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Harnessing marine microclimates for climate change adaptation and marine conservation

Conservation Letters
  • Moffatt & Nichol

Abstract and Figures

Main Points es • ‐ Responses to climate change and large‐scale forcing can vary widely at local scales creating marine microclimates. • ‐ Microclimates are robust even under extreme large‐scale forcing events (ENSO, climate change) potentially creating spatial refuges or ‘safe spaces’ for important species. • ‐ Small/medium no‐take zones, artificial reefs, and other possible spatial management can be placed to harness local variability as an adaptation or conservation measure in the face of climate change. Abstract en Climate change is warming, deoxygenating, and acidifying the ocean at an unprecedented rate. However, responses to large‐scale forcing are variable at relatively small spatial scales, creating marine microclimates. Marine microclimates can provide spatial refuges (safe spaces) or local adaptation that may be harnessed to improve marine conservation and management. We analyze multiyear data sets within two fishing cooperatives in Baja California, Mexico, to quantify small‐scale ocean variability, describe the degree to which this variability affects the abundance of species, and discuss the potential for marine microclimates to improve conservation and management efforts. We find that variation in ocean conditions and species abundances at scales of a few kilometers is striking and robust to large‐scale climate forcing. We posit that incorporation of marine microclimates into fisheries management and conservation efforts can improve ecosystem sustainability by allowing local adaptation and maintenance of spatial refuges in the face of climate change.
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Received: 5 February 2018 Revised: 26 August 2018 Accepted: 4 September 2018
DOI: 10.1111/conl.12609
Harnessing marine microclimates for climate change adaptation
and marine conservation
C. Brock Woodson1Fiorenza Micheli2Charles Boch2Maha Al-Najjar3
Antonio Espinoza1,4 Arturo Hernandez5Leonardo Vázquez-Vera5Andrea Saenz-Arroyo6
Stephen G. Monismith3Jorge Torre5
1COBIA Lab, University of Georgia, Athens,
2Hopkins Marine Station and Center for Ocean
Solutions, Stanford University, Pacific Grove,
3EFML, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
4Sociedad Cooperativa de Producción Pes-
quera Buzos y Pescadores, Isla Natividad, Baja
California Sur, México
5Comunidad y Biodiversidad, La Paz, Mexico
6Departamento de Conservacion de la Biodi-
versidad, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, San
Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
C. Brock Woodson, College of Engineering,
University of Georgia, 708C Boyd GSRC,
200 D.W.Brooks Dr., Athens, GA 30602.
Funding information
Division of Ocean Sciences, Grant/Award
Numbers: 1416837, 1737090; Division of
Environmental Biology,Grant/Award Num-
ber: 1212124
Funding information
NSF, Grant Numbers: CNH-DEB-1212124,
OCE-1416837, OCE-1737090; WaltonFamily
Foundation; Packard Foundation; Marisla and
Sandler Family Foundation
Main Points
-Responses to climate change and large-scale forcing can vary widely at local scales
creating marine microclimates.
-Microclimates are robust even under extreme large-scale forcing events (ENSO,
climate change) potentially creating spatial refuges or ‘safe spaces’ for important
-Small/medium no-take zones, artificial reefs, and other possible spatial manage-
ment can be placed to harness local variability as an adaptation or conservation
measure in the face of climate change.
climate forcing, environmental variability, fisheries, local conservation, marine microclimates
Climate change is warming, deoxygenating, and acidifying the ocean at an unprecedented rate. However, responses to large-
scale forcing are variable at relatively small spatial scales, creating marine microclimates. Marine microclimates can provide
spatial refuges (safe spaces) or local adaptation that may be harnessed to improve marine conservation and management.
We analyze multiyear data sets within two fishing cooperatives in Baja California, Mexico, to quantify small-scale ocean
variability, describe the degree to which this variability affects the abundance of species, and discuss the potential for marine
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2018 The Authors. Conservation Letters published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Conservation Letters. 2019;12:e12609. 1of9
microclimates to improve conservation and management efforts. We find that variation in ocean conditions and species abun-
dances at scales of a few kilometers is striking and robust to large-scale climate forcing. We posit that incorporation of marine
microclimates into fisheries management and conservation efforts can improve ecosystem sustainability by allowing local
adaptation and maintenance of spatial refuges in the face of climate change.
Climate change is altering ocean conditions and increas-
ing the frequency and severity of extreme events (Cavole
et al., 2016; Sydeman, Santora, Thompson, Marinovic, &
Lorenzo, 2013; Wang, Gouhier, Menge, & Ganguly, 2015).
Increasing extreme events (hypoxia, heat waves, acidifica-
tion) along with background environmental change portend
a grim fate for marine ecosystems (Breitburg et al., 2018;
Bruno et al., 2018; Hughes et al., 2018). However, climate-
scale variability manifests differently in nearshore regions,
creating marine microclimates that may provide a natural
refuge from large-scale climate effects (Kwiatkowski & Orr,
2018; Safaie et al., 2018). Local alteration of large-scale cli-
mate responses can directly affect important coastal ecosys-
tems (Boch et al., 2018). Marine microclimates may provide
a key avenue for building adaptive capacity and enabling con-
servation in the face of global climate change (Cinner et al.,
Generally, local management and conservation efforts are
perceived to be futile in the face of larger scale climate
change driven declines in ecosystem health and fisheries
production (Boyce, Lewis, & Worm, 2010; Cheung et al.,
2009; DeCarlo et al., 2017; Lotze & Worm, 2009; Pauly
& Christensen, 1995). However, local oceanographic con-
ditions and ecological outcomes can be dramatically differ-
ent than the general predictions of climate change (O'Leary
et al., 2017). Management should reflect the local manifes-
tation of climate variability instead of responding to ubiqui-
tous global forecasts and perceptions (Prince, 2003). Thus,
it is important to identify marine microclimates so that they
can be incorporated into local conservation and adaptation
In order to help understand how global climate variabil-
ity manifests locally in the central Baja California region
of México, we partnered with two fishing cooperatives
and established a long-term collaborative program that
included moorings with sensors for temperature, salinity,
and dissolved oxygen around Isla Natividad (27.85N,
–115.17W) and at El Rosario (29.86N, –115.80W) at the
north end of Vizcaino Bay in 2013 (Figure 1). We quantified
the abundance of kelp forest species through annual surveys
at multiple sites to examine spatial and temporal patterns
in ecologically and commercially important species. Here,
we illustrate how local information on ocean environmental
variability reveals the presence of marine microclimates at
scales (a few kilometers) that can enable local conservation
and adaptation efforts in the face of global climate change
(Myers & Worm, 2003; Worm et al., 2009), thereby provid-
ing environmental data for informed local conservation and
management decisions (Prince, 2003).
2.1 Oceanographic data
Mooring sites were established on each side of Isla Natividad
and Isla San Jerónimo (El Rosario) in approximately 15 m
of water (Figure 1). Moorings recorded temperature, salinity,
dissolved oxygen, and currents every 10 min over a 4-year
period from 2013 to 2017. To assess patterns and responses of
the nearshore ecosystems around Isla Natividad to global and
regional scale climate variability, we compiled several large-
scale data sets including satellite-derived sea surface temper-
ature (SST), satellite-derived wind stress, and the Multivari-
ate El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Index for the years
2006–2016 (Wolter & Timlin, 1998). We used standard time
series techniques to examine differences between our three
sites. Details of the in situ oceanographic monitoring, satellite
and regional data used, and analyses are given in the Supple-
mentary Material.
2.2 Ecological data
Cooperative members, NGOs, and academic scientists per-
form ecological surveys at Isla Natividad following annual
training (Micheli et al., 2012; Fulton et al., in press). The
surveys are visual censuses of replicate 30 ×2 m transects
(60 m2) conducted on SCUBA between depths of 5 and
20 m in three control, fished sites, and two marine reserves
(Figure 1) yearly (2006–2016) between late July and early
August. A range of 11–30 transects are sampled per site every
year (avg. =20.8, total =1,162 transects). Commercially
and ecologically important fish species observed within a
2-m wide by 2-m high window along the 30-m benthic tran-
sect (120 m3) are counted and sized. Numbers of mobile
macroinvertebrates and kelp (numbers of plants and stipes,
within each plant, of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera
and the southern sea palm, Eisenia arborea) within the
FIGURE 1 Fishing concessions and mooring locations in the Baja Vizcaino region. (a) Location of two participating cooperatives and
concessions shown with mooring locations (red circles) and bathymetry (200 and 500 m depth contours). (b) El Rosario and (c) Buzos y Pescadores
(Isla Natividad) with cooperative rights (blue shading) and bathymetry (20, 40, and 100 m depth contours). (d) Inset of Isla Natividad showing
marine protected areas (green shading), mooring locations, survey locations (blue diamonds), and bathymetry (10, 20, and 40 m depth contours)
30 m ×2m belt transect are also enumerated and recorded.
For this analysis, we focus on surveys from two sites, La
Guanera (northeast, Tavg =18.57 ±2.64C) and Baben-
cho (southwest, Tavg =15.83 ±1.28C). We chose these
sites for several reasons: (a) Babencho is the closest to the
Morro Prieto mooring, (b) the distance between the sites
(2.6 km) is similar to the distance between mooring locations
(2.4 km), and (c) temperature and oxygen variability during
July (the period of reef surveys) at each reef site was com-
parable to the moorings on the respective side of the island
(Punta Prieta, Tavg =19.30 ±2.41C; Morro Prieto, Tavg =
16.08 ±0.99C).
We obtained mean biomass for algal species from the lit-
erature or web searches (Supporting Information Table 1).
We computed the number and biomass of each fish species
by calculating an average biomass from size (length) estima-
tions from visual census and applying a length–width rela-
tionship obtained from FishBase (Supporting Information
Table 2) (Froese & Pauly, 2017). For invertebrates, we used
an average size derived from the literature (Supporting Infor-
High variability in ocean conditions occurs both across and
within fishing concessions (Figure 2). Temperature varia-
tion at sites on the north and south ends of Vizcaino Bay
(Chinatown–Isla San Jeronimo, Morro Prieto–Isla Nativi-
dad) separated by 220 km are more correlated (R2=0.74,
P<0.001; Figure 2) than sites 2.4 km apart (Morro Pri-
eto and Punta Prieta–Isla Natividad; R2=0.49, P<0.001)
after removal of the seasonal signal. Similar to Morro Pri-
eto, Chinatown, although buffered by the much smaller Isla
San Jeronimo (1 km across), within the fishing conces-
sion of Ensenada cooperative (El Rosario), is located within
an upwelling center and oceanographic variability is largely
related to regional wind-driven upwelling. Variations in salin-
ity and dissolved oxygen follow similar patterns to tempera-
ture at regional scales.
Mean temperatures across Isla Natividad differ primarily
during the upwelling season in this region (March–July) when
Morro Prieto experiences the colder waters associated with
active upwelling (Figure 2). Consequently, the mean annual
FIGURE 2 Time series of (a) ENSO index, (b) annual upwelling (wind stress) anomaly (grey bars) and upwelling index (blue), (c)
temperature, and (d) dissolved oxygen at 15 m depth from El Rosario, and Isla Natividad (Morro Prieto, Punta Prieta)
temperature change at Morro Prieto is around 12.2C (12.4–
24.6C). In contrast, Punta Prieta, on the other side of the
island (Figure 2), is not strongly affected by wind-driven
upwelling due to the orientation of the coastline relative to
the prevailing wind direction, and sees significantly warmer
waters from Vizcaino Bay. Overall, Punta Prieta exhibits
about 75% of the total annual temperature variability of Morro
Prieto (mean =9.4C, range =14.7–24.1C). However, daily
average differences across the island can be as much as 6C,
with discrete differences as high as 8C.
Although Punta Prieta is generally warmer, it does not
warm or cool as much as Morro Prieto, which sees both
lower and higher extremes associated with large-scale forc-
ing reflected in the higher variability at seasonal frequencies
(Figure 3). At synoptic periods (scales of mesoscale variabil-
ity and atmospheric weather patterns), both sites see similar
magnitude in responses based on integrated variance over the
synoptic band (Figure 3; Supporting Information Table 3).
However, over diurnal and tidal band frequencies, the temper-
ature at Punta Prieta is significantly more variable than Morro
Prieto. Focusing on differences in environmental variability
within the Isla Natividad concession, annual mean tempera-
ture differences across the island are not always significant
(Figure 4). For example, in 2013 and 2014, Punta Prieta was
on average 1.5C warmer than Morro Prieto for the entire year.
However, in 2015, during a strong ENSO event, the Punta Pri-
eta side of the island was not significantly warmer, and still
maintained high levels of diurnal and tidal variability, which
could manifest as a refuge from extreme conditions (Boch
et al., 2018).
Dissolved oxygen concentrations followed similar patterns
with higher values at Punta Prieta on average during 2013 and
2014, but no significant differences during 2015. Morro Pri-
eto experienced several low oxygen events that lasted for 1–3
days and coincided with bursts of intense upwelling. How-
ever, these events were not observed at Punta Prieta. Punta
Prieta also experiences significant variability at semidiurnal
and diurnal time scales with temperature and dissolved oxy-
gen fluctuations as much as 4Cand2mgL
1, respectively. In
contrast, Morro Prieto has a relatively less variable environ-
ment over time periods of a few days based on integrated vari-
ance over diurnal and semidiurnal bands (Supporting Infor-
mation Table 3).
High local variability in the marine environment exists
across an island that is only 7 km long and averages 1 km
width. The 4-year period of this study also captured an aver-
age, cool year (2014), and two anomalously warm years
(2015–2016). It also captured a significant transition in global
climate anomalies with a transition from cool ENSO con-
ditions to the strongest El Niño (beginning in 2015) event
FIGURE 3 Variance spectra of (a) temperature and (b) dissolved
oxygen across Isla Natividad. Variance-preserving and scaled spectra to
show amount of variance (square-root for nonsquared units) in each
period band (seasonal, synoptic weather, diurnal, and semidiurnal/tidal)
since 1997–1998, along with the North Pacific warm blob
(Cavole et al., 2016). During this period, the southeast side
of the island experienced more extreme annual temperatures
with very little short time scale variation (Figures 2 and 3).
That is, this coastal habitat has a relatively constant climate
with long spells of extremely warm or cool waters (similar to
a typical temperate weather pattern with prolonged cold win-
ters and hot summers). In contrast, habitats on the northeast
side of the island experience less extreme annual temperature
variation and high short time scale variability (Figures 2 and
3). On this side of the island, the mean daily temperatures are
more constant throughout the year, but with high diurnal and
tidal variability. This variability may be attributed to inter-
nal waves—waves that travel along density interfaces in flu-
ids that can have immense impacts on nearshore ecosystems
(Woodson, 2018). Internal waves act to bring deep, cooler
waters up into coastal areas such as kelp forest reefs (McPhee-
Shaw et al., 2007). The tidal temperature and oxygen variabil-
ity mediates the extreme temperatures so that organisms are
not exposed to prolonged warm or cool periods, but instead are
exposed to short (up to 6 hr) exposure to moderately warmer
or cooler waters (more akin to a Mediterranean climate where
temperatures are mostly rather pleasant, but highly variable
from day to night).
Observed marine microclimates are coincident with pro-
nounced differences in the reef communities across the island
(Figure 5). Overall, algae, mobile invertebrates, and fishes
are significantly more abundant on the northeast side of the
island compared to the southwest (Figure 5). This pattern
holds in spite of the expected higher nutrient flux associated
with the strong upwelling that occurs on the southwest side
of the island. In addition, patterns of abundance are strikingly
different across the island for most species (Figure 5). Algal
biomass was significantly greater on the northeast side of the
island in 7 out of 11 years (2-sample t-test; n=41 for all years;
P<0.05 in 7/11 years) with the pattern driven primarily by
M. pyrifera (Figure 5). Invertebrate and fish biomass were sig-
nificantly different in only 2 out of 11 years (2-sample t-test;
n=48 for all years; P<0.05 in 2/10 years). However, abalone
and lobster biomass were significantly different in 6 of 10 and
4 out of 10 years, respectively. Similarly, biomass of kelp bass
and sheephead were significantly different in 5 of 11 and 4 of
11 years, respectively. Such differences illustrate the potential
influence of marine microclimates on species abundances at
relatively small spatial scales.
In response to large-scale climate drivers such as ENSO,
temperatures at both sites are positively correlated with the
multivariate ENSO index at a 3-month lag (R2=0.53,
P=0.01 and R2=0.51, P=0.006 for the northeast and south-
west sides, respectively) with overall mean monthly SSTs
statistically similar during strong positive ENSO anomalies.
However, the northeast side of Natividad island maintains
high diurnal and tidal variability, indicating that temperatures
fluctuate between extreme highs and lows every 12–24 hr.
These fluctuations are reflected in the overall depth-averaged,
daily water temperatures that are lower on the northeast side of
the island than on the typically cooler southwest (upwelling)
side of the island. Thus, in response to large-scale forcing
from positive anomalies of ENSO events, sessile invertebrates
on the southwest side of the island may be relatively more sen-
sitive to environmental stressors than those on the northeast
side of the island (Boch et al., 2018). The northeast side of the
island, therefore, may provide a spatial refuge from extreme
warming and low oxygen events even at the scale of this small
island. We observed similar marine microclimates around the
even smaller Isla San Geronimo in the El Rosario cooperative
(Figures 1 and 6), suggesting that marine microclimates may
be a common feature of the coastal ocean.
FIGURE 4 Differences in (a) temperature and (b) dissolved oxygen across Isla Natividad. Positive values (red shading) indicate higher values
on northeast side of island. Black squares indicate mean daily difference with standard deviations
Coastal species often exhibit variation in performance asso-
ciated with large-scale climate variability (Boyce et al., 2010;
Cheung et al., 2009; DeCarlo et al., 2017; Lotze & Worm,
2009; Pauly & Christensen, 1995); however, marine micro-
climates that allow these species to adapt to future condi-
tions (Boch et al., 2018; Safaie et al., 2018) may also exist.
Our results suggest environmental variation at the scale of
kilometers could provide refuges from climate stressors, and
other recent studies have demonstrated similar variation and
reduced coral bleaching at scales as little as 10s of meters
(Safaie et al., 2018). Small-scale variation in environmental
conditions has the potential to provide spatial and temporal
refuges for marine animals, and opportunities for conserva-
tion and adaptation to long-term climate trends.
Many marine species are resilient to short-term heating and
hypoxia exposure, but not to longer period extremes (Kim,
Barry, & Micheli, 2013; Somero et al., 2016). Mobile species,
such as many finfish and lobsters, could thus take advantage
of these microclimates to reduce exposure to harsh condi-
tions. For sessile or sedentary species, such as abalone and
sea urchins, microclimates may determine fine-scale distribu-
tion patterns. Conservation and management plans can har-
ness marine microclimates, particularly for sedentary species.
For example, the northeast coast of Isla Natividad may pro-
vide a refuge from extreme heat waves. By not fishing this
region during strong El Nino conditions, populations may be
more resilient and recover more quickly following large-scale
We can use observed responses of the nearshore environ-
ment to large-scale climate variability such as ENSO to make
predictions about the spatial variability of climate change
within fishing cooperative spatial concessions. For example,
with projections for a +2C increase in global atmospheric
temperatures by 2100, we can expect all waters around Isla
Natividad to warm. However, the northeast side of the island
may still experience high short-term variability, based on
our observations. As climate variability increases (e.g., more
intense and frequent ENSO events), we may expect the south-
west side of the island to experience longer, more intense peri-
ods of anomalously cold or warm waters, while the northeast
side will likely only see a gradual warming associated with
general climate trends.
Interestingly, the small-scale variability around the island
also points to differential responses of the ecosystems to
FIGURE 5 Time series of (a) all algae, (b) giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), (c) Eisenia arborea, (d) all invertebrates, (e) abalones (Haliotis
spp.), (f) red spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus), (g) all fishes, (h) kelp and barred sand bass (Paralabrax spp.), and (I) California sheephead
(Semicossyphus pulcher) across Isla Natividad (blue—southwest, red—northeast). Grey squares indicate the annual cumulative wind stress as a
measure of upwelling (nutrient supply). Shading shows 95% confidence intervals and nonoverlap indicates significant differences in abundance
between sites for that year
climate change. Historically, the southwest (upwelling) side
of the island was more productive for abalone. However,
since the recent die-offs (Micheli et al., 2012), abalone are
now more abundant on the northeast side of the island
(Figure 5). We may expect to see small-scale spatial shifts in
ecosystem structure and function that are reflected in changes
in the distribution of catch for commercially important species
(Cavole et al., 2016; Kroeker, Micheli, Gambi, & Martz,
2011; Somero et al., 2016). These changes provide a glim-
mer of hope for conservation efforts where climate change
is often perceived as a problem that acts on scales larger
than those to which these communities can respond (Cinner
et al., 2012; Defeo et al., 2013). In the presence of marine
microclimates, a series of small permanent or rotating no-take
reserves may provide a greater benefit than a few larger per-
manent protected zones. Such reserves could also be species-
specific, allowing communities to harvest particular species
to provide economic stability while ensuring long-term
Local variability can also be incorporated in climate adap-
tation and conservation efforts. Cost effective and scalable
coastal oceanographic observing systems providing informa-
tion on local physical variability to local communities are
key to enable them to harness variability for more effec-
tive local management. Moreover, areas that provide con-
sistent refuges from environmental extremes under different
FIGURE 6 Comparison of sites across Isla San Jeronimo in the El Rosario concession. Sites are approximately 1 km apart on opposite sides
of island. (a) Temperature, (b) temperature difference (ΔT), (c) dissolved oxygen, and (d) dissolved oxygen difference (ΔDO)
large-scale oceanographic regimes (Boch et al., 2018; Safaie
et al., 2018) provide opportunities for restoration efforts and
marine protected areas, and for supporting alternatives to wild
capture fisheries for local communities (Cinner et al., 2018)—
for example, by providing suitable conditions for artificial
reefs, enhancement of exploited populations via juvenile out-
plants, and locally-owned mariculture operations. Identify-
ing such refuges has the potential to support local adaptation
to climate change and enhance marine conservation (Cinner
et al., 2018).
Marine microclimates can provide spatial refuges for many
species and are not currently considered in marine conserva-
tion efforts (marine protected area design). Marine protected
areas that incorporate local scale variability can provide
a mechanism for climate adaptation in spite of large-scale
forecasts (Bruno et al., 2018). Harnessing small-scale vari-
ability in environmental conditions could provide a means of
adapting to climate change similar to how microclimates have
been suggested as adaptations in land-based agriculture (Lin,
2007; Smith & Olesen, 2010). Conservation and adaptation to
climate change must be a collaborative effort among fishers,
NGOs, the government, and scientists. Multistakeholder
collaboration facilitates understanding of complex processes
operating at different scales and promotes transparency and
informed decision making, which will ultimately improve
fisheries management and conservation efforts globally.
We would like to thank A. Greenley and the staff of Comu-
nidad y Biodiversidad and ReefCheck of California for their
help with logistics and in the field. This work was sup-
ported by grants from NSF (CNH-DEB-1212124, OCE-
1416837, and OCE-1737090), the Walton Family Foundation,
the Packard Foundation, and the Marisla and Sandler Family
Foundation. We are grateful to CONANP (National Commis-
sion of Natural Protected Areas) and members of the coopera-
tives Buzos y Pescadores and Ensenada, and the Isla Natividad
community for their participation and support.
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Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Woodson CB, Micheli
F, Boch C, et al. Harnessing marine microclimates
for climate change adaptation and marine con-
servation. Conservation Letters. 2019;12:e12609.
... For example, in 2017, ten cooperatives along the Pacific coast of Baja California, including in Isla Natividad, established a nearshore oceanographic monitoring network using low cost oceanographic sensors (Low et al., 2021), and several cooperatives are actively participating in oceanographic, genetic, and ecological studies through collaboration with academic institutions and local CSOs (e.g. Micheli et al., 2012;Munguia-Vega et al., 2015;Boch et al., 2018;Woodson et al., 2019;Fulton et al., 2019;Smith et al., 2022). ...
... marine heat waves and extreme hypoxia) that have affected the Pacific basin. During the study period, nearshore ecosystems and fisheries of the southern California Current have been affected by both extreme hypoxia and marine heat waves Boch et al., 2018;Woodson et al., 2019;Arafeh-Dalmau et al., 2019;Beas-Luna et al., 2020). ...
... Between 2009-2016 this region experienced a series of devastating tropical storms and hurricanes (including hurricane Simon in 2014), as well record high temperatures (e.g., during a marine heat wave in 2014/16). Long-term in situ oceanographic monitoring documented local warming events that preceded the region-wide marine heat wave of 2014-16 (in summer 2012) and affected the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, but not northern Baja (Woodson et al., 2019). In situ measurements further documented extreme and prolonged local hypoxic and acidic conditions that exceed what was previously reported in the California current region (e.g., Booth et al., 2012;Frieder et al., 2012;Booth et al., 2014). ...
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Coastal ecosystems and human communities are threatened worldwide by climate change, and shocks from social, market and political change. There is an urgent global need to promote resilient food production and livelihoods in the face of these shocks. Small-scale fisheries (SSF) in rural settings can be particularly vulnerable as they frequently lack the resources, rights and infrastructure to respond to shocks originating outside the focal systems. We examined ecological and social outcomes of environmental extremes in a SSF socio-ecological system (SES) by using long-term oceanographic (between 2010-2019) and ecological (2006-2018) data tracking change in a kelp forest ecosystem of Baja California, Mexico, and concurrent documentation of proactive and reactive actions of a fishing community organized in a cooperative. Results indicate a complex landscape of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ among species and fisheries exposed to unprecedented environmental extremes, including marine heat waves and prolonged hypoxia, and a suite of adaptive actions by the local fishing cooperative, and others in the region, that have helped confront these rapid and drastic changes. Cooperatives have established voluntary marine reserves to promote recovery of affected populations and have invested in diversification of activities enabled by access rights, collective decision-making, and participatory science programs. Results indicate that local actions can support social and ecological resilience in the face of shocks, and that enabling locally-driven adaptation pathways is critical to resilience. This case study highlights the crucial importance of strengthening and supporting rights, governance, capacity, flexibility, learning, and agency for coastal communities to respond to change and sustain their livelihoods and ecosystems in the long run.
... as temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH can influence fish movement and habitat selection (Pörtner et al. 2017, Woodson et al. 2019, Pinsky et al. 2020. Fish may need to seek optimal conditions for survival and to meet energy requirements based on their physiological limits (Brett & Groves 1979, Keefer et al. 2009, Fey et al. 2019. ...
... Climate-driven environmental variability can lead to changes in fish habitat use (Topping & Szedlmayer 2011b, Piraino & Szedlmayer 2014. Temperature changes during processes like the El Niño-Southern Oscillation or upwellings can induce relocations of fish as they search for more suitable conditions (Woodson et al. 2019). Given that Santa Elena Bay is generally warmer than the surrounding waters, it may offer physiological advantages during the cold upwelling months (Fey et al. 2019). ...
ABSTRACT: Biological and environmental conditions are drivers of fish habitat use, making it essential to understand how fish move and use specific areas to inform effective fisheries management and conservation. This study quantified the residency and habitat use patterns of the juveniles and early adults of 2 commercially exploited snappers (Lutjanidae) in Santa Elena Bay, a tropical estuarine embayment influenced by a seasonal upwelling in the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Using an array of 28 acoustic receivers, we monitored 14 Colorado Lutjanus colorado (28.848.9 cm) and 16 Pacific dog L. novemfasciatus (22.5–49.3 cm) snappers over 22 mo. Both species were detected inside the bay over 60 % of the monitoring days, showing higher relative abundance in mangrove and transitional estuarine habitats. Throughout the study, a shift in habitat use was observed for both species. Individuals moved from mangrove and transitional habitats to the outer reef habitat and exhibited a decreasing occurrence probability over time, suggesting they leave the bay as they mature. Season and environmental variables, e.g. temperature, had minimal or no effect on the occurrence of the tracked snappers in the bay. However, roaming varied seasonally, increasing during upwelling periods. These results suggest that habitat connectivity facilitates gradual life stage transitions, indicating that Santa Elena Bay likely supports essential fish habitat for commercially important species, particularly for L. novemfasciatus. Results also highlight the importance of integrating knowledge of the complex interplay of biological components (e.g. developmental and intra- and interspecific interactions) and seasonal habitat dynamics into conservation and management strategies.
... Unless the combustion of fossil fuels that is driving temperature and acidification is arrested, the long-term future of abalones together with all other marine molluscs remains uncertain. We will need to use all the tools at our disposal including restoration aquaculture, reductions in fishing pressure, MPAs [112], favourable microclimates [113] and genetically more resilient families [114] to support abalones given that we know how vulnerable these molluscs are to climate stressors. They are truly oceanic "canaries in the coalmine". ...
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There is increasing awareness that marine invertebrates such as abalones are at risk from the combined stressors of fishing and climate change. Abalones are an important marine fishery resource and of cultural importance to Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. A highly priced marine delicacy, they are inherently vulnerable: individuals are slow-growing and long-lived and successful reproduction requires dense assemblages. However, their global conservation status is poorly understood. Using IUCN Red List methodology, we assessed the extinction risk to all 54 species of abalone (genus Haliotis). Of the 21 fished commercially for human consumption either now and/or in the past, 15 (71.43%) are classified as threatened, i.e., those identified as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable. Of the 33 unexploited species, only five (15.15%) are so classified, making exploited species over four times more likely to face extinction, underscoring the impact of fishing on abalones already confronting a changing climate. The highest concentration of threatened species occurs along the North American Pacific coast. Here six of the seven species have been exploited, yet despite years of fishery closures with exemptions only in Alaska and Mexico, all are categorised as threatened. Climate driven stressors have led to mass mortalities, with competition from sea urchins and disease, aggravated by harmful algal blooms. In Australia the picture is mixed despite robust stock management, with some regions experiencing mass mortalities from marine heatwaves and viral spread. Poaching has reached its apogee in South Africa, where organised criminal gangs have reduced the legal fishery of Haliotis midae, ‘perlemoen’ almost to a footnote, accompanied by widespread recruitment failure. In response, the authorities have focused on abalone ranching and stock enhancement. In Japan, with a long history of abalone fishing, wild stocks are routinely supplemented with hatchery-bred juveniles. Collaboration between restoration aquaculture and fisheries, including sea urchin control and kelp restoration, offers hope for rebuilding stocks against a backdrop of escalating environmental stressors.
... However, there are contrasting reports that demersal fishes lack significant responses to MHWs (Fredston et al., 2023). Such penetrations of warm temperature to the benthos have resulted in mortality (Rogers-Bennett and Catton, 2019;Thomsen et al., 2019;Smale, 2020;Wernberg, 2021), coral bleaching (Couch et al., 2017;Le Nohaïc et al., 2017;Gaspar et al., 2021;Wyatt et al., 2023), changes in biodiversity and ecological interactions (Reed et al., 2016;Sanford et al., 2019;Michaud et al., 2022;Starko et al., 2023), and restructuring of microhabitats and refugia after thermal stress (Woodson et al., 2019;Starko et al., 2022). ...
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Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are of increasing concern due to the emerging ecological and socioeconomic impacts on coastal ecosystems. Leveraging the data of the Santa Barbara Coastal Long-Term Ecological Research project, we analyzed the MHW event metrics observed in the kelp forest ecosystem and across Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA. Not only was there a significant positive trend in the number of MHWs recorded, their duration and intensity were also increasing over time. MHWs were detected year-round, suggesting that marine organisms have exposure risks regardless of their phenology. Exposure at one life history stage could have a legacy effect on the subsequent stages, implying little temporal refuge. In contrast, the coastal mooring data revealed that near-surface and bottom events were not necessarily coupled even at less than 15 m. Such spatial variation in MHWs might provide a temporary refuge for mobile species. These observations also highlight the importance of depth-stratified, long-term coastal monitoring to understand spatio-temporal variation in MHW stress on coastal communities.
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Marine heatwaves are globally occurring events that can negatively impact fisheries, but their impacts on small-scale operations remain understudied. We investigate the historical and future impacts of marine heatwaves on small-scale fisheries operating along a biogeographic transition zone in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. We estimate the impacts of the most intense marine heatwave regime on record on fisheries production of 43 economic units operating in a system of 55 Territorial Use-Rights for Fisheries. During this regime, aggregate landings in the lobster, sea urchin, and sea cucumber fisheries decreased between 15 and 58%. Most operations (56%) presented large reductions in landings, whose losses more than outweigh the small increase detected for the other 44%. Notably, impacts were larger for fisheries operating near an equatorward biogeographic break, and for operations in areas of high historical environmental variation and low historical variation in fisheries production. Climate models predict an increase in the frequency and intensity of exposure to marine heatwaves for all fisheries, but the change in frequency and intensity will be greater for those in the north. In the face of extreme environmental shocks such as marine heatwaves, small-scale fisheries operating near biogeographic transition zones are among the most vulnerable.
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The services provided by the world’s coral reefs are threatened by increasingly frequent and severe marine heatwaves. Heatwave-induced degradation of reefs has often been inferred from the extent of the decline in total coral cover, which overlooks extreme variation among coral taxa in their susceptibility and responses to thermal stress. Here, we provide a continental-scale assessment of coral cover changes at 262 shallow tropical reef sites around Australia, using ecological survey data on 404 coral taxa before and after the 2016 mass bleaching event. A strong spatial structure in coral community composition along large-scale environmental gradients largely dictated how coral communities responded to heat stress. While heat stress variables were the best predictors of change in total coral cover, the pre-heatwave community composition best predicted the temporal beta-diversity index (an indicator of change in community composition over time). Indicator taxa in each coral community differed before and after the heatwave, highlighting potential winners and losers of climate-driven coral bleaching. Our results demonstrate how assessment of change in total cover alone may conceal very different responses in community structure, some of which showed strong regional consistency, and may provide a telling outlook of how coral reefs may reorganize in a warmer future.
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Healthy ecosystems and species have some degree of resilience to changing conditions, however as the frequency and severity of environmental changes increase, resilience may be diminished or lost. In Sweden, one example of a species with reduced resilience is the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). This species has been subjected to overfishing, and with additional pressures such as habitat degradation and changing environmental conditions there has been little to no recovery, despite more than a decade of management actions. Given the historical ecological, economical, and cultural significance of cod, it is important to understand how Atlantic cod respond to global climate change to recover and sustainably manage this species in the future. A multi-stressor experiment was conducted to evaluate physiological responses of juvenile cod exposed to warming, ocean acidification, and freshening, changes expected to occur in their nursery habitat. The response to single drivers showed variable effects related to fish biometrics and increased levels of oxidative stress dependent parameters. Importantly, two separate responses were seen within a single treatment for the multi-stressor and freshening groups. These within-treatment differences were correlated to genotype, with the offshore ecotype having a heightened stress response compared to the coastal ecotype, which may be better adapted to tolerate future changes. These results demonstrate that, while Atlantic cod have some tolerance for future changes, ecotypes respond differently, and cumulative effects of multiple stressors may lead to deleterious effects for this important species.
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Kelp forests are one of the earth's most productive ecosystems and are at the greatest risk from climate change, yet little is known regarding their future threats and current conservation status. By combining a global remote sensing dataset of floating kelp forests with climate data and projections, we find that exposure to projected marine heatwaves will increase ~8 times compared to contemporary (2001-2020) exposure for intermediate climate scenarios. While exposure will intensify for all forests, climate refugia emerge for some southern hemisphere kelp forests, which have lower exposure to contemporary and projected marine heatwaves. Under these escalating threats, less than 3% of global kelp forests are currently within highly restrictive marine protected areas, the most effective conservation measure for providing climate resilience. Our findings emphasize the urgent need to increase the global protection of kelp forests and set bolder climate adaptation goals.
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Marine protected areas (MPAs) can promote population recovery from climate change impacts by reducing local stressors, such as fishing. However, with extreme climatic events such as marine heatwaves (MHWs) increasing in frequency and duration, it remains unclear whether MPAs enhance recovery following these acute perturbations, and how recovery varies across species and ecological traits (e.g., sedentary vs mobile species). We used 16 years (2007-2022) of kelp forest monitoring data in Isla Natividad, Baja California Sur, Mexico, to assess the impact of the 2014-2016 MHWs on fish and invertebrate communities. Then we evaluated the impact and recovery from the MHWs of economically and ecologically important invertebrate species inside and outside two fully protected marine reserves. We found that the 2014-2016 MHWs, which were the most intense and persistent ever observed in Isla Natividad, impacted invertebrates but not fish biomass. Marine reserves did not confer resistance to the MHWs, however, reserves did enhance the recovery of some species after the MHWs. Inside marine reserves, abalone ( Haliotis spp.) and wavy turban snail ( Megastraea spp.) (benthic sedentary invertebrates) recovered to pre-heatwave biomass after two years and spiny lobster ( Panulirus interruptus ) (benthic mobile invertebrate) after four years. Outside the reserves, abalone recovered after three years, while the other two species never recovered. The warty sea cucumber ( Apostichopus parvimensis ) population collapsed after the MHWs and never recovered inside nor outside the reserve. Remarkably, abalone biomass had an outstanding and sustained recovery inside reserves, with a 5.6-fold increase in biomass after the MHWs, which was over three times higher than the recovery reported outside the reserve. Our analysis of long-term monitoring data shows that marine reserves cannot prevent adverse impacts from extreme climatic events but can enhance species recovery following these events. Benefits conferred by marine reserves, however, are species-specific and may be limited to species with limited dispersal and localized population dynamics.
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Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary management tool for mitigating threats to marine biodiversity1,2. MPAs and the species they protect, however, are increasingly being impacted by climate change. Here we show that, despite local protections, the warming associated with continued business-as-usual emissions (RCP8.5)³ will likely result in further habitat and species losses throughout low-latitude and tropical MPAs4,5. With continued business-as-usual emissions, mean sea-surface temperatures within MPAs are projected to increase 0.035 °C per year and warm an additional 2.8 °C by 2100. Under these conditions, the time of emergence (the year when sea-surface temperature and oxygen concentration exceed natural variability) is mid-century in 42% of 309 no-take marine reserves. Moreover, projected warming rates and the existing ‘community thermal safety margin’ (the inherent buffer against warming based on the thermal sensitivity of constituent species) both vary among ecoregions and with latitude. The community thermal safety margin will be exceeded by 2050 in the tropics and by 2150 for many higher latitude MPAs. Importantly, the spatial distribution of emergence is stressor-specific. Hence, rearranging MPAs to minimize exposure to one stressor could well increase exposure to another. Continued business-as-usual emissions will likely disrupt many marine ecosystems, reducing the benefits of MPAs.
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Coral bleaching is the detrimental expulsion of algal symbionts from their cnidarian hosts, and predominantly occurs when corals are exposed to thermal stress. The incidence and severity of bleaching is often spatially heterogeneous within reef-scales (<1 km), and is therefore not predictable using conventional remote sensing products. Here, we systematically assess the relationship between in situ measurements of 20 environmental variables, along with seven remotely sensed SST thermal stress metrics, and 81 observed bleaching events at coral reef locations spanning five major reef regions globally. We find that high-frequency temperature variability (i.e., daily temperature range) was the most influential factor in predicting bleaching prevalence and had a mitigating effect, such that a 1 °C increase in daily temperature range would reduce the odds of more severe bleaching by a factor of 33. Our findings suggest that reefs with greater high-frequency temperature variability may represent particularly important opportunities to conserve coral ecosystems against the major threat posed by warming ocean temperatures.
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Climate change is causing warming, deoxygenation, and acidification of the global ocean. However, manifestation of climate change may vary at local scales due to oceanographic conditions. Variation in stressors, such as high temperature and low oxygen, at local scales may lead to variable biological responses and spatial refuges from climate impacts. We conducted outplant experiments at two locations separated by ~2.5 km and two sites at each location separated by ~200 m in the nearshore of Isla Natividad, Mexico to assess how local ocean conditions (warming and hypoxia) may affect juvenile abalone performance. Here, we show that abalone growth and mortality mapped to variability in stress exposure across sites and locations. These insights indicate that management decisions aimed at maintaining and recovering valuable marine species in the face of climate change need to be informed by local variability in environmental conditions.
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How ocean acidification will affect marine organisms depends on changes in both the long-term mean and the short-term temporal variability of carbonate chemistry1–8. Although the decadal-to-centennial response to atmospheric CO2 and climate change is constrained by observations and models1, 9, little is known about corresponding changes in seasonality10–12, particularly for pH. Here we assess the latter by analysing nine earth system models (ESMs) forced with a business-as-usual emissions scenario¹³. During the twenty-first century, the seasonal cycle of surface-ocean pH was attenuated by 16 ± 7%, on average, whereas that for hydrogen ion concentration [H⁺] was amplified by 81 ± 16%. Simultaneously, the seasonal amplitude of the aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) was attenuated except in the subtropics, where it was amplified. These contrasting changes derive from regionally varying sensitivities of these variables to atmospheric CO2 and climate change and to diverging trends in seasonal extremes in the primary controlling variables (temperature, dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity). Projected seasonality changes will tend to exacerbate the impacts of increasing [H⁺] on marine organisms during the summer and ameliorate the impacts during the winter, although the opposite holds in the high latitudes. Similarly, over most of the ocean, impacts from declining Ωarag are likely to be intensified during the summer and dampened during the winter.
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To minimize the impacts of climate change on human wellbeing, governments, development agencies, and civil society organizations have made substantial investments in improving people’s capacity to adapt to change. Yet to date, these investments have tended to focus on a very narrow understanding of adaptive capacity. Here, we propose an approach to build adaptive capacity across five domains: the assets that people can draw upon in times of need; the flexibility to change strategies; the ability to organize and act collectively; learning to recognize and respond to change; and the agency to determine whether to change or not.
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Beneath the waves, oxygen disappears As plastic waste pollutes the oceans and fish stocks decline, unseen below the surface another problem grows: deoxygenation. Breitburg et al. review the evidence for the downward trajectory of oxygen levels in increasing areas of the open ocean and coastal waters. Rising nutrient loads coupled with climate change—each resulting from human activities—are changing ocean biogeochemistry and increasing oxygen consumption. This results in destabilization of sediments and fundamental shifts in the availability of key nutrients. In the short term, some compensatory effects may result in improvements in local fisheries, such as in cases where stocks are squeezed between the surface and elevated oxygen minimum zones. In the longer term, these conditions are unsustainable and may result in ecosystem collapses, which ultimately will cause societal and economic harm. Science , this issue p. eaam7240
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Tropical reef systems are transitioning to a new era in which the interval between recurrent bouts of coral bleaching is too short for a full recovery of mature assemblages. We analyzed bleaching records at 100 globally distributed reef locations from 1980 to 2016. The median return time between pairs of severe bleaching events has diminished steadily since 1980 and is now only 6 years. As global warming has progressed, tropical sea surface temperatures are warmer now during current La Niña conditions than they were during El Niño events three decades ago. Consequently, as we transition to the Anthropocene, coral bleaching is occurring more frequently in all El Niño–Southern Oscillation phases, increasing the likelihood of annual bleaching in the coming decades.
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A 2 °C increase in global temperature above pre-industrial levels is considered a reasonable target for avoiding the most devastating impacts of anthropogenic climate change. In June 2015, sea surface temperature (SST) of the South China Sea (SCS) increased by 2 °C in response to the developing Pacific El Niño. On its own, this moderate, short-lived warming was unlikely to cause widespread damage to coral reefs in the region, and the coral reef “Bleaching Alert” alarm was not raised. However, on Dongsha Atoll, in the northern SCS, unusually weak winds created low-flow conditions that amplified the 2 °C basin-scale anomaly. Water temperatures on the reef flat, normally indistinguishable from open-ocean SST, exceeded 6 °C above normal summertime levels. Mass coral bleaching quickly ensued, killing 40% of the resident coral community in an event unprecedented in at least the past 40 years. Our findings highlight the risks of 2 °C ocean warming to coral reef ecosystems when global and local processes align to drive intense heating, with devastating consequences.
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The intensity and frequency of climate-driven disturbances are increasing in coastal marine ecosystems. Understanding the factors that enhance or inhibit ecosystem resilience to climatic disturbance is essential. We surveyed 97 experts in six major coastal biogenic ecosystem types to identify “bright spots” of resilience in the face of climate change. We also evaluated literature that was recommended by the experts that addresses the responses of habitat-forming species to climatic disturbance. Resilience was commonly reported in the expert surveys (80% of experts). Resilience was observed in all ecosystem types and at multiple locations worldwide. The experts and literature cited remaining biogenic habitat, recruitment/connectivity, physical setting, and management of local-scale stressors as most important for resilience. These findings suggest that coastal ecosystems may still hold great potential to persist in the face of climate change and that local- to regional-scale management can help buffer global climatic impacts.
Internal waves are widespread features of global oceans that play critical roles in mixing and thermohaline circulation. Similarly to surface waves, internal waves can travel long distances, ultimately breaking along continental margins. These breaking waves can transport deep ocean water and associated constituents (nutrients, larvae, and acidic low-oxygen waters) onto the shelf and locally enhance turbulence and mixing, with important effects on nearshore ecosystems. We are only beginning to understand the role internal waves play in shaping nearshore ecosystems. Here, I review the physics of internal waves in shallow waters and identify two commonalities among internal waves in the nearshore: exposure to deep offshore waters and enhanced turbulence and mixing. I relate these phenomena to important ecosystem processes ranging from extreme events to fertilization success to draw general conclusions about the influence of internal waves on ecosystems and the effects of internal waves in a changing climate. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Marine Science Volume 10 is January 3, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.