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Current-limiting characteristics of saturated iron-core fault current limiters in VSC-HVDC systems based on electromagnetic energy conversion mechanism



A common method to examine the current-limiting performance of saturated iron-core fault current limiter (SI-FCL) in high-voltage direct-current transmission based on voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC) systems is to solve differential equations based on the system fault transient characteristics and the equivalent inductance calculation equation. This method analyzes the fault current of the VSC-HVDC system in the time domain. However, it is computationally complex and cannot directly reflect the relationship between parameters and the current-limiting effect of the SI-FCL. In this paper, the relationship between the magnetic flux density and magnetic field energy of the SI-FCL is analyzed. The energy exchange between the DC capacitor and the SI-FCL in the DC short circuit fault process is analyzed. From the perspective of electromagnetic energy conversion, the criterion for determining the current-limiting ability of the SI-FCL in the transient process is given based on the parameters of the SI-FCL and VSC-HVDC system. On this basis, the characteristics of the DC side fault current and the capacitor voltage when the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability are examined. Based on the parameters of the SI-FCL and VSC-HVDC system, a method for calculating the fault current peak value and capacitor voltage drop time is given. Finally, the accuracy of the analysis of the SI-FCL in the VSC-HVDC system based on the electromagnetic energy conversion mechanism is demonstrated through a case study and simulation results of the VSC-HVDC system with different SI-FCLs.
Current-limiting characteristics of saturated iron-core fault
current limiters in VSC-HVDC systems based on electromagnetic
energy conversion mechanism
Botong LI
, Hanqing CUI
, Fangjie JING
, Bin LI
, Yichao LIU
Abstract A common method to examine the current-lim-
iting performance of saturated iron-core fault current lim-
iter (SI-FCL) in high-voltage direct-current transmission
based on voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC) systems
is to solve differential equations based on the system fault
transient characteristics and the equivalent inductance
calculation equation. This method analyzes the fault cur-
rent of the VSC-HVDC system in the time domain. How-
ever, it is computationally complex and cannot directly
reflect the relationship between parameters and the current-
limiting effect of the SI-FCL. In this paper, the relationship
between the magnetic flux density and magnetic field
energy of the SI-FCL is analyzed. The energy exchange
between the DC capacitor and the SI-FCL in the DC short
circuit fault process is analyzed. From the perspective of
electromagnetic energy conversion, the criterion for
determining the current-limiting ability of the SI-FCL in
the transient process is given based on the parameters of
the SI-FCL and VSC-HVDC system. On this basis, the
characteristics of the DC side fault current and the capac-
itor voltage when the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability
are examined. Based on the parameters of the SI-FCL and
VSC-HVDC system, a method for calculating the fault
current peak value and capacitor voltage drop time is
given. Finally, the accuracy of the analysis of the SI-FCL
in the VSC-HVDC system based on the electromagnetic
energy conversion mechanism is demonstrated through a
case study and simulation results of the VSC-HVDC sys-
tem with different SI-FCLs.
Keywords Electromagnetic energy, Saturated iron-core
fault current limiter (SI-FCL), High-voltage direct-current
transmission based on voltage source converter (VSC-
HVDC) system, Fault analysis
1 Introduction
High-voltage direct-current transmission based on volt-
age source converter (VSC-HVDC) systems are a new type
of DC transmission technology with fully controllable
power electronic devices, which is one key technology in
the research and development of the smart grid [1]. The
characteristics of the converter structure and the control
strategy of the VSC-HVDC system result in high peak
value and fast rising speed of the DC side fault current. A
large fault current can easily damage converter components
and protective devices [2,3], yet is difficult to eliminate
immediately. Therefore, current-limiting technology is
introduced to suppress the DC side fault current, and slow
down the capacitor voltage drops. Meanwhile, this tech-
nology can effectively protect equipment [4], relax the
requirements on the DC breaker in terms of the speed and
CrossCheck date: 13 July 2018
Received: 10 November 2017 / Accepted: 13 July 2018
The Author(s) 2018
&Botong LI
Hanqing CUI
Fangjie JING
Bin LI
Yichao LIU
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education,
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy
capacity, and reduce the difficulty of designing the pro-
tection scheme.
As current-limiting technology is critical to the VSC-
HVDC system, much related research has been performed
and results achieved. Reference [5] analyzed the influence
of the location of resistance-type superconductive fault
current limiters (SFCLs) on the DC side fault. They pointed
out that installing the resistance-type SFCL on the DC side
could successfully limit the DC fault current in the case of
a DC line fault. Reference [6] studied the current-limiting
effect of the resistance-type SFCL in the single-pole
ground fault and inter-pole fault at the DC side, and the
simulation results revealed that the resistance-type SFCL
has a significant effect on the DC side fault. Reference [7]
examined application cases of the resistance-type SFCL in
a three-terminal VSC-HVDC system, and proved the lim-
iting effect of this STCL on various types of DC side fault
current. Reference [8] analyzed the performance of the
resistance-type SFCL in a multi-terminal VSC-HVDC
system connected with an offshore wind farm, and their
transient analysis for different perturbations proved that the
resistance-type SFCL can reduce the fault current for both
DC and AC faults. Reference [9] analyzed the coordination
of fault current limitation in an electric power grid with
multiple SFCLs to further limit fault current rise. Refer-
ence [10] proposed a new resistance-type SFCL that can
reduce the fault current to 50% of the original value within
2 ms. To limit the fault current, the resistance of the fault
circuit is increased by installing a resistance-type SFCL in
the VSC-HVDC system.
Some literatures have also proposed limiting the fault
current by increasing the circuit inductance [11]. Reference
[12] designed an inductive SFCL and the simulation results
revealed that this SFCL has a significant effect on the DC
side fault. Reference [13] analyzed the impact of different
inductance values in the VSC-HVDC system on the DC
side fault current. Reference [14] offered an optimal design
scheme of installing the current-limiting inductor in a
multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system, and proved that this
scheme can effectively deaccelerate the rise in fault cur-
rent. Reference [15] designed a protective inductor for the
VSC-HVDC system of an offshore wind farm to limit the
current. The coordination relationships among converter,
DC circuit breaker and DC SFCL were studied and some
technical indicators were proposed to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the SFCL in [16].
Though inductors at the DC side can serve as current
limiters, large reactance will reduce the dynamic response
speed and can easily cause parallel resonance. In normal
operation, the equivalent inductance of saturated iron-core
fault current limiters (SI-FCL) is so small that it has no
effect on the VSC-HVDC system. When a DC side fault
occurs, the equivalent inductance increases rapidly to limit
the fault current. Thus, this approach is superior to instal-
ling inductors.
Some researches have also investigated the current-
limiting effect of the SI-FCL in the VSC-HVDC system.
Reference [11] proved the current-limiting effect of the SI-
FCL in the VSC-HVDC system. Reference [17] analyzed
the transient process of the DC side fault in the VSC-
HVDC system with the SI-FCL, and gave the relationship
between the peak value of the fault current and the SI-FCL
parameters. Reference [18] analyzed the leakage magnetic
flux of the SI-SFCL and proposed the equivalent magnetic
circuit model considering the effect of leakage magnetic
flux. Reference [19] introduced the application of the
active SI-SFCL in the VSC-HVDC system.
The analysis method in these papers solves the DC side
circuit differential equation with the equivalent inductance
of the SI-FCL in the DC side fault condition. However,
owing to the nonlinearity of the equivalent inductance, the
calculation involved is enormous and error prone. Other
researches mainly focused on the application of the SI-FCL
to the AC system, which is not applicable to the VSC-
HVDC system [2022].
To analyze the current-limiting effect of the SI-FCL in
the VSC-HVDC system, this paper analyzes the energy
exchange between the SI-FCL and the DC capacitor after
the DC side fault occurs. The relationship between the DC
side fault current and the parameters of the SI-FCL is
studied, and a rapid and effective analytical method of the
current-limiting performance of the SI-FCL is proposed in
this paper.
2 Analysis of energy variation process of SI-FCL
with changing magnetic flux density
The basic structure of the SI-FCL is shown in Fig. 1,
which includes one iron-core, one coil connected with the
DC side of the VSC-HVDC system, and one excitation coil
with a DC-biased source circuit. To reduce the run-time
Coil 2
Coil 1
DC source
Fig. 1 Structure of SI-FCL for VSC-HVDC system
Botong LI et al.
loss, the excitation coil can be made of superconductive
In Fig. 1, coil 1 is the excitation coil and coil 2 is the
coil connected with the DC side of the VSC-HVDC sys-
tem; N
is the turn number of coil 1 and N
is the turn
number of coil 2; i
is the current of coil 1 generally
excited by a constant current source; thus, i
is considered
as constant; i
is the current of the DC side of the VSC-
HVDC system.
The topology of the VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCLs
is shown in Fig. 2. To limit the DC side fault current, SI-
FCLs are installed in the converter station export. The
locations are also shown in Fig. 2.
As shown in Fig. 3, the magnetic flux density–magnetic
field intensity B–H curve of the iron core used in the SI-
SFCL is divided into the saturated region and the unsatu-
rated region signified by points K
and K
. When the VSC-
HVDC system works normally, the magnetic flux density
of the iron core is in the positive saturated region, the
permeability of the iron core is small, and the equivalent
inductance of the SI-FCL is extremely small; thus, its
influence on the VSC-HVDC system is slight. When a DC
side short-circuit fault occurs, the greatly increased fault
current forces the magnetic flux density of the core into the
non-saturated region. Subsequently, the equivalent induc-
tance of the SI-FCL rises rapidly with the increase in
permeability, and the fault current is limited by the SI-
From the perspective of electromagnetic energy con-
servation, the electric energy is absorbed and converted
into magnetic field energy by the SI-FCL after a DC side
fault. Thereafter, the magnetic field energy draws the
magnetic flux density from the positive saturated region
into the unsaturated region. During this process, the mag-
netic permeability of the iron core increases, and so does
the equivalent inductance of the SI-FCL. The energy
conversion of the SI-FCL is analyzed at the stage when the
magnetic flux density moves from the positive saturated
region into the unsaturated region.
2.1 Theoretical analysis of energy change of SI-FCL
with varying magnetic flux density
For simplicity, it is assumed that the cross-section areas
of the iron core denoted by Sare identical. The magnetic
flux density is B. The relationship between the magnetic
flux density Band the current of the DC side of the VSC-
HVDC system i
can be expressed by the following
equation according to the relevant knowledge of magnetic
circuit analysis [23]:
where lis the overall length of the core; His the magnetic
field intensity. From the energy calculation formula, we
can see that the energy variation of the SI-FCL in the
period of t
u2i2dt¼Sl ZB2
where B
is the magnetic flux density at time t
is the
magnetic flux density at time t
;Sis the cross-section of the
iron core.
According to the BHcurve in Fig. 3, the energy vari-
ation of the SI-FCL after the fault is:
þSl ZBt
where B
is the magnetic flux density before the fault and
in the saturated region; B
is the magnetic flux density at a
time point after the fault and in the non-saturated region; B
is the magnetic flux density of point K
Because the variation of the magnetic flux density in the
saturated region is negligible, B
. Hence, (3) can be
simplified as follow:
D3 D5
D6D4 D2
Fig. 2 Topology of VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCLs
-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000
Magnetic field intensity H (m/A)
Magnetic flux density B (T)
K2 Positive saturated
Negative saturated
Unsaturated region
Fig. 3 BHcurve of iron core
Current-limiting characteristics of saturated iron-core fault current limiters in VSC-HVDC
According to the BHcurve of the iron core in Fig. 3,
we obtain the permeability–magnetic flux density l
Bcurve shown in Fig. 4that depicts the lBrelationship of
the core. It can be seen from the Fig. 4, that the lBcurve
is linear in the unsaturated region.
Therefore, the first-order polynomial can be used to fit
the relationship between the permeability land the mag-
netic flux density Bwith high accuracy. The fitting equa-
tion is:
l¼mB þn0BBk
mB þnBkB\0
where the values of mand ndepend on the material of the
iron core.
The l
Bcurve in Fig. 4is obtained from (5). Com-
pared with the l
Bcurve, it can be seen that (5) can well
fit the non-saturated region of the l–B curve, but is not
consistent with the saturated region.
According to (3) and (5), when the magnetic flux density
Bchanges from the positive saturation region to the
unsaturated region, the relationship between the energy
variation DW
and the magnetic flux density B
k2ln lBk
k2ln lBk
where l
is the permeability when the magnetic flux
density is B
When the magnetic flux density is in the unsaturated
region, the relationship between the energy variation and
the magnetic flux density can be reflected by (6). Thus, the
variation of magnetic field energy can be calculated by (6)
only when the magnetic flux density varies from the knee
point to the unsaturated region.
2.2 Simulation and verification of SI-FCL energy
change with varying magnetic flux density
To verify the correctness of (6), a simulation model of
the SI-FCL is established in PSpice. A single-phase
transformer model with saturated characteristics was built
to simulate the SI-FCL, and the parameters of the model
are listed in Table 1.
The excitation coil is connected to a ramp-type current
source that generates current to drive the magnetic flux
density of the SI-FCL from the positive saturated region
across the unsaturated region into the negative saturated
region. Current i
, voltage u
, and the magnetic flux density
are recorded constantly in the simulation. According to (2),
the energy variation of the SI-FCL from the simulation
start time to a certain time can be calculated, and then the
relationship between the energy variation and magnetic
flux density can be obtained, which is shown as the DW
Bcurve in Fig. 5with cross marks.
Based on (6), the relationship between the energy vari-
ation and the magnetic flux density is calculated and shown
as the DW
–B curve in Fig. 5with circle marks.
In Fig. 5, the two curves coincide well when the mag-
netic flux density varies from the positive saturated region
near the point K
to the unsaturated region. Equation (6)
proves to be accurate in calculating the energy variation of
the SI-FCL with the magnetic flux density ranging from the
positive saturated region to the unsaturated region.
3 Current-limiting performance analysis of SI-
FCL in VSC-HVDC system
The structure of the two-level VSC-HVDC system is
shown in Fig. 2. The DC side faults in the system can be
categorized as two-pole short-circuit fault, single-pole
short-circuit fault and disconnection fault, among which
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Magnetic flux density B (T)
saturated region
saturated region
Fig. 4 lBcurve of iron core
Table 1 Parameters of SI-FCL simulation model
Parameter Value
Length of the core (l)6m
Cross-section areas (S) 1.1 m
Winding number of coil 1 (N
) 1500
Winding number of coil 2 (N
) 150
Current of the excitation coil (i
Magnetic flux density of point K(B
) 2.3 T
Botong LI et al.
the two-pole short-circuit fault is the most harmful.
Therefore, this paper analyzes the energy exchange process
of the DC side in the case of a two-pole short-circuit fault.
On this basis, the current-limiting performance of the SI-
FCL is studied.
When a DC side fault occurs, the insulated-gate bipolar
transistors of the inverter will be blocked under self-pro-
tection. At this time, the capacitor voltage U
is greater
than the peak value of the inter-phase voltage of the AC
side. Additionally, the AC side system cannot supply
power to the DC side system through the free-wheel
diodes. The DC side system can be regarded as a circuit
structure in which the capacitor discharges to the short-
circuit point. After the capacitor voltage drops below the
peak value of the inter-phase voltage of the AC side, the
free-wheel diodes will turn on, and will most likely be
damaged by the fault current [3]. Therefore, the SI-FCL
that provides ample time for the breaker to clear the fault
should limit the fault current and delay the voltage drop
time of the capacitor before the free-wheel diodes turns
In the most serious scenario, in which the resistance of
the SI-FCL ignored, and a short-circuit fault occurs at the
junction of the DC rail and the power cable, the DC side
system is equivalent to the simplified circuit as shown in
Fig. 6until the free-wheel diodes turn on.
For the circuit shown in Fig. 6, the capacitor voltage at
initial time t
is denoted as U
, a time point after the fault
is denoted as t
, and the voltage at time t
is denoted as
. The energy variation of the capacitor in the period t
dc1 1
dc2 ð7Þ
As observed from the equivalent circuit in Fig. 6, the
electric field energy variation of the capacitor is equal to
the magnetic field energy variation of the SI-FCL, DW
. According to the relationship between DW
and the
magnetic flux density Bshown in Fig. 5, it can be seen that
the magnetic flux density Bwill gradually alter from the
positive saturated region to the negative saturated region as
the energy variation increases.
As can be seen from the B–H curve shown in Fig. 3, the
magnetic field intensity His reduced rapidly when the
magnetic flux density Bchanges from the positive saturated
region to the unsaturated region. Meanwhile, the current i
increases rapidly, which can be seen from (1). When the
magnetic flux density Bis in the unsaturated region, the
magnetic field intensity Hconverts slowly, and the current
is basically stable at a fixed value. When the magnetic
flux density Benters the negative saturated region, the
magnetic field intensity Hwill decrease rapidly again, the
current i
will dramatically increase, and the SI-FCL will
no longer limit the fault current of the DC side. Therefore,
to achieve the desired current-limiting effect, the energy
released by the capacitor should remain below what can
drive the magnetic flux density Bfrom the positive satu-
rated region across the unsaturated region into the negative
saturated region.
Combining (6) and (7), when the magnetic flux density
Bvaries from the positive saturated region into the unsat-
urated region, the relationship between the energy variation
of the SI-FCL and the energy variation of the capacitor is:
dc1 1
k2ln lBk
k2ln lBk
It is noted that in (8) the magnetic flux density B
is in
the unsaturated region. Once the magnetic flux density
moves from the non-saturated region to the negative
saturated region, the lBcurve is no longer consistent with
(5), and (8) fails to reflect the relationship between the
energy variation of the SI-FCL and that of the capacitor.
The capacitor voltage that turns on the free-wheel diodes
is U
. In the extreme case that the capacitor voltage
drops to U
, the energy absorbed by the SI-FCL is not
-2 -1 0 1 2
Magnetic flux density B (T)
Energy variation WL(kJ)
Fig. 5 Relationship between energy variation and magnetic flux
Coil 2
Coil 1
Fig. 6 Equivalent circuit of DC side system after a two-pole short-
circuit fault
Current-limiting characteristics of saturated iron-core fault current limiters in VSC-HVDC
sufficient to draw the magnetic flux density Binto the
negative saturated region, signified by point K
According to (2), for Bnot to reach the negative satu-
rated region, the condition is:
dc1 1
dc;min ð9Þ
Let DWL;max ¼2SN1i1Bk, then DW
denotes the
maximum energy absorbed by the SI-FCL when the
magnetic flux density Bstays out of the negative
saturated region. Let DWc;max ¼1=2CU2
dc1 1=2CU2
then DW
represents the energy variation of the
capacitor when the voltage drops to U
, and (9) can
be expressed as:
DWL;max DWc;max ð10Þ
Equation (10) is a criterion used to determine whether
the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability all the time before
the capacitor voltage drops to U
When the capacitance and voltage level of the VSC-
HVDC system are given, if the criterion is met, the SI-FCL
will have current-limiting ability all the time before the
capacitor voltage drops to U
and the fault current i
will not surge. Otherwise, the SI-FCL will not always have
current-limiting ability and thus cannot achieve the desired
The SI-FCL is designed to limit the fault current to an
acceptable level. In addition, the SI-FCL applied in the
VSC-HVDC system is also used to extend the time before
the voltage drops to U
. Therefore, in addition to
analyzing whether the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability
in the process when the capacitor voltage drops from the
initial state U
to U
, the maximum fault current
) and the duration of this process (T) also needs to be
When the magnetic flux density Bis in the unsaturated
region, the current i
can be calculated by (11) derived
from (1) and (5).
kB þm
kB þm
Depending on whether (10) is met before the capacitor
voltage drops to U
, the calculation of i
can be
divided into two cases:
Case 1: the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability con-
stantly during this voltage drop process. In this case, (8)is
used to calculate the magnetic flux density B
when the
capacitor voltage is U
. With B
substituted into (11),
the maximum fault current i
is known.
Case 2: the SI-FCL does not always have current-lim-
iting ability during this process. In this case, the magnetic
flux density of the SI-FCL will enter the negative saturated
region, after which the fault current will surge before the
capacitor voltage drops to U
. By substituting the
magnetic flux density at point K
into (11), the maximum
fault current i
can be obtained.
In normal operation, the iron core of the SI-FCL works
in the saturated state so that the equivalent inductance is
small. To ensure that the core is saturated, N
must be
very large. When a DC side fault occurs, the magnetic flux
density enters the unsaturated region. As shown in Fig. 3,
when the core is in the unsaturated state, the magnetic field
intensity is small and changes little. Meanwhile, the vari-
ation range of the current i
is small, and it can be assumed
that i
is approximately constant.
According to the capacitor discharge formula, it is
known that:
Setting Tis the time for the capacitor voltage to fall to
. Depending on whether the condition (10) can be
satisfied during the process before the capacitor voltage
drops to U
, the calculation of Tis divided into two
Case 1: the SI-FCL has current-limiting ability all the
time during this process. In this case, the maximum fault
current is i
. If the fault current is set to i
, the
shortest time T
for capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
dc1 Udc;min
Case 2: the SI-FCL does not always have current-
limiting ability during this process. In this case, by
substituting the magnetic flux density at point into (8),
the voltage U
when the fault current begins to surge can
be obtained as:
Udcs ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
dc1 4SN1i1Bk=C
As the variation range of the current i
is narrow, it is
assumed that the current i
is i
. In addition, the
shortest time for capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
dc1 Udc;s
Assuming that the fault current remains i
, the
shortest time for capacitor voltage to fall from U
Botong LI et al.
dc1 Udc;min
The time for capacitor voltage to fall from U
is T
, and T
is greater than T
. After
the capacitor voltage drops to U
, the DC side fault
current surges, and T
must be less than T0
min;s. Thus,
satisfies the condition as follow:
Through the analysis of the SI-FCL in the VSC-HVDC
system, the criterion is found for determining whether the
SI-FCL has current-limiting ability all the time before the
capacitor voltage drops to U
. By further analyzing the
process in which the capacitor voltage drops from the
initial state U
to U
, the current level to which the
fault current is limited, and the time for the capacitor
voltage to drop from U
to U
are obtained.
4 Case study and simulation verification
To verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis
above, a two-level VSC-HVDC system model of ±35 kV
= 70 kV) is built in PSpice. The model structure is
shown in Fig. 2, and the parameters of the model are listed
in Table 2.
The transmission capacity is 20 MW, and the rated
current i
is calculated as 0.3 kA. For the two-level
VSC-HVDC system, the free-wheel diodes turn on once
the capacitor voltage drops to the peak value of the inter-
phase voltage at the AC side, so U
is calculated as
49.497 kV.
The capacitor voltage and fault current are shown in
Figs. 7and 8, when a two-pole short-circuit fault occurs 5
km away from the rectifier at 0.1 s. It can be seen that the
capacitor voltage drops rapidly to zero without the SI-FCL
while the fault current rises rapidly and reaches 17.69 kA,
approximately 60 times higher than the rated current.
To verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis of
the SI-FCL, the SI-FCLs A and B are separately connected
in the VSC-HVDC system. The parameters of SI-FCL A
are listed in Table 3.
The current-limiting performance of SI-FCL A and B
can be analyzed by the theory presented in Section 3.
Assuming that the two-pole short-circuit fault occurs at
the junction of the DC rail and the power cable, the energy
variation of the capacitor DW
is 2.45910
J, and the
energy variation of the SI-FCL A DW
is 2.48910
J. It
can be seen from (10) that the SI-FCL has current-limiting
Table 2 Parameters of the two-level VSC-HVDC system model
Parameter Value
DC side voltage ±35 kV
RMS inter-phase voltage of the AC side 35 kV
Length of the DC side cable 10 km
Transmission capacity 20 MW
Resistance of the DC cable 0.15 X/km
Inductance of the DC cable 2.5 mH/km
Inductance of the AC side 0.01 H
DC capacitor 2.0 mF
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Time (s)
Capacitor voltage U
Fig. 7 Capacitor voltage of the VSC-HVDC system without an SI-
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Time (s)
Fault current i
Fig. 8 DC side fault current of VSC-HVDC system without an SI-
Table 3 Parameters of SI-FCL A
Parameter Value
Length of the core (l)4m
Cross-section areas (S) 0.6 m
Winding number of coil 1 (N
) 6000
Winding number of coil 2 (N
) 900
Current of the excitation coil (i
) 150 A
Magnetic flux density of point K(B
) 2.3 T
Current-limiting characteristics of saturated iron-core fault current limiters in VSC-HVDC
ability before the capacitor voltage drops to U
. The
SI-FCL A meets the condition of case 1. Therefore, the
magnetic flux density B
is about 2.238 T, the maximum
fault current i
is 1.017 kA, and T
is about 40.2
ms. The above theoretical calculations were made for the
most serious fault conditions (resistance of the DC side is
0). When a DC side fault occurs at other locations, the line
resistance is greater than 0, so the current-limiting effect of
the SI-FCL can be better.
When a two-pole short-circuit fault occurs at 5 km away
from the rectifier at 0.1 s, the capacitor voltage and fault
current of the VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL A are
shown in Figs. 9and 10. It can be seen that the time Tfor
capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
is extended to
40.8 ms by the SI-FCL A. In addition, the maximum fault
current is about 1.04 kA. The results obtained by the
simulation and theoretical analysis of SI-FCL A are basi-
cally the same.
The parameters of SI-FCL B are listed in Table 4.
Assuming that the two-pole short-circuit fault occurs at
the junction of the DC rail and the power cable in the VSC-
HVDC system with SI-FCL B. The energy variation of the
capacitor DW
is 2.45910
J, and the energy variation
of the SI-FCL B is 1.49910
J. It can be seen from (10)
that the SI-FCL will lose current-limiting ability before the
capacitor voltage drops to U
. The SI-FCL B meets the
condition of case 2, and the current surge occurs before the
capacitor voltage drops to U
. The magnetic flux
density B
substituted into (11) and (14), the maximum
fault current before the current surges is about 1.389 kA,
and the voltage U
is 57.271 kV. The shortest time T
for the capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
is 18.3
ms. Assuming that the fault current remains 1.389 kA, the
shortest time T0
min;sfor capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
is 29.5 ms. Therefore, the time for the capacitor
voltage to drop to U
is longer than 18.3 ms and less
than 29.5 ms.
When a two-pole short-circuit fault occurs 5 km away
from the rectifier at 0.1 s, the capacitor voltage and fault
0.08 0.10 0.14 0.16
Capacitor voltage U
Time (s)
Fig. 9 Capacitor voltage of VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL A
Fault current i
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Time (s)
Fig. 10 DC side fault current of VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL A
Table 4 Parameters of SI-FCL B
Parameter Value
Length of the core (l)4m
Cross-section areas (S) 0.6 m
Winding number of coil 1 (N
) 4500
Winding number of coil 2 (N
) 400
Current of the excitation coil (i
) 120 A
Magnetic flux density of point K(B
) 2.3 T
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Capacitor voltage Udc (kV)
Time (s)
Fig. 11 Capacitor voltage of VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL B
Fault current i2 (kA)
Time (s)
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Fig. 12 DC side fault current of VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL B
Botong LI et al.
current of the VSC-HVDC system with SI-FCL B are
shown in Figs. 11 and 12. It can be seen that the time Tfor
capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
is 23.8 ms,
and the maximum fault current is approximately 1.409 kA
before the current surges. When the fault current surges,
the capacitor voltage is 57.653 kV, and the time T0for
capacitor voltage to fall from U
to U
is 18.7 ms. The
results obtained by the simulation and theoretical analysis
of SI-FCL B are basically the same.
The simulation of the VSC-HVDC system with different
SI-FCLs shows that the method analyzing the performance
of the SI-FCL based on the electromagnetic energy con-
version mechanism is correct. The method gives the cri-
terion for determining whether the SI-FCL has current-
limiting ability constantly before the capacitor voltage
drops to U
. In addition, the maximum fault current
and the time for capacitor voltage to fall from U
can also be calculated accurately by this method.
5 Conclusion
This paper has examined the performance of the SI-FCL
in a VSC-HVDC system. From the perspective of elec-
tromagnetic energy conversion, the relationship between
the electromagnetic energy and the magnetic flux density
of the SI-FCL has been analyzed. Based on the study of the
electromagnetic energy conversion process after the DC
side fault, the relationship between the fault current and the
magnetic flux density of the SI-FCL and that between the
time for the capacitor voltage dropping to U
and the
DC side fault current have been given.
The method identifying the current-limiting character-
istic of the SI-FCL in the VSC-HVDC system is based on
the analysis of the energy conversion of the DC side fault.
On this basis, the time for capacitor voltage to drop to
and the maximum fault current in the case of a
constantly current-limiting-capable SI-FCL can be
obtained if the parameters of the SI-FCL and the VSC-
HVDC system are given. This method avoids the complex
differential calculation of solving the DC side fault tran-
sient process in the time domain, and its accuracy has been
demonstrated through a case study and simulation.
Acknowledgements This research work was supported in part by the
National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2018YFB0904600), and
in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
under Grant 51677125.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
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Botong LI received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and
automation from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China in 2010. He is an
associate professor in the School of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His research interests
include power system protection and control of VSC-HVDC trans-
mission system.
Hanqing CUI is currently pursuing the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering and automation at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His
research interests include protection of VSC-HVDC.
Fangjie JING is currently pursuing the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering and automation at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His
research interests include protection of VSC-HVDC.
Bin LI received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and
automation from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China in 2005. He is
currently a professor in the School of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His research interests
include power system protection and control.
Yichao LIU is currently pursuing the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering and automation at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His
research interests include protection of VSC-HVDC.
Botong LI et al.
... A fault current limiter (FCL) is an effective solution to reduce the fault current. FCL suppresses the DC side fault current and slows the capacitor voltage drop [9]. ...
... In this article, the voltage correlation method introduced in (8) is used, and the information window contains 5 selected samples with a sampling frequency of 10 kHz, and the threshold value is thought to be low to discover internal problems with highresistance fault. Equation (9), to meet the fault detection requirements, the voltage at both ends of the PMFCL must be higher than a threshold value 1 TH u . If the voltage of any of the reactors is exceeded, there is a fault. ...
... The voltage source converters based HVDC grids are expected to integrate large-scale renewable energy located far from the load center in the future [1]- [2]. Especially, with the development of the modular multilevel converter (MMC) [3], it becomes more feasible to apply the flexible HVDC transmission. ...
... Based on equation (1), the voltage of the commutation capacitor C b in time domain can be expressed as: (2) According to equation (2), with the value of C b decreasing, the charging speed of C b increases. At t 3 , the voltage exerted on C b reaches the triggering threshold of MOA, the current starts to commute from C b branch to dissipation branch. ...
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DC faults are critical events in a flexible high-voltage dc (HVDC) grid. Thus, ensuring that the power system returns to normal operation rapidly and reliably after fault isolation is very important. This requires a HVDC breaker. In overhead line systems under temporary faults, reclosing is often required. However, once the dc circuit breaker (DCCB) is reclosed directly, the large second overcurrent may occur which could damage the power electronic devices. To avoid this problem, a current-commutation DC circuit breaker with adaptive reclosing capability is proposed. Compared with the traditional auto-reclosing strategy, the second damage under permanent fault condition can be avoided by the proposed DCCB, which can identify the fault property. Compared with the hybrid DCCB, the power electronic breaking branch composed of lots of IGBTs is replaced by the current-commutation branch, which is employed to interrupt bi-directional dc fault current. Moreover, bypassing branch is configured to reduce the energy dissipation of arrester and shorten the fault isolation time effectively. Finally, simulation cases in PSCAD /EMTDC verify the effectiveness and superiorities of the proposed DCCB.
... However, the necessary dc source in this topology will cause large long-term power loss. Superconductive dc coil was used in SCFCL to solve the power loss issue [17], the total cost and maintenance cost, however, became another critical issue. Considering that permanent magnet (PM) can offer powerful and continuous magnetomotive force (MMF), Yuan et al. [18] first proposed PM-biased type SCFCL in HVdc system and topological optimization was performed in [19] and [20]. ...
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Fault current limiter (FCL) serves as a promising solution for severe fault issues in high-voltage direct current (HVdc) systems. However, the small impedance changing ratio and fault detecting time delay of the existing HVdc system FCL topologies make them have some performance deficiencies. In this article, a two-stage dc FCL (TFCL) was proposed, which has a large impedance changing ratio and automatic fault response characteristics. Fault current can be first restricted by the automatically increased inductance provided by the saturated core FCL module, and then limited by an active precharged capacitor through a flux coupling coil. Hence, the two-stage fault-limiting performance brought by TFCL can be much improved. Magnetic and electric circuit analyses were performed with regard to each different working period. Besides, parameter analysis and performance comparison between different FCLs were conducted in terms of several performance indexes. Finally, electromagnetic simulations, HVdc system simulations, and prototype experiments verified that the proposed TFCL can present much-improved fault-handling capability against the existing current limiting reactor, traditional saturated core FCL, and flux coupling type FCL.
DC fault current limiters (FCLs) are of great significance to the safe and stable operation of DC distribution systems. Among the various FCLs, inductor-based FCLs play an important role. However, the issue of inductor saturation generally exists, which causes limitations in practical engineering applications. A novel LC-resonance-based FCL is proposed in this paper, which can suppress the inductor-saturation effect and create a natural zero-cross current for enhancing performance. In addition, it can cooperate with the AC circuit breaker (ACCB) to quickly cut off faults. A theoretical analysis and the parameter design of the proposed FCL are presented. Finally, a scaled-down experiment test platform is built, and experiment tests and simulation case studies are carried out to verify the working principle and superiorities of the proposed FCL.
Short circuit fault currents are increasing due to growing demand for electricity and high complexity in power systems. Because the fault currents reach the highest value, which the breakers are unable to restrict, the electrical grid’s security is in jeopardy. By entering a limiting impedance into a transmission line in series, these impedances restrict the rising amounts of fault currents to levels that are acceptable. Saturated core fault current limiters (SCFCLs) are a pivotal tool for limiting fault currents rise in power networks that have good performance characteristics. In a normal condition, these limiters have slight effects on the system and can effectively limit short-circuit currents when they occur. In this chapter, various structures of SCFCLs with different arrangements of ac windings and dc windings are presented, and the currents passing through the FCLs under the normal and faulty system conditions are assessed and compared. The flux density in various regions of the core in different arrangements has been investigated as well, and the desired analyses have been performed. Simulation will be presented based on COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4, a finite element software package which can provide a precious assessment to compare these protective devices with different configurations.KeywordsSaturated core fault current limiterShort circuit currentsMagnetic fieldMagnetic separationWindingFlux density distributionFinite element methodTransmission linePermeabilityFault current
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In view of the fact that the wavelet packet transform (WPT) can only weakly detect the occurrence of fault, this paper applies a fault diagnosis algorithm including wavelet packet transform and principal component analysis (PCA) to the inverter-side fault diagnosis of multi-terminal hybrid highvoltage direct current (HVDC) network, which can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of fault diagnosis. Firstly, current amplitude and current slope are used to sample the data, and the WPT is used to extract the energy spectrum of the signal. Secondly, an energy matrix is constructed, and the PCA method is used to calculate whether the squared prediction error (SPE) statistics of various signals that can reflect the degree of deviation of the measured value from the principal component model at a certain time exceed the limit to judge the occurrence of the fault. Further, its maximum value is compared to determine the fault types. Finally, based on a large number of MATLAB/Simulink simulation results, it is shown that the PCA method using the current slope as the sampled data can detect the occurrence of a ground fault with small transition resistance within 2 ms, and identify the fault types within 10 ms, without being affected by the sampling frequency.
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This article proposes the use of a novel saturated amorphous alloy core-based fault current limiter (SAACFCL) to improve the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind energy systems, especially during voltage sag events. Compared to the traditional cores, which are widely used in fault current limiter (FCL), amorphous alloy core possesses a very narrow B - H loop, which indicates that the SAACFCL requires a smaller dc excitation current, and it will incur low core losses. Under normal conditions, this developed SAACFCL accomplishes low impedance and has a negligible impact on the network operation. During grid faults, a deep voltage sag causes large fault currents that desaturate the SAACFCL core, increasing its impedance, which limits the fault currents and improves the LVRT capability of DFIG systems. The SAACFCL is designed and characterized by ANSYS software. To validate the performance of the SAACFCL, a DFIG-based system equipped with the SAACFCL has been modeled in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results with and without the SAACFCL show that the SAACFCL is capable to achieve the LVRT successfully and can meet the grid code requirement. The performance of the SAACFCL has also been compared with that of the saturated iron core FCL (SICFCL) and superconducting FCL (SFCL). The SAACFCL promises better performances than SICFCL and SFCL. A small scale SAACFCL has been designed, developed, and tested in the laboratory to check its performance. The experimental results show that the proposed SAACFCL can effectively reduce the level of fault current and mitigate voltage sag experienced by the DFIG.
As a typical inductive type superconductive fault current limiter (SFCL), the saturated iron-core SFCL (SI-SFCL) is very im-portant to the safety of the VSC-HVDC system. Considering the high induced voltage of the superconductive winding may cause damage to the dc-biased source, the active SI-SFCL is introduced to limit the DC fault current, which can quickly cut off the dc-biased source branch. This paper first builds a transient analysis model of the active SI-SFCL and, supposing a DC fault occurs, works out the VSC-HVDC system equivalent circuit with the ac-tive SI-SFCL applied. Moreover, the method of solving the state equations of the equivalent circuit is obtained. On this basis, the influence of the protective voltage of the metal oxide arrester (MOA) on the current-limiting performance is studied. Finally, the correctness of the transient analysis model and the effective-ness of the theoretical analysis method is verified by MATLAB/Simulink simulations.
This paper proposes the concept of "fault current limitation coordination" in a future electric power grid with multiple superconducting fault current limiters (SFCL). Not only the fault current limitation of each SFCL on a transmission line, but also the transient stability of the grid with SFCLs should be taken into account, because the disturbance is brought about in the grid by the sudden appearance and disappearance of a large impedance of SFCL at the fault current limitation and recovery after the fault clearance, respectively. In this paper, both of the fault current limitation of SFCLs and the internal phase angle oscillation of generators were calculated by PSCAD/EMTDC to evaluate the operational feasibility or coordination of SFCLs in a 275/77 kV transmission system model.
The dc fault current increase rapidly and reach an unbreakable value when a fault occurs. Cutting off dc fault current directly cost enormous energy and cause voltage stresses for the dc converters, dc circuit breakers, etc. It is expected to use the dc superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) to limit dc fault current. In this paper, different types of dc SFCLs are introduced at the beginning. Then the current-limiting requirements of the dc SFCL are analyzed. In order to satisfy these requirements, some essential technical indicators of the dc SFCL are proposed. The dc SFCL shall not only limit the peak value of dc fault current to reduce the requirement of the maximum interrupting capacity of the dc circuit breaker, but also limit the rising rate of fault current to realize the coordination among the converter, dc circuit breaker and dc SFCL. Besides, the response time, recovery time and other issues of the dc SFCL should be guaranteed as well. Simulation results indicate the significance and necessity of the proposed indicators. A prototype is designed and experimental tests are carried out.
The Saturated iron-core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SISFCL) is considered to be an effective solution to reduce the impact of fault current and increase the reliability of the power grid. This paper presents the basic structure and the electromagnetic analysis of SISFCL. In order to study the leakage magnetic flux distribution of the SISFCL, two approaches have been used to model the transient behavior of such device. The leakage magnetic flux distribution of the limiter was calculated respectively by using the finite element method (FEM) and the magnetic field division method. By considering the SISFCL as a controlled voltage source dominated by the flux through the AC coils, we establish a magnetic circuit. With the magnetic circuits, we calculate the steady state impedance. Comparing the results with the FEM model, we verify the validity of the equivalent magnetic circuit model.
There is an urgent need for the fault current limiter to guarantee the stability of the dc system. For this reason, the improved inductive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) is designed and its working principle is addressed. By analyzing the transient characteristics of the dc fault in modular multi-level converter based dc system, the current-limiting effects of the proposed SFCL are studied in detail. According to the current-limiting requirements and the coordination among the converter, the fault current limiter and the dc circuit breaker, the desired impedance of the SFCL is discussed in this paper. Finally, the effectiveness and correctness of the analyses has been verified by the simulation results based on the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation.
The fault current of DC line in multi-terminal HVDC system based on voltage source converters (VSC) increases quickly with large peak, while the DC circuit breaker with large capacity and fast breaking speed is still under development. Combined with the capacity level of DC circuit breaker breaking, a current limiting circuit was proposed to limit the peak and rising rate of fault current by connecting it to DC line ends. Theoretical calculation method for the circuit parameters was also given. The analysis results about the circuit and the comparison with other methods show that the proposed circuit is able to limit the fault current effectively and reduce the requirement for DC breaker capacity and speed. Based on the circuit, a fault-handling scheme for DC lines in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC was proposed. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is capable of limiting fault current of DC lines and parallel diodes effectively, and non-fault system can maintain normal operation after fault clearance, indicating that the handling ability of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system for DC fault is enhanced effectively.
The high-voltage direct-current transmission based on voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC) system has pointed the way for the development of the smart grid, yet one challenge to be faced is that VSCs are vulnerable to dc short-circuit faults due to the huge discharge current of the dc-link capacitor. Therefore, the saturated iron-core superconductive fault current limiter (SI-SFCL) is introduced to limit the fault current to a relatively low level. The working principle and electrical properties of the SI-SFCL are discussed first. The relationship between the inductance and dc gird current of the SI-SFCL is deduced. The transient process of a short-circuit fault in the VSC-HVDC system with the SI-SFCL is studied. The maximum current and the drop velocity of dc rail voltage are presented according to the parameter of the SI-SFCL. The effectiveness of the SI-SFCL is proved by comparing fault currents and voltages of the VSC-HVDC system with and without it in PSPICE.
The relationship between transmission capacity and voltage level of the voltage source converter (VSC)-HVDC is analyzed. The method for determining the scope of economical transportation is proposed. It emphatically analyzes such economic parameters as the total cost of the VSC-HVDC project, annual operation cost, maintenance cost, and the fund recovery period. A typical VSC-HVDC line is used as an example. The study shows that, by taking into account the factors such as the converter station, cable and environment for a project of a few hundred MW-level VSC-HVDC, the higher the voltage level is, the lower the operation and maintenance cost of the project will be. Furthermore, considering the loans, electricity sales, investment income, internal revenue, etc, the higher the voltage level is, the lower the total investment of project cost, and the shorter the investment recovery period. So the selection of a proper voltage level can improve the economy of the VSC-HVDC project.
The isolation of the DC faults is the key technology for guaranteeing the supply reliability in the DC distribution system. This paper analyzed the transient characteristics of DC faults, and subdivided the transient process into three stages: the DC capacitor discharge stage, the diodes natural commutation conduct stage and the diodes synchronously conduct stage. The paper pointed out that the DC faults will affect the AC side, the converter and the DC side. According to the DC faults transient process, this paper analyzed the requirements and technology difficulties of the protection strategy and DC circuit breakers for the DC distribution system. Then this paper proposed a fault current limiting technique based on the resistive-type superconducting fault current limiter (R-SFCL) which can limit the overcurrent of the DC side, AC side and the anti-parallel diodes when the DC fault happens. Therefore, it can decrease the requirements of the action time and design difficulties for the protection strategy, and decrease the requirement of action speed and interrupting capacity for the DC circuit breaker. Finally, this paper carried out lots of simulation tests to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis and proposed fault current limiting technique based on the Matlab/Simulink.
Nowadays multi-terminal voltage source converter based high voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) system stands as an interesting solution to efficiently connect a number of offshore wind farms. But the VSC based HVDC system is more vulnerable to DC line faults due to the high discharge current from the DC link capacitance. In view of this, a superconducting fault current limiter (SCFCL) is a possible device which can mitigate the consequences of DC line faults effectively. The main objective of this paper is to improve the dynamic performance of an offshore wind farm connected multi-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission system by incorporating SCFCL under various perturbations. Here, the MTDC system along with the SCFCL is modelled in MATLAB/Simulink and the results are presented for various AC/DC fault conditions.