Today by the e-health and the telemedicine, many people are more and more interested by the improvement of disease knowledge on cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors, personalized self management support follow-up and e-Health monitoring. MGEN is a not-for-profit complementary health insurance gave itself the ways to use the new digital tools in health. MGEN developed an original and personalized program VIVOPTIM for the primary prevention of the cardiovascular risks for their members. The VIVOPTIM Pilot program is based upon digital services and was experimented by November 2015 to December, 2017 with 8000 members of the MGEN, from 30 to 70 years old and resident in two French areas (Occitanie and Bourgogne Franche-Comté). The assessment of the experiment VIVOPTIM e -health program was positive for the personalized cardiovascular support and for their health. Therefore, the MGEN generalized the VIVOPTIM program of cardiovascular prevention, to the whole France on July 11th, 2018.