
Opening the networks with Parlay/OSA: Standards and aspects behind the APIs

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Recently there has been an enormous increase in efforts to open up telecommunication networks for application development. In opening up the network, new business models emerge where applications can be developed and provided by enterprises outside the traditional network operator domain. This new business model, combined with the fact that applications can be built using standardized API with off-the-shelf IT technology and tools, will result in new innovative applications that will hit the market with drastically reduced development cycles. This article provides an overview of the Parlay/OSA initiatives concerning the specification of a set of open standardized API. Furthermore, the article outlines some architectural aspects that are implied and implicitly contained in the Parlay/OSA specifications. These are critical for understanding the implications when allowing access to the network via Parlay/OSA. The article then outlines different types of applications that can be built using Parlay/OSA. Finally, we conclude with an analysis of the future of Parlay/OSA.

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... Through this communication infrastructure, the SCS serves as proxy that interacts with core network elements [20]. Note that the SCS is a proxy in the sense of being a common point of contact and not because that the working logic resides in it and not elsewhere. ...
... There are thus various ways in which this objective can be satisfied. One approach is to deploy an SCS directly on a network element such as an HLR [20]. With this configuration the SCS is a component part of the network element [20]. ...
... One approach is to deploy an SCS directly on a network element such as an HLR [20]. With this configuration the SCS is a component part of the network element [20]. The advantage of this configuration is that it results in a reduction of network traffic between the SCS and the network element. ...
... Since then, the work within the initiatives has been fully aligned, and the newest specification (Parlay release 4.0) has been produced jointly. [22,11] others. In addition, the specification defines a core network side Framework, which provides interfaces for security, and SCF registration, discovery, and execution. ...
... Network operator can also use the APIs internally, in which case the service network resides in the operator domain. [22,11] The API itself is object-oriented by nature. The interface classes are specified in UML, and the interfaces in IDL and WSDL 5 . ...
... For more in-depth information about the OSA/Parlay API usage model, Moerdik and Klostermann present a comprehensive example application using the OSA/Parlay Framework and some SCF's in [22]. ...
... One such challenge has been the increased com-petition in providing advanced value-added services to the customers [3]. The abandoning of monopolist market models has brought with it a pressure on incumbent carriers to make available their network resources to be used by thirdparty service and application providers [8]. This creates a specialization of the telecommunication application development business that again puts pressure on both network operators and third-party application providers to optimize their development processes. ...
... Parlay is a middleware specification developed specifically for the telecommunication domain. Parlay enables network operators to open up their networks and make available their network resources in a systematic and standard manner [8]. Parlay enables reuse at the component level. ...
... Parlay [8,13] is a platform-independent, object-oriented middleware specification developed specifically for the telecommunication domain. Parlay is being developed by the non-profit Parlay group as an open specification (see ...
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MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) has been coined by OMG (Object Management Group) as the next step in ap- plication integration. Being based on standards already embraced by a large segment of the software engineering industry, MDA promises fully automatic model transfor- mation. MDA enables application developers to use for- malisms such as UML to specify their applications in a totally platform-independent way. Later transformations to platform-dependent software are automated. Parlay, a middleware specification developed for the telecommunica- tion domain, is on the other hand promising network inde- pendent development and deployment of telecommunication services and applications. In this position paper we report on our experience from a Eurescom project where we try to couple MDA and Parlay in order to increase reuse in the telecommunication domain. Telecommunication service development is hampered by long development cycles and low level of reuse. We describe how MDA approach can be applied to telecommunication domain through the use of Parlay. We believe this approach has substantial potential for reducing development costs for many telecommunica- tion operators. In addition, developed models and applica- tions can be deployed on a wide variety of platforms without much change.
... The idea is absolutely clear. This is the biggest attempt to create common programming interfaces for telecommunication services since Parlay/OSA [4]. The universal software interface will allow, in theory, to easily transfer services between different telecommunications operators, create common marketplaces, etc. ...
... Parlay was one of the most significant ways to introduce a single API for building telecommunication services [4,19]. The first rides were based on the OMG Corba. ...
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In this article, we review a new GSMA initiative - Open Gateway. This is a set of programming interfaces for developers and service providers to access the infrastructure of a telecommunications operator. In its initial launch, this initiative includes 8 programming interfaces. They mainly focus on security. There are no software interfaces associated with voice calls at all, for example. The GSMA notes that this is only the beginning, and other APIs may follow. But in the first release, well-defined interfaces were chosen. How to evaluate this implementation? Will there be users at the new gateway? For what types of services (services) can this offer be suitable? Open Gateway did not appear out of nowhere. Telecommunications applications have been successfully developed for a long time without the participation of telecommunications operators. Will the new solution meet the needs of developers, and what may appear in subsequent implementations?
... There is a great interest in Open APIs from the operators since these stimulate the development and deployment of applications over their networks and then increase the network service utilization. Security problems may obstacle this process and for this reason, since the beginning, all the defined APIs have included authentication and secure communication technologies, as illustrated in [17]. ...
... In step 1, the DS-TE architecture is decomposed in macro-functionalities (MF), defined as macroscopic components of the system that take care of well-defined aspects. In our analysis we have isolated the following MFs, which characterize the transport management in NGNs [17]: The main macro-functionalities of the reference architecture are included in this list, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. This set of functions comes from the work done by the ITU-T, but another list could also be considered. ...
... The integrated and critical analysis of the results from 40 case studies and relevant academic literature review on middleware platforms, technical documents elaborated by MMTPs, industry-related news, and market research reports and analysis (Agboma and Liotta, 2009;Alcatel, 2006;Ballon and Van Bossuyt, 2006;Bellavista et al., 2009;Benali et al., 2004;Bonnin et al., 2009;Capp and Farley, 2005;Chan and Chuang, 2003; Chen et al., Figure 2 The list of companies studied 2003; Das et al., 2000;Decker and Bulander, 2009;Devoteam, 2007;Ericsson, 2005Ericsson, , 2008Fleury et al., 2009;Karlich et al., 2004;Koutsopoulou et al., 2004Koutsopoulou et al., , 2007Gupta et al., 2009;Hashim et al., 2008;Laakko and Hiltunen, 2005;Le Maistre, 2010;Leavitt, 2003;Manasseh and Sengupta, 2010;Misra et al., 2008;Moerdijk and Klostermann, 2003;Nagar and Lim, 2008;Pailer et al., 2003;Pavlovski and Staes-Polet, 2005;Sun and Leu, 2009;Sur et al., 2006;Yang et al., 2010;Zahariadis et al., 2002;Zhang, 2007) made it possible to build an MCSDP functional architecture comprising seven modules with 48 functionalities or sub-modules. In addition, three cross-module macro-functions were present. ...
... OSA/Parlay interfaces integration is the eighth EC considered. OSA/Parlay Application Program Interfaces offer an abstraction of core network functionalities, supporting the interfacing between the platform and third party systems (Moerdijk and Klostermann, 2003;Zahariadis et al., 2002). Specifically, API Parlay X leverages Web Services technologies, letting the emergent developer community easily access network functions and capabilities, reducing the time to market for new services, and simplifying business-partner relationships. ...
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Purpose – This paper seeks to propose a technology classification model for mobile content and service delivery platforms (MCSDPs), the core of mobile middleware technology providers' (MMTPs) value proposition. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model is grounded on existing literature and empirical research consisting of 40 in-depth case studies with MMTPs and 102 semi-structured interviews with top management from firms operating in the mobile content environment that already own or are interested in purchasing a MCSDP. Theoretical sampling was employed. The quality function deployment (QFD) technique was used to create the final technology classification schema. Findings – The MCSDP technology classification model has three components: a MCSDP functional architecture, which describes platform structure in terms of its endowment of functionalities and capabilities; a MCSD classification schema, which allows the identification of a set of platform categories classified according to the range of functionalities usually possessed; and a technology classification schema consisting of a set of technology dimensions that directly influence platform efficiency and effectiveness. Practical implications – The proposed model can be used for mapping existing and future MCSDP offer in terms of technological strengths and weaknesses and thus support decision-making by platform vendors and buyers. Originality/value – The main contribution is the creation of a reference framework capable of rigorously modelling the emergent phenomenon related to the rise of middleware platform providers within the mobile content environment. The paper also contributes to extending the existing QFD literature, since it demonstrates the house of quality tool's usefulness in a new context of application.
... Bu tez çalışmasının bir sonraki adımı olarak, OWL destekli Oracle veritabanı yönetim sisteminden bu tezin ana konusunu oluşturan soyut mimari yapılar kapsamında nasıl yararlanılabileceğinin araştırılması da katkı sağlayıcı bir çalışma olacaktır.Parlay Grubu, nihai hedef olarak IT uygulamalarını telekomünikasyon dünyasının olanaklarıyla birleştirip, işlevsellik açısından zengin, güvenli ve açık standartlara dayalı uygulama programlama arayüzleri (API) tanımlamak ve bunların kullanımını teşvik etmek amacıyla, pek çok IT ve telekomünikasyon firmasının katılımıyla kurulmuş açık bir konsorsiyumdur 1 . Parlay uygulama programlama arayüzleri, telekomünikasyon operatörlerinin şebekelerinde konuşlanmış güvenli geçitler aracılığıyla, şebeke dışında bulunan uygulama sunucuları üzerinden katma değerli servisler vermeyi kolaylaştırmak amacıyla geliştirilmişlerdir(Moerdijk and Klosterman, 2003). Şekil 6.1, katma değerli servis geliştirme ve konuşlandırma ortamını bir yazılım katmanları yığını şeklinde ele alan Parlay servis geliştirme mimarisini resmetmektedir(Lozinski'den, 2005). ...
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Value added telecommunications services, being a dynamic field of activity by their very nature, are currently defined by ad hoc means. Considering the providers, users, their profiles, preferences, and their context while developing and deploying these services will undoubtedly help to manage this dynamism and complexity. This study aims at proposing an abstract architecture to utilize in developing innovative value added mobile telecommunications services. The proposed architecture has been built upon semantically enhanced knowledge bases backed with appropriate ontology and reasoning services, and a FIPA compliant multi-agent platform. To evaluate the contributions of the proposed architecture in solving the problems at hand, a special purpose ontology has been developed, and simple agent prototypes have been implemented to utilize this ontology. In order to focus on higher application levels in terms of the added value achieved, several commercial and freely available tools have been utilized in this study.
... Note that, while Web Server accesses the XParlay connector services by us- ing a CN Wired channel, the wireless clients are linked to it by using different CNW WWAN channels. Here, the role of the XParlay connector is to make the set of services implemented within WAN networks (i.e., messaging, presence, localization, phone calls) available to the web server [22]. In this setting, let the UMTS PDA holder want to send an SMS to both the GSM Phone and the Laptop clients. ...
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B3G is an emerging network technology which conceives the convergence of telecommunication and IP-based networks for providing enhanced services able to transfer both voice and non-voice data through wired and wireless networks. Moreover, B3G networks can be no longer considered as “passive” entities which only transport data between end-points, but they must be considered as “active” parties that have their own behavior and provide services. This creates a completely new application domain where applying current software engineering design tools, such as software architectures, fails. In fact, dealing with B3G networks requires to explicit low-level details usually abstracted by the architectural descriptions. To this extent, we present an ongoing work on investigating B3G-oriented application modeling. In particular, we propose an enhanced UML profile to define and analyze software architectures that explicitly exploit the B3G domain properties.
... , ( API) 。 API 、 、 , [ 1] 。 , Parlay APIs [ 2] Parlay 、ETSI ( ) 3GPP( ) 。 , , 。 IETF SIP [ 3] ( ), 、 ...
This paper focuses on Parlay/SIP (Parlay/Session Initiation Protocol) mapping in call control service , through this process we can find that related Parlay interfaces can be relatively easily implemented which will be demonstrated by a service instance.
... The term "network' comes from the field of technology and telecommunications and was later adopted by social sciences. (Moerdijk, and Klostermann, 2003). In 1997 Fisher expanded the definition of networking and cited the following; "networking has to do with professionals who learn from other people's experience, as far as issues of common interest is concerned. ...
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This book negotiates the complex relationship between the identity of modern multicultural city and its development as well as its social cohesion, on the horizon of globalization and crisis. Specifically, it expounds on an interdisciplinary approach regarding the actual phenomenon of multiculturalism in contemporary cities. The relationships created within this context between the different cultural groups and their impact on the city itself are described. It relates the concepts of identity and diversity and their effects on the socioeconomic development of the city. In addition, it also relates to social cohesion existing in urban areas, plus the dynamics of relationships developed within a complex context. All within the context of political science, sociology and management science, while combining the scientific theory of cultural landscape, cultural theory, systemic analysis and sustainable development in an original theory is created, the "intercultural identity of the city". What is more, while intercultural identity is the keystone of this hypothesis, it proposes the creation of a specific model planning of sustainable development and social cohesion in the modern and post-modern cities of the future. This is ongoing research which aims to deepen the understanding and interconnection between networks and cities' identities, but also strives to develop the methodology acquired from the feedback and information that will emerge from the implementation of this model in real life. In brief, this book, introduces the term human intercultural city for the first time. It expounds on an original scientific theory, coining the term "intercultural city identity" and "Human Intercultural Cities (H.I.C.)". This is what makes it a pioneer monograph as well as a necessary notion for the survival of modern cities so much for now as for the future. The negative impact of globalization and the subsequent economic crisis in metropolitan centers will be inevitable. Furthermore, this monograph may be used as a handy tool for academics, researchers, educators, policymakers, marketers and students as well as for the local communities of various cities in order to plan effectively and implement techniques that will lead humanity to a real exit from the crisis, hence helping to build a humanistic future for their cities.
... Figure 6: Architecture de référence des services web Comme présenté par exemple dans[Karunamurthy, 2007], ces notions peuvent être rapprochées de celles de broker et retailer de TINA-C ou du framework de Parlay[Moerdijk, 2003].Les web services sont décrits par leur interface, habituellement suivant le langage WSDL (pour Web Services Description Language) qui spécifie la signature du service, c'està-dire ses paramètres d'entrée attendus et ses paramètres de sortie. Dans la communauté web, une architecture de service consiste donc en un ensemble de services web interagissant à travers le motif présenté ci-dessus (figure 6). ...
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Next-generation communication services should be able to cooperate in order to meet specific needs, while keeping their autonomy. This implies to master their architectures and to share these architectures within the enterprise. Architectural frameworks are therefore essential. After a review of the state of the art in the telecom, web and IT fields, and after having discussed the stakes of the telecom service convergence, we introduce here four viewpoints (business, functional, technical and applicative), as well as a methodology to build reference views that will be shared across the enterprise, and architectural views that are dedicated to each service. We illustrate this approach through case studies and we point out its applications to build service offers, to rationalize existing services and to realize a convergence between various services.
... Open telecom APIs have tried for years to cater to the needs of Internet application developers. In 1998, the Parlay Group proposed a set of open APIs to enable the creation of services by organizations both inside and outside the traditional carrier environment specified by the Common Object Request Broker Architechture/ Interface Definition Language (CORBA/IDL) [4]. To complement the new service-oriented trend, web-services-based Parlay specifications were released. ...
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Service creation by ordinary users without technical know-how has become increasingly popular in the Web 2.0 era. There is a growing need for ordinary Web 2.0 users to embed telecom services into their existing web applications such as blog, wiki, or online shops' homepages without conventional programming. However, the current open APIs, SDK, and graphical service creation environment technologies are mainly aimed at experienced developers with professional technical knowledge, rather than ordinary Web 2.0 users. To facilitate the latter's use of telecom network services in their web applications, this article proposes a novel web-element-based exposure approach for such services. It encapsulates lowlevel APIs in a series of customised independent web elements, which can be directly embedded in the web page by the Customization-Copy-Paste feature. The flexible invocation of telecom services by ordinary Web 2.0 users will greatly promote web-based telecommunication applications.
... With this direction, ETSI approach potentially leads to the huge set of different APIs. We saw already the similar approach in Parlay [12] for example. It complicates the adoption of new development tools or even makes it impossible. ...
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This paper provides an overview for existing and upcoming system software projects in M2M area. In this article we discuss system software models and solutions, rather than network related aspects. The primary goal is to provide an overview of existing models as well as discuss the possible extensions. Can we describe the common points for the different M2M software models? Are there some reused patterns? How M2M software models are going to attract developers? These are the main issues addressed in this article.
... In order to support the shift from traditional closed business model to open service ecosystem of telecom industry, NGN (Next Generation Network) and 3G network all adopt the open API (Application Programming Interface) technologies in the service layer, such as Parlay/OSA and Parlay X (Moerdijk & Klostermann, 2003). Thus, the telecommunication network services, such as call control, short messaging service, and location service, are available to the service developers in the form of APIs. ...
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This paper proposed a method of modeling Telecom Services Domain Ontology (TSDO) and the detailed constructing steps were given. It utilized modular means to divide telecom services domain into several sub-domains, and made use of extending UML Profile to model sub-domain ontology, created complete TSDO. It makes contributions to the share of telecom services domain knowledge semantically and to promote the intelligence of telecom services.
... To do so, the Parlay/OSA gateways use protocols like CS1 [ITURP30542] (under ITUstandardization process) and MAP (Mobile Application Part) [TS29002]. The framework consists of a family of interfaces that enables management functionalities such as Trust and Security Management, Registration, Service Life Cycle Management, Service Discovery, Integrity Management, Event Notification, Contract Management and Charging [Moerdijk03]. Parlay/OSA applications run on application servers using CORBA to communicate with the Parlay gateways. ...
Today, billing is a big challenge for service providers. With a growing number of rich services such as music, mobile TV, Video-on-Demand and eHealth delivered to the mass market, service providers are missing business opportunities because current billing solutions are not fully capable. In particular, the delivery of on-the-fly composite services, composed of many service components provided by different service providers causes many complexities. This book proposes a billing system that deals with these inter-domain complexities. Moreover, the billing system provides an interim charging mechanism that allows for monitoring and updating of customer credit balances in near real-time. The system is designed to support large-scaled transactions and can be implemented in a commercial environment. Since billing is an expensive business process due to its complexity and high transaction volumes service providers may decide to delegate their billing processes to third parties in order to reduce operational costs. Additionally, the presented billing system can be applied to such a business model.
... Recently, there has been an enormous increase in efforts to "open up" telecommunications networks for application development [1]. In opening up the network, new business models emerge where applications can be developed and provided by enterprises outside the traditional network operator domain. ...
Opening up telecommunications networks allows operators to develop and deploy new services that utilize the underlying capabilities of the network. Open Service Access and the Parlay APIs are gaining wide industry acceptance for basic service capabilities such as call control and user location. However, next generation services will require the use of additional advanced service capabilities such as Quality of Service, multicasting and VPN provisioning. This paper focuses on Open APIs for Quality of Service control, and analyzes the existing Parlay Connectivity Manager as an interface to the expected requirements based on recent drafts from ETSI TISPAN's Resource Admission Control Subsystem. We describe the strengths and weaknesses of the existing API specifications and provide suggestions about changes that are needed to improve the specification. Furthermore, we describe our efforts to date in implementing a prototype of the specifications and experience in utilizing the prototype to develop an example QoS-aware application.
... Since the WSN can be regarded as a network element, the support of de facto standards for the WSN handling (i.e., sensor data retrieval) by the platform seems both crucial and feasible. Such an API could be the Parlay/OSA (Open Services Access) [1]. The only extension that would be required is the addition of a Sensor SCS (Service Capability Server) to the Parlay/OSA specification. ...
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In this paper we study the opportunities of commercial exploitation of applications based on sensor networks. Such applications are quite famous nowadays in many different domains of everyday life (e.g., health monitoring, traffic monitoring). We introduce a new business model for sensor based services. Such business model involves entities like the mobile network operator and capitalizes on existing standards for application service providers (e.g., the OSA/Parlay standard). We also present the required technical framework that would facilitate the introduction and rapid adoption of the proposed business schemes.
... Parlay Group have collaborated and defined jointly the Joint Working Group (JWG) in the context of Open Service Access (OSA). JWG is responsible to further develop and maintain the OSA/Parlay specifications [6]. These specifications enable third party client applications to access transparently the core network functionality and make use of it through a set of open, standardized and technology-independent interfaces, which comprise the Application Programming Interface (API) of OSA/Parlay. ...
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The challenge for fast and low-cost deployment of ubiquitous personalized e-Health services has prompted us to propose a new framework architecture for such services. We have studied the operational features and the environment of e-Health services and we led to a framework structure that extends the ETSI/Parlay architecture, which is used for the deployment of standardized services over the next generation IP networks. We expanded the ETSI/Parlay architecture with new service capability features as well as sensor, profiling and security mechanisms. The proposed framework assists the seamless integration, within the e-Health service structure, of diverse facilities provided by both the underlying communication and computing infrastructure as well as the patient's bio and context sensor networks. Finally, we demonstrate the deployment of a tele-monitoring service in smart home environment based on the proposed framework architecture.
... Anyone can provide services. Open network or Open Service Access (OSA) models for allowing applications to access network functionality are embodied in standards such as OSA/Parlay [7] and JAIN [8]. Similarly, the Parlay X standard [9] seeks to allow the creation of Web services that can invoke well-defined communications functions. ...
This paper examines the convergence pro-cess in telecommunications, the Internet, broadcasting as well as most knowledge and transaction based indus-tries. Four main viewpoints are identified: technology, provider, user and regulator. The silo model for the pre-convergence situation is reviewed, together with a four-layer model for understanding the convergence process. The four-layer model is reconciled with the typical fa-cilities and elements found in telecommunications and broadcast systems and in the Internet. Each layer is examined in detail to identify areas of progress toward or obstacles to convergence. The use of the four-layer model as a basis for regulation in a convergent envi-ronment is examined. From the model and the various examples cited, the characteristics of successful conver-gence and disruptive developments are identified.
... The ASP accesses the services provided in the service layer through SCF interfaces. The service layer is divided into the Framework and the Gateway that contains the SCF implementations [1]. The SCFs are accessed through the Framework which stores information about applications and creates the required componential object for each SCF that the application uses. ...
The OSA/Parlay architecture supports the develop-ment of applications that control network connections through an open API. This paper presents a proposal on improving the rate at which applications are developed and deployed using the Par-lay/OSA architecture. The work seeks to facilitate software reuse by providing logical groupings in the application layer of the Par-lay/OSA architecture.
... The ASP accesses the services provided in the service layer through SCF interfaces. The service layer is divided into the Framework and the Gateway that contains the SCF implementations [1]. The SCFs are accessed through the Framework which stores information about applications and creates the required componential object for each SCF that the application uses. ...
The OSA/Parlay architecture supports the develop-ment of applications that control network connections through an open API. This paper presents a proposal on improving the rate at which applications are developed and deployed using the Par-lay/OSA architecture. The work seeks to facilitate software reuse by providing logical groupings in the application layer of the Par-lay/OSA architecture.
Telcos’ viewpoint is “Network is King”. Webcos’ viewpoint is “Service is King”—the web client and its services are the center points. However, it is not easy to define what “service” is: a bunch of resource; collection of tasks; particular interactions and semantics; or all the above. By exploring the concepts of service, we can see how services and their definitions evolce, and how their gravity center shifts to unfamiliar zones. The service control is shifting from client–server interaction mode to more open but perplexing peer-to-peer mode. This has a knock-on transforming effect on service structure, message channeling, parallel processing, etc.
IntroductionInteraction MultiplicityIs Interaction DesignSome Generic Intelligent Interaction ApplicationsExercisesReferences
Communication services are evolving at an unprecedented rate. No longer limited to interpersonal vocal communication, they now integrate functions such as address books, content sharing and messaging. The emergence of social networks - which may also include these features - is an important element of this transformation. Content services are becoming flagship services themselves, and are sometimes paired up with conversation services. The boundaries between different services are becoming less and less distinct. This book meets the need for a better understanding of communication services, and for a general framework of their description. A detailed overview on service architecture in the Telco, Web and IT worlds is presented, offering a roadmap with explanations on how to improve the architecture and governance of communication service architectures by exploiting the syntax and semantics that are common to different services is clearly outlined. This book also responds to recurring questions about service design, such as the functional scope of enablers or SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) services, the relevance of service composition to the user and collaboration between different services in a converged environment. Many concrete examples from telecoms service providers' operations illustrate these concepts. Contents 1. Describing Service Architectures. 2. Convergence of Service. 3. Building an Architectural Framework for Telecom Services. 4. Modeling and Case Study. 5. Organizational and Software Applications. About the Authors Emmanuel Bertin is senior service architect at Orange Labs in France. He is the author of more than 40 research papers, and holds more than 10 patents in the area of communication services. Noël Crespi worked at Bouygues Telecom, France Telecom RandD, and then at Nortel Networks where he led the Telephony Programme. He is currently Professor and Head of the Service Architecture Laboratory at Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis in France and is the author/co-author of more than 160 research papers and 140 contributions in standardization..
Nowadays, with the advent of deregulation, service providers aim to be more competitive and to attract more subscribers in order to cope with the high market pressure. For this purpose, today's providers support a user-centric approach that consists on quickly providing user oriented services. This user-centric approach becomes more and more significant with the emergence of the next generation networks and services (NGN/NGS) context. Within this context, where network convergence and service convergence are omnipresent, the end-user becomes more nomadic and claims the access to any service, anywhere, anytime and by any means. His goal is to dynamically compose a personalized service session while converging a set of multi-domain services (Telco, Web and IT). Then, he wants to maintain the continuity of this service session throughout his spatial and temporal mobility. Within the scope of this thesis, we propose a novel service architecture, namely the NGN/NGS Middleware, that adopts an horizontal distributed event-driven and service oriented approachn and that is based on a novel service model. In addition, we propose two solutions for service continuity management, that are based on virtual communities and on a semantic handover. These solutions take into consideration the user's preferences and ambiant context. At the end, we think we could answer some cloud computing challenges by integrating our solutions to manage cloud users.
Our daily life will be more attractive when our surroundings will be more intelligent. Most of current researches in ubiquitous computing try to build a smart environment by embedding sensors and computers in our living spaces directly. However, the approach is very expensive to make our environment smart. Our approach uses intelligent daily objects and personal devices to build a smart environment. This makes it possible to make our environment smart in an incremental way by replacing existing objects to new intelligent objects whenever a person wants.
Parlay Gateway has played an important role in application development on heterogeneous networks. For many third part’s applications accessing Telecommunication Network through it, it is likely to become the bottleneck of whole system. In this paper, the author proposed a self-adapted control model which is effective in admission control of Parlay Gateway. This method is made up of five modules, which are admission control module, waiting queue module, token generating module, scheduling module, and the overload detecting module. According to some simulation results, the author found it is useful and easy to be implemented.
The shift of the telecommunication world towards Next Generation Networks (NGNs) has triggered the interest in location-based services (LBSs) for service providers. This interest has elevated the need for seamless access to location information by anyone wishing to evade the overhead of adapting to proprietary interfaces. This paper discusses the use of Open Application Interfaces to unify the access to location information maintained by network components and describes the implementation of a middleware gateway to location information, which complies with these open interfaces. Additionally, the performance of different distributed technologies providing access to the gateway is evaluated.
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This paper introduces event broker which helps to execute asynchronous web services in the open web service gateway. Event broker accounts for registering and notifying events based on the pre-defined policy in the gateway. The open web service gateway provides standardized interfaces (open APIs) which enable the 3rd party service providers to create blended applications without specific knowledge of the underlying network. Open APIs abstract network capabilities such as call control, presence, terminal location, multimedia messaging, multicasting and etc. These APIs are implemented as web services in the open web service gateway. There are two kinds of web service operations, that is, synchronous and asynchronous operations. In the asynchronous case, applications register the interested events previously and are notified later of asynchronous events such as location changes, busy status, and presence information from the underlying network. There can be desirable or undesirable situations during the event notification process since more than one applications can requests the notification of the same event. Event broker mechanism is introduced to solve this conflict during the registration and notification of events in this paper.
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This paper researches the resource sharing problem in Next Generation Network (NGN). GRSEN-an OGSA-based Resource Sharing Environment in NGN is proposed which is divided into four layers: resource layer, service layer, virtual service and virtual organization layer (VSVOL) and the user/application layer. GRSEN wraps all the resources in NGN including network capability resources, service resources into grid services. With the help of VSVOL, GRSEN realizes the transparency of the access to grid service in NGN. A multiserver multiqueue (MSMQ) based scheduling system of GRSEN and a priority-based scheduling algorithm are proposed. The proposed scheduling system is modeled by Stochastic Petri Net and simulation experiments are done. The results of experiments verify that the scheduling system and algorithm can achieve the goal that scheduling service requests of GRSEN according to the priority and getting large throughput.
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As the popularity of cloud computing increases, cloud services can provide rich functionality by means of standardized APIs based on open technology. More and more web services offer APIs for application developers to use. APIs act as the intermediate between application developers and web services. The security of cloud computing depends largely on the management of APIs. Hence a strong API access control model is required. In this paper, we design and implement an API access control mechanism based on OAuth which simplifies its process flow under different application scenarios. We also show how access control mechanism can be realized as REST-style web services.
Conference Paper
With the opening up of telecom network resources to third parties, more and more value-added composite applications are developed and deployed. Security management for these composite applications becomes a practical and important issue. This paper presents a new security management mechanism based on hash chains. The new mechanism can provide real time authentication/authorization, real time execution process management, and real time charging validation for composite applications at the same time. In addition the new mechanism is very simple and efficient.
This paper presents a development paradigm for Ethiopia, based on appropriate services and innovative use of mobile communications technologies via applications tailored for sectors like business, finance, healthcare, governance, education and infotainment. The experience of other developing countries like India and Kenya is cited so as to adapt those to the Ethiopian context. Notable application areas in the aforementioned sectors have been outlined. The ETC 'next generation network' is taken into consideration, with an emphasis on mobile service offering by the Telco itself and/or third party service providers. In addition, enabling technologies like mobile internet, location-based systems, open interfaces to large telecom networks, specifically service-oriented architecture (SOA), Parlay/JAIN and the like are discussed. The paper points out possible endeavors by such stakeholders like: telecom agencies and network operators; businesses, government and NGOs; entrepreneurs and innovators; technology companies and professionals; as well as researchers and academic institutions. ICT4D through mobile services and their role in bridging the digital divide by building a virtual 'network economy' is presented.
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are transient networks formed dynamically by a collection of arbitrarily located wireless mobile nodes without relying on any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. They are either stand alone or connected to a fixed infrastructure such as 3G. They are useful in situations such as natural disasters, and their use is gaining more and more momentum. This paper proposes a framework for service provisioning in stand-alone MANETs. It focuses on the invocation and execution phases of the service life cycle. The framework is based on SIP servlets and comprises a novel business model and an overlay network. The business model enables service invocation and execution. The overlay network is used for service execution and is based on a distributed SIP servlets engine. Validation aspects are also discussed.
The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) is the main component of 3G networks. It aims at the seamless provisioning of multimedia services to end-users. This paper presents a case study on multiparty multimedia game development in IMS. It first reviews the APIs and tools available for multiparty multimedia conferencing applications (e.g. games) development in IMS. It then presents the semantics of the game studied in the case and discusses the implementation architecture. The game is a revisited version of the well known capture the flag game. We have developed it with the Ericsson Service Development Studio (SDS) and implemented a prototype. The prototype is described along with the performance measurements. The lessons learned are presented.
In this paper, we address feature interaction problem on user-level requirements. To detect service interaction runtime among added-value services in Service Logical Execution Environment with Opening Parlay APIs, we propose a method based on service intention consistency rules (SICR). Firstly, we address User Intention Violations of service interactions. Along with SICR method which is addressed in details, a series of algorithms for handling service interactions at runtime have been presented. At last, a conclusion and future work are addressed.
There is much interest in the possibility of both wireless and wireline network operators earning new revenues by encouraging the independent application development community to create new, useful ways of exploiting network capabilities; historically such capabilities have been under the exclusive control of the network operator. There are various initiatives supporting this aim through the specifications and promotion of standard application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be used to access these network functions. This paper gives an overview of the main initiatives and examines factors such as developer engagement and policing, that will affect the successful deployment and use of network APIs but that are unrelated to their exact technical specification.
With more and more demands for various network services, there are many kinds of value added services provided by different service providers. These services overlap with each other and can't operate for each other. Grid service is a new progress, which basic premise is service. Grid service itself is platform-independent and has good interface for communicating with each other. For gridifying teleco-services in next-generation networks, this paper proposes a ParlayGS model and implements ParlayGS prototype. ParlayGS bases on Parlay and open grid services architecture (OGSA), which implement open and integration criteria all in one. We carried a lot of experiments. Our efforts show that ParlayGS are valid and effective, which not only supports new complex services spanning heterogeneous networks, but also enables flexible and rapid ways for service interconnection with lower protocol conversion complexity.
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and Web services (WS) are service-oriented architectures developed separately for service delivery in the next generation telecommunications, and IT-centric computing environment, respectively. In order to harness services in both of these platforms and to facilitate combining and blending of services, we propose an integrated telecom and IT Service Delivery Platform for interworking between IMS and WS. We propose to use SIP-based Micro Service Orchestration and Web service bus to seamlessly integrate IMS, WS and the underlying services. We further present an example of managing multimedia services over an Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON) infrastructure to illustrate that the proposed Service Delivery Platform has the benefits of supporting rapid development and deployment of new converged multimedia services.
The presence of software and middleware technologies based on open APIs and protocols for advanced service provision in telecoms is the main subject of this article. Specifically, the role and the trade-off between open APIs and Protocols, i.e. OSA/Parlay APIs, JAIN APIs and SIP, in modern telecoms are addressed. We present a technical implementation analysis, based on a call-related telecom service, in order to set a common basis for the aforementioned technologies, since – either way – “voice” is still a common denominator for Fixed and Mobile Operators as well as for Internet Service Providers too. We summarize with a performance evaluation study regarding the implemented services.
Abstract To increase the pace of development and deployment of new services and applications in telecommunication networks, new service architectures have been proposed. Parlay/OSA is one of the proposals that has aroused most attention. By providing network functionality via Application Program Interfaces (APIs), Parlay/OSA facilitates creation of telecommunication services and applications for independent software developers. With Parlay/OSA there is no longer any requirement for knowledge and technical skills of telecommunications when creating new applications. A Par-
Definition of MultimediaMarket Drivers for MultimediaStandards for Multimedia ServicesMultimedia Services and Their Constituent Media ComponentsInterworking between Multimedia and Traditional VoiceTerminal Equipment and User InterfacesThe Future
The Beginnings of Call ProcessingKey Attributes of Call Processing SystemsSwitch Architectures and Call ModelsSwitch-based ServicesCall Processing for Intelligent NetworksSoftswitchesFuture
OverviewIntroductionServices in the Public Switched Telephone NetworkInternet-based Data and Communication ServicesIntegrated ServicesService IntroductionConclusion Further Reading
What is a Formal Method?Classification of Formal Methods Formal Methods for Communications ServicesFormal Methods for Telecommunications ServicesEvaluation of Formal Methods for Services
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The telecommunications information networking architecture (TINA) has reached a mature state and TINA solutions are now appearing in the market. This article presents a brief sketch of TINA's past and the overall objectives as they are seen today. It further describes the current technological state of the architecture with its business model, the computing environment requirements, the session model, the networking resource model, and its impact on the network technology evolution. Eventually, the path TINA will take into the future is indicated by outlining the TINA Trial project and the workgroup activities; the driving forces during TINA's current phase.
The key principle of intelligent networks is the separation of the software that controls basic switch functionality, such as setting up switch paths, from the software that controls call progression to allow more advanced features to be rapidly introduced. This paper describes the current standardisation activities, the IN conceptual model and the IN components. It also includes a summary of some of the services available on an intelligent network, and some future developments.
This paper gives an introduction to the open service architecture (OSA) in 3GPP. It describes why such an interface was deemed necessary and how APIs were used in the description of that interface. Mobility was the original focus for the interface and the paper describes the functionality that was felt appropriate for 3GPP's Release 1999 specification. The paper goes on to show the architectural concepts behind this third party applications interface and describes the joint work that is being undertaken between ETSI, 3GPP and Parlay to ensure one consistent API across the piece.
Conference Paper
The implementation of new mobile communication technologiesdeveloped in the third generation partnership project (3GPP) willallow to access the Internet not only from a PC but also via mobilephones, palmtops and other devices. New applications will emerge,combining several basic services like voice telephony, e-mail,voice over IP, mobility or web-browsing, and thus wiping out theborders between the fixed telephone network, mobile radio and theInternet. Offering those value-added services will be the keyfactor for success of network and service providers in anincreasingly competitive market. In 3GPP's service framework theuse of the PARLAY APIs is proposed that allow applicationdevelopment by third parties in order to speed up service creationand deployment. 3GPP has also adopted SIP for session control ofmultimedia communications in an IP network. This paper proposes amapping of SIP functionality to PARLAY services and describes aprototype implementation using the SIP Servlet API. Furthermore anarchitecture of a Service Platform is presented that offers aframework for the creation, execution and management of carriergrade multimedia services in heterogeneous networks.
The implementation of new mobile communication technologies developed in the third generation partnership project (3GPP) will allow to access the Internet not only from a PC but also via mobile phones, palmtops and other devices. New applications will emerge, combining several basic services like voice telephony, e-mail, voice over IP, mobility or web-browsing, and thus wiping out the borders between the fixed telephone network, mobile radio and the Internet. Offering those value-added services will be the key factor for success of network and service providers in an increasingly competitive market. In 3GPP's service framework the use of the Parlay APIs is proposed that allow application development by third parties in order to speed up service creation and deployment. 3GPP has also adopted SIP for session control of multimedia communications in an IP network. This article proposes a mapping of SIP functionality to Parlay services and describes a prototype implementation using the SIP Servlet API. Furthermore, an architecture of a Service Platform is presented that offers a framework for the creation, execution and management of carrier grade multimedia services in heterogeneous networks.
Looking into the future, two main drivers for the mobile telecommunications market can be identified: third-generation mobile systems (e.g., UMTS) and the Internet (e.g., the introduction of IP technologies like voice/multimedia over IP in mobile networks). UMTS is seen as the enabler of wireless multimedia applications and portability of a personalized service set across network/terminal boundaries, as defined within the virtual home environment (VHE) system concept. In light of these evolutions, this article investigates the impact of the evolution toward an all-IP UMTS network architecture on the UMTS service architecture, which is based on the VHE concept. The article discusses two possible scenarios for supporting VoIP services in the UMTS service architecture and analyzes their applicability in an all-IP-based UMTS network. The first is based on the traditional centralized IN service architecture. The second proposes a new decentralized architecture based on direct control of VoIP call control equipment by open service architecture interfaces
JAINTM, a set of integrated network APIs for the Java TM platform, provides a framework to build and integrate solutions (or “services”) that span across packet (e.g., IP or ATM), wireless, and PSTN networks. The objective of JAIN is to provide service portability, convergence, and secure access (by services residing outside of the network) to such integrated networks. JAIN is defined and specified by a large number of participating communication companies (the JAIN Community), and according to a well-documented process (the Java Community Process or JCP). The objective of the JAIN Community is to create an open market for services across integrated networks using Java technology. The authors provide the JAIN business case. They then summarize how the JAIN Community works, and introduce how the JAIN Community is organized. They also explain how separate JAIN work items fit together. In particular, they provide the rationale for the currently supported levels of abstraction (in terms of session/call signaling models) in JAIN, and look at possible implementation scenarios
The Intelligent Network Stondardr: Their A plicotion to Services
  • I Faynberg
I ] I. Faynberg et al., The Intelligent Network Stondardr: Their A plicotion to Services, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill, 1996; or T. W. Abernethy onkA. C. M u n ~ day, "Intelligent Network>, Standordr ond Services," ET Tech. J., vol. 13, no.
The Intelligent Network Standards: Their Application to Services
  • J Faynberg
  • T W Abernethy
  • A C Munday
  • Intelligent Networks
  • Standards
  • Services
  • Tech
White Paper on nonfunctional aspects and requirements related to Parlay
  • G Gylterud
Framework Information Model: A First Analysis
  • C Maiso
  • S Tognon