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Local emotions - using social media to understand human-environment interaction in cities

Local emotions - using social media to understand human-environment
interaction in cities
Niklas Strengell
School of Electrical Engineering
Aalto University
Otaniemi, Finland
Stephan Sigg
School of Electrical Engineering
Aalto University
Otaniemi, Finland
Abstract Cities have become the most common living envi-
ronment for humans. With this rising urbanization, urban de-
sign has become vital for these growing cities. While measuring
objective data like traffic congestion or air quality is important,
it does not tell the whole story of how people live in the cities
or how cities should be developed to make them more livable.
In future for a true smart city a more humane component
is needed to understand how the population of cities actually
interact with and feel about their surroundings. Surveys are a
great and a necessary tool for this and they are already being
used in the design process. However, they require effort and and
a lot of silent information can be missed. The surveying process
also doesn’t happen in real time. We suggest that social media
data could be used to gather more information about human-
environment interaction in cities and compliment the surveys.
We show a working prototype of a tool that creates an emotional
map of a city by mining social media data for sentiments and
heatmapping them. This kind of method could prove to be an
useful tool for urban designers, who could take advantage of
the visual intuition of humans and see instantly where and how
emotional hotspots arise. It could also be of interest for emotion
researchers, who could get data on what it really means to be
happy for a human being - for example eating an ice cream at
the beach - instead of only linking conceptual words (such as
happy) to external stimuli (such as smiling).
In the 21st century the urban environment is forming to
be the most common habitat for human species. With rising
urbanization, good urban design is critical. Cities can be
conceptualized in many forms: as a social system, as an
economic system or even in political terms. Some people
see the city as a work of art, some as a historical artifact
- some even see it as a living organism. In the same way,
the design and planning of cities can be approached from
different points of view.
With utopia in mind, the trends of urban design have
always shifted: from the green garden city movement to
the automobile city where everything is attainable with a
car. Fortunately, the current trend seeks to create sustainable
urban environments with long-lasting structures and building
and overall livability. But as strange as it may sound, the
urban life is not necessarily the main viewpoint from which
urban design is done. Measurements of traffic congestion or
air quality and the usage of resources are already common
tools for urban planning. But these measurements are purely
objective and lack all humanistic components. They do not
reflect how people actually feel towards their environments
or experience their surroundings [1]. The social component
is much harder to study: surveys can and should of course
be done, but the in situ observation of people’s affections is
much harder. But focusing on emotions is important, because
emotions are thought to be reactions to the environment and
situations that are relevant to the individual’s current desires
[2]. Emotionally salient data could thus lead urban designers
to key-points of human-environment interaction in the urban
environment: what and where is important and for whom.
In this research, we study the possibility to use emotional
social media data to understand this spontaneous human-
environment interaction in cities. We show a ”proof-of-
concept”-demo of our method by mining Twitter’s geolo-
cated tweets for sentiments and visualizing them on map
as they arise in time and space. For visualizations of the
method see figure 1 and of the results see figures 4, 5 and 6.
We also discuss our results and how our methodology could
prove useful.
A. AGI from social media
As aforementioned, surveys are a common place in the
urban design process. The information is gathered actively
from these surveys and is referred to as Volunteered Geo-
graphical Information (VGI). But it’s counterpart passively
gathered Ambient Geographical Information (AGI) is a rel-
atively new phenomenon. This data can be gathered for
example from a social media. Recent big turmoils on earth,
such as the Arab Spring in 2011 [3] and Japan’s earthquake
[4] were widely documented on social media. The Arab
revolt was even dubbed as ”the Twitter revolution” [3]. The
studies on these phenomena were among the first to study the
expansion and evolution of social interaction in the masses
in real time. It is exciting that social media can give us this
new possibility to look upon these events that before were
visible to us only through ground media - and rarely in real
time. AGI available from these events removes the veil and
shows us what is happening around us all over the world all
the time and in much bigger scale than before.
B. Human-Enviroment Interaction
The mathematical psychologist Anatol Rapoport first doc-
umented the importance of human-environment interaction
studies for urban planning in his book Human Aspects of
Fig. 1. The workflow in our method.
Urban Form: Towards a Man—Environment Approach to
Urban Form and Design [5]. This research revolves around
three general questions:
How do people shape their environment?
How and to what extent does the physical environment
affect people, i.e. how important is designed environ-
ment and which contexts?
What are the mechanisms which link people and envi-
ronment in this two-way interaction?
By analyzing social media data, with these questions in
mind, we could get hints or even answers on how these
interactions arise in the environment. We could also study
much bigger scales of actions with a lot more people than
before. Our method is of course not antagonistic to tradi-
tional anthropological research, but rather a complimentary
tool, that could point designers and researchers to the right
direction. In addition, because the people themselves are
actively producing the data in social media, we could get
a much more personal and encompassing view. A survey
always directs people thoughts and answers.
C. Emotionally aware technologies
We also think that studying emotions is they key point.
There are two main motivations.
Fig. 2. One way of grouping the affective science. Sentiments are related
to attitudes, moods and feelings, but can in theory refer to any of these
phenomenon. Figure adopted from [7].
First of all, emotionally aware technologies offer better
usability and can even help people improve their own emo-
tional intelligence (EI). It has been given a lot of attention
in consumer goods, such as the smart phone. This same
design paradigm could and should be applied further - in our
case to cities. Cities should not be thought as mechanical
clockworks, but as living organisms: a separate and social
units made up of highly interconnected people and places.
For a true smart city an understanding of the layer of human
behavior, emotions and experiences is needed [6].
Second of all, if emotions are thought to be reactions to
situations that are relevant to the individual’s current desires
[2], studying their location can reveal us much about how
human emotion ties into places and thus experiences.
D. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
Strictly speaking, sentiments are not emotions but related
to emotions. Both are a type of affective phenomena. Senti-
ments are similar to opinions or attitudes, which are relatively
stable beliefs about the goodness or badness of something
or someone [7]. They bias how a person will think about,
feel towards or behave regarding a person or a thing [8]. In
some sense, sentiment can be used as synonym to feeling.
However, there is a slight difference: sentiment refers to a
specific feeling or attitude behind something, while feeling
is a more general term. What we mean by sentiment could
best be understood as the valence of an emotion in the
dimensional emotion theory (see figures 2 and 3). We are
searching how negative or positive sentiments people have
towards something.
Sentiment analysis is a viable tool for social media data for
three primary reasons. First of all, much of the data on social
media is opinionated [9]. Second of all, it is very humane
and thus interesting to want to know how people feel towards
us (or in this case a city or a certain location). In fact it is
an important part of our information gathering habits [10].
And third of all, it can be very simple to do because it only
Fig. 3. One way of visualizing the dimensional emotion space. Our
definition of sentiment refers to the valence of the affect, i.e. its pleasantness-
has three possible prediction outputs: positive, negative or
E. Visualization
To analyze complex data like sentimental social media data
with location information, visualization is the key. Of all
the five senses, the human brain relies most on vision. With
visualization we can quickly show thousands of data points,
from which we can quickly understand difficult concepts or
identify new patterns [11].
Using geographical maps also ties our data to real world
locations. With this emotional mapping we can visually spot
emotional hotspots and clusters that emerge in the city. These
visualizations can also tell us stories that we would otherwise
miss and help us to understand bigger scales of action [12].
Pioneering research in emotional mapping has been done
in the 21st century. Some notable examples are Christian
Nold and his Emotional Cartography that began in 2004 [13]:
a combination of technological vision and performing arts,
where people were fitted with bio-monitoring devices and
asked to walk around the city and go on with their hobbys
and chores. The data was then visualized on a map and also
inspired a collection of essays, on how our world looks like
when emotional monitoring becomes a standard.
More recently emotional mapping and it’s participatory
potential has been studied and applied by Jirka Panek. His
findings conclude that emotions and perceptions are a crucial
part of modern cartography and that emotional maps can
be valuable tools for bridging the gap between citizens and
urban planners [14][15]. Studies done by Marketta Kytt¨
a and
Maarit Kahila in Aalto University also emphasize the impor-
tance of understanding human behavior and experiences in
the context of city design [6].
Fig. 4. Positive sentiment hotspots from the weekend of week 32.
Hotspot 1 Flow Festival (urban music festival)
Hotspot 2 City Center (no one specific event, but many
smaller ones. Also the highest absolute
amount of tweets.)
Hotspot 3 WorldCon (a sci-fi convention) and Tube-
Con (a youtube convection)
The method consists of three major parts: gather data,
analyze it for emotions and then visualize it on the map.
The workflow can be seen in the figure 1. In this paper
we show the visualizations from two time spans: of tweets
gathered from Helsinki Area for the weekend from 11th of
August to the 13th of August and for the weekdays from
14th of August to 18th August. This is enough to show us
meaningful clusters and differences in time (weekend versus
workweek), but isn’t it too much so that individual stories
would drown in noise.
We start by gathering data from Twitter’s Streaming API
with the help of Python programming languages tweepy
library [16]. Twitter was chosen as the social media to study
for several reasons. First of all, the data available is easy to
analyze - each tweet consists of only 140 symbols. Second
of all, there is plenty of data available as the principle
ethic of Twitter is to share everything publicly. This is very
different from for example Facebook, where everything is
available only to your friends. Third of all, Twitter’s API
is open compared to all other the major social media sites.
Twitter also provides lots of secondary metadata such as user
information and location.
Because for this demonstration we are interested in
Helsinki, and it’s immediate surroundings, most of the tweets
were not in English, but Finnish (and some other languages,
Hotspot 1 City center (no one specific event, but many
smaller ones. Also the highest absolute
amount of tweets.)
Hotspot 2 Flow Festival, TubeCon and WorldCon
Hotspot 3 Traffic accidents and congestion
such as Russian). Natural Language Processing tools for
Finnish at the time are next to inexistent or not readily
available. Thus before we can apply sentiment analysis, we
need to translate the tweets to English. For this we used
Google’s Cloud Translation API [17].
For sentiment analysis we used the VADER library that is
built for Python [18]. VADER utilizes a rule based lexicon
model, where each word is given a sentiment value as a
number. The sentiment of a complete sentence is acquired
as a combination of these words and a sentiment score is
given: 1is the most negative and 1the most positive. 0is
How VADER differs from other state-of-the-art libraries,
is that it’s rules are fine-tuned for social media text. It gives
much better accuracy on predicting the sentiment on social
media text. It’s performance, 96% correct classification, is
much higher than other benchmark applications such as the
psycholinguistic analysis software called Linguistic Inquiry
and Word Count (LIWC) or custom-built and trained neural
networks [18].
No complicated soft- or hardware is needed to use our
visualizations as all of it happens in the common web
browser. For mapping we utilize the Leaflet.js library [19]
with OpenStreetMaps [20]. Both are community-driven and
open source technologies.
To visualize the amount of tweets in an area, we use
Leaflet.js-libary’s plugin heatmap.js [21]. The more tweets
an area has, the more red it is displayed. The visualization
does not utilize the relative valence of the data but only it’s
category. In other words, each positive or negative tweet is
given the same score of -1 or 1 (neutral tweets with score 0
are discarded). We could utilize the relative score for each
tweet by using the continuous scale from -1 to 1 given to
us by VADER, but we thought that the score given this way
would be too arbitrary.
If our methodology would be used in citizen science or
urban planning, it is important not only to gather data, but to
know from whom it is gathered. Thus we also show that it
is possible to analyze demographics for the tweets. For this
we use two different means.
Fig. 5. Negative sentiment hotspots from the weekend of week 32. Many
positivity clusters are also negativity clusters.
Demographics API [22], a text analysis software, by a
Dutch company called, predicted the age and gen-
der. According to their documentation, their API can achieve
65% accuracy on gender prediction and 58% accuracy on age
category. It is strictly text-based. The operating principle is
that certain use of phrases and certain naming conventions
are neccesarily generation-bound and gender-bound. The
gender prediction was further improved by comparing the
twitter user’s given names to a list of Finnish first names by
orekisterikeskus [23].
The code can be downloaded from GitHub
(url and run
locally. The end product with test data visualization
can also be seen at the author’s website: http:
We can not publish the original dataset used, because it
would violate The Terms of Service of Twitter’s Streaming
We are able to gather data and classify it as positive or
negative and show it on map with the demographic groups
added as demonstrated here.
How much data we are able to gather varies. Twitter’s
Streaming API itself gives only access to around 1% of
all the tweets. For Helsinki area during a week or a busy
weekend this amounts to around 10 000. Of these 10 000 we
discarded almost 9000 for this visualization, because they do
not have exact location coordinates, but a vague bounding
box which can range in size anywhere from a city to a
country. For 1152 tweets with exact coordinates from the
weekend, VADER gives us 419 tweets classified as positive
and 121 as negative. For the weekdays we have 915 tweets
with exact coordinates, of which 319 are classified as positive
and 131 as negative.
Fig. 6. Positive sentiments during working days of the week 33. The
hotspots have changed from weekend oriented culture locations (marked in
blue) to business and residential areas.
Fig. 7. A true positive. VADER can correctly distinguish that the sentiment
is positive even with the weird translation. The demographics are also in
the right category.
On the sentiment classification VADER toolkit gives a
96% classification accuracy, which does not significantly
drop even with the added translation. Most of the tweets
visualized in our demo are true positives.
There are some mistakes, but some of these are partly due
to sarcasm or irony. I.e. the sentence ”I thought you were
a better person than that” is falsely classified as a positive
tweet. To compensate, VADER seems to be able correctly
classify very hard sentences with a lot of negative words as
correctly positive, such as the one where a passing thunder
storm destroyed electrical devices but the tweeter’s streaming
devices survived. There are also some ambivalent tweets
classified as positives: is it a positive or a negative sentiment
if a road is closed due to a marathon? It depends whether
you are a partaker in the marathon or someone rushing to
Whatismore, our application shows some distinctive
hotspots of emotions arising in Helsinki during the weekend.
We can see the positive clusters in the figure 4 and negative
in the figure 5. Further details about the hotspots can be seen
in tables I and II. The hotspots also differ during the week
Fig. 8. An ambivalent positive. Is a road closure due to marathon a positive
or negative thing?
as shown in figure 6. The cultural areas, such as Suvilahti
and Messukeskus, where people gather during the weekend
are not at all active during the week. During weekdays,
much more activation is seen in the city center, which is the
retail and business center, and Kallio area, which is a trendy
neighbourhood of Helsinki with a lot of bars and cafeterias.
With animation we can also visualize how the hotspots
arise in time domain, giving us an interesting view how
location tied social media usage evolves during the day and
night. The animation is available in the demo at the au-
thor’s website:
Social media data is not all encompassing. Most of it
is positive and the content is shared mostly by males and
younger people. We are thus not getting a view of the society
as a whole. However, this might even be advantage if we
specifically wanted to research younger people.
We also only focus on geolocated tweets here which
narrows down our sampling. Not all content is shared with
exact location coordinates and some content creators are not
willing to share their location at all. Even with location
tagging enabled, almost 90% of the tweets must be discarded
because they don’t have exact coordinates. Of course, if we
would study with bigger granularity such as a city or a county
we would get much more data.
As argumented in the introduction, a true smart city should
understand it’s citizens feelings and behaviour. It should
study and observe where and how value and quality is created
and where it is destroyed. For this social media can be a very
valuable tool - to study human behavior in natural context
and in situ. This could be combined with surveys to cross-
validate and complete each other. Surveys are comprehensive
and thorough, but are tedious and results might take time.
Social media data can be shallow, but its reach is much wider
and it can be gathered and analyzed in almost real time.
We’ve demonstrated in this proof-of-concept model, that
we can pick up and visualize emotional patterns arising in
locations and evolving through time. Urban planners could
use this data and visualization to see how their choices affect
the environment or to predict where intervention or redesign
of city infrastructure is required. Even though our model
might not be 100% accurate, it is valuable in it’s simplicity
and ability to show a lot of data and at once. Furthermore,
it shows data that would otherwise be lost in the city design
Neither does our method give straight answers to the
questions posed by Rapoport to study human-environment-
interaction. But it can give us valuable hints where and how
people gather and experience and how those experiences tie
into emotions. The data from emotional experiences could be
gathered and analyzed to build a real emotional database: not
just mapping facial expressions to words, but really creating
semantic features on what it means to experience a certain
emotion. To be happy is not just to smile: to be happy can
be many things, such as going back to school or eating an
ice cream or finding a lost phone.
Modern data-analytics could take this workflow even
further with bigger amounts of data and more accurate
emotion classification and demographics prediction. Build-
ing language specific sentiment analyzers or demographics
prediction toolkits would improve the prediction models.
Location prediction without any coordinates could also im-
prove the method. However, surveying people’s feelings
also raises ethical questions: is it viable for our well-being
and development as individuals and as a species? Could
monitoring emotions give us a better understanding of our
own-selves and enable us to evolve as a species? Or does
it push us closer to an utilitarian dystopia of mistrust where
even our own inner feelings are constantly being watched
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
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The UN Agenda 21 serves, among other things, as a cornerstone for the global implementation of sustainable development. This 24-year-old document, adopted as a voluntary initiative, follows the main dimensions of sustainable development and its implementation on a global, national, and local level. Its local and community strategy version (Local Agenda 21) emphasises the central role of local authorities and calls upon them to develop local strategies for sustainable development (The International Development Research Centre [IDRC], 1996). The main reason for this is the added value of the emphasis on communication, participation, and cooperation among various entities at the local level. Concurrently with the elaboration of concept Local Agenda 21, the concept of the Healthy Cities Programme was also developed and established by The World Health Organisation in 1988. The programme is a long-term initiative, with its main aims being to place health high on the agenda of decision makers and to promote comprehensive local strategies for health protection and sustainable development. It tries to bring the technical language of the ‘Health for All’ strategy into the 21st century, and translate the principles of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (The World Health Organisation [WHO]., 2015) into tangible action. The Network of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic (HCCZ) was created in 1994 and its mission, which goes hand in hand with the above-mentioned premises, is to goad Czech municipalities into stipulating in their statutes that they will consistently work towards sustainable development, health, and improving the quality of life in cities and regions of the Czech Republic. In last two years, almost twenty members of the Network of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic used emotional mapping activity in order to facilitate andimprove the process of participatory planning. The paper positions the emotional mapping activities as a subgroup of Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS). PPGIS research is considered an applied research, as it is driven by the needs to identify spatial information that could be used for participatory planning and decision support (Brown, 2012; Kahila-Tani, Broberg, Kyttä and Tyger, 2015; Obermeyer, 1998). As such, it lacks the strong conceptual and theoretical background of basic research that would guide the empirical PPGIS deployments (Brown and Kyttä, 2014). The measurement and mapping of the social experience with place lacked the technology to capture the subjectivity of spatial information. The author describes the roadmap of implementation of emotional maps as a tool of participatory mapping used by the Network of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic within their Local Agenda 21 strategies. The paper shows the technological shifts in creating emotional maps in past two years as well levels of utilisation of these maps by various cities. The knowledge of social and cultural aspects of the urban landscape is complex, although information-technology accelerates our understandings. The progress of implementation of the emotional maps in collaborative planning can be seen throughout the time, nonetheless further discussion about the methodology as well and usability of the emotional maps is still needed.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The inherent nature of social media content poses serious challenges to practical applications of sentiment analysis. We present VADER, a simple rule-based model for general sentiment analysis, and compare its effectiveness to eleven typical state-of-practice benchmarks including LIWC, ANEW, the General Inquirer, SentiWordNet, and machine learning oriented techniques relying on Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we first construct and empirically validate a gold-standard list of lexical features (along with their associated sentiment intensity measures) which are specifically attuned to sentiment in microblog-like contexts. We then combine these lexical features with consideration for five general rules that embody grammatical and syntactical conventions for expressing and emphasizing sentiment intensity. Interestingly , using our parsimonious rule-based model to assess the sentiment of tweets, we find that VADER outperforms individual human raters (F1 Classification Accuracy = 0.96 and 0.84, respectively), and generalizes more favorably across contexts than any of our benchmarks.
Full-text available
This article details the networked production and dissemination of news on Twitter during snapshots of the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions as seen through information flows—sets of near-duplicate tweets—across activists, bloggers, journalists, mainstream media outlets, and other engaged participants. We differentiate between these user types and analyze patterns of sourcing and routing information among them. We describe the symbiotic relationship between media outlets and individuals and the distinct roles particular user types appear to play. Using this analysis, we discuss how Twitter plays a key role in amplifying and spreading timely information across the globe.
The inherent nature of social media content poses serious challenges to practical applications of sentiment analysis. We present VADER, a simple rule-based model for general sentiment analysis, and compare its effectiveness to eleven typical state-of-practice benchmarks including LIWC, ANEW, the General Inquirer, SentiWordNet, and machine learning oriented techniques relying on Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we first construct and empirically validate a gold-standard list of lexical features (along with their associated sentiment intensity measures) which are specifically attuned to sentiment in microblog-like contexts. We then combine these lexical features with consideration for five general rules that embody grammatical and syntactical conventions for expressing and emphasizing sentiment intensity. Interestingly, using our parsimonious rule-based model to assess the sentiment of tweets, we find that VADER outperforms individual human raters (F1 Classification Accuracy = 0.96 and 0.84, respectively), and generalizes more favorably across contexts than any of our benchmarks.
Many cities have prioritised the provision of bicycle infrastructure, as part of a transition to more sustainable transport. Information from the users of bicycle facilities is crucial for successful bicycle planning. The article presents a case study of Reykjavík, Iceland, where a simple ‘emotional mapping’ platform was used to enable cyclists to express their emotional reactions to routes and places. A sample of 100 users identified some 541 features - lines and points - on a map of the city, associated them with either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ emotions and wrote textual comments to elaborate on the reasons for their judgement. The results indicate clearly the importance of the natural environment for cyclists, as well as the negative feeling engendered by cycling close to car traffic or in the street with the cars. These data support the emphases found in the present bicycling plan of Reykjavík city. In general, volunteered geographical information and crowdsourcing has much potential for increasing citizen participation in urban planning. A flexible software platform for participatory mapping, such as the one used in the study, can be a valuable addition to the planner‘s toolbox.
In this article I consider the future of the field of emotion. My conclusion—borrowing the title of a little-remembered song from the 1980s—is that “the future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.” I begin this article by considering some of the many daunting conceptual and empirical challenges here; this is clearly not a field for the faint of heart. I then turn to some of the incredible conceptual and empirical opportunities here; there are so many it’s easy to feel dizzy. In the final section, I predict that the field of emotion will broaden and become more problem focused, and hazard a “top 10” list of hot topics.