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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, the development of an attendance management system using biometrics is proposed. Managing student attendance during lecture periods has become a difficult challenge. The ability to compute the attendance percentage becomes a major task as manual computation produces errors, and also wastes a lot of time. For the stated reason, an efficient attendance management system using biometrics is designed. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a finger print device and the records of the attendance are stored in a database. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a biometric (fingerprint) identification based system is used. This process however, eliminates the need for stationary materials and personnel for the keeping of records. Eighty candidates were used to test the system and success rate of 94% was recorded. The manual attendance system average execution time for eighty students was 17.83 seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the automatic attendance management system using biometrics. The results showed improved performance over manual attendance management system. Attendance is marked after student identification.
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The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 300 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
Development of Attendance Management System using Biometrics.
O. Shoewu, Ph.D.1,2* and O.A. Idowu, B.Sc. 1
1Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Lagos State University, Epe Campus, Nigeria.
2Department of Electrical and Electronics, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.
In this paper, the development of an attendance
management system using biometrics is
proposed. Managing student attendance during
lecture periods has become a difficult challenge.
The ability to compute the attendance percentage
becomes a major task as manual computation
produces errors, and also wastes a lot of time.
For the stated reason, an efficient attendance
management system using biometrics is
designed. This system takes attendance
electronically with the help of a finger print device
and the records of the attendance are stored in a
database. Attendance is marked after student
For student identification, a biometric (fingerprint)
identification based system is used. This process
however, eliminates the need for stationary
materials and personnel for the keeping of
records. Eighty candidates were used to test the
system and success rate of 94% was recorded.
The manual attendance system average
execution time for eighty students was 17.83
seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the
automatic attendance management system using
biometrics. The results showed improved
performance over manual attendance
management system. Attendance is marked after
student identification.
(Keywords: fingerprints, attendance, enrollment,
authentication, identification)
In many institutions, and academic organizations,
attendance is a very important criteria which is
used for various purposes. These purposes
include record keeping, assessment of students,
and promotion of optimal and consistent
attendance in class. In developing countries, a
minimum percentage of class attendance is
required in most institutions and this policy has
not been adhered to, because of the various
challenges the present method of taking
attendance presents. This traditional method
involves the use of sheets of paper or books in
taking student attendance. This method could
easily allow for impersonation and the attendance
sheet could be stolen or lost. Taking of
attendance is time consuming and it is difficult to
ascertain the number of students that have made
the minimum percentage and thus eligible for
exam. Thus, there is a need for a system that
would eliminate all of these trouble spots.
An automatic attendance management system
using biometrics would provide the needed
solution. An attendance management system is a
software developed for daily student attendance
in schools and institutions. It facilitates access to
the attendance of a particular student in a
particular class. This system will also help in
generating reports and evaluating the attendance
eligibility of a student.
Rather than signing an attendance sheet,
individuals will pass their thumb over the
fingerprint scanner, the finger print is compared
against a list of pre-registered users, and once a
match is made, the individual will be registered as
having attended that lecture.
The paper discusses related works in the problem
domain; highlights the general overview of the
proposed system; details design considerations of
the system, both at the hardware and software
level; discusses the operation and how the
system was tested in conformity to system design
and functional objectives; concludes the
observations made; and makes recommendations
for future improvement.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 301 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
A number of related works exist on the application
of different methods and principles to effectively
monitor the attendance of students. In [1], an
embedded computer based lecture attendance
management system was proposed. The system
provides an improvised electronic card and card
reader serially interfaced to the digital computer
Authors in [2], used a wireless attendance
management system that authenticates using the
iris of the individual. The system uses an off-line
iris recognition management system that can
finish all the process including capturing the
image of iris recognition, extracting minutiae,
storing and matching.
Attendance Management has also been carried
out using attendance software that uses
passwords for authentication. The authors in [3]
designed and implemented a system that
authenticates the user based on passwords, this
type of system allows for impersonation since the
password can be shared or tampered with.
Passwords could also be forgotten at times
thereby preventing the user from accessing the
Other attendance solutions are RFID-based
student attendance system and GSM-GPRS
based student attendance system. These are all
device-based solutions. While GSM-GPRS based
systems use position of class for attendance
marking which is not dynamic and if schedule or
location of the class changes, wrong attendance
might be marked. Problem with RFID [7] based
systems is that students have to carry RFID cards
and also the RFID detectors are needed to be
installed [6].
This system, however, is a cost effective
simplified system that uses fingerprints for
identification. The fingerprint is unique to each
individual and cannot be shared. It allows
students to register for lectures with ease and
eliminate errors that are associated with
attendance reports because the system
generates reports at the end of the semester.
The proposed system provides solution to lecture
attendance problems through the use of
attendance management software that is
interfaced to a fingerprint device. The student bio-
data (Matriculation number, Name, Gender and
Date of Birth) and the fingerprint is enrolled first
into the database. The fingerprint is captured
using a fingerprint device.
For attendance, the student places his/ her finger
over the fingerprint device and the student’s
matriculation number is sent to the database as
having attended that particular lecture. At the end
of the semester, reports are generated to specify
the students that are eligible for exams and
percentage of times the student attended lecture.
A simple architecture is shown below.
Figure 1: General Architecture of a Biometric
An Automated Fingerprint Attendance System
(AFAS) is a highly specialized system that
records students’ attendance by comparing a
single fingerprint image with the fingerprint
images previously stored in a database. The
Automated Fingerprint Identification system
(AFIS) is the principle behind the AFAS.
The major factors in designing a fingerprint
attendance system include: choosing the
hardware and software components and
integrating both to work together, defining the
system working mode (verification or
identification), dealing with poor quality images
and other programming language exception, and
defining administration and optimization policy
Student attendance system framework is divided
into three parts: Hardware design, Software
design, Attendance Management Approach and
Report Generation. Each of these is explained
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 302 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
Hardware Architecture
The hardware to be used can be divided into two
categories fingerprint scanner which captures
the image and a personal computer which:
houses the database, runs the comparison
algorithm and simulates the application function.
The fingerprint scanner is connected to the
computer via its USB interface. Basically this
work does not involve the development of
hardware. Using the Secugen Fingerprint Reader,
the GrFinger Software Development Kit (SDK)
toolbox provided by the Griaule (will explain the
detail) can be used as an interface between the
fingerprint reader and the attendance software.
Figure 2: Fingerprint Device.
Software Architecture
The software architecture consists of: the
database and the application program.
Database: The database consists of tables that
stores records implemented in Microsoft
SQLServer database. However, this can be
migrated to any other relational database of
choice. SQLServer is fast and easy, it can store a
very large record and requires little configuration.
Application Program: The application program
is developed with Microsoft C# programming
language using Microsoft Visual Studio
framework and it provides a user interface for the
Attendance Management System. The
advantages of Microsoft C# programming
language are its robustness, easy to program,
has an excellent database connectivity, runs on
the two most common operating system platforms
(Windows and Unix) and it has a larger user
community that provides online support
Methodology and Flowchart
This proposed attendance management system
uses fingerprint identification. In identification, the
system recognizes an individual by comparing
his/her biometrics with every record in the
database. In general, biometric identification
consist of two stages:
i. Enrolment and
ii. Authentication
During enrolment, the biometrics of the user is
captured (using a fingerprint reader, which are
likely to be an optical, solid state or an ultrasound
sensor or other suitable device) and the unique
features are extracted and stored in a database
as a template for the subject along with the
student ID.
The objective of the enrolment module is to admit
a student using his/her ID and fingerprints into a
database after feature extraction. These features
form a template that is used to determine the
identity of the student, formulating the process of
authentication. The enrolment process is carried
out by an administrator in the attendance system.
During authentication, the biometrics of the user
is captured again and the extracted features are
compared (using a matching algorithm) with the
ones already existing in the database to
determine a match. The identification accuracy of
a biometric system [8] is measured with the false
(impostor) acceptance rate (FAR) and the false
(genuine individual) reject rate (FRR). The
FAR/FRR ratios depend, among other factors, on
the type of difficulty of the algorithms used in the
fingerprint extraction. Usually, algorithms with
high-medium complexity lead to acceptable low
However, as it becomes more complex the
computational cost increases which leads to
undesirable high processing times. Thus, the
overall performance of the identification system
should be evaluated in terms of FAR/FRR,
computational cost and other factors such as
security, size and cost. A brief flowchart is shown
in Figure 3.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 303 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
Figure 3: Flowchart of Attendance System Using Biometrics (Fingerprint).
The enrolment and registration phase is an
administrative phase in which the administrator
needs to log in. The user fingerprint as well as the
other bio-data is stored for the first time into the
database for student registration. The courses,
lecturers and exams are also registered at this
phase. All data and information required for the
proper recording of attendance are enrolled.
The lecturer selects the course code and the
attendance type, then the student places his/her
fingerprint on the fingerprint reader; the finger
recognition unit compares the fingerprint features
from Scanner
Student Bio-data and
Course Enrolment
Matric No
Reports Generation
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 304 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
with those stored in the database. The possible
cases are:
Match (of Fingerprint): captured user
fingerprint features are matched with stored
fingerprint templates. The user is automatically
recorded for that lecture/mid-semester
test/semester exam. A message box pops up for
a short interval to show that the user has been
recorded for the attendance. Figure 4 shows a
snapshot of the program.
Figure 4: Attendance Form (Match of fingerprint)
Non-match (of fingerprint): the user is not
accepted for attendance and a message is shown
in the textbox that fingerprint is not found. The
interface is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Attendance form (Non-match of
Reports are generated for each course and the
total number of students for each attendance is
listed and their corresponding status. An example
is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Reports Form for Attendance System.
The test results shows that the system is effective
and it has a fast response. There was no false
identification of students, few cases of false reject
which was later accepted and only pre-registered
students were authenticated. The matrix of the
identified students were enrolled for attendance
The system was tested using the bio-data and
fingerprints collected from eighty (80) students of
the department of Electronics and Computer
Engineering, Lagos State University, Epe, Lagos
State, Nigeria. In the test, there was no false
acceptance i.e. a person that was not pre-
registered was not falsely enrolled for attendance.
There were a few false rejections during the test
in which the system failed to identify some pre-
registered users. The false rejects could be
attributed to improper placement of the finger on
the scanner and fingers that have been slightly
scarred due to injuries.
The 80 candidates are divided into 8 groups of 10
students and a success rate of over 94% was
obtained from the tests carried out. The results of
the test are shown below in the chart (Table 1).
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 305 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
Table 1: Comparison of Success and Failure Rate.
Success (%)
Failure (%)
Figure 7: Comparison of Success and Failure Rate.
The manual attendance system average
execution time for eighty (80) students is
approximately 17.83 seconds as against 3.79
seconds for the this automatic attendance
management system using fingerprint
identification. Reports generation for the
attendance system takes approximately 30s. The
table is a 25 student sample out of the 80 tests
conducted. It can be shown in the graph below
and thus, it can be seen that the automatic
attendance management system using fingerprint
authentication is better and faster than the use
sheets of paper.
The system successfully took the attendance both
at lectures and examinations. The prototype
successfully captured new fingerprints to be
stored in the database; scanned fingerprints
placed on the device sensor and compared them
against those stored in the database successfully.
The performance of the system was acceptable
and would be considered for full implementation
especially because of its short execution time and
reports generation. Everyone who tested the
system was pleased and interested in the product
being developed for use in schools.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 306 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
Table 2: Comparison of the Execution time of Manual Attendance and Attendance System Using
Figure 8: Comparison of Manual Attendance with Attendance Management System.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 307 Volume 13. Number 1. May 2012 (Spring)
The following suggestions should be considered
in carrying out further work on this study:
The system can be linked with the school’s
central database so that the student
registration phase can be eliminated and the
bio-data can be directly from the database.
The university should acquire the fingerprints
of all students at admission.
The components could be chosen and
assembled in a commercialized manner:
instead of a stand-alone fingerprint scanner
and a laptop, the unit could have the
fingerprint scanner, a small LCD screen and
a keypad all attached to the wall of each
The system could be modified into a web
based system so that reports could be
generated anywhere
The system could be adapted for human
resource use i.e. attendance, pension, payroll
processing, etc.
1. Shoewu, O, O.M. Olaniyi, and A. Lawson. 2011.
“Embedded Computer-Based Lecture Attendance
Management System”. African Journal of
Computing and ICT (Journal of IEEE Nigeria
Computer Section). 4(3):27 36.
2. Kadry, S. and M. Smaili. 2010. “Wireless
Attendance Management System Based on Iris
3. Cheng, K., L. Xiang, T. Hirota, and K. Ushijimaa.
2005. “Effective Teaching for Large Classes with
Rental PCs by Web System WTS”. Pro. Data
Engineering Workshop (DEWS2005), 1D d3 (in
4. Chikkerur, S.S. 2005. Online Fingerprint
Verification System”. M.Sc. Thesis. SUNY: Buffalo,
5. Saraswat, C. et al. 2010. “An Efficient Automatic
Attendance System using Fingerprint Verification
Technique”. International Journal on Computer
Science and Engineering. 2(02):264-269.
6. Pankanti, S., S. Prabhakar, and A.K. Jain. 2002.
“On the Individuality of Fingerprints”. IEEE
Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence. 24(8).
7. Shoewu, O. and O. Badejo. 2006. “Radio
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Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 7
8. Nawaz, T., S. Pervaiz, and A.K. Azhar-Ud-Din.
2009. “Development of Academic Attendance
Monitoring System Using Fingerprint
9. Maltoni, D., D. Maio, A.K. Jainl, and S. Prabhaker.
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Springer- Verlag: Berlin, Germany.
MIAENG, serves as a Lecturer at the Lagos State
University, Epe Campus. He earned his Ph.D.,
M.Sc., and B.Sc. from the University of Benin,
University of Lagos and Lagos State University,
respectively. His research interests are in areas
of electronics, computers, and
telecommunications engineering.
O.A. Idowu, B.Sc. concluded her electronic and
computer engineering degree with a first class at
the Lagos State University, Epe Campus.
Shoewu, O. and O.A. Idowu. 2012.
Development of Attendance Management
System using Biometrics”. Pacific Journal of
Science and Technology. 13(1):300-307.
Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
... Shoewu et al. [17] designed an innovative embedded computer-based lecture attendance management system, comprising a single-chip computer subsystem featuring an electronic card and card reader. This electronic card contains essential student information including ID, name, and matriculation number along with five encrypted codes. ...
... Biometrics include fingerprint, facial, retinal, laughter, voice and iris . Fingerprint-based biometric technology aids in eliminating the issue of impersonation because the fingerprint is unique to every individual (Al Amin et al.;Shoewu & Idowu, 2012). Among all the biological characteristics, the use of fingerprints is more widely adopted as a personal identification technique. ...
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In educational institutions and business organizations, efficient attendance recording and monitoring are essential. Traditional manual methods are complex, time-consuming, and inaccurate, allowing impersonation and lacking data availability for analysis. IoT technology offers a solution through smart attendance systems, but most of the existing solutions are not scalable and cannot handle extensive data processing and storage requirements efficiently. Additionally, biometric accuracy and reliability need improvement. Hence, this work presents an IoT-based biometric attendance management system using a Node Microcontroller Unit (NodeMCU), an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), a fingerprint sensor, and a power supply. It features an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) accessible via Android devices or laptops, enabling remote monitoring and reporting through a web application. Tested with multiple students, the system showed ease of implementation, high security, time savings, and improved accuracy and reliability over traditional methods. Key contributions include automatic attendance management and a comparative analysis against existing techniques using metrics such as power consumption, security, speed, cost, functionalities and portability. The system captures and verifies fingerprints in approximately 4 seconds, operates on minimal power (5V), and is cost-effective with locally sourced components. It ensures secure and reliable attendance tracking, eliminating proxy attendance and manual errors by storing data in the cloud.
... Its primary advantages include enhancing the precision of attendance tracking, bolstering security measures, and providing an efficient means of calculating attendance percentages. The system relies on a fingerprint identification mechanism, which cross-references students' biometric data with the records stored in its database [2] Wireless Fingerprint Based College Attendance System Using ZigBee Technology by Gunjan. T, et al. ...
Information is an important part of any system. In the academic world, information is especially very important and essential. Students have to register for courses, take attendance, quizzes, and exams and as well as check their scores. Years after graduating from the school, students come back asking for transcript. It is therefore very important to handle students’ records in a way that is accessible, maintainable and secure. The manual method of cumulating and storing student record is often prone to various degrees of human error and is also unsecured making it exposed to unauthorized personnel. This paper presents the design and development of a biometric student record management that provides an interface between student and the institution to enable prompt checking of grades, as well as track their progress and efficiently record each student’s attendance for every lecture attended through the use of a biometric device.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations manage attendance. In this study, we propose an AI-based smart attendance system using the Local Binary Pattern Histograms (LBPH) and OpenCV algorithm. The system utilizes the LBPH algorithm to perform face recognition, while the OpenCV library provides the necessary tools for computer vision and image processing. The system was tested on a dataset of 40 individuals, and the results showed that it achieved an accuracy of 97%. This study demonstrates that the proposed AI-based smart attendance system using the LBPH and OpenCV algorithm is a viable solution for attendance management and can improve the accuracy, efficiency, and security of traditional attendance systems. Furthermore, the system has the potential to be easily integrated into existing organizational systems, making it a practical and attractive option for organizations looking to adopt AI technology in their attendance management process.
An attendance system is crucial for monitoring student presence in classes, with various methods available such as biometric, RFID card, face recognition, and traditional paper-based systems. Among these, face recognition stands out for its security and efficiency. This research focuses on enhancing the face recognition attendance system's accuracy by minimizing false positives through a confidence threshold based on the Euclidean distance metric. The Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm outperforms other distance-based methods like Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces due to its robustness against grayscale transformations. Face detection relies on Haar cascades for their robustness, while LBPH is employed for recognition. Leveraging LBPH for recognition tasks significantly improves the system’s ability to discern subtle variations in facial features, thereby enhancing overall accuracy. Moreover, the effectiveness of the system heavily relies on robust face detection techniques. Haar cascades are employed for this purpose, leveraging their proven reliability in detecting faces across diverse environmental conditions and camera angles. The system achieves a recognition rate of 77% for students and a false- positive rate of 28%. Notably, it effectively recognizes students even with variations like wearing glasses or facial hair. Face recognition for unknown individuals is approximately 60%,with false-positive rates of 14% and 30% with and without the threshold, respectively.
Traditional methods of managing attendance records, particularly in educational institutions like schools, often rely on manual written records, which can be limited by issues such as lack of transparency and accuracy. This study introduces a web application that aims to overcome these limitations by automating tasks and improving transparency and accuracy through the use of geofencing technology. By creating virtual boundaries around predefined areas and requiring teachers to record their location coordinates during attendance, the system can accurately determine their presence or absence based on their location relative to these boundaries. Offering features like real-time tracking, automated reporting, and trend analysis, this system can provide valuable insights into attendance patterns not only for schools but also for industries like healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing. The attendance tracking system utilizing geofencing technology presents a solution for organizations to efficiently and precisely monitor attendance, enhancing operational efficiency and accountability.
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Electronic cards like magnetic cards and smart cards have been used worldwide for different functions such as electronic payment system (credit card and debit/ATM cards), electronic voting system, personnel identification system and security system. In this paper, we present an electronic card-based solution to the lecture attendance problem in higher institutions in the developing countries. Ours is based on single-chip computer based subsystems interfaced serially to the serial port of the digital computer. The developed system could speed up the process of taking students lecture attendance and allows for error free and faster verification process of authenticating student lecture attendance policy required for writing examination in a campus environment.
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In this paper we propose a system that automates the whole process of taking attendance and maintaining its records in an academic institute. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the organizations, and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people management. When considering academic institutes, taking the attendance of students on daily basis and maintaining the records is a major task. Manually taking the attendance and maintaining it for a long time adds to the difficulty of this task as well as wastes a lot of time. For this reason an efficient system is designed. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a fingerprint sensor and all the records are saved on a computer server. Fingerprint sensors and LCD screens are placed at the entrance of each room. In order to mark the attendance, student has to place his/her finger on the fingerprint sensor. On identification student's attendance record is updated in the database and he/she is notified through LCD screen. No need of all the stationary material and special personal for keeping the records. Furthermore an automated system replaces the manual system.
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RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Technology) is a field of computerizing recognition process that is progressively gaining thrust in recent years and is now being seen as a means of enhancing data handling procedures, complimentary in many ways to other data capture technologies such as bar coding. A variety of devices and associated systems have been developed to satisfy a broad series of applications. Regardless of the diversity of applications, the ideologies upon which they are based are quite understated, even though the technology and technicalities associated with their function can be quite innovative. Just as one need not know the workings of a mobile phone or personal computer to use these items; it is not obligatory to know the technicalities to identify with the principles, considerations, and potential for using RFID in a practical sense. This piece however focuses on the security aspects of the technology and various possible applications apart from regular inventory management.
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Iris recognition verification is one of the most reliable personal identification methods in Biometrics. With the rapid development of iris recognition verification, a number of its applications have been proposed until now including time attendance system etc. In this paper, a wireless iris recognition attendance management system is designed and implemented using Daugman's algorithm (Daugman, 2003). This system based biometrics and wireless technique solves the problem of spurious attendance and the trouble of laying the corresponding network. It can make the users' attendances more easily and effectively.
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The main aim of this paper is to develop an accurate, fast and very efficient automatic attendance system using fingerprint verification technique. We propose a system in which fingerprint verification is done by using extraction of minutiae technique and the system that automates the whole process of taking attendance, Manually which is a laborious and troublesome work and waste a lot of time, with its managing and maintaining the records for a period of time is also a burdensome task. For this purpose we use fingerprint verification system using extraction of minutiae techniques. The experimental result shows that our proposed system is highly efficient in verification of user fingerprint .
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Fingerprint identification is based on two basic premises: (1) persistence and (2) individuality. We address the problem of fingerprint individuality by quantifying the amount of information available in minutiae features to establish a correspondence between two fingerprint images. We derive an expression which estimates the probability of a false correspondence between minutiae-based representations from two arbitrary fingerprints belonging to different fingers. Our results show that (1) contrary to the popular belief, fingerprint matching is not infallible and leads to some false associations, (2) while there is an overwhelming amount of discriminatory information present in the fingerprints, the strength of the evidence degrades drastically with noise in the sensed fingerprint images, (3) the performance of the state-of-the-art automatic fingerprint matchers is not even close to the theoretical limit, and (4) because automatic fingerprint verification systems based on minutia use only a part of the discriminatory information present in the fingerprints, it may be desirable to explore additional complementary representations of fingerprints for automatic matching.
Effective Teaching for Large Classes with Rental PCs by Web System WTS
  • K Cheng
  • L Xiang
  • T Hirota
  • K Ushijimaa
Cheng, K., L. Xiang, T. Hirota, and K. Ushijimaa. 2005. "Effective Teaching for Large Classes with Rental PCs by Web System WTS". Pro. Data Engineering Workshop (DEWS2005), 1D -d3 (in Japanese).
Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition
  • D Maltoni
  • D Maio
  • A K Jainl
  • S Prabhaker
Maltoni, D., D. Maio, A.K. Jainl, and S. Prabhaker. 2003. Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Germany.