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Timing of Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training: A Brief Review


Abstract and Figures

The combination of creatine monohydrate supplementation and resistance training increases muscle mass and strength. In this brief narrative review, we propose that the timing of creatine supplementation in relation to resistance training may be an important factor to optimize hypertrophy and strength gains. Meta-analyses indicated that creatine supplementation immediately after resistance training was superior for increasing muscle mass compared to creatine supplementation immediately before resistance training (3 studies, standard mean difference 0.52, 95% CI 0.03-1.00, p = 0.04); however, this did not translate into greater muscular strength (p > 0.05). Further research is needed to confirm these limited findings and to determine the mechanisms explaining the potential greater increase in muscle mass from post-exercise creatine.
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2018, Volume 1 (Issue 5) OPEN ACCESS
Timing of Creatine Supplementation
and Resistance Training: A Brief
Short Review,
Scott C. Forbes1, Darren G. Candow2
1Department of Physical Education, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
2Faculty of Kinesiology & Health Studies, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
The combination of creatine monohydrate supplementation and
resistance training increases muscle mass and strength. In this
brief narrative review, we propose that the timing of creatine
supplementation in relation to resistance training may be an
important factor to optimize hypertrophy and strength gains.
Meta-analyses indicated that creatine supplementation
immediately after resistance training was superior for increasing
muscle mass compared to creatine supplementation immediately
before resistance training (3 studies, standard mean difference
0.52, 95% CI 0.03 1.00, p = 0.04); however, this did not translate
into greater muscular strength (p > 0.05). Further research is
needed to confirm these limited findings and to determine the
mechanisms explaining the potential greater increase in muscle
mass from post-exercise creatine.!!
Key Words
: Supplements, Strength, Hypertrophy.
Corresponding author: Darren G. Candow,
It is well established that resistance training increases muscle mass and strength over
time, possibly by increasing activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) muscle protein synthetic pathway 1, satellite cell activation and proliferation
2, anabolic hormone production 3, and decreasing catabolic cytokine activity 4. The
combination of creatine supplementation and resistance training leads to greater
gains in muscle mass and strength compared to resistance training or creatine alone5.
Recent evidence suggests that the timing of ingestion may be an important factor
contributing to the greater gains in muscle mass and strength from creatine
supplementation 6,7,8,9. Specifically, (1) creatine supplementation immediately before
and immediately after resistance training sessions increases upper-and lower-body
strength more than placebo and resistance training 7, (2) post-exercise creatine
increases muscle mass compared to placebo 7, (3) pre-exercise and post-exercise
creatine supplementation increases muscle mass and strength compared to
consuming creatine in the hours (> 5) leading up to and following resistance training
9, and (4) post-exercise creatine increases muscle mass (trend) compared to pre-
exercise creatine 6.
The purpose of this review is to briefly outline the potential beneficial effects of
creatine supplementation and to evaluate the emerging evidence suggesting that the
timing of creatine ingestion may be an important factor to consider when designing
2018, Volume 1 (Issue 5) OPEN ACCESS
an effective creatine supplementation protocol. We performed meta-analyses to
assess the effect of creatine timing on muscle hypertrophy and strength.
We searched PubMed and SPORTDiscus databases using the key words “creatine
supplementation”, “timing”, and a variety of synonyms for “resistance training” (e.g.,
“strength training”) on August 21, 2018. Our inclusion criteria included i) a direct
evaluation of creatine timing ii) inclusion of a resistance training program, with
measures of lean tissue mass and/or strength, and iii) utilized a randomized, repeated
measures design. Mean changes and the standard deviation of mean changes were
extracted. If mean changes were not extractable, the authors were contacted to obtain
the raw data for calculations. The homogeneity of the effect size among studies was
assessed using a X2 test. Since the homogeneity was low, we used fixed effects models
to calculate the pooled mean net change of lean tissue mass and strength comparing
creatine supplementation provided before versus after resistance training. Mean
changes and standard deviations for mean changes for individual studies and the
pooled effects and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated and Forest plots
were generated using Review Manage 5.3 software. Meta-analyses for lean tissue mass
and maximum strength were only performed when 3 or more studies utilizing similar
interventions and outcomes were available. Significance was set at p 0.05.
Creatine Supplementation
Creatine or methyl-guanidino acetic acid, is a naturally occurring nitrogen-containing
compound found primarily in red meat and seafood 10. Creatine excretion typically
occurs at a rate of ~2 g·d-1 10. Creatine can be replaced via endogenous synthesis (1-
2 g·d-1) in the kidneys, liver, and pancreas or exogenously through dietary intake,
typically ~1-3 g·d-1 10,11. Ninety-five percent of creatine is stored in skeletal muscle,
of which 60-70% is phosphorylated (i.e. phosphocreatine; 12) and the remainder is
free creatine. Phosphocreatine rapidly re-synthesizes adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
to maintain adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during high intensity exercise 12. Elevated
phosphocreatine stores (via exogenous creatine) may increase exercise training
intensity and capacity leading to greater muscle accretion and strength over time
[reviewed in 13]. There are several purported mechanisms which may explain the
greater increase in muscle mass and strength observed from creatine
supplementation. Creatine supplementation elevates skeletal phosphocreatine and
total creatine stores 14, which increases phosphocreatine re-synthesis 15 and exercise
fatigue resistance 16. Creatine influences myocellular water retention due to increased
intracellular osmolarity and increases muscle glycogen storage 17. Muscle cell swelling
may stimulate genes (i.e., myosin heavy chain I and IIA) regulating various anabolic
signaling pathways 18. Furthermore, creatine increases satellite cell differentiation 19,
activity 20, and content 21; myogenic transcription factor activity 22, hormonal
secretions (e.g. IGF-1; 23), muscle protein kinetics 24, and decreases inflammation 25.
Creatine Timing
The timing of ingestion may be an important factor contributing to the greater gains
in muscle mass and strength from creatine supplementation (Table 1). Creatine
immediately before (~ 5 minutes) or immediately after (~ 5 minutes) resistance
training sessions for 8 months increased leg press strength (creatine before = 27%;
creatine after = 28%) and chest press strength (creatine before = 30%; creatine after
= 36%) compared to placebo (leg press: 4%; chest press: 4%; p < 0.05) in healthy
older adults 7. Interestingly, post-exercise creatine increased whole-body lean tissue
mass (6.4%) compared to placebo (1.2%; p<0.05), while there was no difference
between pre-exercise creatine and placebo 7. Furthermore, consuming creatine
immediately before (0.05 g·kg-1 of body weight) and immediately after (0.05 g·kg-1 of
body weight) resistance training sessions (3 days/week, 10 weeks) resulted in greater
muscle accretion (2.0 ± 0.3 cm) compared to placebo (0.8 ± 0.3 cm) in healthy older
males (59-77 years; 8). These results support previous findings of a significant
2018, Volume 1 (Issue 5) OPEN ACCESS
increase in lean tissue mass (6%), type II muscle fiber area (29%), and insulin growth-
factor I (78%) in adults (19-55 years) who ingested creatine before (0.03 g·kg-1 of
body weight) and after (0.03 g·kg-1 of body weight) resistance training for 8 weeks 23,
26. In addition, a creatine supplement (1 g·kg-1: supplement per 100 g = 40 g protein,
43 g glucose, 7 g creatine and <0.5 g fat) immediately before and immediately after
resistance training sessions for 10 weeks significantly increased intramuscular
creatine content, lean tissue mass, muscle cross sectional-area of type II fibers and
maximal strength in resistance trained body-builders compared to consuming
creatine > 5 hours before and after exercise (i.e., before breakfast and immediately
prior to sleep; 9).
In directly comparing pre-exercise creatine to post-exercise creatine, Antonio and
Ciccone 6 found a greater muscle benefit (i.e., fat-free mass and strength) from post-
exercise creatine (fat-free mass = 3% gain; 1 repetition maximum bench press =
7.5%) in young recreational male bodybuilders compared to pre-exercise creatine
supplementation (fat-free mass = 1.3% gain; 1 repetition maximum bench press =
6.8%). However, Candow et al. 7,8 found no statistical difference between pre-
exercise creatine and post-exercise creatine after either 12 weeks 8 or 8 months 7 of
resistance training in older adults. Results across studies suggest that pre-exercise and
post-exercise creatine supplementation has beneficial effects on muscle mass and
strength with slightly greater gains from post-exercise creatine.
Table 1. Studies investigation the effect of creatine ingestion before and after
resistance training.
N=19 Recreational Male
Bodybuilders; Age 23.1
± 2.9 yrs; Height: 166.0
± 23.2 cm; Weight: 80.18
± 10.43 kg
Randomly assigned:
CR (5g) PRE or CR
(5g) POST RT
sessions and anytime
on days off; 5 RT
4 wks
Bench Press 1RM
between groups;
Magnitude based
inference CR
POST possibly
more beneficial for
ET AL., 2014
N=22 (9 men; 13
women) non-RT healthy
older adults; Age 50-64
Randomly assigned:
CR before (n=11) (CR
0.1g/kg before +
0.1g/kg placebo after)
or CR after (n=11)
(0.1g/kg placebo
before + CR 0.1g/kg
after); RT 3d/wk
12 wks
FFM, limb
muscle thickness,
BP and LP 1RM
and no difference
in protein
catabolism (but all
these parameters
were improved by
RT). No changes in
Kidney function
over time.
ET AL., 2015
N= 39 (22 women, 17
men); non-RT healthy
older adults, Age 50-71
Randomly assigned:
CR before (CR
0.1g/kg before +
0.1g/kg placebo after)
or CR after (0.1g/kg
placebo before + CR
0.1g/kg after) or
Placebo control; RT
8 months
CR After LBM
compared to
Placebo. CR Before
LBM compared
to Placebo.
Between CR
groups for 1RM
bench press, 1RM
leg press, LBM. CR
groups strength
compared to
Abbreviations: CR = creatine; RT = resistance training; FFM = fat free mass; FM = Fat
mass; BM = body mass; RM = repetition maximum; BP = bench press; LP = leg press;
LBM = lean body mass
2018, Volume 1 (Issue 5) OPEN ACCESS
Meta-Analysis Results
Mean changes and standard deviations for mean changes for individual studies and
pooled effects and their 95% confidence intervals are presented along with Forest
plots in Figures 1 and 2. When pooling the limited data, lean tissue mass (p = 0.04)
increased to a greater extent from post-exercise creatine compared to pre-exercise
creatine. These results provide preliminary evidence that creatine timing may be an
important factor to consider in designing a creatine supplementation protocol.
However, there were no differences between pre-exercise and post-exercise creatine
on maximal strength (Figure 2). It is important to note that only 3 trials were included
in the meta-analyses, which limits the statistical power to detect differences. Despite
this limitation, post-exercise creatine supplementation was statistically significant for
increasing lean tissue mass. However, additional research is needed to determine with
greater certainty whether post-exercise creatine is superior to pre-exercise creatine
for improving lean tissue mass.
Figure 1: Forest plot for absolute change in lean tissue mass. Comparing strategic
ingestion of creatine before versus after resistance training.
Figure 2: Forest plot for absolute change in 1 repetition maximum upper body
strength. Comparing strategic ingestion of creatine before versus after resistance
Potential Mechanisms of Creatine Timing
The greater gains in muscle mass and strength observed from pre- and post-exercise
creatine may be due to an upregulation of the kinetics involved in creatine transport
27, by an increase in Na+-K+ pump function during exercise 27 and by an increase in
blood flow and delivery of creatine to exercising muscles 28. Tipton et al. 29 previously
showed that pre-exercise and post-exercise ingestion of an essential amino acid-
carbohydrate solution significantly increased net muscle protein synthesis in young
adults. The acute lower-body exercise session increased leg blood flow by 201-324%.
The authors concluded that providing amino acids at a time when blood flow is
elevated (i.e. during resistance training) maximizes delivery to muscle 29.
Based on the limited studies performed thus far, it appears that creatine
supplementation before and after resistance training sessions increases lean tissue
mass and strength. Our meta-analysis suggests that post-exercise creatine ingestion
provides greater muscle benefits than pre-exercise creatine. Further research is
warranted to confirm these findings and to elucidate the mechanisms explaining the
greater increase in muscle mass from post-exercise creatine.
Media-Friendly Summary
2018, Volume 1 (Issue 5) OPEN ACCESS
Creatine can enhance resistance training gains in muscle mass and strength. Presently,
there is limited data on when is the best time to take creatine in relation to training.
Based on the available evidence, it is recommended to take creatine after training to
maximize gains in muscle mass and strength; however, these findings are based on a
small sample size and precise mechanisms explaining these findings remain to be
The authors have no conflicts of interest.
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Copyright, 2018. Published by Capstone Science Inc. under open access distribution rights. Articles are available for
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... Through the combination of endogenous synthesis and/or exogenous intake, creatine enters the systemic circulation and subsequently gains entry into energetically demanding tissues (e.g., skeletal muscle) through a creatine-specific transporter (Persky and Brazeau, 2001). Exercise-induced muscle contractions increase skeletal muscle blood flow (i.e., hyperaemia) (Tipton et al., 2001), which may augment creatine kinetics leading to greater intramuscular creatine accumulation over time (Harris et al., 1992;Persky and Brazeau, 2001;Forbes and Candow, 2018;Ribeiro et al., 2021). Co-ingestion of creatine with carbohydrates and protein also appears to increase creatine accumulation in muscle (Steenge et al., 1998(Steenge et al., , 2000, possibly due to insulin-stimulated sodium-potassium (Na +− K + ) pump activity (Ewart and Klip, 1995). ...
... The purported mechanisms underlying the potential effects of creatine timing to augment resistance training adaptations are currently only hypothetical (Figure 1). First, one could speculate that exercise-induced muscle hyperemia could favor creatine delivery to skeletal muscles, possibly affecting both uptake and retention (Forbes and Candow, 2018;Ribeiro et al., 2021). Therefore, pairing the exercise-mediated increase in blood flow with the rise in circulating creatine following supplementation could, theoretically, be beneficial. ...
Full-text available
It is well-established that creatine supplementation augments the gains in muscle mass and performance during periods of resistance training. However, whether the timing of creatine ingestion influences these physical and physiological adaptations is unclear. Muscle contractions increase blood flow and possibly creatine transport kinetics which has led some to speculate that creatine in close proximity to resistance training sessions may lead to superior improvements in muscle mass and performance. Furthermore, creatine co-ingested with carbohydrates or a mixture of carbohydrates and protein that alter insulin enhance creatine uptake. The purpose of this narrative review is to (i) discuss the purported mechanisms and variables that possibly justify creatine timing strategies, (ii) to critically evaluate research examining the strategic ingestion of creatine during a resistance training program, and (iii) provide future research directions pertaining to creatine timing.
... However, the results obtained show that no significant differences were found between the consumption of Cr supplements in the morning or in the evening. This lack of difference could be explained by the fact that Cr supplementation aids the intramuscular storage of Cr, keeping it available in case it is needed when there is a greater energy demand [38], whether this is in the morning or the evening. In addition, other studies have reported limited changes in performance with respect to the time of day the supplement is taken [39], and likewise, no differences have been demonstrated in terms of recovery from anaerobic exercise in the morning vs. the evening [11]. ...
... Another limitation of our study was the relatively small size of the sample. Although clinical trials with a larger sample size are needed to confirm these findings, we can state that the results of the present study are in line with recent research on the optimal timing of Cr intake, which suggests that greater performance is achieved when Cr supplementation is performed after strength training [6,8,38]. Factors that could have influenced the different results obtained are the level of training of the participants and the initial amount of Cr present in their muscles. ...
Full-text available
A great deal of evidence has been gathered on the use of creatine as an ergogenic supplement. Recent studies show greater benefits when creatine ingestion is performed close in time to training, but few studies tackle the way that circadian rhythms could influence creatine consumption. The aim of this study was therefore to observe the influence circadian rhythms exert on sports performance after creatine supplementation. Our method involved randomly assigning fourteen women players of a handball team into two groups in a single-blind study: one that consumed the supplement in the morning and one that consumed it in the evening, with both groups following a specific training program. After twelve weeks, the participants exhibited a decreased fat percentage, increased body weight and body water, and improved performance, with these results being very similar in the two groups. It is therefore concluded that, although circadian rhythms may influence performance, these appear not to affect creatine supplementation, as creatine is stored intramuscu-larly and is available for those moments of high energy demand, regardless of the time of day.
... Mechanistically, it is unclear whether blood flow kinetics would alter creatine uptake and training adaptations since creatine monohydrate peaks in the blood approximately 1.5 hours following ingestion. 15 however, based on whole body measures and results from the meta-analysis, 14 it was hypothesized that creatine supplementation after resistance training would result in greater gains in muscle thickness compared to creatine supplementation before resistance training. it was also hypothesized that creatine, independent of the timing of ingestion, would result in similar gains in muscle strength. ...
... however, there were no differences in muscle strength between pre-and postexercise creatine. 14 importantly, the studies by candow et al. 1,12 and antonio and ciccone 13 used a between-subject repeated measures design and had high variability among participants. a within-subject repeated measures design would help overcome this limitation by controlling for between subject variability and factors that may influence the subjects responsiveness to creatine supplementation (i.e. initial intramuscular creatine stores, age, sex, type II muscle fiber Side; Bag #3: Before resistance training -left Side, Bag #4: afTer resistance training -left Side), and were provided detailed supplementation instructions and measuring spoons. ...
Background: Creatine supplementation, in close proximity to resistance training sessions, may be an important strategy to augment muscle accretion and strength. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of creatine supplementation immediately before compared to immediately after unilateral resistance training on hypertrophy and strength. Methods: Using a counter-balanced, double-blind, repeated measures within-subject design, ten recreationally active participants (7 males; 3 females; age: 23±5 years; height: 174±9 cm; body mass: 73.5±9.7 kg) were randomized to supplement with creatine monohydrate (0.1 g/kg of body mass) immediately before and placebo immediately after training one side of the body and placebo immediately before and creatine immediately after training the other side of the body on alternate days. Resistance training consisted of elbow flexion and knee extension (3-6 sets at 80% 1-repetition maximum [1-RM]) for 8 weeks. Prior to and following training, muscle thickness (elbow flexors and leg extensors; ultrasonography) and strength (1-RM for the elbow flexors and knee extensors) was assessed. Results: There was a significant increase over time for muscle thickness, strength, and relative strength (P<0.01), with no differences between creatine ingestion strategies. Total training volume performed was similar between conditions (P=0.56). Conclusions: Creatine supplementation, immediately before or immediately after unilateral resistance training, produces similar gains in muscle hypertrophy and strength in young adults.
... Other factors, such as being a vegetarian or vegan and the associated lower baseline levels of creatine within their muscle may further alter responsiveness to creatine supplementation [44]. With regards to creatine timing, the current evidence suggests to take creatine in close proximity to exercise [45,46], however whether you ingest creatine before or after exercise does not appear to influence strength training muscle adaptations [47]. Exercise appears to increase the sensitivity of creatine transporters and enhance creatine uptake [48]. ...
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Aging is associated with numerous physiological, musculoskeletal, and neurological impairments including a loss of muscle, strength, function, bone mineral, and cognition. Strength training is an effective intervention to counter these age-associated declines. In addition, creatine supplementation is purported to enhance strength training gains in lean tissue mass, muscular strength, and function. There is emerging evidence that creatine combined with strength training can alter bone geometry and cognitive performance. The purpose of this review is to update previous meta-analyses examining creatine combined with strength training on lean tissue mass and bone density compared to strength training and placebo. A secondary purpose was to explore the effects of creatine and strength training on cognition. Updated meta-analyses revealed that creatine enhances lean tissue mass (mean difference [MD]: 1.18 kg, 95 % CI: 0.70–1.67; p<0.00001) and upper body muscular strength (standard mean difference [SMD]: 0.24, 95 % CI: 0.05–0.43; p=0.02) compared to strength training and placebo. Creatine combined with strength training had no greater effects compared to strength training and placebo on lower body muscular strength (SMD: 0.17, 95 % CI: −0.03–0.38; p=0.09), whole-body (MD: −0.00 g cm⁻²; 95 % CI: −0.01–0.00, p=0.32), femoral neck (MD: −0.00 g cm⁻²; 95 % CI: −0.01–0.00, p=1.00), or lumbar bone mineral density (MD: 0.00 g cm⁻², 95 % CI: −0.01–0.01; p=045). There is preliminary evidence that combining strength training and creatine is an effective strategy to improve bone geometry in postmenopausal females and cognitive function in older adults. Overall, the combination of creatine and strength training has favorable effects on lean tissue mass and upper body strength. In contrast, creatine combined with strength training does not enhance lower-body strength or bone mineral.
... It is worth noting that the participants in the del Favero et al. (2012) study were untrained and were instructed to limit their training during the intervention. This limitation could have influenced the results, as mechanical tension is known to promote creatine uptake (Forbes & Candow, 2018). ...
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Betaine supplementation, a dietary practice that possesses potential effects on exercise performance, has undergone extensive study. This study aimed to systematically review and meta-analyse betaine supple-mentation's effects on exercise performance. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, focusing on studies comparing chronic betaine to a placebo in healthy humans aged 15-60 years, measuring exercise outcomes. Studies with acute betaine supplementation, no control group, or animals were excluded. Quality assessment was done using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool, and a random-effects model was employed for the meta-analysis. The review included 17 studies with 317 participants (21% female). The results revealed a significant effect size of 0.47 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.89) for maximal strength (1RM, 3RM, maximal isokinetic or isometric force), particularly in the lower body (SMD: 0.49, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.98). No significant effects were found for upper body strength, cycling sprint power, bench press throws power, or muscular endurance. However, vertical jumping performance improved significantly (SMD: 0.36, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.69) after excluding a low-quality study. In conclusion, betaine supplementation for at least 7 days significantly enhances muscular strength, especially lower body strength, and shows potential in improving vertical jumping performance. ARTICLE HISTORY
... It appears that creatine supplementation before and after endurance training sessions has a positive effect on lean tissue mass and strength. Several meta-analyses have indicated that post-exercise creatine intake may produce greater muscle benefits compared to pre-exercise creatine intake [11]. Some research demonstrated that 5 g of creatine monohydrate ingestion after exercise resulted in greater improvements in body composition, specifically gains in fat-free mass and loss of fat mass, compared to pre-exercise creatine ingestion. ...
... Thereafter, participants consumed 0.1 g·kg -1 ·d -1 as this maintenance dosage has been shown to have favorable effects on muscle mass and strength in older adults (19,23). On training days, participants consumed their supplement (mixed in water) immediately after each training session, as post-exercise creatine supplementation may lead to slightly greater gains in muscle accretion compared to pre-exercise creatine supplementation (27). On non-training days, the supplement was consumed with food. ...
The purpose was to investigate the effects of progressive resistance training (PRT) and creatine supplementation in stroke survivors. Participants were randomized to one of two groups: creatine (n = 5; 51 ± 16y) or placebo (n = 3; 73 ± 8y) during 10 weeks of supervised PRT. Prior to and following PRT and supplementation, assessments were made for body composition (lean tissue and fat mass), muscle thickness, muscle strength (1-repetition maximum), functional exercise capacity (6-minute walk test, Berg Balance Scale; BBS), cognition (Montreal Cognitive Assessment; MoCA), and symptoms of anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7; GAD-7) and depression (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; CES-D). There were time main effects for leg press strength (increased; p = 0.001), chest press strength (increased; p = 0.003), elbow flexor muscle thickness (increased; p = 0.007), BBS (increased; p = 0.002), MoCA (increased; p = 0.031) and CES-D (decreased; p = 0.045). There was a group x time interaction for the 6 minute walk test (p = 0.039). The creatine group significantly increased walking distance over time (p = 0.002) with no change in the placebo group (p = 0.120). Ten weeks of PRT had some positive effects on measures of muscle strength and size, balance, cognition and depression. The addition of creatine to PRT significantly improved walking performance in stroke survivors.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different categories of dietary supplements on the body composition of resistance-training practitioners. Methods: Participants of both sexes and ages 20 to 59 y participated in this cross-sectional study. The use of dietary supplements was investigated and classified into three categories: sports foods, medical supplements , and ergogenic supplements. One-way analysis of covariance adjusted for age, type of exercise, frequency of exercise, total amount of daily exercise, and exercise intensity was used in the analysis. Results: Of 427 participants, 278 (65%), were supplement consumers. Women who consumed sports foods had higher percentages of skeletal muscle (P = 0.014) and lower percentages of body fat than women who did not take supplements (P = 0.031). Furthermore, women who used medicinal supplements had greater visceral fat levels than women who did not (P = 0.019). No significant differences were found between type of supplement used and body composition among men (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Consuming sports foods was associated with higher percentages of skeletal muscle and lower percentages of body fat; women who used medical supplements had higher visceral fat levels.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different categories of dietary supplements on the body composition of resistance-training practitioners. Methods: Participants of both sexes and ages 20 to 59 y participated in this cross-sectional study. The use of dietary supplements was investigated and classified into three categories: sports foods, medical supplements, and ergogenic supplements. One-way analysis of covariance adjusted for age, type of exercise, frequency of exercise, total amount of daily exercise, and exercise intensity was used in the analysis. Results: Of 427 participants, 278 (65%), were supplement consumers. Women who consumed sports foods had higher percentages of skeletal muscle (P = 0.014) and lower percentages of body fat than women who did not take supplements (P = 0.031). Furthermore, women who used medicinal supplements had greater visceral fat levels than women who did not (P = 0.019). No significant differences were found between type of supplement used and body composition among men (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Consuming sports foods was associated with higher percentages of skeletal muscle and lower percentages of body fat; women who used medical supplements had higher visceral fat levels.
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Creatine is one of the most popular nutritional ergogenic aids for athletes. Studies have consistently shown that creatine supplementation increases intramuscular creatine concentrations which may help explain the observed improvements in high intensity exercise performance leading to greater training adaptations. In addition to athletic and exercise improvement, research has shown that creatine supplementation may enhance post-exercise recovery, injury prevention, thermoregulation, rehabilitation, and concussion and/or spinal cord neuroprotection. Additionally, a number of clinical applications of creatine supplementation have been studied involving neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease), diabetes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, aging, brain and heart ischemia, adolescent depression, and pregnancy. These studies provide a large body of evidence that creatine can not only improve exercise performance, but can play a role in preventing and/or reducing the severity of injury, enhancing rehabilitation from injuries, and helping athletes tolerate heavy training loads. Additionally, researchers have identified a number of potentially beneficial clinical uses of creatine supplementation. These studies show that short and long-term supplementation (up to 30 g/day for 5 years) is safe and well-tolerated in healthy individuals and in a number of patient populations ranging from infants to the elderly. Moreover, significant health benefits may be provided by ensuring habitual low dietary creatine ingestion (e.g., 3 g/day) throughout the lifespan. The purpose of this review is to provide an update to the current literature regarding the role and safety of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine and to update the position stand of International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN).
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The purpose of this study was to compare changes in muscle insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) content resulting from resistance-exercise training (RET) and creatine supplementation (CR). Male (n=24) and female (n=18) participants with minimal resistance-exercise-training experience (=1 year) who were participating in at least 30 min of structured physical activity (i.e., walking, jogging, cycling) 3-5 x/wk volunteered for the study. Participants were randomly assigned in blocks (gender) to supplement with creatine (CR: 0.25 g/kg lean-tissue mass for 7 days; 0.06 g/kg lean-tissue mass for 49 days; n=22, 12 males, 10 female) or isocaloric placebo (PL: n=20, 12 male, 8 female) and engage in a whole-body RET program for 8 wk. Eighteen participants were classified as vegetarian (lacto-ovo or vegan; CR: 5 male, 5 female; PL: 3 male, 5 female). Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were taken before and after the intervention and analyzed for IGF-I using standard immunohistochemical procedures. Stained muscle cross-sections were examined microscopically and IGF-I content quantified using image-analysis software. Results showed that RET increased intramuscular IGF-I content by 67%, with greater accumulation from CR (+78%) than PL (+54%; p=.06). There were no differences in IGF-I between vegetarians and nonvegetarians. These findings indicate that creatine supplementation during resistance-exercise training increases intramuscular IGF-I concentration in healthy men and women, independent of habitual dietary routine.
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We examined the effect of glycogen-depleting exercise on subsequent muscle total creatine (TCr) accumulation and glycogen resynthesis during postexercise periods when the diet was supplemented with carbohydrate (CHO) or creatine (Cr) + CHO. Fourteen subjects performed one-legged cycling exercise to exhaustion. Muscle biopsies were taken from the exhausted (Ex) and nonexhausted (Nex) limbs after exercise and after 6 h and 5 days of recovery, during which CHO (CHO group, n = 7) or Cr + CHO (Cr+CHO group, n = 7) supplements were ingested. Muscle TCr concentration ([TCr]) was unchanged in both groups 6 h after supplementation commenced but had increased in the Ex (P < 0.001) and Nex limbs (P < 0.05) of the Cr+CHO group after 5 days. Greater TCr accumulation was achieved in the Ex limbs (P < 0.01) of this group. Glycogen was increased above nonexercised concentrations in the Ex limbs of both groups after 5 days, with the concentration being greater in the Cr+CHO group (P = 0.06). Thus a single bout of exercise enhanced muscle Cr accumulation, and this effect was restricted to the exercised muscle. However, exercise also diminished CHO-mediated insulin release, which may have attenuated insulin-mediated muscle Cr accumulation. Ingesting Cr with CHO also augmented glycogen supercompensation in the exercised muscle.
1. The present study was undertaken to test whether creatine given as a supplement to normal subjects was absorbed, and if continued resulted in an increase in the total creatine pool in muscle. An additional effect of exercise upon uptake into muscle was also investigated. 2. Low doses (1 g of creatine monohydrate or less in water) produced only a modest rise in the plasma creatine concentration, whereas 5 g resulted in a mean peak after 1 h of 795 (sd 104) μmol/l in three subjects weighing 76–87 kg. Repeated dosing with 5 g every 2 h sustained the plasma concentration at around 1000 μmol/l. A single 5 g dose corresponds to the creatine content of 1.1 kg of fresh, uncooked steak. 3. Supplementation with 5 g of creatine monohydrate, four or six times a day for 2 or more days resulted in a significant increase in the total creatine content of the quadriceps femoris muscle measured in 17 subjects. This was greatest in subjects with a low initial total creatine content and the effect was to raise the content in these subjects closer to the upper limit of the normal range. In some the increase was as much as 50%. 4. Uptake into muscle was greatest during the first 2 days of supplementation accounting for 32% of the dose administered in three subjects receiving 6 × 5 g of creatine monohydrate/day. In these subjects renal excretion was 40, 61 and 68% of the creatine dose over the first 3 days. Approximately 20% or more of the creatine taken up was measured as phosphocreatine. No changes were apparent in the muscle ATP content. 5. No side effects of creatine supplementation were noted. 6. One hour of hard exercise per day using one leg augmented the increase in the total creatine content of the exercised leg, but had no effect in the collateral. In these subjects the mean total creatine content increased from 118.1 (sd 3.0) mmol/kg dry muscle before supplementation to 148.5 (sd 5.2) in the control leg, and to 162.2 (sd 12.5) in the exercised leg. Supplementation and exercise resulted in a total creatine content in one subject of 182.8 mmol/kg dry muscle, of which 112.0 mmol/kg dry muscle was in the form of phosphocreatine.
Phosphocreatine (PCr) availability is likely to limit performance in brief, high-power exercise because the depletion of PCr results in an inability to maintain adenosine triphosphate (ATP) resynthesis at the rate required. It is now known that the daily ingestion of four 5-g doses of creatine for 5 days will significantly increase intramuscular creatine and PCr concentrations prior to exercise and will facilitate PCr resynthesis during recovery from exercise, particularly in those individuals with relatively low creatine concentrations prior to feeding. As a consequence of creatine ingestion, work output during repeated bouts of high-power exercise has been increased under a variety of experimental conditions. The reduced accumulation of ammonia and hypoxanthine in plasma and the attenuation of muscle ATP degradation after creatine feeding suggest that the ergogenic effect of creatine is achieved by better maintaining ATP turnover during contraction.
Biopsy samples were obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle of eight subjects after 0, 20, 60, and 120 s of recovery from intense electrically evoked isometric contraction. Later (10 days), the same procedures were performed using the other leg, but subjects ingested 20 g creatine (Cr)/day for the preceding 5 days. Muscle ATP, phosphocreatine (PCr), free Cr, and lactate concentrations were measured, and total Cr was calculated as the sum of PCr and free Cr concentrations. In five of the eight subjects, Cr ingestion substantially increased muscle total Cr concentration (mean 29 +/- 3 mmol/kg dry matter, 25 +/- 3%; range 19-35 mmol/kg dry matter, 15-32%) and PCr resynthesis during recovery (mean 19 +/- 4 mmol/kg dry matter, 35 +/- 6%; range 11-28 mmol/kg dry matter, 23-53%). In the remaining three subjects, Cr ingestion had little effect on muscle total Cr concentration, producing increases of 8-9 mmol/kg dry matter (5-7%), and did not increase PCr resynthesis. The data suggest that a dietary-induced increase in muscle total Cr concentration can increase PCr resynthesis during the 2nd min of recovery from intense contraction.
Limitations in energy supply is a classical hypothesis of muscle fatigue. The present paper reviews the evidence available from human studies that energy deficiency is an important factor in fatigue. The maximal rate of energy expenditure determined in skinned fibres is close to the rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) utilisation observed in vivo and data suggest that performance during short bursts of exercise (<5 s duration) primarily is limited by other factors than energy supply (e.g. Vmax of myosine adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), motor unit recruitment, engaged muscle mass). Within 10 s of exercise maximal power output decreases considerably and coincides with depletion of phosphocreatine. During recovery, maximal force and power output is restored with a similar time course as the resynthesis of phosphocreatine. Increases in muscle store of phosphocreatine through dietary supplementation with creatine increases performance during high-intensity exercise. These findings support the hypothesis that energy supply limits performance during high-intensity exercise. It is well documented that pre-exercise muscle glycogen content is related to performance during moderate intensity exercise. Recent data indicates that the interfibre variation in phosphocreatine is large after prolonged exercise to fatigue and that some fibres are depleted to the same extent as after high-intensity exercise. Despite relatively small decreases in ATP, the products of ATP hydrolysis (Pi and free ADP) may increase considerably. Free ADP calculated from the creatine kinase reaction increases 10-fold both after high-intensity exercise and after prolonged exercise to fatigue. It is suggested that local increases in ADP may reach inhibitory levels for the contraction process.
Nutritional status influences muscle growth and athletic performance, but little is known about the effect of nutritional supplements, such as creatine, on satellite cell mitotic activity. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of oral creatine supplementation on muscle growth, compensatory hypertrophy, and satellite cell mitotic activity. Compensatory hypertrophy was induced in the rat plantaris muscle by removing the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Immediately following surgery, a group of six rats was provided with elevated levels of creatine monohydrate in their diet. Another group of six rats was maintained as a non-supplemented control group. Twelve days following surgery, all rats were implanted with mini-osmotic pumps containing the thymidine analog 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) to label mitotically active satellite cells. Four weeks after the initial surgery the rats were killed, plantaris muscles were removed and weighed. Subsequently, BrdU-labeled and non-BrdU-labeled nuclei were identified on enzymatically isolated myofiber segments. Muscle mass and myofiber diameters were larger (P < 0.05) in the muscles that underwent compensatory hypertrophy compared to the control muscles, but there were no differences between muscles from creatine-supplemented and non-creatine-supplemented rats. Similarly, compensatory hypertrophy resulted in an increased (P < 0.05) number of BrdU-labeled myofiber nuclei, but creatine supplementation in combination with compensatory hypertrophy resulted in a higher (P < 0.05) number of BrdU-labeled myofiber nuclei compared to compensatory hypertrophy without creatine supplementation. Thus, creatine supplementation in combination with an increased functional load results in increased satellite cell mitotic activity.