Conference Paper

The importance of hands-on learning

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As trainers we must focus on the learners outcome. Hands-on learning allows students to incorporate what is being taught into real world situations, thus allowing the student to retain more information. By allowing students to interact with one another as in role-play, practical applications or simulations they can relate what they are learning to their own work environment. Plus it helps cement the concepts of the learning into their long-term memory. If the hands-on activity is positive they will use it as training tool themselves. Remember: ➢ Adult learners need to understand why they are learning a new task/skill ➢ Adults learn better through active experience than passive listening ➢ Adults learn better through interacting with one another than working alone.

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İnsanların yaşamıyla bütünleşen mekân, sadece barınma eyleminin gerçekleştiği boşluklardan çıkarılarak farklı disiplinler-de ele alınan ve soyut birçok çıkarımları içeren bir kavramdır. Mekânın kavramının sinema ile kurduğu bağlam, sinemanın görsel sanatlarda etkin bir alan olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. İç mimarlık ve sinema ara kesitinde ortak bir payda arayışı-na girerek sahne ve mekân kavramları arasında bir bağlam oluşturulması, tasarım eğitiminde disiplinler arası çalışmalar için etken bir girişim olarak nitelendirilebilir. Bu çalışmada, iç mimarlık bölümü öğrencilerinin sahne ve mekân arasında bağlam kurarak kavramsa ilişkinin somutlaştırması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerinden birer film seçerek izlenilmesi istenmiştir. İzlenilen filmler sonrasında film okuması yapılarak filmi izleyen öğrencilerden en etkileyici sahne-nin belirlenmesi istenmiştir. Sonrasında seçilen sahneler, öğrenciler tarafından el becerisi ile çizilmiştir. Çalışma çerçeve-sinde yapılan bu süreç, SWOT analizi ile analiz edilmiştir.
Disasters and epidemics have an impact on how societies live. The educational system also exhibits these negative traits. With the emergence of Covid-19, the distance education system, which has been discussed for years to be integrated into the educational system, has become inevitable. Face-to-face instruction resumed when the pandemic's effects were lessened, but the earthquake with its epicenter in Kahramanmaraş, which occurred on February 6, 2023, and was dubbed the disaster of the century, had an impact on every aspect of our nation's education system. Due to the earthquake, students who were enrolled in universities during the spring semester of 2022–2023 began their first stage of distance education. Despite the decision to use a hybrid education system, many students continued their education via distance learning. Similar to the theoretical courses, many students have received applied knowledge from the departments offering design education through the distance education system. Based on the opportunities provided by technology, distance education has entered our educational system to play a redeeming role against such undesirable negatives. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of face-to-face, online, and hybrid educational systems using students who enroll in applied design courses. Survey and analysis techniques were used as methods in the research. The survey applied in line with the determined method covers a total of 920 students receiving design education in the interior architecture discipline. As a result of the analysis, it was found that it is more efficient to conduct applied courses with a face-to-face education system.
Conference Paper
In 2010 we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the invention of the laser. While we have come a long way with technology safety has lagged in one important area. Still today the most common laser incident is an individual (usually student) performing some type of beam manipulation and not wearing proper protective eyewear and being struck by a stray or direct beam. The LSO and their institution need to spend more time working on changing user’s safety culture, in order to make a significant impact on the number of laser accidents. This presentation will highlight some ways to change ones laser safety culture.
No laser user wants to sustain a laser eye injury. Unfortunately, many laser users, most commonly experienced researchers and inexperienced graduate students, are the injured person. More unforgiveable is the general acceptance of this scenario as part of the research & development experience. How do senior researchers, safety personnel and management stop this trend? The answer lies in a cultural change that involves institutional training, user mentoring, hazard awareness by users and administrative controls. None of these would inhibit research activities. As a matter of fact, proper implementation of these controls would increase research productivity.
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