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Carbon sequestration in forest ecosystem and methods for its evaluation


Abstract and Figures

The quantity of biomass in a forest determines the potential amount of carbon that can be added to the atmosphere or sequestrated on the land when forests are managed for meeting emission targets. The quantification of biomass is required as the primary inventory data to understand carbon pool changes and productivity of forests.
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Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 19
Carbon sequestration in forest ecosystem and methods for its
Vishwajeet Sharma, Harish Chand, Nikita Rai and Mukesh Prasad
Forest Research Institute
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Carbon sequestration is the process of
removing additional carbon from the
atmosphere and deposition it in other
reservoir principally through changes in
land use (Mandal et al., 2005). Forestry,
agro forestry and improved agronomic
practices are major options for carbon
sequestration, which in terrestrial
ecosystem is defined as absorption of
atmospheric carbon dioxide by
photosynthesis or technology based
sequestration activities such as deep sea
based storage of liquefied carbon dioxide
(Bass et al., 2000). In the terrestrial system
carbon is sequestrated in rocks and
sediments, in swamps, wetlands and
forests, and in the soils of forests,
grasslands and agriculture.
Carbon sequestration in terrestrial
ecosystems can also be defined as the net
removal of CO2 from the atmosphere into
long-lived pools of carbon. The pools can
be living, above ground biomass (e.g.,
trees), products with a long useful life
created from biomass (e.g., lumber), living
biomass in soils (e.g., roots and micro
organisms), or recalcitrant organic and
inorganic carbon in soils and deeper
subsurface environments. It is important to
emphasize that increasing photosynthetic
carbon fixation alone is not enough. This
carbon must be fixed into long-lived pools.
Otherwise, one may be simply altering the
size of fluxes in the carbon cycle, not
increasing carbon sequestration.
Forests play an important role in the global
carbon cycle. They not only have a
significant impact on climate change, but
also influence it. Through their
destruction, forests can be serious sources
of greenhouse gases and through their
sustainable management they can be
important sinks of the same gases. It has
been proved that the land where the stock
is highest, had the highest stock of soil
organic carbon in comparison to other land
use system (Singh, 2005). Several studies
have indicated that the global potential for
enhancing carbon storage in forest and
agricultural ecosystems may be as much as
60-90 pentagrams of carbon (De Jong et
al., 1999).
Forest ecosystems can be sources and
sinks of carbon (Watson et al., 2000). The
carbon reservoir in the world‘s forests is
higher than the one in atmosphere. While
forests in most temperate regions are net
carbon sinks, tropical forests accounts for
about one third of global carbon emissions
(IPCC, 2001). Deforestation and burning
of forests releases CO2 to the atmosphere.
Indeed, land use change and forestry are
responsible for about 25% of all green
house gas emissions. Forest ecosystems
can, however, also help reduce greenhouse
gas concentrations by absorbing carbon
from the atmosphere through the process
of photosynthesis. The forests have the
Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 20
greatest potential to sequester carbon
primarily through reforestation, agro
forestry and conservation of existing
forests (Brown et al. 1996). The global
terrestrial carbon stock is shown in the Fig.
Fig. 1. Global terrestial carbon stock (Source: Ruesch and Gibbs, 2008)
Forest ecosystems store more than 80% of
all terrestrial above-ground carbon and
more than 70% of all soil organic carbon
(Six et al., 2002). The role of tropical
forest in global biogeochemical cycle
especially the carbon cycle and its relation
to green house gas effect has heightened
interest in estimating the biomass density
of tropical forest. The quantity of biomass
in a forest determines the potential amount
of carbon that can be added to the
atmosphere or sequestrated on the land
when forests are managed for meeting
emission targets. The quantification of
biomass is required as the primary
inventory data to understand carbon pool
changes and productivity of forests.
Method of measuring carbon
sequestration in forest ecosystem
Sampling technique
Systematic sampling with sampling
intensity of 0.01% is applied. Circular plot
each of 250 m2 area is taken for sample
plot measurement as in figure 2. Circular
plots of 8.92 meter radius are used for
sampling trees of diameter more than 5 cm
at breast height. Another nested plot of
5.64 m radius inside the big circle is made
to measure plants of DBH (1-5) cm.
Similarly, another nested plot of 1 m
radius at the center is made to count
regenerations of diameter less than 1 cm at
breast height. Finally, at the center, a circle
of 0.56 m radius is made for the
measurement of leaf litter, herbs and
Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 21
shrubs. The height and circumference of
dead stumps within the circular plot of 8.92 m is also measured to find out dead
carbon in ton/ha.
Fig. 2. Sample plot layout (Source: ANSAB, 2010)
Carbon estimation
Estimation of total carbon present in the
forest ecosystem is required to find the
total carbon sequestration in forest
ecosystem. The measurement includes:
Common methods (Biomass
expansion factor)
Allometric regression equation
(Forest type and species specific)
The major carbon pools of the
forest ecosystem are:
Above Ground Biomass (Stem
wood, branch wood, bark, foliage,
seeds etc)
Below Ground Biomass (Coarse
root, fine root & stumps)
Deadwood (Coarse and fine)
Soil Organic Matter &
Leaf Litter, Grass and Herb
Method of measuring each pools of carbon
is given below:
Above ground biomass (AGB)
Bole mass = Volume * Wood
Above Ground Biomass = Bole
mass * Biomass expansion factor
Total carbon (T1) = AGB * 0.47
Below ground biomass (BGB)
Below Ground Biomass = AGB *
Total carbon (T2) = BGB * 0.47
Deadwood (Organic matter)
Deadwood biomass = (AGB +
BGB) * 0.11
Total carbon (T3) = Deadwood
biomass * 0.47
Soil organic matter (SOM)
The Walkey-Black method (Jackson,
1958) will be applied to measure the soil
organic carbon percent. Total soil organic
carbon will be calculated using the
Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 22
formula given below (Chabbra et al.,
SOC= Organic carbon content%*soil bulk
density (kg/m3)*thickness of horizon (cm)
Further, it was expressed in ton/ha.
Bulk density
Metal core ring sampler of dimension, 9.7
cm length and 3.86 cm diameter will be
used for determining the bulk density of
the soil samples along the soil profile. The
fresh soil extracted by metal core ring
sampler will be bagged in plastic bag,
sealed, leveled and transported to the
laboratory for the determination of oven
dry weight and the Bulk density will be
computed using the following relations:
Bulk density (gm/cm3) = (oven dry weight
of the soil)/ (volume of the core)
T4= Soil Organic Matter Carbon
Leaf litter, grass and herb (LGH)
All under storey bushes, grasses and
herbaceous layers will be clipped and
weighed. Clipped samples will be dried
inside oven at temperature of 102 degree
centigrade for 24 hours. The following
formula will be applied to calculate the
biomass value of leaf, litter, twigs, grass
and herbs (Lasco et al., 2005).
ODW = Total oven dry weight
TFW = Total fresh weight
SFW = Sample fresh weight
SODW = Sample oven dry weight
The carbon content in LHG, was
calculated by multiplying LHG with the
IPCC (2006) default carbon fraction of
T5= ODW (t) * 0.47
Total carbon content in all pools (T) = T1
+ T2 + T3 +T4 + T5
Total carbon sequestration in forest
ecosystem = Total carbon * 3.6663
Remote sensing involved in
measurement of carbon
Modern technology includes measurement
of forest carbon sequestration by
application of remote sensing. Carbon
stock measurement is based on vegetation
cover derived from remote sensing
(Scanning laser i.e. LIDAR data). The
vegetation cover is then converted to
carbon by multiplying with biomass-
carbon conversion factor.
Total wood volume = Vegetation
cover * 1.454 * 0.396 (m3)
Total dry matter biomass = Wood
volume * 0.43 (tonnes)
Total carbon = Dry matter biomass
* 0.5 (tonnes)
Total carbon dioxide sequestrated
= Total carbon * 3.6663 (tonnes)
Discussion and conclusion
Forest ecosystem is the major biological
scrubber of atmospheric CO2. Its careful
management can significantly increase it
efficiency. Managed forests are hence
most effective and reliable sinks of GHGs
sequestering more carbon than unmanaged
forests (Levy et al. 2004). Among different
sustainable forest management practice
existing in the world, community managed
forestry program is preferable option of
carbon sequestration, primarily in
developing countries (Klooster and Masera
2000). Community forestry programme is
increasing carbon stock in biomass as well
as in soil through two mechanisms.
Primarily, there is significant increase in
carbon pool due to active reforestation and
afforestation in barren land secondly
decreased emission due to control of
deforestation. Carbon sequestration in
forest soils has a potential to decrease the
Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 23
rate of enrichment of atmospheric
concentration of CO2. Increase in carbon
stock of forest soils can be achieved
through forest management including site
preparation, fire management,
afforestation, species management,
selection and use of fertilizers.
The temporal carbon dynamics are
characterized by long periods of gradual
build-up of biomass (sink), alternated with
short periods of massive biomass loss
(source). Forests thus switch between
being a source or a sink for carbon. It is
believed that the goal of reducing carbon
sources and increasing the carbon sink can
be achieved efficiently by protecting and
conserving the carbon pools in existing
forests (Brown et al. 1996).
The productivity of any forest depends on
the age of its vegetation. It is well
established that forest plantations
sequester carbon till maturity which would
vary from 25 to 75 years depending upon
the type of forests. At later stages, there is
only marginal carbon sequestration. In
natural forests, there is a net addition to
standing biomass leading to carbon
storages only until maturity. In mature
forests all of the gross primary
productivity is either used up in respiration
or returned to soil as litter with no net
addition to the standing biomass. These
mature forests do not significantly
contribute towards carbon uptake, through
important for regeneration and thus in
sustaining biodiversity (Lal, 2004).
Forest management in the world
effectively enhances biomass carbon, and
CFM may be a good contributor to REDD+
programmes in the future. Soil carbon
forms a large portion of the overall carbon
content of many forest ecosystems, and if
the forest is cleared, it may be lost, at least
in part. The amount of biomass
sequestered in forests under CFM depends
on the forest management practices and
users awareness level. Management of
forests was evolved after the late 1970‘s
when massive deforestation happened in
state controlled forests. After the
understanding of people‘s dependent in
forest products in their livelihood and their
vital role in the conservation of forest, the
concept of utilization of these resources
sustainably arose within the management.
Silviculture practice, which is done
periodically and regularly, is the part of
management process, by which they not
only fulfill local people‘s daily
requirement but also maintain forest
stability. The various studies shows that
sustainable management of forest by
people has lead to increase in carbon stock
as well as in carbon sequestration. This
shows potentiality of the carbon sink in the
forests. Carbon dioxide is simply
sequestrated by the plant through
photosynthesis which is stored as plant
Trees can develop a large biomass and
capture a large amount of carbon over a
growth cycle of many decades. So, forest
can capture a large volume of carbon for a
long period of time. So, carbon sink and
storage in the forest are important factors
to mitigate climate change. Communities
are to engage in this sort of forest
management to promote the protection of
forests avoiding the deforestation
(Skutsch, 2006). Obviously, contributions
of community forest can help to meet the
binding target of emission reduction of
Kyoto Protocol (Gundimeda, 2004).
Conclusively; the forest management has a
global role in reversing the process of
deforestation and sequestrating carbon and
Van Sangyan (ISSN 2395 - 468X) Vol. 4, No. 12, Issue: December, 2017
Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India 24
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... Thus, playing its role in decreasing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions [4]. This absorption is called carbon sequestration [6]. [7]. ...
... The economic value (value in currency) of carbon sequestration by forests has been estimated by several studies [6,8,11,12]. They have also illustrated the techniques through which the value can be assessed, e.g. ...
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Aesthetic benefits are not enough. Authorities need to be presented with economic benefits as well to make decisions in favour of forests and help them conserved or expanded. Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the economic value of carbon sequestration in Taman Negara Pahang (TNP), Malaysia, a national park with an extensive forest area. The study area covers 247,700 hectares of the Pahang State. The study uses a Geographic Information System (GIS) method of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to identify the density of the forest across the study area. Consequently, by using the NDVI results, the carbon sequestration in TNP and its economic value were calculated. As a result, the research found that the potential of carbon storage or sequestration in TNP was 142,560,513 tonnes CO 2 . The economic value of which was worth RM2,637,369,490.50. The results of the GIS calculation were more accurate than the conventional method. It was due to the reason that they were based on evaluating density on a smaller scale of 900m x 900m (81ha). The results were aligned with previous studies pointing out higher density areas holding higher economic values. The study results can be used to convince Malaysian authorities to make wise decisions about such forests as they worth billions of Ringgit Malaysia.
... Biomass and productivity influence the level of carbon storage in forest ecosystems, and the potential amount of carbon in a forest is determined by the amount of biomass. Therefore, the quantification of biomass is needed as a primary input of data to understand changes in the carbon pool and forest productivity (Sharma et al., 2017). ...
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Emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are predominantly carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are led to the process of climate change that takes place on a global scale. This analytical review presents current knowledge and evaluates existing studies on carbon sequestration by forests in the world and in Kazakhstan. Forests play a key role in climate change, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere. They are the most important terrestrial carbon sink. Two key indicators can predict the level of carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems: biomass and productivity. Methods of assessing the sequestration of carbon dioxide by forests include the use of different models, such as inVEST, CO2FIX, and CBM-CFS3, among others. Forests have a three-fold role in climate change. They have been found to accumulate, absorb and allocate carbon dioxide gas. Because carbon sequestration of forest ecosystems in Kazakhstan has been poorly studied, there is a need for further research in this area. The development of afforestation and commercial forestry are the main recommendations for increasing the potential of carbon sequestration by forests. The development of these areas will promote an increase in efficiency and sustainable development of forest resources in the context of climate change adaptation.
... Biomass and productivity influence the level of carbon storage in forest ecosystems, and the potential amount of carbon in a forest is determined by the amount of biomass. Therefore, the quantification of biomass is needed as a primary input of data to understand changes in the carbon pool and forest productivity (Sharma et al., 2017). ...
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Climate change processes are occurring on a global scale, accompanied by the emission of substantial greenhouse gas quantities into the atmosphere, with carbon monoxide and dioxide as their predominant components. The analytical review presents the results of assessing the current state of existing research on carbon sequestration in forests. Forest ecosystems play a crucial role in climate change mitigation by absorbing substantial amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making woodlands the most important carbon sink. Forest biomass and productivity determine the level of carbon accumulation in forest ecosystems. The methods for estimating carbon sequestration are based on various models such as InVEST, CO2FIX, CBM-CFS3, etc. It has been observed that forests accumulate, absorb, and emit carbon dioxide, constituting a trifecta in climate change dynamics. The limited research on carbon sequestration by forests in Kazakhstan substantiates further targeted scientific investigation. The recommendations for enhancing the carbon sequestration potential of domestic woodlands include afforestation and commercial forestry. Progress in these sectors will not only improve the efficiency but also foster the sustainable development of forest resources as a means of climate change adaptation.
... Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is an important mechanism to mitigate climate change by controlling the release of carbon into the atmosphere through maintaining the area under forest cover and promoting forest conservation and protection activities [22,28]. REDD + generates substantial funds for developing countries that use to reduce forest degradation and restore or otherwise improve the management of forests to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase forest-based carbon sequestration. ...
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Процессы изменения климата происходят в глобальном масштабе и сопровождаются выбросами в атмосферу значительных количеств парниковых газов, преобладающими из которых являются оксид углерода и диоксид углерода. В аналитическом обзоре представлены результаты состояния изученности и оценки существующих исследований по секвестированию углерода лесными насаждениями. Леса играют ключевую роль в изменении климата, поглощая большое количество углекислого газа из атмосферы. Они являются наиболее важным наземным поглотителем углерода. Два ключевых показателя: биомасса и продуктивность лесов определяют уровень накопления углерода в экосистеме. Методы оценки секвестирования углерода лесными насаждениями включают использование различных моделей, таких как InVEST, CO2FIX, CBM-CFS3 и других. Выяснено, что леса накапливают, поглощают и выделяют углекислый газ, в этом и заключается их тройственность в изменении климата. В связи с тем, что секвестирование углерода лесными экосистемами мало изучено в Казахстане, возникает необходимость проведения дальнейших научных исследований по этому направлению. Развитие лесоразведения и коммерческого лесовыращивания является основными рекомендациями по повышению потенциала секвестирования углерода лесами. Развитие этих отраслей будет способствовать увеличению эффективности и повысит устойчивое развитие лесных ресурсов в контексте адаптации к изменению климата.
Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing, securing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In this study, the carbon sequestration capacity of Hedera colchica was investigated in soil of a semiarid region in Iran. Samples were taken from plants cultivated in the semiarid area of the polluted metropolis of Tehran and the amount of sequestered carbon in the aboveground and underground parts of the plant was measured. The conversion coefficient of carbon sequestration of plant organs (stem, leaf, and root) was determined separately by the combustion method. Carbon tax policy was used to evaluate the carbon sequestration function, as the shadow price of carbon. The results showed a significant difference in the amount of carbon sequestration in different organs of the plant. Stems and roots with 29.3 and 4.3 t ha ⁻¹ , respectively, showed the highest and lowest amount of carbon deposition. The results of the economic value showed that the carbon shadow price was $40567.6 ha ⁻¹ on average. In general, the results of this study showed that the organs of H. colchica can have a beneficial effect in the process of carbon sequestration.
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Forest management is an important carbon mitigation strategy for developing countries. As demonstrated by the case of Mexico, community forest management is especially effective because it offers tangible local benefits while conserving forests and sequestering carbon. Community forestry receives minimal government support now, but the clean development mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol could leverage additional resources to promote the approach in Mexico and elsewhere. We argue that adequately designed and implemented, community forestry management projects can avoid deforestation and restore forest cover and forest density. They comprise promising options for providing both carbon mitigation and sustainable rural development. These kinds of projects should be included in the CDM.
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Forestry has been proposed as a means to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, by either reducing sources or enhancing sinks. This study assesses the potential of an incentive-based program to stimulate small farmers and communities to adopt biomass accumulating measures such as agroforestry or improved forest management. Current vegetation type, land use and stocks of carbon were assessed for an area of around 600 000 ha in southern Mexico, and the carbon (C) sequestration potential of a number of alternative techniques, based on farmers’ preferences, was estimated. Cost and benefit flows in US perMegagram(=106g)ofcarbon(MgC)ofeachcurrentandalternativesystemweredeveloped.AmodelwasdesignedtocalculatetheexpectedresponsetofinancialincentivesofbetweenUS per Megagram (=106 g) of carbon (MgC) of each current and alternative system were developed. A model was designed to calculate the expected response to financial incentives of between US 0 and 40perMgCsequestered.Themostcosteffectivemethodforsequesteringcarbonappearstobetheimprovedmanagementofnaturalforestoncommunallands.Weestimatedthat38×106MgCcouldbesequesteredforunderUS40 per MgC sequestered. The most cost-effective method for sequestering carbon appears to be the improved management of natural forest on communal lands. We estimated that 38×106 MgC could be sequestered for under US 15 MgC−1, of which 32×106 MgC through forest management. The choice of a baseline rate of biomass loss under a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario remains a critical issue for estimates of the cost-effectiveness of carbon sequestration by forestry.
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The total standing biomass (including above ground and below ground) in Indian forests for the year 1992-93 was estimated using information on state and union-territory field inventory based growing stock volume and the corresponding area under three different crown density classes (very dense forests with crown cover 70 percent and above, dense forest with crown cover 40 percent but < 70 percent and open forests with crown cover between 10 and 40 percent) grouped under four major forest categories (hardwood, spruce-fir, pine and bamboo) by Forest Survey of India. The growing stock volume was converted to total biomass using biomass expansion factors as function of growing stock volume density. The average growing stock volume density in Indian forests for the study year 1992-93 was 74.42 m3 ha-1 but it varied amongst states, with a range of 7.1 m3 ha-1 in Punjab to 224.5 m3 ha-1 in Jammu and Kashmir. The total standing biomass (above ground and below ground) was estimated as 8683.7 Mt (Mt = 1012 g). The aboveground and belowground biomass was estimated as 6865.1 and 1818.7 Mt, contributing 79 and 21 percent to the total biomass, respectively. The mean biomass density in Indian forests was estimated as 135.6 t ha-1 and amongst the states it varied from 27.4 t ha-1 in Punjab to 251.8 t ha-1 in Jammu and Kashmir, respectively. The estimates have been compared with previous studies, which had estimated biomass in the range of 4400-8700 Mt for the corresponding period. Our results are an improvement over previous estimates as these incorporate biomass expansion factors which relate wood volume to biomass as a function of growing stock volume density, four forest types and three crown density classes of Indian forests. These improved biomass estimates are crucial to assess the total C pool of forests and further for use as inputs to models to estimate net C flux to atmosphere from Indian forests due to deforestation and landuse changes.
Though community forests have a vital role in environmental services and sustainable development in developing countries such as in India and Nepal, the credit cannot yet to be claimed under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). It is due to difficulties of assessing the biomass and carbon storage in the community forests for monitoring and verification. However, forest carbon monitoring is possible by the use of advanced technology such as Leaf Area Index (LAI) that is derived from hemispherical photographs using Gap Light Analyser by establishing the relation with the biophysical characteristics of the vegetation. Therefore, the study stepped towards the assessment of carbon sequestration in community forests using LAI. To meet research tasks, which were to establish the relationship between biomass and LAI and explore environmental benefit of community forest management approach, 70 samples from Dhaili and 73 samples from Guna Chautara community forests were collected using stratified random sampling. The sample data included girth, height and canopy photos. Canopy photographs were taken by use of hemispherical cameras. After biomass was estimated using allometric equations, LAI values from canopy photos were analyzed by the use of Gap Light Analyser. Furthermore, for relationship development, the linear regressions analyses were carried out and CDM criteria were incorporated with forest management practice. Main outputs of the research were carbon sequestration model based on LAI and justification of CDM criteria with community forest management practice.
We used a global vegetation model, ‘HyLand’, to simulate the effects of changes in climate, CO2 concentration and land use on natural ecosystems. Changes were prescribed by four SRES scenarios: A1f, A2, B1 and B2. Under all SRES scenarios simulated, the terrestrial biosphere is predicted to be a net sink for carbon over practically all of the 21st century. This sink peaks around 2050 and then diminishes rapidly towards the end of the century as a result of climate change. Averaged over the period 1990–2100, the net sink varies between scenarios, from ∼2 to 6 Pg C yr−1. Differences are largely the result of differences in CO2 concentrations. Effects of climate change are substantially less, and counteract the effect of elevated CO2. Land use change results in a loss of carbon to the atmosphere in the B2B scenario, in which the increase in cropland area continues. In the other scenarios, there is a decrease in croplands and grassland, with a corresponding increase in natural vegetation, resulting in a net sink to the biosphere. The credibility of these results depends on the accuracy of the predictions of land use change in the SRES scenarios, and these are highly uncertain.
The rural poor and landless require resilient, sustainable livelihood systems that are flexible in the short term due to dependence on multiple products. The Kyoto Protocol requires that Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects result in long-term benefits related to the mitigation of climate change. This long-term requirement to keep carbon in storage may conflict with the short-term needs of the poor. The objective of this paper is to examine the potential implications of the Land use change and forestry (LUCF) projects to the rural livelihoods in India. For this purpose the paper uses a linearised version of the almost ideal demand system (LA-AIDS) to analyse data collected from 69 206 rural households in India. Based on the analysis, the paper concludes that for CDM to be sustainable and result in sustainable development of the local people, three important criteria should be satisfied: (1) Integrating the energy substitution possibilities in the objectives of carbon sequestration; (2) Management of the CPR lands by the rural poor through proper design of the rules for sustenance of user groups; and (3) Ensuring that the maximum revenue from carbon sequestration is channelled to the rural poor. Otherwise CDM would just result in either leakage of carbon benefits or have negative welfare implications for the poor.
Rural livelihoods and carbon management
  • S Bass
  • O Dubios
  • P Mauro Costa
  • M Pinard
  • R Tipper
Bass, S., Dubios, O., Mauro Costa, P., Pinard, M., Tipper, R., and Wilson, C. (2000). Rural livelihoods and carbon management. IIED natural resource issued paper.
Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change, Scientific Analyses
  • S Brown
  • J Sathaye
  • M Cannell
  • P E Kauppi
Brown, S., Sathaye, J., Cannell, M., Kauppi, P.E. (1996). Management of forests for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. In: Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. (Eds.), Climate Change (1995). Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change, Scientific Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 773-798.