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Millennials and Gamification: Guerilla Tactics for Making Learning Fun


Abstract and Figures

Gamification, as a technique to engage members of the millennial generation, has gained considerable traction at workplace. The purpose of this study is to provide a contextual overview of gamification as an effective mechanism aligned with the learning preferences and characteristics of the millennial cohort. The suggested framework helps organizations effectively design and incorporate learning mechanisms appropriate to new cohort entering and dominating the workforce. The insights developed are critical for learning and development professionals and instructional designers in enabling them to create effective and gamified training modules for this cohort.
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Millennials and
Gamification: Guerilla
Tactics for Making
Learning Fun
Aman Jain1
Debolina Dutta2
Gamification, as a technique to engage members of the millennial generation, has
gained considerable traction at workplace. The purpose of this study is to provide
a contextual overview of gamification as an effective mechanism aligned with the
learning preferences and characteristics of the millennial cohort. The suggested
framework helps organizations effectively design and incorporate learning
mechanisms appropriate to new cohort entering and dominating the workforce.
The insights developed are critical for learning and development professionals and
instructional designers in enabling them to create effective and gamified training
modules for this cohort.
Millennials, Generation Y, learning styles, gamification, experiential learning,
technology-enabled learning
As millennials are likely to constitute nearly 75 per cent of the workforce by
2025 (Culiberg & Mihelic, 2016), a greater understanding of millennials and
millennial behaviours is an area of interest. Older generations must interact with
1 Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Kundeshwari, Kashipur, Udham Singh
Nagar, Uttarakhand, India.
2 Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, Balicha, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Corresponding author:
Aman Jain, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Kundeshwari, Kashipur,
Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand 244713, India.
South Asian Journal of Human
Resources Management
The Author(s) 2018
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/2322093718796303
2 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
the millennial cohort as they join workplaces and academic institutions
(A. Rodriguez & Rodriguez, 2015). The complexities and tensions associated
with managing a cross-generational workplace have been well documented and
are likely to continue (Hershatter & Epstein, 2010). HR practitioners and organi-
zations must evaluate and implement new strategies to motivate, engage, lead
and inspire this cohort.
The millennial generation has gathered a lot of attention for their unique
characteristics compared with that of previous generations. Research has focused
on the behaviours commonly demonstrated by the millennials (Eddy, Schweitzer,
& Lyons, 2010; Myers & Sadaghiani, 2010). However, changes in learning
mechanisms such as “gamification”—most relevant to the millennials have not
been extensively researched. A notable difference is that the millennials were born
into the world of technology, where its utility is omnipresent. Described as “digital
natives” (Autry & Berge, 2011; Hershatter & Epstein, 2010), that is, cohort or
generation which has never experienced a world without computers or other
handheld electronic devices, millennials demonstrate the ability to absorb
information quickly through technology. The onus on learning and development
professionals is to recognize and understand this new generation of learners and
to educate, engage, work and lead them effectively.
Instructional technology is not an unknown or inexperienced concept, but in
the past few years, learning and development practitioners and academicians
have increasingly sought to fuse technology with instructional and classroom
trainings, thus leading to positive performance-based outcomes and learnings and
enhancing connect with the millennial learners (Buzzard, Crittenden, Crittenden,
& McCarty, 2011). The objectives of this article are to theoretically ground the
concepts of gamification as a method of instructional technology and integrate
with millennial learning characteristics. The recommendations from this article
find applicability within human resource functions across training, development
and workforce engagement.
Millennials at the Workplace
Generations exposed to and experiencing similar social, technological and
historical events, tend to demonstrate commonalities of behaviours and ideologies
(Twenge, Campbell, Hoffman, & Lance, 2010). Following Generation X are the
demographic cohort of millennials or Generation Y. The “no future” Generation
X has given way to the “has no clue where we are going” Generation Y (Miller,
Shapiro, & Hilding Hamann, 2008). Howe and Strauss (1991) are often credited
with coining the word “Millennials.” However, there is considerable confusion
on the exact year span which encompass the millennial generation. While Howe
and Strauss (1991) defined the millennial cohort as consisting of individuals
born between 1982 and 2004, the ranges of 1982–2000 (McCrindle, 2015),
1980–1995 (Eddy et al., 2010) and 1980–2000 (Farell & Hurt, 2014), etc. have
also been found to apply to the millennials. A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers1
with the University of Southern California and the London Business School has
defined millennials as those born in the period 1980–1995. The differences in
Jain and Dutta 3
outlook between the various generations is given in Table 1 and demonstrates the
challenges of working effectively in a multi-generation environment. With
increasing population of the millennials in the workforce (Culiberg & Mihelic,
2016; Farell & Hurt, 2014), there has been an increased interest in the behaviours
which typify this cohort of new workers (Eddy et al., 2010).
Concerns emerge with some research citing dysfunctional behaviours of the
millennials such as self-centredness associated with the “Look at Me” generation
(Myers & Sadaghiani, 2010). The millennials are also reported to be disrespectful,
disloyal and lacking in work ethic on the other hand (Myers & Sadaghiani, 2010),
which reinforce the challenges perceived by organizations in managing multi-
generational workforce, their expectations and interactions. (Hershatter &
Epstein, 2010). The behavioural and attitudinal differences of millennials is
often attributed to the socio-economic and technologically different environment
that the millennials have grown up in and are commonly exposed to (Eddy et al.,
2010; Hershatter & Epstein, 2010). Millennials have better understanding of
media and digital technology and are considered to be tech savvy (Eddy et al.,
2010; Feiertag & Berge, 2008; Hershatter & Epstein, 2010; Twenge et al., 2010).
The amount of information the millennials receive from the Internet, mainly
social media network sites and similar mobile apps, makes them feel that they
must be heard when they speak. In the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and
ambiguous) world presently, the technology usage is an important and it appears
to be the key to ensuring knowledge transfer (A. Rodriguez & Rodriguez, 2015).
Millennials demonstrate higher levels of self-confidence (Bohl, 2009; Myers
& Sadaghiani, 2010). Millennials are often termed as multitaskers as they
perform tasks simultaneously and believe their performance excels in this
manner (Bohl, 2009; Feiertag & Berge, 2008). Millennials process new
information in a more practical and “hands on” manner (Skiba & Barton, 2006;
Wesner & Miller, 2008).
Rewards for participating in activities, rather than the rewards for achievement
is an expectation of the millennials (Meister & Willyerd, 2010). Immediate
gratification is an expectation, quite like a birth right. They show interest in the
allocation of tasks to complete as a team but the level of commitment among
members is very shallow (Twenge, 2013). With a low tolerance for delays,
millennials expect quick information, feedback, results, team achievements,
personal promotions, and ways of fostering intrapersonal and interpersonal
relationships in the fastest and easiest way possible (Bohl, 2009; Feiertag & Berge,
2008; Immerwahr, 2009; Skiba & Barton, 2006). Therefore, instant gratification
permeates practically every aspect of their lives and interactions. Skipping
processes, lack of consensus in group decisions, absence of conventional courtesies
and skirting on ethical issues are tolerated behaviours (Cleyle, Partridge, & Hallam,
2006; Gorman, Nelson, & Glassman, 2004; Meister & Willyerd, 2010; Sweeney,
2012; Wilson & Gerber, 2008). Millennials’ capacity to assimilate and manage
knowledge does not appear to be different from other generations. However, the
propensity and regularity to read emails and short bites of text on web pages is
much more than books (Twenge, 2013). Additionally, millennials demonstrate a
higher need for autonomy and less respect for hierarchies (Howe & Strauss, 1991).
4 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
While millennials would prefer working hard, they also demonstrate a willing-
ness to forgo high incomes for leisure time or health. They demonstrate an affinity
for a good work–life balance. With diversity being part of the natural environment
of millennials, acceptance of diversity is demonstrated in their preference for
teamwork (Myers & Sadaghiani, 2010), but the expectation is for the team envi-
ronment to provide speed, convenience, flexibility and power (Connor & Shaw,
2008; Shaw & Fairhurst, 2008; Gorman et al., 2004; Twenge et al., 2010).
Table 1. Generation Classification and Typical Behaviours Associated with the
Generation Period Other Names
Traditionalists 1945 & before Veterans, Silent,
Radio Boomers, The
Forgotten Generation
dedication, sacrifice,
duty before pleasure,
discipline, patience,
Baby Boomers 1946 to 1964 Moral Authority, “Me”
equal opportunities
and rights, personal
Gen X 1965 to 1981 The Doers, Post
Balance, diversity,
entrepreneurial, fun,
highly educated
Millennials 1982 to 2000 Gen Y, Gen Next,
Echo Boomers.
Digital Natives,
Net Generation
extreme fun,
extremely techno
savvy, instant
Centennials 2001 onwards iGen, Gen Z, Gen Zee Vigilant outlook,
expectations, less
self-absorbed, more
Source: Dutta & Jain (2016).
Millennials, Learning and Technology
The changing demographics at the workplace have created a crisis in organiza-
tions, who strive to attract, retain and engage the millennial generation (Eddy
et al., 2010). Some of the core traits that are argued to describe the millennial
Jain and Dutta 5
generation are special, confident, team oriented and achieving (Howe & Strauss,
1991). Meaningful work experiences, opportunities for advancement and a nur-
turing work environment constitutes some of the predominant expectations of the
millennial workforce (Eddy et al., 2010). Therefore, strong learning and develop-
mental opportunities would be expected to significantly support this strategy of
engaging the millennial cohort while enabling sustainable leadership develop-
ment for the organization. The distinct characteristics of millennials “are chal-
lenging the traditional classroom teaching structure, and faculty are realizing that
traditional classroom teaching is no longer effective with these learners” (Skiba &
Barton, 2006). To cater to the needs and expectations of the millennial cohort,
many learning practitioners and academicians are changing their instructional
styles or approach to be more engaging and experiential by nature.
The application and utility of various interactive technological features in
learning activities is synchronized with the millennial generation’s preferred
active learning styles and aligns with the generational preference of being techno-
logically friendly, team oriented and demonstrating achievement. A variety of
technology-based learning simulations can be implemented to create an enhanced
learning experience. Methods of training such as web-based interactions, videos,
computer-based activities, presentations, massive online open courses’ websites,
games or research, are all effective examples (Bedwell & Salas, 2010; Skiba &
Barton, 2006; Wilson & Gerber, 2008). Most of these techniques are designed for
individual-level consumption and available in a relatively simple format and so
many times do not include an interactive team or collaborative elements that will
involve multiple learners, thereby making learning fun. Thus, utilizing technol-
ogy-based learning techniques could create dissonance around the millennial
characteristic of team orientation. However, utilizing technology-based learning
techniques aligns well with the millennial characteristics of seeking feedback,
desire for clarity and structure, multitasking. This contradiction proposes that the
millennial cohort would prefer sacrificing some (if not all) interaction features or
team orientation of the activities in order to utilize or participate in a pure play
technology-based learning simulations.
Millennials characteristics of impatience, quick feedback, growth, achievement
recognition and ability to multitask imply need for engaging learning solutions
that match and align with their behaviours and characteristics. Millennials, also
called as Digital natives, are usually the early adopters of any new technology
devices or gadgets that enters the market. They are often not so concerned about
the device itself, but what the device allows the user to do (Feiertag & Berge,
2008; Shaw & Fairhurst, 2008; Skiba & Barton, 2006). These are a few of the
influencing factors that must be seriously considered while determining ideal
learning simulations or activities for the millennial cohort.
6 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
Gamification is an application of game-based mechanics or elements (point-based
system, competition with others and game rules), game thinking and aesthetics to
engage people, motivate action, promote learning, enable decisions and solve
problems in a simulated environment. Gamification essentially involves the usage
of a variety of game elements such as badges, levels, points, challenges, leader
boards or even rewards in a non-game environment or for business objectives
(Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011). Learner-centred environments tend
to be more fun and appealing and within these, games have been found to
demonstrate a strong correlation with the learning outcomes (Ebner & Holzinger,
2007; Prensky, 2010). Increasing number of on-the-job training programmes and
induction trainings are encouraging the use of game-based learnings to make
work and study more engaging, comprehensive, rewarding and applicable
(Pappas, 2013). The whole purpose of gamification is to support learners move
from point A to point B in their lives—be it for functional or behavioural
development, societal development or even marketing engagements.2 Gamification
is particularly useful for encouraging immersive learning experiences. Examples
of gamification by organizations include diverse applications such as LinkedIn,
which uses progress bars to encourage users to complete their profiles; Epic Win,
in which users get points for completing items from their to-do lists; and apps like
Daily Mile, which rewards the users with points for exercising every day
(Cheong, Filippou, & Cheong, 2014).
All these gamification examples illustrate the phenomenon of flow, which
results in the right combination of e-learning content, gamification, and balanced
tasks and activities to engage and motivate participants to learn and explore new
content as and when results in high levels of sustained motivation. As per
McGonigal (2011), “feeling of flow is triggered by four elements that good games
have in common: goals, rules, feedback, and voluntary participation.”
Well-designed and developed e-learning modules that use gamification
strategies generally incorporate elements of flow that increase engagement,
satisfaction, module effectiveness and efficiency of learners.
The present research sees gamification in educational context focusing pri-
marily on learners’ interest, engagement and achievement, the impact of various
game elements used and differences across different demographics and learner
styles and types.
The use of gamification for demonstrating better learning outcomes has been
well documented in research. Online games have been used for training people on
tasks, taking risks and also learning from their mistakes (Colbert, Yee, & George,
2016). Ibáñez, Di-Serio, and Delgado-Kloos (2014) reported that gamified
learning elements were associated with moderate improvement in the learning
outcomes in a college coursework focused on teaching C programming language.
Many such undergraduate programmes have shown similar positive impact on
student performance and achievement (Xiang, Ann, Hui, & Yew, 2014). Meanwhile
another study compared the performance of millennial students enrolled in a
gamified college programme with that of students in a non-gamified version of
the same programme (Barata, Gama, Jorge, & Gonçalves, 2013). They found that
Jain and Dutta 7
the students enrolled in the gamified course which had badges, levels, challenges,
rewards, leader boards, etc. reduced discrepancies among the programme takers
and help them improve their scores.
Theoretical Background
We anchor on multiple theoretical premises to argue for our frameworks.
McClelland’s theory of needs or Achievement Theory of Motivation has been
basis of explaining motivation and behaviour changes of employees. The theory,
which revolves around three important aspects, achievement, power and affilia-
tion (McClelland, Atkinson, Clark, & Lowell, 1953), forms a strong premise for
explaining millennial behaviour and learning mechanisms. The need for achieve-
ment drives an individual to work, strive and even struggle for the objective that
he wants to achieve, which will provide a sense of accomplishment. The need for
power is the desire within a person to hold control, authority and demonstrate
power over another person/situation and is explained by the desire to enhance
their self-esteem and reputation. The need for affiliation emanates from wanting a
desire to be part of a group and seem to be collaborating with others. Within this,
the desire to compete with the affiliated group and the urge to be liked is based on
the need to reinforce the interpersonal and social relationships within this set of
people. We argue that millennials prefer gamification platforms, since they pro-
vide an opportunity for them to demonstrate their individual accomplishments
(need for achievement), enhance self-esteem within the learning group (need for
power) and the need for collaboration is also met by the group learning activities.
We observe a close relationship between various millennial characteristics and
gamification tenets/features correlating with the three needs as defined by Mc
Cleland’s theory of motivation.
According to the theory of Achievement Motivation and Millennial
Characteristics, need for power relates to the choices a millennial learner has in
terms of what (subject or topic), when (time), where (place) and how (method/
style) s/he wants to learn. The level of control and flexibility offered to them by
the gamified learning platform to conveniently take up the course at an aptitude
level relevant to them. Hence, the sequential unlocking of the course that will
allow them to summarize their learning over a period of time.
Need for affiliation is all about socializing learning within the community of
learners with similar learning objectives. Peer challenges is a wonderful feature
that allows a learner to challenge the other about his/her knowledge/expertise
about a specific subject/topic. A cycle of constant feedback is put in place with
peer evaluation done by each other among learners.
As mentioned earlier, badges, levels, points, virtual certification and leader
dashboard plays the role of appreciating learners and boosting their need for
achievement in multivariate ways.
The interactionist perspective, founded on the similarity-attraction paradigm,
suggests that attraction is stronger when there is a perceived fit between consum-
ers’ needs, values and those espoused by the organization (Tews, Michel, &
Bartlett, 2012). Therefore, relative to other learning mechanisms, the millennial
8 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
cohort find learning through gamified platforms to be more attractive, as the
tenets of the platform fit with their needs and values.
Self-Determination theory is another theory that closely connects to the entire
context of learner/participant engagement. The theory speaks about intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal
desires and individual motivation to do or not do something. Whereas, extrinsic
motivation is about external rewards that motivate an individual to pursue a goal
or complete a task. This indeed triggers an individuals’ intent to get onboard to a
gamified platform and thereafter go through the entire gamified learning experi-
ence (Hamari, Koivisto, & Sarsa, 2014).
The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is
a technology acceptance model formulated to explain user intentions to use the infor-
mation technology devices and subsequent usage behaviours. The theory holds that
there are four key constructs such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence and facilitating conditions. (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003)
The UTAUT argues that technology adoption hinges on ease of use, pleasure pro-
vided, perceived usefulness (PU) and perception of compatibility of innovation
with needs (Venkatesh et al., 2003). PU dimension of technology is “the degree to
which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her
job performance” (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). Perceived ease of use (PEOU) is
defined as “the degree/ extent to which a person believes that using a particular
system would be free from effort” (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). As “digital natives,”
millennials naturally gravitate to technology platforms and would prefer learning
on these platforms, since these are easier to understand and provide greater pleas-
ure and satisfaction. UTAUT & Technology Acceptance Model both explain the
importance of user usefulness as a result of which gamified learning platforms
become a great opportunity for learning practitioners to create immersive learning
experiences thereby giving learners and opportunity to apply the same wherever
need be.
Millennials Learning, Motivation and Gamification
Contemporary theories of effective learning suggest that learning is most
impactful when it is active, problem-oriented, experiential, situation-based, and
provides constructive, frequent and immediate feedback (Boyle, Connolly, &
Hainey, 2011). Technology-enabled gamification platforms supported by system
of recognition and awards for decisions taken in a multifaceted learning
environment augment motivation (Kapp, 2012).
Well-contrived and executed educational games are expected to unlock
learners’ potential and channelize development through massive feedbacks that
integrate with artificial intelligence and allow the learning interface to change in
response to learners’ actions (Garris, Ahlers, & Driskell, 2002).
Jain and Dutta 9
Figure 1. Conceptual Model Correlating Motivating Factors and Gamification Elements
Source: The author.
Gamified e-learning model for learning and development purpose is designed
to optimize learners’ engagement, motivation, effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction. Modern theories and practices of education have been considered in
creating this model. A theoretical analysis of gamification has been proposed as a
tool for increasing the engagement levels on the e-learning platforms (Muntean,
2011). Technology-enabled gamified platforms have the power to unlock the
potential to increase learner intent, motivation and engagement, however, it is not
insignificant to achieve that effect, and tremendous efforts are required in the
design and implementation of such immersive learning experiences for it to be
fully motivating for participants (DomíNguez, De-Marcos, FernáNdez-Sanz,
PagéS, & MartíNez-HerráIz, 2013) (Figure 1).
The main objectives of gamification in e-learning is that it should be divided
into several smaller objectives. Invariably, it is easier to achieve multiple smaller
objectives, which can reinforce the sense of achievement and result in increased
learner motivation and satisfaction. Features like progress and status of learners’
activities clearly and graphically displayed enhances the feeling of progress and
motivates learners for future work. A good balance of well-designed and
10 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
developed learning material and learner skills can lead into the state of “flow,”
and learning in this state of “flow” is the most effective and efficient way of inter-
nalizing everything learnt or being learned. Every success of the learner, because
of different activities, must be properly recognized and rewarded in the form of a
positive and constructive feedback. Positive feedback which is the foundation of
gamification, raises the users’ self-esteem and motivation. Offering autonomy to
individuals increases their intrinsic motivation. The prime purpose of gamifica-
tion in e-learning is to encourage millennial learners to continue learning at their
place, pace, level of interest and time of their convenience and their respective
learning styles.
Positive reinforcement and action is enabled through feedback can be in the
form of accumulating points, awards and badges, and negative reinforcement can
be in the form of losing the earned points, awards and badges. With immediate
feedback and the satisfaction of being rewarded, individuals feel competent and
effective enough to deal with their environment. This increases their motivation,
enables competency building and fulfils need for instant gratification. Need for
competition, power and achievement fuels the competitive spirit in the individu-
als and increases their confidence, thereby being more responsible, optimistic and
independent. Individuals are highly motivated when they understand the conse-
quences of their action in each situation and can improve upon the same. Goals
that are specific and challenging by nature are more likely to motivate an indi-
vidual than goals that are too easy or not specified.
With content pushed in smaller bites, followed by quick assessments,
competitive leader boards calling out peer performance and instant e-recognition
through e-certificates makes the learning a more social and collaborative
exercise. The guerilla tactics of driving key learning outcomes insidiously
through games without letting the learner feel the pressure of learning, helps
offer developmental learning interventions and align with the organization needs
(Blunt, 2007; Erenli, 2016).
Few popular ways of popularly gamifying learning are on an online platform:
1. Make choices: A wide variety of choices like difficulty level of learning
challenge (beginner, intermediate or advanced), language, types of assess-
ments based on their interest and preferences.
2. Gamified assessments: Conventional assessments are changed into short
learning activities that take less than 2 to 3 minutes to complete (quizzes,
video role-plays, simulations, multiple choice questions, picture quizzes,
audio/visual-based questions and more).
3. Performance/Participation-based points/badges/levels for motivation: Create
badges for crossing a specific level of participation in the learning module
and based on performance.
4. Collaboration: Motivates and encourages learners to work together on
problem statements or questions, a very common practice of gamers who
team up to achieve an epic score.
5. Leader boards for status update and feedback: Essentially gives a quick
overview of performance of all the learners on the platform. It also gives
Jain and Dutta 11
the individual performance dashboard for greater understanding of the way
one must improvise.
6. Reward mastery: Get extra bonus points for excellent performance (Figure 2).
Over the years, HR and learning and development practices have evolved to
align with shifts in technology, economy, globalization, talent diversity and
business strategy (Stone & Deadrick, 2015), with practices intended to solve
business problems (Ulrich & Dulebohn, 2015). The latest of these trends is the
leveraging of technology solutions and embracing digitization of various HR
processes. Attracting, developing and motivating millennial is emerging as a key
challenge for organizations and HR functions, who often have to develop systems
and processes to address multi-generation needs (Hershatter & Epstein, 2010).
HR functions are evolving to adopt an “outside/inside” approach practices,
Millennial Gamification Mapping Model
Millennial Gamification Outcome
Characteristics Tenets
My Interest,
My Time, My
Pace, My
Place, My
Control &
Sponges, Instant
Challenges &
Story Telling,
Social Connect
unlocking of
Rewards, Self
Badges, Levels,
Points, Virtual
Figure 2. Conceptual Model Millennial Gamification Mapping Model
Source: The author.
12 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6(1)
where “HR creates value by making sure that services HR offers inside the
company align to expectations outside the company” (Ulrich & Dulebohn, 2015).
The importance of understanding and addressing needs to millennials and
customizing HR practices around this is a key need for organizations, so that they
are in sync with the changing demographics at the workplace.
Technological advances have allowed organizations to move to web-based
activities for many of its processes and functions (Stone & Deadrick, 2015).
An understated benefit of leveraging gamification will be the reduction in
instructor-led training interventions and demand on training resources. Technology
has been found to increase efficiency and reduce administrative burden in HR
(Stone & Deadrick, 2015). Gamification can thus support enhancement efficiency
metrics of improved productivity, reduced costs and improved coverage of
training across a larger population. Agility is a key pillar of dynamic capability of
organizations to gain competitive advantage (Corte-Real, Oliveira, & Ruivo,
2017). Gamification allows delivery of training to millennials at quicker speed
and is not constrained by availability of training resources (trainers, physical
training rooms, etc.). Additionally, analytics from the gamification platforms can
throw up interesting insights about gaps in understanding, assessment of training
performance and sustained learning impact. These provide avenues for future
For the millennial generation, who are known as “digital natives,” acceptance
of HR practices which hinge on technology solutions find greater acceptance.
Gamification, as both a learning and digital platform, meets the basic acceptance
and engagement criteria to meaningfully be relevant for the millennial generation.
As argued earlier, the tenets of gamification map onto the behaviours and need
attributes of millennials.
Our research article has argued for the congruency of gamification as a tool for
effective learning among the millennial population. Empirical studies on engage-
ment, learning retention and efficacy, and impact on other organizational citizen-
ship behaviours could be explored in future studies on this domain.
Theoretical and Practice Implications
The current demographics of students are heavily skewed with millennial
representation. For most of this cohort lacking real world experience, avenues for
action learning are limited. This study gives a broad framework to academics on
how to create interest, engage and lead millennials in academic institutions.
Depending upon the requirements be it functional or behavioural development,
societal development or even marketing engagement, academicians can design
learning elements to engage this cohort and be able to make their involvement
substantial and enable better learning. In the academic arena, with technology
integrated learning increasingly being introduced on various fronts, there is an
ongoing effort to make learning more fun and engaging.
Jain and Dutta 13
Given a perennial scarcity in investment in learning and development, practi-
tioners are constantly challenged to demonstrate efficacy of learning invest-
ments, either through return on investment or cost-benefit approach. We argue
the congruence of millennial characteristics with tenets of gamification to
amplify learning outcomes. To understand the clear outcome of gamification on
learning efficacy, engagement and return on investment, empirical research in
industry to is recommended.
The success of the millennials in the workforce is contingent on understanding
what makes them learn and work effectively within organizations. Our article
highlights how learning mechanisms also need to change to adapt to the
millennials preferences and styles basis various motivating factors that play its
role. Based on multiple theoretical pillars, we propose a gamification conceptual
model for millennials which allows millennials to control what they learn, when,
where and how they learn. The needs for instant gratification, success and
recognition at workplace are met by tools like gamification, competitive leader
board, social learning and quick feedback mechanisms incorporated within the
gamified platform.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conicts of interest with respect to the research, author-
ship and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no nancial support for the research, authorship and/or publication
of this article.
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... Vaccines are critical for controlling epidemics and preventing pandemics [5]. However, vaccine effectiveness depends on public willingness to get vaccinated [2] and vaccine hesitancyreluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite availability-remains a global health threat [6][7][8][9]. Previous studies have highlighted generational differences (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z (Gen Z) in vaccine hesitancy, influenced by work-related attitudes and social media [10][11][12]. ...
... A cross-sectional study was conducted from August 2023 to May 2024 in Vietnam among Vietnamese adults who belong to Millennials (born 1982Millennials (born -2000 and Gen Z (born 2001 onward) [9]. The DCE method was used to design the questionnaire. ...
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The rising threat of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) highlights the need to understand factors influencing vaccine adoption. The aim of this study was to explore the willingness to vaccinate and vaccine acceptance preferences among Millennials and Generation Z in Vietnam. Convenience sampling was conducted, after which a traditional discrete choice experiment was performed. Participants were tasked with selecting their preferred options from a set of eight vaccination choice tasks, each consisting of two alternatives distinguished by varying degrees of vaccine efficacy, side effects, influential endorsements, trusted sources, and disease susceptibility through literature reviews, expert interviews, and pilot tests. A minimum sample size of 375 participants was recruited via Internet-based and paper-based surveys. A latent class model was used to explore the heterogeneity in participant preferences, while a mixed logit model was employed to facilitate the computation of the predicted probabilities of vaccine acceptance. Among the 818 included participants, 494 (60.4%) were Millennials generation. The predicted probability of vaccine acceptance was 61.8%, with slight differences between Millennials (62.4%) and Generation Z (61.0%). Four latent classes with significant preference variations were identified. Class 1 (38%) was influenced by vaccine effectiveness, side effects, and health authority recommendations, showing lower opt-out rates. Class 2 (28%) prioritized vaccine effectiveness and authority recommendations but had higher opt-out rates and a stronger religious influence. Class 3 (23%) focused on vaccine effectiveness and side effects, with a tendency to opt-out. Class 4 (11%) valued high vaccine effectiveness and advice from family, with infection risks to family or local areas being significant motivators. Influential voices were more important in Classes 1 and 2, while side effects and effectiveness were prioritized in Classes 3 and 4. In conclusion, Vietnamese Millennials and Generation Z preferred vaccination when the vaccine had 90% efficacy, mild to moderate side effects, endorsements from the Ministry of Health, positive recommendations from family and social networks, and high exposure risks from family members.
... Saxena (2021) suggests that gamification provides targeted information on specific concepts in a student-centred way, increases course engagement, improves student satisfaction, and enhances concentration levels. In fact, studies have shown that millennial learners remain more engaged with class content if gamified activities are involved (Jain & Dutta, 2018). Furthermore, online games are available to all student cohorts, including those undertaking distance education (Shrivastava & Shrivastava, 2023). ...
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Many university students report anxiety and low confidence when undertaking research courses. In the field, healthcare professionals have further identified that new graduates lack basic research skills. The research aims were to (1) ascertain what research concepts were deemed challenging to inform the development of a gamified resource (named OGRE) and (2) to determine if the resource influenced students’ research attitudes, confidence, and knowledge. Adopting a mixed-method approach, four student group interviews were conducted and pre- and post-course surveys were embedded in two large research courses as measures. Additionally, the qualitative component of student evaluations from six courses served as secondary data. Descriptive statistical analysis and thematic analysis techniques were applied. Whilst students understood the relevance of research to practice, only a minority expressed enthusiasm for the topic. The game did not significantly impact on confidence to undertake research, nor could the increase in student knowledge be attributed to the game alone. Gamified resources can be helpful for visual learners and can assist students with ‘real-life’ applications to practice problems, but are not essential to achieve a course’s learning outcomes. Further multidisciplinary team scenarios could be incorporated in OGRE to enhance practice preparedness.
... These individuals engage more effectively through technology. 18 In addition, the constraints of confinement and social distancing during COVID made face-toface interaction impossible. As a result, distance learning methods have been developed on virtual platforms to make the teaching of veterinary anatomy as close to reality as possible. ...
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Anatomy plays a key role in veterinary training, and alternatives to traditional teaching methods, such as game‐based learning and escape rooms, are emerging as innovative and effective methods. However, the effectiveness of these approaches, particularly in areas such as veterinary anatomy, remains under‐researched. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a digital escape room in teaching veterinary anatomy to first‐year students at the Toulouse Veterinary School. It included interactive elements and puzzles based on veterinary anatomy content. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (n = 81) that engaged with the digital escape room or a control group (n = 81). Pre‐ and post‐tests were conducted with a score out of 100 to assess knowledge acquisition, and the participants' perception of the digital escape room was evaluated using a questionnaire. When comparing the difference between pre‐ and post‐test scores, the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.0001). When comparing the post‐test, the experimental group achieved a higher test scores with statistical significance comparing to the control group (p < 0.0001), indicating improved knowledge acquisition. The questionnaire reported that the digital escape room helped increase motivation and interest in learning. However, the lowest score in student–teacher interaction indicates a potential lack of feedback to support student progress. Digital escape rooms are a promising effective and engaging tool for teaching veterinary anatomy, offering practicality, scalability, and potential application across various disciplines of veterinary studies.
... It makes language learning more engaging, dynamic, and enjoyable for students. Gamification attempts to inspire learners, increase their involvement, and foster a sense of accomplishment as they advance in their language-learning journey by including components like points, badges, leaderboards, levels, and incentives (Jain & Dutta, 2019;Li & Chu, 2021;Rapp et al., 2019). Challenges and leaderboards are introduced through gamification, encouraging healthy competitiveness among students. ...
Technology in education forces teachers to modify their teaching strategies by implementing gamification as a tool in teaching and learning process. Kahoot is a popular gamification tool in English learning. Using a qualitative research design, this study aimed to determine the EFL students' perception of the gamification tool in an English learning environment. Thirty-six (36) students of 10th grade from a public senior high school in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The participants were asked to complete a closed-ended questionnaire using Google Forms to gain information about their perceptions of the educational environment. The findings revealed that the students generally have a positive perception of Kahoot! as a gamification tool in the English learning process. The interactive and competitive nature of the quizzes increases students' motivation and engagement in the learning process, which can enhance students' engagement and motivation in the classroom. The students generally perceive Kahoot! as an effective, fun, and effective educational environment that enhances students' learning experience and creates a vibrant and engaging classroom environment. By combining motivation, collaboration, competition, fun, interest, excitement, and an energetic environment, Kahoot! can enhance the English learning experience, promote interaction and collaboration, and offer customizable features.
... Elmondható azonban, hogy a gamifikáció emberi erőforrásokban való alkalmazása nemcsak a toborzás és kiválasztás területére terjed ki. A játékszerű elemek beépítése a munkavállalók beilleszkedésének, képzésének és fejlesztésének programjaiba egyre inkább elfogadott és használatos megközelítés, hiszen ezáltal lehetővé válik a tanulás és a részvétel intenzitásának fokozása [40][41][42] Ezek a megközelítések megfelelnek a technológiai felkészültséggel rendelkező munkaerő preferenciáinak, elősegítve a folyamatos tanulás és fejlődés kultúráját [43][44][45][46][47]. ...
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A gamifikáció az emberi erőforrások területén, különösen a toborzás és kiválasztás terén, kulcsfontosságú a részvétel fokozása, a készségek értékelése és az igazságosság szempontjából. A játékelemek beillesztésével valósághű játékélményt teremt, lehetővé téve a munkakör valós modellezését. A szabványosított játékok az objektív értékelés mellett, csökkentik a felmérések során előforduló elfogultságot. A gamifikáció növeli a jelentkezők motivációját és elkötelezettségét, átalakítja az emberi erőforrások gyakorlatát, dinamikussá, vonzóvá és hatékonynyá téve a toborzási folyamatot. Jelentősége abban rejlik, hogy az alkalmazkodó tehetségeket azonosítja, miközben a folyamatos tanulás kultúráját támogatja. A cikk röviden felvázolja a gamifikáció használatát és koncepcióit, valamint a játékelméletek alkalmazását az emberi erőforrások területén, szekunder kutatások alapján.
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Gamification, the integration of game design elements in non-gaming contexts, has emerged as a popular strategy across various disciplines, particularly in education. This meta-analysis evaluates the impact of gamification on student engagement, motivation, and academic performance from 2021 to 2024. A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA principles, analysing studies sourced from major academic databases, including ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Peer-reviewed publications focusing on gamification elements such as badges, leaderboards, and points were prioritized. Findings indicate that gamification significantly enhances student motivation, active participation, and academic success. Specific features like badges and leaderboards foster competitiveness and recognition, which are essential for promoting self-regulation and active learning. Points systems, on the other hand, provide immediate feedback and measurable goals, enabling learners to track progress effectively. Collectively, these elements create dynamic, interactive, and enjoyable learning environments that facilitate deeper engagement and comprehension. This review also highlights the diversity of gamified approaches tailored to educational settings, demonstrating their adaptability to various subjects and age groups. The implementation of gamification has been shown to bridge gaps in traditional pedagogical methods by introducing novel ways of capturing student interest and sustaining long-term involvement. However, the effectiveness of gamification is contingent on careful design and alignment with instructional objectives. Overall, the findings underscore the transformative potential of gamification in education. By integrating game mechanics into learning processes, educators can cultivate intrinsically motivated learners and foster improved academic outcomes. The study concludes with recommendations for future research to explore the longitudinal effects of gamification and its applicability across diverse educational contexts.
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Purpose This paper aims to examine the effect of gamification training on employee task performance within the context of intellectual, social and affective (ISA) employee engagement in India. The use of gamification in training as a possible precursor to increased employee engagement is a fascinating research topic, especially as employee engagement is becoming an increasingly important factor in workplace success. Design/methodology/approach To achieve the aim of this study, 300 responses were obtained from employees in an Indian company using online surveys to quantitatively assess levels of employee engagement and task performance. Statistical tests like SPSS 20.0 and Smart PLS 3.0 were run on the collected data to see if gamification training led to significantly higher levels of employee engagement and if this engagement had an effect on task performance. Findings Result tells that social and affective engagement mediates the relationship between gamification training and employee task performance in gamification-using organisations, relative to intellectual engagement. As social and affective engagement has considerable positive effects on employee job performance and gamification training, gamification training is a critical approach for organisations to implement to increase employee engagement and, consequently, performance. Originality/value Using an innovative variable of employee engagement – specifically, ISA employee engagement – the authors have sought to establish a mediating link between gamification and employee task performance. Therefore, the study’s designs have practical value for organisations because they incorporate the ISA engagement scale into a game-based learning environment.
Many individuals worldwide retire financially unprepared. The most evident factor for low retirement savings is due to a lack of retirement planning, especially from an early age. Financial literacy is a key element in navigating the current complex financial landscape, as it enables the individual to effectively manage personal finances and make sound financial decisions regarding earning, consuming, saving, investing, debt management, insurance, mitigating risk, identifying suitable financial sources when needed, and also ultimately saving enough for retirement. Financial education provided by employers is usually voluntary and generally designed as a one-size-fits-all solution. The current methods used to teach financial literacy are effective in accessing financial education, but whether they change financial behaviour that results in leaving individuals better prepared for retirement is not evident. Millennials thrive in a digital environment and prefer a trial-and-error approach when learning takes place. To make financial education more practical and appealing to millennials, programme developers should consider the use of gamified applications portraying real-life events where problems need to be solved and active engagement and immediate feedback, which can promote financial literacy and might change the saving behaviour of the younger generations. Gamification is explored as a potential educational tool that can be used in teaching retirement preparedness and financial literacy in the workplace.
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The determination of presenting this paper is to illustrate a method of conducting a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the psychology education field. Fun learning, which also represented as edutainment, specified as an educational method that merges entertaining and intriguing activities to enhance the learning progression. Through the attractive learning ambience, students are capable of capturing added values for education. In sequence, playful learning is pertinent to generate learners’ positive attitudes. The systematic literature review offers a summary of the fun learning influence against the development of students’ behavior. For the requirement, 25 selected articles between 2018 and 2023 were analyzed to focus on the key characteristics of this research matter. The major findings of this study display three main themes of emotional, behavioral, and cognitive engagements. It shows the accommodation of fun learning approaches made a construction process in students’ behavior.
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The authors reflect on ways increased prevalence of technology and digital natives entering the workplace influence how work is approached. They talk about competencies of the digital workforce and suggests both digital natives and digital immigrants could have the skills needed to utilize technology for manipulating data, problem solving, and new product creation. They comment on interpersonal relating and identity development in digital workforces, and the utilization of technology at work.
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Today’s teachers mainly belong to the so-called “Generation X” while learners are most often described as “Generation Y” or “Millennials”. Most current discussions of learning methods are being held in view of the status quo. But what about the learners of tomorrow? What expectations do the learners of tomorrow have? Which methods and tools will the teachers of tomorrow have in stock to meet these expectations? “The old learning spaces, dominated by the immensely successful organizations of the industrial era like schools and universities, are struggling to maintain authority and control over the definition and certification of knowledge while at the same time remaining true to the stated mandate of helping to equip people and society for a life where learning is much more heterogeneous and heterarchical”[11]. Therefore, wouldn´t it be good to have a toolset ready and be able to choose the appropriate tools and techniques right on time? Reflecting on publications, expert interviews and state-of-the-art best practices, this paper attempts to draw a picture of the future (e-)learning scenario. To give the next generation a name, “Generation I(mmersion)” has been chosen. Despite breaking the X, Y, Z sequence, this name highlights the state of “Immersion”, which educators and learners of tomorrow will/might find themselves in.
In the strategic management field, dynamic capabilities (DC) such as organizational agility are considered to be paramount in the search for competitive advantage. Recent research claims that IT business value research needs a more dynamic perspective. In particular, the Big Data Analytics (BDA) value chain remains unexplored. To assess BDA value, a conceptual model is proposed based on a knowledge-based view and DC theories. To empirically test this model, the study addresses a survey to a wide range of 500 European firms and their IT and business executives. Results show that BDA can provide business value to several stages of the value chain. BDA can create organizational agility through knowledge management and its impact on process and competitive advantage. Also, this paper demonstrates that agility can partially mediate the effect between knowledge assets and performance (process level and competitive advantage). The model explains 77.8% of the variation in competitive advantage. The current paper also presents theoretical and practical implications of this study, and the study's limitations.
Games offer people engaging and motivating experiences. The process of recreating this type of experience in systems that are not typically considered games is called “gamification.” Improving engagement and motivation in a learning environment is desired by many educators as traditional approaches do not seem to be as engaging as they once were with students. Hence, gamification may be a useful tool to improve the learning environment. As a precursor to the development of a game-like learning system, we survey 51 undergraduate IT students to obtain their perceptions on game elements, which are the building blocks of what makes a game identifiable as such. All game elements that were presented to the respondents were highly rated. It was found that undergraduate students have a positive perception of systems that use game elements and are interested in its use for learning. Overall, students favoured social interaction, engagement, feedback, and increased learning, which suggests that gamification is particularly suited to learning approaches such as social constructivism. We suggest that future work should include the development of a prototype for a game-like educational system that helps to provide useful feedback for students about their learning progress.
Today's college students are significantly different from previous generations. On average, they are overconfident, have high expectations, report higher narcissism, are lower in creativity, are less interested in civic issues, and are less inclined to read long passages of text. They are highly confident of their abilities and received higher grades in high school despite doing fewer hours of homework than previous generations. They also believe in equality regardless of ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Strategies for teaching Generation Me include: frequent and honest feedback on performance; interactive learning; explaining why the material is important; using images and video clips; eliminating makeup exams and exceptions; and shorter textbooks. Teachers can use self-esteem and success as an example of a correlation explained by reverse causation and/or confounding variables, and can cover cultural differences such as individualism and collectivism. Overall, the best practice may be solutions that preserve high standards for learning but accommodate this generation's preferences.
Literature from 1965-1975 and 1998 through March 2008, was explored to determine how young workers entering the U.S. workforce during each period were characterized. The Boomers, who began working during the first period and the MillenniaIs, who began entering the workforce around 1998 are portrayed as very different and in conflict with each other. However, five similar themes emerged that characterized both generations: educational level, parenting, the impact of technology, commitment to employers and meaningful work.