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Long‐term research reveals multiple relationships between the abundance and impacts of a non‐native species

Limnology and Oceanography

Abstract and Figures

Non‐native species are among the most important drivers of the structure and function of modern ecosystems. The ecological impacts of a non‐native species ought to depend on the size and characteristics of its population, but the exact nature of this population‐impacts relationship is rarely defined. Both the mathematical form of this relationship (e.g., linear, exponential, and threshold) and the attributes of the invading population (e.g., density, biomass, and body size) that most efficiently describe its impacts could vary greatly across invaders, ecosystems, and ecological variables. Knowing the shape of this relationship could improve management and help to infer mechanisms of interaction between the invader and ecosystem. We used a long‐term data set on the invasion of the Hudson River ecosystem by two species of Dreissena (the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, and the quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis) to explore the shape of the population‐impacts relationship for selected ecological variables, including seston, phytoplankton, and several taxa of zooplankton. Most population‐impacts relationships appeared to follow a negative exponential form, but we also found apparent thresholds and scatterplots for some variables. Including information on the traits of Dreissena (body size and filtration rate) often substantially improved models of impacts. We found only slight evidence that the resistance of the Hudson River ecosystem to the Dreissena invasion might be increasing over time. Our results suggest important refinements to widely used conceptual models of invasive species impact, and indicate that defining the population‐effects relationship will be essential in understanding and managing the impacts of non‐native species.
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Limnol. Oceanogr. 9999, 2018, 113
© 2018 The Authors. Limnology and Oceanography published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
on behalf of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
doi: 10.1002/lno.11029
Long-term research reveals multiple relationships between
the abundance and impacts of a non-native species
David L. Strayer,
Christopher T. Solomon,
Stuart E. G. Findlay,
Emma J. Rosi
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York
Graham Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Non-native species are among the most important drivers of the structure and function of modern ecosys-
tems. The ecological impacts of a non-native species ought to depend on the size and characteristics of its popu-
lation, but the exact nature of this population-impacts relationship is rarely dened. Both the mathematical
form of this relationship (e.g., linear, exponential, and threshold) and the attributes of the invading population
(e.g., density, biomass, and body size) that most efciently describe its impacts could vary greatly across
invaders, ecosystems, and ecological variables. Knowing the shape of this relationship could improve manage-
ment and help to infer mechanisms of interaction between the invader and ecosystem. We used a long-term
data set on the invasion of the Hudson River ecosystem by two species of Dreissena (the zebra mussel, Dreissena
polymorpha, and the quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis) to explore the shape of the population-impacts rela-
tionship for selected ecological variables, including seston, phytoplankton, and several taxa of zooplankton.
Most population-impacts relationships appeared to follow a negative exponential form, but we also found
apparent thresholds and scatterplots for some variables. Including information on the traits of Dreissena (body
size and ltration rate) often substantially improved models of impacts. We found only slight evidence that the
resistance of the Hudson River ecosystem to the Dreissena invasion might be increasing over time. Our results
suggest important renements to widely used conceptual models of invasive species impact, and indicate that
dening the population-effects relationship will be essential in understanding and managing the impacts of
non-native species.
Non-native species are one of the most important drivers of
the structure and function of modern ecosystems, affecting
everything from population genetics to biogeochemical cycles
(e.g., Strayer 2010; Lockwood et al. 2013). The most common
way to assess the impacts of a species invasion has been to
compare the ecosystem before and after invasion; that is, to
treat the invading population as a binary variable (either pre-
sent or absent). However, there may be substantial variability
in impacts after the invasion as a result in changes in the size
or traits of the invaders population.
Parker (1999) proposed to incorporate this variation by
describing the impact of a non-native species as:
Impact I
¼abundance A
×range R
×per capita effect E
Although appealing, this equation has several possible short-
comings. For instance, impacts may not be a linear function of
abundance (Fig. 1). Although abundance is most obviously inter-
preted as population density, some other measure of the abun-
dance of the invader (e.g., biomass, % cover) may more
effectively describe its impacts. If the per capita effect term is to
be understood as something other than a catch-all to be inter-
preted post hoc after observing impacts, then we must consider
the possibility of changing per capita effects as a result of
changes in traits of the invader or resistance of the ecosystem.
Parker et al. did recognize some of these complications in their
original paper, but subsequent authors have not always consid-
ered these nuances, and the Parker et al. equation often is
quoted uncritically.
Why does the form of the relationship between the
invaders population and the impacts on the ecosystem mat-
ter? In addition to any interest this relationship may have for
Special Issue: Long-term Perspectives in Aquatic Research.
Edited by: Stephanie Hampton, Matthew Church, John Melack and Mark
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of
this article.
academic invasion ecologists, the details of this relationship
are of the highest importance to management (e.g., Yokomizo
et al. 2009). Consider the simple question of whether it would
be worthwhile to spend a certain amount of money to cut the
invaders population by 50%. As Fig. 1 shows, a 50% reduc-
tion in an invaders population could reasonably be expected
to have an effect of anywhere between 0% and 100%, or be
completely unpredictable, depending on the form of this rela-
tionship. Without knowing something about the form of the
relationship between the invaders population and ecosystem
structure and function, it is difcult to evaluate proposed
management actions (Yokomizo et al. 2009). Additionally,
knowing the shape of the population-impacts relationship
may reveal fundamental information about the mechanisms
by which the invader inuences other species or processes in
the ecosystem.
There are many ways by which invasion ecologists might
test and rene alternative models of invasion impacts,
including direct experimentation, modeling, cross-system
comparisons, and long-term studies (cf. Carpenter 1998;
Vander Zanden et al. 2017). Here, we use long-term data
from the Hudson River ecosystem to compare alternative
models of how the invasion of Dreissena spp. (the zebra mus-
sel, Dreissena polymorpha, and the quagga mussel, Dreissena
rostriformis) affected the Hudson River ecosystem.
Specically, we compare the effectiveness of several kinds
of models to describe the impact of Dreissena. First, we com-
pare models based solely on the presence or absence of the
invader with models that include some measure of its abun-
dance. Although it seems obvious that models including some
measure of abundance would outperform presenceabsence
models, presenceabsence ( = before/after invasion designs)
are very common in invasion ecology, either because abun-
dance data are lacking or because such simple models are con-
venient and effective (e.g., Strayer et al. 2008). If the
abundance of the invader varies over a sufciently wide range,
either over time or across sites, such presenceabsence models
will be inadequate to describe these impacts.
Fig. 1. Hypothetical examples of several kinds of possible relationships between population density of an invader and ecosystem characteristics. The
points could represent either conditions at different times in a single place or conditions in different places.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
Second, we compared models using a linear function of
abundance (as suggested by the Parker et al. formulation) with
a specic nonlinear model (a negative exponential function).
Although linear models are simple and widely used, they are
likely to be inappropriate for many kinds of interactions
between invaders and the ecosystems they invade (Yokomizo
et al. 2009; Thiele et al. 2010; Vander Zanden et al. 2017). For
instance, the impacts of suspension feeders like Dreissena are
more likely to follow a negative exponential form than be lin-
ear with Dreissena density (e.g., Caraco et al. 2006; Higgins
and Vander Zanden 2010).
Third, we compared models that included some informa-
tion on the traits of the invader with models based solely on
abundance. Individuals within an invading species often
vary in traits such as body size, gape width, chemical con-
tent, and so on, in ways that affect their roles within an eco-
system. Body size of Hudson River Dreissena has varied
considerably from year to year (Strayer and Malcom 2014),
which could have two important consequences. To begin
with, ltration rate is a nonlinear function of body size
(Kryger and Riisgard 1988), so a population of large animals
lters more water than a population of small animals of the
same population density. In addition, there is some evidence
that large Dreissena can capture a different mix of particles
than small Dreissena,andspecicallyaremoreeffectiveat
capturing zooplankton (MacIsaac et al. 1995). Therefore, we
compared models based on population density with those
that were based on ltration rates, and those that included
only ltration rates of the largest animals.
Fourth, we searched for evidence that the Hudson ecosys-
tem has developed resistance to the Dreissena invasion over
time, so that per capita Dreissena impacts have declined. There
is a persistent idea in invasion ecology that ecosystems might
become more resistant to an invader over time as species
already in the ecosystem develop morphological or behavioral
defenses against the invader, incorporate the invader into
their diets, and so on (e.g., Carlsson et al. 2009; Strayer 2012;
Iacarella et al. 2015; Langkilde et al. 2017), or as new enemies
of the invader arrive in the ecosystem.
Finally, we close by using the results of these comparisons
to extend Parker et al.s framework for describing the impacts
of non-native species.
The study area
The study area is the freshwater tidal section of the Hudson
River in eastern New York, extending from RKM 99247
(i.e., river kilometers from the mouth of the river at The Bat-
tery in New York City). This part of the Hudson averages
900 m wide and 8 m deep, and is well mixed by strong tidal
currents, which prevent stratication. Mean annual discharge
is ~ 500 m
/s, depending on location along the river, but tidal
ows usually are much larger than net freshwater ows down-
river. Mean water residence time during the growing season in
the years of our study was 317 weeks. The river bottom is
predominately sand or mud, although ~ 7% of the area is
rocky; these rocky areas support most of the Dreissena popula-
tion. The water is turbid (Secchi transparency ~ 1 to 2 m,
chiey a result of suspended silt), moderately hard (pH ~ 8,
Ca ~ 20 to 25 mg/L) and rich in nutrients (TP ~ 80 μg/L, NO
N ~ 400 μg/L). Allochthonous inputs dominate the organic
carbon budget, although autochthonous production by phyto-
plankton and rooted plants can be important locally or to
parts of the food web (Caraco et al. 2010; Cole and Solomon
2012). Bacterial production greatly exceeds phytoplankton
production (Findlay 2006). Dominant species include diatoms
and cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton; rotifers, cyclopoids,
and Bosmina in the zooplankton; bivalves and oligochaetes in
the zoobenthos; and young-of-the-year of Alosa and Morone in
the sh. Further information about the freshwater tidal Hud-
son is available in Levinton and Waldman (2006).
The zebra mussel, D. polymorpha,appearedintheHudsonin
1991 and quickly developed a large population; by the end of
1992, the biomass of zebra mussels exceeded the biomass of all
other heterotrophs in the ecosystem (Strayer et al. 1996). We
observed large and pervasive effects of zebra mussels throughout
the Hudson River ecosystem, including on water chemistry and
clarity (Caraco et al. 1997, 2000), bacterioplankton (Findlay
et al. 1998), phytoplankton (Caraco et al. 1997, 2006), zoo-
plankton (Pace et al. 2010), zoobenthos (Strayer et al. 2011;
Strayer and Malcom 2014), and sh (Strayer et al. 2014b). Zebra
mussels have caused similarly large and wide-ranging impacts in
many other freshwater ecosystems (reviewed by Higgins and
Vander Zanden 2010). A second species of Dreissena, the quagga
mussel (D. rostriformis,formerlycalledDreissena bugensis)
appeared in the Hudson in 2008, although it still constitutes
< 10% of the combined Dreissena population in the river
(Strayer and Malcom 2014, and unpubl.). In this article, we
combine the two species as Dreissena spp.
We analyzed the responses of suspended particulate inor-
ganic matter (PIM), phytoplankton biomass, tintinnid ciliates
(henceforth, ciliates), rotifers, nauplii, cladocerans, and
copepods to different densities of Dreissena, as expressed by
the presence, population density, aggregate ltration rate, and
ltration rate of the largest animals (shell length > 20 mm) of
Dreissena. We chose particulate inorganic matter as a variable
that we expected to be unaffected by Dreissena. These mussels
do take up particulate inorganic matter, but it is egested in
feces and pseudofeces and rapidly resuspended into the water
column by strong tidal mixing in the Hudson (Roditi
et al. 1997). Thus, we expected to see no effect of Dreissena on
this variable. In contrast, we expected that Dreissena would
cause the other, biotic, variables to decline, either because of
direct ingestion by Dreissena (phytoplankton, ciliates, rotifers,
and nauplii) or because of indirect effects transmitted through
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
the food web (cladocerans and copepods). Furthermore, we
expected that the body size of Dreissena would matter more to
larger, more motile particles than smaller, less motile particles,
in the sequence copepods ~ cladocerans > nauplii ~ rotifers >
ciliates > phytoplankton.
Field and laboratory methods were described in detail by
Findlay et al. (1991), Strayer et al. (1996), Caraco et al. (1997),
and Pace et al. (1998). Briey, water chemistry and plankton
were sampled during 19872016 every 2 weeks during the ice-
free season near Kingston (RKM 151). Water samples for anal-
ysis of seston and chlorophyll were taken from 0.5 m below
the waters surface using a peristaltic pump. Triplicate samples
for seston were ltered onto precombusted Whatman 934-AH
lters which were dried at 70C for at least 12 h before being
weighed, then combusted at 450C for 4 h and reweighed to
estimate both organic and inorganic particulate matter. Tripli-
cate samples for chlorophyll analysis were ltered onto What-
man GFF lters which were frozen until a basic methanol
extraction was performed and analyzed using a Turner Designs
uorometer. Microzooplankton were sampled by ltering
water collected using the peristaltic pump through a 35 μm
mesh in the eld, and macrozooplankton were sampled by l-
tering water collected using a calibrated open-diaphragm bilge
pump through a 73 μm mesh in the eld. Animals in these
samples were narcotized using carbonated water and preserved
in a buffered 4% formaldehyde solution (60 g/L of sucrose
plus 8.4 g/L of NaHCO
) to yield a nal formaldehyde concen-
tration of 2%, then counted in the laboratory under an
inverted microscope (microzooplankton) or a dissecting
microscope (macrozooplankton). Data used here are growing
season means (1 May30 September).
The density, body size distribution, and ltration rate of the
Dreissena population were estimated from samples deployed in
a stratied random design throughout the freshwater tidal
Hudson. Seven hard-bottom sites were sampled by divers in
June (no June samples were taken in 1993, 1994, 1995, or
2000) and August and 44 soft-bottom sites were sampled by
standard (23 by 23 cm) PONAR grab in JuneJuly, then sieved
in the eld. Rocks collected by divers and sieve residues from
PONAR samples were sorted in the laboratory, and representa-
tive subsamples of animals were measured (shell length using
calipers and shell-free dry mass after animals were dried for at
least 24 h at 60C). We estimated ltration rates using the
regression of Kryger and Riisgard (1988), which is based on the
body mass of individual mussels, and combined the data from
the different sampling times into a single growing-season
mean. The range of Dreissena in the Hudson has not changed
substantially since 1992 (Strayer et al. 1996, and unpubl.), so
we do not include range in our models (including it would
simply introduce a scaling constant to the models and not
affect any of our conclusions). More than 75% of the Dreissena
population lives in RKM 151213 (Strayer and Malcom 2006),
immediately upriver from the Kingston station where plankton
samples were taken.
We t generalized linear models to describe the relation-
ships between the response variables and several measures of
the abundance or potential impact of the Dreissena popula-
tion. We considered both linear models (using an identity link
function) and exponential models (using a log link function)
of Dreissena effects on the response variables. (We did not
attempt to t any other mathematical functions because our
understanding of suspension-feeding suggested to us that a
negative exponential was the most promising nonlinear func-
tional form.) For both types of models we assumed that obser-
vations were Gamma distributed, given that the response
variables were all bounded by zero with relatively high vari-
ances. We included the freshwater ow of the Hudson as a
covariate in all models, and also t null models including only
this covariate, because previous work suggests that freshwater
ow is an important predictor of plankton and seston in the
Hudson (e.g., Strayer et al. 2008). We considered using mean
water temperature as an additional covariate, but it was corre-
lated with ow (r=0.40, p= 0.03, loglog), and including it
often created convergence problems in the tting algorithm.
The models were t using the glm() function in R (R Core
Team 2017). We used likelihood proles to determine 95%
condence intervals for the parameters of each model using
the connt() function, calculated Nagelkerkes pseudo-R
each model using the pR2() function in the pscl package
(Jackman 2017), and compared models using the small-sample
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC
To test whether the resistance of the Hudson ecosystem to
Dreissena might be changing over time, we plotted the resid-
uals of our best model against year, and tested whether the
linear regression slope was signicantly greater than 0 (i.e., a
one-tailed test). If the ecosystem has been getting more resis-
tant to Dreissena, these residuals should rise through time.
The population size of Dreissena, as well as all of the
response variables, varied greatly from year to year over the
course of our study (Fig. 2). The results of the statistical
models are summarized in Fig. 3, with full details in Support-
ing Information Table S1. As expected, the null model (fresh-
water ow only), which did not include any Dreissena-related
variable, was a satisfactory model (i.e., lowest AIC
and high
) only for particulate inorganic matter. Concentrations of
suspended inorganic matter were positively correlated with
freshwater ow and not much affected by Dreissena; adding
Dreissena-related variables to models for suspended inorganic
matter slightly increased AIC
over the null model (ΔAIC
0.6 to 2.7). In contrast, effects of freshwater ow on biotic
variables almost always were negative, though rarely signi-
cantly different from zero at p= 0.05. Our further description
of the modeling results for the biotic variables, which were
affected by Dreissena, is organized around the ve questions
presented in the Introduction.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
Presenceabsence vs. abundance models
Models based on the presence or absence of Dreissena
usually were outperformed by models that included some
measure of the size or traits of the Dreissena population.
The striking exception was for phytoplankton, for which
the presenceabsence model had substantially the lowest
. Plots of phytoplankton biomass vs. Dreissena density
or ltration rates (Fig. 4) showed a steep, consistent
decline between pre-invasion years with growing season
meansof1729 μg chlorophyll a(Chl a)/L and postinva-
sion years with growing season means of 411 Chl a/L,
but relatively little interpretable variation in the postinva-
sion years.
Presenceabsence models for particulate inorganic matter
and cladocerans were also slightly better than models based
on measures of Dreissena population size or traits. However,
none of these was very good: as just noted, PIM was best pre-
dicted by freshwater ow alone, and cladoceran densities were
not well predicted by either freshwater ow or any of the
Dreissena-related variables that we used (Fig. 3, Supporting
Information Table S1).
Linear vs. nonlinear models
Attempting to t linear models to the bounded positive
and clearly nonlinear data (Fig. 4) led to convergence prob-
lems in tting models. Furthermore, linear models assume
Fig. 2. Population density of Dreissena and growing season means for response variables at the long-term monitoring station on the Hudson River at
Kingston, 19872016. See Methods section for details.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
constant variance and allow for negative values of the
response variable, but the response variables often had non-
constant variance and of course must always be positive. Fit-
ting linear models to the data led to negative and nonsensical
predicted values of response variable at high Dreissena densi-
ties. Therefore, we abandoned further attempts to t linear
models to the data, and rejected linear functions of Dreissena
abundance as an appropriate description of impacts.
Population density of Dreissena vs. trait-based approaches
Models using the estimated total ltration rate of the Dreis-
sena population outperformed models using population
density, except in the case of macrozooplankton (copepods
and cladocerans), for which no model performed very well.
The gap between density-based models and ltration-based
models was especially large for rotifers (ΔAIC
~ 9). Models
using ltration rate of only the largest Dreissena were better
than models using total population ltration rate for rotifers,
nauplii, and copepods, but substantially worse than models
using total population ltration rate for phytoplankton and
ciliates. There was little difference (ΔAIC
< 0.5) among
models based on density, total ltration rate, or ltration rates
of large Dreissena for cladocerans, for which no models
performed well.
Fig. 3. Akaike weights of competing models based on different measures of the Dreissena population for each response variable. Akaike weights indicate
the relative likelihood of each model, given the data, and sum to 1 across the set of candidate models. FR(large) = river-wide ltration rate of large (shell
length > 20 mm) Dreissena, FR(total) = river-wide ltration rate of all Dreissena, and PIM = particulate inorganic matter.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
Fig. 4. Plots of each response variable against Dreissena density, total ltration rate of the Dreissena population, and ltration rate of only the largest
Dreissena. Each point represents the mean value for a year.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
Development of ecosystem resistance to Dreissena
There is just a hint in the pattern of residuals that ecosys-
tem resistance to the effects of Dreissena may be increasing
over time (Fig. 5). Residuals from the best models for phyto-
plankton, nauplii, and copepods all had positive slopes against
time, although these slopes were only marginally signicant
(one-tailed p-values are 0.04, 0.09, and 0.02, respectively). No
variables showed a pattern of declining residuals (suggesting
declining ecosystem resistance) over time.
Model agreement with predictions
The results of the model comparisons were mostly consis-
tent with our predictions. As predicted, concentrations of sus-
pended inorganic particles were not strongly related to the
Dreissena population, regardless of the variable that we used to
describe it. For the biotic variables that we expected to be
affected by Dreissena, population density of Dreissena was usu-
ally better than presence as a predictor of impacts. Including
Fig. 5. Residuals from the best model for each dependent variable (i.e., the model having the lowest AIC
) plotted against time after the Dreissena inva-
sion. If the ecosystem is developing resistance to the effects of this invader, the residuals should rise through time.
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
some trait information (total ltration rate) usually further
improved the models, and focusing only on the ltration by
large Dreissena improved models for large particles (zooplank-
ton) but not for smaller particles (phytoplankton and ciliates).
This is consistent with the idea that only large-bodied Dreis-
sena can ingest small zooplankton such as rotifers (MacIsaac
et al. 1995), whereas Dreissena of all sizes can ingest small par-
ticles such as phytoplankton and ciliates.
We found only a slight indication that ecosystem resistance
to the Dreissena invasion may be rising in the Hudson, in the
form of rising residuals through time (Fig. 5). Although the
idea of increasing ecosystem resistance to invaders is pervasive
in invasion ecology, it has not yet well tested empirically
(Strayer 2012; Iacarella et al. 2015). More evidence like Fig. 5 is
needed to resolve this question.
Model failures
However, we also found two important deviations from our
expectations. First, impacts on phytoplankton were not
related to any measure of Dreissena population size, but were
well predicted by simply considering the presence of Dreissena.
Phytoplankton biomass declined steeply when Dreissena
appeared in the Hudson, but interannual variation in postin-
vasion years was small and unrelated to any measure of the
Dreissena population that we considered. It is possible that the
Hudsons phytoplankton are extremely sensitive to grazing
because their growth rates are so slow as a result of severe light
limitation (Cole et al. 1992; Caraco et al. 1997). Because Dreis-
sena did not reduce concentrations of suspended inorganic
matter (Supporting Information Table S1), water clarity rose
only modestly after the Dreissena invasion (Caraco et al. 1997;
Strayer et al. 1999, Strayer et al. 2014a), so phytoplankton
would have been severely light limited even after Dreissena
arrived. If this explanation is correct, the presenceabsence
effect that we detected could actually be an extremely steep
negative exponential function that reaches its asymptote at a
very low level of grazing. The fact that the asymptote is not
zero suggests that a fraction of the phytoplankton is either
not captured by Dreissena, or is returned to the water column
undigested as pseudofeces and feces disintegrate. This expla-
nation is consistent with previous work on the Hudson show-
ing that Dreissena biodeposits (feces and pseudofeces) contain
substantial amounts of live algae (Roditi et al. 1997; Bastviken
et al. 1998) that could be resuspended in the turbulent Hud-
son. Alternatively, the relationship between grazing and phy-
toplankton biomass could be a threshold function with the
threshold at low grazing rates. The data (Fig. 4) are consistent
with all three of these interpretations and currently insuf-
cient to distinguish among them.
The second failure of our modeling is our inability to
describe cladoceran densities; all of our models had low R
and none contained signicant terms for either freshwater
ow or Dreissena (Supporting Information Table S1). We can
suggest two causes for this poor model performance. First,
cladoceran populations in the Hudson, consisting almost
entirely of Bosmina freyi, are extraordinarily dynamic, typically
blooming in June for just a few weeks at densities ~ 100- to
1000-fold above background (Pace and Lonsdale 2006). This
high variability makes our estimates of growing season means
(based on samples taken every 2 weeks) imprecise. Imprecision
in estimating both Bosmina and Dreissena populations may
degrade model performance. Second, it appears that Bosmina
is too large for even large Dreissena to capture effectively
(MacIsaac et al. 1991, 1995), so impacts of Dreissena are indi-
rect, transmitted through the food web. Unsurprisingly,
models of parts of the ecosystem that were affected directly by
Dreissena grazing (phytoplankton, ciliates, and rotifers) tended
to have higher R
than models for particles too large for Dreis-
sena to graze, and therefore affected only by indirect pathways
(copepods and cladocerans). Populations of these latter organ-
isms presumably are affected by factors such as predation from
young-of-year sh (Limburg et al. 1997; Pace and Lonsdale
2006) as well as changes in their food supply arising from
Dreissena grazing.
Functional relationships between invaders and ecosystems
The different functional forms shown in Fig. 1 have strik-
ingly different implications for management (cf. Yokomizo
et al. 2009). As we have noted, a control program that reduces
the population of the invader by 50% could nearly eliminate
the impacts of the invader, have no effect on those impacts,
be more than is needed to produce the desired relief from
impacts (overkill), or have completely unpredictable effects.
Such programs often require substantial time and money, and
often have harmful side-effects on other species and the envi-
ronment (e.g., Davis 2009, pp. 154156; Rinella et al. 2009;
Zarnetske et al. 2010). Management undertaken without con-
sidering the functional relationship between the invaders
population and the ecosystem thus may waste money and
produce unnecessary harm to ecosystems (Yokomizo
et al. 2009).
Is it practical to predict the functional relationships
between invaders and ecosystems without making detailed
measurements on every invader and every ecosystem that is
invaded? This is an open question, but given the diversity and
complexity of the relationships between invaders and ecosys-
tems, it seems unlikely that we will be able to predict such
relationships with precision. Nevertheless, it may be possible
to develop useful predictions by considering the traits of the
invader, the ecosystem, and the response variable being con-
sidered. The easiest cases probably will be those in which a
single direct process links the invader to the ecosystem
(e.g., an invading predator eating a native prey). In such cases,
it may be possible to use laboratory experiments and simple
models to dene the functional and numerical response
curves of the actors (e.g., Dick 2017; Laverty 2017) and predict
the shape (linear, exponential, and threshold) and perhaps
even the parameters of the relationship between invader and
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
ecosystem. Suspension feeding by Dreissena and other bivalves
might seem to be a promising example, but even here interac-
tions between grazing, nutrients, and the development of
toxic algae (e.g., Vanderploeg et al. 2001; White et al. 2011;
Horst et al. 2014) complicate matters. Conversely, if the effects
of an invader on one part of an ecosystem are strongly
affected by other parts of the ecosystem, as will be the case for
indirect effects, the relationship between invader and ecosys-
tem may be noisy and even unpredictable. The poor relation-
ships we observed between Dreissena and crustacean
zooplankton in the Hudson may be an example of this, where
factors such as sh predation (Limburg et al. 1997), advection
(Pace et al. 1992), the availability of alternative food resources
(Maguire and Grey 2006), or indirect effects propagated
through the food web may have obscured the effects of Dreis-
sena on the food resources of the crustaceans. Time lags may
also introduce unpredictability and hysteresis into the
invader-ecosystem relationship, whether they arise from dif-
ferent dynamic speeds of the invading population and the
response variable, or from the processes that indirectly link
the invader and the response variable. Thus, predicting the
shape and parameters of the relationships linking invaders
and ecosystem variables may be tractable, but it is not likely
to be easy.
Improving the Parker et al. equation
The simple Parker et al. model failed in two ways as an ade-
quate description of Dreissena impacts in the Hudson. First,
impacts are clearly not a linear function of Dreissena abun-
dance, whether that abundance is expressed as population
density, total population ltration rate, or ltration rate of the
largest animals (Fig. 4). Considering the mechanisms that link
invading species to their ecosystems (see above), we suggest
that nonlinearity is more likely than linearity to be the rule in
invasions (see also Yokomizo et al. 2009; Thiele et al. 2010;
Vander Zanden et al. 2017).
Second, the per capita impactterm in the Parker
et al. equation is vague, and could benet from closer exami-
nation. Rather than estimating this term by measuring range,
abundance, and impact and solving the equation for per
capita impact (E=I/[A×R]), it could be fruitful to explicitly
consider what contributes to the per capita impact of a non-
native species, and consider how those factors might vary
across time and space. In general, we might recognize that per
capita impact depends on the traits of the invader and the
resistance of the ecosystem (i.e., its response to a given popu-
lation of an invader, with a particular density and traits).
Many traits could vary over space and time and affect the
impacts of an invader. In the case of Dreissena in the Hudson,
temporal changes in body size were important in modulating
impacts, probably both by affecting ltration rates and by
determining what kinds of particles could be captured (Kryger
and Riisgard 1988; MacIsaac et al. 1995). These changes in
body size allowed partial recovery of some (e.g., rotifers) but
not all (e.g., phytoplankton) parts of the ecosystem towards
pre-invasion conditions. Body size or growth in Dreissena is
affected by predation (Hamilton et al. 1994; Nadda
et al. 2010), disturbance regimes (MacIsaac 1996; Chase and
Bailey 1999), and food availability (Sprung 1995; Baldwin
2002), and might diminish over time as predators become
more adept at eating the introduced prey, as they have in the
Hudson (Carlsson et al. 2011). Thus, differences in body size
of Dreissena are likely to underlie differences in per capita
impacts across sites and over time. The body size of many
other invaders is likely to change over the course of the inva-
sion and affect their impacts.
Traits other than body size likewise will affect per capita
effects of invaders. The per capita effects of another invader in
the Hudson, the aquatic plant Trapa natans, are determined not
by individual plant size, but by the size of the plant bed: large
beds have much more pronounced effects on dissolved oxygen
and denitrication (Hummel and Findlay 2006). Other invader
traits that might affect per capita impact include nutrient stoi-
chiometry, chemical or morphological defenses against preda-
tion, phenology, virulence, and so on. Incorporating trait
information into models of impacts of invading species will
require careful attention to (and testing of ) the specicmecha-
nisms of interaction between the invader and the ecosystem.
Ultimately, the Parker et al. equation might be improved
either by making it more specic or more general. We have
suggested that it could be made more specic by replacing the
linear form with nonlinear functions where appropriate, and
by being more explicit about what per capita effectsmeans,
perhaps even expanding this term into two separate terms to
recognize the distinct roles of invader traits and ecosystem
resistance. In addition, because it is clear that all of the terms
in the equation can vary over time (as they have in the Hud-
son), it would be useful to time index all of the terms in the
equation. Furthermore, because of the likelihood of irrevers-
ible, lagged, or hysteretic effects of invaders, this time index-
ing would have to consider not only the state of the system at
time t, but at all previous times back to tk, where kis the
depth of the time memory in the system. The resulting equa-
tion would thus be tailored to each invader and ecosystem
being analyzed and would become temporally dynamic.
Conversely, it may be better to write the Parker et al. equa-
tion in a more general form, and to use it simply as an orga-
nizing framework rather than as a formal equation to be
evaluated and solved. In such a case, we might replace
Impact IðÞ¼abundance AðÞ×range RðÞ×per capita effect EðÞ
Impact It
¼f abundance At
,range Rt
,per capita effect Et
and time index all of the variables, as described above. Such a
general formulation would allow for great exibility and
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
would remind invasion ecologists, ecosystem scientists, and
managers of the factors that need to be considered when ana-
lyzing the effects of an invasion.
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The authors are grateful for nancial support from the National Sci-
ence Foundation, including the Long-Term Research in Environmental
Biology program (most recently DEB-1556246) and the Hudson River
Foundation, and are deeply indebted to Nina Caraco, Jon Cole, David
Fischer, Heather Malcom, and Mike Pace, who helped design this research
program and contributed many ideas and data over the years. Mark
Scheuerell and two anonymous reviewers provided useful suggestions for
improving the article. The authors also appreciate the contributions of the
many people who collected and analyzed samples since 1987.
Conict of Interest
None declared.
Submitted 29 January 2018
Revised 27 June 2018
Accepted 26 July 2018
Associate editor: Mark Scheuerell
Strayer et al. Population size and impacts of Dreissena
... The lack of documentation of P. clarkii in these areas from the 1980s and 1990s does not necessarily mean that the species was truly absent at that time. Procambarus clarkii may have been present in these catchments but undetected either owing to low abundances consistent with early stages of the invasion process (Strayer et al., 2019) and/or low levels of previous sampling effort. Procambarus clarkii was recorded in February 1999 in a neighbouring basin within the Lower Pee Dee River system (Cooper & Armstrong, 2007;Fullerton & Watson, 2001) and this occurrence could represent a source population for cross-basin dispersal. ...
... Our study occurred within approximately 20 years of the establishment of P. clarkii in parts of this region. The existence of a time lag between non-native species establishment and consequent ecological impacts is well-established (e.g., Spear et al., 2021;Strayer et al., 2019), and our observed co-occurrences of P. clarkii with native crayfishes may indicate that our sampling was conducted before P. clarkii was able to effectively displace the native taxa. The significant difference in crayfish assemblages and reduced species richness in sites with P. clarkii, as opposed to those without P. clarkii, are likely to be indications that P. clarkii is negatively impacting native crayfishes. ...
Full-text available
Non‐native species can spread rapidly through aquatic ecosystems in association with both natural and anthropogenic mechanisms, but the relative importance of these two mechanisms in determining the spread of a species is not always clear. The red swamp crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii ) has been introduced to multiple continents, including waterbodies in the United States where both natural and anthropogenic dispersal are likely to have contributed to its current distribution. The present study combined comparisons of historical and contemporary distributions of P. clarkii and several high conservation priority crayfish species, regional field sampling, and microsatellite‐based genetic approaches from the Pee Dee River basin in North Carolina and South Carolina to understand the dispersal patterns of P. clarkii and its potential effects on native crayfishes. Field sampling and microsatellite analyses revealed widespread populations of P. clarkii throughout the study area with catchment‐specific patterns of population genetic structure, wherein more distinct genetic structures were found in the basin with historic aquaculture activities and a longer period of occurrence. The rapid spread of P. clarkii has occurred concurrently with extirpations of populations of native crayfishes, namely the Waccamaw crayfish ( Procambarus braswelli ), the Carolina Sandhills crayfish ( Procambarus pearsei ) and the coastal plain crayfish ( Procambarus ancylus ). The rapid spread of P. clarkii and coincident extirpation of native crayfishes calls for more extensive regulatory controls to help prevent the intentional or accidental release of non‐native crayfishes through aquaculture practices, bait releases, the pet trade and the environmental education industry.
... Investigating these aspects could provide insights into the mechanisms that drive long-term coexistence within invaded communities, an essential aspect in invasion dynamics (Carrara et al., 2015; Mori et al., 2013). Also, analyzing long-term patterns at the population level is critical for understanding invasion dynamics and forecasting the potential impacts of non-native species (Carlsson et al., 2010;Strayer et al., 2006Strayer et al., , 2019. Therefore, addressing these questions offers valuable insights into invasion ecology from the population level, a poorly explored perspective, which has been recognized as having the ability to capture the variability and complexity of invasion dynamics more effectively than species-level approaches (Haubrock et al., 2024;Sousa et al., 2024). ...
Full-text available
Invasive non-native fish species can profoundly disrupt ecosystems. In invasion ecology, using the functional similarity with native species to help predict demographic rates of non-native species and infer the ecological processes underlying it remains largely unexplored. Utilizing a comprehensive analysis of 2,903 species pairs across 153 sampling sites in rivers distributed in different continents, we evaluated interspecific synchrony patterns among populations of native and non-native fish species (response variable) and explored their relationship with functional and phylogenetic dissimilarities using a linear mixed model. Our results indicate that non-native fish exhibit higher synchrony with native species that share similar ecological and morphological traits. This finding corroborates our hypothesis that co-occurring non-native and native species that are more functionally similar are more synchronized and highlights the importance of environmental filtering significantly shaping population dynamics between native communities and coexisting non-native species. Compensatory dynamics was not important explaining non-native species coexistence with native species. We highlight the potential of widespread non-native species in increasing synchronous patterns and consequently decreasing community stability. In addition, life history and phylogenetic distances could not predict the synchrony patterns observed. By elucidating which type of dissimilarities (ecological, life history, morphological, and phylogenetic) can predict synchrony and which ecological mechanisms facilitate the coexistence of native and non-native species, this research underscores the ecological implications of invasion dynamics in the long term and help to guide conservation efforts. Understanding these dynamics at the population level using temporal patterns is essential for preserving biodiversity in the face of ongoing environmental changes.
... Invasion is also a threat to communities. A GLM-based study revealed that the invasion of alien Dreissena negatively affected the populations of phytoplankton and zooplankton, owing to the traits of the invader (Strayer et al., 2019). ...
... Because non-native taxa that are established at one or a few sites have the potential to greatly expand their geographic distribution in the non-native range, halting or slowing secondary spread of non-native taxa is a critical strategy for managing biological invasions (Vander Zanden and Olden 2008). Although ecological impact of non-native taxa is difficult to predict (Parker et al. 1999), abundance is widely recognized as a significant contributor to impact from both a theoretical (Parker et al. 1999;Ricciardi 2003) and empirical (Bradley et al. 2019;Strayer et al. 2019) standpoint. Thus, assessing the attributes that make sites suitable to establishment and high impact by particular non-native species are critical components to the successful management of non-native taxa. ...
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Environmental conditions promoting the occurrence and high abundance of non-native taxa are linked to critical stages of species invasions: establishment, whether a site can sustain a population of the non-native taxon, and impact, the extent to which the consequences of establishment negatively affect the invaded ecosystem. Using surveys across environmental gradients, we examined the physicochemical conditions associated with the occurrence and abundance of the invasive New Zealand mudsnail ( Potamopyrgus antipodarum ) and co-occurring native mollusks. Abundance of Potamopyrgus very strongly increased with stream width and conductivity (specifically with chloride, sulfate, potassium, and sodium ions). Also, Potamopyrgus were most likely to occur at sites with relatively low pH and water velocity and relatively high calcium ion concentration and abundance also slightly increased in these conditions. The physicochemical conditions indicate the characteristics of sites that are suitable for establishment and secondary spread of Potamopyrgus . Native mollusks differed from Potamopyrgus in the physicochemical conditions associated with abundance suggesting that variation among habitats could permit native mollusks to persist at larger geographic scales even if they often co-occur with Potamopyrgus . Abundance of native Physa moderately decreased with abundance of Potamopyrgus . Because abundance of Physa and Potamopyrgus responded oppositely to stream width and conductivity, the negative relationship between the abundance of these two taxa may be caused by contrasting responses to physicochemical conditions, acting alone or in concert with biotic interactions.
... Zebra mussel populations at higher latitudes can experience vast temporal fluctuations (Strayer et al. 2019;Strayer and Malcom 2006), but oscillation in population numbers may occur at an even higher rate in lower latitude populations (McMahon pers comm.), most likely due to higher temperatures increasing growth rates (Churchill et al. 2017). Additionally, mass-mortality events have been observed in both northern and southern populations and have primarily been attributed to environmental conditions such as increased water temperatures or low dissolved oxygen levels (Mihuc et al. 1999;Boeckman 2011;White et al. 2015;Arterburn and McMahon 2022). ...
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Dreissenid mussels are successful aquatic invaders which have spread rapidly throughout North America following their arrival from Eurasia approximately 35 years ago. Reservoirs in central Texas have been more recently invaded by zebra mussels and these populations represent the southernmost edge of this species’ current distribution in North America. The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution and population dynamics (recruitment and mortality) of zebra mussels in Canyon Lake and the effect of high temperatures and low dissolved oxygen on mortality of zebra mussels in three different Central Texas lakes (Canyon, Belton, and Stillhouse Hollow). Recruitment, both larval densities and juvenile settlement, varied with temperature within and between years. The highest settlement rate and lower mortality were associated with lower temperatures (e.g., year or lake with lowest number of days ≥ 30 °C), whereas hypoxia likely caused high mortality at greater depths in Lake Belton. Although higher summer temperatures seem to limit zebra mussels, their population has continued to increase and expand in Canyon Lake since the initial invasion, but at considerably lower densities than higher latitude populations This study improves our understanding of factors driving and limiting zebra mussel population dynamics in low latitude lakes, which will help to inform management decisions.
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Molluscs represent the second most diverse phylum on Earth and are among the most prevalent in freshwater ecosystems, exhibiting both high species richness and abundance/biomass. In addition, molluscs are one of the taxonomic groups with the highest number of non-native species in freshwater ecosystems. Many of these have significant ecological and economic impacts, and some also act as vectors for pathogens and parasites, affecting human and animal health. Here we provide a comprehensive list of all known freshwater mollusc species that have successfully established populations outside their native range, together with diversity pattern maps for both their native and invaded ranges. We also provide a brief overview of historical research investment, the main pathways of introduction, the ecological, economic and human health impacts of these species and the most effective strategies for the prevention of new introductions and for the control and possible eradication of already established populations. Finally, we highlight the gaps in our knowledge of the biology and management of non-native freshwater molluscs and future research needs and present a special volume dedicated to this topic.
The introduction of invasive species has become an increasing environmental problem in freshwater ecosystems due to the high economic and ecological impacts it has generated. This systematic review covers publications from 2010 to 2020, focusing on non-native invasive freshwater bivalves, a particularly relevant and widespread introduced taxonomic group in fresh waters. We collected information on the most studied species, the main objectives of the studies, their geographical location, study duration, and type of research. Furthermore, we focused on assessing the levels of ecological evidence presented, the type of interactions of non-native bivalves with other organisms and the classification of their impacts. A total of 397 publications were retrieved. The studies addressed a total of 17 species of non-native freshwater bivalves; however, most publications focused on the species Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha, which are recog-nised for their widespread distribution and extensive negative impacts. Many other non-native invasive bivalve species have been poorly studied. A high geographical bias was also present, with a considerable lack of studies in developing countries. The most frequent studies had shorter temporal periods, smaller spatial extents, and more observational data, were field-based, and usually evaluated possible ecological impacts at the individual and population levels. There were 94 publications documenting discernible impacts according to the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). However, 41 of these publications did not provide sufficient data to determine an impact. The most common effects of invasive bivalves on ecosystems were structural alterations, and chemical and physical changes, which are anticipated due to their role as ecosystem engineers. Despite a considerable number of studies in the field and advances in our understanding of some species over the past decade, long-term data and large-scale studies are still needed to understand better the impacts, particularly at the community and ecosystem levels and in less-studied geographic regions. The widespread distribution of several non-native freshwater bivalves, their ongoing introductions, and high ecological and economic impacts demand continued research. Systematic reviews such as this are essential for identifying knowledge gaps and guiding future research to enable a more complete understanding of the ecological implications of invasive bivalves, and the development of effective management strategies.
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Introductions of exotic invasive species are a global disturbance for natural habitats. The severity of invasions can greatly vary from local to global scales, as observed in invasion refuges, which exhibit lower-than-expected invasion intensity. In this study, we analyzed the effects of water conductivity and wetland presence on the density of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in a large-scale study (>1300 sites), spanning a 400 km stretch of the St. Lawrence River (Canada). Our results showed that round goby density was null in sites with water conductivity under 100 µS cm⁻¹ and increased toward a probable biological optimum at 300 µS cm⁻¹. The presence of wetlands appeared to also decrease round goby density along the conductivity continuum. Similarly, fish community diversity was maximal outside of the round goby water conductivity optimum. Hence, low water conductivity (<100 µS cm⁻¹), in interaction with the presence of wetlands, can provide a refuge for native aquatic species, establishing a simple risk assessment tool for managers. Our results also highlighted the high value of wetland conservation for the conservation of native species biodiversity.
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Impacts of omnivorous invaders on community structure and biomass of multiple trophic levels are often complex and poorly understood. Responses to omnivory may vary by trophic level and depend upon regional connectivity in the invaded landscape. Here, we tested for differences in multi-trophic planktonic species diversity and ecosystem attributes among reservoirs with reproducing populations of omnivorous zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) relative to uninvaded reservoirs at the southern invasion front in North America. Reservoirs were selected in two partially invaded riverine metaecosystem networks under contrasting levels of hydrologic connectivity to encompass community and ecosystem patterns at the invasion front and to evaluate differences in regional (basin connectivity) versus local (reservoir) structuring processes. Additionally, multi-year trends in phytoplankton biomass, water column transparency, and total phosphorus were compared pre- and post-invasion. The results highlight greater differences in local ecosystem variables than community properties in reservoirs of contrasting invasion status. Following predictions, reductions in zooplankton and phytoplankton biomass, increases in water column transparency, and decreases in total phosphorus were observed in invaded reservoirs. Reductions in total phosphorus persisted for up to five years following invasion. These directional patterns suggest that omnivorous zebra mussels are influencing ecosystems of hydrologically connected reservoirs at the southern invasion front.
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Freshwater bivalves are key faunal elements of aquatic ecosystems. Native species declines are paralleled by increasing distribution and abundances of non-native species. Appropriate management of both groups depends on knowledge of their interactions, which remains limited. Herein, we systematically review the current knowledge status of native and non-native bivalves in Europe, analyzing their functional interactions as well as niche and distribution overlaps between species. We also review existing management tools for non-native species in light of their applicability and sustainability. Strong and multiple interactions as well as niche overlaps between native and non-native bivalves already exist in Central Europe, especially with regard to Dreissena spp., Corbicula spp., and Sinanodonta woodiana. Direct competition is low with native species that have a high degree of specialization such as Margaritifera margaritifera, whereas the greatest niche overlap and competition occurs in generalist species such as Anadonta anatina, Unio pictorum, and S. woodiana. Early detection and preventive measures against undesired species are most successful in limiting their spread. Most methods for managing non-native species are unspecific and thus also include undesired side effects on endangered native species. The conservation and restoration of functionally intact bivalve habitats are the most sustainable and most resilient ways of management.
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Invasive species management requires allocation of limited resources towards the proactive mitigation of those species that could elicit the highest ecological impacts. However, we lack predictive capacity with respect to the identities and degree of ecological impacts of invasive species. Here, we combine the relative per capita effects and relative field abundances of invader as compared to native species into a new metric, “Relative Impact Potential” (RIP), and test whether this metric can reliably predict high impact invaders. This metric tests the impact of invaders relative to the baseline impacts of natives on the broader ecological community. We first derived the functional responses (i.e. per capita effects) of two ecologically damaging invasive fish species in Europe, the Ponto-Caspian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and Asian topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva), and their native trophic analogues, the bullhead (Cottus gobio; also C. bairdi) and bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), towards several prey species. This establishes the existence and relative strengths of the predator–prey relationships. Then, we derived ecologically comparable field abundance estimates of the invader and native fish from surveys and literature. This establishes the multipliers for the above per capita effects. Despite both predators having known severe detrimental field impacts, their functional responses alone were of modest predictive power in this regard; however, incorporation of their abundances relative to natives into the RIP metric gave high predictive power. We present invader/native RIP biplots that provide an intuitive visualisation of comparisons among the invasive and native species, reflecting the known broad ecological impacts of the invaders. Thus, we provide a mechanistic understanding of invasive species impacts and a predictive tool for use by practitioners, for example, in risk assessments.
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Non-native species are a major component of global environmental change, and aquatic systems are especially vulnerable to non-native species impacts. Much of the research on aquatic non-native species impact has occurred at the local or site level. In reality, non-native species impacts play out across multiple spatial scales on heterogeneous landscapes. How can we ‘scale up’ our understanding of site-level impacts to the broader landscape scale? To address this disconnect, we synthesize our current understanding of key components of landscape-scale non-native species impacts: geographic range, abundance, and local impacts. Most aquatic non-native species have small ranges, while a few have large ranges. However, aquatic non-native species are often far from saturated on landscapes, and occurrence records are often woefully incomplete. Aquatic non-native species are often at low abundances where they are present, reaching high abundance in a small number of locations. Finally, local-scale impact can be estimated from abundance, but this requires knowledge of the abundance–impact relationship. Considering these multiple components enables understanding of non-native species impacts at broader spatial scales. Although the landscape-level impacts of aquatic non-native species may be high, the spatial distribution of site-level impacts is uneven, and highly impacted sites may be relatively uncommon. This heterogeneity in impacts provides an opportunity to optimize and prioritize non-native species management and prevention efforts.
With the exception of climate change, biological invasions have probably received more attention during the past ten years than any other ecological topic. Yet this is the first synthetic, single-authored overview of the field since Williamson's 1996 book. Written fifty years after the publication of Elton's pioneering monograph on the subject, Invasion Biology provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the science of biological invasions while also offering new insights and perspectives relating to the processes of introduction, establishment, and spread. The book connects science with application by describing the health, economic, and ecological impacts of invasive species as well as the variety of management strategies developed to mitigate harmful impacts. The author critically evaluates the approaches, findings, and controversies that have characterized invasion biology in recent years, and suggests a variety of future research directions. Carefully balanced to avoid distinct taxonomic, ecosystem, and geographic (both investigator and species) biases, the book addresses a wide range of invasive species (including protists, invertebrates, vertebrates, fungi, and plants) which have been studied in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments throughout the world by investigators equally diverse in their origins. This accessible and thought-provoking text will be of particular interest to graduate level students and established researchers in the fields of invasion biology, community ecology, conservation biology, and restoration ecology. It will also be of value and use to land managers, policy makers, and other professionals charged with controlling the negative impacts associated with recently arrived species.
The Hudson River Estuary is a comprehensive look at the physical, chemical, biological and environmental management issues that are important to our understanding of the Hudson River. Chapters cover the entire range of fields necessary to understanding the workings of the Hudson River estuary; the physics, bedrock geological setting and sedimentological processes of the estuary; ecosystem-level processes and biological interactions; and environmental issues such as fisheries, toxic substances, and the effect of nutrient input from densely populated areas. This 2006 book places special emphasis on important issues specific to the Hudson, such as the effect of power plants and high concentrations of PCBs. The chapters are written by specialists at a level that is accessible to students, teachers and the interested layperson. The Hudson River Estuary is a fascinating scientific biography of a major estuary, with relevance to the study of any similar natural system in the world.
The Hudson River Estuary is a comprehensive look at the physical, chemical, biological and environmental management issues that are important to our understanding of the Hudson River. Chapters cover the entire range of fields necessary to understanding the workings of the Hudson River estuary; the physics, bedrock geological setting and sedimentological processes of the estuary; ecosystem-level processes and biological interactions; and environmental issues such as fisheries, toxic substances, and the effect of nutrient input from densely populated areas. This 2006 book places special emphasis on important issues specific to the Hudson, such as the effect of power plants and high concentrations of PCBs. The chapters are written by specialists at a level that is accessible to students, teachers and the interested layperson. The Hudson River Estuary is a fascinating scientific biography of a major estuary, with relevance to the study of any similar natural system in the world.
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population of the Hudson River estuary grew and spread rapidly following its first detection in May 1991. The population reached 550 billion animals (4000/m², mean over the freshwater tidal river) by the end of 1992, constituting >70% of zoobenthic biomass, and filtered a volume equivalent to the entire water column in 1 day. Over 95% of the population lived on subtidal rocks. Following the period of rapid population growth in 1991-1992, reproductive success (young of the year per adult) fell by four orders of magnitude in 1993-1994. Furthermore, at the end of the 1993-1994 growing seasons, young of the year were only 20- 30% as large as in 1991. Adult zebra mussels may have been outcompeting the larvae for food. We propose that such food-limited zebra mussel populations may be especially frequent in rivers and estuaries, where the ratio of food supply to available substratum is small.
Invasive species are a major conservation concern but provide an opportunity to examine the mechanisms and consequences of behavioral adaptation. Invasive species can act as novel predators, prey, and competitors; impose stress on species they encounter; and alter habitats. Behavior is often plastic and therefore is one of the first traits to respond to environmental perturbations. Here we illustrate behavioral adaptations to invasive species, primarily using a system of invasive fire ants that act as a novel predator on and prey for a native lizard and placing this in the context of other research. We show that behavioral adaptations to invasive species can increase fitness in the face of associated challenges and opportunities, but can expose adapted individuals to new pressures or maladapt them to previously existing selective pressures. As a result, behavioral adaptations to invasive species can be associated with changes in other traits, such as morphology or physiology, that either enhance the effectiveness of the behavior itself or increase fitness in the face of new pressures caused by the altered behavior.