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To be successful, organizations should operate with a well thought and developed corporate strategy which is implemented through different business unit level strategies all working towards the overall organizational level corporate strategy. Of the various strategic options available, diversification has proved to be a very popular strategy for organizations seeking growth, higher profitability and stability hence a competitive advantage. However researchers continue to find conflicting effects of diversification on performance of diversified organizations. Organizations apply different methods to realize diversification including Greenfield entry, acquisitions, and mergers and partnerships and alliances. The institutional environment of a country whether as developed or developing economy has an important impact on strategic choices of its firms in general and on the spread of diversification strategies in particular with related diversification being more successful in developed and highly competitive economies and unrelated diversification being more popular and successful in developing economies. In as far as acquisitions and greenfield entry is concerned, diversification is more successful if it is done in areas of key competency and capacity while organizations with more financial resources and well established acquisition strategy and experience, are more successful. Innovation through research and development enhances diversification through Greenfield entry. This study also demonstrated that the level of diversification does not necessarily guarantee successful diversification, although a number of scholars advocate for moderate diversification, too much or too little diversification can still fail or succeed. What is important is exercising due diligence and developing key competencies and capacity to execute successful diversification as demonstrated by the success of Cisco and failure of Burns Philp in diversification.
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ISSN 2229-5518
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To be successful, organizations should operate with a well thought and developed corporate
strategy which is implemented through different business unit level strategies all working
towards the overall organizational level corporate strategy. Of the various strategic options
available, diversification has proved to be a very popular strategy for organizations seeking
growth, higher profitability and stability hence a competitive advantage. However researchers
continue to find conflicting effects of diversification on performance of diversified organizations.
Organizations apply different methods to realize diversification including Greenfield entry,
acquisitions, and mergers and partnerships and alliances. The institutional environment of a
country whether as developed or developing economy has an important impact on strategic
choices of its firms in general and on the spread of diversification strategies in particular with
related diversification being more successful in developed and highly competitive economies and
unrelated diversification being more popular and successful in developing economies. In as far as
acquisitions and greenfield entry is concerned, diversification is more successful if it is done in
areas of key competency and capacity while organizations with more financial resources and
well established acquisition strategy and experience, are more successful. Innovation through
research and development enhances diversification through Greenfield entry. This study also
demonstrated that the level of diversification does not necessarily guarantee successful
diversification, although a number of scholars advocate for moderate diversification, too much or
too little diversification can still fail or succeed. What is important is exercising due diligence
and developing key competencies and capacity to execute successful diversification as
demonstrated by the success of Cisco and failure of Burns Philp in diversification.
Key words: Corporate strategy, Business unit strategy, diversification, Vertical integration,
methods of diversification, levels of diversification, Greenfield entry, acquisition, mergers, due
To be successful consistently, organizations should operate with a well thought and
developed organizational level corporate strategy. According to David (2011) large firms have
four levels of strategies: corporate, divisional, functional, and operational. For small firms, there
are three levels of strategies: company, functional, and operational strategies. David recommends
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that all persons responsible for strategic planning at the various organizational levels should
ideally participate and understand the strategies at the other organizational levels to facilitate
coordination, facilitation, and commitment to plans hence these helps avoid inconsistency,
operational inefficiency, and miscommunication with respect to organizational strategy. It is
noted that the best way to sustain competitive advantage is to relentlessly and consistently pursue
objectives that strengthen an organizations position over competitors (David, 2011). According
to Porter (1987), a diversified organization has business unit strategy also called competitive
strategies and corporate strategy which is an organization wide strategy.
1.1. Comparison of Corporate Strategy versus Business-Unit-Level Strategy.
1.1.1. Corporate strategy
Corporate strategy is the platform for organizational processes, procedures and operations
and generally defines the direction for the organization. The strategy is less specific, conceptual
and value oriented. According to Sekulić (2009), corporate strategy is a pattern of decisions by
an organization that determine and guide its corporate objectives, generate policies and
determine the scope and nature as well as activities of the organization. Corporate strategy
should guide business decision and coordinate business level strategies. According to Dyer,
Godfrey, Jensen, and Bryce (2016) corporate strategy is concerned with development of
stakeholder value and competitive advantages through operations or investments in multiple
industries, regions and markets.
1.1.2. Business unit strategy
Business unit strategy deals with actions aimed at delivering the organizational goals as
stated at the corporate level strategy. The objective of business unit level strategy is convert
higher level strategies into execution or implementation strategies. The development of
competitive advantage within a single industry, single market, or single line of business is
generally referred to as business unit strategy (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2016).
Diversification comes from the word “diverse” which means “different” or “varied” therefore
for an organization, it refers to variation or differences in the performed activities of a firm.
Salma and Hussain (2018). Therefore diversification entails engaging in different activities by
the same organization. Diversification often involves reorganization of an organization to acquire
new business activity, product or service through internal growth or acquisition of another
business, product or service. This often leads to changes in the organizational structure,
operations, management systems and procedures. Corporate diversification involves
organizations in distinct business with the objective of adding shareholder or stakeholder value
(Cretu, 2012).
2.1. Reasons for Diversification
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Organizations diversify for many different reasons and in different ways. Ansoff (1958)
identified reasons for diversification as need to compensate for technological obsolesce, need to
distribute risks, need to utilize excess capacity, and to reinvest earnings. Iqbal, Hameed, &
Qadeer (2012) noted that diversification is a strategy that management uses to get more
opportunities from current market and that the main objective of diversification is to spread risks
of the business and get higher returns in terms of profits.
Different strategies can be adopted by organizations seeking to diversify their investments
and operations. Diversifying strategies employed include acquisition of associates and
subsidiaries as outright acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic partnerships, internal growth
and expansion (Eukeria & Favourate, 2014)
2.2. Vertical Integration
This refers to expansion into adjacent markets that are in the same value chain. If the
movement in the direction of inputs it is backward integration but is movement is in in the
direction marketing, or service then it becomes forward integration. According to David (2011)
vertical integration collectively refers to backward, forward and horizontal integration.
2.3. Forward Integration
This seeks ownership and control over distribution or retailers. These strategies include
opening and control of retail shops for the firm, opening websites and selling products over the
internet and franchising. Franchising is a very effective means of implementing forward
integration. In the US over 2000 companies in about 50 industries use franchising (David, 2011).
David (2011) outlines six guidelines that indicate when forward integration may be an
especially effective strategy
i.) If present distributors are expensive, or unreliable, or incapable of meeting the firm’s
distribution needs or have stronger bargaining power.
ii.) If the availability of quality distributors is so limited as to offer a competitive
advantage to those firms that integrate forward.
iii.) If an organization competes in an industry that is consistently growing and is expected
to continue with the growth; this is a factor because forward integration reduces ability to
diversify if its basic industry falters.
iv.) If an organization has both the resources needed to manage forward intergrading.
v.)Where there is need for stable production; forward integration can increase the
predictability of the demand for its output.
v.) When distributers have higher profit margins indicating that the firm can make some
savings by participating in distribution.
2.4. Backward Integration
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This is a strategy that seeks to control the suppliers especially where suppliers are
unreliable, expensive or they cannot fulfil the organization’s needs (David, 2011).
David (2011) outlines seven guidelines for use in determining when backward integration
may be an especially effective strategy are:
i.) When an organization’s suppliers are expensive, unreliable, or cannot meet the firm’s
needs for supplies and raw materials.
ii.) When the number of suppliers is small and the number of competitors is large hence high
supplier bargaining power.
iii.) If the industry is growing rapidly integrative-type strategies i.e. forward, backward, and
horizontal reduce an organization’s ability to diversify in a declining industry.
iv.) If the firm has both capital and human resources to manage the new business of
supplying its own raw materials.
v.) When there is need to stabilize prices.
vi.) When present supplies have high profit margins, which suggests that the business
vii.) If supplying products or services in the given industry is a worthwhile venture.
viii.) When an organization needs to quickly acquire a needed resource
2.5. Horizontal Integration
This is often referred to as diversification and is expansion or growth into an adjacent,
related or unrelated market that is not along a firm’s own value chain (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, &
Bryce (2016). This strategy seeks to control or have increased control over competitors It ca n
result into economies of scale and enhanced competencies. Strategies applied include mergers,
acquisitions and takeovers among competitors. Merger between direct competitors often leads to
increased efficiencies due to elimination of duplicate facilities (David 2011).
David (2011) outlined five guidelines that indicate when horizontal integration may be an
especially effective strategy:
i.) When an organization can gain monopolistic features in a market area or region without
ii.) If an organization competes in a growing industry hence expected gains are high.
iii.) If it will facilitate increased economies of scale and provide major competitive
iv.) When an organization has both the capital and human talent needed to successfully
handle a bigger organization
v.) If competitors are week of managerial expertise, need for particular resources that the
organization possesses
vi.) The competitor should be doing well or has significant potential.
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According to Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, and Bryce (2016), Organizations wide range of
choices on how to diversify and how go in diversification. The following levels have been
identified based on the resultant firm and relationship between the business units after
3.1.Single Business
This business generates more than 95% of it’s the revenues come from a single line of
business. Therefore this is low level diversification.
3.2.The Dominant Vertical Business
This business generates 70% to 95% of its revenue from its main line of business with the rest
from businesses located in the value chain with backward integration or forward integration
Dominant Business
Such a business earns more than 70% of revenue from its main line of business and the
remainder from other lines across different value chains as opposed to dominant vertical business
which is from same value chain. Therefore this is low level diversification.
3.3.Related-Constrained Firm
Such a business generates less than 70% of its revenue. Therefore this is moderate
diversification, but all businesses share product, tech, or distribution linkages and each business
makes up less than 70% of sales revenue
3.4.Related-Linked Diversification
These occurs when the businesses are still related but have less linkages existing between
the new and existing business. Therefore this is a case Moderate diversification, with only limited
links between businesses and each business makes up less than 70% of sales revenue
3.5. Unrelated Diversified Firm/ Conglomerates
This occurs when the businesses compete in product categories and markets with few, if
any, links between them. Therefore this is of High diversification, no attempt to transfer resources
or activities between businesses
According to Yigit and Behram (2013), diversification can add organizational value through
increased profitability, operational risks reduction, higher or increased market share, increased
credit worthiness hence ability to absorb more credit, higher growth rates, extended business life
cycle and improved utilization of financial and human capital.
For the conglomerates in the food and beverages sector in Zimbabwe, it was established
diversification created market power gains, increased internal efficiencies, shared resources
advantages and financial benefits as shown by performance benchmarks like turnover, gross and
net profit and market measures share. The relationship depicts the linear model between
diversification and performance (Miller, 2006; Eukeria & Favourate, 2014). They concluded that
diversification is a competitive strategy which can deliver better performance s to the company if
well implemented and aligned to the overall firm’s vision and overall strategy.
Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, and Bryce (2016) noted that firms that compete in few related
markets or industries perform better that forms that are focused on a single industry. They
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recommended moderate diversification as one that pays off better compared to high level
4.1.Related-Constrained or Related-Linked Diversification
Related constrained business generates less than 70% of its revenue from its main business
line but the businesses share linkages with the main business. In this case resources are stretched
but leads to better utilization and efficient and can lead to reduced costs of product offerings.
For Related-linked diversification businesses are still related but have less linkages existing
between the new and existing business. This means less sharing of resources or infrastructure.
Can lead to high costs and low efficiency compared to the related constrained diversification.
General Electric is an example of a company with most of the products capitalizing on its
knowledge, experience and infrastructure in electrical machines and equipment although the
products and business units remain different. This is an example of a related-linked
diversification (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2016).
Dhir (2015) observed that most conglomerates are less profitable than non-conglomerates
but conglomerates tend to reduce risk. He cautions that diversification is an important strategic
option but has considerable risks, and therefore diversification should only be considered after
careful examination. Kenny (2009) noted that when a company fails, changes are more that the
cause is diversification and not concentration. He noted that misguided acquisition often arises
from overpriced or poorly planned process and that diversified organizations quite often lack
expertise to oversee multiple businesses. Failure to carry out due diligence can lead to wrong
acquisition e.g. acquiring a business which performs below expectations. Grant (188) remarked
that diversification beyond certain level raises costs to a point where performance starts to
In their study on performance of firms upon diversification in Turkey which is a
developing economy and Netherlands which is a developed economy, Yigit and Behram (2013)
observed that diversification is more successful in Turkey than Netherlands mainly because of
the level of institutional developed in the operating environment. So firms in less developed
economies tend to be more successful than those in developed economies in diversification.
Therefore in a perfect economy, diversification adds less value to firms seeking to diversify their
operations. Eukeria and Favourate (2014) reinforced this position by arguing that investors in
developed countries can independently diversify their portfolio unlike those in African countries
or other developing countries implying that diversification may not be really for the benefit of
investors in developed countries while Brealey and Myers (2007) noted that diversification is
easier and cheaper for the individual investors than for the organization. Therefore from these
findings and recommendations, it is easier and more beneficial for an investor to diversify his or
her investments as an individual than companies especially where the market economies are
sophisticated as in most developed countries.
Porter (1987) noted that diversification cannot create shareholder value except when the
industry has a favorable structure to support returns that exceed the cost of capital. He however
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observed that an industry does not have to be attractive before diversification can be executed.
He added that diversification can only build shareholder value when the cost of entry does not
consume returns on investment. Porter (1987) recommended that for a business to be better off
after acquisition, an organization must add significant competitive advantage to the acquired unit
or the new unit should possess great potential for competitive advantage. Therefore
diversification won’t add value if no real or potential competitive advantage exists.
According to Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce (2016) and David (2011) there are two
general types of diversification strategies: related and unrelated. Businesses are said to be related
when their value chains possess valuable cross-business strategic fits. Unrelated businesses are
have dissimilar value chains are not competitively valuable.
6.1.Related Diversification
This involved businesses that have similar value chains (David, 2011). Related
diversification allows affirm to share and transfer success factors across different business
leading to higher efficiency benefits in resource allocation and cost advantage. In developed
countries, related diversification strategies are associated with profitability benefits and the need
for continued survival in extremely competitive business environment makes related
diversification strategy prevalent in developed economies like Spain (Campillo, 2016).
David (2010 proposed the following guidelines for consideration to make related
diversification as an effective strategy.
i.) When an organization competes in a no-growth or a slow-growth industry.
ii.) When adding new, but related, products would significantly enhance the sales of
current products.
iii.) When new, but related, products could be offered at highly competitive prices.
iv.) When new, but related, products have seasonal sales levels that counterbalance an
organization’s existing peaks and valleys.
v.) When an organization’s products are currently in the declining stage of the products
life cycle.
vi.) When an organization has a strong management team.
6.2.Unrelated Diversification
Involves organizations that have dissimilar value chains (David, 2011). Unrelated
diversification allows a more substantial and rapid increase in the size of an organization as well
as status, independence and overall performance. Unrelated diversification is driven by the desire
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to develop a business empire while in developed countries like Spain, unrelated diversification is
linked to growth benefits, and more so in short run (Campillo, 2016).
David (2012) provides ten guidelines to use establish when unrelated diversification may be
an especially effective strategy are:
i.) When revenues derived from an organization’s current products or services would
increase significantly by adding the new, unrelated products.
ii.) When an organization competes in a highly competitive and/or a no-growth industry,
as indicated by low industry profit margins and returns.
iii.) When an organization’s present channels of distribution can be used to market the
new products to current customers.
iv.) The new products have countercyclical sales patterns compared to an organization’s
present products.
v.) When an organization’s basic industry is experiencing declining annual sales and
vi.) When an organization has the capital and managerial talent needed to compete
successfully in a new industry.
vii.) When an organization should have opportunity to purchase an unrelated business
that is an attractive investment opportunity.
viii.) There should exists financial synergy between the acquired and acquiring firm
ix.) If current markets for present products are saturated.
x.) When antitrust action could be charged against an organization that historically has
concentrated on a single industry
6.3.Related Vs Unrelated Diversification
Most companies favor related diversification strategies in order to capitalize on synergies as
i.) Transferring competitively valuable expertise, technological know-how, or other
capabilities from one business to another.
ii.) Combining the related activities of separate businesses into a single operation
to achieve lower costs.
iii.) Exploiting common use of a well-known brand name.
iv.) Cross-business collaboration to create competitively valuable resource strengths
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v.) and capabilities
An organization can adopt the Greenfield entry method or acquisition method purchased
(Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2016).
7.1. Greenfield entry
Greenfield entry refers to diversification by opening own operation unlike in acquisition
where another company, assets or business are purchased (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce,
7.1.1. Factors to Consider while Diversifying through Green field Entry
According to Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce (2016) for diversification to add value in
the real world. They suggested the following as factors to consider when considering
diversification through Greenfield option;
i) Brands should be well known in the market hence require less advertising
ii) Economies of scale are less important for competitive advantage hence a business can
start small from scratch.
iii) The new technology is compatible with existing processes and systems
iv) Customers for the new market are similar to existing ones
v) The rate of entry to the new market does not have to be too fast but rather slow
vi) The required skills, knowledge and capacity should be either existing or is easily
vii) The distribution channels for the new business ought to be available or are readily
accessible by the organization
7.2. Acquisition
Acquisition refers to purchase of another business and is often a preferred mode when
a company desires to make quick entry to the market and also when the market favors large scale
competitors (David, 2011).
7.2.1. Factors to Consider while Diversifying through Acquisition
. Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce (2016) recommends the following factors to consider while
diversifying through acquisition;
i.) It is ideal for brands that are not well known in the market that require huge
advertisement and promotion
ii.) Where access to distribution channels is limited, expensive or are limited and use of
an already established business offers best access or opportunity.
iii.) Customers for the new venture are different from current customers of the
diversifying organization.
iv.) The new technology does not integrate easily with the existing technology hence need
to bring in new technology and infrastructure.
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v.) Need for rapid entry into the market to capture opportunities
vi.) Need for economies of scale or learning effect to gain strategic advantage which can
be got from an established business.
7.2.2. Due Diligence in Acquisition and Mergers
The primary components of a business acquisition are identification of targeted business,
negotiation of price and terms, execution of various documents followed by conduct of due
diligence before the purchase is closed. Due diligence targets financial, tax, operations, legal,
technical and other aspects of the company. Carrying out due diligence is an important step in
the process of business acquisition. Due diligence involves potential buyer of a business
investigating the target by gathering and evaluating relevant information about the target
organization. This helps the investor to make informed decision as to whether to proceed with
acquisition or not. Process of investigating
Several stakeholders are interested in due diligence and they include the buyer, investors,
lenders, employees, customers, vendors, attorney and accountants. The objective of due diligence
in acquisition is to ensure that all stakeholders make informed decisions (Cochran, Craft & Agri,
2016). Due diligence checklist
A typical due diligence checklist is as follows;
i.) Understand the business and its history.
ii.) Obtain an organizational chart or listing of employees.
iii.) Obtain resumes of management and key employees.
iv.) Obtain data of outstanding stock and its ownership, if the transaction will be structured as
a stock purchase.
v.) Prepare a roster of team members, both inside and third party consultants, to include
addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
vi.) Obtain industry statistics to serve as a benchmark for the target company’s operations.
vii.)Understand the company’s economic prospects, its products and the industry.
viii.)Determine the countries/states in which company is licensed to operate.
7.3. Mergers
A merger is a corporate strategy usually done between two or more companies where by the
acquiring firm and the acquired firm stands on a merger agreement (Ogada, Achoki, & Njuguna,
2016). Changes in the operating environment may necessitate merger or one institution takes
over another’s operations (Fluck and Lynch, 2011). Reasons put forward for mergers and
acquisitions are: to gain greater market power, gain access to innovative capabilities thus
reducing the risks associated with the development of a new product or service, maximize
efficiency through economies of scale and scope and at times, reorganize a firm’s competitive
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position (Hitt et al., 2009; Vaara, 2012).Revitalize the company by bringing in new knowledge
and capacity for survival (Vermeulen et al 2011). Many mergers and acquisition are undertaken
with the belief that a merged firm may operate more efficiently than two separate firms. A firm
can obtain cost reductions in several ways through a merger or an acquisition (Ross 2003).
8.1.Case of Failed Diversification: The Case of Burns Philp of Australia
An Australia-based company, Burns Philp was originally focused on South Pacific
Shipping and trading business prior to 1970s. But by early 1980s, the company had grown more
complex through diversification. In 1983 the firm had 175 separate enterprises, in areas of travel
agencies, hotels and retail hardware stores to cement, mining, film processing, drink-dispensing
Machines and others. Burns Philp restructured between 1984 and 1996 to reduce on its
diversification by selling some businesses, though acquiring but reducing on line of products. As
a result it focused on three products, namely: antibiotics, spices and yeast, with yeast
production process giving it a technological advantage over its competitors. However
concentrating antibiotics and spices failed. The company bought an Italian antibiotics company,
but then then unexpectedly paid about half the acquisition price to build a new antibiotics factory
to replace the existing plant because it posed environmental threats. This was a result of failure
to conduct proper diligence before buying the business.
Burns Philp failed in spice market under pressure from competitors over supermarket
operators to gain the best positions on store shelves. After acquisition the company failed to
manage cultural differences in foreign markets especially in Italy leading to administrative chaos
at headquarters and contributed to its financial distress. As a result Burns Philp was acquired by
Rank Group in 2006.
8.1.1. Case Analysis
The following observations can be made from the above case of strategic failure in
i.) The company was highly diversified and wanted to reduce the scope of diversification
ii.) That reduction in the scope of diversification does not necessarily lead to success of more
value, the process has to be done carefully
iii.) Diversifying into an area or business you are not competent in my lead to failure, rather
diversify into an area one is experienced as has capacity
iv.) Due diligence is necessary to avoid buying a business that is below expectations. The
business should be subjected to a thorough scrutiny and evaluation before acquisition.
These case demonstrates that diversification failure came can about as result of failure to
take due diligence while acquiring businesses and poor management of new diversified business
culturally and financially in particular. Therefore diversifying organizations should carry out
diversification carefully and adequately prepare to handle complex managerial and leadership
challenges that come with diversification (Kenny, 2009).
8.2.Case Study of Successful Diversification: Cisco
8.2.1. Background of the company
1984, Len Bosack of Stanford University computer department, and his wife, Sandra
Lerner, worked with the computer network at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford. The
couple wanted to connect the computer networks of their respective departments through a multi-
protocol router, a device that allows different networks communicate and share data. They later
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decided to commercialize their invention, the AGS router. They chose to Name the company
Cisco Systems during a drive over San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.
Cisco entered the market just as Apple Computer introduced the Macintosh and the personal
computer industry began to grow rapidly. Cisco’s initial customers were large corporations with
multiple, extensive computer networks. By 1989, the company had only one patent and three
products on the market, with 11 employees, and in revenue of $ 27 million. Cisco went public in
with revenue of $69 million, and an initial market capitalization of $224 million. The sales grew
by 550 percent to $381 million by 199. The company then began to enter new markets for its
products and services; Cisco expanded into the market for networked servers and began writing
and selling software.
Cisco made its first acquisition 1993, of $94.5 million all-stock deal for Crescendo
Communications, a manufacturer of desktop computing workgroup solutions leading to a
broadened product line and expanded its resources and capabilities in the emerging market of
networked PCs. Over the next three years, Cisco would make a dozen acquisitions, each
designed to help the company enter new product and customer segments or to expand and
solidify its presence in existing markets. In 1997, Cisco entered the training and education
market by opening 64 “network academies” to train high school and college students to design,
install, and maintain computer networks.
In 1998 Cisco. The company used combined modes of acquisition and internally developed
technology to enter the telephone market and introduced Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
communications. The fast-growing company realized revenue of $8.5 billion and saw its market
capitalization had risen to $100 billion. Since going public, revenue had grown by about 1,200
percent and its market cap had grown almost 450 percent. The company’s acquisition capabilities
grew as well, Cisco completed nine acquisitions in 1998 and expanded the training academies to
a total of 580 locations. The company entered a new market for its products and services in 1999:
the home computer and consumer market. By late 1999, 42 percent of American homes had
Internet connections, up from almost none five years earlier.
In 2000, Cisco bought 23 companies, with market for Internet connectivity and computer
networking continuously evolving, Cisco’s products enabled that growth and evolution. Research
and development efforts resulted in patents and products that established Cisco in wireless
network technology, a major growth sector of the industry during the early twenty-first century.
On March 27, 2000, Cisco became the world’s most valuable company, with a market
capitalization of $569 billion With 46 acquisitions completed since 1993, Cisco had developed a
clear and consistent process for bringing acquisitions into the Cisco family.
In all its acquisitions, Cisco began with the identification of attractive targets, especially
companies with new emerging technologies or those whose products would enhance Cisco’s
current offerings to customers. The newly acquired company’s products would appear in the
Cisco catalog—with Cisco part numbers—the day the acquisition closed. This ensured
immediate revenue and profit growth from the acquisition. Integration specialists from Cisco
worked onsite with the newly acquired company during the first 90 days after the deal closed.
These specialists helped the new organization to adapt to and navigate within Cisco’s internal
systems; they also introduced new members to the Cisco culture. Other integration specialists
installed Cisco accounting and purchasing systems
Cisco fell from its perch as America’s most valuable company when the Internet stock
bubble burst in 2002. That didn’t stop the company from pursuing its strategy of acquisition and
diversification to maintain and enhance its status as the backbone of the internet. At the end of
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the new century’s first decade, Cisco held leading market positions in most router and
networking categories, including over 30 percent of the market for routers and switchers.8 That
year, the company shipped its 30 millionth IP phones to customers around the world. Cisco
received 913 patents during 2010. With the December 2010 purchase of Linesider Technologies,
makers of network products for cloud computing applications represented to mark Cisco’s 145th
acquisition. As the second decade of the twenty-first century began, Cisco seemed well
positioned to lead in all of its existing markets, and the company would continue to provide the
backbone for new, emerging Internet markets (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2016).
8.2.2. Case Analysis
The following observations can be drawn from this successful case of diversification by
i.) From the case, it is noted that Cisco Systems is a leading business in technology based
products. It uses its intellectual property and brand resources, together with its capability
in s innovation and acquisition to develop competitive advantages. Cisco succeeded by
acquiring and developing new business.
ii.) Cisco acquired and developed businesses in its core areas or areas which though slightly
difference would add significant value to existing businesses.
iii.) With several organizations, Cisco had developed a good strategy for acquisition and
absorption of new businesses into its main fold making acquisitions fast, effective and
timely. Acquisitions immediately contributed to the main company revenue base.
iv.) Cisco had the financial muscle and organizational capacity to acquire and develop new
v.) Cisco heavily invested in research and development as evident by numerous patents and
new product developments by the company.
This case of Cisco demonstrates how proper organization, due diligence coupled with financial
and organizational capacity can give an organization competive advantage through
diversification by modes of acquisition and Greenfield entry modes.
Corporate diversification has is an important strategy in the modern business practice.
Diversification has an impact on a firm’s financial performance, though there is no agreement
about the negative, positive or neutral impact of diversification (Patrick, 2012). Due to high
chances of failure in developing economies, firms in may be justified to have wider scope of
diversification (Khanna and Palepu, 2000; Khanna and Rivkin, 2001; Lins and Servaes, 2002).
Doaei, Anuar, and Ismail (2014) in their study on diversification in Malaysian
manufacturing firms found out that product diversification and unrelated diversification does not
significantly affect performance. However, related diversification and international
diversification have negative impact on financial performance.
Quality of goods and services is another important performance indicator for organizations.
According Dawid and Reimann (2005) an increase in diversification compromises the quality of
products and services and negatively impacts on innovation.
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The main objective of diversification is to spread out risks and get higher profits through
development of a stable profitable and larger organization guaranteeing a stable organization
Investigations into whether diversification is beneficial or more profitable or not shows mixed
results. It was noted that diversification is more successful in an emerging economy than a
developed and institutionally organized economy. Related diversification has proved to be more
successful in developed economies while unrelated diversification is more successful generally
in led developed economies. For diversification to be successful, it must be well planned and
executed carefully. Moderate diversification gives better results than single business
diversification. Therefore diversifying organizations should avoid too much diversification and
single business diversification for better results. Organizations can diversify by means of
greenfield entry or acquisitions depending on circumstances and market condition with due
diligence being very important in acquisitions to avoid making wrong strategic decisions.
Diversification into an area you have key competencies and capacity is more successful and it is
recommended that you diversify into businesses that add value to current offerings. Failure to
carry out due diligence can lead to diversification failure through making wrong or uninformed
choices. The cases of Cisco and Burns Philp demonstrates that diversification of any level, high
or low can be successful or fail, what is important is proper execution and having the right
capacities and competencies to successfully implement diversification.
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... Problem Definition. New solutions and technologies are needed to address the current challenges facing the plastic industry, i.e., rapid growth in demand and production of plastics and low levels of recycling of used or waste plastics [33][34][35]. The population growth, economic growth, and global industrialization have led to the generation of huge quantities of wastes, including plastic wastes. ...
... Plastic pyrolysis plants have been set up in a number of countries globally to convert waste plastic to hydrocarbon fuel, which may be a cheaper partial substitute of the petroleum oil. Production of the pyrolysis oil from plastic wastes is ecologically and economically superior to many other options since it addresses the environmental pollution and partially addresses the challenge of fossil fuel reserve depletion by reducing demand of primary oil by acting as a substitute feedstock in the production of lubricants and other oil products [34,94]. The overall effect of waste plastic pyrolysis is the reduction in hazardous plastic waste as well as reduction in the import bill for oil-importing countries. ...
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Plastics are cheap, lightweight, and durable and can be easily molded into many different products, shapes, and sizes, hence their wide applications globally, leading to increased production and use. Plastic consumption and production have been growing since its first production in the 1950s. About 4% of global oil and gas production is being used as feedstock for plastics, and 3–4% is used to provide energy for their manufacture. Plastics have a wide range of applications because they are versatile and relatively cheap. This study presents an in-depth analysis of plastic solid waste (PSW). Plastic wastes can be technically used for oil production because the calorific value of the plastics is quite comparable to that of oil, making this option an attractive alternative. Oil can be produced from plastic wastes via thermal degradation and catalytic degradation, while gasification can be used to produce syngas. Plastic pyrolysis can be used to address the twin problem of plastic waste disposal and depletion of fossil fuel reserves. The demand for plastics has continued to rise since their first production in the 1950s due to their multipurpose, lightness, inexpensiveness, and durable nature. There are four main avenues available for plastic solid waste treatment, namely, reextrusion as a primary treatment, mechanical treatment as secondary measures, chemical treatment as a tertiary measure, and energy recovery as a quaternary measure. The pyrolysis oil has properties that are close to clean fuel and is, therefore, a substitute to fresh fossil fuel for power generation, transport, and other applications. The study showed that plastic wastes pyrolysis offers an alternative avenue for plastic waste disposal and an alternative source of fossil fuel to reduce the total demand of virgin oil. Through plastic pyrolysis, plastic wastes are thermally converted to fuel by degrading long-chain polymers into small complex molecules in the absence of oxygen, making it a technically and economically feasible process for waste plastic recycling. The process is advantageous because presorting is not required, and the plastic waste can be directly fed without pretreatment prior to the process. Products of plastic pyrolysis are pyrolysis oil, a hydrocarbon-rich gas, with a heating value of 25–45 MJ/kg, which makes it ideal for process energy recovery. Hence, the pyrolysis gas can be fed back to the process to extract the energy for the process-heating purpose, which substantially reduces the reliance on external heating sources.
... With the topping cycle, fuel is used to produce electricity first and then heat that is a by-product of the process is recovered and used. The bottoming cycle involves the production of high temperature thermal energy from the fuel and the rejected heat being used to produce electricity through a recovery boiler and a turbine generator (Kabeyi, 2018; Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi & Oludolapo Akanni Olanrewaju, 2022b). ...
... Diesel power plants can also be used as black starts to start main plants such as nuclear and coal plants. While diesel plants are used as stand-by units to supply the main plants they can also be used as main plants to supply the base load(Kabeyi, 2018; Moses Jeremiah ...
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Diesel power plants are widely used in stationary and mobile power applications ranging from emergency power plants, standby plants, peak power plants and black start plants. The main elements are an internal combustion engine and an electric generator for power generation. The main challenges facing diesel power generation are high greenhouse gas emissions, high cost of power and high fuel cost. Improvements on performance applied include use of supercharging, turbocharging, dual fuel conversion, and use of low carbon and renewable fuel sources in place of fossil fuels like biogas, biomethane, biofuels and natural gas.
... The historical growth rates show that between 2000 and 2005, an of about 200 MW/year was globally achieved (Bertani, 2010;Kabeyi, 2019c), while 1.8 GWe capacity growth was realized between 2005 and 2010, which represents a 20% growth in five years. Therefore there is a need to develop measures and technologies to reduce costs and mitigate predevelopment risks to accelerate growth in geothermal generation capacity (IEA, 2021;Kabeyi, 2018b;M. J. B. Kabeyi & O. A. Olanrewaju, 2022c;Kabeyi & Oludolapo, 2020f). ...
... Geothermal resource exploration comes with high uncertainty and risks. The objective of the exploration phase is reservoir identification and location and includes the study of possible resource use (Kabeyi, 2018a(Kabeyi, , 2018b. These phases and stages are associated with significant financial costs and risks to be managed and controlled through low-cost investment options. ...
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Keywords central geothermal power plant; challenges of geothermal electricity; geothermal project cycle; electricity generation; geothermal electricity; sustainable electricity; wellhead power plants. ABSTRACT There is growing global demand for renewable energy resources aimed at achieving the targets set by the Paris Agreement. Geothermal energy has got huge potential to contribute to the energy transition but currently accounts for less than 1% of global electricity generation capacity. The main reasons for the low contribution of geothermal is high upfront cost and risks in the development of central power plants which takes long periods of 5 to 10 years. The objective of this study is to compare the sustainability of central power plants as compared to the use of wellhead power plants to achieve higher sustainability and greater exploitation of geothermal resources. Central power plants require huge resources and time to develop tens of geothermal wells with different characteristics to run a power plant. On the other hand, wellhead generators are installed on a well-pad of a successful drilled and tested well for immediate power generation hence it takes less time and low capital requirements. In this study, the role of wellhead power plants in geothermal power development is examined relative to the central or conventional power plants. The study showed that wellhead power plants are generally less efficient compared to central power plants because of higher specific steam consumption but are financially attractive because of the quicker return on investment, early electricity generation and the lower financial risks. Wellhead power generators are used as permanent or temporary power plants. Wellhead and Central geothermal power plants operate at higher capacity factor and load and hence can be used as baseload power plants. Developers can adopt mixed development using both wellhead and central power plant, use temporary wellheads in early stages for quick power and return on investment or develop the entire geothermal field with permanent wellhead power plants. Overall, use of wellhead power plants have a positive effect on sustainability of geothermal power generation. 1692 Abbreviations
... The historical growth rates show that between 2000 and 2005, an of about 200 MW/year was globally achieved (Bertani, 2010;Kabeyi, 2019c), while 1.8 GWe capacity growth was realized between 2005 and 2010, which represents a 20% growth in five years. Therefore there is a need to develop measures and technologies to reduce costs and mitigate predevelopment risks to accelerate growth in geothermal generation capacity (IEA, 2021;Kabeyi, 2018b;M. J. B. Kabeyi & O. A. Olanrewaju, 2022c;Kabeyi & Oludolapo, 2020f). ...
... Geothermal resource exploration comes with high uncertainty and risks. The objective of the exploration phase is reservoir identification and location and includes the study of possible resource use (Kabeyi, 2018a(Kabeyi, , 2018b. These phases and stages are associated with significant financial costs and risks to be managed and controlled through low-cost investment options. ...
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There is growing global demand for renewable energy resources aimed at achieving the targets set by the Paris Agreement. Geothermal energy has got huge potential to contribute to the energy transition but currently accounts for less than 1% of global electricity generation capacity. The main reasons for the low contribution of geothermal is high upfront cost and risks in the development of central power plants which takes long periods of 5 to 10 years. The objective of this study is to compare the sustainability of central power plants as compared to the use of wellhead power plants to achieve higher sustainability and greater exploitation of geothermal resources. Central power plants require huge resources and time to develop tens of geothermal wells with different characteristics to run a power plant. On the other hand, wellhead generators are installed on a well-pad of a successful drilled and tested well for immediate power generation hence it takes less time and low capital requirements. In this study, the role of wellhead power plants in geothermal power development is examined relative to the central or conventional power plants. The study showed that wellhead power plants are generally less efficient compared to central power plants because of higher specific steam consumption but are financially attractive because of the quicker return on investment, early electricity generation and the lower financial risks. Wellhead power generators are used as permanent or temporary power plants. Wellhead and Central geothermal power plants operate at higher capacity factor and load and hence can be used as baseload power plants. Developers can adopt mixed development using both wellhead and central power plant, use temporary wellheads in early stages for quick power and return on investment or develop the entire geothermal field with permanent wellhead power plants. Overall, use of wellhead power plants have a positive effect on sustainability of geothermal power generation.
... A sugar mill is a multipurpose factory that can produce energy, food, energy, and biofuels simultaneously from the same product. Factors that enable cogeneration by the sugar factories are availability of investment capital, attractive feed-in tariffs, and availability of boiler fuel throughout the year which is limited by intermittence in milling of cane and inefficient energy generation and use [87]. The performance analysis of the factory had average factory utilization of 62.47% for the period between 2009 and 2017 which implies that 37.53% of production resource capacity is not utilized. ...
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Sugar industries have huge potential to contribute to the sustainable energy transition through electricity generation and production of biofuels. Sugar-producing countries generate huge volumes of sugarcane bagasse as a byproduct of sugarcane production. In this study, the performance of an operating traditional sugar factory is analyzed for electricity generation and export potential. The study presents characteristics and energy potential of modern and traditional sugar factories. The challenges facing a traditional sugar mill are inefficient boilers, less efficient and back pressure steam turbines, and wasteful and inefficient use of steam turbine drives as prime movers instead of modern electric drives for the mills and cane knives. Others are the use of inefficient and energy intensive cane mill rollers instead of the diffusers which have low energy requirements. It was demonstrated that the cogeneration potential of sugar factory is quite significant but currently underutilized. Sugar factories can make significant contribution towards mitigation of greenhouse gas emission mitigation through supply of green electricity to the public grid. The study showed that the factory uses very old and inefficient boilers aged over 39 years which contributes to poor performance and low electricity generation capacity. Modernization is required to increase the generation and electricity export capacity through investment in new and modern high-pressure boilers, replacement of inefficient back pressure boilers (BPSB) with more efficient condensing extraction turbines (CEST), and reduction of factory steam consumption by electrification of mills and cane knife turbine drives among other measures. This study showed that the 3,000 TCD factory can invest in a 15 MW power plant based on current average factory performance indicators and more if the throughput and overall performance is close to design parameters.
... The global greenhouse gas emissions can also be broken down by the economic activities that lead to their production or emission. These economic activities contributing greenhouse gases include other energy sector, related sources, and industry, transportation, buildings then agriculture and forestry activities (Kabeyi 2012;Kabeyi 2018;Marcus 1992). ...
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The purpose of this study is to review the role of energy in sustainable development by ensuring sustainability in electricity generation, supply, and consumption. Global electricity generation remains dominated by fossil fuels with renewable energy sources contributing a smaller proportion. Sustainable development needs sustainable energy which should be reliable, stable, good quality, affordable non-polluting and socially acceptable. Various measures can be put in place to limit emissions from various sectors. New technology should be developed and exploited for to maximize use of abundant but intermittent renewable sources a sustainable mix with limited non-renewable sources optimized to minimize cost and environmental impact but maintained quality, stability, and flexibility of an electricity supply system. Other measures that can limit emissions include electrification of transport and industrial activities with electricity coming from renewable and low carbon sources. This review recommends the use of the three main strategies to minimize carbon emissions in the energy transition. These are conventional mitigation, negative emissions technologies which capture and sequester carbon emissions and finally technologies which alter the global atmospheric radiative energy budget to stabilize and reduce global average temperature.
... Additionally, smallholder agriculture and associated sectors constitute the main economic activities for many developing countries, accounting for about 82% world's population directly or indirectly (Sarkar et al. 2020). Development and adoption of technologies that conserve resources and income in agriculture are the most valuable tools and strategies for sustainability in food and energy production (Kabeyi 2012;Kabeyi 2018;Sarkar et al. 2020). ...
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Biogas is competitive, viable and generally sustainable energy resource due to abundant supply of cheap feedstock and availability of a wide range of biogas applications in heating, power generation, fuel, and raw material for further processing and production of sustainable chemicals including hydrogen and carbon dioxide and biofuels. The capacity of biogas power has been growing rapidly for the past decade with global biogas generation capacity increasing from 65 GW in 2010 to 120 GW in 2019 representing a 90% growth. The study showed that digester design, operation and maintenance is a very important aspect of biogas energy and technology development. It was established that there are three basic digester designs i.e. fixed dome, floating dome and fixed dome with expansion chamber. The main challenges facing digesters is silting, poor serviceability and limited mixing ability. Design improvements suggested are manual and motorised mixing and provision of access manhole to facilitate maintenance and service without stopping the entire process.
... A life cycle assessment is recommended whenever new vehicle technologies are developed, for vehicle and the complete fuel cycle from production to fuel use. LCAs are often considered the proper way to compare energy and environmental performance fuels or energy supply (Kabeyi 2018;Machado et al. 2021). ...
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Electric vehicles (EVs) have undergone tremendous advancement as a result of battery technology advancement and reduction in the cost of batteries. Few years ago, electric vehicles were much expensive compared to the conventional vehicles. The current development is redesign of the infrastructure and further advances in battery technology in terms of charging and charge storage and cost reduction. The transport sector is a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and measures have to be put in place to reduce these emissions. Measures being undertaken in the energy sector include development of alternative electric and/or hydrogen powertrains and replacement of the hydrocarbon fuels and internal combustion engine (ICE) designs. To realise large scale penetration of electric vehicles (EV), there is need for adequate charging infrastructure. Road transport is a large emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and therefore electric mobility provides huge potential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. The various V2X technologies are V2G, G2V, V2H, V2V. These technologies enable the electric cars to play a grid role not just as power consumers, but as decentralised power sources as well. The vehicle to grid (V2G) and grid to vehicle (G2V) technology be used to have EVs may clustered via aggregator to offer grid power services like load leveling, voltage regulation, and peak shaving, at a lower cost and with less environmental impact. Therefore, smart grid technology deployment will enhance the operation and control of electric vehicles making them important energy transition facility
... Although short-term benefits of using natural gas are clear, there are significant long term consequences to global emission targets to achieve net zero emissions and to keep the global temperature below 1.5 • C above the preindustrial level because of the high environmental impact methane against global emissions and climate targets [13,39,72]. The immediate economic benefits of conversion include lower electricity tariffs which will increase the demand for electricity from the power plants leading to more electricity sales for investors while high load factors from increased use will increase efficiency and reduce unit cost of power from diesel power plants using natural gas. ...
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Diesel power plants use diesel engines as prime movers powered mainly by heavy fuel oil or industrial diesel oil and with potential for conversion to gas engines or dual fuel engines. The global concerns over prices of diesel and heavy fuel oil and energy related greenhouse gas emissions have created demand for natural gas as an alternative fuel for power generation by diesel power stations. This study involved a performance analysis of an operating diesel power plant and its potential conversion to dual fuel engine power plant. Dual fuel engines have reduced fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions since natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. For a conventional diesel engine to run on diesel, the fuel injection system is modified to handle gas and a mixture of gas and diesel. Other modifications are the introduction of an electronic control unit, reduction in air fuel ratio, installation of a fuel mixer, and reduction of compression ratio. The conversion requires provision for natural gas storage facilities and supply system which were introduced in the proposed design modification. The study showed that dual fuel engine power plants have better performance indicators like lower specific fuel consumption, higher indicated and brake thermal efficiency, cheaper power produced, less emissions per unit power and thus reduced environmental impact. Conversion to dual fuel engines will reduce the cost of electricity generation, reduce emissions particularly Sulphur dioxide while accommodating fuel flexibility like use of biofuel to substitute diesel.
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Small-scale fishers (SSFs) are finding it difficult to cope with the limited returns from fishing activities. Diversification of fishing activities becomes necessary in ensuring the sustainable use of fishing resources by exploring entrepreneurial opportunities available in other sectors including the tourism value chain. Little is known on the extent to which small-scale fishers in South Africa have explored opportunities available along the tourism value chain. The qualitative study was conducted in the Western and Eastern Capes Provinces of South Africa. Using data from key informant interviews, focus group discussions and literature reviews, we found that the majority of small-scale fishers depend on activities within the fishing mainstream with limited integration in the tourism value chain through diversification strategy. For fishers to diversify out of the fishing industry and engage in tourism activities, they should be supported with the necessary resources, such as finances, and common leadership structures in addition to instituting policy changes within the two sectors to accommodate linkages through diversification.
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In dynamic and turbulent markets particular strategic positions are quickly eroding and the duration of competitive advantage is unpredictable. In that business reality, the traditional concept of corporate strategy that emphasizes strategic positioning and building valuable resources as the basis for obtaining sustained competitive advantage has become insufficient for better corporate performance. Therefore, it is more important to build corporate-level strategic processes that enable dynamic strategic repositioning of enterprise and reconfiguration of corporate resources. These corporate strategic processes, named patching (restructuring) and coevolving, are directed toward different changes for creating added economic value and sustaining obtained competitive advantages through more successful mobilization and reallocation of corporate resources. In the heart of the corporate-level strategy is also the concept of parenting advantage, which provides better performance of aggregated businesses than they would achieve if they were independent, stand-alone entities.
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Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of diversification on the financial performance of merged institutions.Methodology: The study adopted a mixed methodology research design. The study population included all the 51 merged financial service institutions in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used. Primary data was obtained from questionnaires and a secondary data collection template was also used. The researcher used quantitative techniques in analyzing the data. Descriptive analysis for the study included the use of means, frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistics such as correlation analysis was also used. Panel data analysis was also applied. Further, a pre and post merger analysis was used.Results: Diversification had no significant effect on financial performance of merged institutions.Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study findings call for a re-assessment of the literature on diversification. Further research is necessary to study why sometimes the diversification-performance relationship is positive, others negative, and often quadratic. Further research is needed to investigate whether diversification effects on performance depends on the industries considered. This study recommends that companies with a weak and unstable capital base should seek to consolidate their establishments through mergers and acquisitions. Through mergers and acquisitions, these companies will be able to extend their market share and revenue base hence increase their profitability. In addition, mergers and acquisition leads to a higher CAR which improves the financial soundness of the companies.
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Types, modes, and levels of diversification are the most complicated yet intertwined processes in the strategic management literature for optimization of firm performance.
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This article builds on the agency-stewardship approach to examine if the impact of related and unrelated diversification strategies on firm performance is contingent on the leadership style of diversifying Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) ranging from the agent model to the steward model. For this purpose, it proposes four hypotheses which are empirically tested using data from a sample of 183 Spanish firms. The findings provide new insights about the relevance of CEOs’ leadership style so that a right fit between diversification type and executive leadership style seems to be crucial for firms pursuing growth and profitability benefits.
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The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference between types of diversification and performance values comparing Turkey and Netherlands. Diversification strategy and organizational performance relationship seems to differ across developed and developing countries. The data from 2007-2011 of 154 business groups in Netherlands and 125 business groups in Turkey were analyzed. ROA and ROS for organizational performance and Rumelt's measure for diversification were used. According to the results, when organizational performance values are high for single businesses and unrelated diversification in Turkey, organizational performance is high for dominant businesses in Netherlands.
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Portfolio diversification in capital markets is an accepted investment strategy. On the other hand corporate diversification has drawn many opponents especially the agency theorists who argue that executives must not diversify on behalf of share holders. Diversification is a strategic option used by many managers to improve their firm’s performance. While extensive literature investigates the diversification performance linkage, little agreements exist concerning the nature of this relationship. Both theoretical and empirical disagreements abound as the extensive research has neither reached a consensus nor any interpretable and acceptable findings. This paper looked at diversification as a corporate strategy and its effect on firm performance using Conglomerates in the Food and Beverages Sector listed on the ZSE. The study used a combination of primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through interviews while secondary data were gathered from financial statements and management accounts. Data was analyzed using SPSS computer package. Three competing models were derived from literature (the linear model, Inverted U model and Intermediate model) and these were empirically assessed and tested.
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Firms pursue diversification for sake enhancing financial performance. Some theories state positive relationship between diversification and financial performance. However, there are some theories for negative relationship about the issue. The study has filled the gap that most studies done in developed countries and there are fewer studies in developing country like Malaysia. In this study, researchers try to examine the relationship between product diversification and international diversification with financial performance in manufacturing firms listed in Bursa Malaysia. The study is done in 102 manufacturing firms listed in Bursa Malaysia during 2006 to 2010. Two regression models are run with return on assets (ROA) as a dependent variable. Also, the main independent variables are total product diversification (TPD), related product diversification (RPD), unrelated product diversification (UPD), international diversification (ID). The results show product diversification and unrelated diversification are not significant; however, related diversification and international diversification have negative impact on financial performance.
This study has thoroughly studied the previous literature on corporate diversification and firm’s performance in different countries like, USA, EU, China, Malaysia and Bangladesh. To investigate the effects of different factors those affected the diversification decision/strategy of firms we have taken data of 465 firms from India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan in order to check how different factors affected the diversification decision of manufacturing firms across south Asian countries. Data was collected from financial statements of different firms and stock exchanges which is available at their websites and also from data banks. Present study is secondary in nature and 16-years data is collected from 2001 to 2016 of different firms. A two stage regression analysis is used with the dependent variable of “MAR, BOR SIZE GROW etc.”. Results showed that variables i.e., managerial ownership, director ownership, size, and grow, debt ratio and firm risk found significant association with corporate diversification and firm performance. It is evidence found that all these variables have significant impact on the corporate diversification and firm performance across south Asian countries. From whole study and results we can say that diversification is deployed as strategy to reduce firm specific business risk. The increased volatility and aggressiveness of the industry has made the industry more endangered to fluctuations in demand, thereby aggravating the situation and making survival more pivotal. In order to survive in such aggressive environment, manufacturing industries must have resonated strategic planning and management frameworks. A firm’s survival is dependent upon its ability to adjust successfully to the changing environment, whereas strategic planning and managerial capabilities are tools to survive in such challenging environment.
The paper examines the effect of product diversification strategy on the performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. A sample of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria for the period 2006 – 2010 was used. Firm performance which is the dependent variable was measured using accounting based measure of return on assets. A dummy variable was introduced to include firms that focused on a single market segment. Data collected was analysed using Panel regression analysis employing fixed, random and Hausmann test of fixed effect estimates. The result indicates that an increase in the size of firms cause manufacturing firms to diversify their products. The Dummy variable result implies that diversifying firms have higher level of ROA. The implication of the study is that as number of shareholders increases, the lesser the decision of firms to diversify. Also, total debt level of firm may also influence diversification decision which will improve performance level.