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Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global
Trendings and Next Challenges
Alvaro Figueira1, Nuno Guimaraes1and Luis Torgo2
1CRACS / INESCTEC and University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, Porto, Portugal
2Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Keywords: Fake News, Detection Systems, Survey, Next Challenges.
Abstract: Nowadays, false news can be created and disseminated easily through the many social media platforms, re-
sulting in a widespread real-world impact. Modeling and characterizing how false information proliferates
on social platforms and why it succeeds in deceiving readers are critical to develop efficient algorithms and
tools for their early detection. A recent surge of researching in this area has aimed to address the key issues
using methods based on machine learning, deep learning, feature engineering, graph mining, image and video
analysis, together with newly created data sets and web services to identify deceiving content. Majority of
the research has been targeting fake reviews, biased messages, and against-facts information (false news and
hoaxes). In this work, we present a survey on the state of the art concerning types of fake news and the solu-
tions that are being proposed. We focus our survey on content analysis, network propagation, fact-checking
and fake news analysis and emerging detection systems. We also discuss the rationale behind successfully
deceiving readers. Finally, we highlight important challenges that these solutions bring.
The large increase of social media users in the past
few years has led to an overwhelming quantity of
information available in daily (or even hourly) ba-
sis. In addition, the easy accessibility to these plat-
forms whether it’s by a computer, tablet or mobile, al-
lows the consumption of information at a distance of
a click. Therefore, traditional and independent news
media urge to adopt social media to reach a broader
audience and gain new clients/consumers.
The ease of creating and disseminating content in
social networks like Twitter and Facebook has contri-
buted to the emergence of malicious users. In particu-
lar, users that infect the network with the propagation
of misinformation or rumours. This actions combi-
ned with the fact that 67% of adults consume some
type of news in social media (20% on a frequent ba-
sis) (Gottfried and Shearer, 2017) have already caused
real-world consequences (Snopes, 2016).
However, unreliable content or, how it is now re-
ferred – ”fake news” –, is not a recent problem. Alt-
hough the term gained popularity in the 2016 US pre-
sidential election, throughout the years newspapers
and televisions have shared false content resulting in
severe consequences for the real world. For example,
in 1924 a forged document known as ”The Zinoviev
Letter” was published on a well known British news-
paper four days before the general elections. The goal
was to destabilize the elections in favour of the con-
servative party with a directive from Moscow to Bri-
tish communists referring an Anglo-Soviet treaty and
inspiring ”agitation-propaganda” in the armed forces
(Norton-Taylor, 1999). Another example happened
after the ”Hillsborough accident”, where 96 people
died crushed due to overcrowding and lack of secu-
rity. Reports from an illustrious newspaper claimed
that, as people were dying, some fellow drunk sup-
porters stole from them and beat police officers that
were trying to help. Later, such claims were proven
false (Conn, 2016).
The verified impact of fake news in society
throughout the years and the influence that social net-
works currently have today forced high reputation
companies, such as Google and Facebook, to start
working on a method to mitigate the problem (Hern,
2017; Hern, 2018). The scientific community has also
been increasing the activity on the topic. In fact, if we
search in Google Scholar 1for ”fake news”, we will
find a significantly high number of results that have
Figueira, A., Guimaraes, N. and Torgo, L.
Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0007188503320339
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 332-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright ©2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an increase of 7K publications, when compared with
the number obtained in the previous year.
Nevertheless, the problem of fake news is still a
reality since the solution is anything but trivial. More-
over, research on the detection of such content, in the
context of social networks, is still recent. Therefore,
in this work we attempt to summarize the different
and most promising branches of the problem as well
as the preliminary proposed solutions in the current
In addition, we present a perspective on the next
steps in the research with a focus on the need to evalu-
ate the current systems/proposals in a real-world en-
There are several approaches to tackle the problem
of unreliable content on social media. Some authors
opt by analyzing the patterns of propagation, others
by creating supervised systems to classify unreliable
content, and others by focusing on the characteristics
of the accounts that share this type of content. In addi-
tion, some works also focus on developing techniques
for fact-checking claims or focus on specific case stu-
2.1 Account Analysis
Regarding the analysis of social media accounts, the
current state of the art has being focusing on trying to
identify bot or spammer accounts.
Castillo et al. (Castillo et al., 2011) target the de-
tection of credibility in Twitter events. The authors
created a dataset of tweets regarding specific trending
topics. Then, using a crowd sourcing approach, they
annotated the dataset regarding the credibility of each
tweet. Finally, they used four different sets of fea-
tures (Message, User, Topic, and Propagation) on a
Decision Tree Model that achieved an accuracy of
86% from a balanced dataset. A more recent work
(Erahin et al., 2017) used an Entropy Minimization-
Discretization technique that combines numerical fe-
atures with assessing fake accounts on Twitter.
Benevuto et al.(Benevenuto et al., 2010) develo-
ped a model to detect spammers by building a manual
annotated dataset of 1K rcors of spam and non-spam
accounts. Then, they extracted attributes regarding
content and user behaviour. The system was capable
of detecting correctly 70% of the spam accounts and
96% of non-spam.
A similar problem is the detection of bot accounts.
Chu et al. (Chu et al., 2012) distinguished accounts
into three different groups: humans, bots and cyborgs.
Using a human-labelled dataset of 6K users, they built
a system with four distinct areas of analysis (entropy
measures, spam detection, account properties, and de-
cision making). The performance of the system was
evaluated using accuracy, which reached 96% in the
”Human” class. Another similar work (Dickerson
et al., 2014), introduced a methodology to differen-
tiate accounts into two classes: humans and bots.
Gilani et al. (Gilani et al., 2017) presented a so-
lution to a similar goal: to distinguish automated ac-
counts from human ones. However, they introduced
the notion that ”automated” is not necessarily bad.
Using a dataset containing a large quantity of user ac-
counts, the authors divided and categorized each entry
into 4 different groups regarding the popularity (fol-
lowers) of the account. The evaluation was conducted
using the F1-measure. The results obtained fall bet-
ween 77% and 91% .
2.2 Content Analysis
A work by Antoniadis et al. (Antoniadis et al., 2015)
tried to identify misinformation on Twitter. The aut-
hors annotated a large dataset of tweets and develo-
ped a model using the features from the Twitter text,
the users, and the social feedback it got (number of
retweets, number of favourites, number of replies).
Finally, they assessed the capability of the model in
detecting misinformation in real time, i.e. in a priori
way (when the social feedback is not yet available).
Evaluations on real-time only decay in 3% when com-
pared with the model that uses all available features.
An approach also using social feedback was presen-
ted by Tacchini et al. (Tacchini et al., 2017). The
authors claim that by analyzing the users who liked a
small set of posts containing false and true informa-
tion, they can obtain a model with an accuracy near
Perez-Rosas (P´
erez-Rosas et al., 2017) created a
crowd-sourced fake news dataset in addition to fake
news available online. The dataset was built based
on real news. In other words, crowd-source workers
were provided with a real news story and were asked
to write a similar one, but false. Furthermore, they
were asked to simulate journalistic writing. The best
model obtained a 78% accuracy in the crowd-sourced
dataset and only less 5% in a dataset obtained by fake
news on the web.
Another example is the work of Potthast (Potthast
et al., 2017) which analyses the writing style of hyper-
partisan (extremely biased) news. The authors adopt a
meta-learning approach (”unmasking”) from the aut-
horship verification problem. The results obtained
Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges
show models capable of reaching 78% in F1-measure
in the task of classifying hyper-partisan and main-
stream news, and 81% in distinguishing satire from
the hyper-partisan and mainstream news. However,
we must note that using only style-based features does
not seem to be enough to distinguish fake news since
the authors best result was 46%.
2.3 Network Propagation
In Shao (Shao et al., 2016) the authors expose a met-
hod describing the extraction of posts that contai-
ned links to fake news and fact-checking web pages.
Then, they analyzed the popularity and patterns of the
activity of the users that published these type of posts.
The authors concluded that the users that propagate
fake news are much more active on social media than
the users that refute the claims (by spreading fact-
checking links). The authors’ findings also suggest
that there is a small set of accounts that generate large
quantities of fake news in posts.
Another work by Tambuscio et al. (Tambuscio
et al., 2015) describes the relations between fake news
believers and fact-checkers. The study modifies and
resorts to a model commonly used in the analysis of
disease spreading, where the misinformation is ana-
lyzed as a virus. Nodes on the network can be belie-
vers of fake news, fact-checkers or susceptible (neu-
tral) users. Susceptible nodes can be infected by fake
news believers although they can ”recover” when con-
fronted with fact-checking nodes. By testing their ap-
proach in 3 different networks, the authors concluded
that fact-checking can actually cancel a hoax even for
users that believe, with a high probability, in the mes-
A similar approach is proposed in (Litou et al.,
2016) where a Dynamic Linear Model is developed to
timely limit the propagation of misinformation. The
model differs from other works since it relies on the
ability for the user’s susceptibility to change over time
and how it affects its dissemination of information.
The model categorizes users in 3 groups: infected,
protected and inactive, and validates the effectiveness
of the approach on a real-world dataset.
2.4 Fact-Checking
Another way to tackle the problem of false informa-
tion is through fact-checking. Due to the enormous
quantity of information spread through social net-
works, the necessity to automatize this task has be-
come crucial. Automated fact-checking aims to ve-
rify claims automatically through consultations and
extraction of data from different sources. Then, ba-
sed on the strength and stance of reputable sources
regarding the claim, a classification is assigned (Co-
hen et al., 2011). This methodology, despite being in
development is very promising.
2.4.1 Stance Detection
In earlier research, stance detection has been defined
as the task of a given fragment of text agrees, dis-
agrees or is unrelated to a specific target topic. Ho-
wever, in the context of fake news detection, stance
detection has been adopted as a primary step to de-
tect the veracity of a news piece. Simply putting it,
to determine the veracity of a news article, one can
look to what well-reputed news organizations are wri-
ting about that topic. Therefore, stance detection can
be applied to understand if a news written from an
unknown reputation source is agreeing or disagreeing
with the majority of the media outlets. A conceptually
similar task to stance detection is textual entailment
(Pfohl et al., 2016; Sholar et al., 2017)
The fake news challenge 2promotes the identifica-
tion of fake news through the used of stance detection.
More specifically, given a headline and a body of text
(not necessarily from different articles), the task con-
sists in identifying if the body of text agrees, dis-
agrees, discusses or its unrelated with the headline.
Several approaches were presented using the dataset
provided. The authors in (Mrowca and Wang, 2017)
present several approaches using a conditioned bidi-
rectional LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) and the
baseline model (GradientBoosted Classifier provided
by the authors of the challenge) with an additional va-
riation of features. As for the features, Bag of Words
and GloVe vectors were used. In addition, global fea-
tures like binary co-occurrence in words from the he-
adline and the text, polarity words and word grams
were used. The best result achieved was using bidi-
rectional LSTM with the inclusion of the global featu-
res mentioned. The improvement regarding the base-
line was 9.7%. Other works with similar approaches
were proposed (Pfohl et al., 2016; Sholar et al., 2017)
however, results do not vary significantly.
Stance detection is an important step towards the
problem of fake news detection. The fake news chal-
lenge seems to be a good starting point to test possible
approaches to the problem. Furthermore, the addition
of source reputation regarding topics (p.e. politics)
can provide useful insight to detect the veracity of a
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2.4.2 Fact-checking as a Network Problem
The authors in (Ciampaglia et al., 2015) tackle fact-
checking as a network problem. By using the Wiki-
pedia infoboxes to extract facts in a structured way,
the authors proposed an automatic fact-checking sy-
stem which relies on the path length and specificity of
the terms of the claim in the Wikipedia Knowledge
Graph. The evaluation is conducted in statements
(both true and false) from the entertainment history
and geography domains (for example ”xwas marry to
y”, ”ddirected f” and ”cis the capital of r”) and an in-
dependent corpus with novel statements annotated by
human raters. The results of the first evaluation sho-
wed that true statements have higher truth values than
false. In the second evaluation, the values from hu-
man annotators and the ones predicted by the system
are correlated.
Another work by the same authors (Shiralkar
et al., 2017) use an unsupervised approach to the pro-
blem. The Knowledge Stream methodology adapts
the Knowledge Network to a flow network since mul-
tiple paths may provide more context than a single
path and reusing edges and limiting the paths where
they can participate may limit the path search space.
This technique, when evaluated in multiple datasets,
achieves results similar to the state of the art. Howe-
ver, in various cases, it provides additional evidence
to support the fact-checking of claims.
2.5 Fake News Analysis
Another major area of study is the analysis of large
quantities of fake news spread through social net-
works. Vosoughi et al. (Vosoughi et al., 2018) presen-
ted a study of the differences between propagation of
true and false news. The work focused on the retweet
propagation of false, true, and mixed news stories for
a period of 11 years. The findings were several. First,
false news stories peaks were at the end of 2013, 2015
and 2016. Then, through the analysis of retweets of
false news stories, the authors concluded that false-
hood reaches a significantly larger audience than the
truthful. In addition, tweets containing false news
stories are spread by users with fewer followers and
friends, and that are less active than users who spread
true news stories. Another work (Vargo et al., 2017)
studied the agenda-setting relationships between on-
line news media, fake news, and fact checkers. In
other words, if each type of content is influenced by
the agenda of others. The authors found out that cer-
tain issues were transferred to news media due to fake
news (more frequently in fake stories about internati-
onal relations). Furthermore, fake news also predicted
the issue agenda of partisan media (more in the libe-
ral side than the conservative). Other relevant findings
are the reactive approach of fake news media to tradi-
tional and emerging media and the autonomy of fact-
checking websites regarding online media agendas.
2.6 Case Studies
Some works focus on analyzing the dissemination of
false information regarding a particular event. One of
those related to the Boston Marathon in 2013, where
two homemade bombs were detonated near the finish
of the race (CNN, 2013). For example, in (Gupta
et al., 2013) the authors performed an analysis on 7.9
million tweets regarding the bombing. The main con-
clusions were that 20% of the tweets were true facts
whether 29% were false information (the remaining
were opinions or comments), it was possible to pre-
dict the virality of fake content based on the attributes
of the users that disseminate it, and accounts created
with the sole purpose of disseminating fake content
often opt by names similar with official accounts or
names that explore the sympathy of people (by using
words like ”pray” or ”victim”). Another work has the
analysis focused on the the main rumours spread on
Twitter after the bombings occurred (Starbird et al.,
A different event tackled was the US Presidential
Election in 2016. For example, the authors in (Al-
lcot and Gentzkow, 2017) combined online surveys
with information extracted from fact-checking websi-
tes to perceive the impact of fake news in social media
and how it influenced the elections. Findings suggest
that articles containing fake news pro-Trump were
shared three times more than articles pro-Clinton and
the average American adult has seen at least one fake
news stories on the month around the election. Anot-
her work (Bovet and Makse, 2018) studied the in-
fluence of fake news and well know news outlets on
Twitter during the election. The authors collected ap-
proximately 171 million tweets in the 5 months prior
to the elections and showed that bots diffusing unre-
liable news are more active than the ones spreading
other types of news (similar to what was found in
(Allcot and Gentzkow, 2017)). In addition, the net-
work diffusing fake and extreme bias news is den-
ser than the network diffusing center and left-leaning
news. Other works regarding this event are presented
in (Kollanyi et al., 2016; Shao et al., 2017).
Other works address similar events such as Hur-
ricane Sandy (Antoniadis et al., 2015), the Fukus-
hima Disaster (Thomson et al., 2012) and the Mumbai
Blasts in 2011 (Gupta, 2011).
Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges
2.7 Fake News Detection Systems
The majority of the implementations to detect fake
news comes in the form of a browser add-on. For ex-
ample, the bs-detector (The Self Agency, 2016) flags
content in social media in different categories such
as clickbait, bias, conspiracy theory and junk science.
To make this evaluation, the add-on uses OpenSour-
ces 3which is a curated list of dubious websites. A
more advanced example is the Fake News Detector
(Chaves, 2018). This add-on uses machine learning
techniques in a ground truth dataset combined with
the ”wisdom of the crowd” to be constantly learning
and improving the detection of fake news. An inte-
resting system that also took the shape of an add-on
was the one developed by four colleges students du-
ring a hackathon at Princeton University (Anant Goel,
2017). Their methodology combined two different
approaches: the first makes a real-time analysis of
the content in user’s feed. The other notifies the user
when they are posting or sharing doubtful content.
The system is capable of analyzing keywords, recog-
nizes images and verified sources to accurately detect
fake content online. With confidence we can say that
new systems are being created with a frequency of
more than a dozen a year. Most of then uses the add-
on approach, but many are not yet system to be usable
by the normal people as they are yet proof of concept
Fake news is nothing new. It has been shown that even
before the term has become trending, the concept has
been active in different occasions. We might say that
fake news is only a threatening problem these days be-
cause of the mass distribution an dissemination capa-
bilities that current digital social networks have. Due
to these problems, and particularly to the problems
that consequently emerge from it for the society, the
scientific community started tackling the problem, ta-
king an approach of addressing first its different sub-
The detection of bot/spam accounts, the machine
learning and deep learning approaches to the de-
tection of fake content or even the network analysis
to understand how this type of content can be iden-
tified is diffuse and generally yet quite difficult to be
understood by a general public.
Regarding the bot/spam detection, we do believe
that even they play an important role on the diffusion
of fake news and misinformation, they do not repre-
sent all the accounts that spread this type of content.
In some cases, the spreaders of misinformation are
cyborg accounts (humanly operated but that also in-
clude some automatic procedures), as the authors in
(Chu et al., 2012) refer. Another case which has been
less discussed in the current literature are the human
operated accounts that spread misinformation. Com-
mon examples are users who are highly influenced by
extreme biased news and that spread that information
intentionally to their followers. One could argue that
this is the effect of the propagation of unreliable con-
tent through the network. However, the probability of
having misinformation in our feed through the propa-
gation of close nodes in our network is higher than
from the original node that spread the content. The-
refore, the evaluation of this accounts can be of major
importance when implementing a solid system for an
everyday use.
Another important aspect in adapting the current
theory, to a system that informs users about which
news are credible and which are misinformation, is
the effect that such system may have on more skeptic
or biased users. In fact, the ”hostile media pheno-
menon” can affect the use of these systems if these
are not equipped with the capability of justifying the
credibility of the content. Hostile media phenome-
non states that users who already have an opinion on
a given subject can interpret the same content (regar-
ding that subject) in different ways. The concept was
first studied in (Abdulla et al., 2002) with news re-
garding the Beirut massacre. Consequently, just like
news media, such systems can be criticized by clas-
sifying a piece of news as fake by users who are in
favor of the content for analysis. This leads us to the
problem of the current detection approaches in the li-
terature. For example, deep learning approaches and
some machine learning algorithms are black-box sys-
tems that, given an input (in this case, a social media
post), they output a score or a label (in this case a cre-
dibility score or a fake/true label). Therefore, explain
to a common user why the algorithm predicted such
label/score can be a hard task. Furthermore, without
some type of justification, such systems can be dis-
credited. To tackle this problem in a real-world envi-
ronment, the major focus after developing an accurate
system must be to be capable to explain how it got to
the result.
3.1 Future Guidelines to Tackle
Unreliable Content
We do believe that the analysis and effect of detection
systems on the perception and beliefs of users towards
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
fake news and all sorts of misinformation should be
the next important step to be studied by the scientific
community. Accordingly, we suggest some guideli-
nes to approach the problem.
Recently, we have observed an increasing distrust
on the press by the common citizen. Several reasons
can be pointed such as the president of the United Sta-
tes calling fake news to mainstream news media such
as CNN or NBC 4or even the mainstream media it-
self retracting a large number of stories and fail to
highlight the importance of certain entities or events
such as Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbin or Brexit.
Therefore, a misinformation detection system that
only scores the credibility of a social media post, jus-
tifying it by the absence/presence of similar informa-
tion on traditional news media outlets may not be
enough to convince the majority of users that con-
sume this type of information, and to change their
beliefs and acknowledge the veracity or falsehood of
the content. In addition, if it is used, the selection
of mainstream news media sources to perform such
comparison, then is must be balanced (at least with
some normalization of its intensity/frequency) regar-
ding some possible bias. Moreover, it is necessary to
add features to the system to allow more information
to be provided alongside the credibility score. Such
examples could include the reputation of the original
source (that created the post), and analyze and present
the social feedback of the users that voice it, again in
a weighted manner.
The credibility of the original source can be ana-
lyzed and explained through the history of previous
published posts that include misinformation and were
debunked by fact-checking entities such as Snopes 5
or PolitiFact 6. In addition, information should be
provided by the system on the possibility of an origi-
nal source be a bot or cyborg. This can be done by the
analysis of the posting frequency and near accounts
(followers and friends). Such analysis can have a
more impact on changing user beliefs than a simple
score or label.
Regarding the social feedback, one can look at the
propagation of the content through shares/retweets,
comments/replies and favorites/likes. However, an
important factor must come into play which is the
”echo chamber” effect. This refers to the problem
of users with the same interests are aggregated toget-
her in social circles, and the opposing ideas are re-
jected and disapproved by the majority. In Facebook,
for example, when looking at comments/replies to a
post inside one of this echo chambers, the majority of
comments are in agreement with the post. This factor
combined with the number of likes, shares, etc, may
lead the user to a false impression that the informa-
tion is true. Moreover, Facebook by default increases
the ranking of the comments based on the number of
replies and likes that the comments got as well as if
the comments come from the user’s friends. This sce-
nario is extremely propitious to influence the opinion
of a user, therefore contributing to the formation and
expansion of these ”echo chambers”.
Therefore, in a real-world fake news detection sy-
stem, information put on social feedback should be
ranked and presented to the user based on the ”bias”
of the social media accounts that are engaging with
the post being analyzed. In addition, social feedback
from users who are more neutral or equally active on
both sides of the political spectrum should be prioriti-
zed since they could present a more careful and unbi-
ased view of the subject or even act as fact-checkers
of more suspicious claims. It is our hypothesis that
the way social feedback is presented may influence
users’ beliefs regarding the credibility score (even not
affecting the score directly).
For the sake of clarity, let us consider the dom-
ain of politics where there are two main groups: con-
servatives (c) and liberals (l). Let us also consider a
social media post which is false and favours the li-
beral side. A user that likes, spreads, replies, and is
connected to liberal content accounts should have a
lower rank on posts that favour his political views. In
the same way, an opposing user which displays the
same behaviour regarding conservative content must
also have a smaller rank with respect to the content
that opposites their political views. However, users
who are capable of engaging with content from both
political views in an equal and neutral position should
have a higher rank. A simple function fthat can be
used to score the ranking of an user umay be given
1− |pu,l−pu,c|
where prefers to an intermediate score of user u
engagement in liberal (l) or conservative content (c).
This probability can be computed using the type of
posts that users propagate, like or reply/comment. In
addition (and expanding what is done in (Tacchini
et al., 2017)), the compliance between the post and
the user comments/replies can also determine the ten-
dency of a user. This can be analyzed recurring, for
example, to sentiment analysis tools.
Analyzing the source account of the content and
ranking the presentation of social feedback (prioriti-
Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges
zing neutral but active users) might increase skeptic
to trust in the fake news detection system.
Fake news is nowadays of major concern. With more
and more users consuming news from their social
networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, and with
an ever-increasing frequency of content available, the
ability to question the content instead of instinctively
sharing or liking it is becoming rare. The search for
instant gratification by posting/sharing content that
will allow social feedback from peers has reached a
status where the veracity of information is left to the
Industry and scientific communities are trying to
fix the problem, either by taking measures directly
into the platforms that are spreading this type of con-
tent (Facebook, Twitter, Google, for example), deve-
loping analysis and systems capable of detecting fake
content using machine and deep learning approaches,
or even by developing software to leverage social net-
work users in distinguishing what is fake from what
is real.
However, observing the various approaches taken
so far, mainly by the scientific community but also
some rumours about actions taken by Facebook and
Google, we might say that mitigating or removing
fake news comes with a cost (Figueira and Oliveira,
2017): there is the danger to having someone establis-
hing the limits of reality, if the not the reality itself.
The trend to design and develop systems that are
based on open source resources, frameworks or APIs
which facilitate entity recognition, sentiment analy-
sis, emotion recognition, bias recognition, relevance
identification (to name just a few), and which may be
freely available, or available at a small price, gives an
escalating power to those service-providers. That po-
wer consists on their internal independent control to
choose their machine learning algorithms, their pre-
trained data and, ultimately, in a control over the in-
telligence that is built on the service provided by their
Therefore, the saying ”the key to one problem
usually leads to another problem” is again true. Ho-
wever, we have not many choices at the moment. It is
a too much important endeavor to create systems that
hamper of stop the proliferation of fake news and give
back to the people not only real information, but also
a sentiment of trust in what they are reading. Mean-
while, we need to be prepared to the next challenge,
which will be for the definition of what is real, what
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Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges