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Anger is one of our most powerful and vital emotions with behavioral manifestation. It is described as an intense feeling in response to frustration, hurt, disappointment, or threatening. The benefits of anger include overcoming fears and building confidence to counter dangerous phenomenon or threats which lead to the fight or flight response while the disadvantages of anger consist of excess anger serving as a numbing agent emotionally, physically, and cognitively. Physiologically, emotions are considered to commence from brain nucleus named as amygdale, part of brain responsible for identifying threats to our well-being, and relaying out an alarm when threats are identified that result in taking steps to protect ourselves. It is important to recognize the physiological effects of anger especially with all the damage this emotion might produce to our body system. This review article examines the physiology, causes of anger, and impact of anger on the body.
Vol 4, Issue 5, 2017 ISSN- 2347-5544 Vol 4, Issue 5, 2017 ISSN- 2347-5544
Department of Physiology, Chitwan Medical College, Bharatpur, Nepal. Email:
Received: 19 September 2016, Revised and Accepted: 23 September 2016
Anger is one of our most powerful and vital emotions with behavioral manifestation. It is described as an intense feeling in response to frustration,
hurt, disappointment, or threatening. The benefits of anger include overcoming fears and building confidence to counter dangerous phenomenon or
threats which lead to the fight or flight response while the disadvantages of anger consist of excess anger serving as a numbing agent emotionally,
physically, and cognitively. Physiologically, emotions are considered to commence from brain nucleus named as amygdale, part of brain responsible
for identifying threats to our well-being, and relaying out an alarm when threats are identified that result in taking steps to protect ourselves. It is
important to recognize the physiological effects of anger especially with all the damage this emotion might produce to our body system. This review
article examines the physiology, causes of anger, and impact of anger on the body.
Keywords: Anger, Emotion, Amygdala, Prefrontal cortex, Body system.
Anger is one of our most powerful and vital emotions. It can be a
necessary tool for survival and can cause significant difficulties in
remained for long run persistently knocking mind associated with
thinking, feeling, behavior, and relationship [1]. It is an emotion that
involves a strong uncomfortable and awkward response to a perceived
provocation, hurt or threat [1]. When personal boundaries get
demolished than anger get aroused and some even show coping anger
can occur when a person feels their personal boundaries are being or
going to be violated. Some have a learned tendency to react to anger
through retaliation as a way of and some even show coping behavior.
Raymond Novaco of UC Irvine, since 1975 has published a plethora
of literature on the subject, layering anger into three modalities:
Cognitive (appraisal), somatic-affective (tension and agitations), and
behavioral (withdrawal and antagonism) [2]. William DeFoore, an
anger-management writer, described anger as an example of pressure
that can only be applied up to limit with time boundary if exceeded it
will burst and destroy everything [3].
A person experiencing anger will also activates emotional literacy to
any harmful disturbances that impacts on the different body system
resulting into alteration in physiological conditions, such as increased
heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased level of adrenaline
and noradrenalin due to sympathetic discharge that is matched
physiologically to cover up body systemic balance to fear, hurt or
sadness [4]. Some view anger as an emotion which triggers part of the
fight or flight response [5-7].
Anger is by nature a warning to protect on self from fear, sadness or
hurt cognitively or behaviorally or physiologically on the external
threatening exposure by action opted on choice such as facial
expressions, biological response and later public acts of aggression or
body language [6-8]. Animals, for example, make loud growling sounds,
physically become larger, bare and crush their teeth, and stare [9].
All these changes are made as a warning to stop aggressor to their
threatening behavior. Physical altercation is rare without the prior
expression of anger while most of those lose self-monitoring capacity
and observability [10].
Modern psychologists believes that anger has a functional value for
survival and is a primary, natural, and mature emotion felt by virtually
all humans at any moment can negatively affect personal or social well-
being [10,11] and impact negatively both on the body and in the mind if
it remained insidiously [12,13].
Amygdala, the two almond-shaped structures that are located inside
the brain that is the point where emotion is evoked are efficient
in identifying and recognizing threat and relays alarm signal to
protect ourselves before the cortex (the intellectual, reasoning, and
judgment) [10]. In other words, neural networking is wired in such a
way that our reaction of thought was damned in a way so as to influence
to act before properly considering the consequences of actions. It does
not mean behaving badly is an excuse in public but practicing to control
aggressive impulses is appreciated, it means that learning to manage
anger properly is a skill that is always appraised, instead of something
one is born knowing how to do instinctually [14].
Anger can get provoked to highest degree to rage that be out of control
meaning left prefrontal cortex that handles judgment instinctively
regulate anger emotions in proportion, therefore, keeping anger
under control means learning ways to help your prefrontal cortex get
the upper hand over amygdala and hence minimizing or suppressing
anger reaction so that one have control in anger feeling. There are many
techniques to make prefrontal cortex supreme among the many ways to
make this happen one is relaxation techniques (which reduces arousal
and decrease amygdala activity) and the use of technique that controls
cognition under which help to practice using judgment to override
anger emotional reactions [15].
It is important to recognize the physiological effects of anger especially
with all the damage this emotion can cause to our body. It is also
important to learn how to express anger appropriately and learn healthy
and socially respectful methods to express angry feelings. Knowing how
to control anger can make a major impact on relationships, employment,
and other family problem [15].
Surrounding publicly polluted environment always play an important
role to elicit ones anger along with other factors such as socio-economic
situations, overwhelming nature, genetic issue, and neurotransmitter
depletion such as serotonin has pivotal role in managing anger [16],
It is attributed to past experience low, learned behavior, genetic
predispositions and diminished decision or problem-solving ability [16].
Review Article
Innovare Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 1, 2017, 3-5
Yadav et al.
According to Loo, an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict
resolution, there are two sources of anger: Insidious and outer source,
earlier one stems from irrational perceptions of reality, and low
frustration point. Psychologists have put forward four types of thinking
that lead to internal sources of anger:
• Emotionalreasoning:Somepeopleinnocentandemotionallyreason
and often become irritated and apprehend these things as attacks
on themselves [16].
• Lowfrustrationtolerance:Experienceoflowtolerancetofrustration
is inevitable in everyone life at some point. Assertion is stress-related
anxiety tends to lower our tolerance.
• Unreasonableexpectations:Insomeoccasion,peoplemakedemands
unnecessarily without knowing the exactness of the condition.
Unable to have things go their way or have others act a certain
way, lowers the tolerance for frustration and causes people to get
frustrated and angry [16].
• People-rating:Reasontocause angertriggersderogatorylabeling,
dehumanizes and makes it easier become angry at other people [16].
As for extrinsic sources, psychologists have come up with hundreds
of events which cause people to get angry and assembled the point as
• Verbalabuseonewayofattacksagainstotherpeople
• Confrontingwith cut and paste of anotheridea,opinionand
downcasting it
• Peoplethreaten other people’s basic needs family, life, workand
another thing, etc.
• Duetoenvironmentalfactorsintheirlives,theirleveloftolerance
toward frustration diminishes.
Both external and internal sources of play an important role in terms
of anger issue recognizing and thence resolving is vital for smooth
continuation, though following factors invariably tends to lower
frustration tolerance level [17].
• Stress/anxiety
• Pain-physicalandemotional
• Drugs/alcohol
• Recentirritations-“Havingabadday.”
Many biological reaction jump up as one get angry, the changes is
brought in the body is due to brain neural activating system such as
noradrenergic system release brush of catecholamine that has systemic
effect such depicted as an alteration in physiology such as acceleration
of heart, rising of blood pressure, and rate of respiration as well as
flushing of face due to increased blood flow attributed to physical action
in addition that energizes musculature to brush with energy lasting up
to several minutes so-called adrenaline rush which is executed to take
an immediate protective action of angry desire energizing the level that
one become ready to fight due to adrenaline rush [14].
Experiencing psychological effects of anger causes chemical as well as
hormonalimbalancethatresultsintoalterationin body’smetabolism,
sometimes excessive feeling stressed, and anger provokes eating that it
leads to weight gain. In addition, stress, as a reaction to anger, provokes
our stomach parietal cell to produce too much acid making us victim
of gastric ulcers and gastrooesophageal reflux disease [15], anger state
being one of the stressful conditions releases stress hormone cortisol
which contribute to deplete glucose uptake and increase its availability
in the blood thus playing role to disturb the balance of blood sugar level,
on the contrary the same glucose will be effective in facing with stressful
situation by providing it to heart and brain as an immediate energy
source. Moreover, this stress hormone suppress thyroid function hence
one can have hypothyroid symptoms during progressing exacerbated
stressful situation, decrease bone density and suppresses Immune
system making one more susceptible to get infection at the moment
of stressful condition. Research have demonstrated that chronic-angry
peoplearemore susceptibleandsufferfrequentcolds, flu’sinfections,
asthma, skin disease flare-ups, and arthritis, as compared to non-
chronic-angry people [15].
Fear also sometimes can trigger anger multitude of response will be
on action so-called domino effect as similar to aforementioned state
stress hormone cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline will be released
that can jump up to 220/130) or higher that fearsof possible heart
it can rise up to 180) muscle tense up which are actively involved in
fight and flight response escalate respiratory rate that tries to get more
oxygen in the circulation so as to supply to heart and brain. Further
worsening can lead to tension headaches, insomnia, chest pain, and
even stroke [15].
When we become angry or stressed, our body releases chemicals that
clot the blood. These blood clots can create serious health problems.
The clots can travel up the blood vessels thus reaching brain or heart
causing a stroke or heart attack, both of which can be fatal [15].
PSNS releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to prevent arousal of
the emotion of anger by neutralizing stress hormone so that body can
relax and calm down. People with dominating PSNS are under less risk
of heart disease this concludes that people with Type A personalities
are higher in risk of heart disease duets their weaker PSNS responses
with less life time period in relaxation [16,17].
Evidenced of anger being hazardous to health
A review documented based on 44 studies published in 2009 in the
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, disclosing connection
demonstrating anger and hostility being significantly associated with
cardiac disease also revealing the secrecy that adults without history of
heart disease, but incessantly having chronic anger are 19% more likely
to develop heart problems as compared to those who rarely experience
these personality traits [18]. It also depicted gender wise difference
in heart problem suggesting more effect would be to men linking the
fact that women stress and pressure on daily life be less compared to
men [18,19].
According to Dr. Johan Denollet from CoRPS Researcher Center at Ilburg
University in the Netherlands, Coronary Heart Disease Development
and Progression is associated with psychological elements. Therefore,
clinician are suggested to take symptoms of anger and hostility seriously,
and do not ignore to consider referring their patient to relevant health
expert for their behavioral intervention preceding to, close monitoring
and studying the personality traits of the patient to do a better job in
identifying high-risk patients who are more liable to future fatal and
non-fatal coronary events [20] the most difficult aspect of it is the stress
unmeasurable as cholesterol or sugar as it is a behavioral subjective
trait that depend on moods [18].
Freidman and Rosenman classified Type A and Type B attitude
personalities, being early one are those who exhibit immediate anger
and demonstrate explosive reactivity, competiveness, impatience,
irritability, hostility and more likely to display aggressive and
competitive personality traits and to achieve great professional success
while later one personalities, have a more easygoing attitude toward
life [17,18]. Physiologically studies demonstrated that men with Type A
personalities depicted relatively lower parasympathetic (calm down)
response than Type B personalities. Thus, with the conclusion that
Type A personalities people exhibit arousal and invokes heavy anger
responses by overflowing the body with cortisol, adrenaline and
noradrenaline due to reactivity of SNS [19,20].
Innovare Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 1, 2017, 3-5
Yadav et al.
Anger is described as an intense sentiment in response to feeling
frustrated, hurt, disappointed, or respond to disturbance or threats that
evokes the fight or flight response while disadvantage of anger consist
of excess anger serving as a deadening agent physically, emotionally
and cognitively, failure to recognize and understand our levels of anger
leads to many serious health problems. Overall, suppressing anger and
overexpression of anger can negatively affect the body and lead to bad
health. It is important to learn how to express anger appropriately and
learn healthy and socially respectful methods to express angry feelings.
Managing anger effectively motivates individuals to adopt effective
assertive skills and leads to an increase in life expectancy. It is important
to recognize the physiological effects of anger especially with all the
damage this emotion can cause to our body. Knowing how to control
anger can make a major impact on our relationships, employment, and
especially on our health.
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... The conceptual mappings identified are cloudiness, blurriness and lack of reason. anger causes the level of adrenaline to increase and thus puts pressure on the eyes resulting in blurriness (Yadav, Yadav, and Sapkota, 2017). Alternatively, this metaphor could be based on another one which is seeing is understanding, thus if someone does not metaphorically see, he/she does not understand what is being discussed or he/she lacks reason. ...
... 'He made me insanely angry.' The link between anger and high blood pressure was discussed by Yadav et al. (2017) in their medical article on anger. ...
... 'She is mad.' Due to the energy released (adrenaline rush), sudden body movements may occur, e.g. shivering (Yadav et al., 2017). ...
This study aims to examine the metaphors, metonymies and their interaction in Jordanian Arabic (ja) to conceptualize anger. It also investigates the differences/similarities in the conceptualization of anger in ja and English to determine if culture has a role in its metaphorical and metonymical conceptualization. The study adopts Conceptual Metaphor Theory (cmt) and Cultural Linguistics (cl) as theoretical frameworks to identify and analyze the target metaphors and metonymies. The ja data was collected from two sources: 20 female and male ja native-speaker informants and a Jordanian comedy show called ‘Female’. The English anger metaphors and metonymies were collected from study. The qualitative data analysis has revealed that anger is conceptualized in ja through conceptual metaphors with a metonymic basis, pure conceptual metaphors, pure conceptual metonymies and conceptual metonymies with a metaphorical interpretation. The results show that similarities were found in the conceptualization of anger through metaphor and metonymy in both languages which were ascribed to universal embodied cognition. Differences were also detected between the two languages, especially in the use of culture-specific source domains and in the use of metaphtonymies (conceptual metonymies with metaphorical interpretation) that may reflect cultural beliefs related to anger.
... Baik kemarahan dan kecemasan adalah reaksi yang normal yang dapat muncul sehari-hari, dan sebenarnya diperlukan (Towsend, 2017). Dalam menghadapi suatu ancaman, rasa sakit, kecewa, maupun gangguan, respon fight atau flight akan 'berbunyi' (Yadav et al., 2017). ...
... Di sisi lain, kemarahan dapat menjadi sesuatu yang baik ketika dapat dimanajemen dengan baik. Kemarahan yang dapat dikelola dengan baik, dapat menghasilkan manfaat antara lain perasaan relaks, bahagia, bahkan relasi yang lebih baik dengan orang lain (Yadav et al., 2017). Sedangkan kemarahan yang tidak dikelola dengan baik misalnya kemarahan yang disimpan, disembunyikan, atau ditekan di dalam diri dan kemarahan yang diledakkan dapat merusak baik fisik dan hubungan dengan orang lain. ...
... Tabel 11.1. Efek Fisiologis, Perilaku, dan Kognitif Dari Kemarahan Dan Kecemasan (Yadav et al., 2017;Hendricks et al., 2013;Smith, 2015;Burns et al., 2008;Chipdiza et al., 2016;Denollet et al., 2010;Stuart, 2006 ...
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Komunikasi adalah bagian esensial dalam hubungan antar manusia. Di dalam pelayanan keperawatan, komunikasi menjadi bagian sentral yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari seorang perawat. Ada keterkaitan yang erat antara caring sebagai inti dari pelayanan keperawatan dengan kemampuan komunikasi. Caring ditranslasikan dalam interaksi antara perawat dan pasien menggunakan keseluruhan moda komunikasi baik verbal maupun non verbal. Meskipun menjadi bagian yang krusial, membangun keterampilan komunikasi adalah perjalanan panjang yang tidak mudah. Selain perlu memahami teori, komunikasi akan semakin baik saat prinsip dan strateginya dieksekusi lewat perjalanan dan pengalaman seumur hidup. Beragam aspek perlu diperhatikan dalam upaya membangun komunikasi yang baik mulai dari persiapan dari pemberi pesan, sejauh mana komunikator telah memahami diri, mengenal batasan, memahami pesan yang disampaikan, memberi perhatian terhadap unsur suara dan bahasa tubuh, media, menemukan ada tidaknya hambatan dalam proses komunikasi baik dari lingkungan fisik dan sosial budaya sekitar, termasuk menyesuaikan teknik komunikasi sesuai kondisi biopsikososialspiritual dari klien dan keluarga yang dihadapi. Buku ini berisikan penjabaran mengenai komunikasi mulai dari teori dasar, prinsip-prinsip, strategi komunikasi dalam beragam latar kondisi, dan dilengkapi dengan kasus-kasus dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemantik refleksi yang bermanfaat dalam proses belajar. Secara khusus, buku ini disusun untuk memperlengkapi calon-calon perawat, untuk membangun keterampilan komunikasi yang dapat memberi efek terapeutik pada klien dan keluarganya. Buku ini juga dapat digunakan oleh praktisi keperawatan yang bekerja di fasilitas kesehatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi.
... Por ejemplo, las personas que experimentan miedo tienden a permanecer calladas frente a una situación de riesgo, ya que esta emoción genera respuestas defensivas e incluso de escape (Steimer, 2002;Debiec y LeDoux, 2004). En contraposición, hay estudios que identifican al enojo como una emoción que tiende a producir un sentido de agencia y, por lo tanto, puede motivar una acción en contra de los objetos que representan una amenaza para los individuos (Smith y Ellsworth, 1985;Prakash et al., 2017). Según Gundlach y colaboradores (2003), Henik (2008), Lerner y Keltner (2000;2001), y Marcus y colaboradores (2007), el miedo está vinculado con juicios pesimistas y una mayor aversión al riesgo. ...
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We still know little about the psycho-organizational antecedents related to the prevention of acts of corruption in government. This empirical study examines the distinctive impact of two emotions with negative valence, fear and anger, as catalysts or inhibitors of whistleblowing among public employees. Through an experimental study with local government officials in Mexico, we show that people who experience anger are significantly more likely to report acts of corruption, especially when exposed to high-intensity stimuli. On the other hand, intense fear can powerfully inhibit whistleblowing. These findings provide relevant evidence of the impact of emotional cues on whistleblowing in the context of a government organization. Based on these results, we suggest that emotion management could be an effective tool to improve integrity levels in public bureaucracies.
... The inability to cope with and resolve interpersonal conflicts may result in further injury, increased anger and foster the development of 'angry communities' (Galiti, 2015). Certain emotions, such as anger, are an essential part of human adaptation and survival, but when they become chronic they can give rise to pathologies that affect not only the individual but also their broader social environment (Al Majali & Ashour, 2020;Yadav et al., 2017). Training in forgiveness is therefore an essential tool that can enable young adults to cope with the stresses and challenges inherent to this period of their lives and only further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
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This research offers a systematic review and meta-analysis of forgiveness training programs conducted with university students. A search of international databases (Web of Science, SCOPUS, PUBMED and Dialnet) revealed 316 articles published up to 2023, 20 of these articles were finally included in the systematic review, following the PRISMA protocol. Of these, eleven randomized-controlled trials (n = 11) and one quasi-experimental study (n = 1) were used in the meta-analysis. The results of the analysis show that Forgiveness Interventions (FI) have a positive effect on the capacity to forgive in experimental groups which showed significantly higher scores in empathy, self-esteem and hope, with a reduction in negative symptomologies such as anxiety and depression. The findings also suggest that an important facilitating variable in FI is the length of the interventions. The two most commonly utilized programs were Worthington’s REACH program and the Enright Forgiveness Process Model. The intervention program used both face-to-face sessions with trainers and autonomous group work sessions. Given the significant benefits these programs offer in terms of mental health and well-being, it is recommended that FI programs should be offered at universities and colleges as part of a comprehensive and truly competence-based education.
... Among the various methods for making the prefrontal cortex dominant are methods of relaxation (which reduce arousal and lower amygdala activity) and the application of methods that regulate thinking/cognition, which assist practice applying judgment to overcome rage psychological or emotional responses. (Yadav et al., 2017;Potegal, 2012) It is critical to understand the physiological repercussions of rage, particularly with regard to the harm that this emotion may inflict to physiology. Additionally, it is crucial to understand ways to vent/ express anger responsibly, as well as appropriate, culturally and healthy acceptable techniques for releasing anger. ...
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Anger is typically regarded as an extreme emotion experienced as reaction to threats, pain, dissatisfaction, frustration or other negative emotions. The beneficial effects of rage include conquering phobias and gaining confidence to deal with perilous situations or dangers that trigger the fight-or-flight reaction, whereas its drawbacks include excessive anger acting like a numbing substance on an emotional, physical, and cognitive level. According to State Trait theory of Anger there are two forms/types of Anger: State anger-is described as a subjective, fluctuating, and psychobiological feeling that changes over time. and Trait anger-Anger attribute is made up of ideas and behaviors that are consistent throughout time. Regarding individual variations in the frequency that state anger was felt over time, it may be considered a personality feature. The amygdala brain nucleus is thought to be the physiological origin of emotions. This region of the brain is in charge of detecting dangers to well-being as well as conveying an alert when such dangers are discovered, prompting us to take protective measures. It is important to understand techniques for Anger management and when used appropriately and methodically, behavioral and cognitive restructuring, relaxation techniques, communication skills training, Family or relationship-based interventions, problem solving and humor strategies have all been found to be efficient to be effective ways to reduce angry reactions. This paper examines the state trait theory of anger, nature of anger reaction, physiology, aspects, causes of anger and some techniques for anger management.
... anger and self-esteem in children with aggressive behavior;Elfina, Utami, & Latipun (2018), and investigated the effect of anger management on aggressive behavior;Alawiyah, Taufiq, and Hafina (2019) examined the impact of sociodrama on anger management.Hendricks et al. (2013) andYadav et al. (2017) researched the effects of anger on the body and brain.Claudio & Antonio (2014) conducted studies on the relationship between anger and sexual behavior;Brezina (2010), Ahmadia et al. (2011), and Ayub et al. (2020) researched the relationship between anger and aggressive behavior; Nasir & Ghani (2014) studied the behavioral and emotional effects of anger expression and anger management among adolescents; Pashupati & Dev (2011) focused on anger and its management; Gundogdu (2018) analyzed about the influence of Choice Theory Anger Management Program (CTAMP) on the ability of prospective psychological counselors for anger management; Watson, Rapee, & Todorov (2015) examined on forgiveness that can reduce anger in the context of bullying; Sukhodolsky, Kassinoveb, & Gorman (2004) and Sukhodolsky, Solomon, & Perine (2000) researched cognitivebehavioral therapy to reduce anger; Ruiz-Robledillo & Moya-Albiol (2013) examined the role of anger and anxiety traits in increasing the hormone cortisol in people with Asperger's syndrome; and Sikumbang, Munardi, Zaein, & Kholil (2022) researched about representation of the anger of Prophet Musa in the Qur'an from the perspective of the psychology of human intrapersonal communication in Islam. This research is different from previous studies in several aspects. ...
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This study aims to explain human anger in the Qur'an from the perspective of Islamic communication psychology. This is because anger is a dangerous emotion. This type of research aims to find the essence of words and sentences in the language paradigm. The subject of this research is self-communication in the Qur'an. The theory used is the cognitive dissonance theory. This type of research is qualitative with a thematic interpretation approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, literature review, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include collecting, reducing, presenting, and drawing credible conclusions. The research shows that there are four anger emotions in Islamic psychology communication, people who vent their anger, people who hold back their anger, people who forgive others, and people who do good to people who do evil. Based on Islamic communication psychology's perspective, the four actualizations of angry emotions add to the types of anger. Furthermore, these four types of angry emotions form a hierarchy so that individuals can learn to reach the highest hierarchy.
... A menudo se considera que la hostilidad es una respuesta a una amenaza percibida para uno mismo o para otro, también se puede considerar que es una respuesta a la frustración. La frustración ha sido reconocida durante mucho tiempo como un desencadenante de la ira y la eventual agresión (18)(19)(20)(21)(22) . La agresión reactiva parece ser exhibida por todas las especies de mamíferos (23,24) , ya que es parte de su respuesta gradual frente a una amenaza (25) . ...
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Human beings are social beings by nature, and disagreements and conflicts are common situations inherent in their different social activities. This review aims to describe the origin of conflicts and the mediation techniques in healthcare. It is well known that conflict resolution skills are needed to be learned, and such skills are considered within the changing priorities of healthcare students. Disagreement and conflict are inevitable between members of clinical care teams, as well as with patients and their families during healthcare. Despite the importance of these skills, they have not been established as an educational need in healthcare professionals’ curricula, even though physicians are required to negotiate and resolve conflicts on an ongoing basis in healthcare settings. Our role as educators is to analyze the changing empirical professional context, and provide our students with the relevant tools with the greatest chance of success for their professional development in their daily activities. We invite you to read, analyze and criticize this proposal, which we consider very important to be included in the undergraduate and graduate curricula of the different fields of healthcare professionals, i.e. specialist physicians, nursing staff and all those professionals who work with the common goal of providing quality healthcare.
Background: Online yoga training was found to be feasible and acceptable, based on attendance and practice rates. Yoga can be used as nonpharmacological management of stress including anger. This study aims to nds out the effect of online yoga training on anger among the students of Certicate Programme in Yoga (CPY) programme enrolled in the academic year 2021. This is a quasi- Methods: experimental design and was carried out on the students of CPY Programme during March to December 2021. All students enrolled (460) in CPY Programme in the January and July 2021 sessions were included as convenient sample. A total 150 students participated in this study. Students who lled out the online form before intervention but did not ll out the form after intervention were excluded from this study. The Novaco Anger Scale-Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI) with 25 questions was used as study instruments to measure the anger of an individual. Close structured questionnaire was sent to the students by email in google form format which was lled by the students pre and post-test. A 12-days online yoga practical training was provided as intervention to the students. A total of 69 and 81students in the January and July 2021 batch parti Result: cipated in this study respectively. Total mean value of the NAS-PI Score of pre and post-test of online yoga training was reduced from 38.2 + 19.5 SD to 32.6 +15.4 SD of students of January 2021 (P value = 0.03) respectively and from 38.2 + 20.1 SD to 30.7 + 16.8 SD of students of July 2021 (P value = 0.009) respectively. Conclusion: Students experienced a reduction in anger score after completing a 12 days online yoga training. The online yoga training was effective in reducing the anger score among the students of CPY Programme.
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The research aims at investigating the causes of anger from the perspective of Buddhist sociology as explained in the Sutta Pittaka and Social Psychology. It was a qualitative research employing hermeneutics approach. The data analysis included (1) deciding the texts to be examined, (2) reading and understanding the texts, (3) describing and interpreting, and (4) drawing conclusion towards the meanings of the texts. The results showed that generally, the causes of anger according to Sutta Pittaka were explained in Ayonisomanasikāra Sutta, Saṁyutta Nikāya, Majjhima Nikaya, Saṁyutta Nikaya, and Aṅguttara Nikāya. The suttas explained that anger happened because of the contact (phassa) towards eyes (cakkhu) and form (rūpa), and eyes consciousness (cakkhu-viññāṇa). Sociologically, based on the individual and social aspect, Suttapiṭaka mentioned that the causes of anger were from the economic, ideology, and unethical deeds aspects. Social Physchology mentioned that angers were caused by internal and external things. Therefore, the causes of anger in the view of Suttapiṭaka, from sociological views and Social Physchology rooted from individual’s feeling and response towards what other did to him/her.
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Emotion and cognition are dynamically coupled to bodily arousal: The induction of anger, even unconsciously, can reprioritise neural and physiological resources toward action states that bias cognitive processes. Here we examine behavioural, neural and bodily effects of covert anger processing and its influence on cognition, indexed by lexical decision-making. While recording beat-to-beat blood pressure, the words ANGER or RELAX were presented subliminally just prior to rapid word/non-word reaction-time judgements of letter-strings. Subliminal ANGER primes delayed the time taken to reach rapid lexical decisions, relative to RELAX primes. However, individuals with high trait anger were speeded up by subliminal anger primes. ANGER primes increased systolic blood pressure and the magnitude of this increase predicted reaction time prolongation. Within the brain, ANGER trials evoked an enhancement of activity within dorsal pons and an attenuation of activity within visual occipitotemporal and attentional parietal cortices. Activity within periaqueductal grey matter, occipital and parietal regions increased linearly with evoked blood pressure changes, indicating neural substrates through which covert anger impairs semantic decisions, putatively through its expression as visceral arousal. The behavioural and physiological impact of anger states compromises the efficiency of cognitive processing through action-ready changes in autonomic response that skew regional neural activity. © The Author (2015). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:
Using clinical data and a variety of case studies, this title argues for a new diagnostic classification, Anger Regulation and Expression Disorder, that will help bring about clinical improvements and increased scientific understanding of anger. After situating anger in both historical and emotional contexts, it reports research that supports the existence of several subtypes of the disorder and review treatment outcome studies and new interventions to improve treatment. This title fully explores anger as a clinical phenomenon and provides a reliable set of assessment criteria, it represents a major step toward establishing the clear definitions and scientific basis necessary for assessing, diagnosing, and treating anger disorders.
In keeping with general neurological principles, earlier stage processing of verbal and visual triggers for anger must involve posterior and middle temporal cortices. As this processing typically evolves, it evokes memory of related events (e.g., past insults) and other relevant information from more anterior temporal areas. This mutual interaction shapes perceptions of anger-provoking challenges which activate cortical/subcortical circuits that prime and mediate angry/aggressive actions, e.g., cingulate motor areas 23 and 24 and medial/basal amygdala. The initial appraisals of anger in mid- and anterior temporal lobe are also transmitted anteriorly to ventromedial and orbitofrontal cortex. The latter integrates anger-provoking perceptions, e.g., combining the insulting verbal comment with the visual sneer, and weighs inhibitory factors like received or anticipated punishment, empathy with the offender and his relative social status. The combined result determines angry aggressive responses, if any, by disinhibiting the subcortical circuits activated by the temporal lobe. Interactions between ventromedial and orbitofrontal areas and/or feedback to the temporal lobe govern the escalation of aggression.
DESCRIPTION The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science and Medicine provides reliable definitions of sports science and medicine terms. It provides an invaluable reference book for anyone interested in the captivating subject of sport. PURPOSE This dictionary aims to include almost every sports science, anatomy, physiology, biomechanical, injuries description, and psychological term as related to sports medicine and science and support the explanations by illustrations wherever necessary. AUDIENCE As a comprehensive dictionary of sports science and medicine, it will be of particular help to medical specialists and general practitioners, as well as students of PE, coaches, and athletes who need to understand the anatomical structures and physiological processes which affect athletic performance. Any member of public interested in health and fitness; exercise and sport or wants to understand what the obscure terms mean, like jogger's nipple, social loafing, and Zatopek phenomenon will also benefit from this book. FEATURES The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science and Medicine features terms in A to Z fashion at all the major areas of sports science and medicine including: anatomy, physiology/exercise physiology, biomechanics, training principles and techniques, nutrition, sports psychology and sociology, sports injuries and rehabilitation. A team of prominent contributors and advisers put together this dictionary in the first edition. The third edition includes around 8000 cross-referenced terms which have been updated or added since the first edition. There are plenty of illustrations wherever appropriate to make the terms easily understandable. ASSESSMENT A must-have dictionary for all medics practising in sports and exercise medicine, as well as students of medicine, physical education, nursing and physiotherapy. Even coaches, trainers, biomechanical experts; in fact anyone who has a special interest in this area will find this dictionary useful.
Ancient and medieval views on anger--its desirability, causes, and control--are reviewed and compared with modern accounts. Although some differences emerge, for example with respect to women's anger, the modern accounts bear a marked resemblance to the older ones. There is also an early concern with the practice of anger management.
Drawing on an appraisal-tendency framework (J. S. Lerner & D. Keltner, 2000), the authors predicted and found that fear and anger have opposite effects on risk perception. Whereas fearful people expressed pessimistic risk estimates and risk-averse choices, angry people expressed optimistic risk estimates and risk-seeking choices. These opposing patterns emerged for naturally occurring and experimentally induced fear and anger. Moreover, estimates of angry people more closely resembled those of happy people than those of fearful people. Consistent with predictions, appraisal tendencies accounted for these effects: Appraisals of certainty and control moderated and (in the case of control) mediated the emotion effects. As a complement to studies that link affective valence to judgment outcomes, the present studies highlight multiple benefits of studying specific emotions.
Deal with it, Heal with it
  • W Defoore
  • Anger
DeFoore W. Anger, Deal with it, Heal with it, Stop it from Killing You. 1 st ed. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications Inc.; 1991.