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Urban ecosystem Services in Latin America: mismatch between global
concepts and regional realities?
Cynnamon Dobbs
&Francisco J. Escobedo
&Nicola Clerici
&Francisco de la Barrera
&Ana Alice Eleuterio
Ian MacGregor-Fors
&Sonia Reyes-Paecke
&Alexis Vásquez
&Jorge Danilo Zea Camaño
&H. Jaime Hernández
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is one of the most urbanized and biologically diverse regions in the world
but is often characterized by weak environmental governance and socioeconomic inequalities. Given large expanses
of intact biomes, a long history of pre-Colombian civilizations, and recent urbanization trends, the urban ecosystem
services (UES) concept has the potential to address issues of well-being for its citizens. We review relevant regional
and global literature and use expert-based knowledge to identify the state of the art of the UES concept as
applicable to green spaces in LAC and elucidate three overarching guidelines for management and future research
needs: 1. LAC cities can be socio-ecologically unique; 2. Drivers of UES in LAC can be different than in other
regions; and 3. Context and demand need to be accounted for when valuing UES. Overall, we show that research on
UES is mostly from the global north and rarely accounts for the diverse and complex socio-political and ecological
drivers of LAC’s urbanization processes. We find that, as in other regions, the biophysical context and land use
policies play a major role on UES provision. However, socioeconomic inequalities and weak governance are key
drivers in UES supply and demand in LAC. Context-specific information on how to promote, educate, and apply
UES is particularly important, not only in LAC, but in other regions where inequities, rapid urbanization, and
climate change effects are stressing socio-political and ecological systems and their adaptive capacities.
Standardized approaches from developed countries should be used to complement - not substitute –LAC context
specific approaches for studying and applying UES. We suggest that improved research funding and local gover-
nance can also provide critical strategies, information and the means for more effective management, planning, and
equitable provision of UES.
Keywords Green infrastructure .Socio-ecological systems .Urban ecology .Governance .Social inequities
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Cynnamon Dobbs
Francisco J. Escobedo
Nicola Clerici
Ana Alice Eleuterio
Ian MacGregor-Fors
Sonia Reyes-Paecke
Alexis Vásquez
Jorge Danilo Zea Camaño
H. Jaime Hernández
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Urban Ecosystems
With an average of 80% of its inhabitants living in urban
areas, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is one of the
world’s most urbanized regions. Fifty cities have more than
one million inhabitants and four have over ten million inhab-
itants (United Nations 2014). Rapid urbanization and
sprawling cities are affecting not only ecosystem structure
and land use change, but the provision of multiple ecosystem
functions and subsequent services and goods such as water
quality and availability, fiber and food production, and
socio-cultural experiences (Altieri et al. 1999; Myers et al.
2000; MacGregor-Fors et al. 2016). At a similar rate to other
tropical and subtropical regions, urban ecosystems in LAC are
also experiencing biodiversity loss within and beyond their
physical limits, with consequences to the well-being of their
citizens (Tratalos et al. 2007; Grimm et al. 2008).
Understanding this process and its effects is important as
LAC is recognized as a region with great biological diversity,
intact biomes, and many prioritized conservation hotspots
(Myers et al. 2000). The region contains nearly half of the
world’s tropical forests and nearly 40% of its renewable water
resources (United Nations 2010). Latitudinal and elevation
gradients have resulted in a diverse array of biomes such as
tropical, temperate, desert, high mountain, Mediterranean, and
mangrove, among others (Eva et al. 2004). Growing popula-
tions and economic development are driving land use change
(Inostroza et al. 2013) to the extent that urban and agricultural
systems are rapidly altering the structure and function of eco-
systems with high biodiversity and ecological integrity
(Tratalos et al. 2007).
The concept of ecosystem services has its origin and is well
established in a few high-income countries in Europe and
North America (Costanza et al. 1997; De Groot et al. 2012).
In 2005, the United Nation’s Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MEA 2005) provided researchers and decision-
makers across the world with an ecosystem service framework
and approach for quantifying and assessing changes in eco-
systems and their processes and influences on human well-
ture on services and goods from a variety of ecosystems across
the globe, including urban ecosystems, is being published.
Similarly, the 2015 United Nation’s Sustainable
Development Goals (United Nations 2015), particularly goal
11: “sustainable cities and communities”, calls for enhancing
sustainable urbanization, reducing the environmental impact,
such as air pollution, in cities, and providing more accessible
and inclusive green spaces. These initiatives have been ac-
companied by The Economics of Ecosystem Services and
Biodiversity (TEEB 2011), which linked the economics of
ecosystem services with biodiversity, and by the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services, which related scientific information
to policy making (Perrings et al. 2011). Despite the advances
made, further information about UES and how to apply the
concept outside of the high-income countries from which it
was developed is needed to address pressing social, environ-
mental, and economic problems that are relevant to LAC.
ing middle- and low-income countries. For example, the ur-
banization process in LAC is highly dynamic due to complex
geo-political and historical drivers, weak governance and
planning institutions, rapid population growth, dynamic
socio-political transitions, emigration to cities, poverty, real
estate markets, and marked socioeconomic inequities
(Roberts 2005; United Nations 2014). Such is often not the
reality of many high-income regions from where these UES
concepts originated. Indeed, most seminal studies are based
on cities of the developed world, particularly those from
northern and western Europe, North America and eastern
Asia (Tratalos et al. 2007; Haase et al. 2014). Thus, the role
of urban ecosystem services (UES) has been little studied and
global literature on the topic rarely accounts for the social,
economic, and environmental context of the LAC region
(Roy et al. 2012; Haase et al. 2014). Given LAC’slonghis-
torical legacy dating from the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan cul-
tures to more modern urbanistic trends and its many diverse,
often intact biomes; this region can contribute to the current
discourse on UES with unique lessons and experiences
(Isendahl and Smith 2013).
To address this lack of information, below we review, an-
alyze, and discuss the relevant literature related to UES and its
relevance in LAC, and in doing so we aim to better understand
and assess the application of the concept given the realities of
the region. Specifically, as our first objective, we reviewed the
international literature to identify the state of the art regarding
UES across the globe. Second, we identify and assess selected
regional literature from LAC on UES using expert-based
knowledge todiscuss and analyze the relevance ofUES given
the realities of LAC’s context. Finally, we draw upon this
knowledge to discuss three overarching guidelines and pro-
pose future research needs related to management, planning,
and the equitable provision of UESs in LAC.
We reviewed the international and LAC literature by
searching the Web of Science and Science Electronic
Library Online (SciELO) for English, Spanish, and
Portuguese language articles, reviews, and book chapters. To
better compare our LAC identified literature to other regions,
we used search terms reported in recent literature reviews on
urban ecosystem services (Roy et al. 2012; Haase et al. 2014;
Luederitz et al. 2015). Specifically, in a first search we looked
for records that contained “urban”and “ecosystem services”,
Urban Ecosyst
in combination with their country’sname(e.g.“urban”and
“ecosystem service”and “Mexico”) in the title, abstract and/or
keywords. We also searched for “urban parks”AND/OR “ur-
ban forests”AND/OR “green infrastructure”,incombination
with their country’s name. In a second step we searched for the
same terms and refined the search by country’s name, using
the tool provided by the Web of Science.
Once the initial review was finalized, a multi-disciplinary
regional working group representing experts from several of
LAC’s most urbanized countries assessed and filtered out non-
relevant publications and selected the most UES relevant in-
ternational literature from their respective LAC countries.
This group of experts coincides with the authors of this man-
uscript. This relevant literature was identified using the publi-
cation’s title and/or abstract content, resulting in a set of pub-
lications that we will use as the basis for analysis and discus-
sion. The filtering ensured that the research was from a Latin
American city and that it actually referred to an ecosystem
service (i.e. was not just a tree inventory). The search was
carried out during June 2017.
This approach identified the major concepts that were
gleaned from a set of relevant global and regional UES liter-
ature. Key criteria in their assessment of relevance and appli-
cation in LAC was that the publication accounted for the re-
gion’s unique ecological, social, and environmental context.
For example, terms such as “urban forest benefits”and “urban
park and property values”from specific countries not
matching the exact search string, were included by individual
country experts in our final list as their content did meet our
objectives. Finally, in our discussion, we focus our analysis of
the literature relevant to the three guidelines. We then eluci-
date areas of future research needs and directions in the broad
areas of urban and political ecology, policy, socioeconomic
valuation, and land management and planning that are directly
related to UES in LAC.
UES in the literature
Like other reviews focused on UES (Haase et al. 2014;
Luederitz et al. 2015), ours revealed an increasing number of
relevant publications related to the search string “Urban”and
“Ecosystem Services”, which increased from 4 in 2000 to 462
publications in 2016. We note that at the time of writing,
halfway through 2017, there were already 220 relevant publi-
cations, included in the Web of Science and SciELO. This
search revealed a total of 1963 publication, of which 37%
are from the United States, 13% from China, 10% from the
United Kingdom and 9% from Germany; proportion similar to
those reported by Luederitz et al. (2015). As for LAC region,
after filtering out, we identified only 107 (originally 142 from
LAC countries), or 5% of all publications, indicating a notice-
able dearth of region-specific literature on this topic. When
including other terms in our reviews such as “urban forests”,
“urban parks”and “green infrastructure”, and specific coun-
tries in LAC, the number of LAC relevant publications in-
creased to 408, but the inclusion of these terms does little to
change LAC position as far as number of relevant publications
against other global regions (Fig. 1). Our results showed an
increasing number of relevant publications related to UES in
LAC, specifically from 2 in year 2001 to 70 in year 2016.
Overall, our review of the global literature shows that the
US and Canada have a considerably greater number of publi-
cations on “urban forests”than all other regions. Indeed, the
sum of all 22 LAC countries’publications place it fifth (125),
well after Asia - primarily China - and after Australia and New
Zealand. We found a wide range of disciplines publishing on
urban ecosystem services, but the main ones were the envi-
ronmental sciences, ecology, urban studies, and geography. In
LAC, the environmental sciences and ecology are the main
disciplines of research. However, disciplines such as biodiver-
sity conservation and forestry are of greater importance than in
other regions.
UES literature from LAC
A more LAC focused review of the relevant literature found
that only five of the 22 LAC countries had more than 10
publications on “urban ecosystem services”(Fig. 2), while
only 3 countries had more than 10 for “urban parks”, 2 coun-
tries for “urban forests”and all the LAC countries had fewer
than 10 publications for “green infrastructure”.Thislackof
scientific publications is not trivial, as it shows a pressing need
for information and knowledge on LAC’s diverse and com-
plex contexts: biomes (e.g., climatic zone, local vegetation
and soils, urban morphology), governance and values (e.g.
institutional capacity, culturally held and assigned values),
and scale of supplied service (e.g., tree shade for individual
landowners or water regulation at the watershed scale); these
factors are rarely addressed in the literature (Andersson et al.
2007;Escobedoetal.2011). Most importantly, by relying on
information and knowledge gatheredfrom available studies in
disparate temperate developed regions like the United States
or Europe, there is a risk of making socially, environmentally,
and economically mismatched decisions that are not contex-
tually or scale relevant to LAC’srealities.
We also found that publications frequently deal with issues
related to ecosystem services in relation to biodiversity con-
servation (34%) and the quantification of regulating services
(22%), and a large proportion addressed ecosystem services
related to forests or water (43%). However, less than 5% of
studies addressed cultural or provisioning services and only 6
papers included LAC in global studies. Seeour supplementary
material for a list of the relevant literature we identified.
Urban Ecosyst
In comparison to literature from the Global North, fewer rel-
evant publications from LAC could be used to quantitatively
analyze and identify regional trends and metrics than those
typically reported in other English Language international re-
views on UES (Haase et al. 2014; Luederitz et al. 2015;Roy
et al. 2012; Von Döhren and Haase 2015). Therefore, given
Fig. 2 Number of publications in
the Web of Science (WoS) and
SciELO relating to “Urban
Ecosystem Services (UES),
Urban parks, Urban Forests and
Green Infrastructure”in Latin
America and the Caribbean
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Lan America and the Caribbean
Australia and New Zealand
USA and Canada
Number of Publicaons
Urban + ES Urban parks Urban forests Green Infrastructure
Fig. 1 Number of publications in
the Web of Science (WoS) and
SciELO related to Urban
Ecosystem Services (UES)
(June 2017)
Urban Ecosyst
this limitation, we used this finite number of available litera-
ture (in English, Spanish and Portuguese) and our expert
knowledge to both assess the international state of the art of
the UES concept and its regional application given LAC’s
socio-ecological and economic context. To do so, we centered
our discussion on three overarching guidelines: 1. LAC cities
can be socio-ecologically unique; 2. Drivers of UES in LAC
can be different than in other regions; and 3. Context and
demand need to be accounted for when valuing UES. Then,
for our Conclusion we synthesized our review and assessment
to elucidate areas of future research needs related to UES
management and planning in LAC.
Ecosystem services in the global urban
We found a wealth of publications documenting the potential
of urban green spaces to contribute to human quality of life
through infrastructure, access to education, and health and
labor opportunities, and this has been well established in both
international and LAC regional literature (see supplementary
section). But, a significant body of the UES literature focuses
on their supply, which is often referred to as benefits derived
from intermediate ecological functions and processes that di-
rectly or indirectly contribute to human well-being (Dobbs
et al. 2011). By contrast ecosystem disservices, as presented
in the international literature, are those ecosystem functions
that detrimentally affect human well-being (e.g., allergies, nui-
sance wildlife, vector habitat; Escobedo et al. 2011;Von
Döhren and Haase 2015). Based on these previous studies,
we integrated these slightly varying definitions. For our pur-
poses we defined UES as the ecological processes, functions,
and products from both natural and semi-natural and/or man-
aged ecosystems in urban and peri-urban areas that contribute
to human wellbeing. By semi-natural ecosystems, we refer to
those that are human maintained and those in, or near, human
settlements that have moderate to highly disturbed ecosystem
structure and functional attributes.
Accordingly, we referred to natural and semi-natural urban
green spaces (i.e., green infrastructure, urban parks and ur-
ban forests) as the nature-based attributes existing in cities that
are, or have been, subjected to anthropogenic management
and disturbance. These attributes include trees and other veg-
etation in streetscapes, forests, parks, gardens, conservation
areas, wetlands, streams, rivers and riparian zones, or estuaries
within or adjacent to urban agglomerations. Their structural
attributes also include pervious soils and planted, remnant, or
ruderal vegetation and the associated fauna whose ecosystem
functions provide for socially, economically, and environmen-
tally beneficial services (Dobbs et al. 2014; Escobedo et al.
2011; MacGregor-Fors et al. 2016; Roy et al. 2012).
The international literature we reviewed refers to regulating
UES as those that sustain processes that are key for the medi-
ation of waste, flow of material and energy, and the mainte-
nance of physical, chemical and biological conditions, includ-
ing flood regulation, pollution removal and temperature ame-
lioration (González-Oreja et al. 2010; Dobbs et al. 2011;Cui
and De Foy 2012; Roy et al. 2012). Provisioning UES mean-
while influence the supply of food, fiber, and drinking water,
and are key for building materials and for human nutrition
(Altieri et al. 1999; Russo et al. 2017a). Cultural UES are the
result of physical and intellectual, spiritual and symbolic inter-
actions with ecosystem functions that provide for human rec-
reation, education, religious, and aesthetic amenities, including
increased property premiums that benefit human cognition and
sense of place (De Groot et al. 2012;Henrique2006). Finally,
Supporting and Habitat UES are the ones that allow for other
ecosystem services to exist although they are generally applied
to non-urban ecosystems with a high degree of ecological in-
tegrity (Escobedo et al. 2011; Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment 2005). We noted that other metaphors are increas-
ingly being used that are very similar to UES and green infra-
structure and include nature-based solutions, natural capital,
and blue infrastructure (Hasse 2015;FAO2016;Kabisch
et al. 2016;Sarukhán and Jiménez 2016; Faggi and Caula
2017; Russo et al. 2017b; Willis and Petrokofsky 2017).
After having defined key concepts based on the global
literature related to UES, in the following section we discuss
three overarching guidelines that we gleaned from our review
that the expert group felt should be considered when applying
the UES concept in LAC. First, we discuss if indeed LAC
cites are socio-ecologically unique relative to the high-
income countries of Europe and North America. We discuss
if the diverse and complex socio-ecological conditions in
LAC cities affect the structure and function of urban green
spaces differently than in Europe or North America. Second,
we identify drivers of provision and dynamics of commonly
studied UES in LAC and discussed if they are different from
other developed regions. Finally, we discuss and argue for the
need to account for both context and demand when valuing
LAC cities can be socio-ecologically unique
Like other world regions with low and middle-income coun-
tries (e.g. Africa and south Asia), several urban socio-
ecological factors such as rapid population growth, rural to
urban migration, socioeconomic inequity, and ecological leg-
acy characterize human settlements of Meso and South
America (Isendahl and Smith 2013). But, the increased num-
ber of biodiversity hotspots makes LAC different from Europe
and US-Canada. Generally, modern cities in LAC are charac-
terized by higher population density than European and North
American cities, and have a high proportion of their urban area
Urban Ecosyst
occupied by public housing and informal settlements, imper-
vious surfaces, and high building density, often resulting in
low urban vegetation cover and fragmented patches of green
spaces (United Nations 2010). However, cities across the
LAC region also exhibit marked socioeconomic inequalities
that influence access to public services such as sanitation and
transportation (Borsdorf and Hidalgo 2010;Pauchardand
Barbosa 2013). This latter reality is key in our discussion
and will be discussed in the following sections.
Several international studies documented that the distribu-
tion, quantity and quality of urban green spaces are often
proxies for the residents’socioeconomic status (Pedlowski
et al. 2002; De la Barrera et al. 2016; Wright et al. 2012;
Scopellit et al. 2016). Generally, higher income neighbor-
hoods have a greater quantity and better quality of public
green spaces, private parks, and residential gardens in larger
lots. Conversely, the poorest neighborhoods have varying
building densities, poor infrastructure, low quantity and qual-
ity of green spaces, small residential gardens, and sparse veg-
etation cover in smaller lots (Fig. 3; Pedlowski et al. 2002,
Reyes-Paecke and Figueroa 2010, Reyes-Paecke and Meza
2011, Wright et al. 2012, Scopellit et al. 2016). The middle-
class residential areas are generally diverse in terms of vege-
tation, which is mostly limited to green spaces and residential
gardens (De la Barrera et al. 2016). Further, since the late
1980s, the relative proportion of urban growth in LAC has
occurred mostly in medium-sized cities which in recent de-
cades have increased rapidly throughout the region, replicat-
ing the segregated urbanization pattern of large metropolitan
areas (Borsdorf and Hidalgo 2010). Such factors have been
reported to lead to a significant loss in green spaces, especially
remnant natural ecosystems, as well as adjacent rural areas
(Aguayo et al. 2007; Pauchard and Barbosa 2013).
The relevant literature we assessed showed that socio-
political and economic contexts affect the structure and func-
tion of urban green spaces and their UES (Escobedo and
Chacalo 2008; Benitez et al. 2012; Biggs et al. 2015;
Escobedo et al. 2015; De la Barrera et al. 2016; Favaro et al.
2016; Dobbs et al. 2017). Specifically: (1) supply, level, and
interactions among UES; (2) demand for UES by different
social groups; and (3) actions of different social groups and
their power relations and asymmetries determine the decision-
making processes that drive social inequities relating to the
latter points. For example, access to urban green spaces and
their UES are often stratified based on income (Romero et al.
2012; Scopellit et al. 2016). Research on the relationship be-
tween urban green spaces structure and UES provision, re-
garding their socioeconomic status, has often focused on the
analysis of green space distribution and on certain associated
biophysical characteristics (Pedlowski et al. 2002; Reyes-
Fig. 3 Low income (upper 2
photos) and high income (lower 2
photos) neighborhoods and
streets in Bogotá Colombia using
Google Earth and Streetview®.
Note irregular land use patterns,
poor condition infrastructure, and
low, fragmented green space
cover in upper two photos. Aerial
images taken at an altitude of
3.2 km and street views are from
September 2012
Urban Ecosyst
Paecke and Figueroa 2010; Celemin et al. 2013). Thus, like in
developed countries- socioeconomic status- regardless of cli-
mate, is the predominant driver of urban green space distribu-
tion, access and connectivity in LAC (Romero et al. 2012;
Escobedo et al. 2015).
However, the socioeconomic inequity that characterizes
most LAC countries tends to weigh more heavily in the supply
(Lustig et al. 2015). This reality is starkly different from other
regions (E.g. Northern Europe, Australia) where effective
public institutions and governance can maximize the provi-
sion of UES via well-established land use and conservation
policies (Balvanera et al. 2012) which differ greatly from
LAC’s ineffective public policies and issues of poor transpar-
ency that can limit the influence of UES on well-being (De
Freitas et al. 2007, Romero-Lankao 2007; Hardoy and
Pandiella 2009; Perez-Campuzano et al. 2016;DaSilva
et al. 2017; Gonzalez and Ojeda-Revah 2017).
Several other regional studies indicated that historical and
current regional and local-level planning and governance are
key factors determining the amount and distribution of urban
green spaces (Colding et al. 2006,Henrique2006,Andersson
et al. 2007, Perez-Campuzano et al. 2016, Gonzalez and
Ojeda-Revah 2017). Neoliberal policies implemented in the
1980s across LAC have limited progressive governmental ur-
ban planning decisions (Roberts 2005). This has led to the
development of ineffective regulatory planning instruments
and increased influence of the private sector through real
estate-oriented interests (Henrique 2006). Planning and gov-
ernance are generally characterized by ineffective governmen-
tal institutions, lack of transparency, poorly defined ten-
ure regimes, absence or ineffectiveness of planning
tools, and prioritization of investments in built infra-
structure and hard technologies at the cost of urban
green spaces (Santos et al. 2010,Escobedoetal.
2015, Calderón-Contreras and Quiroz-Rosas 2017).
We also found that, because management of urban green
spaces such as parks and plazas usually depends on municipal
revenues and homeowner access to resources, urban munici-
palities and neighborhoods with lower income generally have
few, sparsely vegetated urban green spaces (Pedlowski et al.
2002;Escobedoetal.2015; Favaro et al. 2016), and subse-
quently lower UES provision. In addition, the occupation of
ecologically sensitive peri-urban areas by informal, poorly
planned settlements and slums detrimentally affects urban
green space structure and function (Benitez et al. 2012;
Inostroza et al. 2013; Biggs et al. 2015;Escobedoetal.
2015). For example, unplanned settlements in Bogota,
Colombia, for example, are a result of people being forced
to relocate due to military conflicts in rural areas or criminal
activity (De Geoffroy 2009).
These unplanned urbanization patterns common in many
LAC cities affect local and regional biodiversity by promoting
local extinctions and introducing alien species. Regional and
global studies show how changes in species pool (e.g. inva-
sive species) can potentially alter ecosystem processes that
determine the provision of UES (Lima et al. 2013;
MacGregor-Fors et al. 2016). In LAC, urbanization has been
documentedto have greater impacts than in other regions, due
to its high biodiversity and degree of endemism (Ditt et al.
2010; Myers et al., 2000; Mendoza-González et al. 2012,
Flores-Meza et al. 2013, Merlín-Uribe et al. 2013, Mitsch
and Hernandez 2013, Pougy et al. 2014, Salazar et al. 2015,
Scarano and Ceotto 2015). Urban ecosystems in LAC, as
elsewhere, are now frequently characterized for having many
introduced and often-invasive flora, which are preferred over
native species despite their influence in UES provision (Lima
et al. 2013; Caballero-Serrano et al. 2016). For example, some
fauna adapted to urban conditions can play important roles as
pollinators, seed dispersers and pest regulators (Aleixo et al.
2014; MacGregor-Fors et al. 2016). Large numbers of intro-
duced species are common in cities of Colombia, Brazil,
Chile, the Caribbean, Venezuela, and Argentina (Isernhagen
et al. 2009;Santosetal.2010; Gutiérrez et al. 2013;Lima
et al. 2013; Angonese and Grau 2014;Escobedoetal.2015).
Drivers of UES can be different than in other regions
Global and some regional studies on the supply of UES have
emphasized a few regulating UES, namely carbon sequestra-
tion and water quality (Fernández et al.,2010; Balvanera et al.
2012, Mazari-Hiriart et al. 2014, Vargas-González et al., 2014;
Luederitz et al. 2015; Clerici et al. 2016; Cunha et al. 2016,
Jujnovsky et al. 2017), and to a lesser degree, health, recrea-
tion, and aesthetic benefits related to cultural services
(Escobedo and Chacalo 2008; Reyes-Paecke and Figueroa
2010; Ribeiro and Ribeiro 2016). Given the dynamic charac-
ter of LAC cities, climate change mitigation, as opposed to
adaptation, has become a more common approach for address-
ing regulating ecosystem services mainly related to cli-
mate change and air quality (Magrin et al. 2007;
Escobedo et al. 2008; Escobedo and Chacalo 2008;
Baumgardner et al. 2012; Dos Santos et al. 2014;
Pimienta-Barrios et al. 2014; Sacchi et al. 2017).
As in other regions, the literature also shows a second set of
biophysical and morphological factors driving urban green
spaces (Benitez et al. 2012; Dobbs et al. 2014; Biggs et al.
2015;Favaroetal.2016). Many cities in LAC are distributed
in the extremes of temperature, rainfall, and evapotranspira-
tion rates (i.e., Amazonian tropical lowlands to Mexican high
elevation deserts) which influence primary productivity and
ecosystem structure differently than most developed cities lo-
cated in cool, temperate climates. This in turn determines the
supply and demand of UES, such as climate mitigation and
recreation (Dobbs et al. 2014). Steep topography in the moun-
tainous Andean region, for example, influences specific
Urban Ecosyst
regulatingUES related to the mitigation of natural hazards like
flooding and landslides which often affect the peri-urban poor
(Aide and Grau 2004; Pisanty et al. 2009). Also, most urban
expansion in LAC occurs towards floodplains and lower
mountain slopes, which are frequently occupied by low-
income groups following unplanned growth (Hardoy and
Pandiella 2009; Benitez et al. 2012; Biggs et al. 2015). The
establishment of informal settlements can often cause vegeta-
tion clearing in slopes and riverbeds, thus increasing vulnera-
bility to natural disasters, a particularly frequent problem in
LAC cities (Cilento 2002; Benitez et al. 2012). Climate
change will also affect LAC cities and its substantial vulnera-
ble populations (Cilento 2002; Aide and Grau 2004;Magrin
et al. 2007; Hardoy and Pandiella 2009; Coronel et al. 2015;
Favaro et al. 2016) and the structure of urban green spaces in
LAC (e.g. tropical and arid cities will regularly experience
severe drought and even wildfire, while coastal cities will
experience sea level rise; Magrin et al. 2007).
Accordingly, we posit that mismatches between frequently
studied UES provision and actual consumer demand in LAC
can be due to the lack of planning, connectivity, and other
factors such as spatial and educational segregation, high levels
of inequity, and low community participation in urban
decision-making and public affairs (Romero et al. 2012). For
example, the emphasis on mitigating atmospheric pollutants
research (Escobedo and Chacalo 2008), has overlooked many
other pressing UES occurring in LAC such as regulating ur-
ban flooding, temperatures, food security, and access to sus-
tainable supplies of clean water (Aide and Grau 2004;
Romero-Lankao 2007;Crametal.2008; González-Oreja
et al. 2010; Cui and De Foy 2012; Barbedo et al. 2014;
Mazari-Hiriart et al. 2014; Pina and Martínez 2014).
Although an increasing body of literature on soil-related
UES has been developed in regard to fertility and disaster
prevention (Cram et al. 2008; Fernández et al. 2010), other
functions and services such as pest regulation, pollination,
bioenergy, and food provision continue to receive little
attention (Altieri et al. 1999; Chaves et al. 2011;De
Medeiros et al. 2013; Aleixo et al. 2014;Dickieetal.
Research in LAC has however started to incorporate UES
such as provision of medicinal resources as part of the value of
conserving biodiversity (De Medeiros et al. 2013;Aleixoetal.
2014). Cultural UES in LAC such as recreation and aesthetics
are also increasingly being studied (Reyes-Paecke and
Figueroa 2010; De Souza Filho et al. 2014; Ribeiro and
Ribeiro 2016; Scopellit et al. 2016;DelaBarreraetal.
2016b; González and Holtmann-Ahumada 2017). These stud-
ies show that local governments rarely invest in urban ecosys-
tem restoration that is required for such UES (Pisanty et al.
2009), with few exceptions in Mexico (Mendoza-Hernandez
et al. 2013; Mazari-Hiriart et al. 2014; Williams-Linera et al.
2015). This is likely because governmental resources often
prioritize basic and necessary social and economic programs,
such as access to housing, health and sanitation, while
investing in green spaces and UES provision is considered
less important (Nickson 2001).
Some of the regional literature we identified shows that
efforts are being made in a few LAC cities to recover urban
green spaces through large-scale restoration and tree planting
programs that include the increased use of native flora and
fauna to maximize ecosystem services and restoration goals
(Pimienta-Barrios et al. 2014). Urban wetland restoration pro-
grams and strategies in LAC have been implemented to re-
cover spaces for biodiversity and/or UES such as flood regu-
lation, water filtering, air pollution removal, habitat conserva-
tion, and education (Table 1). Medium and large cities (i.e.,
Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) have established parks of
remnant native patches of the Atlantic forest that not only
provide biodiversity but other regulating, supporting, and cul-
tural UES (Santos et al. 2010). More examples and quantifi-
able benefits from such projects are needed to inform and
promote UES benefits.
Context and demand need to be accounted for when
valuing UES
We were able to glean from the global UES literature that in
addition to the socio-ecological and political drivers discussed
above, land and real estate values and short term financial
profits to a limited number of agents, will generally outweigh
the use and non-use valuesto society of UES. Thedemand for
such UES is usually quantified using neoclassical economic
methods (e.g. hedonic valuation, contingent valuation, travel
cost, and avoided and replacement costs), sociology, and other
qualitative methods that measure people’s perception of UES.
Gómez-Baggethun and Barton (2013) and Kronenberg (2014)
provide a comprehensive list of these valuation methods,
along with their practices and limitations. This limited number
of studies seems to show that a combination or integration of
social as well as economic valuation methods are necessary,
given the complex and heterogeneous nature of UES.
Regionally, we found that most current LAC literature on
UES valuation is related to payment for ecosystem service
instruments like water quality and biodiversity conservation
(e.g. Brazil and Mexico; Larqué-Saavedra et al. 2004,
Machado et al. 2014, Jardim and Bursztyn 2015, Cunha
et al. 2016, Figueroa et al. 2016). Cultural UES and urban
ecosystem benefits such as heritage, pollution removal, car-
bon sequestration, aesthetics, and others, can also be found
from the Andean region, Brazil, and Mexico (Tognella-de-
Rosa et al. 2006;DelAngel-Perezetal.2011; Báez-
Montenegro et al. 2012;Ponce-Donosoetal.2012;Ordóñez
and Duinker 2014; Caro-Borrero et al. 2015). Many other
studies estimate Willingness to Pay (WTP) for services using
contingent valuation and benefit transfer methods based on
Urban Ecosyst
previous studies and shadow prices from North America and
Europe (Balvanera et al. 2012; Casey et al. 2006). But, as is
well known, possible mismatches are created when applying
these metrics for valuing demand in LAC, considering the
region’s diverse flora, fauna, cultures, wide range of climates
and geography, weak institutions and transparency, and other
socioeconomic inequities discussed in previous sections.
Thus, valuing UES per se comes with several challenges:
weak substitution, perception of corruption in WTP contin-
gencies, socio-ecological heterogeneity, connectivity/
infrastructure value, and scale issues (Gómez-Baggethun and
Barton 2013), in addition to the risk of applying utilitarian
monetary values to UES (Kronenberg 2014). In LAC, these
same issues affect valuation, but the lack of region-specific
information and methods may result in different and
sometimes erroneous outcomes.
For example, Ordóñez and Duinker (2014)discuss
Columbians’perceptions of cultural UES and associated
values, and found that increased property values from urban
forests were not necessarily highly valued. This might be a
result of the frequent occurrence of informal economic activ-
ities near treed spaces (e.g. street vendors, intermixed com-
mercial/residential/recreation activities), complex property
rights, and high population densities; and hence, a greater
number of potential beneficiaries from these services. A sim-
ilar study in Mexico (Camacho-Cervantes et al. 2014)re-
vealed that people value trees for the oxygen provision and
shade that might be related to the air quality of the city and
summer temperatures, despite biogenic emission from certain
trees that can contribute to increased ozone concentrations
(Baumgardner et al. 2012).
Thus, urban ecosystems can pose both positive (UES) and
negative (disservices) externalities to different beneficiaries
within the same locale. Socio-political (e.g. education, access
to resources, crime) and geographic context also affect the
value that different societies –and individuals- place on a
specific UES, even within the same region. For instance, in
arid Chile, Peru and Mexico, urban trees are valued for their
shading and air quality improvement benefits, but their evapo-
transpiration and pollination functions of certain species can
be considered disservices in these water-scarce environments
and for allergy prone populations. Thus, this differentiation
between service and disservices is both value-laden
and context-specific (Escobedo et al. 2011;von
Döhren and Haase 2015). These few relevant LAC stud-
ies account for local scale, context-specific socio-politi-
cal perceptions and values towards UES, and indicate
that increased environmental education, awareness, and
promotion are key when managing and planning for the
provision of services and minimization of disservices, in
LAC and elsewhere.
Similarly, limited regional literature indicates that in
most LAC megacities (e.g., Mexico City, São Paulo,
Lima, Bogota, Buenos Aires), urban development infra-
structure projects such as housing development, water
treatment plants, and engineered storm-water structures,
are regularly deemed to yield higher economic benefits
than does preserving green spaces and their UES due to
the opportunity costs of land (Aguayo et al. 2007;Cram
et al. 2008). Interestingly, as in other regions, much of the
engineered infrastructure related to urban development is
often to minimize the environmental hazards and socio-
ecological impacts brought about by the alteration of
green space function via built infrastructures (e.g. in-
creased floods, temperatures, quality of life; Von Döhren
and Haase 2015). Hence, region-specific socio-political
valuation information and methods that also prioritize sus-
tainability and equity are direly needed. We are awared
that in the time during the review-acceptance process of
the manuscript, new studies from LAC are beginning to
address issues such as urban ecosystem disservices,
spatio-temporal intercity comparisons of UES, and the
social value of provisioning UES among others
(Almeida et al. 2018; Banzhaf et al. 2018;DeMola
et al. 2018; Dobbs et al. 2018; Escobedo et al. 2018;
Moser et al. 2018; Nadal et al. 2018).
Table 1 Urban tree planting and
wetland restoration project
examples from Latin America and
the Caribbean
Tree plantings Web source
Belo Horizonte
Santiago (Chile);
Quito (Ecuador)
Wetland restoration
Belo Horizonte
Santiago (Chile)
Urban Ecosyst
Overall the UES concept’s origin, development, and sheer
number of publications are from the US-Canada, Europe and
more recently, China and Australia. As such the development,
policy uptake, and institutionalization of the UES as a research
framework and governance instrument in the European
Union, Canada, and the US has been well defined and accept-
ed. Although ecosystem service related concepts and practices
such as payments for ecosystem services and benefits from
urban green spaces are commonly mentioned in LAC urban
planning instruments, noticeably lacking are scientific UES
publications from LAC and other middle and low income
countries in Asia and Africa that can provide the science-
based information needed for more effective policy uptake.
Although we did identify similarities and dissimilarities in
relation to how UES are defined, used, applied, and institu-
tionalized between LAC and other developed regions, we
conclude that standardized approaches from developed coun-
tries should continue to be used to complement, but not sub-
stitute for, LAC-specific models and frameworks for applying
the UES approach in the region.
Up to this point we have used the global and regional lit-
erature as the evidence and basis for our review and analyses.
But given the noticeable lack of relevant literature from LAC,
here forth we use our expert-based knowledge to elaborate
beyond our review and the three guidelines we laid out. We
noticed a clear omission on studies regarding the role of gov-
ernance and government funding for UES research in LAC.
Thus, we argue that more improved governance systems are
also a necessity in LAC to provide for more effective and
equitable provision of UES. However, increased funding in
UES research, education, and institutional capacity in LAC
are urgently needed to better quantify the supply, and value
the demand for UES in both an equitable and relevant manner.
As in Europe and China, research using and developing
geospatial tools is one approach that can be used to better
understand the socioeconomic inequalities and mismatches
in UES supply distribution across space and time. But, spa-
tially explicit –context relevant –analyses need to also ac-
count for consumer demand for UES and disservices in LAC.
Such efforts can be facilitated by incorporating researcher-
practitioner-citizen participatory processes and by developing
and making available freely available UES datasets to support
research, education, and policies as is common in the US and
Australia. Designing clearinghouses and guidelines in
Spanish and Portuguese language and other local dialects is
also necessary for disseminating science-based information to
government and other administrative units such as smaller
sized cities and communities that are distant from capitals.
Again, as opposed to most high-income English-speaking
developed countries, there is a lack of relevant literature from
LAC; thus researchers and practitioners have to rely, in many
instances, on the applied research and extension education
findings and experiences from countries in the Global North.
Accordingly, we identified the need to account for region-
specific urban ecosystem dynamics and disservices in both
spatial and temporal scales as this is key for effectively apply-
ing the UES concept in the region. For example, research on
UES should build upon traditional biophysical modeling and
valuation based on neoclassical benefit transfer approaches
developed in the US. But, site-specific valuation of UES that
are context-relevant to LAC will also raise awareness on their
supply and demand to beneficiaries and influential decision
makers. Hence, incorporating deliberative valuation, tradition-
al knowledge, and novel environmental psychology and be-
havioral economic approaches, as opposed to conventional
neoclassical or reductionist ones, is warranted. Other emerg-
ing research concepts such as socio-ecological resilience of
cities in LAC, insurance values of mitigating disturbances,
or Nature-Based Solutions, in both monetary and socio-
political metrics could be used to promote UES and conserva-
tion of peri-urban natural areas. Given LAC’sbiodiversityand
socioeconomic disparities, such knowledge is highly relevant
given the prospect of climate change effects. Similarly, the
role of biodiversity and tropical climates in negatively affect-
ing well-being (e.g., disease vectors, crime occurrence, wild-
life and insect nuisances, allergens, thermal comfort) has been
little studied. Improved information for the quantification and
minimization of urban green spaces’costs or disservices is
necessary for valuing the net benefits. Based on our experi-
ence and discussions among the group, such knowledge could
facilitate the incorporation of the UES framework into local-
scale policy and decision-making.
At the national level, LAC has led the development of
innovative instruments and policies that protect biodiversity
and promote ecosystem services. Costa Rica is recognized for
their Payment for Ecosystem Service instruments, Colombia
has the National Policy for Integrated Management of
Biodiversity and its Ecosystem services, and recently Chile
is exploring the use of urban tree plantings as part of
national-level compensation policies for mitigating particulate
matter pollution. But, as LAC’scitiesgrow,amoreregion-
specific understanding of the supply and demand for UES is
crucial for maintaining human well-being and biodiversity in
places where most of the region’s population lives. Such
context-specific information on how to more effectively pro-
mote, deliver, and apply UES is particularly important not
only in LAC, but also in regions such as Africa and Asia,
where inequities, rapid urbanization, and climate change
effects are drastically stressing local and regional eco-
systems and their adaptive capacities. We note that met-
aphors such as UES, green infrastructure, and biodiver-
sity, and more recently nature-based solutions, are con-
stantly evolving as a result of European Union and US-
funded research networks.
Urban Ecosyst
In conclusion, our international and LAC focused review
shows that the use of the UES framework in LAC can be
opportune, especially in benefitting vulnerable communities
and those that are at-risk of landslides, flooding, increased
temperatures, and food security. We propose that UES should
be incorporated institutionally by local-regional governments
as part of land planning and policy uptake, biodiversity con-
servation, and identification of restoration targets.
Incorporating the UES framework can be used to improve
resilience and achieve more sustainable and equitable devel-
opment in urban LAC. However, we believe the biggest chal-
lenge to LAC scientists, planners, and managers is providing
context-specific UES information, instruments, and guide-
lines that can easily be integrated into decision making and
context relevant policies.
Acknowledgements We thank Nina Singh –USA, Juliana Montoya
Arango –Colombia, and Ina Falfán -Mexico for their helpful reviews.
HJH is supported by FONDECYT 1140319 “Vegetation knowledge-
based indicators for urban sustainable planning”; CD is supported by
FONDECYT 3150352 “Provision of urban ecosystem services, explor-
ing the effects of planning, urbanization, climate and environmental con-
ditions on the urban forest of Santiago and La Serena”; FDB is supported
by FONDECYT 3150351 “Modelación de servicios ecosistémicos de
parques urbanos en sectores metropolitanos”. SR is supported by
FONDECYT 1161709 “Contribucion del enfoque de servicios
ecosistémicos a la planificación urbana”; FDB and SR are supported by
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Cynnamon Dobbs
&Francisco J. Escobedo
&Nicola Clerici
&Francisco de la Barrera
&Ana Alice Eleuterio
Ian MacGregor-Fors
&Sonia Reyes-Paecke
&Alexis Vásquez
&Jorge Danilo Zea Camaño
&H. Jaime Hernández
Center for Modeling and Monitoring Ecosystems, Universidad
Mayor, Jose Toribio Medina 29, Santiago, Chile
Functional and Ecosystem Ecology Unit (EFE), Biology Program,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Universidad del
Rosario, Kr 26 No 63B-48, Bogotá, DC, Colombia
Geography Department and Center for Sustainable Urban
Development, Universidad de Concepcion, Casilla 160-C,
Concepcion, Chile
Instituto Latino-Americano de Economía, Sociedade e Política,
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Av. Tancredo
Neves 6731, Foz do Iguaçu, PR CEP 85867-970, Brazil
Red de Ambiente y Sustentabilidad, Instituto de Ecología, A.C,
Carretera antigua a Coatepec 351, El Haya, Xalapa,
91070 Veracruz, Mexico
Department of Ecosystems and Environment, Faculty of Agronomy
and Forest Engineering and Center for Sustainable Urban
Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vicuña
Mackenna, 4860 Macul, Chile
Geography Department, Faculty of Architecture and Urban
Planning, Universidad de Chile, Av Portugal 84, Santiago, Chile
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Av. Pref. Lothário Meissner, 632,
Curitiba, Paraná CEP: 80210-170, Brazil
Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Lab, Faculty of Forestry and
Nature Conservation, Universidad de Chile, Santa Rosa, 11365 La
Pintana, Chile
Urban Ecosyst
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