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Chadecja – nieudany projekt w III RP. Partie chrześcijańskiej demokracji w Polsce w latach 1991-2001



Odradzająca się po przełomie lat 1989/1990 polska scena polityczna w wielu kwestiach przypominała krajobraz po zakończeniu I wojny światowej i odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości. Wśród szerokiego grona małych partii politycznych pojawiły się formacje chrześcijańskiej demokracji. Tak jak II RP, tak w po 1989 r. nie były one w stanie odegrać znaczącej roli w polskiej polityce, a ich za koniec ich funkcjonowania uznać możemy rok 2001. Celem tego rozdziału jest przedstawienie odpowiedzenie na pytanie dlaczego tego typu partie nie odegrały znaczącej roli, i dlaczego okazały się nieudanym projektem. Autor zwraca uwagę na tradycję chrześcijańskiej demokracji zarówno w Europie Zachodniej jak i Polsce, działalność partii chadeckich w Polsce w 1991-2001 oraz znaczenie Kościoła Katolickiego w Polsce po 1989 r.
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Major study of the role of European Christian democratic parties in the making of the European Union. It radically re-conceptualises European integration in long-term historical perspective as the outcome of partisan competition of political ideologies and parties and their guiding ideas for the future of Europe. Wolfram Kaiser takes a comparative approach to political Catholicism in the nineteenth century, Catholic parties in interwar Europe and Christian democratic parties in postwar Europe and studies these parties' cross-border contacts and co-ordination of policy-making. He shows how well networked party elites ensured that the origins of European Union were predominately Christian democratic, with considerable repercussions for the present-day EU. The elites succeeded by intensifying their cross-border communication and coordinating their political tactics and policy making in government. This is a major contribution to the new transnational history of Europe and the history of European integration.
This article provides an overview of the Church-state situation in Poland, focusing specifically on the role of the Church in post-communist politics and public affairs. First, the nature of Church-state relations under communism is briefly summarised, with particular attention to the reasons for the unique position of the Church in Polish society. Second, the article looks at the Church's engagement in post-communist politics and public affairs, addressing the most explosive and controversial areas targeted by the Church: religious education, abortion, elections and the media. Third, the pot-communist attempts to officially define the status of the Church in Polish society and establish a new basis for Church-state relations are discussed. More specifically, the most important aspects of both the new agreement with the Holy See and the new Polish Constitution are examined. Finally, the article presents an overall asessment of the Church-state situation in post-communist Poland.
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