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The Effects of Anti-Atherogenic Properties of Beverage of the Date Seeds (Phoenix Dactilifera L.) In Pre-Menopause Women: A Study Of Indonesian Women



Background: people commonly consume some seeds like steeping as beverage. This is the first study that was to prove the effects of anti-atherogenic properties of beverage of the date seeds in pre-menopause women. Materials and methods: The quasi-experimental design was used in the study. Thirty-two of pre-menopause women with hyperlipidemia history in Gununglurah village, Banyumas, Central Java were recruited. Each participant signed an informed consent to obtain a 5 cc blood sample through the mediana cubital vein. Lipid profiles test was done before and after treatment. Beverage of the Date seeds of Deglet Nour cultivar was consumed for 14 days with the dosage of 2.5 grams each day. The data were analyzed by using the paired t-test with a significance level of p< 0.05. Results: Prior to treatment, pre-menopause women tend to have unhealthy lipid profile. The mean scores of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL levels were 251.53  35.23, 232.50  35.17, 35.69  6.55, 167.11  40.31 mg/dL respectively. After consuming beverage of the date seeds, the total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and atherogenic levels were decreased, while HDL level was significantly increased (p< 0.05). Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the lipid profiles of the pre-menopause women were improved after date seed beverage consumption. The implication of the study was that pre-menopause women could consume the date seed beverage routinely to maintain a good lipid profiles and keep healthy. The professional health care also can give the education regarding with the benefit of the date seed beverage in decreasing the lipid profiles in pre-menopause women.
Vol XXVI, No. 29, 2018
Transylvanian Review
Centrul de Studii Transilvane| str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 12-14, et.5, Cluj-Napoca
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Saryono and Proverawati Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 29, June 2018
The Effects of Anti-Atherogenic Properties of Beverage of
the Date Seeds (Phoenix Dactilifera L.) In Pre-Menopause
Women: A Study Of Indonesian Women
Saryono Saryono1 and Atikah Proverawati2
1School of Nursing, Health Sciences of Faculty, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia
2School of Nutrition, Health Sciences of Faculty, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Background: people commonly consume some seeds like steeping as beverage. This is the first study that was to
prove the effects of anti-atherogenic properties of beverage of the date seeds in pre-menopause women.
Materials and methods: The quasi-experimental design was used in the study. Thirty-two of pre-menopause women
with hyperlipidemia history in Gununglurah village, Banyumas, Central Java were recruited. Each participant
signed an informed consent to obtain a 5 cc blood sample through the mediana cubital vein. Lipid profiles test was
done before and after treatment. Beverage of the Date seeds of Deglet Nour cultivar was consumed for 14 days with
the dosage of 2.5 grams each day. The data were analyzed by using the paired t-test with a significance level of p<
Results: Prior to treatment, pre-menopause women tend to have unhealthy lipid profile. The mean scores of total
cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL levels were 251.53 35.23, 232.50 35.17, 35.69 6.55, 167.11 40.31
mg/dL respectively. After consuming beverage of the date seeds, the total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and
atherogenic levels were decreased, while HDL level was significantly increased (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the lipid profiles of the pre-menopause women were improved after date
seed beverage consumption. The implication of the study was that pre-menopause women could consume the date
seed beverage routinely to maintain a good lipid profiles and keep healthy. The professional health care also can
give the education regarding with the benefit of the date seed beverage in decreasing the lipid profiles in pre-
menopause women.
Keywords: Date seeds, lipid profile, pre-menopause women, atherosclerosis.
Corresponding author: School of Nursing, Health Sciences of Faculty, University of Jenderal Soedirman,
Purwokerto, Indonesia.
Saryono and Proverawati Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 29, June 2018
Atherosclerosis is a necessary topic to be
discussed now that it is the main cause of coronary
artery disease. A previous study showed that the high
cholesterol intake and genetic abnormalities will build
up in arteries which then cause atherosclerosis. The
high cholesterol intake can increase low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). One of the
atherosclerosis risk factor is aging. The ratio of LDL
and HDL can be used as indicator for people with high
risk of cardiovascular diseases (Acay
et al
. 2014) due
to LDL can be oxidized which will increase the risk of
atherosclerosis (Rohatgi
et al
. 2014). The way to
decrease lipid profiles in the body was by taking
medications such as statins, triparanol, resins,
torcetrapib, probucol, and niacin (Remaley
et al
2014). One of the negative of these medications is
they can be harmful for the human body. Recently,
people use herbal therapy to decrease the lipid
profiles called as anti-atherogenic therapy
et al
. 2017). One of the anti-atherogenic
therapy is date seeds consumption. It consists of
antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoid, gallic
acid, epicatechin, vitamin C, and vitamin E (Afiq
et al
2013, Chaira
et al
. 2007, Niazi
et al
. 2017, Juhaimi
. 2012). The activity of date seeds antioxidants are
proven to raise sperm cell membrane strength,
increase antioxidants capacity, and decrease of
malondialdehyde (Saryono
et al
. 2015, Saryono,
et al
. 2017) (Orabi & Shawky 2014) (El-
et al
. 2016). The anti-atherogenic effect of date
seeds was to be proven in rats. However, there has
been no publication on the date seeds effect in pre-
menopause women (Saryono, Eliyan,
et al
. 2017). The
antioxidants in date seeds extract increase insulin
secretion through pancreatic beta-cell regeneration
et al
. 2013). Pre-menopause women have a
lot of risk of degenerative disease related with the
decrease of estrogen secretion. Dyslipidemia is
commonly occurred in pre-menopause women.
Beverage of the date seeds for improving lipid profile
has not been made earlier, especially for pre-
menopause women. The aim of this study was to
examine the date seeds beverage as anti-atherogenic
to improve the lipid profiles in pre-menopause women.
Material and Methods
Date Seeds Preparation
Deglet Noer date seeds were washed with water
to clean from the fruit meat left over. A cleansed date
seeds were dried under the sun for a day. Then, the
seeds were roasted and blended into powder. The date
seeds powder was sifted using flour sieve. Then, the
powder was packed into 2.5 grams of date seeds for
each pack and distributed to each participant.
Phytochemical Screening
Phytochemical analysis of polyphenols, tannins,
flavonoids, alkaloids and saponins, was carried out by
using standard procedures to identify the constituents
as described by Muchtadi, (1989).
Tannin Test
A volume of 2 ml of above filtrate was taken in a
test tube and few drops of 1 M FeCl3 were added.
Observed result of green color indicates presence of
condensed tannin, whereas the appearance of blue
color indicates hydrolysable tannin.
Saponins Test
The extract was added with 10 mL of hot water
then cooled, shaken vigorously for 10 seconds. The
formation of steady foam for not less 10 minutes as
more than 1 cm long indicates the presence of
saponins compound. The foam will be lost with the
addition of 2N HCl.
Flavonoids Test
A volume of 2 ml of acid extract was taken in a
two separate test tubes, to the first test tube 2 ml of
distilled water and in second tube 2 ml of NaOH were
added. Appearance of yellow color indicates flavonoids
Alkaloid Test
A few drops of alcohol extract were placed in a
filter paper, and Dragendroff’s reagent was sprayed
over the filter paper. Result appearance of reddish
brown color in filter paper indicates the presence of
Experimental Design
This is a quasi-experimental study, pre and post-
test, without control group design. Thirty-two pre-
menopause women aged 45-58 years old in
Gununglurah Village, Banyumas, Indonesia were the
subjects of this study. They did not have metabolic
diseases history, statin drug medication, and
complications of pre-menopause syndrome, normal
daily activity and cooperative. The study was
conducted in March 2016 to October 2016 in
Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia.
Beverage of date seeds was consumed over 14 days
with the dosage of 2.5 grams each day. Each pack of
the date seeds powder can be brewed with 250 ccs of
boiling water. Date seeds beverage could be drunk
with some sugar and other flavors and served after
Lipid Profile Test
Saryono and Proverawati Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 29, June 2018
Five milliliters of blood sample were taken
through the mediana cubital vein before and after
treatment. The blood was collected in EDTA
vacutainer for several tests of total cholesterol (TC),
LDL, Triglycerides (TG), and HDL. The lipid profiles
parameters are measured using Enzymatic
Colorimetric Assay method, while atherogenic index
(AI) is measured using log 10 (TG/HDLc).
Statistical Analysis
The paired t-test was used to compare the mean
score before and after treatment. The significance
level was approved if p< 0.05. Ethical permission and
informed consent were done prior to the study.
The result of qualitative phytochemical analysis
demonstrated that date seed powder contain saponin,
flavonoid, alkaloid and tannin. Among the test result,
flavonoid and tannin test displayed strong color,
suggesting the highest content of flavonoid and
tannin. However, quantitative test of date seeds
powder contains mainly of flavonoids the amount of
21.68 mg / mL (Table 1). Date seeds contain more
active compound like flavonoid, tannin, saponin and
alkaloid. This compound have an important role as
antioxidant to stop free radical chain reaction. The
average of age and body weight of the participants
were 51 years old and 68 kg (Table 2). The mean of
the study sample has an ideal body mass index but
has high blood pressure. Pre-menopause or elderly
will generally begin to be increasing the rate of free
radical oxidation product. Fat oxidation in the blood
vessels result a stiffness of blood vessels. This will
decrease blood vessel elasticity so that blood pressure
increases. The mean of TC, TG, LDL, and atherogenic
index were increased and HDL level was decreased
before consuming the date seeds beverage.
Nevertheless, after consuming the date seeds
beverage for 14 days, the average of TC, TG, LDL, and
atherogenic index were decreased and HDL level was
increased (Table 3). The paired t- test result showed
that there was a significant difference before and
after treatment (p< 0.005). The beverage of date seeds
can improve lipid profiles through decreasing of TC,
TG, LDL and atherogenic index and increasing of
HDL levels.
Table 1: Qualitative and quantitative test of phytochemical analysis of date seed
Qualitative test
Quantitative test
8.74 mg/mL
21.68 mg/mL
+: low positivity, ++: moderate positivity, +++: high positivity
Table 2: Respondent profile
Age (years)
Blood pressure
Systole (mmHg)
Diastole (mmHg)
Weight (kg)
Table 3: Lipid Profile differences between before and after treatment
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)
Triglycerides (mg/dL)
HDL (mg/dL)
LDL (mg/dL)
Atherogenic Index
*Significance level p<0.05
The result of this study showed that the
consumption of beverage of the date seeds improve
lipid profiles. The means of total cholesterol,
triglycerides, LDL, and atherogenic index level in pre-
menopause women before the treatment were
increase. After the treatment, all of the parameters in
lipid profiles are improve. This is possibly occurred
Saryono and Proverawati Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 29, June 2018
because the flavonoid component in date seeds which
act as antioxidants. The antioxidants act as inhibitors
in potential LDL oxidations and remove cholesterol
from macrophage, they also raise HDL binding and
removing cholesterol from the cells (Neori
et al
. 2013).
The result of a preceding research proves that date
seeds increase antioxidants status which can be seen
in various enzyme (such as SOD, GPX, Catalase) and
Vitamin E (Saryono, Hisni,
et al
. 2017). Date seeds
also contain essential fatty acid such as oleic, linoleic,
lauric, and palmitic acid. Oleic acid is essential in
preventing cardiovascular diseases. Oleic acid diet can
increase HDL level in blood and decrease LDL level
et al
. 2011). Previous studies reported that
the effects of date seeds extract can decrease total
plasma cholesterol and LDL level significantly (Alsaif
et al
. 2007, Hasan & Mohieldein 2016). However,
preceding studies about beverage of the date seeds
have not been made earlier, while individuals with
high triglycerides level have coronary artery disease
risks. High cholesterol diet in rabbit for 10 weeks has
proven that it could raise the triglycerides level
significantly. The raising of triglycerides can be
decreased until 65% by consuming the date seeds
extract water for 10 weeks. This is because HDL
prevents atherosclerosis by raising reverse lipid
transport through building up cholesterol and another
lipid translocation from peripheral to liver tissue for
the next step of processing (Hasan
et al
. 2010).
Another study showed that the effects of date seed
diet in rats can reduce total cholesterol plasma,
triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, while also
increasing HDL cholesterol plasma (Saryono
et al
2017, Hasan & Mohieldein, 2016). This supports the
fact that consuming date seed can manage cholesterol
absorption and metabolism. The possible components
responsible for those effects are fibers and
phytochemical in date seeds (Platat
et al
. 2014,
et al
. 2010, Yasin
et al
. 2015, Bouhlali
et al
2015). This therapeutic effects of date seed are
assumed attribute to its polyphenol and flavonoid
content (Al-Farsi & Lee 2008). Phenols are
antioxidants that can react with intermediate radicals
to produce stable and nonreactive phenolic radicals. A
non-reactive and stable radical product will terminate
undesirable radical oxidation processes. Flavonoids
are natural antioxidants that have the advantage of
safely not contaminated with chemicals and have no
side effects. Fiber component in date seed can
decrease cholesterol absorption and bile acid
reabsorption in lumen intestine, so it decrease insulin
secretion. Fiber fermentation produces short-chain
fatty acid which inhibits liver cholesterol biosynthesis.
Another study shows that consumption of date fruit
has an effects to body’s lipid profile (Rock
et al
. 2009).
A previous study demonstrated the antioxidants in
date seeds can increase paraoxonase enzyme activity
in mice with hypercholesterolemia. It is crucial in
preventing the oxidations of lipoprotein and helping
in the hydrolysis of oxidized cholesterol. PON1 is the
antioxidants enzyme which comes with HDL, the
functions as protection against atherosclerosis by
preventing lipoprotein oxidations and helping in the
hydrolysis of oxidized cholesterol, phospholipids in
atherosclerosis lesion and oxidized LDL. Thus, date
seeds effects correlate with antioxidants such as
phenolic compound (Takaeidi
et al
. 2014). The
implication of this research is everyone who likes
drinking coffee or tea can substitute with date seed
steeping. This drinking is not only safe but its can
improve the profile lipid. Date seed steeping can also
be consumed daily to keep body’s health. However,
there was no control group in this research, so more
research needed to confirm other factors that can
Beverage of the date seeds is proven to improve
HDL level and decrease LDL, triglycerides, total
cholesterol and atherogenic index in pre-menopause
women in Indonesia. In particular, the active
compound in the date seeds (e.g., flavonoid) is a key
component to improve lipid profiles. Further study is
needed to test the safety in the human body for long
term use.
The authors expresses their gratitude towards
Dr. Hernayanti for the technical assist in laboratory
Conflict Of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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... The participants consumed a dosage of 2.5 g of date pits per day for 14 days in the form of a drink, and lipid profiles were conducted before and after this treatment. The results revealed that routine consumption of date pit beverages could enable maintenance of a healthy lipid profile (Saryono and Proverawati, 2018). ...
... which date pits can be incorporated into various types of food products.Rahman et al., 2007;Abdillah and Andriani, 2012;Mirghani, 2012;El Sheikh et al., 2014;Venkatachalam and Sengottian, 2016;Saryono and Proverawati, 2018;Fikry et al., 2019;Al-Garni, 2020;Ragab and Yossef, 2020. Farsi et al., 2007;Basuny and Al-Marzooq, 2010;Al-Amri et al., 2014b;Bouaziz et al., 2017;Zamzam et al., 2018;Alqahtani, 2019;Abushal et al., 2021. ...
Full-text available
Agro-byproducts are substances generated by the bioprocessing industry that may provide functionality and bioactivity when used in foods, health supplements, and bio-composites. Date pits accumulate in very large quantities as a by-product of date processing factories, and they contain valuable bioactive compounds. Date pits and their treated fractions can serve as a cheap additive in food products, providing functionality such as improved composition in terms of fibers, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and antioxidant compounds. Additionally, date pits have been used as a natural preservative, fat replacer, tenderizing agent, hydrocolloid, and emulsifying agent. Their health functionalities include their antioxidant capacity, dietary fiber content, probiotic enhancement through dietary fibers, and the fact that they are caffeine free. This paper begins by presenting the chemical composition of date pits and their functionalities in various food products. The multifunctional roles of date pits when incorporated into food products are subsequently reviewed. In addition, this review focuses on the applications of date pits in many food products, such as coffee and other beverages, baked goods, meat products, dairy products, desserts, spreads, condiments, and other food-related products. However, it is a challenge to achieve the aforementioned functionality by incorporating date pits into food products at high levels.
... The participants consumed a dosage of 2.5 g of date pits per day for 14 days in the form of a drink, and lipid profiles were conducted before and after this treatment. The results revealed that routine consumption of date pit beverages could enable maintenance of a healthy lipid profile (Saryono and Proverawati, 2018). ...
... which date pits can be incorporated into various types of food products.Rahman et al., 2007;Abdillah and Andriani, 2012;Mirghani, 2012;El Sheikh et al., 2014;Venkatachalam and Sengottian, 2016;Saryono and Proverawati, 2018;Fikry et al., 2019;Al-Garni, 2020;Ragab and Yossef, 2020. Farsi et al., 2007;Basuny and Al-Marzooq, 2010;Al-Amri et al., 2014b;Bouaziz et al., 2017;Zamzam et al., 2018;Alqahtani, 2019;Abushal et al., 2021. ...
Full-text available
Date-pits are waste from date fruit processing industry and their valorisation as a lignocellulose biomaterial could generate economic gain. In this work, defatted date-pits (DDP) from whole date-pits (WDP), was soaked in alcohol-water followed by pressure-cooking. Two fractions of date-pits were developed, one as residue fraction (REP) and another one was supernatant fraction (SUP). REP showed higher level of hemicellulose and lower level of lignin (P < 0.05) compared to SUP. Similar water absorption, increased hygroscopicity, and decreased solubility were observed for REP compared to SUP. SEM showed that REP with bigger size particles as compared to the SUP fraction. SUP fraction showed two glass transitions, while REP showed single glass transition. Total specific heat changes of REP, and SUP fractions were 149 and 1032 J/kg oC, respectively, which indicated that SUP is mainly amorphous in composition. This was also supported by XRD data having Ruland-crystallinity of 52.0% (i.e. REP) and 9.6% (i.e. SUP), respectively. FTIR analysis indicated different molecular structure of SUP as compared to REP fraction as evidenced from the highest energy absorption for all selected functional groups. Overall, the results showed that this extraction method was effective to produce two distinctive fractions of date-pits with varied crystallinity.
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Liver is important for both defense mechanism and protein synthesis in the human body. This study examined the anti-toxicity of Peperomia pellucida on liver function of diabetic-induced rats. It was an experimental study using pre- and post-test control group design. Rats were categorized into five groups, i.e., groups of healthy control (A), negative control (B), and treatment (C-E) with dosages of 150, 300, and 600 mg/kg of P. pellucida, respectively. Each group comprises of 5 rats. The TNF-a, IL-12, and GSH were measured before and after a 14 days administration of P. pellucida. The data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA test followed by Duncan's post hoc test with a significance level of 5%. The result showed that P. pellucida steeping can improve liver cell damage, which was shown from the parameters of liver function, inflammation, and antioxidants. The mean of TNF-a and IL-12 levels decreased while the total protein, albumin, and GSH levels increased significantly after administration of P. pellucida steeping. Our study concluded that P. pellucida steeping might reduce TNF-a and IL-12 levels, and increased GSH level in diabetic-induced rat. A 300 mg/kg was the most effective dosage to reduce IL-12 and increase GSH.
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Background and Aim: Diabetes is a major public health problem worldwide. Oxidative stress is a risk factor in diabetes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible beneficial effect of caffeic acid (CA) on serum lipid parameters and atherogenic index in alloxan-induced male diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: 40 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group I as the healthy control group, group II as the healthy group treated with CA (50 mg/kg i.p. daily), group III as the diabetic control group and group IV as the diabetic group treated with CA (50 mg/kg i.p.daily). Diabetes was induced in the 3rd and 4th groups by the injection of alloxan monohydrate (100 mg/kg s.c). After seven weeks, animals were anaesthetized and blood samples were collected. Then, the serum level of fasting blood glucose (FBS), lipid parameters and the atherogenic index were measured. Results: The serum level of FBS, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and atherogenic index significantly decreased in the diabetic group treated with CA compared with the untreated diabetic group. The serum level of high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) significantly increased in the treated diabetic group compared with the untreated diabetic group. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that CA has beneficial effects on serum blood glucose, lipid profile and atherogenic index in type 1 diabetic rats.
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Background: Degenerative diseases have the highest death rates in the elderly and these rates begin to rise starting in the pre-menopausal period. One degenerative disease is caused by an increase in free radicals, which induce oxidative stress. Objective: This study aimed to examine the effects of date seed powder on the antioxidant status and oxidative damage in pre-menopausal women in Gununglurah Village, Banyumas, Indonesia. Methodology: Deglet noor dates were cleaned, sun-dried, roasted and mashed. The date powder was poured into boiling water (250 cc). The antioxidant status (superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and vitamin E) and oxidative damage (malondialdehyde (MDA)) were measured in women pre and post-treatment with date seed powder (2.5 g) for 2 weeks. The sample size of this study was 31 pre-menopausal women. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test. Results: The MDA level was significantly decreased after date seed consumption (p<0.05), whereas the mean SOD and GPX enzyme activities and the vitamin E were increased after consuming the date seed powder (p<0.05). Conclusion: Date seed powder increased the antioxidant status and decreased oxidative damage in pre-menopausal women.
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Introduction: Infertility in men is becoming more frequent and are usually caused by high levels of free radicals as a result of diet, smoking or pollution. Oxidative stress can be reduced by antioxidants, but a source of exogenous antioxidants are generally expensive. Date seed known contain a lot of antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of date seed steeping against MDA levels and sperm counts in rats model induced of monosodium glutamate (MSG). Method: This study was a pure experimental method using a post-test only with control group design. The treatments were grouped into 4 groups. Deglet Noor of date seed were used, washed and dried before roasting and smoothed. Sperm count is calculated in accordance research of Rahmanisa and Maisuri, (2013) and MDA examination with the C-18 method of TBARS (Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances). Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and continued with post hoc test. Results: There were differences in MDA levels and sperm counts between various groups. Giving date seed steeping 10.5 mg/gBW can decrease malondialdehyde levels in experimental animals after MSG induced significantly. The number of sperm increased significantly after the experimental animals were given a dose of date seed steeping 10.5 mg / g. Discussion: Keywords: free radicals, date seeds, malondialdehyde, sperm count, infertility.
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This is the first study to investigate the completely anti-atherogenic effect of Deglet Noor Date seeds methanol extract administration on diet-induced hypercholesterolemic rats. About 24 male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups. The normal control (NC) group, Hypercholesterolemic Control (HC) group was given high cholesterol diet, and Simvastatin Control (SC) group was given 0.18 mg/200g simvastatin after high cholesterol diet induction. The treatment groups of T0.25, T0.5 and T1 were given supplementation of 0.25, 0.5 and 1 g/kg of dates seed extract after high cholesterol diet induction, respectively for 21 days. Blood was collected from orbitals plexus vein for plasma lipid profile analysis. The levels of Total Cholesterol (TC), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Atherogenic Index (AI) values were significantly decreased (p<0.05) on diet-induced hypercholesterolemic rats after supplemented with date seeds extract (T0.25, T0.5 and T1) but not in Triglycerides (TG). Along with that, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) level was significantly increased (p<0.05). However, the T1 group was the best anti-atherogenic activity in compared to other groups. Results showed that plasma lipid profile was significant to get better after supplemented with date seeds extract.
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The date palm ( Phoenix dactylifera ) seeds were utilized in some traditional medical remedies and have been investigated for their possible health benefits. This proposed study wanted to assess the effect of date palm seeds (DPS) dietary supplementation in comparison to mannan-oligosaccharides (Bio-Mos®) and β -glucan over antioxidant and immunity events that have effect on growth and carcass performances of broilers. An aggregate of 180, one-day-old, chicks were raised in the wire-floored cages and allotted into control, Bio-Mos (0.1% Bio-Mos), β -glucan (0.1% β -glucan), DPS2 (2% date crushed seeds), DPS4 (4% date crushed seeds), and DPS6 (6% date crushed seeds) groups. Broilers in DPS2 and DPS4 groups showed significant variations ( P<0.05 ) in relative growth rate (RGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and efficiency of energy utilization in comparison to control group. Moreover, all DPS fed groups showed significant increases ( P<0.05 ) in serum reduced glutathione (GSH) values. Meanwhile, both serum interferon-gamma (IFN- γ ) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) levels were significantly increased ( P<0.05 ) in DPS2. Consequently, obtained data revealed a substantial enhancement of performance, immunity, and antioxidant status by DPS supplementation in broiler that might be related to the antioxidant and immune-stimulant constituents of P. dactylifera seeds.
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Introduction: Phoenix dactylifera (date palm) is major fruit of gulf region. In folk medicine; dates have been traditionally use. The date seed is used as hypoglycaemic, expectorant, tonic, aphrodisiac, antidiarrheic and mouth hygiene. Aim: This study intended to evaluate the anti-diabetic, hypolipidaemic and antioxidative activities of date seed extract in diabetes-induced rats. Materials and methods: Total of seven groups of rats, consisting of control rats and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats treated with aqueous seed extract in concentration of 100g/L in dosage of 10ml/day/rat. To evaluate the anti-diabetic property, glucose and weight was analysed weekly and at the end of eight week all rats were sacrificed. To evaluate the hypolipidaemic and antioxidative activities, serum cholesterol, triglyceride, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine were estimated. Liver enzymes and kidney function tests were performed. Moreover to verify the glycaemic effect; glycated haemoglobin and serum insulin was performed. Results: Aqueous seed extract in concentration of 100 gm/L in dosage of 10ml/day/rat brings a significant reduction of blood glucose levels in diabetic rats in comparison of control rats. There were significant differences in the investigated clinical chemistry and oxidative stress parameters between control and diabetic rats with both seed extract of Ajwa and Sukkari dates. Conclusion: Present study verifies the antidiabetic property, of aqueous seed extracts of two different varieties of dates namely Ajwa and Sukkari of Kingdom of Saudi on streptozotocin induced Diabetic rats. Prolong treatments with the extract restores the function of liver and kidney and balance the oxidative stress condition in diabetic treated rats.
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This review analyzes current studies of the therapeutic effects of Phoenix dactylifera, or date palm fruit, on the physiologic system. Specifically, we sought to summarize the effects of its application in preventing cell damage, improving cancer therapeutics and reducing damage caused by conventional chemotherapy. Phoenix dactylifera exhibits potent anti-oxidative properties both in vitro and in vivo. This allows the fruit to prevent depletion of intrinsic protection from oxidative cell damage and assist these defense systems in reducing cell damage. Macroscopically, this mechanism may be relevant to the prevention of various adverse drug events common to chemotherapy including hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, gastrotoxicity, and peripheral neuropathy. While such effects have only been studied in small animal systems, research suggests a potential application to more complex mammalian systems and perhaps a solution to some problems of chemotherapy in hepato-compromised and nephro-compromised patients.
This book is a comprehensive reference work on the current status of biotechnology of the major temperate, subtropical and tropical fruit and nut crop species of the world, including Actinidia spp., Anacardium occidentale, Mangifera indica, Pistacia vera, Annona spp., Cocos nucifera, Elaeis guineensis, Phoenix dactylifera, Ananas comosus, Carica papaya, Garcinia mangostana, Vaccinium spp., Castanea spp., Carya illinoinensis, Juglans regia, Persea americana, Ficus carica, Artocarpus spp. and Morus spp., Musa spp., Psidium guajava, Olea europaea, Averrhoa carambola, Passiflora spp., Fragaria spp., Malus domestica [ M. pumila ], Prunus spp., Pyrus spp., Cydonia spp., Rubus spp., Citrus spp., Dimocarpus longan, Litchi chinensis, Theobroma cacao and Vitis spp. It reviews the advances and current knowledge in key areas of biotechnology as applied to crop production and breeding. Tissue culture, genetic transformation or immunoassay, molecular and cell biology of fruit and nut crops are also discussed. Some of the older biotechnological techniques such as somatic hybridization, in vitro mutagenesis and selection, ploidy manipulation, etc., are only now being employed for many of the species considered here while genomics and the application of molecular marker-assisted selection to conventional breeding are becoming increasingly important. This book is intended for those working within the areas of plant biotechnology, perennial plant breeding and genetics and horticulture.
Date palm tree is considered as one of the oldest and main staple and ancient crops in Southwest Asia and North Africa. Date palm fruits possess high nutritional and therapeutic value with significant antioxidant, flavonoids, antibacterial and anti-proliferative properties. It is known for its intense natural sweet taste. This review provides a deep insight about its composition, antioxidant potential, role in combating various kinds of metabolic and diet related diseases and also highlights their applications as useful to the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries in the development of natural compound based industrial products.