
Supplement to the Genus Megobaralipton (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) (Revisional Studies of the Genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-13).

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Four new subspecies of the genus Megobaralipton are described under the names M. mindanaonis luzonum, M. mindanaonis meridianum, M. lansbergei exocostatum and M. mandibulare choui subspp. nov. Megobaralipton itohi KOMIYA, 2002 is regarded as a subspecies of M. bicoloripes. Megobaralipton mandibulare FAIRMAIRE, 1899 is redescribed and the lectotype and paralectotype are designated. The genus Megobaralipton are subdivided into three species groups, and a new key to the species and the subspecies is given.

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... Type-species: Aegosoma bicoloripes Ritsema, 1881 by subsequent designation by Komiya, 2002: 220. Megobaralipton Lepesme & Breuning, 1952, previously considered as a subgenus of Megopis Audinet-Serville, 1832, was revised by Komiya (2002), who considered it as a genus and this generic position was followed and confirmed later on by Komiya & Drumont (2014). Megobaralipton is mostly characterized by an elongated cylindrical body, head with robust and developed mandibles in males, each mandible furnished with two internal tooth; pronotum strongly convex, with lateral margins indistinct, and widest at posterior half; elytra elongated and generally parallel-sided with rounded apex (furnished with small sutural projection), and with two internal carinae, which start from base or humerus and meet each other at about ¼ of the length of elytra before apex (the inner most often absent); and by legs slender in both sexes (Komiya 2002;Drumont et al. 2018b). ...
... Megobaralipton Lepesme & Breuning, 1952, previously considered as a subgenus of Megopis Audinet-Serville, 1832, was revised by Komiya (2002), who considered it as a genus and this generic position was followed and confirmed later on by Komiya & Drumont (2014). Megobaralipton is mostly characterized by an elongated cylindrical body, head with robust and developed mandibles in males, each mandible furnished with two internal tooth; pronotum strongly convex, with lateral margins indistinct, and widest at posterior half; elytra elongated and generally parallel-sided with rounded apex (furnished with small sutural projection), and with two internal carinae, which start from base or humerus and meet each other at about ¼ of the length of elytra before apex (the inner most often absent); and by legs slender in both sexes (Komiya 2002;Drumont et al. 2018b). The genus comprises seven species and five subspecies organized into three species groups: bicoloripes, lansbergei and mandibulare (Komiya & Drumont 2014). ...
... Megobaralipton kalimantanum was originally described from the island of Borneo (East Kalimantan province (Indonesia) and from Sabah State from East Malaysia). Shortly after, it was reported by Komiya (2002) from continental Malaysia (Cameron Highland). Recently, the species was also mentioned by Drumont & Komiya (2014) ...
Five species of Prioninae from the Indian state of Mizoram were studied: Megobaralipton kalimantanum (Komiya & Makihara, 2001); Nepiodes bowringi (Gahan, 1894); Anomophysis hainana (Gressitt, 1940); Eurypoda (Eurypoda) nigrita Thomson, 1865 and Eurypoda (Neoprion) batesi Gahan, 1894. New country records are provided to: Megobaralipton kalimantanum (Komiya & Makihara, 2001); Anomophysis hainana (Gressitt, 1940); Eurypoda (Eurypoda) nigrita Thomson, 1865; Eurypoda (Neoprion) batesi Gahan, 1894. Nepiodes bowringi (Gahan, 1894) is record for the first time from the Indian state of Mizoram. Detailed taxonomic position of all species, their host plant, and images of dorsal habitus are provided.
... Megobaralipton Lepesme & Breuning, 1952 was recently revised by Komiya (2002) and Komiya & Drumont (2014) and restored as a full genus. It was previously considered as a subgenus of the genus Megopis Audinet-Serville, 1832. ...
... The genus Megobaralipton is mostly characterized by a body elongated cylindrical, the head with robust and developed mandibles in males, each mandible furnished with two internal tooth, a pronotum strongly convex with lateral margins indistinct and widest at posterior half, elytra elongated and generally parallel-sided with rounded apex (furnished with small sutural projection) and with two internal costa which start from humerus and meet each other close to apex (the two internal ones usually absent), and by legs slender and smooth in both sexes (Komiya, 2002). The genus is currently comprised of 7 species and 4 subspecies divided into 3 species groups : bicoloripes, lansbergei and mandibulare (Komiya & Drumont, 2014). ...
... The species was described from the southern part of South-East Asia (Borneo) by Komiya & Makihara (2001) and, just after that, reported from continental Malaysia (Komiya, 2002). It was also listed from north-eastern Thailand by Komiya & Drumont in 2014. From now, it becomes clear, based on our data involving North Vietnam locations, that M. kalimantanum can be also distributed to northern part of the South-East Asia area. ...
The occurrence of the genus Megobaralipton Lepesme & Breuning, 1952 in Vietnam is reported, based on recent collections of the species M. kalimantanum Komiya & Makihara, 2001 in several areas of the country. This first record in Vietnam extends the distribution of the species to the North-East in the continental Asia region and is discussed.
... The genus Spinimegopis K. Ohbayashi, 1963 belongs to the tribe Aegosomatini Thomson, 1861 (Cerambycidae, Prioninae) and currently includes 20 species (Komiya & Drumont, 2007;Feng & Chen, 2009). Species of genus Spinimegopis distributed in East, South-East and South Asia. ...
... Spinimegopis includes five species-groups. Spinimegopis lividipennis species-group currently includes four species: S. lividipennis (Lameere, 1920), S. malasiaca (Hayashi, 1976), S. fujitai Komiya et Drumont, 2007 and S. delahayei Komiya et Drumont, 2007. Inclusion of these species in one species-group based on presence a distinct subvertical process on anterior margin of prosternum (Komiya & Drumont, 2007). ...
... Spinimegopis lividipennis species-group currently includes four species: S. lividipennis (Lameere, 1920), S. malasiaca (Hayashi, 1976), S. fujitai Komiya et Drumont, 2007 and S. delahayei Komiya et Drumont, 2007. Inclusion of these species in one species-group based on presence a distinct subvertical process on anterior margin of prosternum (Komiya & Drumont, 2007). The study beetles belongs to Spinimegopis lividipennis species-group stored in my collection shown that specimens of Spinimegopis sp. ...
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Spinimegopis bezborodovi Koshkin, sp. n. is described from South Vietnam (Lam Dong province, Lang Bian Plateau). New species most is similar to S. lividipennis (Lameere, 1920) but differs from latter by coloration of body, by specific pattern of pronotum, by shape and size of spine of anterior angle of pronotum, by antennae length, by lower density of granules on 1st-3rd antennal segments and profemur, by smaller ratio of the lengths of the third and first antennal segments of males, and by features of morphology of male terminalia (especially tegmen and eight sternite).
... The specimens were examined under Labomed CZM6 stereo zoom microscope, photographed with Nikon DSLR D5200 and labeled with Adobe Photoshop v7.0. The specimens were identified using relevant books and literatures (Gahan, 1906;Beeson and Bhatia, 1939;Breuning, 1964;Cherepanov, 1990;Mukhopadhyay and Biswas, 2000a, b;Shylesha et al., 2004;Mukhopadhyay and Halder, 2004;Komiya and Drumont, 2010;Agarwala and Bhattacharjee, 2012;Mitra et al., 2016a, b, c;Kariyanna et al., 2017;Monné et al., 2017;Behere et al., 2019) and were compared with reference collections from Zoological Survey of India, North Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong. ...
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A checklist of long horn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) within the geographical area of Lumami under Zunheboto District, Nagaland is provided. As per the current checklist there are 36 long horn beetle species classified under 31 genera, 18 tribes and 3 sub-families (Prioninae, Cerambycinae and Lamiinae); of which 23 species are new records for the state of Nagaland. For each species, accepted nomenclature followed by all relevant works reporting systematic classification and distribution within and outside India is provided. The checklist is based on specialized literature sources, collections and faunistic researches made by the authors.
... Commentaires. -L'espèce a été décrite de l'île de Bornéo par Komiya & Makihara (2001) et citée peu après de la partie continentale de la Malaisie (Komiya, 2002). Localité-type et dépôt des types. ...
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Based on recent collections in Laos, a new species of the genus Aegosoma Audinet-Serville, 1832 is described as A. dorei n. sp. The new species is illustrated and compared to its closest species within the genus. The female sex of Drumontiana costata Komiya & Niisato, 2007), a species of Prioninae from the Anacolini tribe restricted to the northeastern part of Laos, is described and figured for the first time. We also report unpublished distribution data for Laos for eight species (Aegosoma george Do, 2015, Aegosoma katsurai (Komiya, 2000), Komiyasoma lei Drumont & Do, 2013, Megobaralipton kalimantanum (Komiya & Makihara, 2001), Palaeomegopis lameerei Boppe, 1911, Priotyrannus (Chollides) closteroides (Thomson, 1877), Rhineimegopis cordieri (Lameere, 1916) and Sarmydus loebli Drumont & Weigel, 2010). These new occurrences are presented and discussed. For the purposes of this note, Komiyasoma lei is also reported for the first time from the provinces of Kontum and the municipality of Da Nang in the north central part of Vietnam.
... Khan (1985) recorded 28 species of cerambycid beetles from Neil Island of South Andamans. Very recently Lackerbeck, (2000) and Komiya (2010) were also contributed on the Prioninae fauna of these Islands. ...
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The present work deals with 12 species of longhorn beetles belonging to 10 genera under 7 tribes of subfamily Prioninae from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. These include records of three species viz.Dorysthenes (Lophosternus) indicus (Hope, 1831), Dorysthenes (Lophosternus) huegelii (Redtenbacher, 1848) and Acanthophorous serraticornis(Olivier, 1795) new to these islands. Two earlier recorded species viz, Remphanhopei Waterhouse and Nepiodes sulcipennis (White, 1853) are reported here with new localities. The other six species report here after literature consultation.
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The Catalogue includes all 505 Cerambycidae species of Nepal fauna known up to 2019 with the references to the original descriptions and regional records; 52 species are newly recorded for Nepal fauna.
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The Catalogue includes all 162 Cerambycidae species of Bhutan fauna known up to 2019 with the references to the original descriptions; 12 species were not mentioned for Bhutan in Palaearctic Cerambycidae Catalogue by Löbl & Smetana (2010); 16 species are excluded from Bhutan fauna, because those records were based on the publications for Maria Basti (West-Bengal, Darjeeling District). Bibliography of each species usually includes the geographical information from corresponding publications. Many new taxonomy positions published after 2010 are used here without special remarks.
With this new series, we will provide additional distribution data for Cerambycidae beetles belonging to the subfamily Prioninae. We start with six species (Aegosoma george Do, 2015, Baralipton severini (Lameere, 1909), Priotyrannus (Kinibalua) megalops (Bates, 1889), Rhaphipodus fruehstorferi Lameere, 1903, Sarmydus subcoriaceus (Hope, 1831) and Ziglipton huedepohli Komiya & Drumont, 2004) from the Oriental region for which new records are presented and discussed.
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An updated and annotated checklist of the subfamily Prioninae of the family Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) occurring in China is proposed, with the list of all provinces where each species is recorded. This work is based on a vast bibliographical study and on examination of specimens present in various collections from scientific institutions and from private entomologist amateurs. The Prioninae fauna of China is nowadays composed by 102 taxa (species and subspecies) and this number includes the species Anomophysis elongata Quentin & Villiers, 1981, firstly being reported from China in this paper. New provinces records were also provided for Aegolipton marginale (Fabricius, 1775), Aegosoma katsurai (Komiya, 2000), Baralipton maculosum Thomson, 1857, Casiphia (Casiphia) inopinata Hüdepohl, 1998, Dorysthenes (Paraphrus) granulosus (Thomson, 1861), Eurypoda (Eurypoda) nigrita Thomson, 1865, Anomophysis hainana (Gressitt, 1940) and Rhaphipodus fruehstorferi Lameere, 1903. The occurrence of Nepiodes sulcipennis (White, 1853) in China is confirmed after recent collects in Yunnan province. Additionally, nine doubtful species previously reported from China namely Aegosoma scabricorne (Scopoli, 1763), Baralipton severini (Lameere, 1909), Dorysthenes (Lophosternus) huegelii (Redtenbacher, 1848), Dorysthenes (Lophosternus) zivetta laosensis Gressitt & Rondon, 1970, Dorysthenes (Prionomimus) elegans ishigakiensis Ohbayashi, 1981, Mesoprionus asiaticus (Faldermann, 1837), Psilotarsus hirticollis Motschulsky, 1860, Rhaphipodus gahani Lameere, 1903 and Spinimegopis nipponica (Matsushita, 1934) are discussed and have been presently excluded from the Chinese fauna. For the first time, the 28 genera and 7 subgenera composing the Chinese Prioninae fauna are all illustrated in color.
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Present communication reports three new records of Cerambycidae, from West Bengal for the first time. The complete synonymy list and diagnostic characters of these three species are also dealt in this communication. Moreover, a first consolidated list of 146 species of Cerambycidae under 84 genera of 38 tribes belonging to 4 subfamilies including three new records are documented along with their valid scientific names in this communication.
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A new monotypical genus Komiyasoma is proposed for K. lei n. sp., a species recently discovered in southern Vietnam (Lam Dong, Dak Lak and Khanh Hoa provinces). The new genus and the new species are described, illustrated and compared with closely related Prioninae taxa.
The longicorn beetles of Hainan Islands (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Philip
  • J L Gressitt
GRESSITT, J. L., 1940. The longicorn beetles of Hainan Islands (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Philip. J. Sci., 72: 1 2+1-239, 8 pls.
A synopsis of the prionine cerambycid of the genus Megobaralipton, new status (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu LAMEERE, 1909-1)
KOMIYA, Z., 2002. A synopsis of the prionine cerambycid of the genus Megobaralipton, new status (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu LAMEERE, 1909-1). Elytra, Tokyo, 30: 219-234.-2005. A synopsis of the prionine genus Aegolipton, new status (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu LAMEERE, 1909-7). Ibid., 33: 149-181.
Révision des prionides. Douzilième mémoire -Megopis
  • A Lameere
LAMEERE, A., 1909. Révision des prionides. Douzilième mémoire -Megopis. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 53: 135-170.
Japan Malthinus nakanei WITTMER, 1955 was described from Nagano Prefecture and has been known to occur in Honshu
  • Yano
revised and accepted 20 September 2014. Occurrence of Malthinus nakanei (Coleoptera, Cantharidae, Malthininae) on Fukué Island of the Gotô Islands, Southwest Japan Naoki TAKAHASHI Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 812-8581 Japan Malthinus nakanei WITTMER, 1955 was described from Nagano Prefecture and has been known to occur in Honshu, Sado Island, Shikoku and Kyushu (SATÔ, 1985; IMASAKA & YAMAYA, 1993; YANO et al., 2008).
Although the species is slightly variable in general appearance such as body size and coloration (TAKAHASHI, pers. obs.) and an unnamed relative has been recorded (IMASAKA & NAKAMURA
  • Takahashi
Although the species is slightly variable in general appearance such as body size and coloration (TAKAHASHI, pers. obs.) and an unnamed relative has been recorded (IMASAKA & NAKAMURA, 1993; TAKAHASHI et al., 2001), a series of specimens collected from Fukué Island of the Gotô Islands, off western Kyushu, is identified with the Elytra, Tokyo, New Series, 4 (2): 199-200
Check-list of Cantharidae of Japan
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TAKAHASHI, K., 1998. Check-list of Cantharidae of Japan. Kanagawa-Chûhô, Odawara, (122): 29-48. (In Japanese, with English title.)
Catalog and Bibliography of Long Horned Beetles from Borneo, Electronic version
  • D J Heffern
HEFFERN, D. J., 2005. Catalog and Bibliography of Long Horned Beetles from Borneo, Electronic version.
Three Colour Illustrated Insects of Japan. Fasc. 9, Coleoptera. 29 pp., 50 pls
  • M Kato
KATO, M., 1933. Three Colour Illustrated Insects of Japan. Fasc. 9, Coleoptera. 29 pp., 50 pls. Tokyo.
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Malacodermata (Coleoptera)
  • W Wittmer
WITTMER, W., 1955. 21. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Malacodermata (Coleoptera). Mushi, Fukuoka, 29: 39-45, pls. 4-5.