diagnosis or therapy, can
apply for an individual clinical audit.15 Due to the doctor-
patient communication gap, most of the patients usually
wander around the medical websites looking for proper
answers to their health problems. However, this search
often becomes compulsive and obsessive and is frequently
ambiguous and frustrating. Palmieri et al, 16 describe this
borderline or even pathological behaviour as the “Web Babel
Syndrome” – a psychological imbalance affecting young and
elderly patients, especially those with multiple synchronous
diseases who receive from their caregivers heterogeneous
and misleading information or advice, including confused,
contradictory statements and prescriptions.17 To deal with
this problem, the Second Opinion Network aims to be a
useful “problem-solving” support revisiting each diagnostic
and therapeutic step and properly re-addressing tailored
treatments and prognoses, as well as preventing unnecessary
investigational procedures and unhelpful and expensive
medical and surgical interventions.15
All patients used pharmacological treatments, dietary
supplementation, surgery, manual and electro - medical
physiotherapy especially for the management of pain and
strain with only partial benet from them. However, these
strategies produces light, moderate or severe side effects
(e.g., hypersensitivity reactions, sensation of pressure or
constriction, ushing to face and in the thoracic region,
asthenia, myalgia, drowsiness, insomnia, restlessness,
vertigo, gastrointestinal symptoms, skin rashes, nausea,
vomiting, etc.), and frequent drug interactions and
contraindications. Dietary supplementation included
herbal products and nutraceutical supplementations, while
electro-medical physiotherapy was based on laser therapy,
iontophoresis, magneto therapy, electrostimulation, etc.
In our clinical practice, we washed out previous
treatments for a period of 2 weeks, and then the dietary
supplementations were administered.
The selected patients were informed, via individual
interview, and informed consent previously approved by
the Local Institutional Review Board under the Helsinki
Palmieri, et al: Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 9
Study design and dietary supplementations. We run a retrospective
observational “not inferiority” study for 3 weeks duration. At
the start up the patients were prescribed 3 capsules/day after
the main meals of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
of either non-overwintered stressed Chondrus crispus dietary
supplementations. Each capsule contains 500 mg of 100%
powder of the overwintered-stressed red seaweed or 500 mg of
100% powder of the non-overwintered-stressed red seaweed.
overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus is naturally enriched
in a dipeptide, the L-citrullynin-L-arginine (2.8% - 4%), with
antioxidant and energizing properties, compared to the non-
overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus (0.2%). The cultivation
method of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus consists
to expose to overwintered conditions the Chondrus crispus with
increased production of amino acids and others peptides
(European Patent 1652435B1). Energizing and antioxidant
peptides contained in both the dietary supplementations are
summarized in Table 1.
The rst clinical examination consisted in the evaluation
of the physical status of the patient. Tolerability and
adverse effects were assessed weekly during the treatment
period through direct contact (email or telephone) with
the patients or their parents.
Quality of life (QOL) assessment was performed using
the Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire
before starting the treatment and after the fourth week. The
questionnaire measures (A) symptomatology; (B) health
status before starting the treatment dened as (i) excellent;
(ii) good; (iii) liable; (iv) shoddy; (C) general health status
after the treatment dened as (i) better than before; (ii) more
or less the same as before; (iii) worse than before. The
percentage scores range from 0% (lowest or worst response)
to 100% (highest or best possible response) 18. Benets
declared by patients were also reported after the treatment
in addition to some subjective observations related to the
symptomatology and to the health status. Adverse reactions
presented during the treatment were also declared.
Statistical analysis. The statistical analysis was performed
using the Mann-Whitney test (continuous variables not
normally distributed) and the chi-squared test (categorical
variables). Statistical signicance was set at a P value <
0.05, and all data were analysed using the R software,
version 3.1.2.
Patients. Fifty patients [28 women (56%) and 22 men (44%),
aged between 40 and 85 years old (mean age 64 years old)]
were treated with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
dietary supplementation and 30 patients [15 women (50%)
and 15 men (50%), aged between 40 and 83 years old (mean
age 65 years old)] were treated with the non-overwintered-
stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementation formula.
(A) Results of SF-36 symptomatology of both the treated
group are summarized in Table 2.
(B) Results of SF-36 health status before starting the
treatment with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
demonstrated that 38 patients (76%) had a liable health
and 12 patients (24%) had a shoddy health. Results of
SF-36 health status before starting the treatment of
the non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus group
demonstrated that 21 patients (70%) had a liable health
and 9 patients (30%) had a shoddy health. Anyone
declared to have excellent or good health.
(C) Results of SF-36 general health status after the
treatment with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
demonstrated that 37 patients (74%) felt better than
before and 31 patients (26%) felt unchanged. Results
of SF-36 general health status after the treatment of
the non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus group
demonstrated that 11 patients (36.7%) felt better than
before and 19 patients (63.3%) felt more or less the
same as before. Anyone declared to felt a worse health
than before (P < 0.01).
Thirty eight patients (76%) treated with overwintered-
stressed Chondrus Crisupus declared to have benets to the
treatment and 12 patients (24%) did not report any relief.
Of the non-overewintered-stressed Chondrus crispus group,
10 patients (33.3%) declared to have benets to the treatment
and 20 patients (66.7%) did not report any relief (P < 0.01).
Subjective observations related to the symptomatology
declared by patients after the treatment are summarized
in Table 3.
Subjective observations about health status declared by
patients after the treatment are summarized in Table 4.
Five patients (10%) treated with overwintered-stressed
Chondrus Crisupus referred adverse reactions to the
treatment (3 patients had diarrhoea and 2 patients had
constipation), so the dosage was reduced to 2 capsules/
day. The treatment was well tolerated at the dosage of 3
capsules/day in 90% of patients. Of the non-overwintered-
stressed Chondrus crispus group, any patients referred adverse
reactions to the treatment that was well tolerated at the
dosage of 3 capsules/day in 100% of patients. Any other
adverse reaction was observed in both the groups.
Muscle energy recovery of subjects treated with
overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus was higher
(84%, 42/50 patients; Table 4) than in the group treated
with non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus (33.3%,
10/30 patients; Table 4), as shown the request of the
Palmieri, et al: Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
10 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6
same patients to follow-up with the dietary supplement
administration at the end of the rst bottle due to the
observed and subjective clinical benets, while patients
treated with non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus did
not require to repeat the treatment.
The best treatment responders were people complaining
of musculoskeletal and articular pain, due to articular and
cartilaginous causes (with arthrosis, arthritis, lumbar pain
on a slipped disc basis). They declared satisfactory tness
recovery and joint mobility at the end of the treatment.
The energetic benefit was also observed in patients
with cancer undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy
with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus dietary
A further benet observed in at least 30% of patients
taking overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus said they
Table 1: Comparative table of non-overwintered-stressed chondrus crispus and overwintered-stressed
chondrus crisupus dietary supplementations nutritional values. Note that nutritional values of
overwintered-stressed chondrus crisupus are referred to different cultivations in the related years after
overwintered exposition
Parameter Unit Non-overwintered-stressed
chondrus crispus
crispus (2014)
crispus (2015)
chondrus crispus
Citrulline g/kg 2.81 5.16 4.69 3.33
Tryptophan g/100 0.174 0.203 0.195 0.196
Hydroxyproline g/100 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05
Ornithine g/100 0.178 0.889 0.532 0.526
Threonine g/100 0.684 0.802 0.706 0.744
Aspartic acid g/100 1.47 1.81 1.52 1.63
Serine g/100 0.802 0.908 0.756 0.814
Lysine g/100 0.787 1.05 0.882 0.896
Valine g/100 0.795 0.996 0.872 0.881
Proline g/100 0.669 1.2 0.961 1.00
Alanine g/100 0.957 1.15 1.02 1.07
Phenylalanine g/100 0.658 0.877 0.813 0.820
Isoleucine g/100 0.652 0.778 0.692 0.696
Glycine g/100 0.789 0.99 0.845 0.900
Thirosine g/100 0.466 0.561 0.475 0.564
Arginine g/100 1.02 3.83 2.48 2.52
Leucine g/100 1.05 1.27 1.12 1.20
Histidine g/100 0.200 0.263 0.234 0.253
Glutamic acid g/100 1.85 3.06 2.21 2.24
Methionine g/100 0.290 0.342 0.321 0.324
Cysteine g/100 0.249 0.341 0.271 0.274
Taurine mg/100 333 319 452 468
L-citrullynin-L-arginine g/100 0.2 4.1 2.8 3.0
Azote g/100 2.96 5.27 3.81 3.92
Proteins g/100 18.5 32.9 23.8 24.5
Sugars g/100 2.9 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Fats g/100 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.2
Minerals g/100 25.47 21.91 24.07 23.58
Sodium g/100 4.4 3.3 4.1 3.982
Table 2: Symptomatology declared by patients before starting the treatment assessed by the SF-36
questionnaire. Results are expressed in terms of symptoms’ frequency
Symptoms Frequency
Overwintered-stressed chondrus
crisupus group (N=50)
Non-overwintered-stressed chondrus
crispus group (N=30)
Asthenia 25 16
Fatigue 19 6
Articular pain 5 5
Musculoskeletal pain 8 4
Post-traumatic pain 1 1
Rheumatic pain 6 2
digestive and peristalsis disturbances 8 0
Migraine 5 3
Palmieri, et al: Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6 11
had benets on the normalization of intestinal peristalsis
and on digestive functions (patients suffering from colitis,
3/8 patients (Table 3-4).
In conclusion, as assessed before, the general benet
improvement of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
administration was 76%, while that obtained with non-
overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus was 33.3% (P <0.01)
This retrospective observational “not inferiority” study
evidences that overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus dietary
supplementation improved musculoskeletal and articular
symptoms with underlying inammatory and degenerative
background better than non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus
crispus, with very mild side effects. Specically, it has been
observed a great improvement of exhaustion, fatigue, pain,
digestive, and peristalsis disturbances symptoms, in addition
to mood and mental concentration amelioration probably
as surrogate endpoints of symptoms. Comparatively, the
general benet of treatment with the overwintered-stressed
red seaweed was 76%, while with the one non-overwintered-
stressed was 33.3% (P <0.01).
A possible explanation of this different performance is
that overwintered exposition of Chondrus crispus naturally
enriched the seaweed in a dipeptide, the L- citrullynin-L-
arginine, compared to other sources of regular Chondrus
crispus (Table 1). In addition, this one has a major content
in total proteins that makes the dietary supplementation
more energizing than the normal seaweed demonstrating
the best therapeutic results obtained in patients treated
with the overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus. Seasonal
variations in nutritional values of Chondrus crispus are
notable, as described in Table 1. Furthermore, previous
studies demonstrated seasonal different concentrations in
amino acids and in the dipeptide L- citrullynin-L-arginine
in Chondrus crispus and in others red seaweeds.19 This one
has been demonstrated to have in vitro antioxidant activity19.
Laycock et al. (1980) demonstrated that cold exposure (8°)
of Chondrus crispus improved this dipeptide production and
it accumulates at this temperature.20 This could be due
to a direct effect of temperature on the enzyme systems
involved in dipeptide metabolism or simply by a result of
slower growth.20 In fact, the experiments demonstrated that
when Chondrus crispus was kept in nitrogen decient culture
at higher temperatures (15°), L- citrullynin-L-arginine was
consumed rapidly, by arginase enzyme that catalyse the
hydrolysis of the dipeptide bond between citrulline and
arginine. This condition is not veried at lower temperature.
In fact, it would be advantageous for the plant to invest
the energy needed for uptake and reduction of nitrate and
the biosynthesis of nitrogen storage compounds during a
time of low temperatures when growth is restricted and
there is a surplus of available nitrate.20 Generally speaking,
dipeptides, has a high nutritional values in terms of
energetic contribution because of the break of chemical
Table 3: Subjective observations related to the symptomatology declared by patients after the
treatment. Results are expressed in terms of frequency
Subjective observations about symptoms Frequency
Overwintered-stressed chondrus
crisupus group (N=50)
Non-overwintered-stressed chondrus
crispus group (N=30)
Less exhaustion 19 5
Less fatigue 17 6
Mood improvement 13 1
Less pain 5 0
Mild improvement of the symptoms 5 3
Concentration improvement 2 0
Digestive and peristalsis disturbances improvement 3 0
No effects 9 21
Table 4: Subjective observations related to the health status declared by patients after the treatment.
Results are expressed in terms of frequency
Subjective observations about health
Overwintered-stressed chondrus
crisupus (N=50)
Non-overwintered-stressed chondrus
crispus group (N=30)
More strength and energy 42 10
Persistent asthenia and/or fatigue 10 15
Symptoms persistence but the patients felt
better before starting the treatment
10 4
Improvement of serenity 10 1
Absence of symptoms 3 1
Palmieri, et al: Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations
12 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Nov-Dec 2018 | Vol 9 | Issue 6
bonds between the two amino acids, releases a stronger
energetic power compared to single amino acid content.
In fact, commercially available dietary supplementation
with the claim to improve strength and energy has a high
content of others dipeptide, such as L-carnosine (β-alanyl-
L-histidine) to achieve the ne sporting art results due
to the buffering activities of carnosine and its related
imidazole-containing compounds which contribute to
the maintenance of the acid-base balance in the acting
A recent study demonstrated that a further red seaweed
that coexisted with Chondrus crispus, e.g., Mostocarpus stellatus,
has a greater freezing tolerance when compared with
Chondrus crispus due to its denite proline content storage
after cold exposure.22 In this study, a range of molecular
mechanism have been proposed for cryprotectants,
including detoxifying radical oxygen species (ROS),
scavenger with the function of compatible osmolytes,
and replacing water in the stabilization of membrane and
protein conformation.22 With regard to membrane integrity,
cryoprotectants such as proline interact with membrane
surfaces to limit damaging phospholipid phase changes or
membrane fusion during freezing-induced cell collapse.23, 24
Clinical conditions with significantly depleted amino
acid levels have, such as cancer, infections, sarcopenia,
colitis, rheumatologic, trauma, musculoskeletal, articular,
autoimmune and genetic diseases have been associated
with long-term fatigue due to negative nitrogen balance in
the energetic metabolism.14 This can be due to inadequate
amino acids availability because of insufcient protein
intake or impaired digestion. The amino acids requirement
is balanced by proteolysis of non-myobrillar muscle
proteins. A prolonged state of negative nitrogen balance
could result in further proteolysis of myobrillar proteins,
with subsequent muscle wasting and damage. Increased
metabolic activities to support exercise, mount host
defences against infection, or support recovery from illness
and injury, place additional demands on protein turnover
within the body. 9, 10, 25 If a net negative nitrogen balance
is associated with fatigue then it would follow that amino
acid supplementation would have the potential to assist in
restoring nitrogen balance.26
The benets of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
might also depends on the higher total proteins
concentrations compared to the non-stressed red seaweed
(from 23.8 g/100 to 32.9 g/100 and 18.5 g/100 respectively
and amino acids content as especially arginine and citrulline
(Table 1).
In conclusion, overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crisupus
supplementation displayed most energizing properties
than the non-stressed red seaweed dietary supplementation
because of a huge content in amino acids and total proteins
supplying deciency.
* BIO-ARCT® (Iontec, Monaco)
Conflict of interest statement
The authors certify that there is no conict of interest with
any nancial organization regarding the material discussed
in the manuscript.
The authors hereby certify that all work contained in this
article is original. The authors claim full responsibility for
the contents of the article. The article has been neither
published elsewhere nor submitted for publication
simultaneously. If accepted, the paper will not be published
elsewhere in the same or similar form, in English or in any
other language
All the authors contributed equally to this work.
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Authors Contribution:
BP- Concept and design of the study, reviewed the literature, manuscript preparation and critical revision of the manuscript; CL- Concept, collected data and
review of literature and helped in preparing rst draft of manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript; MV- Concept of study, collected data and review of study.
Work attributed to:
Department of General Surgery and Surgical Specialities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Second Opinion Medical Network, Modena (MO), Italy.
Orcid ID:
Prof. Beniamino Palmieri-
Dr Maria Vadalà-
Dr Carmen Laurino-
Source of Support: Not Applicable., Acknowledgement: None., Conict of Interest: None declared.
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... index.php/en/biopep) is a useful resource where many of these peptides are logged. C. crispus (Irish moss) is a red seaweed widespread in the Northern Atlantic, which can be rich in protein depending on the season of harvest [90]. There are only a few studies investigating the effect of bacteriocins on CH 4 emission but Bovicin HC5 and Nisin, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus lactis subsp. ...
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Seaweeds contain a myriad of nutrients and bioactives including proteins, carbohydrates and to a lesser extent lipids as well as small molecules including peptides, saponins, alkaloids and pigments. The bioactive bromoform found in the red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis has been identified as an agent that can reduce enteric CH4 production from livestock significantly. However, sustainable supply of this seaweed is a problem and there are some concerns over its sustainable production and potential negative environmental impacts on the ozone layer and the health impacts of bromoform. This review collates information on seaweeds and seaweed bioactives and the documented impact on CH4 emissions in vitro and in vivo as well as associated environmental, economic and health impacts.
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Sweat contains amino acids and electrolytes derived from plasma and athletes can lose 1-2L of sweat per hour during exercise. Sweat may also contain contributions of amino acids as well as urea, sodium and potassium from the natural moisturizing factors (NMF) produced in the stratum corneum. In preliminary experiments, one participant was tested on three separate occasions to compare sweat composition with surface water washings from the same area of skin to assess contributions from NMF. Two participants performed a 40 minute self-paced cycle session with sweat collected from cleansed skin at regular intervals to assess the contributions to the sweat load from NMF over the period of exercise. The main study investigated sweat amino acid composition collected from nineteen male athletes following standardised endurance exercise regimes at 32–34°C and 20–30% RH. Plasma was also collected from ten of the athletes to compare sweat and plasma composition of amino acids. The amino acid profiles of the skin washings were similar to the sweat, suggesting that the NMF could contribute certain amino acids into sweat. Since the sweat collected from athletes contained some amino acid contributions from the skin, this fluid was subsequently referred to as “faux” sweat. Samples taken over 40 minutes of exercise showed that these contributions diminished over time and were minimal at 35 minutes. In the main study, the faux sweat samples collected from the athletes with minimal NMF contributions, were characterised by relatively high levels of serine, histidine, ornithine, glycine and alanine compared with the corresponding levels measured in the plasma. Aspartic acid was detected in faux sweat but not in the plasma. Glutamine and proline were lower in the faux sweat than plasma in all the athletes. Three phenotypic groups of athletes were defined based on faux sweat volumes and composition profiles of amino acids with varying relative abundances of histidine, serine, glycine and ornithine. It was concluded that for some individuals, faux sweat resulting from exercise at 32–34°C and 20–30% RH posed a potentially significant source of amino acid loss.
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Many athletes supplement with antioxidants in the belief this will reduce muscle damage, immune dysfunction and fatigue, and will thus improve performance, while some evidence suggests it impairs training adaptations. Here we review the effect of a range of dietary antioxidants and their effects on sport performance, including vitamin E, quercetin, resveratrol, beetroot juice, other food-derived polyphenols, spirulina and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Older studies suggest vitamin E improves performance at altitude, with possible harmful effects on sea-level performance. Acute intake of vitamin E is worthy of further consideration, if plasma levels can be elevated sufficiently. Quercetin has a small beneficial effect for exercise of longer duration (>100 min), but it is unclear whether this benefits athletes. Resveratrol benefits trained rodents; more research is needed in athletes. Meta-analysis of beetroot juice studies has revealed that the nitrate component of beetroot juice had a substantial but unclear effect on performance when averaged across athletes, non-athletes and modes of exercise (single dose 1.4 ± 2.0 %, double dose 0.5 ± 1.9 %). The effect of addition of polyphenols and other components to beetroot juice was trivial but unclear (single dose 0.4 ± 3.2 %, double dose -0.5 ± 3.3 %). Other food-derived polyphenols indicate a range of performance outcomes from a large improvement to moderate impairment. Limited evidence suggests spirulina enhances endurance performance. Intravenous NAC improved endurance cycling performance and reduced muscle fatigue. On the basis of vitamin E and NAC studies, acute intake of antioxidants is likely to be beneficial. However, chronic intakes of most antioxidants have a harmful effect on performance.
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The presence of sarcopenia is not only rapidly rising in geriatric clinical practice and research, but is also becoming a significant concept in numerous medical specialties. This rapidly rising concept has encouraged the need to identify methods on how to treat sarcopenia. For example, physical activity measures using resistance training exercise, combined with nutritional interventions (protein and amino acid supplementation) have shown to significantly improve muscle mass and strength in older persons. Resistance training may improve muscle strength and mass by improving protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells. Aerobic exercise has also shown to hold beneficial impacts on sarcopenia by improving insulin sensitivity. At the moment, the literature indicates that most significant improvement on sarcopenia is based on exercise programs. Thus, this type of intervention should be implemented in a persistent manner over time in elders, with or at risk of muscle loss. At the same time, physical training exercise should include correcting nutritional deficits with supplementation methods. For example, in older sarcopenic patients with adequate renal function, daily protein intake should be increased to >1. 0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In particular, leucine, β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine and some milk-based proteins have been have shown to improve skeletal muscle protein balance. In addition, it is also recommended to correct for vitamin D deficiency, if present, considering the crucial role of vitamin D in skeletal muscle. In this present paper, we will provide evidence regarding the effects of different physical exercise protocols, specific nutritional intervention, and some new metabolic agents (HMB, citrulline malate, ornithine, and others) on clinical outcomes related to sarcopenia in older adults.
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Marine macroalgae are rich in bioactive compounds that can, when consumed, impart beneficial effects on animal and human health. The red seaweed Chondrus crispus has been reported to have a wide range of health-promoting activities, such as antitumor and antiviral activities. Using a Caenorhabditis elegans infection model, we show that C. crispus water extract (CCWE) enhances host immunity and suppresses the expression of quorum sensing (QS) and the virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain PA14). Supplementation of nematode growth medium with CCWE induced the expression of C. elegans innate immune genes, such as irg-1, irg-2, F49F1.6, hsf-1, K05D8.5, F56D6.2, C29F3.7, F28D1.3, F38A1.5 ZK6.7, lys-1, spp-1, and abf-1, by more than 2-fold, while T20G5.7 was not affected. Additionally, CCWE suppressed the expression of PA14 QS genes and virulence factors, although it did not affect the growth of the bacteria. These effects correlated with a 28% reduction in the PA14-inflicted killing of C. elegans. Kappa-carrageenan (K-CGN), a major component of CCWE, was shown to play an important role in the enhancement of host immunity. Using C. elegans mutants, we identified that pmk-1, daf-2/daf-16, and skn-1 are essential in the K-CGN-induced host immune response. In view of the conservation of innate immune pathways between C. elegans and humans, the results of this study suggest that water-soluble components of C. crispus may also play a health-promoting role in higher animals and humans.
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Plants are always exposed to various stresses. We have focused on freezing stress, which causes serious problems for agricultural management. When plants suffer freeze-induced damage, the plasma membrane is thought to be the primary site of injury because of its central role in regulation of various cellular processes. Cold tolerant species, however, adapt to such freezing conditions by modifying cellular components and functions (cold acclimation). One of the most important adaptation mechanisms to freezing is alteration of plasma membrane compositions and functions. Advanced proteomic technologies have succeeded in identification of many candidates that may play roles in adaptation of the plasma membrane to freezing stress. Proteomics results suggest that adaptations of plasma membrane functions to low temperature are associated with alterations of protein compositions during cold acclimation. Some of proteins identified by proteomic approaches have been verified their functional roles in freezing tolerance mechanisms further. Thus, accumulation of proteomic results in the plasma membrane is of importance for application to molecular breeding efforts to increase cold tolerance in crops.
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The ecological impacts of generalist herbivores depend on feeding preferences, which can vary across and within herbivore species. Among mesoherbivores, geographic variation in host use can occur because host plants have a more restricted geographic distribution than does the herbivore, or there is local evolution in host preference, or both. We tested the role of local evolution using the marine amphipod Ampithoe longimana by rearing multiple amphipod populations from three regions (subtropical Florida, warm-temperate North Carolina and cold-temperate New England) and assaying their feeding preferences toward ten seaweeds that occur in some but not all regions. Six of the ten seaweeds produce anti-herbivore secondary metabolites, and we detected geographic variation in feeding preference toward five (Dictyota menstrualis, Dictyota ciliolata, Fucus distichus, Chondrus crispus and Padina gymnospora, but not Caulerpa sertularioides). Amphipod populations that co-occur with a chemically-rich seaweed tended to have stronger feeding preferences for that seaweed, relative to populations that do not co-occur with the seaweed. A direct test indicated that geographic variation in feeding preference toward one seaweed (D. ciliolata) is mediated by feeding tolerance for lipophilic secondary metabolites. Among the four seaweeds that produce no known secondary metabolites (Acanthophora, Ectocarpus, Gracilaria and Hincksia/Feldmannia spp.), we detected no geographic variation in feeding preference. Thus, populations are more likely to evolve greater feeding preferences for local hosts when those hosts produce secondary metabolites. Microevolution of feeding behaviors of generalist marine consumers likely depends on the availability and identity of local hosts and the strength of their chemical defenses.
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Skeletal muscle is the major deposit of protein molecules. As for any cell or tissue, total muscle protein reflects a dynamic turnover between net protein synthesis and degradation. Noninvasive and invasive techniques have been applied to determine amino acid catabolism and muscle protein building at rest, during exercise and during the recovery period after a single experiment or training sessions. Stable isotopic tracers (13C-lysine, 15N-glycine, ²H5-phenylalanine) and arteriovenous differences have been used in studies of skeletal muscle and collagen tissues under resting and exercise conditions. There are different fractional synthesis rates in skeletal muscle and tendon tissues, but there is no major difference between collagen and myofibrillar protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise provokes increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis, the opposite occurring during the recovery period. Individuals who exercise respond differently when resistance and endurance types of contractions are compared. Endurance exercise induces a greater oxidative capacity (enzymes) compared to resistance exercise, which induces fiber hypertrophy (myofibrils). Nitrogen balance (difference between protein intake and protein degradation) for athletes is usually balanced when the intake of protein reaches 1.2 g·kg-1·day-1 compared to 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 in resting individuals. Muscular activities promote a cascade of signals leading to the stimulation of eukaryotic initiation of myofibrillar protein synthesis. As suggested in several publications, a bolus of 15-20 g protein (from skimmed milk or whey proteins) and carbohydrate (± 30 g maltodextrine) drinks is needed immediately after stopping exercise to stimulate muscle protein and tendon collagen turnover within 1 h.
Muscle wasting during critical illness impairs recovery. Dietary strategies to minimise wasting include nutritional supplements, particularly essential amino acids. We reviewed the evidence on enteral supplementation with amino acids or their metabolites in the critically ill and in muscle wasting illness with similarities to critical illness, aiming to assess whether this intervention could limit muscle wasting in vulnerable patient groups. Citation databases, including MEDLINE, Web of Knowledge, EMBASE, the meta-register of controlled trials and the Cochrane Collaboration library, were searched for articles from 1950 to 2013. Search terms included ‘critical illness’, ‘muscle wasting’, ‘amino acid supplementation’, ‘chronic obstructive pulmonary disease’, ‘chronic heart failure’, ‘sarcopenia’ and ‘disuse atrophy’. Reviews, observational studies, sport nutrition, intravenous supplementation and studies in children were excluded. One hundred and eighty studies were assessed for eligibility and 158 were excluded. Twenty-two studies were graded according to standardised criteria using the GRADE methodology: four in critical care populations, and 18 from other clinically relevant areas. Methodologies, interventions and outcome measures used were highly heterogeneous and meta-analysis was not appropriate. Methodology and quality of studies were too varied to draw any firm conclusion. Dietary manipulation with leucine enriched essential amino acids (EAA), β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate and creatine warrant further investigation in critical care; EAA has demonstrated improvements in body composition and nutritional status in other groups with muscle wasting illness. High-quality research is required in critical care before treatment recommendations can be made.
The morphologically similar sporophytic and gametophytic plants of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse were examined and it was shown that the former contain λ-carrageenan. The gametophytes contain ϰ- and two additional carrageenans which are KCl-soluble and may comprise up to 25% of the total carrageenan. After alkaline modification, these KCl-soluble components were separated into a gel and a soluble carrageenan. The gel was indistinguishable from ϰ-carrageenan and presumably was derived from μ-carrageenan while the KCl-soluble fraction possessed a unique infrared spectrum easily distinguished from alkali-modified λ-carrageenan. This appears to represent a third carrageenan in the gametophytes. Our observations suggest that the biologically separate plants of C. crispus exhibit distinctive patterns of sulfation of their galactans. The sporophytes add SO42- at C2 of the precursor, whereas the gametophytes appear to add it principally at the available C4 positions. Both types of plant are capable of sulfating at C6 of the 4-linked galactose unit.