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Visualizing Design Erosion: How Big Balls of Mud are Made


Abstract and Figures

Software systems are not static, they have to undergo frequent changes to stay fit for purpose, and in the process of doing so, their complexity increases. It has been observed that this process often leads to the erosion of the systems design and architecture and with it, the decline of many desirable quality attributes, such as maintainability. This process can be captured in terms of antipatterns - atomic violations of widely accepted design principles. We present a visualisation that exposes the design of evolving Java programs, highlighting instances of selected antipatterns including their emergence and cancerous growth. This visualisation assists software engineers and architects in assessing, tracing and therefore combating design erosion. We evaluated the effectiveness of the visualisation in four case studies with ten participants.
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Visualizing Design Erosion:
How Big Balls of Mud are Made
David Baum1, Jens Dietrich2, Craig Anslow3, Richard M¨
1Leipzig University, Germany
Email: {baum, rmueller}
2Massey University, New Zealand
3Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Abstract—Software systems are not static, they have to undergo
frequent changes to stay fit for purpose, and in the process of
doing so, their complexity increases. It has been observed that
this process often leads to the erosion of the systems design
and architecture and with it, the decline of many desirable
quality attributes, such as maintainability. This process can
be captured in terms of antipatterns - atomic violations of
widely accepted design principles. We present a visualisation
that exposes the design of evolving Java programs, highlighting
instances of selected antipatterns including their emergence and
cancerous growth. This visualisation assists software engineers
and architects in assessing, tracing and therefore combating
design erosion. We evaluated the effectiveness of the visualisation
in four case studies with ten participants.
Software systems are not static, they have to evolve to stay
fit for purpose, and as they do, their complexity increases [27].
This tends to have detrimental effects on their quality [5], [24]
as the ability to adapt a program to changing requirements
becomes more and more constrained by its complexity. Conse-
quently, desirable quality attributes suffer. The end stage of this
process many projects reach all too quickly has been dubbed
spaghetti code or big ball of mud [18], while the process itself
is often referred to as system rot.
While measuring the quality of software design is subjec-
tive, there is a large body of research trying to assess this by
relating it to properties that can be studied by means of static
analysis. The idea is to extract a representative model from a
software system, and then to measure and query it. One such
approach is the study of antipatterns [25] and smells [19]:
patterns consisting of artifacts (such as code packages, classes
and functions) and their relationships violating certain design
principles. There are catalogs of widely established principles
that facilitate a systematic study of the subject [2], [8], [40].
The evolution of antipatterns is under-researched. Having
better insights into their origins and their growth does have
benefits that may help software engineers to maintain large
projects, and managers to allocate resources for those tasks.
For instance, it is useful to know how a part of the system
exhibiting strong coupling between modules came about.
Tracing this back to the version of the system when the
respective dependencies between modules first emerged, and
to the respective people and commit messages and other
documentation (not) revealing their objectives at the time,
will provide valuable information to make informed decisions
about a suitable strategy to respond to those issues. The study
of design evolution will reveal when bad design becomes ram-
pant, and can relate this to events like product releases under
time pressure, team changes, helping with future planning by
more correctly assessing the implications of such events.
We present a visualisation of software design that focuses
on evolution in general, and on the evolution of selected
antipatterns in particular. The purpose of this visualisation is
to assist software engineers to better understand the emergence
of design problems. The usage of the visualisation is demon-
strated in a screencast1. Additionally, a demo including an
interactive tutorial is available online 2. We first review related
work, followed by a discussion of the visualisation metaphor
used and various implementation issues. The evaluation is
presented in chapter 4, followed by a brief conclusion.
a) Antipatterns, Design and Evolution: The discussion
of elements of poor design can be traced back to the early
seminal work on software design. We chose to study circular
dependencies and subtype knowledge (STK) as they directly
relate to violations of widely accepted principles of object-
oriented design, namely the Acyclic Dependencies Principle
[30] and the Dependency Inversion Principle [38]. What is
more, they have precise definitions that facilitate formalisation
and therefore the implementation of tools to detect those
patterns, and there are algorithms that can be used to detect
them that scale well even for large programs. Circular depen-
dencies was first discussed by Parnas who suggested to keep
dependencies between modules loop free [36].
Empirical studies on larger corpora of real-world programs
started in the early 2000s and revealed that surprisingly,
antipatterns are prevalent [45]. This was first discovered for
circular dependencies [31], and later confirmed to apply to
other antipatterns as well [14]. Antipatterns can be detected
by means of static analysis before a system is deployed. The
main issue here is the use of dynamic programming language
features that create dependencies that may not be visible when
the static analysis models are built. This area is generally
under-researched, and we must assume that the models used
only under-approximate the behaviour of the actual program.
In particular, dependency graphs may not contain all edges
showing actual program dependencies.
b) Evolution Visualisation: Assessing software quality
and improving refactoring decisions are core tasks of software
visualisations. Many visualisations have been developed to
support these tasks, e.g. by visualising the systems structure,
call graphs, and dependency graphs [4], [21]. Dependency
graphs are usually visualised as node-link-diagrams, enriched
with further information [15], [37]. Since these visualisations
do not convey any evolutionary information they do not
provide any insight about the emergence and evolution of the
There exist many approaches to visualise software evolution
[46]. Most visualisations want to provide an improved under-
standing of the development activities by visualising structural
changes, e.g. by using added and removed lines as metrics
[11], [16], [22], [33], [39], [44], [47] or by providing highly
aggregated information [26], [34], [42]. Our use case requires
the visualisation of the structural evolution of the system and
the antipattern instances at the same time. We are not aware
of any evolution visualisation that supports this. There exist
evolution visualisations of call graphs [7], [17], [23]. However,
they do not provide any structural information.
a) Dependency Graph Construction: The conceptual
model of the visualisation presented here is based on a
dependency graph extracted from Java bytecode. The graph
extraction is based on an ASM-based bytecode analysis [10].
JDG [1] is used to visit the bytecode instructions extracted by
ASM and create a directed labelled graph, using data structures
from the JUNG network library [35]. JDG processes bytecode
in a two pass process: first, all types are collected and added
to the dependency graph to be constructed as vertices. In the
second pass, JDG tracks all occurrences of types in a particular
class file and records them as dependency edges in the graph
being constructed, classifying them as extends,implements or
uses relationships. This corresponds largely with compile time
dependencies, although there are some subtle differences. In
particular, the Java compiler inlines constants, which leads to
a slight under-reporting of compile time dependencies in our
Once a dependency graph has been constructed, it can be
queried for antipattern instances. To detect circular dependen-
cies, we use an implementation of Tarjan’s algorithm [43]. To
detect STK instances, we use the guery motif engine [13]. The
Fig. 1. Example of one antipattern splitting into two independent antipattern
(left) and two independent antipattern merging into one antipattern (right)
extraction pipeline is very similar to the pipeline used by the
Massey Architecture Explorer [12].
Finally, we rank the vertices representing types in the
dependency graph according to their severity by assigning a
value between 0 (least severe) and 1 (most severe). For STK, 1
is assigned to the supertype, and 0 to the subtype. Intermediate
vertices in the dependency chain connecting the supertype with
the subtype are assigned a value of 0.66 if they are abstract,
and 0.33 otherwise. Intermediate vertices in the subtype chain
from the subtype back to the supertype are all assigned a value
of 0.0. In the following we will call these values STK rank.
While the actual numerical values used here are arbitrary, they
reflect the intention of this antipattern as it relates to violations
of the dependency inversion principle [29].
To rank the severity of types in circular dependencies, we
use the (min-max-normalized) betweenness centrality [20],
computed using Brandes’ fast algorithm [9]. The intention here
is that it is particularly critical for a class to be in an antipattern
if it has more responsibility within the program topology. This
is similar to the approach suggested by Martin [28], however,
by using betweenness centrality over just assessing the relative
out-degree we do not only consider the localised impact of
To trace the evolution of an antipattern over multiple
versions, it has to be determined whether its occurrence in
a version is the result of the evolution of an antipattern
in the predecessor version, or a new, different antipattern
instance. We define this to be the case if the instance in
the successor version has at least 50% of the types of the
antipattern instance in the predecessor version or the other
way around. This implies that an antipattern can be split into
multiple independent antipattern instances as a system evolves.
It is also possible that two independent antipattern instances
merge and create a joint antipattern (cf. Fig. 1).
b) Visualisation Design: Getaviz 3is an open source
toolkit for the designing and generating software visualisations
(a) Straight edges (b) Force-directed
edge bundling
Fig. 2. Visualisation of the largest cyclic dependency of antlr, including
dependencies between 239 classes
Fig. 3. Screenshot of Getaviz showing MongoDB Java Driver. 1) Antipattern
Explorer 2) Version Selector 3) Legend and Configuration
[6]. Getaviz includes the automatic generation of visualisations
for several visualisation metaphors. Further, it comes with
a highly configurable browser-based user interface (UI) for
viewing and interacting with a visualisation. Currently, the UI
only supports X3DOM [3] as rendering platform. Getaviz can
be easily expanded to support new visualisation metaphors and
interaction components. Hence, we used Getaviz as starting
point and customised the application to fit our requirements
for antipattern.
To fit the presented use case a visualisation with many
degrees of freedom is necessary, so the structural evolution
as well as the antipattern evolution can be visualised at the
same time. We chose the two-dimensional Recursive Disk
(RD) metaphor for structure visualization [32] and enriched
it with information about evolution and design erosion. For
every class and package circular disks are used. Their area is
estimated using the normalised betweenness centrality. The
STK rank is visualised by using a colour scale ranging
from green (0) to red (1). The disks are nested according
to the package hierarchy, following a similar presentation in
mainstream development tools like IDEs. Since the developer
will work with the visualisation and the IDE at the same time
we believe it is important to align both presentations to make
it easier to locate entities of interest.
The Antipattern Explorer lists all detected antipattern in-
stances in a side bar. By selecting an instance, all dependencies
between the corresponding entities are visualised through red
connectors. The line thickness reflects the importance of the
dependency, so the most critical dependency can be seen on
the first glance. To increase readability the user can choose
between straight edges and a forced based edge bundling
(cf. Fig. 2). All entities that do not belong to the selected
antipattern are greyed out, so the developer can focus on the
relevant elements.
Multiple versions can be visualised by piling up the two-
dimensional disk visualisations along the z-axis which leads
to a three-dimensional visualisation. The xand ycoordinates
of a disk are stable so that different versions of the same
classes are exactly above each other, which makes it easier
to visual track classes across different versions. The disks
are positioned in a helical layout. This leads to empty space,
but reduces occlusion and increases readability. Through the
Version Selector the user can hide uninteresting versions, e.g.
minor versions
Alternatively, multiple versions could have been visualised
one after the other through animation. However, the user needs
to remember all classes and relations to spot changes. This is
error-prone and time-consuming [39].
Small multiples are a good choice for visualisations that can
be viewed at a glance. Software visualisations are large and
require navigation. Since navigating in multiple visualisations
simultaneously can be troublesome, we preferred the three-
dimensional representation. However, both alternatives are
reasonable and have pros and cons.
We investigated the effectiveness of the visualisation based
on four case studies. We configured Getaviz to visualise
multiple versions of antlr, JavaMail, MongoDB Java Driver
and Undertow. The systems were chosen to cover different
sized project ranging from 300 classes (JavaMail) to 1,500
classes (Undertow) and includes standard software and re-
search prototypes.
As expected, we found many “big balls of mud” across all
systems. Every system contained circular dependencies with
several dozen classes. However, the visualisations did not show
how they grew from a small antipattern of only a few classes
to an antipattern with over 200 classes. In almost every case,
antipattern appeared out of nowhere in a version and stayed
unchanged in newer versions. We have not found antipattern
instances that decreased over time or got dissolved completely.
If an instance disappeared, then because the corresponding
classes have been removed in the new version. This already
demonstrates the validity of the visualisation since we had not
come to this insight without it and it indicates that developers
are not aware of these antipattern instances or do not know
how to resolve them.
We invited ten participants (9 male, 1 female) to explore
Getaviz. They were not paid and freely opted to participate in
the study. All of them have multi-year experience in software
development and assess their skills as at least average. First,
Fig. 4. Overview over effectiveness rating on Likert skale
they conducted an interactive tutorial to get familiar with the
visualisation. The evaluation included three comprehension
tasks. After each task we asked the participants to rate the
effectiveness of different parts of the visualisation (cf. Fig. 4).
We used a 5-point Likert scale, where 1is very ineffective and
5is very effective. Additionally, the participants were asked
which aspects they found (in)effective and if they have further
suggestions to improve the visualisation.
Task 1: Which version reduced the quality of the system the
To solve this task, the participants had to compare the design
erosion for every version. The visualisation of the structure
and the antipattern explorer were rated as slightly effective,
the version selector and the representation of multiple versions
in parallel were rated more effective. The participants stated
that the visualisation can be explored in an intuitive way and
comparing versions is easy. They used the version selector to
show only one or two versions at the same time.
Task 2: Which packages are part of the original Circular
Dependency Component 1?
To solve this task, the participants had to identify the first
appearance of the circular dependency and gather the corre-
sponding packages names through hovering over them to see
the tooltip. The visualisation of the structure and the version
layering were evaluated as slightly ineffective. The antipattern
explorer was rated as slightly effective. The participants liked
especially the visualisation of the dependencies between the
classes. The version selector was again the most effective part.
In order to solve this task the participants had to navigate
several times within the visualisation. This was the most
challenging part of the task. Participants sometimes lost track
of the elements of interest or needed several attempts to move
the visualisation to the desired position.
Task 3: With which class would you start refactoring?
This task refers to the most recent version only. Hence, the
visualisation of multiple versions is superfluous. Therefore, it
was rated as neither effective nor ineffective. The participants
used the version selector and rated it as effective. However,
some participants stated that it is time consuming to hide
every uninteresting version individually and it would be more
convenient to switch the displayed version with one click. The
structure visualisation and the antipattern explorer were rated
as more effective. The participants stated that problematic
classes are easy to detect, but that the visualisation is too
cluttered on the one side and lacks further information to
answer the question studiously on the other side.
Almost all refactoring decisions of the participants are
reasonable. We are satisfied with these initial results, although
there is significant potential for improvement and some design
choices should be reconsidered. In the following we would
like to discuss some problems identified by the study and
how they could be improved in future. Some ideas arose from
reviewing the participants answers, some were suggested from
the participants directly.
a) Technical limitations: The complaints of the partic-
ipants about navigation concerns the sometimes confusing
behaviour of X3DOM and not the actual visualisation. For
instance, zoom via scroll wheel works opposed to the usual be-
haviour. The visualisation makes extensive use of transparency.
The transparency support in X3DOM is defective. In some
cases transparent elements are displayed opaque so that other
elements are occluded. The version layering would work much
better with a better support for transparency. To overcome
these restrictions we will switch from X3DOM to Mozilla’s
A-Frame, which provides superior transparency handling and
navigation capabilities.
b) Colour Mapping: The disk colour depicts only one
isolated quality aspect. This is misleading as users might
interpret it as an overall quality aspect even if the legend
states otherwise. In Task 3, most participants chose classes
represented by red vertices. This is not necessarily wrong, but
might indicate that they made a decision mainly based on this
colour. To overcome this issue we may prefer a more neutral
colour palette [41].
c) Version layering: The version layering was useful for
some tasks, but can lead to complicated navigation issues and
cluttered visualisations. As already stated, the situation could
be improved through migrating to A-Frame. Nevertheless, the
participants perceived an information overload and reduced
the visible versions to one or two. Still, tracing antipatterns
through different versions was quite effective and was ex-
pressly praised by two participants. Therefore, it is probably
the best solution to support the current version layering as well
as small multiples in order to support more tasks effectively.
d) Supported tasks: The visualisation has to cover more
tasks and quality measures to be a comprehensive visual
analytics tool for assessing the design erosion of large and
complex software systems. For example, only one antipattern
instance can be highlighted currently. For assessing the overall
quality of a version it would be better to highlight all instances
at the same time and use different colours to distinguish them.
Further, Getaviz should support more antipatterns. Once the
antipatterns are detected by static analysis tools they can be
integrated in the visualisation easily.
e) Scalability: Scalability is a known issue for large
software visualisations, especially when multiple versions are
depicted. We are capable to visualise systems with up to
500,000 LOC and about ten versions at the same time.
However, the visualisation can consist of many more versions
if they are loaded on demand.
f) Threats to Validity: We conducted only a preliminary
study with ten participants. An extensive evaluation is neces-
sary once the biggest issues revealed have been solved. The
largest system of the evaluation has about 1,500 classes. The
visualisation might become more confusing on larger systems
due to more edge crossings and a higher number of involved
classes in general. Hence, the effectiveness of the visualisation
has to be evaluated for large systems in a controlled manner.
The participants rated the effectiveness of the visualisation
without a direct comparison to different solution approaches,
e.g. doing the tasks directly in an IDE or using conventional
We demonstrated that Getaviz is an easy to adopt framework
for the visualisation of program evolution. We were able to
visualise the erosion of systems design and architecture exem-
plary for two antipatterns, cyclic dependencies and STK. The
validation with end users indicates that the tool has potential
to assist software engineers in gaining a better understanding
of design erosion, and to use this understanding for corrective
refactoring. Findings from our evaluation revealed significant
potential for improvement, to be addressed in future work.
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... However, it also harbors the risk of architectural drift or erosion [2], leading to uncontrolled growth that may break previously defined conceptual boundaries. A software system that evolves without clear architectural guidance becomes more complex to maintain and more challenging to develop -its components can become too coupled, resulting in individual changes affecting too many parts of the system simultaneously [3]. Also, taking architectural shortcuts can often be necessary due to rough schedules and insufficient development resources [4]. ...
... We evaluated our approach on the Train Ticket repository 3 , an open-source microservice benchmark system. It has more than 30 microservices, making it considerably larger than most other open-source implementations [33]. ...
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... (1) It provides an overview over the structure of the system, i.e., all functions, global variables, and complex types that can be part of any variant. (2) e user can de ne a set of ags and explore the structure of the resulting variant. is includes method calls, read and write operations, as well as the original C code. (3) e analysis runs fully automated without any manual preparation steps. ...
... Getaviz 3 is an open source toolkit for visual so ware analytics [3]. It uses jQAssistant as information source and supports the automatic generation of visualizations for di erent use cases [2]. Getaviz comes with a highly con gurable browser-based user interface for viewing and interacting with a visualization. ...
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... Following, we will explicitly differentiate between actual maintainability smells and their names. For the example of Cyclic Dependency, the smell is also referred to as Dependency Cycle [11] and Circular Dependency [12]. ...
... Getaviz 3 is an open source toolkit for visual software analytics [3]. It uses jQAssistant as information source and supports the automatic generation of visualizations for different use cases [2]. Getaviz comes with a highly configurable browser-based user interface for viewing and interacting with a visualization. ...
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The C preprocessor (CPP) is a standard tool for introducing variability into source programs and is often applied either implicitly or explicitly for implementing a Software Product Line (SPL). Despite its practical relevance, CPP has many drawbacks. Because of that it is very difficult to understand the variability implemented using CPP. To facilitate this task we provide an innovative analytics tool which bridges the gap between feature models as more abstract representations of variability and its concrete implementation with the means of CPP. It allows to interactively explore the entities of a source program with respect to the variability realized by conditional compilation. Thus, it simplifies tracing and understanding the effect of enabling or disabling feature flags.
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Architecture erosion (AEr) can adversely affect software development and has received significant attention in the last decade. However, there is an absence of a comprehensive understanding of the state of research about the reasons and consequences of AEr, and the countermeasures to address AEr. This work aims at systematically investigating, identifying, and analyzing the reasons, consequences, and ways of detecting and handling AEr. With 73 studies included, the main results are as follows: (1) AEr manifests not only through architectural violations and structural issues but also causing problems in software quality and during software evolution; (2) non-technical reasons that cause AEr should receive the same attention as technical reasons, and practitioners should raise awareness of the grave consequences of AEr, thereby taking actions to tackle AEr-related issues; (3) a spectrum of approaches, tools, and measures has been proposed and employed to detect and tackle AEr; and (4) three categories of difficulties and five categories of lessons learned on tackling AEr were identified. The results can provide researchers a comprehensive understanding of AEr and help practitioners handle AEr and improve the sustainability of their architecture. More empirical studies are required to investigate the practices of detecting and addressing AEr in industrial settings.
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Architecture erosion (AEr) can adversely affect software development and has received significant attention in the last decade. However, there is an absence of a comprehensive understanding of the state of research about the reasons and consequences of AEr, and the countermeasures to address AEr. This work aims at systematically investigating, identifying, and analyzing the reasons, consequences, and ways of detecting and handling AEr. With 73 studies included, the main results are as follows: (1) AEr manifests not only through architectural violations and structural issues but also causing problems in software quality and during software evolution; (2) non-technical reasons that cause AEr should receive the same attention as technical reasons, and practitioners should raise awareness of the grave consequences of AEr, thereby taking actions to tackle AEr-related issues; (3) a spectrum of approaches, tools, and measures has been proposed and employed to detect and tackle AEr; and (4) three categories of difficulties and five categories of lessons learned on tackling AEr were identified. The results can provide researchers a comprehensive understanding of AEr and help practitioners handle AEr and improve the sustainability of their architecture. More empirical studies are required to investigate the practices of detecting and addressing AEr in industrial settings.
The recognition of the need for high-quality software architecture is evident from the increasing trend in investigating architectural smells. Detection of architectural smells is paramount because they can seep through to design and implementation stages if left unidentified. Many architectural smells detection techniques and tools are proposed in the literature. The diversity in the detection techniques and tools suggests the need for their collective analysis to identify interesting aspects for practice and open research areas. To fulfill this, in this paper, we unify the knowledge about the detection of architectural smells through a systematic mapping study. We report on the existing detection techniques and tools for architectural smells to identify their limitations. We find there has been limited investigation of some architectural smells (e.g., micro-service smells); many architectural smells are not detected by tools yet; and there are limited empirical validations of techniques and tools. Based on our findings, we suggest several open research problems, including the need to (1) investigate undetected architectural smells (e.g., Java package smells), (2) improve the coverage of architecture smell detection across architectural styles (e.g., service-oriented and cloud), and (3) perform empirical validations of techniques and tools in industry across different languages and project domains.
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In this paper, we present the recursive disk metaphor, a glyph-based visualization for software visualization. The metaphor represents all important structural aspects and relations of software using nested circular glyphs. The result is a shape with an inner structural consistency and a completely defined orientation. We compare the recursive disk metaphor to other state-of-the-art 2D approaches that visualize structural aspects and relations of software. Further, a case study shows the feasibility and scalability of the approach by visualizing an open source software system in a browser.
Conference Paper
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Software visualizations are used to support stake-holders in software engineering activities like development, project management, and maintenance. The respective tasks determine which aspects of software, i.e., structural, behavioral and/or evolutionary information, need to be visualized. To promote the usage of software visualizations they have to optimally support the needs of the respective stakeholder for the specific task at hand. Therefore, we see the necessity to create innovative visualizations and to optimize existing ones. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to empirically evaluate the different visual-izations and their variants. In this paper, we present GETAVIZ as a toolset to support these processes, i.e., designing visualizations, generating task-and role specific visualizations, and conducting empirical evaluations. The toolset implements the concept of generative and model-driven software visualization and makes it possible to generate different visualizations for all three aspects of software. Its strength lies in its adaptability, so that new visualizations and variations of existing ones can be implemented easily. In addition to the generator this toolset contains several extractors for different programming languages, a browser-based user interface for viewing and interacting with visualizations, and an evaluation server to facilitate the execution of local and remote experiments. The paper illustrates the capabilities of GETAVIZ and it discusses plans for its further development.
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We introduce Code Park, a novel tool for visualizing codebases in a 3D game-like environment. Code Park aims to improve a programmer's understanding of an existing codebase in a manner that is both engaging and intuitive, appealing to novice users such as students. It achieves these goals by laying out the codebase in a 3D park-like environment. Each class in the codebase is represented as a 3D room-like structure. Constituent parts of the class (variable, member functions, etc.) are laid out on the walls, resembling a syntax-aware "wallpaper". The users can interact with the codebase using an overview, and a first-person viewer mode. We conducted two user studies to evaluate Code Park's usability and suitability for organizing an existing project. Our results indicate that Code Park is easy to get familiar with and significantly helps in code understanding compared to a traditional IDE. Further, the users unanimously believed that Code Park was a fun tool to work with.
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In this paper, we present the recursive disk metaphor, a glyph-based visualization for software visualization. The metaphor represents all important structural aspects and relations of software using nested circular glyphs. The result is a shape with an inner structural consistency and a completely defined orientation. We compare the recursive disk metaphor to other state-of-the-art 2D approaches that visualize structural aspects and relations of software. Further, a case study shows the feasibility and scalability of the approach by visualizing an open source software system in a browser.
Conference Paper
Motif search in graphs has become a popular field of research in recent years, mainly motivated by applications in bioinformatics. Existing work has focused on simple motifs: small sets of vertices directly connected by edges. However, there are applications that require a more general concept of motif, where vertices are only indirectly connected by paths. The size of the solution space is a major limiting factor when dealing with this kind of motif. We try to address this challenge through motif instance aggregation. It turns out that effective, parallel algorithms can be found to compute instances of generalised motifs in large graphs. To expedite the process, we have developed GUERY, a tool that can be used to define motifs and find motif instances, in graphs represented using the popular JUNG graph library [10]. GUERY consists of two parts - a simple domain specific language that can be used to define motifs, and a solver. The main strengths of GUERY are 1. support for motif instance aggregation, 2. generation of query result streams, as opposed to (very large) static sets of matching instances, 3. support for effective parallelisation in the evaluation of queries. The examples used for validation originate from problems encountered when analysing the dependency graphs of object-oriented programs for instances of architectural antipatterns.