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Peces de consumo de la Amazonía peruana



La obra aborda con rigor científico la taxonomía, biología, ecología y distribución de las 79 especies de peces de consumo humano mas relevantes en la Amazonia peruana.Aborda también cuestiones tan importantes como los caracteres distintivos y la representación a través de los códigos de barra de la secuenciación genética, aspectos fundamentales para garantizar una correcta identificación de las especies y mejorar las estrategias publicas para su conservación.
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... La Amazonía peruana es un territorio rico en especies ícticas, las cuales constituyen recursos importantes para el poblador amazónico, brindándose de proteína animal para consumo y como fuentes de ingresos económicos a través de la pesca y acuicultura (Rodríguez-Achung, 2006). Dentro de las 78 especies de peces de consumo catalogadas para la Amazonía peruana (García Dávila et al., 2018), se destaca a peces del orden Siluriformes, los cuales son considerados como uno de los grupos más antiguos del mundo (Cala Cala, 2019). La evolución biogeográfica de este grupo es indeterminada, pero es muy probable que las formas marinas evolucionaron a partir de formas de agua dulce y llevaron consigo sus respectivos parásitos (Alemany et al., 2021). ...
... Este orden de peces consta de aproximadamente 39 familias y más de 6 700 especies vivas válidas distribuidas en ambientes de agua dulce, salobre y marina en todos los continentes del mundo (Fricke et al., 2018), excepto en la Antártida, donde han estado presentes en el pasado (Grande & Eastman, 1986;Ochoa et al., 2020). Son peces ilíofagos, se alimentan de materia orgánica particulada y microrganismos como protozoarios, hongos y bacterias, habitan en los fondos de las lagunas y ríos, en lugares de sustratos blandos, compuesto por barro y detritos, presenta respiración aérea accesoria, procesada a través del estómago que tiene forma de una "U" y esta ricamente vascularizada; por esta razón hasta dos días puede pasar respirando aire (García Dávila et al., 2018). ...
... Pterigoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855) conocida popularmente como "carachama común" destaca como la principal especie de Loricariidae comercializada en los mercados amazónicos (García Dávila et al., 2018). A pesar de la alta demanda comercial por esta especie (Sánchez Riveiro, 2022), se desconoce su fauna parasitaria, existiendo vacíos informativos referente a los parásitos presentes en este pez. ...
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Pterigoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855) conocida popularmente en Loreto como “carachama común” es un pez muy demandado por la población amazónica debido al sabor de su carne. A pesar de ser una especie muy conocida en la Amazonía peruana, se desconoce su fauna parasitaria. En ese sentido, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal identificar taxonómicamente a los monogeneos parásitos de las branquias de P. pardalis adquiridas en el Mercado Belén, en Loreto-Perú. Fueron adquiridos diez ejemplares de P. pardalis, los cuales fueron trasladados al Laboratorio de Parasitología y Sanidad Acuícola del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP) para los análisis parasitológicos correspondientes. Los resultados del análisis de las branquias revelaron la presencia de tres especies de monogeneos: Unilatus unilatus Mizelle & Kritsky, 1967, Trinigyrus peregrinus Nitta & Nagasawa, 2016 y Gyrodactylus sp. Las características morfológicas que permitieron la identificación taxonómica se basaron principalmente en la forma y tamaño de las estructuras esclerotizadas como el complejo copulatorio y el haptor. El cálculo de los índices parasitológicos indicó a U. unilatus como la especie con mayor prevalencia e intensidad de infestación.
... Potamorhina altamazonica "llambina" es una especie acuícola amazonica abundante en lagos y lagunas de interés comercial en los países que albergan la amazonía sudamericana, sus características reproductivas y biológicas han generado el interés de desarrollo de herramientas de índole molecular como la aplicación de códigos de barra (DNA Barcoding) en la identificación de esta especie pesquera con alto potencial comercial (Bevilaqua et al., 2023). Las estadísticas de desembarque pesquero determinaron que, actualmente dentro de los diversos recursos utilizados en la pesca amazónica, P. altamazonica es considerado como la segunda especie pequeña de mayor comercialización (García & Montreuil, 2004), representando en promedio el 17% del total desembarcado (Flores, 2015), durante los años 2005-2016 en el suroriente peruano (García et al., 2018). Como ocurre con la mayoría de las pesquerías del mundo, las políticas de gestión y conservación deficientes hacen que la pesca sea insostenible (Pauly & Palomares, 2005). ...
... Como ocurre con la mayoría de las pesquerías del mundo, las políticas de gestión y conservación deficientes hacen que la pesca sea insostenible (Pauly & Palomares, 2005). Pese a su magnitud en los desembarques de las últimas décadas, aún, son escasos los estudios básicos acerca de la biología de la especie (García-Vásquez et al., 2012;García et al., 2018), el estudio de la biología reproductiva de P. altamazonica es fundamental, porque es el aspecto más importante del ciclo de vida de los teleósteos, que les permite perpetuar y regular sus poblaciones (Saborido, 2008). Algunos de los desoves de especies de peces amazónicos están relacionados con las condiciones climáticas y concretamente con los regímenes hidrológicos. ...
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The llambina (Potamorhina altamazonica) is one of the most commercialized scale fish in the middle and upper basin of the Putumayo River in the tri-national zone between Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. However, despite its importance, there is very little biological information on this species to guide fisheries management in this sector of the Peruvian Amazon. For this purpose, 336 specimens collected in fish outlets and fishing areas near the ‘El Estrecho’ City between 2020 and 2021 were analyzed. The reproductive parameters were determined, as well as the sex ratio, the first size at sexual maturity and the gonadosomatic index. Among the main results, it was observed that the sex ratio of P. altamazonica showed significant differences (x2 0,05) assuming an overall ratio of 1,9:1 in favor of females. It is recommended to establish the minimum catch size at 22,5 cm (LT) for females and 22,1 cm for males, respectively. The gonadosomatic index of P. altamazonica was higher between October and February. It is concluded that the reproduction parameters are influenced by the hydrological period of the Putumayo River.
... Potamorhina altamazonica "llambina" es una especie acuícola amazonica abundante en lagos y lagunas de interés comercial en los países que albergan la amazonía sudamericana, sus características reproductivas y biológicas han generado el interés de desarrollo de herramientas de índole molecular como la aplicación de códigos de barra (DNA Barcoding) en la identificación de esta especie pesquera con alto potencial comercial (Bevilaqua et al., 2023). Las estadísticas de desembarque pesquero determinaron que, actualmente dentro de los diversos recursos utilizados en la pesca amazónica, P. altamazonica es considerado como la segunda especie pequeña de mayor comercialización (García & Montreuil, 2004), representando en promedio el 17% del total desembarcado (Flores, 2015), durante los años 2005-2016 en el suroriente peruano (García et al., 2018). Como ocurre con la mayoría de las pesquerías del mundo, las políticas de gestión y conservación deficientes hacen que la pesca sea insostenible (Pauly & Palomares, 2005). ...
... Como ocurre con la mayoría de las pesquerías del mundo, las políticas de gestión y conservación deficientes hacen que la pesca sea insostenible (Pauly & Palomares, 2005). Pese a su magnitud en los desembarques de las últimas décadas, aún, son escasos los estudios básicos acerca de la biología de la especie (García-Vásquez et al., 2012;García et al., 2018), el estudio de la biología reproductiva de P. altamazonica es fundamental, porque es el aspecto más importante del ciclo de vida de los teleósteos, que les permite perpetuar y regular sus poblaciones (Saborido, 2008). Algunos de los desoves de especies de peces amazónicos están relacionados con las condiciones climáticas y concretamente con los regímenes hidrológicos. ...
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The llambina (Potamorhina altamazonica) is one of the most commercialized scale fish in the middle and upper basin of the Putumayo River in the tri-national zone between Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. However, despite its importance, there is very little biological information on this species to guide fisheries management in this sector of the Peruvian Amazon. For this purpose, 336 specimens collected in fish outlets and fishing areas near the ‘El Estrecho’ City between 2020 and 2021 were analyzed. The reproductive parameters were determined, as well as the sex ratio, the first size at sexual maturity and the gonadosomatic index. Among the main results, it was observed that the sex ratio of P. altamazonica showed significant differences (x2 0,05) assuming an overall ratio of 1,9:1 in favor of females. It is recommended to establish the minimum catch size at 22,5 cm (LT) for females and 22,1 cm for males, respectively. The gonadosomatic index of P. altamazonica was higher between October and February. It is concluded that the reproduction parameters are influenced by the hydrological period of the Putumayo River.
... La Amazonia Peruana es un ecosistema dominado por frondosos bosques que son interrumpidos únicamente por el cauce de los ríos que discurren ininterrumpidamente hacia el océano Atlántico (Rodríguez-Achung, 2016). Estos ecosistemas acuáticos albergan una gran diversidad, destacando a los peces con alrededor de 3000 especies conocidas para la región; siendo muchas de ellas el sustento alimenticio más importante del poblador amazónico (García-Dávila et al., 2018). ...
... En la Amazonia Peruana encontramos 79 especies taxonómicas de peces que vienen siendo comercializadas en los mercados de las regiones Loreto, Ucayali y Madre de Dios. En la región Loreto, el pescado es comercializado en 3 estados de conservación distintos: fresco, salpreso y seco-salado (García-Dávila et al., 2018). ...
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RESUMEN La ictiofauna amazónica es muy importante para el desarrollo comercial de la Amazonia Peruana, siendo la carne de pescado, la principal fuente de proteína animal consumida por el poblador amazónico. A pesar de la alta demanda de pescado en los mercados de la ciudad, poco se conoce acerca de los parásitos presentes en su carne, existiendo un riesgo potencial para contraer algún parásito zoonótico. En tal sentido, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar a endoparásitos en peces de consumo comercializados en mercados de la ciudad de Iquitos, reportando la presencia de especies zoonóticas parasitando órganos internos y la musculatura de los peces. Muestras de peces fueron adquiridas de los mercados "Modelo", "Secada", "Cardozo" y "Belén" localizadas en la ciudad de Iquitos, Loreto, Perú. En total fueron analizadas 29 especies de peces, examinando los órganos internos, cavidad y musculatura. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron la identificación de 15 géneros y 22 especies parasitarias (ocho tremátodos, cuatro céstodos, dos acantocéfalos, 22 nemátodos y un pentastómido). Los parásitos zoonóticos registrados fueron: Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional.
... (Morey, personal communication). The presence of J. iquitensis n. sp. in both Peru and Brazil is not surprising given the distribution of its host, which is endemic to the Amazon River basin (García-Dávila et al., 2018;Froese & Pauly, 2023). These findings emphasize the potential richness of the dactylogyrid fauna within the fish populations in the Peruvian Amazon, highlighting the need for further exploration and detailed taxonomic studies. ...
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Three new species of Jainus Mizelle, Kritzky & Crane, 1968, are described parasitizing the gill filaments of Triportheus angulatus (Spix & Agassiz) (Characiformes: Triportheidae), an omnivorous fish endemic to the Amazon River basin. Jainus iquitensisn. sp. is characterized by the morphology of the vagina, which is bell-shaped, with a canal as a sclerotized tube and the morphology of hook pair VII, which in the new species presents an inflated base, a characteristic not observed in other congeners. Jainus loretoensisn. sp. is unique among Jainus species due to the morphology of its Y-shaped ventral anchors, with an arrow-shaped superficial root and a finger-shaped deep root. Jainus sardinaen. sp. is characterized by presenting a slender, small J-shaped tube with a sigmoid accessory piece and a ventral anchor that is Y-shaped, with inconspicuous finger-shaped deep root and superficial root with rounded ending with a chin-shaped projection. These findings add three new species to the previously reported two Jainus species from Peru.
... En el Perú, la acuicultura es una actividad de suma importancia para su desarrollo, siendo considerada como fuente de nutrición, ingresos y trabajo, principalmente en la Amazonia, en la cual se cultivan diversas especies de peces, siendo las principales: la gamitana (Colossoma macropomum), el paco (Piaractus brachypomus), boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans), sábalo cola roja (Brycon cephalus) y el paiche (Arapaima gigas) (García et al., 2018). Según reportes estadísticos del Ministerio de la Producción, la cosecha proveniente de la piscicultura amazónica se incrementó considerablemente de 700 TM a 1500 TM en los últimos años, siendo el paco (Piaractus brachypomus) el que más producción ha tenido, con 825 TM anuales (PRODUCE, 2015). ...
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The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of the hematological profile and health status of paiche (Arapaima gigas), paco (Piaractus brachypomus) and gamitana (Colossoma macropomum) species farmed in the Ucayali-Peru region. The research was carried out on juvenile fish from two semi-intensive production systems with apparently healthy health status. A total of 90 blood samples were collected, 30 from each species, in addition to the collection of biometric data. The hematological analysis consisted of the measurement of hematocrit with the Microhematocrit method, leukocyte and erythrocyte count with the Neubauer chamber, hemoglobin with the Cyanomethemoglobin method, leukocyte differential by smear with Wright stain, hematometric indexes and the health condition factor by mathematical calculations. The results obtained in the present investigation serve as a reference for future works because the hematological profile is of utmost importance to know the health, physiological and immunological status of the fish. Regarding Fulton's health status or condition factor (K), which relates the weight with the total length of the fish, the following results were obtained: for Arapaima gigas it was 0.85; Piaractus brachypomus 1.64 and Colossoma macropomum 1.62, indicating that the fish are in a good state of health, with the exception of Arapaima gigas.
... The Peruvian Amazon basin has a wide diversity of fish. Among them, the boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans) is one of the most consumed species as it is part of the local population's regular diet, being a good source of proteins and vitamins, among other nutrients [8]. It is mainly sold fresh and generally whole since it has many thorns. ...
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The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have proven health benefits, but it is not common to find them together in a processed food product. This could lead to healthier and more functional food products, which may have positive implications for consumer health and well-being. This work aimed to fortify a model burger manufactured with fillets of an Amazonian fish (boquichico, Prochilodus nigricans) by adding microencapsulated sacha inchi oil (Plukenetia volubilis, rich in ALA) (MSIO) produced by spray-drying. MSIO was incorporated into the burgers at different levels (0, 3, 4, 5, and 6%). The burgers were characterized by their proximal composition, cooking losses, texture profile, lipid oxidation, sensory profile, overall liking, and fatty acid profile. The results showed that adding MSIO up to concentrations of 5% or 6% increased the instrumental hardness, chewiness, and lipid oxidation in the burgers. However, fortifying the burgers with 3% MSIO was possible without affecting the burgers’ sensory properties and overall liking. Regarding the fatty acid profile, the burgers with 3% MSIO had a higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, with the ALA, EPA, and DHA types of fatty acids. Therefore, we recommend using this fortification concentration, but future studies should be carried out to improve the oxidative stability of MSIO and the burgers.
The early development stages of Brachyplatystoma juruense (Boulenger) are described through morphological, meristic, and morphometric data, providing useful traits to identify its larvae and juveniles. Additionally, the growth pattern throughout the species' development has been determined from the smallest specimen of 3.93 mm (flexion) to the largest of 25.77 mm (juvenile). Ninety-one specimens classified into two larval stages (flexion and postflexion) and five juveniles were analyzed. The individuals were collected between 2011 and 2019 at sampling stations distributed across the Amazon basin, in the water systems of the Japurá, Solimões, and Amazonas rivers. The larvae and juveniles are characterized by having small, spherical eye, terminal mouth, rounded snout, and a dorsoventrally flattened head with three pairs of barbels (two pairs of mental barbels and one pair of maxillary). The anus does not reach the midbody region, and the adipose fin has a triangular shape. The upper caudal-fin rays extend, forming long caudal filaments. Initial pigmentation is restricted to dendritic and punctiform chromatophores irregularly distributed on the dorsal region of the head, and from postflexion onwards, along the dorsal region of the body. The total number of myomeres varies from 58 to 59 (22 pre-anal and 36 to 37 post-anal). During early development, B. juruense exhibits predominantly isometric growth. Larvae and juveniles of B. juruense can be identified by the number of myomeres, external morphology including pigmentation, head shape, and morphometric proportions. This information is essential for the accurate identification of larvae and juveniles captured in their natural environment.
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Citation: Iman, A.; Rios-Mera, J.D.; Rengifo, E.; Palomino, F.; Vela-Paredes, R.; Vásquez, J.; García de Sotero, D.E.; Saldaña, E.; Siche, R.; Tello, F. A Comparative Study of Freshwater Fish Burgers Made from Three Amazonian Species: Omega 3 Fortification and Sodium Reduction. Foods 2024, 13, 565. https://doi. Abstract: This study aimed to formulate burgers made from three Amazonian fish species: pacu (Pyaractus brachypomus), boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans), and bujurqui (Chaetobranchus flavescens), focusing on sodium reduction and fortification with fish oil microparticles (FOM) rich in eicos-apentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The proximal composition, sodium and calcium content, instrumental texture profile, fatty acid profile, sensory profile, and overall liking were evaluated. Differences in proximal composition and fatty acid profiles between the fillets were reflected in the burgers. Fortification with FOM increased EPA and DHA in the burgers; thus, they can be considered "high in omega-3 fatty acids" and reduced the n-6/n-3 ratio below 4. There were sensory attributes that could be related to lipid oxidation but reduced overall liking for less than 10% of consumers. Nevertheless, certain sensory attributes (grilled, characteristic, aromatic, tasty, tender, and juicy) had a positive impact on the overall liking of more than 20% of consumers, yielding adequate scores (between 5.60 and 5.71) on the 9-point hedonic scale. The production process must be optimized by knowing the fish fillet quality in depth, improving the FOM and burgers' oxidative stability, and achieving an adequate sensory and hedonic profile by employing consumers' vocabulary to characterize new products.
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Analizamos aspectos tróficos y reproductivos de Pimelodus blochii en el sistema cenagoso de Cachimbero (cuenca media del río Magdalena, Colombia), en tres periodos del ciclo pluviométrico del año 2003. Colectamos 384 individuos con una biomasa total de 31,4 kg y un intervalo de longitud estándar (LS) de 52,4 a 253,0 mm. No observamos diferencias entre las capturas en los diferentes periodos del ciclo pluviométrico, ni entre estaciones de muestreo. El coeficiente alométrico (b) y el factor de condición no mostraron diferencias entre periodos de muestreo ni entre sexos. La población estuvo representada en su mayoría por individuos en estados inmaduros. En octubre de 2003, observamos un pico de madurez gonadal para las hembras. El número de oocitos de las hembras fue igual entre los tres periodos pluviométricos. La proporción machos:hembras mostró una mayor cantidad de hembras que de machos. La relación gonadosomática y hepatosomática fluctuó estacionalmente para las hembras, mientras que en los machos se mantuvo constante. En los contenidos estomacales, encontramos restos de animales acuáticos y terrestres pertenecientes a 16 taxas, lo que sugiere que la especie tiene un nicho trófico amplio y se comporta como omnívoro oportunista.
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The Amazon and Orinoco basins in northern South America are home to the highest concentration of freshwater fish species on earth, with more than 3,000 species allotted to 564 genera. Amazonian fishes include piranhas, electric eels, freshwater stingrays, a myriad of beautiful small-bodied tetras and catfishes, and the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucu. Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas provides descriptions and identification keys for all the known genera of fishes that inhabit Greater Amazonia, a vast and still mostly remote region of tropical rainforests, seasonally flooded savannas, and meandering lowland rivers. The guide’s contributors include more than fifty expert scientists. They summarize the current state of knowledge on the taxonomy, species richness, and ecology of these fish groups, and provide references to relevant literature for species-level identifications. This richly illustrated guide contains 700 detailed drawings, 190 color photos, and 570 distribution maps, which cover all genera. An extensive and illustrated glossary helps readers with the identification keys.
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Para este estudio se analizaron 1309 estómagos de dorado Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii provenientes de la flota pesquera especializada en grandes bagres, que operan en las cuencas de los ríos Ucayali, Marañón y Amazonas en Perú. Durante el período de estudio solo el 13% (172) de los estómagos analizados contenian alimento. Nuestros resultados indican que los alimentos consumidos por B. rousseauxii, se reparten en tres categorías de ítems: Peces, vegetales e insectos. Los ítems alimentarios que ocurrieron con mayor frecuencia, fueron peces (61.8%) y vegetales (42.8%) a diferencia del ítem insecto que representa el 1.2% del total. Sin embargo, las estimaciones del porcentaje de masa indican que el pescado constituye el elemento básico en la dieta de esta especie, ya que representa el 98% del alimento ingerido en relación a los ítems vegetales (1.9%) e insectos (0.1%). Los peces observados en el contenido del estomago estan constituidos básicamente por 12 familias: Curimatidae, Characidae, Pimelodidae, Hypophtalmidae, Engraulidae, Prochilondontidae, Cynodontidae, Loriicaridae, Anostomidae, Auchenipteridae, Cetopcidae y Dorididae. En relación a las épocas del año, la mayor actividad alimenticia de dorado coincide con el descenso de las aguas incluyendo el mínimo nivel del río.
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Knowledge of fish migration is a prerequisite to sustainable fisheries management and preservation, especially in large international river basins. In particular, understanding whether a migratory lifestyle is compulsory or facultative, and whether adults home to their natal geographic area is paramount to fully appraise disruptions of longitudinal connectivity resulting from damming. In the Amazon, the large migratory catfishes of the Brachyplatystoma genus are apex predators of considerable interest for fisheries. They are believed to use the entire length of the basin to perform their life cycle, with hypothesized homing behaviours. Here, we tested these hypotheses, using the emblematic B. rousseauxii as a model species. We sampled adults close to major breeding areas in the Amazon basin (upper Madeira and upper Amazonas) and assessed their lifetime movements by measuring variations in ⁸⁷ Sr/ ⁸⁶ Sr along transverse sections of their otoliths (ear stones) using laser ablation multicollector mass spectrometry ( LA ‐ MC ‐ ICPMS ). We demonstrate that larvae migrate downstream from the Andean piedmont to the lower Amazon, where they grow over a protracted period before migrating upstream as adults. Contrary to prevailing inferences, not all fish spend their nursery stages in the Amazon estuary. By contrast, the passage in the lower or central Amazon seems an obligate part of the life cycle. We further evidence that most adults home to their natal geographic area within the Madeira sub‐basin. Such long‐distance natal homing is exceptional in purely freshwater fishes. Synthesis and applications . By using otolith microchemistry, we were able to demonstrate a seemingly compulsory basin‐wide migratory life cycle of large Amazonian catfishes. This makes them the organisms performing the longest migrations (>8000 km) in fresh waters. This exceptional life history is already jeopardized by two dams recently built in the Madeira River, which block a major migration route and access to a substantial part of their spawning grounds. Major impacts can be anticipated from the current and forthcoming hydroelectric development in the Amazon basin, not only on the populations and fisheries of this apex predator, but also on Amazonian food webs through trophic cascades.
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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of dry and moist diets at weaning on growth, survival and incidence of cannibalism in the Amazon catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer. Three moist diets (MCD: moist commercial diet; MCPD: moist commercial peptide enriched diet; BLD: bovine liver enriched diet) and a dry diet (CDD: commercial dry diet) were used to feed fingerlings reared in 40-L tanks (30-L water volume; three replicates per treatment; stocking density: initial 1500 larvae per tank, from 18 days post-fertilization, dpf (17 days post-hatch, dph) onwards 210 juveniles per tank; photoperiod 0L:24D) in a recirculation water system (27.9 ± 0.5°C). Fish were fed Artemia nauplii at 20% of the larval biomass from 4 to 19 days post-fertilization (dpf) and then weaned onto the four experimental diets within 3 days in the moist diets and within 6 days in the dry diet. At 33 dpf, feeding of groups fed the moist diets was switched to the dry diet within 2 days. Results showed higher (58.6 ± 10%) and lower (4.7 ± 0.7%) survival rates in BLD and CDD groups, respectively, the latter showing the highest occurrence of type II cannibalism. Although weaning was achieved in all dietary groups, the moist diets MCD and MCPD showed better growth results both in terms of total length and wet weight. This study showed that, among the tested diets, the moist diets seem to be more adequate for early juvenile P. punctifer.
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Amazonian ichthyofauna has one of the richest specific diversities on earth. However, life history strategies of most species remain poorly-known owing to logistical difficulties, although this information is essential for species conservation and sustainable fisheries management. An inventory of specific diversity in plankton samples might be an efficient way of studying breeding seasons and breeding localities of fish species, providing their precise taxonomic identification can be ensured. Herein, using barcoding of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, species were identified in monthly plankton samples collected in the lower reaches of the Napo, Marañón and Ucayali rivers. A total of 16 species of pimelodid catfish were identified. For the most abundant species, two tendencies were observed, with breeding periods preferentially occurring during rising and high water periods (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum, Pimelodus blochii) or during receding and low water periods (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, Brachyplatystoma platynemum, Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, Hypophthalmus edentatus, Hypophthalmus marginatus). For all of these species except for B. rousseauxii, this is new information for the Peruvian Amazon. Their reproductive behaviours are discussed in term of adaptive strategies to environmental conditions, where hydrological cycles play essential roles in resource accessibility and dispersal capabilities.
La doncella Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1766), especie que tiene una amplia distribución en Sudamérica, es un pez, que por la calidad de su carne y su rápido crecimiento viene despertando el interés del sector acuícola, principalmente en países como Brasil, Colombia y el Perú. La agencia gubernamental peruana PROMPERU, viene buscando mercados para la carne de este pez y al mismo tiempo articulando con otros actores, el desarrollo de planes e investigaciones para el establecimiento de una oferta exportable de su filete. Uno de estos actores, es el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana–IIAP, institución que viene desarrollando una serie de estudios que lleven a la generación de tecnologías para el cultivo de la doncella. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los posibles efectos de tres frecuencias de alimentación (FA2, FA4 y FA6) sobre el crecimiento, utilización del alimento y sobrevivencia de juveniles de doncella (P. fasciatum) alimentados con una dieta peletizada (42% PB) durante 45 días. Al final del estudio, no se registraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en los índices de crecimiento, utilización de alimento, ni en los niveles de sobrevivencia de los peces como efecto de la aplicación de las tres frecuencias de alimentación (2, 4 y 6 veces/día). En conclusión, juveniles de doncella, de 20 g de peso promedio, sólo necesitarían ser alimentados dos veces al día, lo que permitirá al acuicultor obtener un adecuado rendimiento productivo de los peces, con un mínimo requerimiento de mano de obra.
Brachyplatystoma capapretum n. sp., a pimelodid catfish from the Amazon River, is described and diagnosed by its fine, densely spaced outer jaw teeth and relatively few rows of straight, depressible inner teeth; juveniles with large dark blotches on and above lateral line; adults with exceptionally dark pigmentation dorsally, abruptly countershaded near lateral line; broad, shallowly forked caudal fin. The systematic position of the new species was investigated with a maximum parsimony phylogenetic analysis of morphological characters. The resulting cladograms identify a nested set of unambiguous characters supporting the following monophyletic groups and taxonomic recommendations. Brachyplatystomatini new tribe is established for Brachyplatystoma and Platynematichthys and supported by two synapormorphies: two-chambered gas bladder connected by paired lateral tubes; cleithrum with blade-like ventral crest between pectoral spine articulation and posterior process of cleithrum. The monotypic genera Goslinia and Merodontotus are placed in synonymy with Brachyplatystoma characterized here by two synapomorphies: suspensorium greatly expanded mediodorsally, forming a massive plate approaching parasphenoid; juveniles with greatly elongated caudal-fin filaments developed from single outermost, unbranched principal rays. Bleeker's genus group name Malacobagrus is employed as a subgenus within Brachyplatystoma to include B. filamentosum, B. capapretum, and B. rousseauxii. Monophyly of Malacobagrus is supported by five synapomorphies: adults developing extensive reticulated system of lateralis tubules on body; Weberian complex with thick, ventral bony platform at gas bladder attachment; subquadrangular shape of opercle; pectoral spine with sulcus along anterior edge; small, non-sutured endopterygoid. Two Unique synapomorphies place B. capapretum and B. filamentosum together as sister species: juveniles with spots on and above lateral line; caudal peduncle subcircular in cross-section.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different dietary protein and lipid levels and their ratios on larval growth, survival and the incidence of cannibalism in Pseudoplatystoma punctifer. Larvae were raised in a recirculation system from 3 to 26 days post-fertilization (dpf) (2–25 days post hatching, dph) at an initial density of 40 larvae L−1, 27.8 ± 0.65°C and 0L : 24D photoperiod. Larvae were fed from 4 to 12 dpf with Artemia nauplii and weaned onto four different compound diets from 13 dpf within 3 days, then fed exclusively with these diets until 26 dpf. These diets contained 30 : 15, 30 : 10, 45 : 15 or 45 : 10 protein : lipid (P : L) (in % of dry matter) levels. A control group was fed Artemia nauplii until 17 dpf and weaned thereafter with the 45P : 10L compound diet. The experiment was carried out in triplicate. Results showed higher growth and survival rates and lower incidence of cannibalism in the group fed the 45P : 15L diet than in the other treatments. Differences in larval survival and growth performance were associated with the higher protein and lipid content rather than the protein : lipid ratio of this diet. When comparing diets with the same protein level, the increase in dietary lipid led to an improvement in growth, suggesting that energy from lipids spares protein for growth in P. punctifer fingerlings. An Artemia feeding period longer than 12 dpf did not improve larval growth or survival.