
VIVOPTIM : retour d’expérience d’un programme expérimental de e-santé et de prévention primaire du risque cardiovasculaire global chez des sujets volontaires âgés de 30 à 70 ans

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Today by the e-health and the telemedicine, many people are more and more interested by the improvement of disease knowledge on cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors, personalized self management support follow-up and e-Health monitoring. MGEN is a not-for-profit complementary health insurance gave itself the ways to use the new digital tools in health. MGEN developed an original and personalized program VIVOPTIM for the primary prevention of the cardiovascular risks for their members. The VIVOPTIM Pilot program is based upon digital services and was experimented by November 2015 to December, 2017 with 8000 members of the MGEN, from 30 to 70 years old and resident in two French areas (Occitanie and Bourgogne Franche-Comté). The assessment of the experiment VIVOPTIM e -health program was positive for the personalized cardiovascular support and for their health. Therefore, the MGEN generalized the VIVOPTIM program of cardiovascular prevention, to the whole France on July 11th, 2018.

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Jacques Blacher,1 Virginie Femery2 On behalf of the VIVOPTIM medical committee1Diagnosis and Therapeutic Center, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital; Université de Paris; AP-HP, Paris, France; 2Department of Executive Management, VIVOPTIM Solutions, Paris, FranceCorrespondence: Jacques BlacherUniversité de Paris; Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris; Unité HTA, Prévention et Thérapeutique Cardiovasculaires, Centre de Diagnostic et de Thérapeutique, Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, Place du Parvis Notre-Dame, Paris 75004, FranceTel +33 1 42 34 89 66Fax +33 1 42 34 86 32Email
Background: Multiple risk factor interventions using counselling and educational methods assumed to be efficacious and cost-effective in reducing coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality and morbidity and that they should be expanded. Trials examining risk factor changes have cast doubt on the effectiveness of these interventions. Objectives: To assess the effects of multiple risk factor interventions for reducing total mortality, fatal and non-fatal events from CHD and cardiovascular risk factors among adults assumed to be without prior clinical evidence CHD.. Search strategy: We updated the original search BY SEARCHING CENTRAL (2006, Issue 2), MEDLINE (2000 to June 2006) and EMBASE (1998 to June 2006), and checking bibliographies. Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of more than six months duration using counselling or education to modify more than one cardiovascular risk factor in adults from general populations, occupational groups or specific risk factors (i.e. diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, obesity). Data collection and analysis: Two authors extracted data independently. We expressed categorical variables as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Where studies published subsequent follow-up data on mortality and event rates, we updated these data. Main results: We found 55 trials (163,471 participants) with a median duration of 12 month follow up. Fourteen trials (139,256 participants) with reported clinical event endpoints, the pooled ORs for total and CHD mortality were 1.00 (95% CI 0.96 to 1.05) and 0.99 (95% CI 0.92 to 1.07), respectively. Total mortality and combined fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events showed benefits from intervention when confined to trials involving people with hypertension (16 trials) and diabetes (5 trials): OR 0.78 (95% CI 0.68 to 0.89) and OR 0.71 (95% CI 0.61 to 0.83), respectively. Net changes (weighted mean differences) in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (53 trials) and blood cholesterol (50 trials) were -2.71 mmHg (95% CI -3.49 to -1.93), -2.13 mmHg (95% CI -2.67 to -1.58 ) and -0.24 mmol/l (95% CI -0.32 to -0.16), respectively. The OR for reduction in smoking prevalence (20 trials) was 0.87 (95% CI 0.75 to 1.00). Marked heterogeneity (I(2) > 85%) for all risk factor analyses was not explained by co-morbidities, allocation concealment, use of antihypertensive or cholesterol-lowering drugs, or by age of trial. Authors' conclusions: Interventions using counselling and education aimed at behaviour change do not reduce total or CHD mortality or clinical events in general populations but may be effective in reducing mortality in high-risk hypertensive and diabetic populations. Risk factor declines were modest but owing to marked unexplained heterogeneity between trials, the pooled estimates are of dubious validity. Evidence suggests that health promotion interventions have limited use in general populations.
A rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity has been reported in France since 1990. We investigated the impact of birth cohort on the changes in obesity prevalence after taking into account age and survey period. We analyzed data from 4 national surveys in 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006. For each survey, self-reported data on weight and height were recorded on mailed questionnaires sent to a sample of 20,000 households, representative of the French population. Obesity was defined according to World Health Organization criteria as body mass index >or=30 kg/m. We modeled the prevalence of obesity using logistic regression with age, cohort, and period as explanatory variables. As these variables are linearly dependent, only nonlinear effects can be estimated uniquely and interpreted, after including specific chosen constraints in the models. There was a progressive increase in the prevalence of obesity between 1997 and 2006, attributable either to a period effect or to a cohort effect. There was a substantial departure from a linear trend for the cohort effect only, which seemed to be stronger in women: there was an acceleration in the prevalence of obesity with birth cohort for individuals born after the mid-1960s, in both sexes. Our results are consistent with previous studies in other countries. Compared with older generations, men and women born in the late 1960s may have been subject to early exposures that increased their lifelong susceptibility to obesity.
  • A Dibie
A. Dibie et al. / Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angéiologie xxx (2018) xxx-xxx 7