
Struktur Upacara Adat Perkawinan Peranakan Tionghoa di Teluknaga Tangerang

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This study aims to determine the structure of traditional Chinese crossbreed in Indonesia wedding ceremonies. The research data is the result of informant interview. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method by using ceremonial theory and acculturation theory.The author chose this title because it is one of the unique traditions in Indonesia. This tradition is a blend of Chinese culture, Betawi and Sunda. Cio Tou is one of the traditional wedding tradition procession in Teluknaga Tangerang. The tradition of Cio Tou exists only in the tradition of the Chinese crossbreed customs in Teluknaga Tangerang. The results obtained in this research are 7 stages of traditional ceremony in Chinese crossbreed marriage that is the selection of soul mate, applying, dowry, youth evening, Cio Tou tradition, wedding reception, and custom after marriage.

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This study presents a detailed analysis of figurative language in Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, specifically The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, and The Fall of the House of Usher. Using a qualitative, descriptive methodology, the research investigates various forms of figurative language, such as metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole, to examine their role in developing the themes of psychological horror and the macabre. The findings reveal that Poe employs figurative language strategically to enhance the unsettling atmosphere of his narratives. Alliteration is used extensively to create rhythmic and phonetic cohesion, heightening the eerie and suspenseful mood characteristic of his works. In contrast, allusion is used sparingly, suggesting Poe’s selective approach to external references. Metaphors and personification are pivotal in illustrating psychological states such as guilt, paranoia, and existential dread, contributing significantly to the depth and resonance of his themes. These stylistic choices demonstrate how Poe's innovative use of language immerses readers in the complexities of the human psyche, offering a profound exploration of mortality and moral conflict. By intertwining linguistic artistry with psychological depth, Poe’s narratives invite readers to confront the darker facets of existence. This study underscores Poe’s enduring influence on literary expression, showcasing how his mastery of figurative language has shaped the genre of psychological horror and cemented his legacy as a pioneer in exploring the macabre through nuanced and evocative storytelling.
Indonesia and China are countries that are now increasingly opening up opportunities for cooperation in various sectors. This has made many people and entrepreneurs take advantage of this opportunity to get involved in it. This can be seen from the surge of immigrants from China to Indonesia, Indonesia to China, bringing their own provisions and goals. However, because different countries and different cultures can trigger cultural conflicts, as a result, this creates a need for both countries to have cultures with each other. Therefore this article focuses on culture, it shows the culture of marriage from one of the ethnicities of the two countries, the Bugis and Han ethnicities. In addition, this research allows people to gain insight into differences and similarities in ethics, traditions and cultural values and kinship between cultures. Applying comparative methods, literature surveys and secondary data analysis to show the similarities and differences in the marriage culture of the Bugis and the Han people, by reviewing the marriage traditions and the meaning of marriage of the two ethnicities. This research reveals that traditional culture plays a major role in every marriage culture, history, to religion.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metafungsi teks multimodal Cio Tao pada masyarakat peranakan Tionghoa di Teluknaga Tangerang. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 bagian, yaitu data primer yang berisikan teks visual berupa gambar atau foto tradisi Cio Tao. Gambar atau foto tersebut merupakan dokumentasi pribadi peneliti, sementara itu data sekunder pada penelitian ini berupa hasil wawancara dari tokoh masyarakat, kedua mempelai dan orang tua dari kedua mempelai. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapatkan melalui deskripsi dan analisis data, disimpulkan bahwa teks multimodal tradisional (Cio Tao) adalah 1) fungsi ideasional meliputi proses, partisipan dan sirkumtan, 2) fungsi interpersonal terdiri atas moda dan residu, 3) fungsi tektual terdiri atas tema dan rema.
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Perjodohan merupakan fenomena yang tidak populer dalam pandangan feminis karena dianggap cenderung merugikan perempuan. Namun demikian, perjodohan masih saja terjadi dalam konteks kekinian sebagaimana ditampilkan dalam sejumlah karya sastra kontemporer Indonesia. Hal yang membedakan, bila dibandingkan dengan tokoh perempuan yang hidup di masa lampau seperti Siti Nurbayakarya Marah Roesli atau tokoh MidahSi Manis Bergigi Emaskarya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, perempuan modern telah memiliki ruang untuk menunjukkan resistensi atas perjodohan yang menimpanya. Kondisi ini tergambar dalam novel metropop Summer Skykarya Stephanie Zen yang menjadi objek penelitian. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan kajian sastra feminis. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel tersebut, orang tua hanya membantu mencarikan pasangan dan keputusan untuk menjalin hubungan merupakan keputusan masing-masing individu sebagai pribadi dewasa. Empat tahap interaksi yang dikemukakan Randall terpenuhi, yaitu pertemuan fisik, saling menyadari keberadaan, berada dalam situasi emosi yang sama, dan adanya simbol yang mewakili fokus bersama.
Surabaya: Usaha Nasional
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Peranakan Tionghoa di Nusantara
  • Santosa Iwan
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Metode Penelitian Bisnis (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D) Bandung: Alfabeta
  • Sugiono
Sugiono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Bisnis (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D) Bandung: Alfabeta.