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High-Order Residual Convolutional Neural Network for
Robust Crop Disease Recognition
Weihui Zeng*
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
University of Science and Technology
of China
P.O. Box 230026, China
Miao Li
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 230031
Jian Zhang
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 230031
Lei Chen
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 230026
Sisi Fang
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 230026
Jingxian Wang
Institute of Intelligent Machines,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 230026
Fast1 and robust recognition of crop diseases is the basis for crop
disease prevention and control. It is also an important guarantee
for crop yield and quality. Most crop disease recognition
methods focus on improving the recognition accuracy on public
datasets, but ignoring the anti-interference ability of the
methods, which result in poor recognition accuracy when the
real scene is applied. In this paper, we propose a high-order
residual convolutional neural network (HOResNet) for accurate
and robust recognizing crop diseases. Our HOResNet is capable
of exploiting low-level features with object details and high-level
features with abstract representation simultaneously in order to
improve the anti-interference ability. Furthermore, in order to
better verify the anti-interference ability of our approach, we
introduce a new dataset, which contains 9,214 images of six
diseases of Rice and Cucumber. This dataset is collected in the
natural environment. The images in the dataset have different
sizes, shooting angles, poses, backgrounds and illuminations.
Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our approach
achieves the highest accuracy on the datasets tested. In addition,
when the input images are added to different levels of noise
interference, our approach still obtains higher recognition
accuracy than other methods.
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CSAE '18, October 22–24, 2018, Hohhot, China
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6512-3/18/10…$15.00
• Computing methodologies → Artificial intelligence;
Computer vision; Computer vision representations; Image
High-order residual convolutional neural network, crop disease
recognition, robustness
Fast and accurate recognition of crop diseases is the basis for
crop disease prevention and control, and is also an important
guarantee for crop yield and quality. The diagnosis of crop
diseases in traditional agriculture mainly depends on naked eyes.
However, because of the lack of professional knowledge of
farming and the lack of opportunity to stay with farmers with
agricultural expertise, the best time to prevent and control crop
disease is easy to be missed. In recent years, with the rapid
development of image processing, pattern recognition, and
computer vision in various fields, using computer technology to
automatically recognize and diagnose crop diseases provide a
feasible solution to the problems mentioned above [1-12].
When crops are infected with diseases, the leaves typically
appear in a certain form of disease. These disease forms are
diverse and complex in size, color, texture, and venation, as
shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, crop diseases can be automatically
recognized and diagnosed by processing leaf disease images.
Current methods devote huge efforts on improving recognition
accuracy on the public datasets, while ignoring the important
anti-interference ability of the methods [1-4]. When such
approaches are applied to real scenes, they may fail to deal with
those disease leaves with various noise disturbances. However,
CSAE2018, October 2018, Hohhot, China Weihui Zeng et al.
improving the anti- interference ability of recognition algorithm
is the key to the practical application.
In this paper, we propose a high-order residual convolutional
neural network (HOResNet) for accurate and robust recognizing
crop diseases. In summary, the main contributions of this work
We propose a HOResNet deep network and demonstrate
its effectiveness on the anti-interference task.
To better verify the anti-interference ability of our
HOResNet, we introduce a new dataset, which is collected
in the natural environment and contains a variety of
complex scene changes.
We provide extensive experiments to evaluate the
effectiveness of our approach. Our approach achieves the
highest accuracy on the datasets tested, even after adding
noises to the input images.
Figure 1: Visual examples of our introduced new dataset:
AES-CD9214, which contains various natural scenes, such
as different object sizes, shooting angles, poses, and
In this section, we review previous work related to this work.
Numerous work of identifying crop diseases have been proposed
in the last decade [4-15]. According to the basic ideas, we can
classify them into two categories: approach based on
handcrafted representations and approach based on deep
2.1 Handcrafted Representation based
Approach based on handcrafted representations typically extract
handcrafted representations from crop disease images, and then
select a proper classifier to identify classes [16-20]. Omrani et al.
[1] propose a method to address the recognition of three leaf
diseases of apple. They compare the recognition results of
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) based classifier. Their results show that the SVM
classifier obtains higher recognition accuracy than the ANN
classifier when employing handcrafted features. Wang et al. [2]
exploit color features to recognize the leaf disease of Cucumber.
Ma et al. [3] use color, texture, and shape features to identify the
Cucumber Downy Mildew in Greenhouse. Because of the
limitations of handcrafted features, the accuracy of these
approaches is not satisfactory, especially when dealing with
complex scenes with multiple categories.
2.2 Deep Representation based Approaches
Benefit from the successful application of deep neural network
in the field of image classification, numerous classic
classification models have been proposed, such as LeNet [4],
AlexNet [5], GoogleNet [6], VGG [7], ResNet [8], and SENet [9].
For crop disease recognition, Mohanty et al. attempt to use
GoogLeNet and AlexNet to classify 26 disease types on
PlantVillage dataset [11]. Their results show that their approach
based on deep representation outperforms approach based on
handcrafted representations. Besides, the classification accuracy
of GoogLeNet [6] is higher than AlexNet [5]. Durmu et al.
propose to identify tomato disease based on deep learning. The
AlexNet [5] and SqueezeNet [10] models are used in their
approach to classify the images of tomato disease in PlantVillage
dataset [11]. It shows that the recognition accuracy of the
AlexNet model is slightly higher than that of the SqueezeNet
model, but the model size and the computation time is also
doubled. Their approach uses entire face images at all stages
instead of only using local patches. These work focus on
improving the recognition accuracy, while ignoring the
important anti-interference ability of deep network [12-15].
Albeahdili et al. [21] propose a multi-stage convolutional neural
network to extract multi-scale features for improving the
robustness of image recognition. Their method is evaluated on
MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 datasets and achieves
comparable results. To tackle face images with large variation in
head pose, Kowalski et al. [22] propose a deep alignment
network to align face robustly. These two work indicate that the
robustness of network has attracted much attention from
In this section, we introduce our high-order residual
convolutional neural network (HOResNet) in details. Firstly, we
detail the architecture of our HOResNet, especially the residual
block. Then, we introduce the network parameter in each layer
and the loss function employed, which will clearly show the
simplicity of our HOResNet. Finally, implementation details are
3.1 Architecture of the Proposed HOResNet
The residual network [8] has achieved great success on Large
Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC). In fact, the effect
of high-order residual network is not discussed in details in
previous work; especially its anti-interference ability in
identifying crop diseases is ignored. In this work, we
demonstrate that the high- order residual network is able to
improve the anti-interference ability of deep network.
We define a residual block, as shown in Fig. 2, in which the sum
layer sends the sum of two inputs to the next layer. There are
three convolution layers in a residual block. Note that the middle
Figure 3: Overall architecture of our high-order residual convolutional neural network (HOResNet) for accurate and robust
recognizing crop diseases.
Figure 2: Demonstration of our residual block containing
three convolution layers. This residual block is the basic
unit of our HOResNet network and is denoted as a green
block in Fig. 3.
layer uses 1×1 kernel to change the channels of previous layer.
Fig. 3 shows the overall architecture of our HOResNet. In Fig. 3,
a green block represents a residual block defined in Fig. 2. Given
a crop disease image, our network uses five convolutional layers,
four residual blocks, a global average pooling layer, and a
softmax layer to directly output the class probability of input
image. In Fig. 3, we concatenate outputs of first three residual
blocks in order to effectively exploit different layer features,
because there is a key observation that this concatenation
operation can provide richer features (containing low-level and
high level features) for the later network layer and improve the
robustness of the network. We call this concatenation operation
a high-order residual block (HORB). In the experiment, we will
demonstrate the effectiveness of HORB.
3.2 Network Parameter and Loss Function
Our HOResNet is a simple and fast convolutional neural network.
Table 1 lists the parameter details of the proposed HOResNet.
Note that the parameter details of residual block are shown in
Fig. 2. We only use 1 × 1 and 3 × 3 two types of kernel size in
order to reduce the number of network parameters, which is
helpful for avoiding overfitting. Besides, we use a deeper rather
than a wider strategy to design each layer of the channel number.
Specifically, we use small channels on each layer. Besides, we
use softmax as the objective function, which is formulated as
follows: where 𝑥
denotes 𝑛
training sample and 𝑦
𝐶 is the corresponding label. 𝑀 and C denote the numbers of
training samples and classes. 𝑝. is an indicator function.
Table 1: Parameter Details of the Proposed HOResNet
Layer Output size
Filter size
(h × w)/stride
Pooling size
(h × w)/stride
3 × 3/1 -
- -
- -
- -
3 × 3/1 -
3 × 3/1 -
Max pool
- 2 × 2/2
3 × 3/1 -
1 × 1/1 -
- -
GAP 1 × 192
- -
Softmax 1 × 6 - -
3.3 Implementation Details
We train our HOResNet network on the train sets from two
datasets: PlantVillage [11] and AES-CD9214. It takes around 20
minutes for 100 epochs on a machine with an Nvidia GPU 1080i.
Typically, after training 50 epochs, our HOResNet is capable of
producing satisfactory accuracy. The loss function of Eq. (1) is
optimized using Adam algorithm with an initial learning rate of
. The batch size is set to 120. During the testing stage, to
demonstrate the anti-interference ability of the proposed
HOResNet network, we add different degrees of Gaussian and
Salt & Pepper noises to the test image to evaluate the recognition
accuracy of our network.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Dataset: Our approach is tested on the PlantVillage dataset [11]
and our introduced AES-CD9214 dataset. The PlantVillage [11]
is a large collection to solve the problem of plant disease
diagnosis, as shown in Table 2. It is open to all researchers. This
dataset contains both the disease and healthy leaf images of
multiple plants. The AES-CD9214 is a challenging dataset, which
is collected in the natural environment. The images in the
dataset have different sizes, shooting angles, poses, backgrounds
and illumination. Table 3 shows each class and number of
corresponding images. The number of examples in AES-CD9214
𝑘log 𝑒
CSAE2018, October 2018, Hohhot, China Weihui Zeng et al.
Table 2: The disease name and number of corresponding images in PlantVillage dataset [11]
Disease name Tomato
bacterial spot
late blight
Tomato septoria
leaf spot
Tomato spider mites
two spotted spider
Tomato target
Number of
Images 2127 1591 1909 1771 1676 1404
Table 3: The disease name and number of corresponding images in our introduced AES-CD9214 dataset
Disease name Rice sheath
blight Rice blast Rice flax
powdery mildew
Cucumber downy
Cucumber target
Number of Images 3559 2741 795 763 780 576
Figure 4: Comparison results of noise level vs recognition accuracy on challenging AES-CD9214 dataset. Our high-order
residual network obviously outperforms other methods by a large margin.
Table 4: Comparison of Recognition Accuracy on
PlantVillage Dataset
Approaches Recognition Accuracy
Conventional Network 0.8859
Feedback Network 0.9093
Our High-Order Residual Network 0.9179
Table 5: Comparison of Recognition Accuracy on AES-
CD9214 Dataset
Approaches Recognition Accuracy
Conventional Network 0.8829
Feedback Network 0.8856
Our High-Order Residual
Network 0.9014
dataset is unbalance, which is challenging to the recognition
methods. The 20% images of the PlantVillage [11] and AES-
CD9214 datasets are used as test sets, 80% as training sets.
Compared methods: We compare with the conventional CNN
without high-order residual block and the feedback CNN. The
feedback CNN is similar to recurrent neural networks and has
the ability to resist interference. Therefore, there are two
methods to compare with our approach.
4.2 Comparison of Recognition Accuracy
Table 4 and Table 5 report the comparison of recognition
accuracy on PlantVillage [11] and AES-CD9214 datasets,
respectively. The results show that our high-order residual
network outperforms other methods on both two datasets, which
well demonstrates the effectiveness of high-order residual block
for obtaining high recognition accuracy. Note that the
recognition accuracy is not very high in Table 4 and Table 5,
because we adopt a relatively simple network (see Fig. 3 and
Table 1). We believe that by increasing the high-order residual
blocks and the training data, the recognition accuracy can be
further improved.
4.3 Comparison of Recognition Robustness
To evaluate the anti-interference ability of the proposed
HOResNet network, we add different degrees of Gaussian and
Salt & Pepper noises to the test images to evaluate the
recognition accuracy of our network.
Results on challenging AES-CD9214 dataset: Fig. 4
demonstrates the experimental results. The horizontal axis and
vertical axis represent the noise intensity added and the
recognition accuracy, respectively. Obviously, with the increase
of noise intensity, the accuracy of all recognition methods
decreases. Besides, the accuracy of our high-order residual
network is higher than that of other methods in terms of
High-Order Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Robust
Crop Disease Recognition
CSAE2018, October 2018, Hohhot, China
different noise types and noise levels. The performance
advantage of our approach is especially obvious when the noise
intensity is large. These results well demonstrate the anti-
interference ability of our approach.
Results on PlantVillage dataset [11]: Table 6-Table 8 show
the experimental results of noise level vs. recognition accuracy
on PlantVillage dataset. When adding Gaussian noise and hybrid
noise (both Gaussian and Salt& Pepper noises), our approach
achieves better performance than other methods. When adding
Salt& Pepper noise, the performance of Feedback Network
method is better, but our approach achieves the similar accuracy.
Overall, our approach outperforms other methods in most cases.
Table 6: Comparison of Recognition Accuracy on
PlantVillage Dataset when Adding Gaussian Noise
Level 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Conventional Network 0.5661 0.3709 0.2936 0.2778
Feedback Network 0.6520 0.3981 0.3079 0.2797
Our High-order
Residual Network 0.6401 0.5103 0.3613 0.2821
Table 7: Comparison of Recognition Accuracy on
PlantVillage Dataset when Adding Salt& Pepper Noise
Level 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Conventional Network 0.7566 0.6010 0.5241 0.4697
Feedback Network 0.8907 0.8301 0.7017 0.5809
Our High-order
Residual Network 0.8826 0.7642 0.6477 0.6038
Table 8: Comparison of Recognition Accuracy on
PlantVillage Dataset when Adding GaussianandSalt&
Pepper Noise
0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Conventional Network 0.3208 0.2897 0.2811 0.3208
Feedback Network 0.5480 0.3399 0.2835 0.2530
Our High-order
Residual Network 0.5947 0.4010 0.2797 0.2363
We have introduced a high-order residual convolutional neural
network (HOResNet) for accurate and robust recognizing crop
diseases. Besides, to better verify the anti-interference ability of
our approach, we introduce a new dataset: AES-CD9214, which
can contribute to the study of whole community. Extensive
experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the
proposed approach. Our approach outperforms other methods
on the datasets tested. In addition, when the input image is
added to different levels of noise interference, our approach still
obtains higher recognition accuracy than other methods. In the
future, we consider combining the high-order residual block and
feedback block to obtain more accurate and robust recognition
This work was partially supported by the 13th Five-year Infor-
matization Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No.
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