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VOL. 10, NO. 1, 102–111
CONTACT Donggil Song
© 2018 Dialectical Publishing
Learning Analytics as an Educational Research Approach
Donggil Song
Department of Computer Science, Sam Houston State University, TX, USA
The motivation for this article derived from the fact that in-depth contemplation is required for methodologi-
cal frameworks of Learning Analytics (LA) to gain acceptance in the academic community. A search of relevant
literature did not reveal robust consideration of the added value of LA in the research approach domain, more
specifically, in the educational research methods field. Consequently, there is a need to supply educational
researchers with an accredited overview of LA. This article aims to fill that gap as well as to carry out a review
of LA studies to contribute towards a documentation of the LA research approach so far. This review includes
what brings LA to the educational research field, what research questions LA have answered, and how the ap-
proach is implemented. Along with the additional methodological issues, this review also includes an investiga-
tion of LA that captures the strengths and weaknesses in data analysis and the identification of purposes of
these previous studies, and thus, hopefully, motivate the research community to reconceptualize LA as a re-
search approach for further research.
Introduction of Learning Analytics
Before addressing LA, the last term, analytics, needs to be delineated first. In general, analytics refers to “a
generic set of techniques and algorithms that have been used for quite some time” in some domains (Pardo,
2014, p. 16). The first term, learning, specifies the field or topic of research in analytics. Thus, LA can be de-
fined as a set of techniques and algorithms that are used in the learning-related domain. Per the 1st Interna-
tional Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (2010), LA is defined as “the measurement, collection,
analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing
learning and the environments in which it occurs” (para. 6). Although there is no agreement on a standard
definition of LA, this definition was used in most studies reviewed in the present article. However, the afore-
This article reviews Learning Analytics (LA) to understand
the nature and characteristics of LA better, specifically,
how this research approach is utilized in educational
studies. Educational studies utilizing the LA approach
have made it possible to look at the effect of changes
related to diverse learning variables over time. These
variables span across learners, instructors, and the
relationship of those changes to the performance of
learners. Currently, there is a growing body of literature
focusing on the use of LA, such as educational data
mining, data visualization, and numerical modeling. Rapid
advancements in the capacity of computer processing
have showcased the potential of LA, which encompasses
big data processing and the immense quantities of the
data analysis. This article contemplates challenges and
opportunities for the use of LA as a research approach.
Implications of previous studies and traditions for the
conceptualization and conduct of LA research are also
discussed. Particularly, this study focuses on what brings
LA to the research field, what research questions LA have
answered, and how the approach is implemented.
Additional methodological issues are also discussed.
Educational data mining; learning
analytics; log data analysis; research
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mentioned definition might have a wide scope of research concepts to a degree. It is difficult to differentiate
the concept of LA from the existing research approaches in education because learning science and instruc-
tional technology researchers have already measured, collected, analyzed, and reported data about learners
and their contexts without using LA. Thus, we need a further narrowed-down definition for the term, LA.
Educational researchers have characterized LA as a research field, discipline, or approach, with certain types
of techniques. Knight, Shum, and Littleton (2014) considered LA as an emerging “research field and design dis-
cipline” (p. 2), specifically, a field of the educational research that uses computational techniques to capture
and to analyze learning-related data. Scheffel, Drachsler, Stoyanov, and Specht (2014) also stipulated LA as a
multi-disciplinary research field that is built upon the use of data mining process, information retrieval, tech-
nology-mediated learning environment, and visualization. Therefore, the definition of LA could be narrowed
down to the statement that LA embraces certain features that can be directly projected into the research field
with the use of computational techniques considering conditions and factors of the learning experience.
There are some review articles that summarize findings from multiple LA studies. These reviewed studies in-
volved the use of LA as a research approach, which commonly involved the adoption of computational tech-
niques. Papamitsiou and Economides (2014) systematically reviewed 209 published LA studies. Throughout the
inclusion/exclusion procedure, they identified 40 key studies that involved the use of LA as a research ap-
proach. These researchers classified the studies by research strategy, research discipline, learning settings,
research objectives, data collection technique, analysis technique, and results. They reported that the data in
the reviewed LA studies were collected from different sources, such as log files, questionnaires, interviews,
Google analytics, open datasets, and virtual machines. Specifically, they documented that LA researchers col-
lected the data to measure the learner participation (e.g., login frequency, number of messages, forum and
discussion posts), response times, task submission, previous grades in courses, detailed profiles, preferences,
and affect observations (e.g., bored, frustrated, confused, happy). Also, they reported that the most frequently
used methods were classification, followed by clustering, regression, and discovery with models. The algorith-
mic criteria computed for comparison of methods were precision, accuracy, sensitivity, coherence, fitness
measures, and similarity weights. According to Papamitsiou and Economides’s (2014) review article, which
sheds light on the technical aspects, LA can be considered as a research approach that utilizes computational
techniques for analyzing data collected from computer-based systems in order to investigate learner profile,
behavior, and performance in the learning environment. Still, the use of computational techniques in research
is not new. Thus, one of the key issues is the fact that there has not been a long enough period of time for ed-
ucational researchers to utilize computational techniques. Then, what brings computational techniques to ed-
ucational research?
Computational Techniques in Educational Research
From the review of previous LA studies wherein LA was used as a research method, it was found that LA stud-
ies process and/or visualize the data collected from interaction and navigation through computerized educa-
tional environments. LA studies apparently gained momentum from the availability of diverse data sources.
The rapid development of communication and Internet technology has significantly changed how learning ex-
periences are conceived and deployed. Numerous university programs today consist of online classes that in-
clude blended learning courses. The growing quantity of big data collected from the online learning environ-
ments during the past decade could not be handled manually. With the increased availability of large datasets
and powerful computational engines, educational researchers began utilizing learners’ behavior and experi-
ence to create insightful and real-time prediction models of learning processes. A few LA researchers
acknowledge the benefits of the qualitative research approach because this approach provides rich descrip-
tions of learning processes and additional information (Berland, Martin, Benton, Smith, & Davis, 2013; Chatti,
Dyckhoff, Schroeder, & Thüs, 2012). However, few researchers have analyzed qualitative aspects in LA re-
LA researchers mostly collect students’ activity data generated from technology-mediated learning systems,
such as the number of clicks, discussion forums, assignments, test/assessments, and page views. Using these
educational data, usually from learning management systems and other online learning platforms and tools
(e.g., automatic assessment tools or intelligent tutoring systems) including MOOCs (Massive Online Open
Courses), LA researchers aim to understand the learning process and to improve the quality of a learning expe-
rience in the learning systems (Pardo & Siemens, 2014). The data relating to learner experience and behavior
also are supplemented with background information or profile of the learner. A few LA studies (e.g.,
Tempelaar, Rienties, & Giesbers, 2015) have involved the use of intentionally collected data, such as self-
report survey, along with the system-generated data; however, for most studies, LA can be seen as a case of
the increased attention of the big data research phenomenon, and the utilization of computational analysis
techniques (Ruipérez-Valiente, Muñoz-Merino, Leony, & Kloos, 2015).
The use of computational techniques for analyzing data collected from learning environments is one of the
more important aspects when characterizing the concept of LA. Computational techniques have already been
utilized in other areas, such as business intelligence, data mining, web analytics, and recommender systems.
These fields include the investigation of big data handling techniques that can be used to analyze computer-
readable sets of data (Persico & Pozzi, 2015; Serrano-Laguna, Torrente, Moreno-Ger, & Fernández-Manjón,
2014). The only difference between LA and these fields is that LA emerges as a link between the large data of
learner experience in education settings and the computational techniques for analyzing learning-related data.
Still, there are two similar areas (but two different names) under development that are oriented towards the
inclusion and exploration of big data analysis within education: LA and Educational Data Mining (EDM).
EDM research could be traced back to the history of computer system development; yet, it is only in the late
2000 that EDM was recognized as a research field with attention aimed at how to utilize computer power in
systematic ways for data analysis. EDM handles “developing, researching, and applying computerized methods
to detect patterns in large collections of educational data that would be hard or impossible to analyze due to
the enormous volume of data within which they exist” (Romero & Ventura, 2013, p. 12). Apparently, this
statement does sound like LA. Papamitsiou and Economides (2014) summarize the similarities of LA and EDM,
as follows: (a) LA and EDM researchers collect, process, analyze, and report computer-readable data to ad-
vance learning/instructional process and the educational setting; (b) the research procedures of LA and EDM
focus on the data collected from learning/instructional-related systems and preparation for processing during
the instructors’ and learners’ activities; and (c) LA and EDM researchers analyze, report, and interpret the re-
sults in order to inform stakeholders (e.g., learners, instructors, organizations, and institutions) about learners’
performance and the instructional/learning goal achievement, and, ultimately, to advise on the decision-
making process of stakeholders (Papamitsiou & Economides, 2014). LA and EDM share similar goals and analy-
sis methods/techniques aiming at investigating learning processes. Thus, some researchers do not differenti-
ate between the two concepts (e.g., Berland et al., 2013; Mirriahi, Liaqat, Dawson, & Gašević, 2016). On the
other hand, there is a perspective that both concepts are different from each other. For example, LA has been
built upon a holistic viewpoint that focuses on understanding learning/instructional systems to their full com-
plexity, whereas EDM involves a reductionistic stance that emphasizes analyzing individual components and
new patterns in data, and modifying respective algorithms (Papamitsiou & Economides, 2014). However, as
pointed out earlier, the holistic stance would define LA broadly; this, in turn, might not depict the unique char-
acteristics of LA. In addition, from a methodological viewpoint, because the LA research area is sophisticated,
the difference is becoming diluted. More importantly, the purposes of LA and EDM are especially similar to
each other. Thus, it seems that there is no practical benefit in separating the two terms. Both of them involve
employment of computational analysis techniques to understand learning and learning/instructional environ-
Purposes of Learning Analytics Studies
LA researchers aim to enhance the learning processes through systematic analysis of learning/instruction-
related data and ultimately to provide informative feedback to stakeholders. In particular, LA provides stake-
holders (e.g., learners, instructors, institutions) with opportunities to enable personalized learning. In many
cases, for these purposes, LA researchers attempt to predict students’ learning performances. For example,
one purpose of typical LA studies is to identify or to predict learners who are (or will be) encountering obsta-
cles in their learning, sometimes in real time (Serrano-Laguna et al., 2014). Predictions of dropout and reten-
tion are primary matters for LA researchers. In their review, Tempelaar et al. (2015) claim that a vast body of
LA studies on student retention revealed that prediction models of the LA studies have well predicted stu-
dents’ academic performance via a range of demographic, academic integration, social integration, and psy-
cho-emotional/social factors. In addition, researchers used the LA approach to monitor student interactions
and individual assessment in diverse contexts (Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-Echaluce, García-Peñalvo, & Conde, 2015).
In some cases, visualization of the learners’ online behaviors assists in improving both the teaching process
and students’ performance (Hernández-García, González-González, Jiménez-Zarco, & Chaparro-Peláez, 2015).
Research questions. When addressing the purpose of enhancing the learning processes, the LA approach has
been used to answer particular research questions (see Table 1). Research questions about learners’ profiles
are one of the most frequently addressed questions (Mirriahi et al., 2016). Another type of research question
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deals with the changing of learners’ behavior over time (Berland et al., 2013). The other type of research ques-
tions relates to prediction modeling (Nistor et al., 2014; Tempelaar et al., 2015). Currently, research relating to
network analysis questions are frequently addressed in LA studies (Hernández-García et al., 2015). In addition,
recent research has explored tools or mechanisms that can be integrated into the instructional system (Serra-
no-Laguna et al., 2014; Van Leeuwen, Janssen, Erkens, & Brekelmans, 2014).
Table 1. Research Questions in Learning Analytics Studies
Question types
Learner profile
Mirriahi et al. (2016, p.
• What are the main learning profiles that emerge from the use of video
annotation software?
• Do different instructional methods influence the development of the learning
profiles identified based on student engagement or use of video annotation
• What is the effect of the learning profiles that emerge from the use of video
annotation software on students’ academic achievement?
Changes in learner
behavior over time
Berland et al. (2013, p.
• How, in the aggregate, does students’ programming activity change over time?
• What does this activity reveal about tinkering processes?
• How do these changes relate to the quality of the programs that students are
Prediction modeling
Tempelaar et al. (2015,
p. 159)
• To what extent do (self-reported) learning dispositions of students, Learning
Management Systems (LMSs), and e-tutorial data (formative assessments)
predict academic performance over time?
• To what extent do predictions based on these alternative data sources refer to
unique facets of performance, and to what extent do these predictions
• Which source(s) of data (learning dispositions, LMS data, e-tutorials formative
tests) provide the most potential to provide timely feedback for students?
Nistor et al. (2014, p.
• (acceptance model verification) To what extent do acceptance factors
(technology use intention, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence, facilitating conditions and technology anxiety) predict participation
in virtual community of practice?
• (model verification) Does participation in virtual community of practice
significantly mediate the influence of expertise on the expert status?
Network analysis
Hernández-García et al.
(2015, p. 69)
• Are social network parameters of the different actors related to student
outcomes in online learning?
• Are global social network parameters related to overall class performance?
• Can visualizations from social network analysis provide additional information
about visible and invisible interactions in online classrooms that help to
improve the learning process?
Tools or mechanisms
Serrano-Laguna et al.
(2014, p. 317)
• Checking whether it was technically feasible to add the tracking mechanisms
to a game that was developed separately
• Testing whether a simple analysis of low-level interactions could be sufficient
to identify game design issues and points in which the users were getting lost
Van Leeuwen et al.
(2014, p. 30)
• What is the effect of supporting tools that show information on student
participation and discussion during collaboration on the development of
teachers’ diagnosis and interventions?
Overall, the various types of research questions in LA studies are somewhat limited. Given the limited data
sources of a large amount of quantitative datasets, and the complex analysis techniques, the LA research area
might have a limited boundary. However, the use of different technology-based learning environments and
user-friendly analysis tools are increasing. Therefore, it is expected by the author that the LA approach will
address a wide variety of research questions in the near future.
Research Process
The process of LA studies might vary, but there are some common steps and phases associated with these
studies. A study conducted by Berland et al. (2013) can be used as an example. Specifically, this study exempli-
fies a robust and well-structured LA research process. Berland et al. (2013) used LA to understand how stu-
dents learn computer programming through creative processes with computation. The data were collected
from 53 female high school students learning to program (i.e., a game development summer camp) using a
computer coding environment, which stores learners’ behaviors during their game programming process. The
primary data source was each state of the programs that the participants created. The measures were action
(i.e., “the number of action primitives in a program state”), logic (i.e., “the total number of login and sensor
primitives in a program state”), unique primitives (i.e., “the number of unique action, login, and sensor primi-
tives in a program state”), length (i.e., “the total number of primitives in a program state”), coverage (i.e., “the
percentage of possible combinations of sensor inputs”), and program quality (i.e., “how likely a student’s robot
is to win a game”) (Berland et al., 2013, pp. 15-17). After confirming the measures, the researchers used a LA
tool to conduct feature selection, which isolates particular features for inclusion in the analysis. Then, the par-
ticipants’ game program states were grouped into statistically generated categories (i.e., feature clustering).
After identifying six different clusters, Berland et al. (2013) determined whether there were common sequenc-
es of a program state moved from one cluster to another over time. Then, the researchers interpreted the
results within a current learning theory framework on computer coding (Berland et al., 2013).
As described earlier, there are specific analysis phases in LA studies. Pardo (2014) identified the following five
independent steps: (a) Capture: the measurement, data collection (which might not directly ready to be pro-
cessed), and LA technique selection; (b) Report: the data process using an arbitrary method ranging from sim-
ple to complex algorithms; (c) Predict: the answering stage for the previously formulated research questions;
(d) Act: the generation of action that may change the target learning environment; and (e) Refine: the review
of previous phases and adjustments to improve the suitability of each phase. By adopting these steps, the au-
thor of this article added an interpretation phase due to the author’s aim of understanding LA as a research
method in general (see Table 2).
For the present article, a literature search was conducted to identify the studies that used LA as a research
approach. The ERIC Databases and Google Scholar were queried to search for literature in this field wherein LA
studies were published in the area of educational research. Titles, abstracts, and keywords were searched for
Learning Analytics. The initial set of 131 references narrowed via the following first selection criterion: the
study had to involve collection and analysis of data with a LA technique(s). The author of this study identified
64 articles wherein LA was used as a research approach for the actual analysis. The literature search identified
14 studies that were obtained for a full review after the second screening criterion: the study provides clear
descriptions of their analysis process. As can be seen in Table 2, the studies utilized different types of methods
in each phase (i.e., data collection, feature selection, technique application, and interpretation). Interestingly,
the studies that involved data collected from a similar type of data source adopted similar approaches in other
phases (i.e., feature selection, technique application, and interpretation). For example, the studies that in-
volved the use of a learning management system as a data source involved a selection of environment-specific
features and then involved the use of clustering techniques for exploratory purposes.
Overall, all data sources were computerized learning environments. Although there existed some variations
on the use of strategies in each phase, the reviewed studies involved an adoption of computational techniques
for the analysis following the four steps: data collection, feature selection, technique application, and interpre-
Methodological Issues in Learning Analytics Research
The rapid development of technology supports the collection of vast amounts of data and their resulting anal-
ysis and reporting, which brings computational techniques into the educational research method field. How-
ever, there are methodological issues to address before LA becomes a robust research approach. In the re-
search methodology field, Mertens et al. (2016) have already raised issues of the trend (i.e., computational
analysis of the large amount of data) within a mixed methods perspective by denoting some concerns, such as
the quality of big data, its relevance, feature selection, data preprocessing (e.g., data merge), levels of analysis,
and confidentiality. Specifically, these researchers designated the issue of how to integrate the computational
results with a qualitative component. In addition, due to big data being considered as a population of a certain
context, mixed methods researchers might have to think about the reconceptualization of sample, sample size,
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and entire population (Mertens et al., 2016). These concerns also apply to the LA approach. For example, LA
faces the issue of qualitative data integration (Chatti et al., 2012) or confidentiality (Pardo & Siemens, 2014). In
addition to those issues listed, more methodological thoughts on the LA approach are addressed in the follow -
ing section.
Table 2. Learning Analytics Study Phases
Data collection
determination and
• Programming software (Berland et al., 2013; Blikstein, 2011)
• Online community of practice (Nistor et al., 2014)
• Video annotation software (Mirriahi et al., 2016)
• Online concept mapping tool (Scheffel et al., 2014)
• Educational video game (Serrano-Laguna et al., 2014)
• Learning management system (Agudo-Peregrina, Iglesias-Pradas, Conde-González,
& Hernández-García, 2014; Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2015; Hernández-García et al.,
2015; Lust, Elen, & Clarebout, 2013; Lust, Vandewaetere, Ceulemans, Elen, &
Clarebout, 2011; Tempelaar et al., 2015)
• Virtual math software (Xing, Guo, Petakovic, & Goggins, 2015)
• Online discussion forum (Wise, Zhao, & Hausknecht, 2013)
Feature selection
Selection justification
• Data collection environment-specific (Agudo-Peregrina et al., 2014; Berland et al.,
2013; Blikstein, 2011; Lust et al., 2013; Lust et al., 2011; Mirriahi et al., 2016;
Serrano-Laguna et al., 2014; Wise et al., 2013)
• Research topic-specific (Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2015; Hernández-García et al., 2015;
Xing et al., 2015)
• Literature review (Nistor et al., 2014; Tempelaar et al., 2015)
• Expert review (Scheffel et al., 2014)
Alignment with
research questions
• Clustering (Agudo-Peregrina et al., 2014; Berland et al., 2013; Lust et al., 2013; Lust
et al., 2011; Mirriahi et al., 2016; Scheffel et al., 2014)
• Regression (Agudo-Peregrina et al., 2014; Nistor et al., 2014; Tempelaar et al.,
• Path analysis (Berland et al., 2013)
• Tracking and behavior analysis (Blikstein, 2011; Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2015;
Serrano-Laguna et al., 2014; Wise et al., 2013)
• Social network analysis and visualization (Hernández-García et al., 2015)
• Genetic algorithm (Xing et al., 2015)
Alignment with
research context
• Framework formulation (Berland et al., 2013; Scheffel et al., 2014)
• Prediction modeling (Hernández-García et al., 2015; Tempelaar et al., 2015; Xing et
al., 2015)
• Existing model validation (Fidalgo-Blanco et al., 2015; Nistor et al., 2014)
• Instructional design assessment (Serrano-Laguna et al., 2014)
• Exploratory analysis (Agudo-Peregrina et al., 2014; Blikstein, 2011; Lust et al., 2013;
Lust et al., 2011; Mirriahi et al., 2016; Wise et al., 2013)
One of the primary purposes of LA studies is to formulate a learner performance prediction model. This predic-
tion model must offer practical and realistic guidance to learners, instructors, curriculum developers, and ad-
ministrators in order to improve learners’ levels of performance and academic achievement. This raises an
issue of result interpretation and data contextualization. Xing et al. (2015) conceptualized the interpretability
issue as the black/white box of LA techniques. The main assumption of this argument is that LA studies need to
be designed to provide meaningful and interpretable prediction models that are easily understandable at the
practitioner level, and which do not require any types of sophisticated knowledge about computational tech-
niques in order to use the suggested model. According to the researchers, there are two types of LA methods:
white-box and black-box: White-box methods are easily understood and interpreted by persons who do not
have any specific background knowledge about computer programming or statistics, as opposed to black-box
methods, which are difficult (almost impossible) to be comprehended by practitioners who do not have the
background knowledge about the analysis techniques (Xing et al., 2015). Even if LA studies suggested useful
insights on the learning process and its mechanism, the information and results provided to the instructors
would not always be straightforward to interpret. Thus, it is recommended that LA researchers attempt to
provide specific implications and practical guidance for an audience of laypersons even though black-box
methods were used in their research.
Methodological Advances
Modeling students’ learning process in educational settings is not new. Traditional modeling techniques, in-
cluding linear or logistic regression, have been successfully utilized for a variety of educational studies. Instruc-
tional/Learning environments have evolved, such as learning management systems, MOOCs, online courses,
and complex artifacts. As they require deeper analysis, the traditional modeling techniques have shown some
limitations. Specifically, these limitations include a lack of established paradigm for optimizing learning per-
formance prediction (further explained in Xing et al., 2015). To fill the gap, LA has been suggested. Notwith-
standing, LA is neither self-explanatory nor self-regulatory. Although research approaches, methods, and tech-
niques might lead the researcher to a certain stance of learning and assessment, the data sources should not
determine the research direction. Thus, researchers need to be informed of the various ways that LA can be
adopted, depending on the researcher’s philosophical standpoint in different pedagogical contexts. For this,
five philosophical stances with appropriate LA approaches offered by Knight et al. (2014) would be beneficial:
(a) Constructivism (in its various forms): The focus of LA is on learners’ progress through tracking learners’ be-
haviors and making decision on the instructional modification, such as instructional materials, resources, and
tools; (b) Subjectivism: The focus of LA is on learners’ motivational aspects, such as understanding why a
learner is (or is not) engaged in a particular learning task; (c) Apprenticeship: The focus of LA is on the classifi-
cation of expert and novice learners with underlying reasons, and the knowledge transfer or shift between
them; (d) Connectivism: The focus of LA is on the network analysis (e.g., networks’ size, node, quality, changes
over time) in order to investigate the connection of concepts and knowledge; and (e) Pragmatism (in its vari-
ous forms): The focus of LA is on the learning process rather than on the learning performance (Knight et al.,
2014). Following these guidelines might restrict the researcher’s creativity. However, as a methodology, the LA
approach must also play a significant role in facilitating educational researchers in locating unknown patterns
within data rather than “proceeding from a query initiated by a traditionally testable hypothesis” (Berland et
al., 2013, p. 8).
Researchers of recent LA publications advocate for additional discussion about the soundness and suitability
of their analysis techniques. This effort should lead to more practical guidance regarding how each LA tech-
nique can be fully utilized. Although there are similarities among different analysis techniques in LA—for ex-
ample, classification and clustering include similar algorithms—each technique offers a unique set of ad-
vantages and disadvantages (e.g., the use of supervised—labeled data in the classification technique, or the
use of unsupervised—unlabeled data in clustering technique) (Martin & Sherin, 2013). Emphasizing how LA
techniques can be used in a certain condition would then guide future researchers to elaborate on how to uti-
lize a technique in a specific educational context, which would play a significant role in enhancing LA as a ro-
bust research method. In addition, feature selection methods should be further investigated (see the second
phase of LA Study Phases in Table 2). When selecting features among many types of indicators, researchers in
this area normally review the literature to identify features that were selected in previous research. Although
the literature review method is convenient, it should be noted that the feature selection process is highly con-
text-specific (Ruipérez-Valiente et al., 2015). Thus, researchers should be able to consider their own research
context first, then, to identify appropriate feature selection methods and/or algorithms. Due to few studies
suggesting an enhanced method for feature selection, more effective feature selection approaches also need
to be further investigated, and the practical and detailed guidance for feature selection is required to enhance
LA as a robust research method.
Challenges or Recommendations
In this article, challenges of LA studies have been identified. For the LA approach to become a robust method
for educational research, the following challenges need to be overcome.
Connecting with educational theory. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the features that impact
learning and performance, researchers should be able to contextualize their data using educational theories or
principles (Xing et al., 2015). Because a large set of variables might diminish statistical prediction power, the
feature selection is a critical phase in LA. As opposed to the computer science or mathematical field that em-
ploys computational methods for selecting features, the researcher’s judgment is the key point of feature se-
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lection in educational research. The decision-making process can be aided by educational theories or principles.
In addition, LA researchers should be able to identify a relationship between the study results and the educa-
tional theories/principles rather than to interpret the results as they are. This is because the results of educa-
tional research are meaningful only when they accumulate knowledge of actual instruction/learning design
(Tempelaar et al., 2015). However, it is strenuous to identify an appropriate educational theory or principle for
both feature selection and result interpretation. Thus, LA researchers should scrutinize pedagogical grounds
prior to the research being conducted.
Context and content knowledge. In addition to the pedagogical framework based on educational theories,
our knowledge from LA can only be considered evidence in a contextualized instance, such as in a specific
online learning environment. The learning environment as a context should be “redefined as a metacognitive
tool which cannot be excluded in assessment” (Knight et al., 2014, p. 6). Without understanding the learning
environment as well as its functionality, accessibility, usability, and other technical aspects, it would not be
possible to grasp the core of learning experience and to distribute any meaningful implications of the LA study
results. Thus, more contextual knowledge about the learning environment is required for the LA approach, and
the detailed information about the context should be described in the LA study. In addition, in order for the
researcher to utilize the LA approach, computational literacy, including proper use of computational tools and
knowledge about the computational techniques, is necessary.
Visualization and broader perspective. Ultimately, LA researchers aim to inform decision makers about dif-
ferent stages of events in the learning process across educational institutions. In this way, LA contributes to
the educational research field by providing empirical support for previously theorized processes and present-
ing data-driven evidence. LA informs decision-making processes regarding curriculum and instructional design,
potentially providing different useful solutions when compared to traditional research approaches in educa-
tion (Berland et al., 2013). The informed decision also might involve the revision and fine-tuning of the instruc-
tional system under development (Persico & Pozzi, 2015). As per the earlier discussion regarding the interpret-
ability issue, more practical and comprehensible implications must be delivered to the stakeholders and deci-
sion makers. In many cases, providing stakeholders with visual information can better support their decision-
making process. Thus, selecting suitable and effective graphical data representation methods is another mat-
ter for consideration for future LA research (Persico & Pozzi, 2015).
Ethical issues. Because the data sources for LA studies are diversified, and the data types are innumerable,
researchers might overlook some ethical issues. Pardo and Siemens (2014) pointed out several ethical issues of
LA studies, such as personal background information, sharing delicate information, learner privacy, possibly
identifiable information in the publication, and so forth. Then, they contemplated possible guidelines for the
ethical issues: transparency of every stage in the LA process, learner control over data, defined right of access
to all the collected data, and accountability or robustness of the overall process (Pardo & Siemens, 2014, pp.
445-448). In the same vein, LA researchers should be cautious when processing the data, particularly factors
that are related to the students’ personal information.
The field of LA has contributed to the advancement of understanding regarding the technology-oriented learn-
ing environments as well as guiding instructors, learners, and researchers for an enhanced learning perfor-
mance. However, knowledge is still lacking about the topological status of LA as a research approach. Few re-
searchers have discussed methodological issues when addressing LA as a research approach. Methodologically
speaking, the LA approach must forecast learner behavior and performance by focusing on the appropriate
techniques, algorithms, and methods, along with deep consideration of educational context, theories, and
phenomena. Among the challenges facing the LA approach is the need for the appropriate use of techniques
and how they are interpreted in real educational settings. The challenges associated with LA studies also in-
clude how to incorporate findings from a prediction model into current educational theories or principles, as
well as how to tie the findings into the educator’s decision-making process regarding more practical manners.
Thus, further questions for a robust research approach that the LA researchers should consider include: What
is the level of understanding of LA and what is the usefulness of each LA technique for furthering understand-
ing of methodology? Additional questions about advancing the LA approach include how can LA researchers
integrate a variety of techniques at all levels of the research study—that is, at the philosophical and theoretical
level, for data collection and analysis, and for reporting and use?
Finally, while enhancing the results’ capacity to be responsive to stakeholders for better decision-making
process, the LA approach requires more flexibility and creativity, which might be acquired by incorporating
qualitative research approaches. Within the analysis process, with mixed methods research approaches, it can
also be argued that encouragement of creativity and openness to new ideas are necessary for the LA approach
to advance. In this way, it is expected that the LA approach will be enhanced by the development of new
methodologies and approaches to address increasingly complex educational research questions. As learning is
becoming more individualized and the learning context is diversified, educational problems can be considered
as wicked problems. Wicked problems refer to “problems involving multiple interacting systems, replete with
social and institutional uncertainties, for which there is no certainty about their nature and solutions, and for
which time is running out to find solutions” (Mertens et al., 2016, p. 225). Wicked problems would be ad-
dressed by utilizing mixed methods research (Chestnut, Hitchcock, & Onwuegbuzie, in press), if mixed methods
research approaches involved innovations in methodology (Mertens et al., 2016). Therefore, the LA communi-
ty should consider actively incorporating qualitative methods into the LA approach, which would facilitate LA
researchers in addressing wicked educational problems.
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