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Analysis of the effect of ageing, age, and other factors on iris recognition performance using NEXUS scores dataset

IET Biometrics

Abstract and Figures

The historical NEXUS iris kiosks log dataset collected by the CBSA from 2003 till 2014 has become the focus of scientific attention due to its involvement in the iris aging debate between NIST and University of Notre Dame researchers. To facilitate this debate, this paper provides additional details on how this dataset was collected, its various properties and irregularities, and presents new results related to the effect of aging, age, and other factors on the system performance obtained using the portions of the dataset that have not been previously analyzed. In doing that, the importance of conducting subject-based performance analysis, as opposed to the traditionally done transaction-based analysis, is emphasized. The significance of factor effects is examined. Recommendations on further improvement of the technology are made.
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IET Research Journals
Research Article
Analysis of the effect of aging, age, and
other factors on iris recognition
performance using NEXUS scores dataset
ISSN 1751-8644
doi: 0000000000
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy1, Michael P. Chumakov2
1Science and Engineering Directorate, Canada Border Services Agency, Ottawa, Canada
2Business Application Services Directorate, Canada Border Services Agency, Ottawa, Canada
* E-mail: (Corresponding author)
Abstract: The historical NEXUS iris kiosks log dataset collected by the CBSA from 2003 till 2014 has become the focus of scien-
tific attention due to its involvement in the iris aging debate between NIST and University of Notre Dame researchers. To facilitate
this debate, this paper provides additional details on how this dataset was collected, its various properties and irregularities, and
presents new results related to the effect of aging, age, and other factors on the system performance obtained using the portions
of the dataset that have not been previously analyzed. In doing that, the importance of conducting subject-based performance
analysis, as opposed to the traditionally done transaction-based analysis, is emphasized. The significance of factor effects is
examined. Recommendations on further improvement of the technology are made.
1 Introduction
The biometric kiosks deployed by the Canada Border Services
Agency (CBSA) since 2003 for the NEXUS trusted traveller pro-
gram [1] present one of the longest deployed iris recognition tech-
nologies in automated border control to date. The performance log
collected from these kiosks provides scientists and developers a
unique source of information that can be used to better understand
and improve iris technology.
In 2012 a portion of anonymized NEXUS kiosk log data was
shared with the NIST scientists for the IREX VI iris aging study,
where it was labeled the OPS-XING dataset. The results of this
study, which were published in 2013 [3], brought a lot of attention
from the scientific community, actively discussed and contested by
the scientists from the University of Notre Dame [4]-[10].
One of the key reasons behind the arguments of invalidity of the
results obtained by the NIST scientists on the OPS-XING dataset
lies in the fact that besides aging, which was the main factor under
investigation, the study looked into only one additional factor affect-
ing the system performance dilation. The log data related to other
factors were not made available to the NIST scientists.
Another reason is the fact that the dataset was obtained from the
operational system, the full operation of which is not entirely known
to external organizations. The dataset contained a number of irregu-
larities due to human and machine errors, which were not known
to the investigators. Full explanation of how the system worked and
its performance objectives was not provided.
Finally, the evaluation methodology that was applied in the IREX
VI study for analyzing the effect of aging was also put into ques-
tion. The effect of habituation, even though being admitted by NIST
scientists, was not really taken into account.
This paper addresses these three limitations of the IREX VI study.
Detailed description of the system operation (Section 2) and dataset
irregularities (Section 3) is provided. An alternative methodology
based on the use of subject-based metrics, instead of convention-
ally used transaction-based metrics used in the previous studies, is
described and is shown to be more appropriate for the application
(Section 4). Finally, new results on the effect of age, aging and other
factors, based on the new methodology and the previously unused
portions of the dataset are presented (Sections 5 and 6). Recommen-
dations for the improvement of iris recognition performance based
on the obtained results conclude the paper.
2 NEXUS system description
The CBSA commenced using iris recognition technology for auto-
mated authentication of travellers in airports in 2003, following
the launch of a similar iris-enabled registered traveller program
in the United Kingdom (UK). First, it was used for CANPASS-
Air [2], which is a Canadian program that provides pre-enrolled
pre-cleared Canadians expedited passage at arrival in airports for
flights within Canada. Later in 2004 the use of iris-enabled iden-
tification of travellers was extended to the NEXUS-Air, which is a
bi-national, Canada-US program for pre-approved low-risk travellers
flying between Canada and the USA [1].
The expedited passage allows NEXUS members to proceed
directly to the NEXUS self-serve kiosks, bypassing lengthy queues
and interaction with customs border protection (CBP) officers and
border services officers (BSO). All kiosks are located in Canadian
airports, owned and controlled by the CBSA, with iris biometric
data being collected and stored by the CBSA. Kiosks used for trav-
ellers arriving to Canada are located in Primary Inspection Area.
Kiosks used for travellers leaving Canada to the US are located
in a special dedicated lane of the US pre-clearance area. In total,
69 NEXUS kiosks have been installed in Canada in eight Cana-
dian airports: Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, two
terminals at Toronto Pearson International Airport, Toronto Billy
Bishop (Toronto City Airport), Vancouver and Winnipeg. Of these,
8 kiosks are used in Enrollment Centres and 22 kiosks are used at
the US pre-clearance. The same kiosks and iris database are used
for both NEXUS-Air and CANPASS-Air programs. The number
of CANPASS-Air users (about 2,000 people by 2014) however is
significantly less than that of NEXUS-Air (over half a million in
Two designs (shown in Figure 1) were used for the NEXUS kiosks
of the first generation NEXUS system that were deployed from
2003 till 2014, the log of which comprises the OPS-XING dataset:
with one-eye LG camera (deployed in 2003) and two-eye Panasonic
camera (deployed in 2007).
2.1 System decision logic
At the Enrollment stage, both irises of a traveller are photographed.
Image Quality (IQ) control on iris images is performed. Only if their
IQ metric is high, will they be enrolled into the system database.
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Fig. 1: The workflow and decision logic of the NEXUS kiosks of the first generation, the log of which was used in NIST IREX IV iris aging
study. The system decision steps for match and rejection are shown in dark blue arrows. The user’s procedural steps are shown in light orange
arrows. Dashed orange arrows indicate optional steps for the users.
Because of image quality control, in some cases only one eye can be
enrolled, and in some rare cases none of the eyes can be enrolled.
Travellers have also a choice of opting out from enrolling their iris
images. For travellers enrolling the iris, instructions are provided
on how to use the kiosks, among which is the recommendation to
remove eye-glasses and contact lenses of any type. However, it is
not known how closely these recommendations are followed.
At the time of crossing the border, referred to as the Passage
stage, the system is configured to search for the identity of the cap-
tured eyes using a 1-to-First search using the decision tree shown
in Figure 1. Once the system captures images of a person’s eyes, it
tries to authenticate a person using the Left eye only. If the Left eye
is not matched, the Right eye is used. In both cases, the match is
performed against all images (i.e., both left and right images) stored
in the database until the first image with a matching score below
the threshold is found. This is due to the fact that first generation of
NEXUS kiosks used single-eye iris cameras, which captured an eye
of person without knowing whether it was a left or right eye.
When a traveller is rejected by the system (which happens
because of one of two reasons: either IQ of live image is poor, or
no matching image is found in the database), s/he is asked to try
again, with the total of three attempts allowed in a single passage
session with the kiosk. When a traveller is accepted, her/his attempt
number at a given session is recorded.
A passage session ends either because of traveller’s inactivity or
the maximum number of capture attempts is reached, after which the
system resets into the initial state with the “Welcome. Please choose
your language” message. Travellers who are not recognized within
a single session receive the “Please visit Special Services Counter”
message. At the same time, they are also allowed to initiate addi-
tional passage session using the same or different kiosks, which they
can do as many times as they want. Similarly, they are also allowed
to proceed to Special Services Counter any time they experience a
problem with the kiosk.
It is possible that some travellers, particularly those who experi-
enced rejection problems in the past, have proceeded directly to the
Special Services Counter without initiating a single session with the
kiosks. There is no data left in the system log about these travellers.
The data from travellers who used the system but were rejected
was also not logged. This presents a critical limitation of the OPS-
XING dataset made from historical NEXUS log data. By the design,
this dataset is biased towards better performing users, as it contains
mainly the data from travellers who did not experience problems
with the system and does not contain any rejected transactions. Nev-
ertheless, even with this limitation, this dataset presents a unique and
very valuable source for investigation of iris biometrics properties
and limitations, specifically related to age and aging, which becomes
particularly important now with iris modality becoming increasingly
used in many government and United Nations programs [20, 21] and
the ongoing debate related to the tolerance of iris biometrics to aging
2.2 Iris recognition algorithm: Matching formula and
NEXUS kiosks use Daugman’s original iris recognition algorithm
[22, 23]. The same version of the algorithm is used throughout the
entire life-cycle of the system. Since its deployment in NEXUS sys-
tem, iris technology has improved [24, 25], including more precise
pupil and iris circles interpolation, better masking bits for occlud-
ing parts of the iris region due to eyelashes, specular reflections,
boundary artifacts of hard contact lenses, and the use of both real
and imaginary bits of the iris code. To our understanding, however,
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a) b)
Fig. 2: Distribution of Number of Bits Compared, HDRAW and HDNORM scores in the OPS-XING dataset.
aLeft-eye scores (solid green) vs. right eye (dashed red) scores;
bHistograms of HDNORM scores for different number of attempts. Minimum, 25%, 50%, 75%, quartile and maximum values are shown at the bottom of each histogram.
these later improvements of the algorithm are not implemented in
the version that was used in the collection of the OPS-XING data.
Iris images are compared using the Hamming Distance (HD),
which is a dissimilarity score between the corresponding iris tem-
plates (IrisCodes). The score HD = 0 means perfect match. A high
score (i.e., HD > THD) results in reject. The value of the threshold
THD is automatically selected by the algorithm based on the the-
oretical prediction of the False Accept Rate for a given number of
entries in the data-base, slightly decreasing every year as the number
of enrolled NEXUS members grew: from 0.282672 in 2006 (when
the logging of the system commenced) to 0.271534 in 2014 (when
the logging finished).
The Hamming Distance is computed in two steps. First, the raw
Hamming Distance HDRAW is computed as the fraction of bits
that disagree between two irises. Then, the normalized Hamming
Distance HDN ORM is computed from H DRAW following the
normalization rule that gives less weight to comparisons performed
on heavily occluded irises, using the following formula:
HDN ORM = 0.5(0.5H DRAW )rN bits
< Nbits > ,(1)
where Nbits is the number of bits used in comparison and
where < Nbits > is a vendor defined constant equal to 911, which,
according to the original algorithm [23], represents the average
number of bits compared.
Figure 2-a shows HDNORM ,H DRAW and Nbits score dis-
tributions in the OPS-XING dataset. It is noted that, in contrast to
HDN ORM scores distributions, the H DRAW scores distribu-
tions have much less visible artifacts due to score truncation and
censoring, and are unimodal (i.e., have only one maximum). This
makes analysis of HDRAW scores using statistical techniques
We also note that the actual average value of Nbits is 954,
which is higher than < Nbits > constant used in the normalization
formula (Eq. 1).
2.2.1 Observation related to score normalization : Through
our analysis, the value of using the normalization step (1) for
the NEXUS application has been questioned in a number of
ways. Besides producing non-unimodally distributed values (seen in
Figure 2-a), which complicates modeling the system performance
using statistical methods, it also contributes to higher false reject
rates for travellers with occluded iris.
A number of ways are seen to further improve the matching
formula for the application. This includes post-processing score nor-
malization described in [26], the use of conditional normalization
formula (conditioned on additional image quality metrics such as
contrast and/or person’s age), which are analyzed further in the
paper, or not applying the normalization formula (Eq. 1) at all. These
however are outside of the scope of this paper.
In this paper it is the importance of analyzing HDRAW in
combination with image quality metrics, as opposed to analyzing
HDN ORM scores only as done in the past, that is emphasized.
2.2.2 Observation related to the correlation between match-
ing score and number of attempts : In our analysis, in addition
to the matching score (HDRAW and HDN ORM ), we also use
the number of recorded attempts (#Attempts) as one of the impor-
tant kiosk performance metrics. There exists a subtle relationship
between the two, illustrated in Figure 2, which shows the distribu-
tion of matching scores for different number of attempts and the
corresponding five-number statistics for HDN ORM .
On one hand, it is seen that the larger the number of attempts,
the larger (worse) the matching scores, as reported in [8]. On the
other hand, a higher matching score does not necessarily mean that
a person gets rejected (as long as the matching score is less than the
threshold, a person is accepted). Similarly, recognition from a single
attempt does not necessarily mean that a person has not tried and was
already rejected multiple times during other sessions that were not
logged. Therefore, using both metrics in the analysis provides richer
complementary evidence for the results obtained.
3 OPS-XING dataset
The OPS-XING dataset, a part of which was used in the IREX VI
evaluation by NIST [3, 5] and the evaluations conducted by UND
[6, 7, 10], consists of over a quarter billion of matching and image
quality metrics that were recorded during Enrollment and Passage
transactions by the NEXUS system. These metrics are listed in the
Table 1. The metrics that were shared with NIST and UND and used
in previous research [3]-[10] are marked bold.
In total, there were 1,370,890 enrollment transactions (recorded
from September 2003 till May 2014, from 705,553 travellers most
(662,220) done with dual-eye Panasonic cameras deployed in 2007,
others done by single-eye LG cameras) and over 10 million pas-
sage transactions (recorded from October 2007 till May 2014, from
Fig. 3: Number of Enrollment (left) and Passage (right) transactions per month.
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Table1 Metrics recorded in the OPS-XING dataset.
At Enrollment FAKE_ID, age, EYE (L-left or R-right), CAMERA (‘L for old LG camera, ‘B’ for new Panasonic camera)
ENROLLMENT_DATE (month, year, time of the day)
IQ metrics: related to localization accuracy iris center x, iris center y; iris radius; pupil center x, pupil center y;
related to dilation pupil radius, pupil iris ratio (the same as DILATION);
related to image contrast iris sclera contrast, iris pupil contrast, average iris intensity, iris texture energy;
related to occlusion iris area, number of bits encoded
At Passage FAKE_ID,EYE used, TRANSACTION_DATE (month,year, time of the day)
ELAPSED_TIME (the number of days since enrollment) HDNORM, HDRAW
CAPTURE_NUMBER_WITHIN_PA (capture-and-recognize attempts)
FAKE_KIOSK_ID, THD (matching threshold), MATCHING_MODE (SEP: two-eye pilot, SEM: regular one-eye operation),
IQ metrics: same as at Enrollment, number of bits encoded, number of bits compared
Note: metrics used in the previous work [3]-[10] are marked bold. The distributions of metric values are shown in Figure 5.
467,314 travellers all done with dual-eye Panasonic cameras). Dis-
tribution of Enrollment and Passage transactions over the years is
shown in Figure 3. Seasonal patterns in Passage data can be noticed.
3.1 Aberrations in data
The OPS-XING dataset contains a number of abnormal entries that
are not described by the system logic. Mostly caused by human error
or temporal experimentation with the system (either by kiosk users
or programmers), such aberrations in data may give rise to additional
challenges in understanding the technology and arriving to the cor-
rect conclusions by external researchers who process this historical
dataset. These data aberrations are described below. They needed to
be removed or taken into account prior to conducting the analysis.
HD scores higher than threshold: There are 351 passage trans-
actions in two Kiosks that happened with Right eye which have
HD NO RM > T HD . These are from the Pilot that was conducted
in 2012, in which the first eye is recognized but the second eye is
verified as 1:1.
More than three attempts: There are 1495 passage events in
which there were more than three attempts. These are due to some
users unexpectedly interrupting the operation of the kiosk in the
middle of its operation.
Enrollments of left and right eye on different days: Some (14)
travellers have eyes enrolled on different years. When there was a
problem enrolling an eye image, the older eye image was often kept.
Multiple enrollments (dilation scores) at enrollment: Some
(1405) travellers have multiple IQ data (including dilation score) at
enrollment transactions for the same eye, due to applying several
attempts to enroll the iris.
Other issues: As mentioned above, the system performs a 1-to-
First search. In doing that a new probe iris image, which can be either
from Left eye (default eye) or Right eye (when Left eye did not find
the match) is compared to all iris images stored in the enrollment
database, including left and right eye images, and sometimes old
and new name-records of a person. This results in some unknown
number of zero-effort false match scores being recorded as part of
the dataset.
A filtered version of that OPS-XING dataset with data aberrations
marked or removed (other than the unknown number of false match
scores) has been prepared and used in our analysis.
4 Methodology for analyzing the performance of
NEXUS kiosks
This section presents one of the key results of our study, which
shows that the performance of the system varies considerably among
the subjects and that subjects who experience problems with the
system use it much less than others. Based on this finding, method-
ology for subject-based performance analysis is developed to allow
one to investigate the factors affecting the system performance. The
taxonomy for categorizing such factors is established.
4.1 Variation of performance among subjects
As mentioned in Section 2, the OPS-XING dataset does not contain
the data about travellers who were rejected by the kiosks. Therefore,
the following two metrics are used to stipulate the number of trav-
ellers who have experienced difficulty in using the system, knowing
that some of them used the system only once and some used it more
than a hundred times, with 942 passages being the largest number of
passages for a subject.
Metric 1: Traveller’s average number of Attempts is higher than
1.5 (i.e., s/he is over 50% likely to be rejected by the system from
the first attempt).
Metric 2: Traveller’s minimum matching score HDN ORM is
higher than 0.2.
The first metric relates directly to the border wait time, which is a
performance metric that the agency needs to minimize. This metric
however may not always show the actual number of attempts taken
by a traveller (e.g., as described in Section 2, when a traveller tries
different kiosks or different sessions at the same kiosks, the num-
ber of attempts from the last session is recorded only). The second
metric addresses this issue, as it allows one to estimate the difficulty
of using the kiosk under situations when the number of recorded
attempts is the same.
As highlighted in Section 2.2.2, the HDN ORM metric cor-
relates with the Attempts metric (the more attempts it takes the
traveller to be recognized, the worse is the HD value). This allows
one to use HDN ORM metric as a proxy performance metric for
kiosk performance instead of Attempts.
Table 2 shows the number of travellers who used the system dif-
ferent number of times and the percentage of them who experienced
the “difficulty” using it, where the difficulty is defined using the two
metrics described above.
Table 2 Number of travellers as the function of the number of times they used the system and percentage among them experiencing “difficulty”.
Times used the system 2+ 4+ 8+ 16+ 32+ 64+ 128+
Number of travellers 383,463 287,472 196,573 119,538 61,332 24,383 6,530
Percentage of them having HDN ORM > 0.24.2% 2.4% 1.3% 0.8% 0.6% 0.3% 0.2%
Percentage of them having Attempts > 1.53.4% 2.4% 1.3% 0.6% 0.3% 0.12% 0.06%
Note: “Difficulty” is measured by high minimum HD score (HDN O RM > 0.2) and high average number of attempts (Attempts > 1.5). The temporal
information (i.e., whether a traveller used the system over a short or long period of time) is not used. More details are provided in [28].
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Fig. 4: The number of travellers by age at Enrollment and Passage. Left image shows the number of travellers who enrolled iris (in blue) and
the percentage among them who were able to enroll one iris only (in red). The right image shows boxplots summarizing the number of passages
for each age. Inset shows 95% truncated boxplots (i.e., with 5% of outliers removed).
It is observed that travellers who experience “difficulty” in using
the system use it much less than those who do not. Therefore,
any performance evaluation results obtained by aggregating trans-
action metrics, such as those obtained in previous analysis of the
OPS-XING dataset [3]-[10], will be highly skewed towards “better”
performing subjects. In order to provide an objective picture of the
system performance quality, subject-based performance analysis is
In contrast to the transaction-based analysis, established by the
ISO and currently used by industry [34], which answers the question:
“How many times did the system reject a person?”, the subject-
based analysis answers the question: “How many persons were
rejected by the system?”
4.2 Subject-based performance analysis
Subject-based variation of biometric performance is well studied
for voice and face modalities [30, 31]. It has been much less doc-
umented and analyzed for the iris modality. The major first evidence
of subject-based variation of biometric performance in iris systems
was presented in our earlier work in 2011 [27] and has become since
then an important guiding principle for us in performing evaluation
of biometric systems.
As a general rule for conducting subject-based analysis the fol-
lowing approach is used. All performance metrics Xthat are com-
puted for a population are computed using the averages obtained
separately for each individual (Eq. 2), as opposed to using aver-
ages over all individuals of the entire population (Eq. 3), done in
the transaction-based analysis.
< X >subj ectbased =Pssubjects (< Xs>)
# subjects (2)
< X >tr ansactionbased=Pstr ansaction Xt
#transactions (3)
In general, one should expect transaction-based metrics to be dif-
ferent from subject-based one, skewed towards the average metrics
of the most frequently observed subjects. By conducting subject-
based analysis, one is able to better decipher the factors that neg-
atively affect the system performance. These factors are categorized
and analyzed next.
4.3 Factor categorization
From an operational perspective, it is important to distinguish factors
by their prime cause. Using the approach that we first developed for
video surveillance applications [29], the factors that effect biometric
systems performance are classified into one of three types according
the “technology-process-subject” factor triangle:
Technology-related factors. This group of factors relate to the gen-
eral limitations of the technology. They affect all users regardless of
the process and user-specific characteristics. Any improvement of
the system performance due to these factors requires contacting a
vendor and potentially replacing the technology. Aging (i.e., deteri-
oration of the technology performance with time) is an example of
technology-related factor.
Process-related factors. The second group of factors relate to the
conditions in which the technology is used. It is normally the respon-
sibility of the organization deploying the technology to make sure
Fig. 5: Analysis of scores at Enrollment: Relative distribution of Age and Image Quality scores for “two-eye” (solid green) vs. “one-eye”
(dashed red) enrollments (shown at left); Correlation of Age and Image Quality scores (shown at right). Data from new “B” cameras are used.
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Fig. 6: Variation of Image Quality and Matching Scores by age. Boxplots on the top show the distribution of Dilation, Contrast, and Number
of Bits Encoded / Compared scores for each age at Enrollment (left) and Passage (right). Boxplots at the bottom show the distribution of
HDNORM and HDRAW scores at Passage. Box width is proportional to the population size. Data from new “B” cameras are used.
that the technology is used under the conditions where it works the
best. Kiosk location is a prime source of process-related factors,
potentially leading to worse image quality and performance for all
Subject-related factors. The last group of factors relate to partic-
ular characteristics of a person or group of people that make some
travellers more vulnerable in operating biometrics systems than oth-
ers. This includes person’s gender, age and other subject-specific
physiological and behavioural peculiarities such eye colour, size or
shape of pupil, medical conditions, including wearing contact lenses.
If such factors are detected, they can be used to improve the perfor-
mance of the system by either alerting a user (e.g., by automatically
detecting contact lenses and asking a user to remove them), or by
allowing different thresholds for users of different groups (e.g., for
the elderly).
In the following the effect of these three groups of factors is
examined, using the enrollment data and then using the passage data.
5 Analysis of Enrollment data
Enrollment data allows one to examine subject-related factors,
specifically the affect of age on image quality. It does not require
subject-based metrics, because all enrolled travellers have exactly
one enrollment transaction.
5.1 Young and elderly have worse image quality and are
harder to enroll
Figure 4 shows the number of NEXUS members who enrolled iris
and the percentage among them who could enroll one iris only for
each age: from newborn to 100-year old people. A dip at 19-20 years
of age is explained by the NEXUS program rules where children 18
and under are free to enroll at no charge with parents.
Two important observations are made. First, it is seen that the
majority of enrolled travellers are between 30 and 60 years old, and
almost all of them (>98%) were able to enroll both irises.
Fig. 7: Effect of kiosk location: Performance of NEXUS kiosks measured by the average number of attempts (left) and the average matching
score (right), using transaction-based (in red) and subject-based (in blue) metrics, sorted from best performing to worst performing. The average
number of transactions per subject (T/S) is shown (in green). Kiosks numbers are obscured to protect airport identities.
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Second, it is seen that the ability to enroll both eyes is much worse
for young travellers and and diminishes steadily with age for older
travellers. This is an indication that image quality of these age groups
is worse than that for middle-age group. This conjecture is validated
In order to remove the factors due to camera quality, the data from
travellers enrolled with new (“B”) cameras are used only. These data
counts for over 95% of the dataset. The boxplots for Dilation, Con-
trast, and Number of Bits Encoded values at Enrollment in these
data, for each age, are shown in Figure 6.
It is observed that dilation monotonically decreases with age for
adults, which supports the conclusions from [3]. However, it is also
observed that other IQ metrics also slightly decrease with age for
adults. The decrease of all IQ metrics for young people is also
observed. This explains the lower number of iris enrollments for
older and young users.
In order to further examine the relationship between traveller’s
Age and IQ metrics at Enrollment, we plot in Figure 5 the correlation
of Age and IQ metrics, and the distribution of Age and IQ metric
scores at Enrollment - for cases where both irises were captured vs.
those cases where where only one iris was captured.
The observation is that older (over 60 years) and younger (under
15 years) users are harder to enroll, i.e., have more “one eye only”
enrollments. Three distinct IQ metric groups are also observed
related to Dilation (pupil-iris ratio), Contrast, and Openness, of
which the Dilation group correlates with Age the most (at 0.53).
6 Analysis of Passage data
6.1 Variation of performance by kiosk location
As pointed out by the UND researchers in [7, 10], the NEXUS
system performance varies among airports. Using subject-based
analysis we can now further quantify this observation, while demon-
strating the importance of applying such analysis for the NEXUS
Figure 7 shows the performance of all kiosks measured by the
average number of additional attempts (Attempts 1) and the
average matching score (HDNORM), computed using transaction-
based and subject-based metrics, sorted from worst to best. The
average number of transactions per subject (T/S ) is shown as well.
It is observed that some kiosks perform 10-20% better than
others, according to both metrics. Furthermore, it is seen that per-
formance reported using subject-based metrics is always worse than
that reported using transaction-based metrics, sometimes by more
than 30%. Kiosks with higher Transactions per Subject ratio (T/S )
report better averaged performance, which is not surprising taking
into account the finding presented earlier that people who use the
system more frequently tend to have better matching scores.
It is also observed that the variation in kiosk performance within
the same airport and the same direction of border crossing is less than
that across different airports or different direction of border crossing.
We use this finding later, when we need to minimize the effect of
kiosk location on the system performance.
To further quantify the difference in performance due to kiosk
location, we apply T-test [32] on the HDRAW scores measured
at different kiosks. The application of T-test is justified in this case,
because we have over a thousand points measured at each kiosk and
Table3 The difference in the average of the HDRAW score.
Note: HDRAW score is computed for two better performing and two worse performing
kiosks using subject-based (s-b) and transaction-based (t-b) metrics.
the distribution of HDRAW scores is unimodal as highlighted ear-
lier in Section 2.2 (Figure 2). Table 3 shows the result. It shows
the 95% confidence intervals for the difference in the kiosk aver-
age HDRAW score computed for two better performing (in green)
and two worse performing (in red) kiosks. Kiosks are chosen so
that to have different traffic densities (one has much higher traffic
than the other). Results are obtained using both subject-based and
transaction-based metrics. The HDRAW scores are shown in grayed
area, the number of transactions and subjects (T/S) for each kiosk
are shown on the margin. The 95% confidence intervals for the score
difference are shown in the middle part of the table.
It is observed that the difference in system performance due to
different kiosk location can be as high as 15%. This confirms that
kiosk location is one of the most important factors affecting iris
recognition performance.
6.2 Variation of performance by age
This section presents the main finding of our analysis related to
the demographic bias of the iris biometrics, i.e., that iris biometrics
performs worse for certain age groups. The existence of a demo-
graphic bias in other biometric modalities (face, fingerprint) has been
reported previously and has become the basis for the development of
new ISO guidelines on mitigating such biases [35]. Nothing however
has been reported so far on the existence of a demographic bias in
iris systems.
By examining the Passage statistics for each age (shown in
Figure 4), it is noted that middle-aged travellers use the system much
more often than young and elderly travellers. At the same time, as
highlighted earlier (Section 5.1), middle-aged travellers have bet-
ter quality enrollment images and therefore should be expected to
have better performance at Passage. Hence subject-based analysis,
introduced in Section 4.2, needs to be applied in order to objectively
measure the effect of age on the technology performance. This is
done below. In meanwhile, knowing the high interest in using iris
biometrics for humanitarian and national ID programs [21], we can
confirm (from our Enrollment and Passage age statistics) that iris
biometrics is as successfully used by young children and youth as it
is by elderly.
Figure 6 shows boxplots of IQ scores (Dilation, Contrast, Num-
ber of Bits Compared) at Passage. The bottom of the figure shows
the boxplots of matching scores (HDNORM, HDRAW) for each age
group in the OPS-XING dataset: from newborn to 99-year old per-
sons that have used the kiosks. Data are taken for all kiosks and all
As with enrollment data, variation of image quality scores among
different age groups is observed. The increased (worse) matching
scores for young and elderly travellers are also observed. In the fol-
lowing we further quantify the variation of the system performance
due to age, and compare it to that due to other factors.
Figure 8-a plots the average HDNORM and DIL scores as a func-
tion of AGE computed using generalized additive model (GAM)
regression [32] for three largest Canadian airports (Toronto Ter-
minal 1, Vancouver, and Montreal). Subject-based analysis is con-
ducted separately for each airport for travellers enrolled with old
(‘L’) and new (‘B’) cameras. The number of subjects at each air-
ports for each camera is indicated on the top of which graph. The
gray area shows 95% confidence interval. Large gray areas for trav-
ellers of over 80 years of age indicate that there is not sufficient data
to reliably compute the function.
A clear drop in average matching scores (i.e., better performance)
for middle-aged travellers is observed at each airport: from 0.18 (for
those younger than 15 years and older than 80 years) to less than
0.14 for 40-year old travellers. This is in contrast to average Dilation,
which monotonically decreases with age: from 0.55 (at 15 years of
age) to 0.35 (at 80 years of age). This is an indication that Dilation
is not the only factor that contributes to worsening of the match-
ing score. Other Image Quality metrics are also likely affecting the
It is also noted that kiosks in Vancouver airport have been relo-
cated during the period of data collection, resulting in their improved
IET Research Journals, pp. 1–10
The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015 7
a) b)
Fig. 8: Effect of age.
aAverage HDNORM and DIL computed for subjects enrolled with old (‘L’) and new (‘B’) cameras at three largest airports using generalized additive models (GAM) regression.
bAverage HDNORM computed for subjects enrolled with new (‘B’) cameras at different times of day: 0:00-8:00 (in red), 8:00-16:00 (in green), 16:00-24:00 (in blue).
performance (which was noted in [10]). This however did not affect
the result related to the variation of system performance by age. It
is also seen that variation due to age is larger than that due to kiosk
6.3 Age vs. time of day and time of year
The data used in the previous experiment is further split into three
subsets, corresponding to three different times of day (morning,
mid-day, evening), using Left-eye transaction data from travellers
enrolled with ‘B’ cameras. Figure 8-b shows the results for two air-
ports. Bottom row shows results for kiosks in US pre-clearance area,
top row for kiosks in the arrival area.
A slight increase in matching scores for all ages at mid-day, i.e.,
during the brightest time of the day, is seen in two areas. This is con-
sistent with earlier results suggesting that iris recognition produces
poorer match scores when passage image acquisition takes place in
strong sunlight, and is an indication that kiosks in those two airports
are likely located where a large amount of sunlight comes through
the windows. Critically however, it is seen that performance vari-
ation due to day time difference is much less than that due to age
In another experiment, some consistent increase in HDNORM
during December - January was also observed, supporting earlier
such funding in [10]. In contrast to [10] however, where such vari-
ation is explained by the effect of season on eye dilation, we are
inclined to think that most likely this is due to the subject-based per-
formance variation, as more people travel and use the technology
during the holiday season, including those who do not travel often
and who (based on the results presented above) have a higher risk
of experiencing the difficulty in using the system. In either case, the
effect of time of the year is also seen to be much less than that of age
and kiosk location.
6.4 Age vs. aging
To address the debate between NIST and UND researchers related
to the effect of aging, we compare this effect to that of age and other
factors. In order to do that, we apply generalized additive mixed
models (GAMm) regression [33] to compute average HDRAW
scores as a function of age (AGE) and aging (measured by the
number of days since enrollment, ELAPSED_TIME) using Left-eye
passage data from all kiosks for all users enrolled with ‘B’ cameras.
In contrast to generalized additive models (GAM) used ear-
lier (Figure 8), generalized additive mixed models allow one to
include random effects, which in this case are kiosk location
(FAKE_KIOSK_ID) and person’s physiology (FAKE_ID), in addi-
tion to fixed effect (AGE and ELAPSED_YEAR). The ‘GAMm’
function from the ‘mgcv’ R package is used for this purpose [33].
Once the predictive model is computed, it is applied to compute
the expected average HDRAW scores for a grid of age-aging values,
where age is incremented by 5 years, and aging (ELAPSED_TIME)
by 100 days. The result is shown in Figure 9-a. The following
observations are made.
First, for all ELAPSED_TIME groups (i.e., along the horizontal
axis), the relationship between the matching score and age is exactly
the same as found earlier (seen in Figure 8): the matching score is
the lowest at 35-40 years of age and monotonically increases as one
moves further away (left or right) from the middle.
Second, for most age groups (i.e., along the vertical axis), aging
has no negative effect on matching scores. It is only for 55-65 age
group, where slightly increased (worse) matching scores with aging
are observed. Critically, the variation in matching score due to aging
is much less than that due to age difference.
To explain the observed improvement of HDNORM score with
ELAPSED_TIME, we offer the following four reasons: 1) habitua-
tion (travellers learn how to make the machine work better for them,
e.g., by opening wider their eyes), 2) the improved positioning of the
kiosks (as in Vancouver, found in [10]), and 3) the use of transaction-
based metrics (which show ‘better’ results for travellers who use the
a) b)
Fig. 9: Effect of aging.
aAverage HDRAW as a function of AGE and the number of days since enrollment (ELAPSED_TIME) computed using generalized additive mixed models (GAMm) regression. Kiosk
fake id (FAKE_KIOSK_ID) and traveller’s fake id (FAKE_ID) are treated as random effects, while AGE and ELAPSED_TIME are treated as fixed effects.
bAverage HDNORM as a function of the number of months since enrollment (ELAPSED_MONTH) computed using generalized additive model (GAM) regression at different times
of day of the passage. Data from a single airport, where variation due to kiosk location is small, are used.
IET Research Journals, pp. 1–10
The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015
system more often), and 4) the reduction over time in the threshold
for recording a match score, THD, means that subjects who use the
system over a period of years are able to record a higher score in the
earlier years of using the system than they are able to record in the
later years.
In order to place the effect of Aging in context with other factors,
we compare it to that of time of day. Figure 9-b shows the average
HDNORM computed using generalized additive model regression
on the data taken from a single airport (which has little variation
among its kiosks) as a function of Aging (ELAPSED_MONTH) for
four different times of day (morning, mid-day, evening and night). It
is observed that the effect of aging is less than that of time of day of
passage transaction, which in turn (as discussed earlier) is less than
the effect of age and kiosk location.
To conclude, taking into account the results from previous sec-
tions, where it was shown that age correlates with IQ metrics,
particularly, with Dilation and (to lesser degree) with Contrast, it can
be stated that “aging problem” is not about “whether a biometrics
modality changes in time” (yes, it does), but rather about “whether
the technology can deal with the changes due to aging”. Evidently,
iris biometrics can deal with changes due to aging quite well, at least
over the range of years analyzed in this study (which is seven years).
At the same time, it is seen that, as with all other biometric modali-
ties, its performance is affected by sensor quality, capture conditions
(lighting), and also by person’s age (when comparing technology
performance for travellers of different age groups).
6.5 Factor significance
Once the effect of certain factors (explanatory variables) on the per-
formance of the system (response variables) is hypothesized through
the observations of descriptive statistics (Figures 8-9), it is possible
to apply analysis of variance to obtain the values of statistical sig-
nificance for each factor and their combination [32]. This is done
below, where a combination of subject-related (age), technology-
related (aging), and process-related (time of day and time of year)
factors are examined for statistical significance.
To avoid the variation due to kiosk location, the data from kiosks
in a single airport (where variation due to kiosk location is small)
are used. Age is presented as 9-level factor (each level represent-
ing a decade), aging is 8-level factor (each level representing a year
since enrollment), time of day and time of year are presented as
4-level factors (as done in previous sections). Table 4 shows the
result, as produced by running the analysis of variance in R language
[32]. The plots showing 95% confidence level intervals on matching
score differences for all pair-wise combinations of factors values are
presented in Figure 10.
It is seen that all listed factors are statistically (>99.9%) signifi-
cant, with a combination of age and aging being less significant than
other factors. From a practical point of view however, the important
question is not which factors affect the technology performance but
to what degree they affect it.
Critically, for an organization deploying the technology it is
important to know whether any action is required to improve the
system performance. According to the “technology-process-subject”
factor triangle (described in Section 4.3), three possible types of
actions are possible: replacing the technology, improving the pro-
cess, or implementing subject-based customization of the decision
rules or procedures. As presented in the concluding section, the
Table4 Analysis of variance in matching scores due to various factors.
Df Sum Sq.Mean Sq.F value Pr(>F)
AGE 8 16 2.015 476.87 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
ELAPSED_YEAR 7 0 0.024 5.76 0.0000010803 ***
timeOfYear 3 0 0.043 10.07 0.0000012431 ***
timeOfDay 3 1 0.257 60.91 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
AGE:ELAPSED_YEAR 46 0 0.007 1.73 0.0015 **
timeOfYear:timeOfDay 9 0 0.026 6.19 0.0000000091 ***
Note: The last column shows the probability P r(> F )of having the same mean output
value despite the change in input factor value.
Fig. 10: The 95% confidence level intervals on matching score
difference for all pair-wise value combinations of four factors: clock-
wise age (9-level factor), aging (8-level factor), time of day (4-level
factor) and time of year (4-level factor).
recommendations related to these actions appear evident from the
results presented in this paper without the need of doing more
detailed statistical analysis.
7 Conclusions
Iris biometrics was introduced to automated border control as an
extremely robust biometrics [22]. Results obtained from a watch-list
screening border application in United Emirates [23] have solidified
this belief. When later the University of Notre Dame researchers
published results showing that iris performance varied over time
[12–14], it brought a lot of concern from the technology users,
including many government organizations who actively rely on iris
technology in their operations [16]-[19]. To address these concerns,
NIST undertook an effort to better understand the effect of aging and
other factors on iris biometrics [3]. This effort opened a whole new
range of questions related to the factors that effect iris recognition
and the ways iris biometrics is evaluated [5]-[10].
Thanks to the efforts of NIST and UND scientists, our under-
standing about the properties and limitations of iris biometrics and
current evaluation practices has improved significantly. The results
presented in this paper further contribute to these efforts. Three
major conclusions from the obtained results are made.
First, in the applications where the use of technology is not
mandatory, as in automated border control [28], it should be
expected that subjects who experience problems using the system
will use it less than those who do not experience problems. Hence,
the performance of biometric systems in such applications, if mea-
sured using traditional transaction-based metrics, may show unreal-
istic “overly optimistic” results. Therefore, the use of subject-based
metrics introduced in this paper should be used when analyzing and
reporting the performance of such systems.
Second, in relationship to the aging debate [4], where the CBSA-
collected OPS-XING dataset played a very important role, it is
concluded that the effect of aging is negligible, compared to that of
other factors such as kiosk location, time of day, and person’s age.
While the effect of kiosk location and time of day on system per-
formance has been already uncovered by the UND researchers [10]
IET Research Journals, pp. 1–10
The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015 9
using the previous releases of the OPS-XING dataset, the discovery
of the effect of person’s age on system performance was made pos-
sible only now, using the previously unused portions of the dataset.
It is shown that older (over 60 years of age) and young (under 20
years of age) travellers are disadvantaged by the system. The sys-
tem log shows worse image quality and matching scores for these
groups, compared to that of middle-aged travellers. The variation of
system performance due to age difference is larger than that due to
light changes or different kiosk location.
In a society concerned with providing equal quality services to its
all demographic groups (see [36]), this finding may help to adjust its
technology settings so that to mitigate the demographic bias exhib-
ited by the iris recognition technology. A new guidelines document
is being prepared by ISO in this regard [35].
To conclude, it may still be possible theoretically to improve the
results of the analysis conducted on the OPS-XING dataset (e.g., by
applying non-linear mixed-effect models [32]). From practical per-
spective however, this additional effort appears of little importance,
since none of analyzed factors appeared to effect significantly the
system performance, and critical recommendations related to audit-
ing and improving iris recognition systems can be made based on the
results already obtained. These are listed below.
Using the “technology-process-subject” factor categorization tri-
angle, described in Section 4.3, the first step for improving iris
recognition performance is seen in optimizing the kiosk placement
(Process factor). Then the performance can be further optimized
by applying different matching decision or process rules for differ-
ent age group populations (Subject factor). For example, a higher
threshold or a larger number of attempts may be allowed for old
and young subjects, or a score normalization formula can be fur-
ther improved to take into account person’s age and other image
quality metrics, as discussed in Section 2.2. This will mitigate the
demographic bias exhibited by the system. However, no action in
relationship to aging-related concerns (Technology factor) appears
to be needed.
This work was initiated and partially funded by the Canadian Safety
and Security Program (CSSP) managed by the Defence Research
and Development Canada, Centre for Security Science (DRDC-
CSS), as part of the CSSP-2013-CP-1020 (“ART in ABC”) project
[28] led by the CBSA. It has also contributed to the DRDC-funded
CBSA-led CSSP-2015-TI-2158 (“Roadmap for Biometrics at the
Border”) project deliverables related to the Gender-Based Analy-
sis Plus (GBA+) [36]. Feedback from Kevin Bowyer, Adam Czajka,
Patrick Grother, and Jim Matey on iris technology related matters,
and assistance from Jordan Pleet and Rafael Kulik on statistical
matters are gratefully acknowledged.
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy dedicates this paper to the memory of his
father, the Doctor of Science of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,
Oleg P. Gorodnichy (Gorodnichii).
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Supplementary resources (32)

... The facial pattern analysis is performed on 2D and 3D face images [7,24]. Besides, the iris has also gained vital attention in the past two decades due to its inimitable characteristics such as rich texture with immense information, definite uniqueness for individuals' even identical twins, and stability in micro-patterns despite aging [15]. Experimental facts validate the high reliability not just with iris recognition but in the verification task as well [5]. ...
... where n (l) is the number of neurons, including the bias in layer k. By putting these values in ( 15), we get ...
... Finally, after picking all values from Eqs. (14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24) and putting them in (13), the total computational cost is obtained as, ...
Full-text available
In spite of the prominence and robustness of iris recognition systems, iris images acquisition using heterogeneous cameras/sensors, is the prime concern in deploying them for wide-scale applications. The textural qualities of iris samples (images) captured through distinct sensors substantially differ due to the differences in illumination and the underlying hardware that yields intra-class variation within the iris dataset. This paper examines three miscellaneous configurations of convolution and residual blocks to improve cross-domain iris recognition. Further, the finest architecture amongst three is identified by the Friedman test, where the statistical differences in proposed architectures are identified based on the outcomes of Nemeny and Bonferroni-Dunn tests. The quantitative performances of these architectures are perceived on several experiments simulated on two iris datasets; ND-CrossSensor-Iris-2013 and ND-iris-0405. The finest model is referred to as “Collaborative Convolutional Residual Network (CCRNet)” and is further examined on several experiments prepared in similar and cross-domains. Results depict that least two error rates reported by CCRNet are 1.06% and 1.21% that enhances the benchmark for the state of the arts. This is due to fast convergence and rapid weights updation achieved from convolution and residual connections, respectively. It helps in recognizing the micro-patterns existing within the iris region and results in better feature discrimination among large numbers of iris subjects.
... Assessed cognitive functionality of elderly users in a voice-based dialogue system (Kobayashi et al., 2019) Cognition Proposed a new approach for measuring the visual complexity of elderly users during web browsing (Sadeghi et al., 2020) Vision Reviewed the most important design principles and device features of mobile technology for elderly users (Iancu & Iancu, 2020) Vision, hearing, mobility, and cognition Explored the perspective of the elderly users and their interactions with search engines via an empathy map-based instrument (Allah et al., 2021) Mobility and cognition vulnerable to audio disturbance and recording attacks. Similarly, iris recognition (e.g., Azimi et al., 2019b;Gorodnichy & Chumakov, 2019;Kowtko, 2014) holds great promise for addressing all the accessibility needs of elderly users except for those with vision impairment. Despite that iris recognition uses independent textures and achieves great performance in terms of accuracy (Huang et al., 2002), this method is less effective with the elderly who have cataracts and diabetes (Azimi et al., 2019a) and is vulnerable to security attacks (e.g., using a high-quality image of an iris). ...
... Navigation assistance (Fisk et al., 2020;Lewis & Neider, 2017;Nedopil et al., 2013) Simplification of the process (e.g., least pages, steps, and options needed), task-oriented (i.e., clearly indicate the steps and status of a task, text and number key rather than icon (e.g., using a short phrase for explanation), and easy access (e.g., offering a few memorable shortcuts for direct access). (Shuwandy et al., 2020;Wulf et al., 2014) Iris (Azimi et al., 2019b;Gorodnichy & Chumakov, 2019; Kowtko, 2014) Behavioral ...
Full-text available
Assistive technology is extremely important for maintaining and improving the elderly’s quality of life. Biometrics-based mobile user authentication (MUA) methods have witnessed rapid development in recent years owing to their usability and security benefits. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive review of such methods for the elderly. The primary objective of this research is to analyze the literature on state-of-the-art biometrics-based MUA methods via the lens of elderly users’ accessibility needs. In addition, conducting an MUA user study with elderly participants faces significant challenges, and it remains unclear how the performance of the elderly compares with non-elderly users in biometrics-based MUA. To this end, this research summarizes method design principles for user studies involving elderly participants and reveals the performance of elderly users relative to non-elderly users in biometrics-based MUA. The article also identifies open research issues and provides suggestions for the design of effective and accessible biometrics-based MUA methods for the elderly.
... Krishnan et al., for example, investigated the presence of age and gender bias in recognition systems relying on the periocular regions in [32] and [33], respectively. Fang et al. [34] aimed at quantifying demographic bias in presentation attack detection (PAD) aimed at iris recognition systems, and Gorodnichy and Chumakov [35] explored ageinduced performance differentials in biometric systems based on the iris. While these works presented empirical studies on the bias and fairness of different algorithms related to ocular biometrics, they have been limited to the iris and the periocular region only. ...
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Bias and fairness of biometric algorithms have been key topics of research in recent years, mainly due to the societal, legal and ethical implications of potentially unfair decisions made by automated decision-making models. A considerable amount of work has been done on this topic across different biometric modalities, aiming at better understanding the main sources of algorithmic bias or devising mitigation measures. In this work, we contribute to these efforts and present the first study investigating bias and fairness of sclera segmentation models. Although sclera segmentation techniques represent a key component of sclera-based biometric systems with a considerable impact on the overall recognition performance, the presence of different types of biases in sclera segmentation methods is still underexplored. To address this limitation, we describe the results of a group evaluation effort (involving seven research groups), organized to explore the performance of recent sclera segmentation models within a common experimental framework and study performance differences (and bias), originating from various demographic as well as environmental factors. Using five diverse datasets, we analyze seven independently developed sclera segmentation models in different experimental configurations. The results of our experiments suggest that there are significant differences in the overall segmentation performance across the seven models and that among the considered factors, ethnicity appears to be the biggest cause of bias. Additionally, we observe that training with representative and balanced data does not necessarily lead to less biased results. Finally, we find that in general there appears to be a negative correlation between the amount of bias observed (due to eye color, ethnicity and acquisition device) and the overall segmentation performance, suggesting that advances in the field of semantic segmentation may also help with mitigating bias.
... Knee osteoarthritis is the fourth leading cause of knee osteoarthritis in women and the eighth leading cause in men in Europe and the United States, according to an epidemiological study performed by the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. The most common cause of labour loss is knee osteoarthritis, which affects approximately 50 million people in the United States and forces more than 5% of those affected to retire each year [2]. At present, there are many clinical methods for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, which are mainly divided into two categories: nonoperative treatment and surgical treatment. ...
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Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a degenerative joint disease characterized by articular cartilage degeneration, cartilage exfoliation, osteophyte formation, and synovitis. It seriously affects the knee joint function and quality of life of patients. Total knee arthroplasty is now the most frequently used therapy for end-stage knee arthritis because it can successfully modify the line of lower extremities, restore knee joint function, alleviate pain, and enhance patients’ quality of life; nevertheless, it may cause significant trauma and bleeding. It can easily lead to infection and anemia. In this study, the control group chose total knee arthroplasty and the observation group chose total knee arthroplasty combined with PRP. The results showed that the knee joint function score, visual analog score, blood transfusion, total blood loss, total postoperative drainage, and complications in the observation group were superior to those in the control group. Total knee arthroplasty takes a long time and needs a lot of soft tissue incision, which leads to a lot of blood loss and can cause a variety of complications. Gel has been shown in studies to successfully decrease blood loss during and after total knee arthroplasty, enhance knee joint function recovery, and improve patient quality of life. In this paper, the complications and causes of knee osteoarthritis after total knee arthroplasty were studied. Combined with comprehensive nursing intervention for postoperative recovery, it helps to improve the formation of thrombin and calcium ion, which can effectively reduce blood loss, relieve pain, and promote the recovery of knee joint function. This study analyzed the application of total knee arthroplasty combined with gel in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.
... These results were primarily from adults. NIST was unaware of a small portion of the children population enrolled in NEXUS [19] and did not take into account in their analysis [20]. Change in dilation is excluded from consideration by their definition of aging as dilation varies stochastically on a "timescale ranging from below one second up to several decades", impacted by factors including environmental factors or disease and it can be mitigated by external illumination and other hardware or software solutions. ...
There is uncertainty around the effect of aging of children on biometric characteristics impacting applications relying on biometric recognition, particularly as the time between enrollment and query increases. Though there have been studies of such effects for iris recognition in adults, there have been few studies evaluating impact in children. This paper presents longitudinal analysis from 209 subjects aged 4 to 11 years at enrollment and six additional sessions over a period of 3 years. The influence of time, dilation and enrollment age on iris recognition have been analyzed and their statistical importance has been evaluated. A minor aging effect is noted which is statistically significant, but practically insignificant and is comparatively less important than other variability factors. Practical biometric applications of iris recognition in children are feasible for a time frame of at least 3 years between samples, for ages 4 to 11 years, even in presence of aging, though we note practical difficulties in enrolling young children with cameras not designed for the purpose. To the best of our knowledge, the database used in this study is the only dataset of longitudinal iris images from children for this age group and time period that is available for research.
... Subjectbased variation of biometric performance is performed in this work on the iris dataset for the first time in this work. The study shows the combination of age and aging as a statistically significant factor [7]. ...
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Age group prediction using the ratio of iris-pupil has become a new concept. As every human iris has some individual properties. But for a similar age group such as young or adult has nearly a common range of iris-pupil ratio. By using this potential feature of the iris, the proposed system tries to predict a certain range of the ratio for these age groups. In this paper, by analyzing the iris-pupil ratio from iris images after segmentation, the training and classification obtained the results using SVM, Logistic Regression, etc. some popular methods of Data Mining. This research work founds some certain changes like the ratio of iris-pupil that increases young to adult. The results represent greater accuracy than previously used different statistical techniques and less time-consuming. So, it might proclaim that to distinguish age groups of humans this approach is methodical and at the same time is very meteoric.
... In more recent work, Dimitry and Michael performed a study on iris aging using iris kiosks log dataset collected by the Canada Border Services Agency from 2003 to 2014. The study shows that the combination of age and aging as a statistically significant factor [7]. ...
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Human age group classification has great utilization in different fields. Determining age using iris image is a popular strategy in all the time. Every iris has unique properties, which are the significant features to estimate the age groups, ethnicity, or gender. In these existing methods, image segmentation was performed using various image pre-processing techniques, i.e., median filtering for noise elimination, canny edge detection techniques to detect the edge and Daugman's Integro-Differential operator has been used to detect the circular path of iris and pupil from the iris image. In the proposed CNN based age classification technique, segmentation operation has been performed on the iris image to derive iris templates for avoiding any external noise and unimportant features. This research work has found that some certain changes like the ratio of iris-pupil that increases young to adult. The proposed system's results have been measured according to different parameters compared with the existing system where traditional statistical classification techniques have been used. Performance analysis has been reported that the proposed CNN approach achieved around 40% greater accuracy compared with the existing statistical-based method implemented on the same dataset for age classification.
There is uncertainty around the effect of aging of children on biometric characteristics impacting applications relying on biometric recognition, particularly as the time between enrollment and query increases. Though there have been studies of such effects for iris recognition in adults, there have been few studies evaluating impact in children. This paper presents longitudinal analysis from 209 subjects aged 4 to 11 years at enrollment and six additional sessions over a period of 3 years. The influence of time, dilation and enrollment age on iris recognition have been analyzed and their statistical importance has been evaluated. A minor aging effect is noted which is statistically significant, but practically insignificant and is comparatively less important than other variability factors. Practical biometric applications of iris recognition in children are feasible for a time frame of at least 3 years between samples, for ages 4 to 11 years, even in presence of aging, though we note practical difficulties in enrolling young children with cameras not designed for the purpose. To the best of our knowledge, the database used in this study is the only dataset of longitudinal iris images from children for this age group and time period that is available for research.
Biometric authentication is being increasingly used in various applications to identify people using various traits. This can be of use in various applications like forensics, passport control, etc. In the rapidly growing era of internet, it is necessary to restrict access to data on the web. Security and customer usage are some of the essential parameters which should be taken care of in a web biometric system. Also, biometric technology has been implemented on social media platforms so as to save users from cyber-attacks and breach of privacy. This chapter provides an overview of how a web biometric system works, with an approach to use deep learning algorithms to identify traits like face, iris, and fingerprints. Such techniques can also be used to authenticate people in e-commerce applications. Further, the authors discuss the implementation of biometric verification techniques on social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
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This paper presents a technology readiness assessment framework called PROVE-IT(), which allows one to access the readiness of face recognition and video analytic technologies for video surveillance applications, and the roadmap for the deployment of technologies for automated recognition of people and their activities in video, based on the proposed assessment framework and the evaluations conducted by the Canada Border Services Agency and its partners over the past five years.
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Bowyer and Ortiz, in their study 'A Critical Examination of the IREX VI Results', make seven criticisms of the authors application of linear mixed-effects models to longitudinally collected iris recognition Hamming distances. We reject these as either irrelevant, misinterpretations, or qualitatively correct, but quantitatively irrelevant.
Technical Report
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This report presents the outcomes of the “Risk analysis of face and iris biometrics in border/access control applications” (CSSP-2013-CP-1020) study conducted by the Canada Border Services Agency in partnership with the University of Calgary through support from the Defence Research and Development Canada, Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP). This study relates directly to the technologies that apply to e-passportbased gate systems and iris-recognition-based registered traveller programs such as NEXUS. It also contributes to the development of a new generation of automated border control (ABC) systems and processes that are currently being developed by many countries, including Canada. The summarized outcomes include: establishing the terminology, metrics and tools for describing and analyzing ABC systems, analysis of issues with currently deployed systems, and investigation into further development of ABC and other traveller screening technologies within a larger e-border process that deals with automation of traveller clearance at the border.
The first edition of this book has established itself as one of the leading references on generalized additive models (GAMs), and the only book on the topic to be introductory in nature with a wealth of practical examples and software implementation. It is self-contained, providing the necessary background in linear models, linear mixed models, and generalized linear models (GLMs), before presenting a balanced treatment of the theory and applications of GAMs and related models. The author bases his approach on a framework of penalized regression splines, and while firmly focused on the practical aspects of GAMs, discussions include fairly full explanations of the theory underlying the methods. Use of R software helps explain the theory and illustrates the practical application of the methodology. Each chapter contains an extensive set of exercises, with solutions in an appendix or in the book’s R data package gamair, to enable use as a course text or for self-study.
Conference Paper
Iris recognition systems are a mature technology that is widely used throughout the world. In identification (as opposed to verification) mode, an iris to be recognized is typically matched against all N enrolled irises. This is the classic " 1-toN search ". In order to improve the speed of large-scale identification, a modified " 1-to-First " search has been used in some operational systems. A 1-to-First search terminates with the first below-threshold match that is found, whereas a 1-toN search always finds the best match across all enrollments. We know of no previous studies that evaluate how the accuracy of 1-to-First search differs from that of 1-toN search. Using a dataset of over 50,000 iris images from 2,800 different irises, we perform experiments to evaluate the relative accuracy of 1-to-First and 1-toN search. We evaluate how the accuracy difference changes with larger numbers of enrolled irises, and with larger ranges of rotational difference allowed between iris images. We find that False Match error rate for 1-to-First is higher than for 1-toN , and the the difference grows with larger number of enrolled irises and with larger range of rotation.
The authors analyse why Iris Exchange Report (IREX) VI conclusions about 'iris ageing' differ significantly from results of previous research on 'iris template ageing'. They observe that IREX VI uses a definition of 'iris ageing' that is restricted to a subset of International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-definition template ageing. They also explain how IREX VI commits various methodological errors in obtaining what it calls its 'best estimate of iris recognition ageing'. The OPS-XING dataset that IREX VI analyses for its 'best estimate of iris recognition ageing' contains no matches with Hamming distance 0.27. A 'truncated regression' technique should be used to analyse such a dataset, which IREX VI fails to do so, biasing its 'best estimate' to be lower-than-correct. IREX VI mixes Hamming distances from first, second and third attempts together in its regression, creating another source of bias towards a lower-than-correct value. In addition, the match scores in the OPS-XING dataset are generated from a '1-to-first' matching strategy, meaning that they contain a small but unknown number of impostor matches, constituting another source of bias towards an artificially low value for ageing. Finally, IREX VI makes its 'best estimate of iris recognition ageing' by interpreting its regression model without taking into account the correlation among independent variables. This is another source of bias towards an artificially low value for ageing. Importantly, the IREX VI report does not acknowledge the existence of any of these sources of bias. They conclude with suggest ions for a revised, improved IREX VI
Iris recognition has legendary resistance to false matches, and the tools of information theory can help to explain why. The concept of entropy is fundamental to understanding biometric collision avoidance. This paper analyses the bit sequences of IrisCodes computed both from real iris images and from synthetic white noise iris images, whose pixel values are random and uncorrelated. The capacity of the IrisCode as a channel is found to be 0.566 bits per bit encoded, of which 0.469 bits of entropy per bit is encoded from natural iris images. The difference between these two rates reflects the existence of anatomical correlations within a natural iris, and the remaining gap from one full bit of entropy per bit encoded reflects the correlations in both phase and amplitude introduced by the Gabor wavelets underlying the IrisCode. A simple two-state hidden Markov model is shown to emulate exactly the statistics of bit sequences generated both from natural and white noise iris images, including their imposter distributions, and may be useful for generating large synthetic IrisCode databases.