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The main factor triggering landslide in Timor-Leste is rainfall. Therefore, landslide often occur during the rainy season. However, there is no information on earthquake-induced landslides or combined rainfall, although the tectonic activity cannot be ignored because Timor-Leste is located in a collision region with high seismic intensity. This paper aims to expose the ground instability and slope failure that are commonly triggered by torrential rainstorms and the influence of earthquakes due to topographical changes of the ground level. This is the preliminary study about topography change of the ground due to earthquake with minimum magnitude in Timor-Leste that occurred more than 10 years ago. The LOS (Line-of-sight) displacement obtained from InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) analysis shows that the occurrence times of ground deformation and earthquakes are related. Recent landslides triggered by rainfall that occurred on 17 January 2018 clearly show that high precipitation events do not trigger the landslides. On the other hand, the landslide occurred during four consecutive days after it rained, with a gradual increase from 4.2 mm/hour, 10.2 mm/hour, 13.6 mm/hour and 17.8 mm/hour, respectively

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Models of arc-continent accretion often assume that the period of subduction of continental lithosphere before plate boundary reorganization is fairly short lived, yet the timescale of this period is poorly constrained by observations in the geologic record. The island of Timor is the uplifted accretionary complex resulting from the active collision of the Banda volcanic arc with the Australian continental margin. The exposure of underplated and exhumed Australian strata on Timor allows for the characterization of the structural history of accretion of uppermost Australian crust and the quantification of subduction of its original continental lithospheric underpinnings. New structural mapping in East Timor (Timor-Leste) reveals that duplexing of a 2-km-thick package of Australian continental strata has built the majority of the structural elevation of the Timor orogen. Coupling new structural observations with previous thermochronology results reveals the sequence of deformation within the orogen, the presence of subsurface duplexing below the hinterland slate belt, and motion along a foreland subsurface thrust ramp. Construction of balanced cross sections allows for the quantification of the amount of shortening in the orogen, and from that, the length of the subducted Australian continental lithosphere. Two balanced cross sections in East Timor reveal 326–362 km of shortening and that 215–229 km of Australian continental lithosphere have been subducted below the Banda forearc. These results highlight the fact that considerable amounts of continental lithosphere can be subducted while ac-creting only a thin section of uppermost crust. Continental subduction may have been favorable at Timor because of fast subduction rates, old oceanic crust at the consumed Australian margin, and subduction of some length of transitional crust. These results provide quantitative constraints for future numerical modeling of the geodynamics of continental subduction and arc-continent collision.
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Integration of geological and geophysical data from the active Banda orogen reveals important variations in structural style with time that reconcile rival hypotheses for the tectonic evolution of the Banda arc. These variations indicate the temporal distribution of strain in the collision zone by vertical and horizontal structural restorations of the collision through time.In the western part of the collision (Sumba and Savu Islands) most plate convergence occurs at a very high strain rate within 20–40 km of the deformation front. This narrow zone of frontal accretion expands eastward toward Savu where it is part of a submarine accretionary pile over 150 km wide.In West Timor the accretionary wedge is internally shortened and emergent. Uplift of the forearc upper plate during this deformational phase causes its leading edge to detach and form nappes. The remainder of the forearc is overridden along backthrusts by the orogenic wedge. Various sites of intra-wedge shortening and some strike-slip motion may account for as much as 70% of plate convergence in West Timor.The distribution of plate convergence away from the deformation front into more internal parts of the collision zone is interpreted as a function of increasing frictional resistance at the base of the orogenic wedge. Resistance to orogenic wedge advance is attributed to an abrupt increase in basal decollement slope, decrease in pore-fluid pressures and increase in strength of incoming material. The combination of continued plate convergence and increased coupling in East Timor cause the wedge to move almost entirely with the lower plate along arc-directed backthrusts and backarc thrusts. Backthrusting eventually closes the Banda forearc basin entirely.These lateral variations in structural style along the strike of the Banda orogen are attributed to the kinematics of oblique collision, and structural and stratigraphic discontinuities of the Australian lower plate. Possible relationships between different structural styles and the temporal distribution of strain in the organic zone is constrained by structural restorations of the collision. The restorations demonstrate that each of the three different models (imbricate, overthrust and upthrust) used to characterize the structure of the western Banda orogen may be applied at various times during the arc-continent collision.
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We review rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides world wide and propose new empirical rainfall thresholds for the Central European Adriatic Danubian South-Eastern Space (CADSES) area, located in central and southern Europe. One-hundred-twenty-four empirical thresholds linking measurements of the event and the antecedent rainfall conditions to the occurrence of landslides are considered. We then describe a database of 853 rainfall events that resulted or did not result in landslides in the CADSES area. Rainfall and landslide information in the database was obtained from the literature; climate information was obtained from the global climate dataset compiled by the Climate Research Unit of the East Anglia University. We plot the intensity-duration values in logarithmic coordinates, and we establish that with increased rainfall duration the minimum intensity likely to trigger slope failures decreases linearly, in the range of durations from 20 minutes to ∼12 days. Based on this observation, we determine minimum intensity-duration (ID) and normalized-ID thresholds for the initiation of landslides in the CADSES area. Normalization is performed using two climatic indexes, the mean annual precipitation (MAP) and the rainy-day-normal (RDN). Threshold curves are inferred from the available data using a Bayesian statistical technique. Analysing the obtained thresholds we establish that lower average rainfall intensity is required to initiate landslides in an area with a mountain climate, than in an area characterized by a Mediterranean climate. We further suggest that for rainfall periods exceeding ∼12 days landslides are triggered by factors not considered by the ID model. The obtained thresholds can be used in operation landslide warning systems, where more accurate local or regional thresholds are not available.
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New GPS measurements reveal that large sections of the SE Asian Plate are progressively accreting to the edge of the Australian continent by distribution of strain away from the deformation front to forearc and backarc plate boundary segments. The study was designed to investigate relative motions across suspected plate boundary segments in the transition from subduction to collision. The oblique nature of the collision provides a way to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of strain from the deformation front to the back arc. The 12 sites we measured from Bali to Timor included some from an earlier study and 7 additional stations, which extended the epoch of observation to ten years at many sites.The resulting GPS velocity field delineates at least three Sunda Arc–forearc regions around 500 km in strike-length that shows different amounts of coupling to the Australian Plate. Movement of these regions relative to SE Asia increases from 21% to 41% to 63% eastward toward the most advanced stages of collision. The regions are bounded by the deformation front to the south, the Flores–Wetar backarc thrust system to the north, and poorly defined structures on the sides. The suture zone between the NW Australian continental margin and the Sunda–Banda Arcs is still evolving with more than 20 mm/yr of movement measured across the Timor Trough deformation front between Timor and Australia.
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Paleotemperature indicators and apatite fission track analysis of Australian continental margin cover sequences accreted to the active Banda arc–continent collision indicate little to no heating during rapid late Neogene uplift and exhumation. Thermal maturation patterns of vitrinite reflectance, conodont alteration and illite crystallinity show that peak paleotemperatures (PPT) increase with stratigraphic and structural burial. The highest PPT is found in the northern hinterland of the accretionary wedge, which was beneath progressively thicker parts of the upper plate towards the north. Major discontinuities in the pattern of PPT are associated with the position of major thrust ramps such as those forming the Ramelau/Kekneno Arch (RKA). PPT for Upper Triassic to Neogene strata south of the RKA are 60–80°C, which are similar to, and in many cases lower than, correlative and age equivalent units drilled on the NW Australian Shelf. Permian to Lower Triassic sedimentary strata thrust over younger units within and north of the RKA have PPT of 100–220°C. Thrust sheets accreted beneath the upper plate have PPT approximately 90°C higher than those frontally accreted. Metamorphism of the northernmost units of these sequences yield PPT of >300°C. Thrust stacking yields an inverted thermal profile of PPT decreasing discontinuously downward and to the south (towards the foreland). The timing of PPT is constrained by apatite fission track ages from mostly Triassic continental margin cover sequences. Ages of Upper Triassic units are primarily coeval with deposition and show little evidence of thermal annealing, whereas those of Lower Triassic units are almost completely annealed and range from 1.8±0.5–19.2±9.7 Ma. The clustering of apatite fission track ages into two distinct groups indicates that the upper boundary of the partial annealing zone has remained for some time at a Triassic stratigraphic interval in the slope and rise of the NW Australian continental margin. The position of this zone on the present shelf is higher in the stratigraphic column due to the greater thickness of post-breakup shelf facies units. Thrust stacking of rise, slope and shelf units produces an inverted vertical profile of increasing apatite fission track age with depth. Lack of any long confined track lengths in apatite from all of the units requires rapid and recent exhumation of the thrust stack, which is coincident with rapid phases of Pliocene–Pleistocene exhumation documented throughout Timor. These data preclude pre-Late Miocene tectonic burial or pre-Pliocene exhumation of the NW Australian continental margin.
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The spectacularly curved Banda arc comprises young oceanic crust enclosed by a volcanic inner arc, outer arc islands and a trough parallel to the Australian continental margin. Strong seismic activity in the upper mantle defines a folded surface, for which there are two contrasting explanations: deformation of a single slab or two separate slabs subducting from the north and south. Here we combine seismic tomography with the plate tectonic evolution of the region to infer that the Banda arc results from subduction of a single slab. Our palaeogeographic reconstruction shows that a Jurassic embayment, which consisted of dense oceanic lithosphere enclosed by continental crust, once existed within the Australian plate. Banda subduction began about 15million years ago when active Java subduction tore eastwards into the embayment. The present morphology of the subducting slab is only partially controlled by the shape of the embayment. As the Australian plate moved northward at a high speed of about 7cmyr-1, the Banda oceanic slab rolled back towards the south-southeast accompanied by active delamination separating the crust from the denser mantle. Increasing resistance of the mantle to plate motion progressively folded the slab and caused strong deformation of the crust. The Banda arc represents an outstanding example of large-scale deformation of the Earth's crust in response to coupling between the crust, slab and surrounding mantle.
It is argued that the two current tectonic models for Timor, namely the overthrust model and imbrication model do not adequately explain some recent observations, such as the continuity of the Australian continental crust underneath Timor, the lack of field evidence for pervasive imbrication or large scale horizontal thrusting, the absence of convincing evidence for allochthonous masses and the 'palaeomagnetic similarity between the Permian of Timor and Australia. An alternative model is developed in which the continental margin of Australia, when reaching the subduction zone, is decoupled from the down-going slab and, as a result of isotatic rebound, is weakly imbricated. Material transfer across the plate margin is limited to surficial olistostrome mass transport, which could have caused some thrust faulting in the younger Tertiary basins in the south. This model presents a simpler structural geometry and predicts continuity with the Sahul Shelf.
Rainfall‐triggered landslides are among the most widespread hazards in the world. The hydrology in and around a landslide area is key to pore pressure buildup in the soil skeleton which reduces shear strength due to the buoyancy force exerted by water in a saturated soil and to soil suction in an unsaturated soil. Extraordinary precipitation events trigger most of the landslides, but, at the same time, the vast majority of slopes do not fail. The intriguing question is: ‘When and where exactly can a slope become triggered to slide and flow downwards?’ The objective of this article is to present and discuss landslide hydrology at three scales—pore, hillslope, and catchment—which, taken together, give an overview of this interdisciplinary science. We argue that ‘filling, storing, and draining’ of water are all equally relevant to understand and to quantify landslide behavior. Furthermore, by addressing landslide hydrology from both earth sciences and soil mechanics perspectives, we aim to manifest the hydrological processes in hillslopes and their influence on behavior and triggering of landslides and vice versa . The challenge of landslide hydrological research is matching, at hillslope scale, causal hydrological processes with detailed physics of triggering mechanisms. At the same time, mass movements initiate changes in the hydraulic character of the soil which are important for better understanding short‐ and long‐term hydrogeomorphic responses of soil and hillslope. Interdisciplinarity is key in advancing our knowledge on water flows in (un)stable slopes. WIREs Water 2016, 3:439–459. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1126 This article is categorized under: Science of Water > Hydrological Processes
Forty-nine species of organic-cemented siliceous agglutinated foraminifera are described from 11 different facies associations representing basinal deposits of the Triassic in Timor Leste. Among the foraminifera, one genus and five species are named as new: Aaptotoichus mutinensis n. sp., Carteriella manelobasensis n. gen., n. sp., Placentammina soibadaensis n. sp., Subreophax bariquiensis n. sp., and Trochamminopsis manatutoensis n. sp. In overall aspect the fauna has a cosmopolitan composition. The Triassic sediments were probably deposited in rift basins within northern more open parts of the East Gondwana rift system, and are incorporated in the structurally complex Timor orogenic belt. Extensive coherent Triassic stratigraphic sections are not preserved in Timor and stratigraphic reconstruction is based on correlations using conodonts, palynomorphs, and other foraminifera. Organic-cemented siliceous species are recorded from all stages of the Triassic in Timor Leste except the Induan, although most samples come from the Upper Triassic and very few from the Lower Triassic. Time-stratigraphic differentiation of the fauna is not well defined but a local faunal change seems to be represented within the Late Triassic (mid Norian). The facies associations containing the foraminifera range from those influenced by sediment derived from nearby carbonate banks to prodelta and delta-front associations. Faunal differentiation is apparent across this spectrum of facies. A survey of equivalent faunas from selected shallow-marine basins ranging from the Carboniferous to the mid-Cretaceous illustrates the conservative development through time of the siliceous agglutinated foraminifera. Apart from the appearance of large-size unilocular species belonging to short-range genera apparently endemic to a region influenced by meltwater from late Paleozoic Gondwanan ice sheets, these foraminifera show gradual diversification and their stratigraphic record does not seem to be punctuated by abrupt extinctions. This is explained by the adaptability of an estuarine-like fauna living in shallow-marine mud habitats subject to great seasonal variation in water quality and periodic sea-level change. Such a fauna can seek refuge in estuarine environments during low stands of sea level and then repopulate the mud habitats of shallow interior seas as sea level rises. A high degree of adaptability to factors such as changes in salinity, dissolved-oxygen content, temperature, and nutrient influx, along with an infaunal mode of life in variably fluidized mud, may explain why the siliceous agglutinated foraminifera were not affected by major biotic crises during the Permian-Cretaceous interval.
The bathymetry and abrupt changes in earthquake seismicity around the eastern end of the Java Trench suggest it is now blocked south–east of Sumba by the Australian, Jurassic-rifted, continental margin forming the largely submarine Roti–Savu Ridge. Plate reconstructions have demonstrated that from at least 45 Ma the Java Trench continued far to the east of Sumba. From about 12 Ma the eastern part of the Java Trench (called Banda Trench) continued as the active plate boundary, located between what was to become Timor Island, then part of the Australian proximal continental slope, and the Banda Volcanic Arc. This Banda Trench began to be obliterated by continental margin-arc collision between about 3.5 and 2 Ma.
The Cablac Limestone, widely recorded in Timor, has its type area on Cablac Mountain where it was regarded as a Lower Miocene shallow-marine carbonate-platform succession. The Bahaman-like facies placed in the Cablac Limestone are now known to belong to the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic rather than the Lower Miocene. On the northern slopes of Cablac Mountain, a crush breccia, formerly regarded as the basal conglomerate of the formation, is now considered to have developed along a high-angle fault separating Banda Terrane units of Asian affinity from an overthrust limestone stack containing units belonging to the Gondwana and Australian-Margin Megasequences. The Cablac breccia includes rock fragments that were probably derived locally from these tectonostratigraphic units after terrane emplacement and overthrusting. Clasts include peloid and oolitic limestones of the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic derived from the Gondwana Megasequence, deep-water carbonate pelagites of the Cretaceous and Paleogene derived from the Australian-Margin Megasequence, Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene (Te Letter Stage) shallow-water limestone derived from the Banda Terrane, and a younger Neogene calcarenite containing clasts of mixed tectonostratigraphic affinity. There is no evidence for significant sedimentary or tectonic transport of clasts that form the breccia. The clast types and the present understanding of the geological history of Timor suggest that the crush breccia formed late in the Plio-Pleistocene uplift history of Timor. It is not the basal conglomerate of the Cablac Limestone. However, the clasts of an Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene limestone found in the breccia suggest that a shallow-marine limestone unit of this age either outcrops in the region and has not been detected in the field, or has been eroded completely during late Neogene uplift. The clasts are similar in age and lithology to an Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene formation that unconformably overlies a metamorphic complex in the Booi region of West Timor, similar to the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex (Banda Terrane) that is juxtaposed against the crush breccia of Cablac Mountain. The Cablac Limestone at its type area includes a mixed assemblage of carbonate rock units ranging in age from Triassic to Plio-Pleistocene and representing diverse facies. As a formation, the name “Cablac Limestone” should be discarded for a Cenozoic unit. The Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene shallow-water limestone unit that is typified by outcrops in the Booi region of West Timor, and that has contributed to clasts in the Cablac breccia, is informally named the Booi limestone. It is considered part of the allochthonous Banda Terrane of Asian affinity and represents the only shallow-marine Lower Miocene unit known from Timor. The only other Miocene sedimentary unit known from Timor includes carbonate pelagites – designated the Kolbano beds – probably deposited on an Australian continental terrace at water depths between 1000 and 3000 m. On the northeastern edge of Cablac Mountain, oolitic limestone and associated units of the Gondwana Megasequence, the Kolbano beds of the Australian-Margin Megasequence, and the Booi limestone and associated metasediments of the Banda Terrane were juxtaposed by a Plio-Pleistocene high-angle fault along which the Cablac crush breccia formed.
Eastern Indonesia is the zone of interaction between three converging megaplates: Eurasia, the Pacific and Indo-Australia. The geological basis for interpretations of the Tertiary tectonic evolution of Eastern Indonesia is reviewed, and a series of plate tectonic reconstructions for this region at 5 million year intervals covering the last 35 million years is presented.The oldest reconstruction predates the onset of regional collisional deformation. At this time a simple plate configuration is interpreted, consisting of the northward-moving Australian continent approaching an approximately E–W oriented, southward-facing subduction zone extending from the southern margin of the Eurasian continent eastwards into the Pacific oceanic domain. Beginning at about 30 Ma the Australian continental margin commenced collision with the subduction zone along its entire palinspastically-restored northern margin, from Sulawesi in the west to Papua New Guinea in the east. From this time until ca 24 Ma, the Australian continent indented the former arc trend, with the northward convergence of Australia absorbed at the palaeo-northern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate (the present-day Palau-Kyushu Ridge).At ca 24 Ma the present-day pattern of oblique convergence between the northern margin of Australia and the Philippine Sea Plate began to develop. At about this time a large portion of the Palaeogene colliding volcanic arc (the future eastern Philippines) began to detach from the northern continental margin by left-lateral strike slip. From ca 18 Ma oblique southward-directed subduction commenced at the Maramuni Arc in northern New Guinea. At ca 12 Ma the Sorong Fault Zone strike-slip system developed, effectively separating the Philippines from the Indonesian tectonic domain. The Sorong Fault Zone became inactive at ca 6 Ma, since which time the tectonics of eastern Indonesia has been dominated by the anticlockwise rotation of the Bird’s Head structural block by some 30–40°.Contemporaneously with post-18 Ma tectonism, the Banda Arc subduction–collision system developed off the northwestern margin of the Australian continent. Convergence between Indo-Australia and Eurasia was accommodated initially by northward subduction of the Indian Ocean, and subsequently, since ca 8 Ma, by the development of a second phase of arc-continent collision around the former passive continental margin of NW Australia.
Five suture zones are described from the zone of collision between the Eurasian, Indian–Australian and Pacific–Philippine Sea plates within the eastern Indonesia region. These are the Molucca, Sorong, Sulawesi, Banda and Borneo sutures. Each of these sutures has a relatively short history compared to most pre-Neogene orogenic belts, but each preserves a record of major changes in tectonics including subduction polarity reversals, elimination of volcanic arcs, changing plate boundaries, and important extension within an overall contractional setting. Rapid tectonic changes have occurred within periods of less than 5 Ma. Many of these events, although important, would be overlooked in older orogenic belts because the age resolution required to identify them, even when the evidence is preserved, is simply not possible.
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