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Evidence for a subcircuit in medial entorhinal cortex representing elapsed time during immobility

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Abstract and Figures

The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) is known to contain spatial encoding neurons that likely contribute to encoding spatial aspects of episodic memories. However, little is known about the role MEC plays in encoding temporal aspects of episodic memories, particularly during immobility. Here using a virtual ‘Door Stop’ task for mice, we show that MEC contains a representation of elapsed time during immobility, with individual time-encoding neurons activated at a specific moment during the immobile interval. This representation consisted of a sequential activation of time-encoding neurons and displayed variations in progression speed that correlated with variations in mouse timing behavior. Time- and space-encoding neurons were preferentially active during immobile and locomotion periods, respectively, were anatomically clustered with respect to each other, and preferentially encoded the same variable across tasks or environments. These results suggest the existence of largely non-overlapping subcircuits in MEC encoding time during immobility or space during locomotion.
Functionally and anatomically clustered populations of neurons in MEC encode space during locomotion and elapsed time during immobile intervals of the Door Stop task a, ΔF/F traces of significant transients (green traces; P < 0.01; see Methods) from individual example rest-selective cells (left) and run-selective cells (right) during running and resting periods (black traces) in Door Stop task. b, Histogram of RRI for all active cells across all FOVs in all mice during Door Stop task; transition periods and reward zone excluded. c, Top: mean ΔF/F vs. time across all correct trials of a single session for 6 individual neurons from the same FOV during the 6-s Door Stop wait interval. Purple dashed lines and arrows indicate transition period. Bottom: ΔF/F vs. time for each correct trial. Scale bars indicate 100% ΔF/F. d, Mean ΔF/F vs. time across all correct trials in a single session for all time-encoding cells (each row represents an individual neuron mean ΔF/F value) in a single FOV during the 6-s Door Stop wait interval. Mean ΔF/F is normalized to peak for each neuron (each row). e, Histogram of RRI for all time-encoding cells (red) and all space-encoding cells (blue) across all FOVs in all mice during Door Stop task; transition periods and reward zone excluded. f, MEC FOVs of GCaMP6f-labeled populations (top) colored red or blue to indicate cells encoding time or space, respectively (bottom). g, Mean pairwise distance (left) or fold-change (right) between neurons in various groups. All space- or time-encoding cells from all mice in Door Stop task. Black lines connect measures (dots) from same FOV; thick lines are means across all FOVs (n = 11 imaging fields from 7 mice; repeated-measures ANOVA, F = 11.8, P < 0.0001; between time-encoding cells vs. between all cells, P < 0.001 Tukey’s post hoc test with Bonferroni correction; between time-encoding cells vs. between time- and space-encoding cells, P < 0.01 Tukey’s post hoc test with Bonferroni correction.) Notably, spatial cells were not significantly clustered compared to all cells, although we previously found grid cells clustered compared to nongrid cells²³. This difference is likely due to the heterogeneous spatial cell population defined here, which likely includes grid, border, and spatially selective nongrid cells. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01; N.S., nonsignificant.
Sequence progression across time-encoding MEC cells correlates with animal wait time a, Velocity leading into (time < 0 s), during (0 s < time < 6 s) and after 6-s Door Stop wait interval for all short wait (pink) and long wait (green) correct trials (dark line, mean; shading, s.e.m.). b, Examples of normalized ΔF/F sequence for (top) all time-encoding cells from an individual trial (same cell-ordering and same session in left and right; short wait = 6.1 s, long wait = 8.0 s), (middle) across all trials from an individual FOV (same cell-ordering and same session in left and right; mean short wait = 6.3 ± 0.3 s (mean ± s.d.), mean long wait = 8.3 ± 0.7 s (mean ± s.d.)) and (bottom) for all time-encoding cells across all FOVs (same cell ordering, includes multiple sessions in left and right; mean short wait = 6.5 ± 0.3 (mean ± s.d.), mean long wait = 8.0 ± 0.7 (mean ± s.d.)), short waits (6–7 s; left) and long waits (7–9.5 s; right). Cells were ordered according to each cell’s mean center of mass across all short wait trials (earliest mean center of mass at top, latest at bottom). Pink and green lines are linear fits of short (pink, left) and long (green, right) wait sequences. c, Plot of slopes (from linear fits of cell activations per second) as a function of animal wait time for all individual trials (each circle represents a single trial, as in top panel of b). Cells were ordered according to each cell’s mean center of mass across all correct (6–9.5 s) trials (earliest mean center of mass at top, latest at bottom; n = 73 wait trials from 4 imaging fields in 3 mice).
The temporal representation formed by populations of time-encoding cells in MEC is present from the first moments of new experiences a, Views of linear tracks mice navigated in during environment-switch experiments. b, Bottom: ΔF/F vs. time for each voluntary rest period (wait trial) of a single session for 4 individual neurons from 2 different mice during the first session in the novel linear track (see a). Rest period 1 was the first time the mice stopped to rest in the novel track (orange trace). Top, mean ΔF/F (red) and velocity (black) vs. time across all rest periods; ΔF/F (orange) and locomotion velocity (gray) from first rest period. Note that negative deflection in mouse velocity trace reflects backwards movements on the treadmill. c, Pearson’s correlation between the calcium transients during each rest period and the mean timing field over all periods (y axis) as a function of the number of wait periods in novel environment (x axis). Gray, mean across all cells in a single FOV in a single session; black, mean ± s.e.m. across all cells in all sessions; n = 5 imaging fields across 3 mice. d, Cumulative distribution of the trial number on which a transient first occurred in the significant timing field (P < 0.05 from bootstrapping; see Methods) in the novel session across all time encoding cells. e, Mean fraction of trials with transients occurring within the significant timing field across all cells for the first half of wait trials in the session versus the second half of wait trials in the session (n = 5 imaging fields from 3 mice; P = 0.1875, two-sided paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Black circles indicate means for each session; red circles indicate means across all sessions.
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Department of Neurobiology, Northwestern University, Evanston Illinois, Evanston, IL, USA. *e-mail:
Over the past 50 years, research from humans and animal
models have implicated the medial temporal lobe, which
includes the hippocampus and MEC, in the formation
of personal memories of events that occur at specific places and
involve specific time intervals1,2. While a vast amount of research
has uncovered cellular substrates in the hippocampus and MEC
that likely make up the spatial representation required for these epi-
sodic memories38, our understanding of the temporal representa-
tion is substantially less advanced and has focused mostly on the
hippocampus911. Time-related neurons were first demonstrated in
the hippocampus using studies in which rodents were moving to
some degree, either in a running wheel12, on a treadmill13, or in a
small box14. Notably, one study found hippocampal time-related
activity during immobility15. These so-called hippocampal ‘time
cells’ fire briefly and consistently at specific times during the task,
such that behavioral time periods are tiled by a sequence of brief
neuronal activations. Strikingly, specialized circuitry representing
spatial information during immobility has also been demonstrated
in the hippocampus16,17. This suggests that separate circuitry within
the medial temporal lobe might be used to encode behaviorally rel-
evant variables between mobile and immobile periods, though it is
unclear from these studies whether the representation of elapsed
time maps onto a particular circuit(s).
In MEC, one study18 found that MEC grid cells can provide timing-
related information during treadmill running, and a separate study
found MEC neurons that were more active at low running speeds
rather than high speeds during locomotion19. Inactivation of MEC
during such mobile periods was found to produce deficits in encod-
ing memories across trace periods20,21, produce deficits in a temporal
memory task, and cause instability in downstream hippocampal time
cells22. These studies suggest that a code for elapsed time may exist
in MEC during locomotion, but it is currently unknown whether the
neural circuitry in MEC forms a representation of elapsed time during
immobility, when sensory cues may not change in a temporally infor-
mative manner. Furthermore, if such a representation exists in MEC, it
is unknown how the neural circuitry might be organized to generate it.
To explore these ideas, we used our previously developed functional
two-photon imaging methods23 to optically record from popula-
tions of layer II MEC neurons (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1)
during mouse navigation in a novel virtual Door Stop task. The
Door Stop task combines both a locomotion-dependent virtual
navigation phase and an explicit instrumental timing phase that
was separated in time and location from reward delivery (Fig. 1b
and Supplementary Fig. 2a). Mice were trained to run down a lin-
ear track to a specific location where they encountered an invisible
door, which they could not run past, though they could still run
on the treadmill. At the door location, the mice were required to
stop and wait for at least 6 s (an auditory click signaled the start of
the 6-s interval once the treadmill velocity fell below a threshold;
see Methods); if the mice began running on the treadmill before
the expiration of the 6 s interval, the mice could not progress past
the closed door and the trial would start over (signaled by another
click). After the 6-s interval, the door would open and the mice
could run down the remaining length of the track to the reward
zone. After 6–8 weeks of training, mice ran to the invisible door and
stopped on their first attempt for the full 6-s wait period on 55.1%
of trials (Fig. 1c), referred to as ‘correct trials’. To easily compare
neural activity during immobile timing periods and neural activity
during locomotion periods, we excluded a transition zone between
these periods and excluded the reward zone when behavior was
more ambiguous (Fig. 1e, Supplementary Fig. 2a, and see Methods).
During the wait periods, mice mostly sat immobile with essentially
0 velocity with small jerky movements occurring during 12.9% of
the wait period to maintain balance on the treadmill (velocity over
wait periods = 0.33 ± 1.00 cm/s (mean ± s.d.); Fig. 1d,e). All of the
data presented in Figs. 24 using the (invisible door) Door Stop task
come only from these correct trials (see Supplementary Fig. 2b–f
for velocity on all trials). Since the mice could not see the invisible
door opening at the end of the 6-s interval, this Door Stop task
therefore required an internal temporal representation for efficient
Evidence for a subcircuit in medial entorhinal
cortex representing elapsed time during
JamesG.Heys and DanielA.Dombeck *
The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) is known to contain spatial encoding neurons that likely contribute to encoding spatial
aspects of episodic memories. However, little is known about the role MEC plays in encoding temporal aspects of episodic
memories, particularly during immobility. Here using a virtual ‘Door Stop’ task for mice, we show that MEC contains a repre-
sentation of elapsed time during immobility, with individual time-encoding neurons activated at a specific moment during the
immobile interval. This representation consisted of a sequential activation of time-encoding neurons and displayed variations
in progression speed that correlated with variations in mouse timing behavior. Time- and space-encoding neurons were prefer-
entially active during immobile and locomotion periods, respectively, were anatomically clustered with respect to each other,
and preferentially encoded the same variable across tasks or environments. These results suggest the existence of largely non-
overlapping subcircuits in MEC encoding time during immobility or space during locomotion.
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE | VOL 21 | NOVEMBER 2018 | 1574–1582 |
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... For example, grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) fire at vertices of a lattice spanning the local environment, 4 and place cells in the hippocampal CA1 subregion exhibit activity that maps onto specific places. 5 Additionally, MEC neurons are also responsive to behavioral and environmental features, including borders, task-relevant timing, and speed of locomotion, [6][7][8][9][10] and there is growing appreciation that sensory cues can influence MEC activity. 11,12 flow and self-motion can disrupt the activity of hippocampal and MEC neurons. ...
... Within the MEC, theta oscillations (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) in the LFP organize the timing of spike output from individual neurons and may link behavior to activity patterns of neuronal ensembles. 16 Moreover, previous studies support the hypothesis that the grid cells pattern requires theta oscillation for shaping precise periodic spatial firing in the entorhinal cortex. ...
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The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms supporting sensory representations in navigational circuits are largely unknown. Navigation is fundamentally dependent on the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), which receives direct projections from neocortical visual areas, including the retrosplenial cortex (RSC). Here, we perform high-density recordings of MEC neurons in awake, head-fixed mice presented with simple visual stimuli and assess the dynamics of sensory-evoked activity. We find that a large fraction of neurons exhibit robust responses to visual input. Visually responsive cells are located primarily in layer 3 of the dorsal MEC and can be separated into sub-groups based on functional and molecular properties. Furthermore, optogenetic suppression of RSC afferents within the MEC strongly reduces visual responses. Overall, our results demonstrate that the MEC can encode simple visual cues in the environment that may contribute to neural representations of location necessary for accurate navigation.
... Monkeys may develop a prediction of image duration-a "decision deadline"to optimize the collection of category information. Lesions of the rhinal cortex, including the entorhinal cortex ( Figure 1C), may impair the prediction of image duration (Tsao et al., 2022;Dias et al., 2021;Heys et al., 2020;Bright et al., 2020;Montchal et al., 2019;Heys and Dombeck, 2018) and, hence, lengthen the processing time. Other possibilities are that efficient decision completion was impaired, rhinal lesion monkeys could have lost sensitivity to the uncertainty of the task-uncertainty may lead to faster decisions (Malhotra et al., 2018)-or motivation to maximize the reward rate was compromised. ...
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In real-world vision, objects may appear for a short period, such as in conjunction with visual search. Presumably, this puts a premium on rapid categorization. We designed a visual categorization task cued by briefly presented images to study how visual categorization is processed in an ethologically relevant context. We compared the performance of monkeys with bilateral area TE lesions, and those with bilateral rhinal cortex lesions, to control animals. TE lesions impaired the accuracy but not the speed of visual categorization. In contrast, rhinal cortex lesions did not affect the accuracy but reduced the speed of visual categorization. A generalized drift-diffusion model (GDDM) with collapsing bounds was fitted to the data. The drift rate was equivalent across all groups, but the decision bounds collapsed more slowly in the rhinal group than in the other two groups. This suggests that, although evidence is accumulated at the same rate in all groups, the rhinal lesion results in slower decision-making.
... The EC is a large brain region that can be divided into lateral and medial EC along the medial-lateral axis, and into superficial and deep layer from top to bottom 32,33 . Importantly, the EC has a highly complex cellular composition, including functionally distinct cell types such as grid cells, head direction cells, speed cells, border cells, and object-vector cells 34,35 . This complexity may contribute to the variability in fluorescence signal recordings of histamine in the EC. ...
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The locomotive action involves diverse coordination, necessitating the integration of multiple motor neural circuits. However, the precise circuitry mechanism governing emotion-driven accelerated locomotion remains predominantly elusive. Here we dissect projections from the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) to subiculum (SUB) which promote alert-driven accelerated locomotion. We find that TMN histaminergic neurons respond to high-speed locomotion in both natural and alert acceleration. The TMN-SUB circuit is sufficient but not essential for amplifying accelerated locomotion from low to high-speed movement in basal condition, but it is both sufficient and necessary in alert condition for modulating accelerated locomotion during high-speed escape behavior. TMN histaminergic neuron activates SUB glutamatergic “fast locomotor cell” that projects to retrosplenial granular cortex (RSG) mainly through histamine H2 receptor (H2R). This study reveals the critical role of the histamine-tuned SUB circuit in alert-driven accelerated locomotion in mice, providing a theoretical foundation for comprehending neural circuit mechanisms of instinctive behaviors under alert.
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Episodic memory involves the processing of spatial and temporal aspects of personal experiences. The lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) plays an essential role in subserving memory. However, the mechanisms by which LEC integrates spatial and temporal information remain elusive. Here, we recorded LEC neurons while male rats performed one-dimensional tasks. Many LEC cells displayed spatial firing fields and demonstrated selectivity for traveling directions. Furthermore, some LEC neurons changed the firing rates of their spatial rate maps during a session (rate remapping). Importantly, this temporal modulation was consistent across sessions, even when the spatial environment was altered. Notably, the strength of temporal modulation was greater in LEC compared to other brain regions, such as the medial entorhinal cortex, CA1, and CA3. Thus, we demonstrate spatial rate mapping in LEC neurons, which may serve as a coding mechanism for temporal context, and allow for flexible multiplexing of spatial and temporal information.
Episodic memory is organized in both spatial and temporal contexts. The hippocampus is crucial for episodic memory and has been demonstrated to encode spatial and temporal information. However, how the representations of space and time interact in the hippocampal memory system is still unclear. Here, we recorded the activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons in mice in a variety of one-dimensional navigation tasks while systematically varying the speed of the animals. For all tasks, we found neurons simultaneously represented space and elapsed time. There was a negative correlation between the preferred space and lap duration, e.g., the preferred spatial position shifted more toward the origin when the lap duration became longer. A similar relationship between the preferred time and traveled distance was also observed. The results strongly suggest a competitive and integrated representation of space-time by single hippocampal neurons, which may provide the neural basis for spatiotemporal contexts.
The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is a key component of the brain's memory systems, with anatomical connections to the hippocampus, anterior thalamus, and entorhinal cortex. This circuit has been implicated in episodic memory and many of these structures have been shown to encode temporal information, which is critical for episodic memory. For example, hippocampal time cells reliably fire during specific segments of time during a delay period. Although RSC lesions are known to disrupt temporal memory, time cells have not been observed there. In this study, we reanalyzed archival RSC neuronal firing data during the intertrial delay period from two previous experiments involving different behavioral tasks, a blocked alternation task and a cued T‐maze task. For the blocked alternation task, rats were required to approach the east or west arm of a plus maze for reward during different blocks of trials. Because the reward locations were not cued, the rat had to remember the goal location for each trial. In the cued T‐maze task, the reward location was explicitly cued with a light and the rats simply had to approach the light for reward, so there was no requirement to hold a memory during the intertrial delay. Time cells were prevalent in the blocked alternation task, and most time cells clearly differentiated the east and west trials. We also found that RSC neurons could exhibit off‐response time fields, periods of reliably inhibited firing. Time cells were also observed in the cued T‐maze, but they were less prevalent and they did not differentiate left and right trials as well as in the blocked alternation task, suggesting that RSC time cells are sensitive to the memory demands of the task. These results suggest that temporal coding is a prominent feature of RSC firing patterns, consistent with an RSC role in episodic memory.
Converging experimental and computational evidence indicate that on the scale of seconds the brain encodes time through changing patterns of neural activity. Experimentally, two general forms of neural dynamic regimes that can encode time have been observed: neural population clocks and ramping activity. Neural population clocks provide a high-dimensional code to generate complex spatiotemporal output patterns, in which each neuron exhibits a nonlinear temporal profile. A prototypical example of neural population clocks are neural sequences, which have been observed across species, brain areas, and behavioral paradigms. Additionally, neural sequences emerge in artificial neural networks trained to solve time-dependent tasks. Here, we examine the role of neural sequences in the encoding of time, and how they may emerge in a biologically plausible manner. We conclude that neural sequences may represent a canonical computational regime to perform temporal computations.
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Episodic memory requires encoding the temporal structure of experience and relies on brain circuits in the medial temporal lobe, including the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). Recent studies have identified MEC ‘time cells’, which fire at specific moments during interval timing tasks, collectively tiling the entire timing period. It has been hypothesized that MEC time cells could provide temporal information necessary for episodic memories, yet it remains unknown whether they display learning dynamics required for encoding different temporal contexts. To explore this, we developed a new behavioral paradigm requiring mice to distinguish temporal contexts. Combined with methods for cellular resolution calcium imaging, we found that MEC time cells display context-dependent neural activity that emerges with task learning. Through chemogenetic inactivation we found that MEC activity is necessary for learning of context-dependent interval timing behavior. Finally, we found evidence of a common circuit mechanism that could drive sequential activity of both time cells and spatially selective neurons in MEC. Our work suggests that the clock-like firing of MEC time cells can be modulated by learning, allowing the tracking of various temporal structures that emerge through experience.
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A cognitive map is a suitably structured representation that enables novel computations using previous experience; for example, planning a new route in a familiar space¹. Work in mammals has found direct evidence for such representations in the presence of exogenous sensory inputs in both spatial2,3 and non-spatial domains4–10. Here we tested a foundational postulate of the original cognitive map theory1,11: that cognitive maps support endogenous computations without external input. We recorded from the entorhinal cortex of monkeys in a mental navigation task that required the monkeys to use a joystick to produce one-dimensional vectors between pairs of visual landmarks without seeing the intermediate landmarks. The ability of the monkeys to perform the task and generalize to new pairs indicated that they relied on a structured representation of the landmarks. Task-modulated neurons exhibited periodicity and ramping that matched the temporal structure of the landmarks and showed signatures of continuous attractor networks12,13. A continuous attractor network model of path integration¹⁴ augmented with a Hebbian-like learning mechanism provided an explanation of how the system could endogenously recall landmarks. The model also made an unexpected prediction that endogenous landmarks transiently slow path integration, reset the dynamics and thereby reduce variability. This prediction was borne out in a reanalysis of firing rate variability and behaviour. Our findings link the structured patterns of activity in the entorhinal cortex to the endogenous recruitment of a cognitive map during mental navigation.
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During our daily life, we depend on memories of past experiences to plan future behaviour. These memories are represented by the activity of specific neuronal groups or 'engrams'1,2. Neuronal engrams are assembled during learning by synaptic modification, and engram reactivation represents the memorized experience 1 . Engrams of conscious memories are initially stored in the hippocampus for several days and then transferred to cortical areas 2 . In the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, granule cells transform rich inputs from the entorhinal cortex into a sparse output, which is forwarded to the highly interconnected pyramidal cell network in hippocampal area CA3 3 . This process is thought to support pattern separation 4 (but see refs. 5,6). CA3 pyramidal neurons project to CA1, the hippocampal output region. Consistent with the idea of transient memory storage in the hippocampus, engrams in CA1 and CA2 do not stabilize over time7-10. Nevertheless, reactivation of engrams in the dentate gyrus can induce recall of artificial memories even after weeks 2 . Reconciliation of this apparent paradox will require recordings from dentate gyrus granule cells throughout learning, which has so far not been performed for more than a single day6,11,12. Here, we use chronic two-photon calcium imaging in head-fixed mice performing a multiple-day spatial memory task in a virtual environment to record neuronal activity in all major hippocampal subfields. Whereas pyramidal neurons in CA1-CA3 show precise and highly context-specific, but continuously changing, representations of the learned spatial sceneries in our behavioural paradigm, granule cells in the dentate gyrus have a spatial code that is stable over many days, with low place- or context-specificity. Our results suggest that synaptic weights along the hippocampal trisynaptic loop are constantly reassigned to support the formation of dynamic representations in downstream hippocampal areas based on a stable code provided by the dentate gyrus.
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Musicians can perform at different tempos, speakers can control the cadence of their speech, and children can flexibly vary their temporal expectations of events. To understand the neural basis of such flexibility, we recorded from the medial frontal cortex of nonhuman primates trained to produce different time intervals with different effectors. Neural responses were heterogeneous, nonlinear, and complex, and they exhibited a remarkable form of temporal invariance: firing rate profiles were temporally scaled to match the produced intervals. Recording from downstream neurons in the caudate and from thalamic neurons projecting to the medial frontal cortex indicated that this phenomenon originates within cortical networks. Recurrent neural network models trained to perform the task revealed that temporal scaling emerges from nonlinearities in the network and that the degree of scaling is controlled by the strength of external input. These findings demonstrate a simple and general mechanism for conferring temporal flexibility upon sensorimotor and cognitive functions.
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Network activity is strongly tied to animal movement; however, hippocampal circuits selectively engaged during locomotion or immobility remain poorly characterized. Here we examined whether distinct locomotor states are encoded differentially in genetically defined classes of hippocampal interneurons. To characterize the relationship between interneuron activity and movement, we used in vivo, two-photon calcium imaging in CA1 of male and female mice, as animals performed a virtual-reality (VR) track running task. We found that activity in most somatostatin-expressing and parvalbumin-expressing interneurons positively correlated with locomotion. Surprisingly, nearly one in five somatostatin or one in seven parvalbumin interneurons were inhibited during locomotion and activated during periods of immobility. Anatomically, the somata of somatostatin immobility-activated neurons were smaller than those of movement-activated neurons. Furthermore, immobility-activated interneurons were distributed across cell layers, with somatostatin-expressing cells predominantly in stratum oriens and parvalbumin-expressing cells mostly in stratum pyramidale. Importantly, each cell’s correlation between activity and movement was stable both over time and across VR environments. Our findings suggest that hippocampal interneuronal microcircuits are preferentially active during either movement or immobility periods. These inhibitory networks may regulate information flow in “labeled lines” within the hippocampus to process information during distinct behavioral states.
Hippocampal place cell ensembles form a cognitive map of space during exposure to novel environments. However, surprisingly little evidence exists to support the idea that synaptic plasticity in place cells is involved in forming new place fields. Here we used high-resolution functional imaging to determine the signaling patterns in CA1 soma, dendrites, and axons associated with place field formation when mice are exposed to novel virtual environments. We found that putative local dendritic spikes often occur prior to somatic place field firing. Subsequently, the first occurrence of somatic place field firing was associated with widespread regenerative dendritic events, which decreased in prevalence with increased novel environment experience. This transient increase in regenerative events was likely facilitated by a reduction in dendritic inhibition. Since regenerative dendritic events can provide the depolarization necessary for Hebbian potentiation, these results suggest that activity-dependent synaptic plasticity underlies the formation of many CA1 place fields.
The hippocampus is famous for mapping locations in spatially organized environments, and several recent studies have shown that hippocampal networks also map moments in temporally organized experiences. Here I consider how space and time are integrated in the representation of memories. The brain pathways for spatial and temporal cognition involve overlapping and interacting systems that converge on the hippocampal region. There is evidence that spatial and temporal aspects of memory are processed somewhat differently in the circuitry of hippocampal subregions but become fully integrated within CA1 neuronal networks as independent, multiplexed representations of space and time. Hippocampal networks also map memories across a broad range of abstract relations among events, suggesting that the findings on spatial and temporal organization reflect a generalized mechanism for organizing memories.
Recent studies have shown that hippocampal “time cells” code for sequential moments in temporally organized experiences. However, it is currently unknown whether these temporal firing patterns critically rely on upstream cortical input. Here we employ an optogenetic approach to explore the effect of large-scale inactivation of the medial entorhinal cortex on temporal, as well as spatial and object, coding by hippocampal CA1 neurons. Medial entorhinal inactivation produced a specific deficit in temporal coding in CA1 and resulted in significant impairment in memory across a temporal delay. In striking contrast, spatial and object coding remained intact. Further, we extended the scope of hippocampal phase precession to include object information relevant to memory and behavior. Overall, our work demonstrates that medial entorhinal activity plays an especially important role for CA1 in temporal coding and memory across time.
The medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) has been identified as a hub for spatial information processing by the discovery of grid, border, and head-direction cells. Here we find that in addition to these well-characterized classes, nearly all of the remaining two-thirds of mEC cells can be categorized as spatially selective. We refer to these cells as nongrid spatial cells and confirmed that their spatial firing patterns were unrelated to running speed and highly reproducible within the same environment. However, in response to manipulations of environmental features, such as box shape or box color, nongrid spatial cells completely reorganized their spatial firing patterns. At the same time, grid cells retained their spatial alignment and predominantly responded with redistributed firing rates across their grid fields. Thus, mEC contains a joint representation of both spatial and environmental feature content, with specialized cell types showing different types of integrated coding of multimodal information.
The spatial receptive fields of neurons in medial entorhinal cortex layer II (MECII) and in the hippocampus suggest general and environment-specific maps of space, respectively. However, the relationship between these receptive fields remains unclear. We reversibly manipulated the activity of MECII neurons via chemogenetic receptors and compared the changes in downstream hippocampal place cells to those of neurons in MEC. Depolarization of MECII impaired spatial memory and elicited drastic changes in CA1 place cells in a familiar environment, similar to those seen during remapping between distinct environments, while hyperpolarization did not. In contrast, both manipulations altered the firing rate of MEC neurons without changing their firing locations. Interestingly, only depolarization caused significant changes in the relative firing rates of individual grid fields, reconfiguring the spatial input from MEC. This suggests a novel mechanism of hippocampal remapping whereby rate changes in MEC neurons lead to locational changes of hippocampal place fields.
The lights go on in order Grid cells and place cells in the brain function as part of a circuit that helps us figure out where we are in our physical world. Donato et al. examined how that circuit develops in the brains of mice. Expression patterns of doublecortin and parvalbumin revealed that neurons in the circuit mature in the order in which information flows. Maturation of each piece of the circuit depends on excitatory neuronal activity from the preceding portion. Stellate cells, in contrast, follow an endogenous maturation program. The stellate cells are responsible for initiating the circuit's developmental progression. Science , this issue p. eaai8178
Time is a subjective experience Time, like space, is one of the fundamental dimensions of all our experiences. However, organisms do not work like clocks, and our judgment about the passage of time is variable, depending on circumstances. Soares et al. systematically investigated midbrain dopaminergic neurons during timing behavior in mice (see the Perspective by Simen and Matell). When measuring and manipulating mouse activity, the authors observed that dopaminergic neurons controlled temporal judgments on a time scale of seconds. Science , this issue p. 1273 ; see also p. 1231