
Portrayal of Muslims in Indian Cinema: A Content Analysis of Movies during 2002-8

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... In the film Black and white they target the jihad concept through the subliminal way where they depict a Hindu educator recounting the quranic ayahs and in a similar time they show a scene of Afghanistan where terrorists are planning a bombing in India and reciting "By killing the disbeliever's in the way of Allah, heaven will be obtained" nowhere is a subliminal message, they target Jihad by misguiding it with brutality violence killing innocence which is against the humankind they deliberately portrayed the situation of Jihad to misguide. (Khan M. A., 2011). ...
Subliminal messages are those concealed and hidden messages which are not effectively noticeable and can control an individual's mind without them being aware. Films can affect the overall audience's mind and make roads for their thinking of the issue. They can change the perception of people about explicit and unfortunate occasions and subjects. This research explored if there are any subliminal messages present in the movie Hamid along with the movie Haider and does these movies aim to target the ongoing freedom movement in Kashmir. Moreover, the basic objective is to understand that how the Indian movies portrayed Kashmiri Muslims. The number of literature writing associated with subliminal messages in movies advertisement and other mediums is highlighted in this research. This study aims to analyze the visual of the film Hamid and Haider and intensely identify any subliminal messages, in the form of visuals and linked its relation with the freedom movement in Kashmir. The proposed method to lead the research is multimodal discourse analysis. To carry out these analyses Visual Social Semiotic Theory by Jewitt and Oyama. Results showed that there are subliminal messages which are targeting and manipulating the audience to show different perspectives of freedom movement and Indian brutality or violence. Hamid and Haider reveal the pith of the speculation which expresses that Indian media and Government incorporate Subliminal messages which project a hidden boost and targeting freedom movement mean jihad is a call to slaughter, to torment, to rebuff which the Quran legitimize
... In Bollywood, Muslims are shown as traitors, terrorists, disloyal, and cruel people. 4 Muslims have been portrayed negatively in Bollywood since 9/11. But this trend incalculably increased after 26/11 attacks. ...
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Abstract The objective of this study is to examine the portrayal of Muslims in Bollywood movies from 2009-2013. Muslims are being stereotyped with negative characters since 9/11, through Bollywood movies. As course of time, these movies have been started to misrepresent Muslims, not only in a severe manner but also to a large extent. This negative portrayal of Muslims in these movies has been raised sharply since Mumbai attacks of 26/11. Now, Bollywood continuously portray non-Indian Muslims and some time Indian Muslims adverse to society. To many extent Muslims are being portrayed as disloyal, adverse, cruel, evil, terrorist, distrustful and anti-national sort of person. This film industry has seen a huge growth during last decade or so and having a significant global penetration with large international audience. Popular superstars mostly Muslims are casted in anti-Islam movies and have strong effects on viewer’s minds. This study is being performed to systematically discover that how and to what extent Bollywood is portraying the Muslims’ image. This research is based on content analysis of ten Bollywood movies and 90 Muslim characters are selected from these movies. Eleven categories are formulated to justify the hypothesis. Framing theory is used to analyze the media contents. Coding sheet has been formed which consists of three slants positive, negative and neutral to check the content and to obtain the result statistically. The overall findings reveal that 24.66% Muslim characters are positively portrayed, 31.81% are neutral and 43.23% are negatively represented. Those Muslim characters that are negatively portrayed are sometimes conservative and sometimes modern but positive Muslim character is always portrayed as modern. The results demonstrate that Bollywood is setting agenda to misrepresent the image of Muslims and Islam not only in India but all over the world. Key Words: Muslim, Islam, Bollywood Movies, 26/11
Indian film industry is one of the biggest film industries in the world which produces highest number of movies every year. Indian media and film industry overwhelmingly link Islam and Muslims with terrorism. Especially since 9/11 attacks, the Bollywood have portrayed the Muslims in stereotypically negative way. After the 9/11 incident, Muslims have been constructed as distrustful people, terrorists, and antagonists. The study at hand was set out to identify the overall dimension and nature of portrayal of Indian Muslims in the Bollywood. For the purpose the researcher opted convenient sampling as a tool of data collection and quantitative content analysis along with SPSS was used as data analysis technique. Bollywood movies, released during the year 2016 with Muslims as prominent characters in it, were selected as ample to be studied. The results indicated that majority of the movie contents contained negative and stereotypical image of Indian Muslims. Overall findings evidenced that the Muslims were assigned non-patriotic and antagonistic characters more than the patriotic and protagonist characters.
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