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THE HEXAVALENT VACCINATION RUSSIAN ROULETTE THE HEXAVALENT VACCINATION RISK FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS' LIFE . THE INTRODUCTION OF THE POST HEXAVALENT VACCINATION SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME (PHVSIDS) AND THE POST VACCINATION ASIA SYNDROME( PVAS). REVIEW UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF ADOLESCENTOLOGY AND ADOLESCENCE MEDICINE, THE MILAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND THE PERSON CENTERED MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY Giuseppe R.Brera Summary The review of the international literature on the hexavalent vaccination adverse effects, documents, without doubt, the existence of a new clinical syndrome: “The Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ”, (PHVSIDS) without concurrent pathologies inducing a life risk confirmed by autoptic investigation, with an enhancement of the infant mortality and hospital admissions rates correlated to the number of vaccines before the first year of life.From 1999 to 2004, in Italy, there has been a slaughter of 52 infants, directly associated to hexavalent vaccination , 8 before 24 hours (RR= 1,5, RR= 2,3 with the Infarix Hexa vaccine- 0,7 with Hexavac ) , 34 within 7 days (RR=1,8- RR 1,5 with Infarix Hexa- 2,8 with Hexavac, with all the hexavalent products RR =2) 52 within 14 days (RR 1,5, RR= 1,5 with Infarix Hexa,1,6 with Hexavac). Children' deaths notifications continued after this date. The hexavalent vaccination appears like a Russian Roulette in children with an unknown vulnerability. In addition to PHVSDS, there is the clinical and scientific evidence of auto-immune diseases, associated to vaccinations that derive from minerals added to vaccines as adjuvants, preservatives and stabilizers, like Aluminum , inoculated in enormous quantities, and Mercurium, that allows to define a new clinical Syndrome: the Post Vaccination ASIA Syndrome-PVAS). ASIA is the depicted Autoimmunity Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants . Autoimmunity can derive also from DNA recombination in the host of the DNA from human cell lines of abortion fetuses used for the MMRV vaccine production also associated with autism. Moreover, there is an irrefutable documentation that hexavalent vaccination determines immunosuppression well depicted by immunology, a consequent cause of death from other infections, as happened. The WHO AEFI algorithm (Causality Assessment of Adverse Event following vaccination) built on an epistemological mechanistic obsolete linear causality ,showed a well explained fallacy. These scientific and clinical observations give evidence to the fact that children cannot be treated as battery chickens and to the necessity of a person centered approach to vaccination according Person centered Medicine, the change of the medical science paradigm. The paper reveals that the Italian Health Ministry has spread in 2017 a 2009 a guide written in 2009 to the vaccination adverse effects, with ridiculous and dangerous suggestions , like “ Do not visit healthy children before vaccination nor take temperature ” and it was informed about a true Italian children’s slaughter and serious adverse effects from hexavalent vaccination ( 9-20,3 % from 2014-2016) and another signaled 5 children' deaths from PHVSDS . The philosophy “ Let few deaths for saving much more lives “ is unacceptable for a physician who risks to see a newborn death caused by his act, within few hours from a preventive vaccination, and at the same time, parents cannot be obliged to expose their children to a Russian Roulette. The possible solution is to entrust to the pediatrician the choice of vaccination time, after a necessary clinical evaluation, reducing the number of vaccines to essential, with a health policy that could be named “Person centered vaccination”. Infectious diseases can be more prevented enhancing natural immunity, also with a public health policy promoting breastfeeding, a strong immune protective factor with also vaccine power, maternal care quality and educating to a healthy immune stimulating diet and life conditions, all resiliency factors for natural immunity, more powerful than adaptive immunity Review in Italian
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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently revised how adverse events after immunization (AEFI) are classified. Only reactions that have previously been acknowledged in epidemiological studies to be caused by the vaccine are classified as a vaccine-product–related-reaction. Deaths observed during post-marketing surveillance are not considered as ‘consistent with causal association with vaccine’, if there was no statistically significant increase in deaths recorded during the small Phase 3 trials that preceded it. Of course, vaccines noted to have caused a significant increase in deaths in the control-trials stage would probably not be licensed. After licensure, deaths and all new serious adverse reactions are labelled as ‘coincidental deaths/events’ or ‘unclassifiable’, and the association with vaccine is not acknowledged. The resulting paradox is evident. The definition of causal association has also been changed. It is now used only if there is ‘no other factor intervening in the processes’. Therefore, if a child with an underlying congenital heart disease (other factor), develops fever and cardiac decompensation after vaccination, the cardiac failure would not be considered causally related to the vaccine. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety has documented many deaths in children with pre-existing heart disease after they were administered the pentavalent vaccine. The WHO now advises precautions when vaccinating such children. This has reduced the risk of death. Using the new definition of causal association, this relationship would not be acknowledged and lives would be put at risk. In view of the above, it is necessary that the AEFI manual be revaluated and revised urgently. AEFI reporting is said to be for vaccine safety. Child safety (safety of children) rather than vaccine safety (safety for vaccines) needs to be the emphasis.
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Proceedings of the Conference : Medical science and health paradigm change 13-14-15 October 2017.Milan,Italy
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During the current outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa, preventing exportation of the disease posed many challenges for economically more developed countries. In Israel, although the risk of importing single cases was assumed to be low, the implications of local transmission were great. This article describes the EVD preparedness plan of the Israeli Ministry of Health. Key elements were a sensitive case definition, designation of a single treatment centre for suspected and confirmed cases, construction of a mobile unit using customised negative-pressure tents and a vigorous national training programme. There were no patients with EVD in Israel, but a few suspected cases were assessed. The Israeli plan may provide a template for emergency infectious disease response in other geographically small countries.
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We examined a large number of sudden infant death syndrome victims in order to point out a possible causal relationship between a previous hexavalent vaccination and the sudden infant death. We selected 110 cases submitted to in-depth histological examination of the autonomic nervous system and provided with detailed clinical and environmental information. In 13 cases (11.8%) the death occurred in temporal association with administration of the hexavalent vaccine (from 1 to 7 days). In none of these victims congenital developmental alterations of the main nervous structures regulating the vital functions were observed. Only the hypoplasia of the arcuate nucleus was present in 5 cases. In one case in particular an acquired hyperacute encephalitis of the tractus solitarii nucleus was diagnosed in the brainstem. This study does not prove a causal relationship between the hexavalent vaccination and SIDS. However, we hypothesize that vaccine components could have a direct role in sparking off a lethal outcome in vulnerable babies. In conclusion, we sustain the need that deaths occurring in a short space of time after hexavalent vaccination are appropriately investigated and submitted to a post-mortem examination particularly of the autonomic nervous system by an expert pathologist to objectively evaluate the possible causative role of the vaccine in SIDS.
Since 2013, World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) should be evaluated by a standardized algorithm for causality assessment, however the use of WHO procedure is rarely adopted. In Italy, AEFIs (classified only by temporal criteria) are registered in the National Drug Authority (AIFA) database, but causality assessment is not mandatory. Every year AIFA publishes the AEFIs report, that doesn't contain information about causal correlation between events and vaccines. From AIFA database, we selected AEFIs following human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV) reported in Apulia (about 4,000,000 inhabitants) during 2008-2016. For serious AEFIs, we applied WHO causality assessment criteria; for cases hospitalized, we repeated the assessment getting additional information from health documentation. In 2008-2016, 100 HPV AEFIs (reporting rate: 17.8 per 100,000 doses) were registered of which 19 were serious (rate: 3.4 per 100,000 doses) and 12 led to hospitalization. After causality assessment, for 9 AEFIs the classification was "consistent causal association to immunization", for 3 indeterminate, for 5 "inconsistent causal association to immunization" and for 2 not-classifiable. Among hospitalized patients, 5 AEFIs were consistent, 5 inconsistent, 1 not-classifiable and 1 indeterminate; adding information from health documentation, the results were similar except for indeterminate and not classifiable AEFIs that turned into "not consistent". Only half of severe AEFIs could be associated with vaccination and this suggests that AIFA report provides a incomplete picture of HPV vaccine safety, with a risk for readers to confound "post hoc" and "propter hoc" approach without considering the causality assessment results. In the view of the systematic use of WHO causality assessment algorithm in the AEFI surveillance, the efforts of Public Health must be focused on the improvement of the quality of the information provided to reduce conclusions inter-observer variability; the routine follow-up of reports, also to collect additional information, must be guaranteed.