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Journal of Happiness Studies (2019) 20:2367–2383
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Hope asMediator Between Teacher–Student Relationships
andLife Satisfaction Among Chinese Adolescents:
ABetween‑ andWithin‑Person Eects Analysis
QianNie1· ZhaojunTeng1 · GeorgeG.Bear2· ChengGuo1· YanlingLiu1·
Published online: 29 October 2018
© Springer Nature B.V. 2018
Life satisfaction is a critical indicator of student development. Although several longitudi-
nal studies have examined the predictors of life satisfaction, this study has several unique
strengths. First, it examines hope (i.e., a positive motivation and power for success and
happiness) as a possible mediator variable. Second, it separates between-person effects
(i.e., people with hope perceive higher life satisfaction than those who are less hope) and
within-person effects (i.e., a person with hope perceives higher life satisfaction over time).
Participants were 1108 Chinese adolescents aged 14–18 years (M = 15.89, SD = 0.68,
57.7% boys). Multilevel statistical models were used to disaggregate between- and within-
person effects. Results showed that teacher–student relationships were positively associated
with hope and life satisfaction and that hope was positively associated with life satisfaction.
These associations were significant both at one point in time (between-person effect) and
over time (within-person effect). Moreover, at both the between- and within-person levels
hope was found to be a significant mediator of the association between teacher–student
relationships and life satisfaction. That is, within a given individual, a more favorable per-
ceived teacher–student relationship at a given time point was a significant positive predic-
tor of hope for that individual, and in turn, hope was associated with significantly greater
life satisfaction at that particular time point. Identification of hope as an explanatory
mechanism in the association between teacher–student relationships and life satisfaction
in Chinese adolescents provides a potential target for interventions to improve students’
Keywords Teacher–student relationship· Hope· Life satisfaction· Between-person
effects· Within-person effects
* Zhaojun Teng
* Dajun Zhang
1 Research Center ofMental Health Education, Faculty ofPsychology, Southwest University, No 2,
Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing, China
2 School ofEducation, University ofDelaware, Willard Hall Education Building, Newark,
DE19716, USA
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