... The manuscript authoring, data analysis and visualizations were conducted using RStudio [31] and the R statistical language [28] on Windows 10 x 64 (build 19045). An important group of R-packages were used which included: FSA [32], ggthemes [33], gridExtra [34], lubridate [35], Hmisc [36], rms [37], doBy [38], neatRanges [39], ggpubr [40], ggside [41], fmesher [42], report [43], tibble [44], rgl [45], RGraphics [46], RColorBrewer [47], gifski [48], sf [49,50], GGally [51], tmaptools [52], gtools [53], reshape2 [54] , plyr [55], ggplot2 [56], forcats [57], stringr [58], tidyverse [59], readxl [60], usethis [61], dplyr [62], purrr [63] , readr [64], devtools [65], scales [66], tidyr [67], cowplot [68], bookdown [69], knitr [70] and zoo [71]. ...