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Regulation of growth, nutritive, phytochemical and antioxidant potential of cultivated Drimiopsis maculata in response to biostimulant (vermicompost leachate, VCL) application


Abstract and Figures

The effect of vermicompost leachate (VCL, low-cost biostimulant) on the growth, elemental (macro and micro-nutrients) and phytochemical content as well as the antioxidant potential of Drimiopsis maculata was evaluated. Three dilutions (1:5; 1:10 and 1:20) of VCL were tested and the cultivation lasted for 3 months. In addition to the recorded growth parameters, dried and ground plant materials (leaves and bulbs) were evaluated for nutrients, phenolic acids and antioxidant capacity. Vermicompost leachate application enhanced the growth of D. maculata, particularly, the leaves (VCL 1:10) and bulbs (VCL 1:20) which were significantly bigger than the controls. Apart from the concentration of phosphorus which was significantly lower in the leaves of VCL (1:20)-treated plants, the quantity of all four macro-nutrients analysed were similar with and without VCL. Similar observations were also demonstrated in the majority of quantified micro-nutrients in D. maculata. Relative to the control, VCL-treated plants had higher concentrations of the 10 phenolic acids quantified in the leaves. However, the majority of the quantified phenolic acids were not significantly enhanced in bulbs. Antioxidant activity of D. maculata extracts was generally higher in leaves than in the bulbs. The leaf extract from VCL (1:10 and 1:20)-treated plants exhibited lower oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) when compared to the control. However, bulbs from VCL (1:5) treatment had significantly higher ORAC than the control. From a conservational perspective, the current findings provided insight on viable approaches useful for mitigating challenges associated with over-harvesting of highly utilized but slow-growing plant species.
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Plant Growth Regulation
An International Journal on Plant
Growth and Development
ISSN 0167-6903
Plant Growth Regul
DOI 10.1007/s10725-018-0441-1
Regulation of growth, nutritive,
phytochemical and antioxidant potential of
cultivated Drimiopsis maculata in response
to biostimulant (vermicompost leachate,
VCL) application
Lister Dube, Kuben K.Naidoo, Georgina
D.Arthur, Adeyemi O.Aremu, Jiri
Gruz, Michaela Šubrtová, Monika
Jarošová, Petr Tarkowski, et al.
1 23
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1 3
Plant Growth Regulation
Regulation ofgrowth, nutritive, phytochemical andantioxidant
potential ofcultivated Drimiopsis maculata inresponse
tobiostimulant (vermicompost leachate, VCL) application
ListerDube1· KubenK.Naidoo1· GeorginaD.Arthur1· AdeyemiO.Aremu2,3 · JiriGruz4· MichaelaŠubrtová4·
MonikaJarošová5· PetrTarkowski5,6· KarelDoležal4
Received: 17 January 2018 / Accepted: 12 September 2018
© Springer Nature B.V. 2018
The effect of vermicompost leachate (VCL, low-cost biostimulant) on the growth, elemental (macro and micro-nutrients)
and phytochemical content as well as the antioxidant potential of Drimiopsis maculata was evaluated. Three dilutions (1:5;
1:10 and 1:20) of VCL were tested and the cultivation lasted for 3months. In addition to the recorded growth parameters,
dried and ground plant materials (leaves and bulbs) were evaluated for nutrients, phenolic acids and antioxidant capacity.
Vermicompost leachate application enhanced the growth of D. maculata, particularly, the leaves (VCL 1:10) and bulbs
(VCL 1:20) which were significantly bigger than the controls. Apart from the concentration of phosphorus which was sig-
nificantly lower in the leaves of VCL (1:20)-treated plants, the quantity of all four macro-nutrients analysed were similar
with and without VCL. Similar observations were also demonstrated in the majority of quantified micro-nutrients in D.
maculata. Relative to the control, VCL-treated plants had higher concentrations of the 10 phenolic acids quantified in the
leaves. However, the majority of the quantified phenolic acids were not significantly enhanced in bulbs. Antioxidant activity
of D. maculata extracts was generally higher in leaves than in the bulbs. The leaf extract from VCL (1:10 and 1:20)-treated
plants exhibited lower oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) when compared to the control. However, bulbs from
VCL (1:5) treatment had significantly higher ORAC than the control. From a conservational perspective, the current findings
provided insight on viable approaches useful for mitigating challenges associated with over-harvesting of highly utilized but
slow-growing plant species.
Keywords Asparagaceae· Conservation· Geophytes· Phenolic acids· Plant nutrients· Medicinal plants
* Adeyemi O. Aremu
1 Department ofNature Conservation, Faculty ofNatural
Sciences, Mangosuthu University ofTechnology, Jacobs, P.
O. Box12363, Durban4026, SouthAfrica
2 Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Centre, Faculty
ofNatural andAgricultural Sciences, North-West University,
Private Mail Bag X2046, Mmabatho2735, SouthAfrica
3 Food Security andSafety Niche Area, Faculty ofNatural
andAgricultural Sciences, North West University, Private
Mail Bag X2046, Mmabatho2790, NorthWestProvince,
4 Laboratory ofGrowth Regulators & Department ofChemical
Biology andGenetics, Centre oftheRegion Haná
forBiotechnological andAgricultural Research, Faculty
ofScience, Palacký University & Institute ofExperimental
Botany ASCR, Šlechtitelů 11, 78371Olomouc,
5 Centre oftheRegion Haná forBiotechnological
andAgricultural Research, Central Laboratories
andResearch Support, Faculty ofScience, Palacký
University, Šlechtitelů 27, 78371Olomouc, CzechRepublic
6 Centre oftheRegion Haná forBiotechnological
andAgricultural Research, Department ofGenetic Resources
forVegetables, Medicinal andSpecial Plants, Crop Research
Institute, Šlechtitelů 29, 78371Olomouc, CzechRepublic
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Plant Growth Regulation
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AAPH 2,2-Azobis(2-methylpropionamidine)
CRD Completely randomised design
DW Dry weight
ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
ORAC Oxygen radical absorbance capacity
ORS Octapole reaction system
TE Trolox equivalents
UHPLC Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
VCL Vermicompost leachate
Globally, there is a need for effective utilization of the lim-
ited arable land to enhance plant productivity. Although the
application of inorganic fertilizers and associated synthetic
chemicals have been extensively utilized to increase pro-
ductivity of plants, their resultant detrimental effects on the
environment and residual negative effects on human health
are a major concern (Lyson 2002; Tilman etal. 2002). As
a result, there is an increasing call for a shift in paradigm
which leans toward ‘green-based’ agricultural practices
including the use of biostimulants (Calvo etal. 2014; Lyson
2002; Sharma etal. 2014). Biostimulants are generally
sourced from diverse (natural) sources and hold tremendous
economic potential with an estimated $2billion worth of
sales in the global market by 2018 (Brown and Saa 2015;
Calvo etal. 2014). The application of biostimulants offers
a potential novel approach to enhanced growth and devel-
opment as well as mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses dur-
ing the cultivation of plants with diverse attributes such as
nutritional, ornamental and medicinal values (Craigie 2011;
Halpern etal. 2015; Sharma etal. 2014; Yakhin etal. 2017).
Interest in the cultivation of medicinal plants have gained
considerable attention as a result of the need to meet the
increasing demand from both local and international markets
(Affolter and Pengelly 2007; Canter etal. 2005; Lubbe and
Verpoorte 2011; Moyo etal. 2015). Particularly, the intense
harvesting of perennial herbs and geophytes for commercial
purposes has resulted in significant depletion in the wild
population of many species in sub-Saharan Africa (Dold
and Cocks 2002; Moyo etal. 2015; Williams etal. 2007). As
an alternative to harvesting medicinal plants from the wild
population, their cultivation has the potential to overcome
the challenges which entail quality control and ensure sus-
tainability as well as availability (Canter etal. 2005; Lubbe
and Verpoorte 2011; Wiersum etal. 2006). In addition, it
will be valuable to devise novel approaches that have the
potential to help reduce the long regeneration cycle of bulbs
which are often utilized in traditional medicine (Moyo etal.
2015). Recently, researchers have demonstrated the potential
of using biostimulants such as seaweed extracts, vermicom-
post and associated products for growth and cultivation
of plants with medicinal and nutritive value (Aremu etal.
2014, 2015a, 2016; Masondo etal. 2016; Pant etal. 2012;
Wang etal. 2014). Apart from enhancing the morphological
appearance of cultivated plants, the phytochemical integ-
rity of the medicinal plant need to be demonstrated in order
to guarantee their acceptability by local and international
consumers (Lubbe and Verpoorte 2011). Currently, there is
paucity of knowledge on the phytochemical integrity of cul-
tivated medicinal plants subjected to different biostimulants.
Drimiopsis maculata Lindl. & Paxton (syn Ledebouria
petiolata J.C.Manning & Goldblatt; family: Asparagaceae,
formerly: Hyacinthaceae) is a geophyte which is distributed
from Tanzania to South Africa (Manning etal. 2004). In
South Africa, the species is widespread in the eastern part of
the country particularly, in provinces such as Mpumalanga,
Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape. Besides the
ornamental potential of D. maculata (Reinten etal. 2011),
it is well-known for its medicinal value among communities
in South Africa. For instance, infusions prepared from the
pound bulbs are applied as an enema for stomach-related
ailments in children (Hulme 1954). Bulb infusions are also
administered as purge for newly born suffering from ‘ipleyti’,
related to a marasmic condition among the Zulus (Hutch-
ings etal. 1996). In addition, traditional healers adminis-
ter the water extracts from the bulbs as enema to children
with stomach ailments. Given that such ailments are often
accompanied by fever, the ethno-medicinal rationale for D.
maculata may be related to its anti-inflammatory potential.
As a result, du Toit etal. (2005) isolated five (5) homoiso-
flavanones and structurally related compounds from D.
maculata which were screened for anti-inflammatory activ-
ity. While compound six exhibited high anti-inflammatory
activity, compounds 2, 5, 20 and 21 were moderately active
in term of inhibition in microsomal cells (%). The diver-
sity of phytochemicals in the bulb of D. maculata has been
well-demonstrated including norlignans, scillascillin-type
homoisoflavanone and xanthones (Koorbanally etal. 2001,
2006; Mulholland etal. 2004).
Given the rich chemical pool and susceptibility of D.
maculata to over-harvesting resulting from the use of the
bulbs in traditional medicine, the current study investigated
how the application of a low-cost and environment-friendly
biostimulant (vermicompost leachate, VCL) influences the
growth, nutrient (macro and micro) composition and phyto-
chemical content. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of
the VCL-treated plants was evaluated to provide an indica-
tion of their biological efficacy.
Author's personal copy
Plant Growth Regulation
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Materials andmethods
Source ofplant
Approximately 60 bulbs of D. maculata were collected from
Silverglen Nature Reserve (Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa). The identity of the plant was confirmed by
Mr Brian Abrahams (Nursery Manager, Silverglen Nature
Reserve) and a voucher specimen (Voucher number MUT/
KKN 25) of the plant including field data was prepared and
deposited at the Departmental Herbarium of Mangosuthu
University of Technology, Durban, South Africa.
Preparation andanalysis ofvermicompost leachate
Each worm composter consisted of a 3 tier rectangular bin
(145l) made of black polyethylene plastic (Global Worm-
ing CC). The middle bin housed the bedding the worms and
the feed, placed in layers as follows; first layer consisted of
moistened (by soaking overnight) shredded paper forming
a worm blanket to insulate the worms and prevent upward
migration. The second layer consisted of dried cow dung.
Then, 500 red wriggler worms (Eisenia foetida) measur-
ing approximately 2.5 cm each in length were added to the
composter. The worms were fed weekly with 1kg of lettuce
(Lactuca sativa, crisphead variety). The bottom bin served
as a collection compartment for the worm leachate. The bins
were kept away from direct sunlight. Approximately 1l of
water (kept in open air to remove chlorine) was added to
each composter monthly in order to keep the bedding moist.
Worms’ leachate (VCL) was collected after four months by
opening a tap at the bottom of the collection bin. The VCL
was stored in a polyethylene 25l drum in a cold room at 6°C
until application.
The pH and electrical conductivity of the VCL was meas-
ured using pH-200 pH meter and COM-80 EC meter from
HM, respectively. Primary nutrients in the leachate were
determined using a spectrophotometer (Cary 50 UV–Vis-
ible Spectrophotometer, Varian, Australia) following a modi-
fied method outlined by Kulkarni etal. (2014). The pH and
electrical conductivity of the liquid was 8.0 and 2.5dS/m,
respectively. The dark brown leachate contained 654mg/l
of potassium (K+), 220mg/l of nitrate (NO3) and 186mg/l
of phosphate (PO43−).
Preparation, establishment ofplants
andexperimental design
Healthy bulbs were planted in plastic pots (diameter
of 0.30m at the bottom and 0.47m at the top and depth
of 0.115m) and watered daily for 2weeks. These bulbs
were left to sprout on the roof-top garden of Mangosuthu
University of Technology, Durban, South Africa (S 2958.142
E 3054.768) under natural field conditions with an average
temperature of 24°C and humidity of 79% (http://www.
timea nddat A 40m2 area was prepared consisting of
ten beds. Each bed had a length of 1.8m and width of 0.8m
and accommodated ten plants. The intra-row spacing and
inter-row spacing was 45 and 40cm, respectively which was
sufficient to accommodate the growth habit of the plants.
Plantlet were transplanted to each bed containing potting
mix (Grovida 30dm3) mulched into the soil. The pH of the
soil ranged from 7.6 to 8.0.
Plants were arranged in a completely randomised design
(CRD) consisting of ten plants (in triplicates) per treat-
ment. Four treatments namely: control (deionised water)
and 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 dilutions (i.e. 1ml VCL + 5ml water;
1ml VCL + 10ml water; 1ml VCL + 20ml water) of VCL
obtained from red wriggler worms (Eisenia foetida) were
applied once a week for 4weeks to the base of each seedling.
Fifty millilitre of the treatments were applied (via
soil drenching) once a week for a month (during the first
month). At the end of the 3months, morphological growth
parameters (for e.g. numbers of leaves, roots and bulbs).
Whole plants were thoroughly washed with distilled water
to remove soil and weighed to obtain fresh weights. Dry
weights were obtained after air drying for 2weeks at room
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(ICP‑MS)‑based macro andmicro‑nutrients analysis
In triplicates, the ground plant material (about 15–25mg)
from the leaves and bulbs of D. maculata were weighed into
polytetrafluoroethylene vessels. Thereafter, 2ml of HNO3
(67%, analpure) and 1ml of H2O2 (30%, analytical grade)
(Analytika Ltd., Prague, Czech Republic) were added and
digested in diffused microwave system (MLS 1200 Mega;
Milestone S.r.L., Sorisole, Italy).
The resultant solutions were diluted to 15ml in test tubes
with deionised water and analysed by ICP-MS (Agilent
7700x; Agilent Technologies, Tokyo, Japan) based on quad-
rupole mass analyser and octapole reaction system (ORS 3).
Collision cell in He-mode was used for elimination of pos-
sible polyatomic interferences and instrument was set-up by
using Tuning solution (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara,
USA). Isotopes 23Na and 24Mg were measured in a gas mode
while isotopes 31P, 39K, 44Ca, 55Mn, 56Fe, 63Cu and 66Zn were
measured in He-mode. The internal standards included 6Li,
45Sc and 74Ge. The calibration solutions were prepared by
the appropriate dilution of the single element certified refer-
ence materials with 1.000 ± 0.002g/l for each element (Ana-
lytika Ltd., Prague, Czech Republic) with deionised water
(18.2MΩcm, Direct-Q; Millipore, Molsheim, France).
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Certified reference materials of strawberry leaves and
green algae (METRANAL® 3 and METRANAL® 8, Ana-
lytika Ltd., Prague, Czech Republic) were used for control-
ling the decomposition process and for method validation.
Measurement accuracy was verified by using certified refer-
ence material of water TM-15.2 (National Water Research
Institute, Ontario, Canada).
Ultra‑high performance liquid chromatography
(UHPLC)‑based phenolic acid quantification
Based on the methods described by Gruz etal. (2008), the
phenolic acids in the leaves and bulbs of D. maculata were
quantified using UHPLC (Waters, Milford, MA, USA)
linked to a Micromass Quattro micro™ API benchtop triple
quadrupole mass spectrometer (Waters MS Technologies,
Manchester, UK). Briefly, in triplicates, the ground plant
materials were homogenized with 80% methanol (40mg/
ml) in a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube, using an oscillation ball
mill (MM 301, Retsch, Haan, Germany) at a frequency of
25Hz for 3min. Deuterium-labelled internal standards
were added to the extraction solvent prior to plant material
homogenization. The extracts were centrifuged for 10min
at 26,000g and the supernatant was filtered through 0.45µm
nylon micro-filters (Alltech, Breda, Netherlands).
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay
Following 80% methanol extraction of ground plant materi-
als from the leaves and bulbs of D. maculata, ORAC of the
resultant extracts was measured using the protocol devel-
oped by Ou etal. (2001). In triplicates, fluorescein (100µl,
500mM) and plant extracts (25µl) were added into each
working well in a 96-well microplate and shaken. The reac-
tion was initiated by the addition of 2,2-Azobis(2-methyl-
propionamidine) dihydrochloride (AAPH, 25µl, 250mM)
pre-incubated at 37°C. The fluorescence (Ex. 485nm, Em.
510nm) was read every 3min over 90min in a microplate
reader Infinite M200 Pro (Tecan, Switzerland) incubated at
40°C. The net area under the curve was used to calculate
antioxidant capacity in trolox equivalents (µmol TE/g).
Data analysis
Growth response, elemental and phytochemical content as
well as antioxidant activity data were subjected to analysis
of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS software version 22.0.
For each of the evaluated parameters, the mean values were
further separated using Duncan’s multiple range test to check
for statistical significance (P ≤ 0.05).
Growth data
Application of different dilutions of VCL improved the
morphological traits of D. maculata (Fig.1). For instance,
VCL-treated plants had more leaves which also translated
to higher fresh and dry biomass (Fig.1a–c). Similarly, VCL
treatment stimulated the production of higher numbers of
shoots in D. maculata (Fig.1d). However, the bulb biomass
was only significantly higher in VCL (1:20) treatments
(Fig.1e, f).
Macro‑ andmicro‑nutrient composition
The concentrations of the four macro-nutrients analysed
in D. maculata were generally higher in the leaves than in
the bulbs (Fig.2). The degree of abundance were in order
of K > Ca > P > Mg in both organs of D. maculata. In most
cases, no significant increase in the concentrations of macro-
nutrients was observed in VCL-treated plants (Fig.2a–d,
f–h). However, the P content was remarkably lower in leaves
of VCL (1:20) treatment than in the control (Fig.2e).
As depicted in Fig.3a–j, the leaves accumulated higher
concentrations of micro-nutrients than the bulbs regardless
of the treatment regime. While Na was the most abundant
(730–3366µg/g DW) micro-nutrient, Mn occurred in the
least concentration (10–20µg/g DW). An increase in Cu
content was observed in leaves of VCL (1:5)-treated D.
maculata (Fig.3a). However, the same treatment (VCL 1:5)
resulted in lower Fe content in leaves (Fig.3c). In the bulbs,
1:10 and 1:20 (dilutions) VCL treatments increased the Mn
and Zn contents, respectively (Fig.3f, j).
Phenolic acid content
The ten phenolic acids quantified in the extracts from the
two organs of D. maculata were classified as either hydroxy-
benzoic (Fig.4) or hydroxycinnamic (Fig.5) based on their
chemical structures. In most cases, both classes of phe-
nolic acid (with the exception of ferulic acid) accumulated
in higher concentrations in the leaves than in the bulbs. In
terms of quantity, p-hydroxybenzoic (11–19µg/g) and vanillic
(13–22µg/g) acids were the major hydroxybenzoic derivatives
while p-coumaric (28–41µg/g) and ferulic (5–8µg/g) acids
were the most abundant hydroxycinnamic derivative. The
remaining phenolic acids were generally in low concentra-
tions (< 5µg/g) in both the leaves and bulbs of D. maculata.
Among the six hydroxybenzoic quantified in the leaf
extracts of D. maculata, VCL application significantly
enhanced the phenolic acid content relative to the control
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(Fig.4a, c, e, g, i, k). Similarly, gallic acid content in the bulb
extracts was higher in VCL (1:5)-treated plants (Fig.4b).
Conversely, VCL application reduced the concentration of
p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, salicylic, syringic and
vanillic acids in the bulb extracts (Fig.4d, f, h, j, i).
In the leaf extracts, VCL application resulted into higher
concentration of the four hydroxycinnamic acids relative to
the control (Fig.5a, c, e, g). Although VCL (1:20) enhanced
the caffeic acid in bulbs (Fig.5b), no significant increase was
observed in the bulb extracts for the other three hydroxycin-
namic acids (Fig.5d, f, h).
Antioxidant activity
In terms of the ORAC, the extracts from the leaves were more
potent when compared to the bulbs (Table1). Application of
VCL had no significant stimulatory effect on the ORAC of the
extracts from the leaves of D. maculata. In fact, lower dilu-
tions (1:10 and 1:20) of VCL reduced the ORAC of the leaf
extracts. On the other hand, bulb extracts prepared from VCL
(1:5) treatment had higher ORAC activity than the control.
Effect ofvermicompost leachate (VCL) application
ongrowth response
The beneficial effect of biostimulants including VCL
are often manifested over the life cycle of the plant. For
instance, effects such as improved seed germination, seed-
ling establishment, enhanced nutrient mobilization and
partitioning, improved rooting of cuttings, flowering, fruit
and crop yield have been demonstrated across a wide range
of plants (Craigie 2011; Halpern etal. 2015; Sharma etal.
2014). This is not surprising as these products are sourced
from diverse organisms and generally contain a wide range
of growth-stimulatory metabolites (Aremu etal. 2015b;
Brown and Saa 2015; Yakhin etal. 2017). In addition
to compounds such as humic acid as well as micro and
macro-nutrients, VCL contains cocktails of conventional
plant hormones which are possibly the active ingredients
and responsible for growth stimulatory effects (Aremu
etal. 2015b; Zhang etal. 2014).
In the current study, VCL-treated D. maculata generally
had bigger leaves and bulbs when compared to the control
(Fig.1). Given that biomass accumulation is a function of pho-
tosynthesis, it is possible to infer that the application of VCL
influenced this important process as demonstrated in many
species (Aremu etal. 2014; Arthur etal. 2012; Ievinsh 2011;
Masondo etal. 2016). For instance, the reduction of photo-
synthetic pigment content was significantly attenuated by sup-
plementing phosphorus-deficient Tulbaghia ludwigiana with
VCL (Aremu etal. 2014). Given the ability of VCL to enhance
morphological appearance of different plant organs especially
the underground part (e.g. bulbs), it affords a viable approach
useful for low-resource farmers to enhance the cultivation of
bulbous plants which are often in high demand by medicinal
plant vendors and users.
Number of leaves (#)
Leaf fresh weight (g)
Leaf dry we ight (g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Number of Shoots (#
control1:5 1:10 1:20
ab ab
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Bulb fresh weight (g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Bulb dry weight (g)
Fig. 1 Effect of different dilutions of vermicompost leachate (VCL)
on morphological traits of D. maculata. a Number of leaves; b leaf
fresh weight; c leaf dry weight; d number of shoots; e bulb fresh
weight; f bulb dry weight. Data are presented as mean ± standard
error (n = 30). In each graph, bars with different letter(s) are signifi-
cantly different based on Duncan’s multiple range test (P ≤ 0.05)
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Calcium (mg/g)
Calcium (mg/g)
Potassium (mg/g)
Potassium (mg/g)
Phosphorus (mg/g)
Phosphorus (mg/g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL dilution (v/v)
Magnesium (mg/g)
control 1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL dilution (v/v)
Magnesium (mg/g)
Fig. 2 Effect of different dilutions of vermicompost leachate (VCL)
on the concentration of macro-nutrients in leaves and bulbs of D.
maculata. a, b Calcium; c, d potassium; e, f phosphorus; g, h magne-
sium. Data are mean ± standard error (n = 3). In each graph, bars with
different letter(s) are significantly different based on Duncan’s multi-
ple range test (P ≤ 0.05)
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Fig. 3 Effect of different dilu-
tions of vermicompost leachate
(VCL) on the concentration of
micro-nutrients in leaves and
bulbs of D. maculata. a, b Cop-
per; c, d iron; e, f manganese;
g, h sodium; i, j zinc. Data are
mean ± standard error (n = 3). In
each graph, bars with different
letter(s) are significantly differ-
ent based on Duncan’s multiple
range test (P ≤ 0.05)
Copper (µg/g)
Copper (µg/g)
Iron (
Iron (µg/g)
Manganese (µg/g)
Manganese (µg/g)
Sodium (µg/g)
Sodium (µg/g)
control1:51:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Zinc (µg/g)
control1:51:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Zinc (µg/g)
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Fig. 4 Effect of different dilu-
tions of vermicompost leachate
(VCL) on the concentration of
hydroxybenzoic acid deriva-
tives in leaves and bulbs of
D. maculata. a, b Gallic acid;
c, d p-hydroxybenzoic acid;
e, f protocatechuic acid; g,
h salicylic acid; i, j syringic
acid; k, l vanillic acid. Data are
mean ± standard error (n = 3). In
each graph, bars with different
letter(s) are significantly differ-
ent based on Duncan’s multiple
range test (P ≤ 0.05)
Gallic ac id (µg/g)
Gallic ac id (µg/g)
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid ( µg/g)
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid ( µg/g)
Protocatechuic acid ( µg/g)
ab a
Protocatechuic acid ( µg/g)
Salicylic acid ( µg/g)
aab ab b
Salicylic acid ( µg/g)
Syringic ac id ( µg/g)
Syringic ac id ( µg/g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Vanillic acid (µg/g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
acbc ab
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Vanillic acid (µg/g)
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1 3
Caffeic acid (µg/g)
Caffeic acid (µg/g)
p-Coumaric acid ( µg/g)
aa aa
p-Coumaric acid ( µg/g)
Ferulic acid ( µg/g)
Ferulic acid ( µg/g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCLdilution (v/v)
Sinapic acid (µg/g)
control1:5 1:10 1:20
VCL diluti on (v/v)
Sinapic acid (µg/g)
Fig. 5 Effect of different dilutions of vermicompost leachate (VCL)
on the concentration of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in leaves
and bulbs of D. maculata. a, b Caffeic acid; c, d p-coumaric acid; e, f
ferulic acid; g, h sinapic acid. Data are mean ± standard error (n = 3).
In each graph, bars with different letter(s) are significantly different
based on Duncan’s multiple range test (P ≤ 0.05)
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1 3
Effect ofvermicompost leachate (VCL) application
ontheconcentration ofmacro‑ andmicro‑nutrients
The influence of biostimulant application on plant nutri-
ent uptake and the underlying mechanisms are associated to
positive changes in soil structure or nutrient solubility, root
morphology and plant physiology (Halpern etal. 2015; Mar-
tínez-Ballesta etal. 2010). As emphasized by these authors,
the minerals in plants are related to the effect of agricultural
practices, especially the continuous debatable issue of organic
farming versus mineral fertilisation. In the current study, the
concentrations of macro-nutrients in D. maculata were similar
with and without VCL treatment. However, the macro-nutri-
ents were generally higher in the leaves than bulbs (Fig.2).
Similar trends were evident in the concentrations of micro-
nutrients with few exceptions. For instance, VCL application
increased the concentration of Cu in the leaves (VCL 1:5) and
Mn in bulbs (VCL 1:10) of D. maculata. In contrast, the leaves
of VCL (1:5)-treated plants had significantly lower Fe content
when compared to the control. As emphasized by Martínez-
Ballesta etal. (2010), this type of variable response has been
demonstrated in many plants. The effect of biostimulants on
nutrient (macro and micro) content are often variable depend-
ing on critical factors such as the crop, season cycle and year.
Thus, these aforementioned factors must be considered care-
fully prior to making conclusions and recommendations to
Effect ofvermicompost leachate (VCL) application
onthephenolic acids (hydroxybenzoic
andhydroxycinnamic derivatives)
The therapeutic value of phytochemicals in D. maculata is
well recognized (Koorbanally etal. 2001). In addition, sev-
eral studies have also highlighted the diversity of chemicals
present in D. maculata (du Toit etal. 2005; Koorbanally
etal. 2001, 2006; Mulholland etal. 2004). In the current
study, ten phenolic acids comprising six hydroxybenzoic and
four hydroxycinnamic derivatives occurred in the leaves and
bulbs of D. maculata. Most of these phenolic acids are rec-
ognised as a potent bioactive compounds for treating differ-
ent diseases (Heleno etal. 2015). Ferulic acid was one of the
major phenolic acid in D. maculata and its diverse biological
effect such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial,
anti-allergic and hepato-protective effects have been demon-
strated (Kumar and Pruthi 2014).
As a result of the value associated with elevated level
of phytochemicals in plants, researchers often explored
different approaches especially the application of different
biostimulants during cultivation (Aremu etal. 2014, 2015a,
2016; Pant etal. 2012; Wang etal. 2014). Application of
VCL influenced the concentrations of phenolic acid accu-
mulated in the leaves and bulbs of D. maculata (Figs.4,
5). It has been established that the type and concentration
of phytochemicals in cultivated plants are often affected by
different factors. For instance, the phenolic compounds in
marionberry, strawberry and corn were significantly higher
when grown with organic supplements compared with non-
organic plants (Asami etal. 2003).
Effect ofvermicompost leachate (VCL) application
onantioxidant activity
Although biological screening efficacy of D. maculata is
limited, the anti-inflammatory potential have been demon-
strated (du Toit etal. 2005). Findings from the present study
provided an indication of the antioxidant potential. Antioxi-
dant activity is one of the most common biological activity
exhibited by many plants and this has increased the interest
in plant-derived antioxidants (Gülçin 2012). On the basis of
the effect of oxidative stress in the aetiology of many dis-
eases (Pham-Huy etal. 2008; Spector 2000), the presence of
potent antioxidants in medicinal plants is desired. The anti-
oxidant activity of cultivated plants are affected by different
factors including type of fertilizer applied, necessitating the
extensive focus in this area (Aremu etal. 2014; Masondo
etal. 2016; Pant etal. 2009; Rimmer 2006; Toor etal. 2006;
Wang etal. 2010). In the current study, application of VCL
(1:5 dilution) significantly enhanced the antioxidant activ-
ity of bulb extract of D. maculata. However, similar higher
antioxidant activity was absent in leaf extracts. In fact, the
antioxidant activity demonstrated was significantly lower in
leaves obtained from VCL (1:20)-treated plants. This find-
ing indicates that the positive influence of biostimulants on
antioxidant activity cannot be generalized as differences may
occur in the different organs of the same plant and/or among
different plants (plant specific). This plant specific-effect in
antioxidant response following treatment with biostimulants
have been documented in some studies (Aremu etal. 2014;
Asami etal. 2003; Masondo etal. 2016).
Table 1 Effect of different dilutions of vermicompost leachate (VCL)
on oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of extracts from dif-
ferent organs of D. maculata
In each column, value (mean ± standard error, n = 3) with different
letter(s) are significantly different based on Duncan’s multiple range
test (P ≤ 0.05)
TE trolox equivalents
VCL dilutions (v/v) ORAC (µmol TE/g)
Leaves Bulbs
Control 151.0 ± 9.36a23.6 ± 1.28b
1:5 134.6 ± 7.23ab 32.6 ± 3.40a
1:10 121.7 ± 6.88b26.1 ± 0.92ab
1:20 88.0 ± 2.87c26.8 ± 1.55ab
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Findings from the current study established the beneficial
effects from the application of low-cost biostimulants such
as VCL which enhanced the morphological appearance of
D. maculata. In addition, VCL application influenced the
quantity of macro and micro-nutrients as well as the accu-
mulated bioactive phytochemicals. This implies that the use
of VCL has the potential to ensure the desired quality and
quantity of cultivated medicinal plants. In terms of the dis-
tribution of chemical metabolites and ORAC potential, the
higher content and antioxidant demonstrated by the extracts
from the leaves relative to the bulbs provides a motivation
to support the call for plant part substitution (i.e. the use of
leaves rather than the bulbs) in the usage of D. maculata.
Overall, the present findings are valuable from a conserva-
tional perspective as useful insight for mitigating challenges
associated with over-harvesting of highly utilized but slow-
growing species especially geophytes.
Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by Mango-
suthu University of Technology under registered project NSci\05\2012
(LD, KKN, GDA), National Research Foundation (Incentive Funding
for Rated Researchers, UID: 109508) and Faculty Research Committee,
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University,
Mmabatho, South Africa (AOA). MJ, JG, PT and KD were supported
by grant No. LO1204 (Sustainable development of research in Centre
of Region Haná) from the National Program of Sustainability I, MEYS,
Czech Republic. JG was also supported by the Czech Science Founda-
tion (No. 17-06613S). KD was also supported by MEYS of CR from
European Regional Development Fund-Project Centre for Experimen-
tal Plant Biology: No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000738. We thank
the staff and management of Silverglen Nature Reserve for supplying
the bulbs used for the study.
Author contributions LD, KKN, GDA and AOA conceived and con-
ducted the field experiment. MJ and JG quantified the phenolic acids
and ORAC assay. MJ and PT conducted the elemental analysis. LD,
KKN, GDA and AOA analysed the data on growth parameters. KD
was also involved in conceptualization, design and provided technical
and editorial inputs. AOA wrote the manuscript with help from all the
other authors.
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... Satureja is a genus of Lamiaceae family, which is native to north Africa, southern and southeastern Europe, the middle east, and central Asia. 13 species of this genus are distributed in different regions of Iran. Medic savory [Satureja macrantha (Makino) Kudô], as one of the known species of Satureja, grows in north-west of Iran [1,2]. ...
... [11]; the functional impact of vermicompost on Amaranthus retroflexus L. [12], Drimiopsis maculata Lindl. & Paxton [13]; and the helpful reaction of NPK on Cucurbitapepo L. [14]. Totally, they documented that the application of proper portion for different fertilizers, separately or in combination, can help the producers to meet the optimum production of medicinal plants. ...
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Nowadays, the use of bio-organic compounds has been increased due to adverse effects of chemical fertilizers in production of medicinal plants. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil amendments (bio-organic and inorganic fertilizers) on plant growth, physiological and biochemical properties of medic savory [Satureja macrantha (Makino) Kudô]. The experiment included nine treatments to be NPK (50:25:25 kg ha −1), vermicompost (VC) (5 t ha-1), NPK +VC, Thiobacillus (T), T + VC, T + sulfur (S) (250 kg ha −1), T+S 500 kg ha −1 , Glomus mosseae, and control (untreated plants). Plant height, the number of branches and crown area gradually increased with the application of soil amendments. Accordingly, the simultaneous application of VC and NPK fertilizer significantly increased the amount of these traits compared to other experimental treatments. According to the effect of combined amounts of inorganic, organic, and bio-fertilizers, it was noted that the combination of VC and NPK fertilizer gave the highest chlorophyll content. In both years, soil amendments used in our study gradually increased the total soluble sugar (TSS) and relative water content (RWC) compared to control. Higher essential oil (EO) content and yield were observed under the combination of VC and NPK in comparison toother soil amendments. Our results suggest the simultaneous application of VC and NPK to meet the optimum growth and EO yield of medic savory.
... Moreover, to increase nutrient concentrations in cycle 2, where nutrient levels were expected to be limited, a higher dose of VCL (5% v/v; 1.75 L) was added weekly (days 35, 42, 49, 56, and 63) to the recirculating tank. 5% v/v VCL supplementation has been reported to enhance plant growth (Deepthi et al., 2021;Dube et al., 2018). Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and microbial communities in bioponic systems with VCL (treatment) and without VCL (control) supplementation were compared. ...
Food waste is rich in nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and can be integrated with bioponics, a closed-loop agricultural system that combines hydroponics with biological nutrient recovery. Vermicompost leachate (VCL) supplementation has been shown to improve the co-composting of organic waste (i.e., compost quality) and the biodegradation of organic compounds. Thus, VCL has high potential for enhancing nutrient availability in bioponics from food waste. However, the understanding of nitrogen and phosphorus availability in food waste-based bioponics is limited, both with and without VCL. In this study, food waste derived from cafeteria vegetable waste was used as the substrate (500 g dry wt./system) in bioponics to grow lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) for two consecutive cycles (35 days/cycle) without substrate replacement. VCL was applied weekly (1-5% v/v) and compared to the control without VCL. The results showed that the food waste in bioponics provided nitrogen and phosphorus for plant growth (15.5-65.8 g/lettuce head). Organic-degrading and nutrient-transforming bacteria (Hydrogenispora, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, Ruminiclostridium_1, Cellvibrio, Thauera, Hydrogenophaga, and Bacillus) were predominantly found in plant roots and residual food waste. VCL addition significantly increased nitrate, phosphate, and chemical oxygen demand levels in bioponics, owing to the nutrients in VCL and the enhancement of keystone microorganisms responsible for organic degradation and nutrient cycling (e.g., Ellin6067, Actinomyces, and Pirellula). These findings suggest that nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon concentrations in an ecosystem of nutrient-transforming and organic-degrading microbes are key in managing nutrient recovery from food waste in bioponics.
... As proposed modes of action, BS act by making nutrients available in the soil, improving plant efficiency in the use of nutrients, supporting the establishment of stress adaptations and stimulating the decomposition and humification of organic matter in the soil (Paradikovic et al., 2011;Caradonia et al., 2019). These bio-agents include microbes, plant and seaweed extracts, protein hydrolysates, and several other organic and inorganic substances that improve growth, nutrient acquisition and protection against various biotic and abiotic stresses (Römheld and Neumann, 2006;Brown and Saa, 2015;Dube et al., 2018). A major benefit of using biostimulants is their ability to improve plant performance by stimulating the plant own adaptations and defense mechanisms even prior to the impact of stress events (Petrozza et al., 2014;Buono, 2021), leading to a more rapid and efficient expression of adaptive responses upon challenging environmental conditions (stress priming). ...
Plant biostimulants (BS), also termed bioeffectors, are viable microorganisms or active natural compounds applied to stimulate growth, nutrients uptake and stress tolerance in crop plants. The agricultural use of BS is discussed as a sustainable and resource-efficient approach to make optimal use of the biological potential that supports soil fertility, plant health and stress resilience of crops, contributing to profitable and sustained yield level. The use of BS-containing products (e.g. plant-beneficial microbes, seaweed, plant and compost extracts, protein hydrolysates, peptides, chitosan, and humic acids) as commercial formulations to enhance stress tolerance in plants provides a continuously increasing market potential with current annual growth rates of 12%. However, although the principal effectiveness of BS products is well documented, limited reproducibility of the expected effects, particularly under field conditions, still remains a major challenge. Therefore, it is essential to understand the physiological and functional basis of BS and their interactions in complex environments to get maximum benefit from these biological agents. This chapter provides a broad overview of the bio-protective effects of BS with the aim to make agriculture more sustainable and resilient to water limitations and salt stress. The positive effects of BS on physiological and metabolic events such as photosynthetic activity, phytohormonal balances, acquisition of nutrients and scavenging of reactive oxygen species to strengthen the defense mechanisms in water and salt-stressed plants are reviewed and discussed.
... It should be noted that the bioconversion of organic waste is also an equally important initiative in the development of biostimulants (Xu and Geelen, 2018). Recently, several wastes that produce biostimulants or organic materials containing biostimulants have been proved to be effective in agriculture and horticulture, including vermicompost, betaines, humic substances (HSs), and chitin/chitosan derivatives (Wang et al., 2021;Dube et al., 2018). Vermicompost contains HSs, beneficial microorganisms and other substances with plant hormone activity. ...
Bioconversion technology has paved the way for solving the contradiction between population growth, food production reduction, and global environmental degradation because of its ability to convert organic waste into high-value products (including plant biostimulants) and stabilize organic materials. However, the current literature review and reference framework of biostimulants in bioconversion compost of organic waste have not yet surfaced. With the great advantages of bioconversion technology, this review focuses on combing and summarizing the biostimulants components (represented by betaine, chitin, humic substances, protein hydrolysates, and beneficial microorganisms) in bioconversion compost (larvae bioconversion compost and vermicompost) and their agricultural application. In addition, the complexity of the action mode of plant biostimulants produced in bioconversion compost, as well as the existing knowledge gaps, challenges, and opportunities, were also discussed in order to give full play to the potential of bioconversion technology and agricultural application value in the future.
... In Stevia rebaudiana, the use of vermicompost leachates increases leaf area, plant height and biomass production, as well as the chlorophyll content when combined with chemical fertilizer (Bidabadi et al. 2016). Vermicompost leachates stimulate growth of leaves and bulbs of Drimiopsis maculata in 1:10 and 1:20 dilutions, respectively (Dube et al. 2018). In a perennial crop (Saccharum sp.), the use of vermicompost leachates produced similar results to the chemical fertilizer for plant height and number of leaves in the first 45 days, but lower in later dates of sampling (Gutiérrez-Miceli et al. 2017). ...
Full-text available
Purpose The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of a bovine manure vermicompost leachate (BMVL) on growth, total chlorophyll content and yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) hybrid Nathalie. In pepper, the effects of BMVL had not been studied before. Methods Six dilutions of BMVL (1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:50 and 1:60 v / v), unfertilized soil and YaraMila TM Complex TM chemical fertilizer were tested. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. The variables measured were the height of the plants, the diameter of the stem, the number of leaves, the total chlorophyll content, the length, the circumference and the weight of the fruits in four harvests. The yield per hectare in the experimental treatments was estimated from the total weight of the fruits obtained in the four harvests and the area occupied by the plants sampled. Results No substantial agronomic differences were observed in the growth variables nor in the total chlorophyll content between the experimental treatments. The estimated yields in the plots of all BMVL dilutions did not show significant differences among themselves or with chemical fertilization, and exceeded the yields of the plants in the treatment of unfertilized soil. Conclusion The results suggest that bovine manure vermicompost leachate can become a sustainable alternative for pepper production reducing fertilizer application rates, thus diminishing the contamination of the environment.
... The increment of growth was because humic acids can interfere with nutrient sensing, regulate plant growth and stress responses. Vermicompost leachate stimulated the growth of leaves and bulbs of the medicinal plant Drimiopsis maculate [15] demonstrating once again the positive effects of extract from organic materials on plant growth. Arabidopsis thaliana under treatment with humic substances enhanced protein and energetic metabolism to support a higher growth rate [11]. ...
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One strategy to re-use solid urban wastes is the production of energy by anaerobic digestion. This process also generates high volume of digestates, which are frequently disposal in landfills. The aim of this work is to assess anaerobic digestates as agricultural inputs. Three different biomethanation wastes from different plants were collected. Firstly, a complete physico- chemical characterization of the wastes was done according to the Spanish regulation, showing that the materials had the 90% of the particles below 25 mm, high values of pH, electric conductivity, organic matter, humic acids and soluble nutrients such as NO3 −, SO4 2−, Ca2+, Mg2+, PO4 3− and K+. Total concentrations of heavy metals and microbiological parameters were below the threshold levels allowed for agricultural use. The wastes were then treated with a strong acid and a strong base having two different solutions (ATr and BTr, respectively) which were evaluated as biostimulants for tomato plants in hydroponic culture. Those liquid extracts, ATr and BTr, demonstrated their biostimulant ability towards root system of tomato enhancing the hair root density and plant biometric parameters including plants weight and chlorophyll content. This work demonstrates the re-use feasibility of treated digestates in agriculture as fertilizers and more over as feedstock for biostimulants production
... 6 Literature reviews showed that inorganic and organic fertilizers can improve the quality and quantity of medicinal plants. For example, we can report the useful effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on Satureja macrostema, 7 Sesbania sesban, 8 and Leptospermum scoparium, 9 the functional impact of vermicompost on Amaranthus retroflexus L., 10 Drimiopsis maculata, 11 and the helpful reaction of NPK on Cucurbita pepo L. 12 Totally, they demonstrated that the application of proper portion for different fertilizers, separately or in combination, can help the producers to reach the optimum products of medicinal plants. ...
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The present study was carried out to assess the effects of bio-organic and inorganic fertilizers on plant nutrients, essential oil composition and antioxidant capacity of Satureja macrantha L. The experiment included nine treatments viz., NPK (50:25:25 kg ha−1), Vermicompost (VC) (5 t ha–1), NPK +VC, Thiobacillus (T), T+VC, T+sulfur (S) (250 kg ha−1), T+S 500 kg ha−1, Glomus mosseae, and control (untreated plants). The results showed the highest Essential Oil (EO) content and yield were respectively observed in plants treated with the combination of VC and NPK. Total Phenol Content (TPC) in first-year plants treated with VC and second-year plants under NPK+VC were higher than other experimental plants. Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) in second-year plants under the combination of NPK was greater than other plants. N content in first year plants treated with NPK fertilizer / combination of NPK and VC was higher compared to other experimental plants. The highest P content was observed in the NPK application in first year. Gas Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses revealed that the main constitutes of S. macrantha EO were p- Cymene (16.30-34.64%), γ-terpinene (15.46-33.6%), and Thymol (14.82-43.09%), which had different responses to sampling time and fertilizer treatments.
PurposeWithania somnifera is a widely used herb due to its multi-health benefits. There is a growing interest to improve the growth and chemical profile of this plant because a large gap exists in the supply and demand of the quality raw material. The present study focused on using organic amendments to enhance the health and quality of this herb.Methods Seeds pre-soaked in distilled water (DW) and vermicompost leachate (Vcom-L) were sown in 10-cm diameter pots having 0, 40, and 60% vermicompost. After 45 days of sowing, seedlings were transplanted to 25-cm diameter pots with the respective vermicompost proportions and divided into vermicompost group (without supplementation of Vcom-L) and vermicompost + Vcom-L group (weekly supplementation of Vcom-L). Sixty days post-transplantation, the plants were used for the analysis of gas exchange and biochemical parameters.ResultsSeed pre-soaking in Vcom-L and combined application of vermicompost + Vcom-L caused a significant enhancement in the biochemical parameters of the plant. In the vermicompost group, sulfur, hydrogen, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, total phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant potential, proline, protein, and activity of ascorbate peroxidase were higher at 40% vermicompost while carbon, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, polyphenols, and activity of guaiacol peroxidase and glutathione reductase were higher at 60% vermicompost. The activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase declined with the Vcom application. In the vermicompost + Vcom-L group, an increase in most of the parameters was maximum at 40% vermicompost and significantly more than the vermicompost group.Conclusions Vcom-L pre-soaking and the combination of 40% vermicompost + Vcom-L were found to be more effective in enhancing the nutrient profile, medicinal constituents, and antioxidant potential of W. somnifera. Hence, this amendment could prove useful for the production of quality raw material for the pharmaceutical industry.
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Nowadays, environmental protection is one of the most important goals for agriculture and healthy food production. In European Union, agricultural policies include many objectives and agri-enviromental measures to make agriculture more sustainable. Agricultural engineering is mainly focus on getting higher yields and to overcome the new challenges of providing food for an even larger population. However, new approaches to agricultural practices aim to improve the sustainability of agro ecosystems. The purpose of this paper is to outline the importance of the alternative eco friendly measures for agricultural practices in order to promote the applications of biostimulants and agri-enviroment measures in the agricultural systems. In this work, we included a documentary synthesis and an analysis of the regulatory framework for plant biostimulants, benefits of different types of plant biostimulants and agri-environment measures. Better utilization of natural compounds or resources with agricultural application is a part of strategies bioeconomy sector and green economy. In the same time, plant biostimulants application and agri-environment measures are solutions for sustainable agricultural engineering that are connected with circular economy. Taking into account that the legal framework for agricultural biostimulants is not sufficiently developed and clear, it is necessary to improve the legal framework and to harmonize it within the European Union.
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This review presents a comprehensive and systematic study of the field of plant biostimulants and considers the fundamental and innovative principles underlying this technology. The elucidation of the biological basis of biostimulant function is a prerequisite for the development of science-based biostimulant industry and sound regulations governing these compounds. The task of defining the biological basis of biostimulants as a class of compounds, however, is made more complex by the diverse sources of biostimulants present in the market, which include bacteria, fungi, seaweeds, higher plants, animals and humate-containing raw materials, and the wide diversity of industrial processes utilized in their preparation. To distinguish biostimulants from the existing legislative product categories we propose the following definition of a biostimulant as “a formulated product of biological origin that improves plant productivity as a consequence of the novel or emergent properties of the complex of constituents, and not as a sole consequence of the presence of known essential plant nutrients, plant growth regulators, or plant protective compounds.” The definition provided here is important as it emphasizes the principle that biological function can be positively modulated through application of molecules, or mixtures of molecules, for which an explicit mode of action has not been defined. Given the difficulty in determining a “mode of action” for a biostimulant, and recognizing the need for the market in biostimulants to attain legitimacy, we suggest that the focus of biostimulant research and validation should be upon proof of efficacy and safety and the determination of a broad mechanism of action, without a requirement for the determination of a specific mode of action. While there is a clear commercial imperative to rationalize biostimulants as a discrete class of products, there is also a compelling biological case for the science-based development of, and experimentation with biostimulants in the expectation that this may lead to the identification of novel biological molecules and phenomenon, pathways and processes, that would not have been discovered if the category of biostimulants did not exist, or was not considered legitimate.
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Ceratotheca triloba (Bernh.) Hook.f. commonly known as an African foxglove is an indigenous plant which occurs in most parts of South Africa. The species is commonly consumed as a leafy vegetable and utilized for its medicinal properties. Although the high nutritional value of the species and medicinal properties are well documented, information related to critical aspect of cultivation is currently limited. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of vermicompost leachate (VCL) on growth, nutritional, phytochemical, and antioxidant levels in C. triloba at different growth stages under nutrient-deficient conditions. After in vitro germination, seedlings were grown in the greenhouse for 2 and 4 months under nitrogen (–N); phosphorus (–P); and potassium (–K) deficiency conditions, and were treated with VCL. Vermicompost leachate did not improve the growth of C. triloba plants under the nutrient-deficient conditions. Although –N-deficient plants with or without VCL caused a decline in growth parameters, they significantly enhanced phytochemicals in 2-month-old plants. In most cases, the application of VCL to –P- and –K-deficient plants improved the photosynthetic pigments, protein, and phenolic, as well as flavonoid accumulation. Harvesting time was also found to play a crucial role in the accumulation of evaluated parameters in nutrient-deprived plants. From these findings, it can be deduced that VCL has a potential to minimize the effect of nutrient deficiency especially under –P and –K deficiency in C. triloba plants.
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Fertilizer use in modern agriculture is highly inefficient; much of the applied fertilizer is released into the environment, causing environmental degradation. One way in which fertilizer use can be reduced without damaging plant nutrition is to enhance crop uptake of nutrients through the use of biostimulants. A broad definition of plant biostimulants, including substances sometimes categorized as biofertilizers or biopesticides, is used throughout this review: "Plant biostimulants are substances or materials, with the exception of nutrients and pesticides, which, when applied to plants, seeds, or growing substrates in specific formulations, have the capacity to modify physiological processes in plants in a way that provides potential benefits to growth, development, or stress response." This definition includes a variety of substances, four of which will be reviewed in this article: seaweed extract, humic substances, amino acids, and plant-growth-promoting bacteria. We will concentrate on the positive effects of biostimulant application on plant nutrient uptake, and the underlying mechanisms, which include positive changes in soil structure or nutrient solubility, root morphology, plant physiology, and symbiotic relationships, will be discussed. Recommendations for future research directions include finding the most promising substances, isolating the active ingredients and clearly demonstrating the mechanisms by which they affect nutrient uptake. The beneficial effects and mechanisms must be consistently demonstrated in greenhouse and field experiments.
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Biostimulants, which may be derived from a wide range of natural or synthetic processes, are now widely used in agriculture and yet the mode of action of these materials is not well understood. On the basis of available literature, and based upon the diversity of biostimulant responses highlighted in this focus issue, we hypothesize that biostimulants function by directly interacting with plant signaling cascades or act through stimulation of endophytic and non-endophytic bacteria, yeast and fungi to produce molecules of benefit to the plant. The benefit of the biostimulant is derived from the reduction in assimilates that are diverted to non-productive stress response metabolism.
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Main conclusion: Eckol, a major phenolic compound isolated from brown seaweed significantly enhanced the bulb size and bioactive compounds in greenhouse-grown Eucomis autumnalis. We investigated the effect of eckol and phloroglucinol (PG) (phenolic compounds) isolated from the brown seaweed, Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss on the growth, phytochemical and auxin content in Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. The model plant is a popular medicinal species with increasing conservation concern. Eckol and PG were tested at 10(-5), 10(-6) and 10(-7) M using soil drench applications. After 4 months, growth parameters, phytochemical and auxin content were recorded. When compared to the control, eckol (10(-6) M) significantly improved bulb size, fresh weight and root production while the application of PG (10(-6) M) significantly increased the bulb numbers. However, both compounds had no significant stimulatory effect on aerial organs. Bioactive phytochemicals such as p-hydroxybenzoic and ferulic acids were significantly increased in eckol (10(-5) M) and PG (10(-6) M) treatments, compared to the control. Aerial (1,357 pmol/g DW) and underground (1,474 pmol/g DW) parts of eckol-treated (10(-5) M) plants yielded the highest concentration of indole-3-acetic acid. Overall, eckol and PG elicited a significant influence on the growth and physiological response in E. autumnalis. Considering the medicinal importance of E. autumnalis and the increasing strains on its wild populations, these compounds are potential tools to enhance their cultivation and growth.
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Cytokinins, auxins, abscisic acid, gibberellins (GAs) and brassinosteroids (BRs) as well as the phenolic acid content in three batches of vermicompost leachate (VCL) were quantified using ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. N 6-isopentenyladenine formed the major (60 %) proportion of the CK content while dihydrozeatin had the lowest (<0.02 %) concentration. Indole-3-acetic acid ranged from approximately 0.55–0.77 pmol/mL. A total of 18 GAs including bioactive forms and metabolic end products were observed in the VCL samples. Cathasterone had the highest (2,500–3,200 fg/mL) concentration while brassinolide was the lowest (1–5 fg/mL) abundant BRs found. Phenolic acids quantified were protocatechuic acid (3–3.6 µg/mL), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (2.5–2.8 µg/mL), p-coumaric acid (1–1.7 µg/mL) and ferulic acid (0–4 µg/mL). These results provide an indication of the rich diversity in natural PGRs and phytochemicals in VCL which may inevitably contribute to the numerous favorable physiological responses elicited by VCL application to plants.
As a result of the growing concerns about the adverse effect of chemicals on the environment, agricultural practices involving organic and environmental-friendly compounds are gaining acceptance globally. Tomatoes remain one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable crops. However, their growth requires a high supplement of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) fertilizer. The effectiveness of vermicompost leachate (VCL) as a potential replacement for the three elements (N, P, and K) during the growth of greenhouse tomatoes was evaluated. Morphological appearance of the tomato seedlings was remarkably enhanced when Hoagland's nutrient solution (50%) was supplemented with VCL (1:10 v/v). In the absence of both P and K, the addition of VCL significantly (P = 0.05) increased various growth parameters such as shoot length, leaf number as well as shoot and root fresh weight compared with the control tomato seedlings. The detrimental effect of N deficiency on the growth of tomato seedlings was not alleviated with the addition of VCL to the nutrient solution. The photosynthetic pigment content in P-deficient and VCL-supplemented tomato seedlings was significantly higher than the untreated control. The presence of VCL alleviated the detrimental effects caused by deficiency of P and K during the growth of the tomato seedlings. Overall, the use of VCL was beneficial with either complete nutrient solution or in the absence of P and K. Findings of this study suggest that VCL could serve as a potential substitute for P and K deficiency.
The effect of a seaweed-derived biostimulant (Kelpak® at 1, 2.5 and 5 % dilution; v/v) on the growth, endogenous cytokinin (CK) and phytochemical content in Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. under hydroponic conditions was evaluated. After 4 months, the stimulatory effect of Kelpak® treatments was more noticeable in the underground organs than in the aerial organs. Total endogenous CK was also higher in plants treated with Kelpak® (c.a. 1000-1200 pmol g−1 DW) compared to control plants (860 pmol g−1 DW). Isoprenoid CKs (which mainly accumulated in the aerial organs) were more dominant than aromatic-type CKs across all the treatments. A total of 11 bioactive chemicals (8 phenolic acids and 3 flavonoids) and eucomic acid known for their diverse biological activities were quantified in the samples. The most abundant compound was p-coumaric acid (6.5 µg g−1 DW) and it was approximately sevenfold higher in 2.5 % Kelpak®-treated plants than in the control. It was also noteworthy that syringic acid only occurred in the underground organs of 5 % Kelpak®-treated plants. Eucomic acid which is a major bioactive compound in E. autumnalis was significantly enhanced in Kelpak® treatments, and the leaves accounted for more than 70 % of the overall content. Thus, Kelpak® elicited a significant influence on the growth, endogenous CK and phytochemical content in E. autumnalis. These findings provide additional evidence of the enormous potential of Kelpak® as a useful biostimulant with practical applications in various agricultural endeavours.
The use of plant species for different therapeutic/medicinal purposes is well-entrenched in sub-Saharan Africa. To provide a critical and updated review of the enormous medicinal plant heritage in sub-Sahara Africa with regards to the abundance, importance, conservation status and potential means to help sustain their availability for future generations. A comprehensive literature search involving different online databases, books and thesis were conducted in order to obtain, collate and synthesize available information on various fundamental aspects pertaining to African medicinal plants. African biodiversity hotspots are endowed with an high level of endemic species with a significant portion possessing medicinal value. Apart from the extensive ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants found in Africa, scientific validation of their biological potential such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic properties have been recognized. Together with the demand arising from their biological efficacies, other anthropogenic factors are exerting conservation strains of the wild population of these medicinal plants. Even though researchers have acknowledged the importance and value of conserving these medicinal plants, several challenges have hampered these efforts on the Continent as a whole. The rich flora occurring in sub-Saharan Africa suggests enormous potential for discovery of new chemical entity with therapeutic value. However, concerted efforts focused on documenting the conservation status of African medicinal plants are pertinent. Application of different biotechnological techniques is needed to sustain these valuable botanical entities, especially to meet increasing pharmaceutical demand. Most importantly, increased public enlightenment and awareness may help eradicate the prejudice against cultivation of medicinal plants. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.