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Monitoring of Edible Oils Quality in Restaurants and Fast Food Centers Using Peroxide and Acid Values

  • School of Public Health Zanjan University of Medical Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Continuous surveillance and monitoring of used materials in food processing is a tool for achieving to food safety assurance. Peroxide and Acid values are common indicators to detect fat oxidation, frequent and longtime heating and usage of edible oils in cooking or frying of food. This study aimed to quality assessment of used edible oils in restaurants and fast food centers (Sandwich centers) of Zanjan, Iran by determination peroxide value (PV) and acid value (AV). A total 60 oil samples were collected randomly from restaurants (27 samples) and fast food centers (33 samples) based on cluster sampling plan of the Zanjan city. Titration methods were used to determine Peroxide and Acid values according to Iran national standards protocols No. 4179 and 4178. Peroxide value in 22 (81.48%) and 24 (80%) of oil samples and Acid value in 22 (81.48%) and 30 (90.9%) of samples taken from restaurants and fast food centers were higher than standard limit, respectively. Present investigation has shown that High PV and AV in used edible oils of many restaurants and fast food centers in Zanjan, Iran. High range of Peroxide and Acid values indicate an improper use of oils in food preparing centers and presence toxic compounds in used oils and foodstuffs which threaten food consumers' health. Therefore, continuous surveillance and monitoring of restaurants and food preparing centers and training of chefs, food operators in order to apply proper methods of cooking and frying food is very important and necessary.
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JCHR (2018) 8(3), 217-222
Journal of Chemical Health Risks
Monitoring of Edible Oils Quality in Restaurants and Fast Food
Centers Using Peroxide and Acid Values
Hassan Hassanzadazar*1, Farhad Ghaiourdoust2, Majid Aminzare 1, Ehasan Mottaghianpour1, Borzoo Taami1
1Department of Food Safety and Hygiene, School of Public Health, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
2Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences,
Zanjan, Iran
(Received: 19 April 2018 Accepted: 21June 2018)
Quality assessment;
Sandwich centers;
ABSTRACT: Continuous surveillance and monitoring of used materials in food processing is a tool
for achieving to food safety assurance. Peroxide and Acid values are common indicators to detect fat
oxidation, frequent and longtime heating and usage of edible oils in cooking or frying of food. This
study aimed to quality assessment of used edible oils in restaurants and fast food centers (Sandwich
centers) of Zanjan, Iran by determination peroxide value (PV) and acid value (AV). A total 60 oil
samples were collected randomly from restaurants (27 samples) and fast food centers (33 samples)
based on cluster sampling plan of the Zanjan city. Titration methods were used to determine Peroxide
and Acid values according to Iran national standards protocols No. 4179 and 4178. Peroxide value in 22
(81.48%) and 24 (80%) of oil samples and Acid value in 22 (81.48%) and 30 (90.9%) of samples taken
from restaurants and fast food centers were higher than standard limit, respectively. Present
investigation has shown that High PV and AV in used edible oils of many restaurants and fast food
centers in Zanjan, Iran. High range of Peroxide and Acid values indicate an improper use of oils in food
preparing centers and presence toxic compounds in used oils and foodstuffs which threaten food
consumers' health. Therefore, continuous surveillance and monitoring of restaurants and food preparing
centers and training of chefs, food operators in order to apply proper methods of cooking and frying
food is very important and necessary.
Continuous surveillance and monitoring of used materials
in food processing is a tool for achieving to food safety
assurance [1]. Fats and edible oils are one of the most
important ingredients used in food processing, which play
an important role in flavoring, taste, consistency and
nutritional quality of foods. Frying is one of the oldest and
most popular methods for cooking and preparing foods
using edible oils in different sources including vegetables,
animals and fishes which are economically important for
global trade. [2, 3]. Heating and frying in the food
processing lead to changes in the chemical structure of
constituents or used ingredients such as proteins,
carbohydrates and lipids. Hydrolysis, polymerization and
thermo-xidation of lipids, denaturation of proteins and
*Corresponding author: (H. Hassanzadazar)
H. Hassanzadazar et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 8(3) (2018) 217-222
Maillard reaction between proteins and carbohydrates occur
in heated foods [4, 5]. Each of these changes in vital
molecules especially lipids causes Changes in odor, taste,
color, texture, formation of toxic compounds, and losing
their nutritional quality [6, 7]. Lipid Hydrolysis results in
release of long and short chain free fatty acids and
acidification of the oil structure. Increasing of free fatty
acids (FFAs) facilitates oxidative reactions in the presence
of oxidants such as oxygen, heat and light. Development of
oxidation causes unpleasant changes such as loss of flavor,
nutritional value and color and leading to rancidity of the
oil [7, 8].
Lipid thermoxidation causes to accumulate many volatile
and non-volatile compounds in oils or food including
peroxides, hydroxyls, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones
and etc. Peroxides are unstable compounds and quickly
converted to secondary metabolites and can create free
radicals that not only cause food spoilage but also can
damage body tissues of the consumers [7, 9]. Tissue
damage caused by free radicals and their effects on human
health are commonly seen as chronic signs. There are many
reports of mutagenicity, cytotoxicity, carcinogenicity,
teratogenicity, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular
disease, liver disease, aging and diarrhea, abdominal pain,
nausea and vomiting, weakness and lethargy, headache and
etc. following the frequent use of rancid oils [8-12].
The deterioration degree of the oils and fats used in cooking
can be determined by measuring various parameters such as
Acid Value (AV), peroxide value (PV), saponification
value (SV), iodine value (IV), p-Anisidine and TOTOX
values, smoke point, viscosity, moisture content and color
[8,11]. AV and PV are common parameters to determine
the quality of oils or fats. Free fatty acids (FFAs) content
determines the acidity and the degree of hydrolysis in the
edible oil. In other words they show duration of exposure of
the oil or fat to hydrolyzing agent such as heat or light [1].
Acid value (AV) level shows FFAs content which is
determined based on the titration and chemical reaction of
free fatty acids with potassium hydroxide [13]. Peroxide
value shows the amount of peroxides and hydroperoxides
formed in the initial stages of lipid oxidation which is
determined by iodometric titration [14]. Albeit, newer,
faster and more precise titration methods based apparateus
analyzing are invented and used to determine the AV and
PV of edible oils or fats [1, 15]. Allowed limits of AV and
PV in Iranian national standard are ≤ 1 mgKOH /gr and 2-5
mEq/Kg of oil or fat, respectively [13, 14].
Today, consumption of ready-to-eat foods and food
consuming in restaurants and fast food centers (Sandwich
centers) is becoming accustomed due to lack of time to
cooking at home and food diversity. Considering to high
usage of oils or fats in restaurants and fast food centers for
cooking and frying of different foods, effects of frequent
heating on oils quality and destructive effect of
deteriorated oils on the individuals and society health
because of high content of toxic compounds, continuous
monitoring of used oil’s quality is necessary. Many studies
have been conducted throughout the world including Iran,
on the quality of the used oils for cooking and frying [6, 15-
18]. Consumption of ready-to-eat foods in restaurants and
fast food (Sandwich) centers is usual in Zanjan province,
Iran. Based on our knowledge according to literature
review, there are no study on quality of used oils in
restaurants and fast food centers in Zanjan province, Iran.
Therefore, this study aimed to determine the quality of used
oils for frying and cooking in restaurants and fast food
centers (Sandwich centers) in Zanjan, Iran.
In this descriptive cross-sectional study, during the spring
of 2017, 60 edible oil samples used for cooking and frying
food in 33 fast food centers (Sandwich centers) and 27
restaurants were collected in dark bottles based on the
cluster sampling plan of Zanjan, Iran. All samples were
transferred as soon as possible to the laboratory and the
amount of peroxide and acid values were evaluated in
accordance proposed national standard protocol of Iran NO.
4179 and 4178 [13, 14]. Sampling time at restaurants and
fast food centers was determined between 12:00 and 14:30.
Most activities were being performed to prepare foods at
this time in the above mentioned places. All measurements
were replicated three times.
H. Hassanzadazar et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 8(3) (2018) 217-222
Peroxide value determination
The PV for oil samples were determined by titration
method based on national standard protocol of Iran [14].
Briefly, 5.00 g of each sample was weighed into a 250 ml
Erlenmeyer flask and 20 mL chloroform with 30 mL acetic
acid (2:3) was added to flask. After shaking, o.5 mL
saturated potassium iodide (KI) solution and 100 mL D.W
were added and swirled 1 minute. Then solution was slowly
titrated with 0.01N sodium thiosulphate with constant
shaking. It was continued for color changes to light yellow.
In this step 0.5 mL of 1 percent soluble starch as an
indicator was added to solution to change light yellow color
to blue. The sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) was added
until disappearance of the blue color. All steps were
performed for blank solution. The following formula was
used to calculation of PV as meq peroxide/kg of oil:
       
V: Volume of sodium thiosulphate used for sample; V0:
Volume of sodium thiosulphate used for Blank; N:
Normality of sodium thiosulphate; m: Weight of sample
Acid value determination
The AV for oils samples were determined by titration
method based on national standard protocol of Iran [13].
Briefly, based on color and expected AV in samples,
adequate amount of oil was weighted and added into a 250
ml Erlenmeyer flask. In another flask, 50 mL ethanol
solution containing 0.5 mL Phenolphthalein indicator was
heated to the boiling point. After reaching the ethanol
temperature to 70ºC, it was added to first flak and it was
slowly titrated with 0.1N solution of KOH or NaOH and
continued until disappearing the color of solution. The
following formula was used to calculation of AV as
mgKOH/g of oil:
    
N: Normality of KOH solution; V: Volume of KOH used
for titration; m: Weight of sample
Statistical analysis
All tests were conducted in triplicate. The mean±SD,
minimum and maximum were obtained using SPSS
software (version 16, Chicago, IL, USA).
Table 1 and 2 show PV and AV content in the oil samples
collected from restaurants and fast food centers,
respectively. As is shown in table 1, PV was higher than
standard limit in 22 (81.48%) and 24 (80%) samples taken
from restaurants and fast food centers, respectively. AV
was higher than standard limit in 22 (81.48%) and 30
(90.9%) samples taken from mentioned places, respectively
(Table 2).
Table 1. Peroxide value (PV) range in oil samples taken from restaurants and Fast food (sandwich) centers of Zanjan
Fast food (Sandwich) centers
NO (%)
NO (%)
9 (27.27)
5 (18.52)
10 (37.04)
5 (15.15)
7 (25.92)
6 (18.19)
5 (18.52)
33 (100)
27 (100)
H. Hassanzadazar et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 8(3) (2018) 217-222
Table 2. Acid value (AV) range in oil sample taken from restaurants and Fast food (sandwich) centers of Zanjan
Fast food (Sandwich) centers
(mg KOH/gr)
NO (%)
NO (%)
3 (9.1)
5 (18.52)
22 (81.48)
6 (18.18)
0 (0)
33 (100)
27 (100)
The results of this study showed that more than 80 % of oil
samples in point of view PV and AV had higher range than
recommended limits in national standard of Iran for PV and
AV in edible oils in restaurants and fast food (sandwich)
centers in Zanjan, Iran (Table 1 and 2). Determination of
PV is one of the best indicators to detect fat oxidation,
frequent heating and usage of oils for cooking or frying
[17]. High PV in the oil samples in present study regardless
to the oil type indicates the onset of oxidation in oils and
progress of oil deterioration and in particular long time and
high heating of used oils in restaurants and sandwich
centers [5]. There are other reasons to increase the PV in
heated and used oils which are not likely to be considered
in food centers including regarding to higiene regulations
while working with oil, cleaning surfaces in contact with
oil, proper disposing of burnt oil and low heating of used oil
for cooking or frying the foods [11, 19].
High PV was reported in many researches conducted on
heated edible oils used in restaurants and sandwich centers
throughout the world including Iran. Taghipour
Fardardekani and Taghipour (2015), Pour Mahmoudi and
colleges (2009) and Arbabi and Doris (2011) reported that
98%, 97.3% and 100 % used edible oils in restaurants and
sandwich centers of Behbahan, Yasooj and Sharekord cities
of Iran had higher PV than standard allowed limit [11,19
and 20]. In another study Rahimzadeh and colleges (2011)
reported higher PV value in 58.3% and 100% of used edible
oils in restaurants and sandwich centers of Gorgan city
from Iran [18]. Results of these studies are consistent with
our results. Freire and colleges (2013) from Brazil reported
high PV in 1.43 % of oil samples but in yilmaz and
Aydeniz study (2011) from turkey PV of the samples was
within the standard range. Results of both studies are lower
and not consistent with our results [21, 22]. PV decreases
with the continuous heating of the oil [1, 7]. In Park and
Kim (2016), Arbabi and Doris (2011), Takeoka and
colleges (1997) and Herchi and colleges (2016) studies, it
have been shown that produced peroxides due to oil heating
are unstable and were converted to other metabolites [17,
19, 23 and 24].
Oil acidity increases due to heat treatment. The main reason
for this raising is production of free fatty acids (FFAs) due
to the hydrolysis of esteric lipids in the oil (lipolysis) which
increases with heating time lapsing and frequent heating
cycles in the oil [17]. Increase in FFA content and AV due
to lipolysis caused by heating in used oils was reported in
several studies [8, 11 and 24]. Free fatty acids, especially
short chain FFAs are susceptible to oxidation and cause
unpleasant smell of the oils due to hydrolytic rancidity [2].
High levels of peroxide and acid value in used oils in
restaurants and sandwich centers can be attributed to the
frequent use of oil for cooking or frying [11]. Frequent
heating of the oil causes polymerization, oxidation and
hydrolysis reactions of the lipids and formation of various
unpleasant and toxic compounds such as acrolein,
hydroxides, ketones, hydrocarbons, polymers and aldehydes
which have harmful effects on the health of the community
and consumers of food prepared with these types of oils [8].
Their amount is affected by the frying temperature, frying
time, type of used edible oil, presence of antioxidants in the
oil, filtering, use time of the cooking oil or fat and frequent
use until disposal of oil, heating of the oil and the type of
H. Hassanzadazar et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 8(3) (2018) 217-222
fryer [4, 25]. The high degree of oxidative degradation in
the oils used in food shops and restaurants indicates the lack
of awareness or attention to the quality of the oil and non-
compliance with health principles when using oil by food
operators and low quality of the used oils. Therefore,
continuous surveillance and monitoring of restaurants and
food shops and training of Chefs, food operators in order to
apply proper methods of cooking and frying food is very
important and necessary.
Present investigation has shown that the PV and AV in used
edible oils of many restaurants and fast food centers were
higher than Iranian standard allowed limit which indicate an
improper use of oils in these food shops and presence toxic
compounds in used oils and foodstuffs which can threaten
food consumers' health. Therefore, given to increasing
amounts and high consumption of ready to eat (RTE) foods
particularly fried foods in today's community, it is
necessary to train food operators and notifying people to the
harmful effects of these foods on their health.
Hereby, authors thanks to the committee of student research
of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences for financial and
moral support of present study (Grant No. A-11-940-10).
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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... Theoretically, parts of the plant can be used as raw materials for the development of nutraceutical and cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Beyond its medicinal and nutritional properties, the oil extracted from the seeds [30] has similar physico-chemical properties comparable to oils used in the food and cosmetic/detergent industry [104][105][106][107]. This can be a ained through value addition and agro-processing, which will ultimately enhance rural livelihoods. ...
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Neglected and Under-utilized plant Species (NUS) can contribute to food system transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, but many are understudied. Here, we conducted a systematic review of 37 empirical studies to synthesize the evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa about the agro-ecological characteristics, nutritional properties, and medicinal properties of the NUS Tylosema fassoglense. Overall, the evidence is highly fragmented and lacks a comprehensive description of the species characteristics, properties, and benefits. Most reviewed studies focus on the eastern part of Africa and a few on the southern part, suggesting its limited geographic distribution. Studies on agro-ecological properties, and especially on morphological characteristics, indicate that the species’ long tuberous roots and large vegetative systems help it adapt to harsh climatic conditions. The species is also utilized for medicinal and nutrition purposes by different communities across its range due to its phytochemical, macro-, and micronutrient content, along with its favorable physico-chemical properties. In particular, the seeds contain many different amino acids, while their calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and carbohydrate content is comparable to Tylosema esculuntum, the better studied species in the Tylosema genus. These demonstrate the species’ potential to contribute to nutrition and food security. Furthermore, parts of the plant contain many phytochemicals, such as phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoid, terpenoids, and tannins (mainly in the roots), and for this reason local communities use it to treat various conditions. Overall, our systematic review suggests that although Tylosema fassoglense has some potential to contribute towards food security, nutrition, health, and livelihoods, there are many remaining knowledge gaps that constrain its effective integration into agricultural production systems and possible contribution to food system transformation in the region.
... This is to identify risk factors created during the processing and frying foods. On the other hand, it is believed that the food operators, restaurants, fast food restaurants handle edible inappropriately through deep frying for a long period of time or reusing fried oil that imposes serious health risk on consumers [7]. ...
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The study aimed to assess the quality of fried oil in Erbil City. Therefore, fried oils and fats from 10 fast-food restaurants in Erbil were randomly collected. Frying process as well as fried oils was submitted into evaluation, by determining some physicochemical characteristics namely p-Anisidine value (pAV), lodine value (IV), Peroxide value (PV), Acid value (AV) and fatty acids profile using GC MS as well as Refractive index and viscosity. Results indicated that the majority of restaurants used sunflower oil most commonly as a frying medium, potato (French fries) among the fried foods, steel utensils and gas as a heating source. In addition, frying temperatures ranged from 150 to 217°C, and they replenished oil instead of changing it at the end of the working shift or day. The highest AV was in sample one 1.3 and lowest in sample five 0.3 (mg KOH/g). Also, highest PV, IV and pAV was 9.5(mEq/kg oil), 144(g/100g oil) and 65 the lowest was 0.3 (mEq/kg oil), 51 (g/100g oil) and 9 respectively. Regarding refractive index was between 1.40 to 1.47. The data also showed that the fresh fats and oils (controls) seem to be within the Iraqi guideline specification. High AV indicated that fried oil had exceeded the standard specification. Viscosity (cP) of discorded oil noticeably increased with increasing frying time. The results of GC-MS showed that the highest fatty acid percentage of palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic 49.25, 3.85, 46.44 and 61.41, respectively Keywords: Oil quality, physiochemical properties, fast food restaurants health risks.
... During the frying process, chemical reactions that occur cause irreversible changes in the properties of the oily product, during the entire thermal process (Choe & Min, 2007;Bhat et al., 2022;Choe & Min, 2007;Matthäus, 2010). These reactions are determined by the biochemical composition of the oil and also by the physico-chemical stress factors (temperature, light, presence of oxygen in the air) (Hassanzadazar et al., 2018). Thermal stability evaluation is an important tool to determine the optimal utilization of the oil process in order to maximize profitability and satisfy consumer preferences and consumer safety requirements (Zhuang et al., 2022;Negishi et al., 2003). ...
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The aim of this paper is the assessment of thermal stress effects on dietary fats. For this purpose, oils and fats from those sold on the Romanian market, intended for home use and in public food establishments were selected (sunflower oil, palm oil, lard and vegetable fat). These oils and fats are some of the most used ones in cooking. Dietary fats were subjected to heat stress by gradually heating to different temperature levels as well as repeated exposure to high temperatures. Subsequently, the influence of temperature on the characteristic parameters of food fats was analysed: free acidity, indices of: acidity, iodine, peroxide, saponification, refraction, water content and volatile substances, unsaponifiable matter. The results of the present study provide useful information for choosing a dietary fat suitable for frying food, in order to minimize the undesirable effects for the health of the consumer and to obtain a quality fried product.
... Therefore, inspection and monitoring of such centers using tools to identify harmful factors created during the food processing is on the agenda of health authorities of community. Unfortunately, some operators of restaurants, sandwich shops, and confectioneries threaten consumer health and safety due to improper use and reuse of heated edible oils (Farrokhzadeh et al., 2017;Hassanzadazar et al., 2018). ...
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Deep frying is the most common method used for food preparation worldwide, which can lead to several chemical changes in used fat or oil in frying process including oxidation and polymerization. This study aimed to determine the effect of heating and different storage conditions on the disposal point of four types of the most common edible oils available in the Iranian market without and with the presence of food in terms of acid value (AV) and total polar compounds (TPC). AV and TPC of three types of marketed sunflower oil (especially for frying, cooking, solid vegetable) and ghee heated at 110, 150, 180, and 200°C with a portable oil meter DOM‐24 (ATAGO, Japan) were determined. They were measured without the presence of food at four different temperatures and four different times in five storage conditions and with the presence of frying food (chicken and potatoes) at 110°C for 20 min in three replicates. The results showed that the AV and TPC contents in the case of ghee were above national and international standards without the presence of food. Also, in the process of frying chicken and potato, the reusability of all the studied oils was not possible for the second time and reached the disposal point. The increase in the rate of AV and TPC of oils was: ghee (Kermanshahi oil) > liquid cooking oil > frying oil ≥ solid vegetable oil. TPC and AV exceeding rejection limit after one time repeated frying of food. The best desirable conditions for the storage of oils are storing in closed containers at 4C. Stability rate to food frying is: Ghee oil Cooking liquid oil Frying oil Solid vegetable oil.
... The studies have reported in vivo conversion rate of 14%-16% from SDA to EPA, and only 5%-6% from ALA to EPA (Baker et al., 2016;Prasad et al., 2020). In a study carried out by Greupner et al. (2019) in humans, it was observed that DHA, EPA, and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) concentrations increased after 72 h (21% to DHA and 47% to EPA compared to baseline values) after a single-dose ingestion (26 g) of echium seed oil. ...
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Echium seed oil has been considered an important alternative source of omega 3 fatty acids (n‐3 FA) for human consumption. Considering the oxidative instability of n‐3 FA richer oils, the objective of this study was to determine the chemical and sensory parameters of the oil obtained from Echium plantagineum seeds obtained by three extraction methods (hydraulic press: HYD; continuous screw press: PRESS; and solvent technique: SOLV). Stearidonic acid (C18:4, n3), the most important n‐3 FA present in the oil, changed from 12.5% to 12.7%. Regarding the minor compounds, PRESS sample showed the highest concentration of gamma‐tocopherol (782.24 mg/kg oil), while SOLV samples presented the highest amount of β‐sitosterol (73.46 mg/100 g) with no difference of campesterol concentration (159.56 mg/100 g) among the samples. Higher values of total phenolics (19.65 mg GAE/kg oil) and β‐carotene (34.83 mg/kg oil) were also found in the SOLV samples, suggesting the influence of hexane in the extraction of these bioactive compounds. High resolution mass spectrometry identified caffeic acid and its derivatives as the main phenolic compounds present in the echium oil. PRESS sample showed the best oxidative stability as measured by PV (0.61 mmol/kg oil) and malondialdehyde (173.13 µmol), probably due to faster time of processing compared to HYD and SOLV samples. Our data showed that the extraction method changed the chemical composition of the minor compounds in the echium oil, but these alterations did not reduce its nutritional quality or sensory acceptability. Practical Application Echium oil represents a great potential source of omega 3 fatty acids, but there is not enough information about its oxidative stability and chemical composition, especially toward minor compounds. Our study characterizes echium oil composition obtained from three extraction methods, contributing to amplify the technical information about this important alternative oil for human consumption.
In this study, nanocomposite films with enhanced functional properties were prepared by loading titanium dioxide (TiO2) and/or zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles within 4A zeolite (4AZ) particles, and then incorporating these nanocomposites into a poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and gelatin matrix. The composition and morphology of the films were characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal behavior of the films was established using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). SEM showed the nanoparticles were dispersed throughout the films when used at these levels. FTIR indicated that the inorganic nanoparticles interacted with the PVA/gelatin polymer network through hydrogen bonding. XRD confirmed that the nanoparticles were in a crystalline state within the films. DSC and TGA showed that introduction of the nanoparticles modified the nanocomposite’s thermal behavior. Nanoparticle addition had a number of effects: (i) it decreased film transparency from 78.7% to 69.4% 72.0% and 69.7%; (ii) it decreased film water vapor permeability (WVP) from 8.20 × 10⁻⁹ to 5.13 × 10⁻⁹, 5.71 × 10⁻⁹ and 5.24 × 10⁻⁹ g/Pa.h.m; (iii) it reduced film oxygen permeability from 4.57 to 3.29, 3.10 and 3.00 mEq/g; and (i) it increased film tensile strength (TS) from 14.6 to 22.0, 20.3 and 18.0 MPa, for PVA/gelatin films containing 0%, 1.5% ZnO, 1.5% TiO2 and 1% (ZnO + TiO2) nanoparticles, respectively (with the nanoparticles being trapped within 4AZ). Moreover, active nanocomposite films exhibited significant antimicrobial effects especially against gram-negative bacteria. Overall, our results show that nanoparticle-loaded PVA/gelatin nanocomposites may be useful as active biodegradable nanocomposite films for application in the packaging industry and that their properties can be modulated by controlling the nature and level of nanoparticles incorporated.
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This cross‐sectional study attempts to determine the rancidity and quality of discarded oils in fast food restaurants. Samples of the discarded frying oils were collected randomly from 50 fast food restaurants in Tehran, Iran. Their physicochemical properties were assessed and compared to the standard values. The means (±SD) of the physicochemical indicators of the rancidity in the discarded oils were as follows: peroxide value, 3.06 (0.51) (mEq/kg); free fatty acids content, 1.52 (2.26) (%); p‐anisidine value, 57.63 (4.02) (mEq/kg); total oxidation value, 64.53 (4.15); total polar compounds (TPC), 20.19 (1.02) (%); viscosity, 107.87 (2.35) (cp); and red color, 9.64 (0.84). Positive correlations were found between the TPC, viscosity, and red color (p ≤ 0.01) of the oil samples. The majority of discarded oil from fast food restaurants were overdegraded containing hazardous secondary oxidative products, and also, the consumption of nonstandard frying oil has increased in fast food restaurants. Policymakers should develop guidelines to determine whether and when frying oils should be discarded and consider the consumption of overdegraded oils as a public health hazard. This cross‐sectional study attempts to determine the rancidity of discarded frying oils to detect the quality of oil used in fast food restaurants. The consumption of nonstandard frying oil has increased in fast food restaurants. Policymakers should consider the consumption of overdegraded oils as a public health hazard.
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Background: Frying is one of the most popular methods of food preparation. Since in fast food restaurants the oil is heated for prolonged and repeated periods of time, toxic compounds in oils likely go up to very high concentrations. In this study, we investigated chemical quality of oils that was used for frying in fast food restaurants. Methods: Oil samples were collected from 42 fast food restaurants located in Shiraz, Iran. Samples were obtained from oils that were being heated in fryers at the peak of fast food restaurant activity between 10:00 and 12:00 PM. Acid and peroxide values and total polar compounds were measured according to standard procedures. Results: Acid and peroxide values of 27 samples (64.3%) were higher than the permitted values for oil health (Table 1). This number for total polar compounds was 19 (45.2%). Conclusion: In many fast food restaurants of Shiraz, Iran, oils that are in use contain high levels of toxic materials that may imperil consumers as well as restaurant workers. Strategies that can be used by restaurant staff to improve the condition are discussed.
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There are different chemical food contaminations that cause detrimental effects on human health. For example, presence of peroxide in fried foods causes free radical formation. Free radicals are not only responsible for food spoilage, but also cause damage to body tissues and cancer, inflammatory diseases, atherosclerosis, aging and so on. The aim of this study was to evaluate the peroxide content and acidity level in Zoolbia and Bamiehin of Lorestan province, West of Iran. 120 samples of Zoolbia and Bamieh doughnuts were purchased of Lorestan province distribution centers, during March 2014 to March 2015 and handled to Laboratory for chemical analysis and determination of their peroxide value and acidity. Present descriptive study results showed 56.92 and 43.07 % of the samples were out of standard limit and not suitable for consumption due to high levels of peroxides and acidity, respectively. The lowest and highest peroxide value were 1.1 and 2.9 mEq/kg, respectively. The minimum and maximum acidity of the samples were 0.7 and 2.9 wt%, respectively. Obtained results showed high peroxide contents in Persian doughnuts in Lorestan province than standard limit. Therefore, it seems educational programs about nutrition and using proper method for cooking and frying of foods is necessary. Continuous planning and surveillance, providing practical solutions by health authorities and regulatory organs, training of food staffs, using oils a few times and especial for food frying are recommended to reduce the peroxide content in Persian doughnuts (Zoolbia and Bamieh).
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This study was conducted to investigate the condition of frying oil used for frying chicken nuggets in a deep fryer. The acidification of the frying oils used, soybean oil (SB), canola oil (CA), palm oil (PA), and lard (LA), were determined as peroxide value, acid value, and fatty acid composition, after chicken nuggets were fried in them for 101 times. The acid value and peroxide value obtained were 5.14 mg KOH/g and 66.03 meq/kg in SB, 4.47 mg KOH/g and 71.04 meq/kg in CA, 2.66 mg KOH/g and 15.48 meq/kg in PA, and 5.37 mg KOH/g and 62.92 meq/kg in LA, respectively. The ranges of the major fatty acid contents were palmitic acid, 8.91-45.84%; oleic acid, 34.74-58.68%; linoleic acid, 10.32-18.65%; and stearic acid, 2.28-10.86%.Used frying oils for food except animal products have a legal limit for the freshness standard, set by the Food Codex regulations (AV<2.5, POV<50). Therefore, this study could help develop a freshness standard for frying oils used for animal products such as chicken nuggets. Based on the quality limits associated with food regulations stated, we suggested that the estimated frying times before acceptable freshness was exceeded were 41 for SB, 38 for LA, 53 for CA, and 109 for PA. This data may be useful in determining food quality regulations for frying oil used for animal products.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of heating on some quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and Cox value decreased during heating. Heating process led to considerable increase in saponification value (SV), peroxide value (PV), p-anisidine value (p-AnV), oxidative value (OV) and specific extinction at 232 and 270 nm. There was a significant decrease in oil stability during heating process (1.4-1.0 h). Fuel properties of flaxseed hull oil were also changed after heating treatment. Heating process caused loss of total phenolic acids, total flavanoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll pigments. Phospholipids (PL) content were less changed compared to other bioactive compounds. Antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil decreased during heating process.
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Oil qualities during 40 h unconsecutive frying process were analyzed by combined tradition chemical indexes and electric conductivity (EC), and the correlation between quality index of frying oil and total polar compounds (TPC) was also studied. The result shows that frying oil’s quality trends to deterioration with the extension of frying time. TPC was positively related to EC, acid value (AV), carbonyl value (CV), peroxide value (POV), and p-anisidine value (PAV) of frying oil. The correlation coefficient between TPC and other quality index decrease in the order of EC, AV, CV, POV, and PAV and were 0.9583, 0.9303, 0.9152, 0.7949, and 0.7082, respectively. EC has the highest correlation with TPC. Furthermore, repeated experiment showed that relative standard deviation ranged from 1.08 to 2.17 %, and there are no significant differences in TPC value by between traditional TPC method and EC method (P > 0.05). EC method could be a good selection to predict the TPC and discard point of frying oil.
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Fried foods are widely consumed in Brazil and their quality depends on the oil or fat they are fried. Qualitative (physical chemistry indices) and quantitative measurements (fry-life oil or fat until disposal, oil turnover, type of oil or fat and amount and type of fried foods) and associations were performed. We applied a structured form and collected 60 mL of frying oil or fat in each of the 70 fried food stands of 15 street-fairs in Goiânia, Brazil. All samples were suitable in the quantity of free fat acids (<0.9% oleic acid), one was inadequate to peroxide value (>10 mEq/kg) and 1/3 was unsuitable to polar compounds (<25%). The majority (62%) use temperature up to the allowed (180 ºC). Approximately 250 units of products are fried in at least one day in 42% of the fried food stands. Soybean oil is used in the majority (94%) of fried food stands and the fry-life is of 6 hours (60%) or a day of work/sale. The nonconformity of the content of total polar compounds in fried foods had significant association with frying time and the conformity of acidity had significant relationship with frying time by a chi-square test. All other associations were not significant. A fry-life of oil or fat up to 6 hours can avoid the excess of polar compounds in the frying medium and protect the quality of fred foods.
Edible oils are used in the preparation of foods as a part of their recipe or for frying. So to ensure of food safety, checking the quality of the oils before and after usage is an important subject in food control laboratories. In this study, edible oils from four different sources (canola, corn, sunflower and frying) were heated for 36 h at 170 °C and sampling was done every 6 h. The free fatty acid, peroxide value and the content of some fatty acids (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3) of the oil samples were determined by standard methods. Then, the ATR-FTIR spectra of the samples were collected. The partial least squares (PLS) regression combined with genetic algorithm was performed on the spectroscopic data to obtain the appropriate predictive models for the simultaneous estimation of acid value, peroxide value and the percentage of five kinds of fatty acids. The effect of some preprocessing methods on these models was also investigated. Preprocessing of data by orthogonal signal correction (OSC) resulted in the best predictive models for all oil properties. The correlation coefficients of calibration set (>0.99) and validation set (>0.86 and in most case >0.94) of the OSC–PLS model suggested suitable predictive modeling for all studied parameters in the oil samples. This method could be suggested as a rapid, economical and environmental friendly technique for simultaneous determination of seven noted parameters in the edible oils.
A new method for determining the acid values (AVs) of edible oils based on the O[single bond]H stretching band was developed. The oil sample was diluted with carbon tetrachloride and was placed in a quartz cuvette with a thickness of 1 cm to record the FTIR spectrum. The peak at 3535 cm−1, which corresponds to the O[single bond]H stretch of the carboxyl group in free fatty acids, together with the peak valley at 3508 cm−1 and the spectral data in the range of 3340–3390 cm−1 were used to determine the AV of the edible oil. The excellent linear relationship between the AVs measured in this work and those measured using a titration method, with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.9929, indicates that the present procedure can be applied as an alternative to the classic method for determining the AVs of edible oils.
Oils and fats degrade during the frying process and many reactions with numerous fatty acid alteration products have been examined. The geometrical isomerisation of double bonds leads to the formation of trans fatty acids. At frying temperatures also conjugated double bond systems are detected. The reaction of oxygen with unsaturated fatty acids results in hydroperoxides, which immediately degrade in further radical reactions at frying temperature. A set of oxygenated fatty acids has been detected including epoxy-, keto- and hydroxyl fatty acids. Another route leads to β-scission at the carbonyl- or the alkyl side of the oxygen bearing carbon atom in the fatty acid chain. In this case short chain fatty acids, aldehydic, keto, and hydroxyl acids appear together with volatile compounds. Also the formation of cyclic and furan fatty acids was detected. As a reaction between fatty acids also dimeric and polymerised fatty acids can be observed. Taking into account the different amounts of these fatty acid degradation products the physiological relevance has to be discussed. Due to high concentrations of dimeric and polymerised molecules these substances can lower significantly the digestibility of fried foods, while oxidised fatty acid monomers are readily absorbed and raise concern about their effect on lipid metabolism. These two different effects of altered TAGs and fatty acids have to be considered separately.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine the peroxide value (PV), p‐anisidine and total oxidation value (TOTOX) values of imported edible oils in Iran. Design/methodology/approach – A total 196 oil samples of different origin and types (corn, olive, canola and grape‐seed oil) were collected randomly from Boushehr port of Iran and a total 27 oil samples were also collected from frying pans used to deep‐fry local food items at different restaurants in Boushehr city. Findings – The PVs ranged from 1.38‐13.74, 3.90‐20.00, 0.83‐2.99, 0.67‐11.95 and 0.00‐9.96 mequiv/kg found in refined olive oil, virgin olive oil, canola oil, grape‐seed oil and corn oil, respectively. The results showed that PVs of 18.37 percent of imported oil and 62.96 percent of frying oils from restaurant exceeded the maximum acceptable limits set by Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI) (2‐20 mequiv/kg for different types of oils). P‐anisidine value ranged from 0.89‐27.56 mequiv/kg in imported oils and 2.21‐30.76 mequiv/kg found in frying oil from restaurants. The TOTOX value increased linearly with peroxide values and p‐anisidine values. It ranged from 0.89‐76.62. Originality/value – Fried foods are very common in Iranians' diet. A major portion of the edible oils in Iran are imported from other countries through Boushehr port. ISIRI has set maximum acceptable limit for PVs in different oils imported to the country. The possible effects of storage on oil oxidation are the original criteria of this research. The results of the study indicate that inappropriate storage of edible oils and their use in frying applications at restaurants facilitate oil oxidation and deterioration.