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The role of women has changed and has even reached critical heights today, especially as far as the working world is concerned. The kind of job they embark upon also influences their way of life. The question is whether the lifestyle that is supposed to be practised by Muslim working women today complies with the Shari'ah requirements stipulated for Muslim women. At the same time, the halal lifestyle concept has been increasingly accepted universally. The halal lifestyle concept focuses more on a way of life that prioritises and practises all that is commanded in Islam. A halal lifestyle is one of the elements in the halal concept and currently, it focuses more on the food, medical, self-treatment and hotel sectors. The aim of this paper was to examine the lifestyle of Muslim working women in the halal context. How can the halal concept be assimilated into women's career-lifestyle? Hence, this paper hoped to highlight the halal lifestyle concept of Muslim working women based on two objectives. The first objective was to identify the halal lifestyle concept among Muslim working women through published academic materials and the second objective was to come up with a halal lifestyle framework for Muslim working women. This working paper adopted the interpretive qualitative analysis using past literature and analysed from an Islamic perspective.
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... The existence of halal certification in a product makes peace for producers. Aziz et al. (2015) found that halal certificates are very important for producers in developing their business and global competitiveness. Yusofa and Shuttob (2012) explained the essence of halal from producer's perspective in developing the domestic market for potential halal food. ...
... Review of previous research shows the research gap regarding halal certification from producer's perspective. Research on importance of halal certification was conducted by Mahmud (2013), Thabrani (2013), Aziz et al., (2015), Nor et al., (2016), Noordin et al., (2012, Etri and Yucel (2016), Syed et al., (2012) who found an essence or fundamental meaning or awareness for the importance of halal products certification from a consumer perspective. It can qualitatively increase business competitiveness of businesses for Micro, Small and Medium Industry group. ...
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Purpose: The study aims (1) to explore the comprehension and implementation of halal certification essence from the producers perspective of MSMEs, and (2) to make the model to apply the halal certification essence to MSMEs. Design/methodology/approach: This study used qualitative methods with Hussel's phenomenological approach. This research takes a setting in East Java. The data analysis is the Interactive Model Analysis from Miles and Huberman. Findings: The results showed indicate that the comprehension and implementation of halal certification essence from a producer's perspective of MSMEs in East Java is still relatively low. There are many MSMEs do not have certificates even though they understand the importance of halal certificates. The phenomenon at MSME producers showed that theoretically the halal certificates refers to the first basis set by Islam, namely the origin of something created by Allah is halal and permissible. Research limitations/implications: The samples and findings are exclusively to MSMEs that very supportive in determining informants and research clusters based on MSME industry groups Practical implications: Local governments should conduct training or coaching on positive mental strength, financial management, financial management literacy, risk management training, promotion and marketing strategy training and tourism management training. These trainings need to be done in order MSMEs have the competence and the comprehension on halal certification as one of capabilities of a good promotion The strategy and marketing strategy Social Implications: The training pattern should use a mentoring system by involving academics. The training to MSMEs should be done routinely. Training should be maintained properly at intervals, coordination and cooperation between the government and entrepreneurs. Originality/value: The research originality is shown by the MSMEs comprehension and mapping of halal certification as well as models to implement the halal certification essence in form of MUI regulations, MUI supervision, producer aspects and increased awareness of MSMEs in essence halal certification to supports the development of MSMEs.
... In Islam, halal refers to something that is legal (Aziz & Ahmad, 2018;Tieman, 2011). Halal is considered part of religious conformity and a standard with minority Muslim populations have increased significantly in recent years. ...
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The study aims to understand interlinkages and the relative importance of barriers to maximising the performance of the halal industry in Indonesia using Integrated Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) and the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) methodology. This study uses the content validity method to find the relevant or valid barrier, the ISM methodology to examine the interrelationship between the valid barriers, and the DEMATEL methodology to find the cause–effect relationships and revise the ISM digraph. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the barriers to systematically maximising halal industry performance in Indonesia, elaborating on the relationship between relevant theories and practical issues to identify the barriers. The study’s integrated approach helps corporate and political decision-makers identify essential barriers to development and explore the interdependencies between barriers. This can help decision-makers overcome critical obstacles, use resources more efficiently, and find innovative solutions for the industry’s viability and dynamic development.
... The Malaysian fashion industry contributes approximately RM4 billion to the national income indicate that consumers demand on Islamic fashion tremendously increase. However, the basic halal concept in the fashion industry involves the sensitivity of Muslim users, the risk of pollution and the involvement of haram resources in the materials used (Aziz & Ahmad, 2018) indicate that consumers awareness on the ethical and legal consumption still low. The conception of "halal and haram", ethical and legal on the consumption practice among Muslim women in selecting their fashion goods mostly associated adhere to shari'a clothing requirement (Karakavak & Ozboluk, 2023). ...
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Counterfeits market have been common and are a baffling global issue due to the ignorance of consumers and society normalisation on the illegal consumption practice. Hence, consumers feel that the purchase and consumption of such goods do not create any harmful effect on society, the economy, and the authentic fashion goods industry; thus, these dark markets pose the greatest challenge for fashion brand manufacturers in preventing consumers involement in counterfeiting activities. Thus, this study aims to discover Malaysian Muslim women's purchase behaviour in counterfeit branded fashion goods and explore their consumption practices from their lived experiences. Additionally, the insights lead to the development of emerging themes, which will help comprehend Malaysian Muslim women's attitudes, behaviour, and level of consciousness on the counterfeit issue. The phenomenology approach has been used to probe into the lived experience of 6 Muslim women via purposive and snowball sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted and data were analysed using thematic analysis. Four themes emerged from this study; society norms, fear of being caught, compensating original brand and comparable quality revealed that society norms, legitimising counterfeit goods purchase, particularly on fashion goods among Muslim women. The finding validated that Muslim women found counterfeit branded fashion goods enable them to compensate their fashion consciousness needs and disregard the concept of "halal" in their consumption practice in order to keeping up with the trend and fashion. This study ultimately assisting fashion goods manufacturer to develop operative marketing strategies and mechanisms to reduce the rate of counterfeit goods purchases in Malaysia.
... This lifestyle refers to a way of life that is by the sharia that has been determined by Allah SWT which concerns all aspects of life (N. I. A. Aziz & Ahmad, 2018). This halal lifestyle includes the fields of finance and banking, tourism, hospitality, food, clothing, pharmacy, cosmetics, and so on. ...
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One of the halal lifestyles that continues to increase in Indonesia is the use of halal cosmetic products. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of religiosity and country of origin on purchase decisions for halal cosmetic products through the variable halal awareness as an intervening variable. Analysis of the model used is Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The data in this study are primary data with 273 generation Z respondents in Central Java Province who use halal cosmetic products. The sampling technique was carried out using purposive sampling method. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between religiosity and country of origin on purchase decisions for halal cosmetic products. Furthermore, halal awareness is able to mediate the relationship between religiosity and country of origin on the decision to purchase halal cosmetic products. Policy implications that can be applied by stakeholders include increasing halal education policies, strengthening halal certification on imported cosmetic products, facilitating halal certification on MSME products, and helping to promote local halal cosmetic products.
... Hal ini membuktikan bahwa konsep halal diterima oleh muslim ataupun non muslim dan secara bertahap menjadi gaya hidup yang diminati. (Izza et al., 2018) Maka sikap atau perilaku negative Barat yang timbul dari fenomena islamophobia merupakan bentuk dari prasangka atau ketidakpahaman terhadap Islam yang sebenarnya. Kemudian memunculkan diskriminasi terhadap Islam, retorika kebencian, bahkan tindakan kekerasan yang sangat merugikan kesejahteraan umat Islam di seluruh dunia. ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kajian analisis mengenai halal lifestyle dalam memerangi Islamophobia. Islamophobia merupakan sebuah fenomena global yang terjadi akibat munculnya rasa takut secara berlebihan terkait segala sesuatu tentang Islam. Islam dianggap sebagai agama yang keras, yang menjadi sumber munculnya aksi terorisme, dan akhirnya dianggap sebagai ancaman serius bagi perdamaian dunia. Padahal Islam sangat menganjurkan perdamaian yang memiliki prinsip pembebasan dari rasa takut, lapar, maupun ketidakamanan. Metodelogi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat library research terhadap literatur yang berkaitan dengan halal lifestyle dalam memerangi Islamophobia, lalu dianalisa secara empiris, dan kemudian disimpulkan. Maka hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa halal lifestyle memiliki peran penting dalam memerangi Islamophobia. Dengan jumlah muslim yang lebih dari 24% populasi dunia maka mereka bisa memberikan gambaran wajah Islam yang seutuhnya dari penerapan halal lifestyle. Untuk menunjukkan pada dunia bahwa fitrahnya seorang muslim itu memiliki sikap yang lemah lembut, penuh kasih, dan bertutur santun. Maka, jika kita dapat menunjukkan nilai-nilai ini kepada masyarakat global secara teratur, kebencian mereka terhadap Islam akan berkurang.
... The importance of halal labeling in consumer culture (Khotimah, 2018), studies that are no less interesting are the influences of halal lifestyles and self-identity (Ayyah & Murniningsih, 2021), in the same study carried out with the literacy of the halal lifestyle movement (Yetty & Priyatno, 2021), a broader scale study is the halal lifestyle in Indonesia (Adinugraha et al., 2019), and the development of halal products as an effort to meet the needs of halal life (Astuti, 2020). Furthermore, the urgency in the study of halal lifestyles also discusses orientation toward Muslim women workers (Aziz & Ahmad, 2018), aspects of the emergency, and the development of halal studies (Abd Aziz et al., 2015). The study also examines the willingness to comply with halal logistics to place lifestyle as an option (Kamaruddin et al., 2021) and the global halal market (Izberk-Bilgin & Nakata, 2016), housing sharia branding as an effort to represent a halal lifestyle (Putri & Sunesti, 2021), a study of the future of halal as tourism, and also as a choice strategy (Marlinda et al., 2022;Prayag, 2020). ...
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This study aims to explain the contextualization of utility in law and maqasid al-shariah towards the halal lifestyle in Makassar City. The study is field research using a normative juridical approach. Data collection procedures were conducted by observing several malls, drug stores, markets, and restaurants, in-depth interviews with Islamic jurists, and documentation. Data analysis by strengthening the utility theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and maqasid al-shariah put forward by Abu Ishaq al-Syatibi. The study's findings are that the cultural transformation of the halal lifestyle is a form of commitment by the Muslim community in Makassar City to obeying and implementing Islamic law. The contextualization of utility in law and maqasid al-shariah towards the halal lifestyle is to maintain and safeguard religion, human intellect, and soul (nafs). Following up on the findings in this study, a halal lifestyle culture in Makassar recommends further research to optimize living laws in society and the legal system in laws and regulations.
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Muslim women in South Africa constitute 1.6% of the population, yet they have and continue to contribute significantly to the economy, pursue political freedom and rise to the upper echelons of academia. Research reveals that the identity of South African Muslim women centres on Islamic principles, such as modesty and dietary requirements, and cultural roles, such as being a mother and a homemaker. Despite Muslim women being more visible through media in recent years, literature shows that many remain marginalised, misunderstood, and often discriminated against for not subscribing to the dominant culture of the Western workplace. The study explores the challenges Muslim women academics face in South African higher education institutions when fulfilling their professional roles while maintaining Islamic and cultural obligations. Viewed through the lens of social identity theory, the chapter provides insight into the lived experiences of seven Muslim women academics and how they navigate the often-exclusionary spaces of academia. It will also provide practical solutions which may mitigate marginalisation and promote inclusivity within the South African academic landscape.
This research aims to design the traceability system based on blockchain technology that can track information on the implementation of halal assurance at every stage of the chicken meat-based food production chain, from farmers, slaughterhouses, and distributors, to the food processing industry. This research is a descriptive study in the form of a literature study and a case study on developing a web-halal traceability system, using a sample of the research objects on Semarang's chicken meat-based halal food supply chain. In this research, the stages of designing a web-halal traceability system use the software development life cycle (SDLC) programming method using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) language based on blockchain concepts. The blockchain concepts applied include distributed shared ledgers, smart contracts, permissions, and consensus. The application is presented as a website that can record product transfer information, halal product assurances, and halal certificates between actors in the halal chicken meat-based food supply chain from beginning to end and can be accessed by consumers directly and transparently through scanning product Quick Response (QR) codes. The applications' limitations are currently still manual in implementing the consensus process, not integrated with a map of where the actors in the supply chain were located, not providing a physical appearance or image of the product, and not include the actors whose position was before chicken farmers, such as animal feed producers and their suppliers. Future researchers may include a secure automated validation method, a geographical map of each actor, a product image, and a mapping of the chicken meat-based product supply chain in a broader scope. This research provided a basis for providing policymakers with a concept for enhancing halal integrity and solving the issue of halal assurance in food production. This research also provided for helping the consumer in tracing the halalness of the chicken meat-based product. Understanding the halalness status of the product by the customer could facilitate a more effective driving for enterprises to get the halal certification process. This research contributed to using a blockchain concept to build the web-based traceability system for a halal product with a new object in an empirical case of Chicken Meat-Based Food Supply Chain.
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Gaya hidup halal telah menjadi tren bagi komunitas global dan Indonesia, yang memiliki populasi mayoritas Muslim. Total pengeluaran yang dihabiskan oleh masyarakat Indonesia untuk produk halal pada tahun 2017 adalah 218,8 miliar. Dapat dinyatakan bahwa produk halal adalah bisnis yang baik, terutama di Indonesia. Untuk alasan ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah gaya hidup halal, sebagai contoh dengan keberadaan perbankan syariah, pariwisata halal, dan sektor pangan halal dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Beberapa sumber, seperti buku dan artikel jurnal digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penelitian ini. Studi ini menemukan bahwa gaya hidup halal di perbankan syariah, pariwisata halal, dan sektor makanan halal secara positif mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.
Gaya hidup halal telah menjadi tren bagi komunitas global dan Indonesia, yang memiliki populasi mayoritas Muslim. Total pengeluaran yang dihabiskan oleh masyarakat Indonesia untuk produk halal pada tahun 2017 adalah 218,8 miliar. Dapat dinyatakan bahwa produk halal adalah bisnis yang baik, terutama di Indonesia. Untuk alasan ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah gaya hidup halal, sebagai contoh dengan keberadaan perbankan syariah, pariwisata halal, dan sektor pangan halal dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Beberapa sumber, seperti buku dan artikel jurnal digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penelitian ini. Studi ini menemukan bahwa gaya hidup halal di perbankan syariah, pariwisata halal, dan sektor makanan halal secara positif mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.
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Tourism and hospitalty has become primary needs consumed by the world community recently. Marketing communication has been adopted in many internet-based android application that offers a wide range of products and services such as various tourism destinations around the world. It is undeniable that the Islamic society contributes almost half of the world economy and growing rapidly including tourism and hospitality. Based on the background of global economic growth, Halal lifestyle in marketing communication of 'Islamic tourism or islamic culture' into a worldwide phenomenon today that is positioned to be applied in various sectors of the economy as demand continues to increase, for example: banking, transportation, food and beverages, etc. Halal lifestyle is needed by all of mankind not only for Muslims, because the halal concept philosophically and practically is an innovation from the "standard operation procedures" since fourteen centuries ago existed in Islamic sharia compliant. Inside of Halal lifestyle are the elements of health, safety and security, pure, prosperity and human dignity. However, the objective of this article is that the term 'halal lifestyle' is not intended for a restriction or coercion, but rather to reintroduce from the viewpoint of Islam which is already stated in the Qur'an, although it is still in general platform, future research will always present a more specific scientific Platform.
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Fashion is the popular or the latest style of clothing or behaviour that evolves with time. Fashion may influence the way of living of the society. The current fashion scene presents to the general public an abundance of fashion trends. However, most of them tend to accentuate the figure of the wearer which does not meet the concept of covering aurah properly, with designs that are see-through or close-fitting. This matter must be taken into consideration since covering the aurah is compulsory in the Islamic Law. This article, therefore, discusses women fashion according to the Islamic perspective and its impact on their physical and spiritual health. From the physical aspect, dressing according to the Islamic way can balance the stimulation of the hormone and mind. In addition to regulating the body temperature through the head, it coordinates the balance between a healthy body and good brain functioning. It also aids in the development of a great intellect and motivation, and it encourages the development of positive behaviour. Meanwhile, from the spiritual aspect, it deepens their faith and piety to Allah, as well as gives high confidence and self-esteem in the women. It also preserves their dignity and honour. Hence, the fundamentals of the fashion design that is based on the Islamic way of dressing are beneficial in attaining the blessings from Allah and maintaining a good health.
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The paper attempts to have an overview regarding Halal supply chain adoption among Halal manufacturers in Malaysia for transportation and warehouse activities from the perspective of Halal supply chain service providers. Halal supply chain is created by Halal logistics service providers to meet the demand from Halal manufacturers in order to maintain the Halal integrity for Halal products. Halal products are not confirm Halal if manufacturers are not adopting Halal supply chain services. This is an exploratory study with a series of face to face interviews were conducted with three Halal supply chain service providers. The results showed that adoption rates for Halal transportation and Halal warehouse are still relatively low. Respondents also mentioned that there are various barriers that may impede Halal manufacturers from adopting Halal transportation and Halal warehouse to run their products. In sum, this paper generates ideas for researchers to conduct other researches to gain more knowledge regarding Halal supply chain services adoption.
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Southwest parts of Ethiopia particularly Kaffa, Sheka and Bench-Maji zones are endowed with very diverse and dense natural forests. This favours for the existence of dense honeybee population and production of large volume of honey. However, detail information on honey production systems of the area was lacking. In this study five representative districts were selected and data on beekeeping practice and its major constraints were collected. Traditional beekeeping system is practiced by more than 99% of beekeepers. The average traditional hives owned/household in Masha and Gesha were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than Gimbo, Chena and Sheko districts. Honey yield per traditional hive/harvest in Masha and Gesha were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than Gimbo and Chena districts. In the study areas honey contributes 50% of the total household incomes. The major proportion of the honey comes from forest beekeeping. In Kaffa and Sheka Zones, honey harvesting is done by removing all the content of the hive by discarding the colony while, in Bench-Maji Zone, harvesting is done by leaving all brood and some honey to maintain the colony. Prevalence of ant attacks, less adoption of improved beekeeping technologies and management practices, lack of practical skill training, under utilization of apicultural resources are the major constraints which require attention to be intervene. Key words: Forest, beekeeping practice, honey, beekeepers.
The term halal refers to what ispermitted by Islamic law. It is a basic need for Muslims and encompasses all materials used in everyday life including cosmetics.Muslims want to be assured that the ingredients,handling, processing, distribution, transportation and types of cosmetic used are halal compliant. The halal aspects of cosmetic and personal care products cover ingredients, all the processes involved in production right up to delivery to consumers, safety and product efficacy evaluations. In order to verify halal compliance of cosmetic products, a method of detecting halal and non-halal ingredients is very important and critically needed. Halal cosmetic standards, halal certification and the halal logo can be used as benchmarks for halal compliance. In view of the importance of cosmetic and personal care products from the halal perspective, this review will cover the halal principles, halal cosmetic and personal care products, ingredients, standard and certification as well as safety. The development of the process of detecting non-halal ingredients and authenticating halal ingredients for potential cosmetic applications in recent years are included in this paper.
Halal dan haram dalam Islam
  • Y Al-Qardawi
Al-Qardawi, Y. (1995). Halal dan haram dalam Islam. Singapura: Pustaka Islamiyah PTE LTD.
Psikologi industri dan pengurusan sumber manusia
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World's Muslim population more widespread than you might think
  • D Desilver
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Desilver, D. & Masci, D. (2017, January 31). World's Muslim population more widespread than you might think. Pew Research Centre. Retrieved from
Teknologi penyembelihan untuk industri halal di Malaysia
  • M F Yusof
  • S N Muhamad
  • M Azmi
  • N F M Hanip
Yusof, M.F., Muhamad, S.N., Azmi, M. & Hanip, N.F.M. (2016). Teknologi penyembelihan untuk industri halal di Malaysia. In Isu Halal dan Sains Teknologi: Siri Pertama (53-76).