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Turkish Version of Short-version Revised Restoration Scale


Abstract and Figures

Previous studies have shown that natural environments such as forests have a facilitative influence on reducing the stress level of individuals. The empirical research has also revealed that such restorative impacts on humans appear in three different responses that are emotional, physiological, and cognitive (Ulrich et al., 1991). The purpose of the current study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Short-version Revised Restoration Scale (Han, 2003). The scale consists of 8 items. Each 2 item is associated with one of four dimensions, which are cognitive, physiological, emotional, and behavioral. Based on the original study of Han (2003), 48 colored slides, which were cat- egorized into six major different biomes; desert, tundra, tropic forest, coniferous forest, deciduous forest and grassland were used. The Turkish version of the Short-version Revised Restoration Scale (RS) were applied to 118 undergraduate students in the city of Izmir. In the second study conducted, the Short-version Revised Restoration Scale was applied to 145 university students using the Turkish Ecological Photograph Stimulus Set (TEFUS), which was developed to provide a visual stimulus set for experimental ecological psychology research. In the second study, the two-factor structure accounts for over % 80 of the total variance. Finally, these two studies that have been conducted found a two-factor solution to SSRS scale, despite the four-factor solution to be the original scale. The reasons for the differences in the number of factors occurring between the current research and the previous researches were discussed.
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Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, Haziran 2018, 21(41), 99-113
Zindeleşme Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması
Emin Serin Ece Önder Aslı D. Şenol Burak Erdeniz
Berlin School of
Mind and Brain
İstanbul Bilgi
Anglia Ruskin
İzmir Ekonomi
     
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   
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     
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Veri Toplama Araçları
    
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     
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      
     
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Tablo 1.
   
   
   
   
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   
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Tablo 2.
  
 .88 
 .79 
  .90
  .92
 .94 
 .78 
 .90 
 .87 
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               
Veri Analizi
      
  
  
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     
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     
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      
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      
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       
    
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 
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    
 
     
   
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  
Tablo 3.
  
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       
    
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     
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   
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 
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     
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      
  
  Çayırlık İğne
Ortalama Ölçek Puanı
             
  
Veri Toplama Araçları
    
      
     
     
   
   
      
       
  
   
     
    
    
      
Veri Analizi
       
     
      
 
      
          
  Çayırlık İğne
    
      
  
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      
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     
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    
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    
  
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     
    
       
Su Birikintisi
    
     
     
    
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      
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      
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   
  
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     
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     
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   
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EK 3.
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 .83 
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  .94
 .95 
 .82 
 .95 
 .92 
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  
 
 
 .94 
 .82 
  .94
  .96
 .94 
 .71 
 .90 
 .89 
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  
 
 
 .92 
 .79 
  .90
  .94
 .94 
 .86 
 .93 
 .91 
  
  
 
 
 .89 
 .77 
  .89
 .93
 .90 
 .87 
 .91 
 .88 
  
  
 
 
 .93 
 .82 
  .96
  .96
 .93 
 .57 
 .87 
 .82 
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EK 4.
 
 
   
   
 
 
 .93 
 .72 
  .92
  .90
 .98 
 .93 
 .96 
 .96 
  
  
 
 
 .92 
 .56 
  .89
  .87
 .97 
 .94 
 .97 
 .96 
  
  
Turkish Psychological Articles, June 2018, 21(41), 114-115
Turkish Version of Short-version Revised Restoration Scale
Emin Serin Ece Önder Aslı D. Şenol Burak Erdeniz
Berlin School of
Mind and Brain
İstanbul Bilgi
Anglia Ruskin
İzmir Economy
    
  
        
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       
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   
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     
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       
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   
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       
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   
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      
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 
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      
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The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a medical phenomenon for it impacts not only physical health but the world’s increasing psychological burden. One of the efforts that can be made to reduce this burden is visiting places than can be considered capable of supporting the restoration process. Therefore, this study aims to understand the restorative experience felt by a group of people in Indonesia towards a particular environment or place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected through an online-based cross-sectional survey from 11th September to 13th October 2020 with 261 participants. The data were then analyzed using the content analysis method, which consisted of three stages: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results show that there are three types of restorative environments commonly visited during the COVID-19 pandemic: Dependent Restorative Environment (D-REn), Conventional Restorative Environment (C-REn), and Enclosed Restorative Environment (E-REn). Each type of environment has a unique characteristic that cannot be found in other types. D-REn depends on routine and interaction, while C-REn heavily relies on the power of attraction, especially the value of visual appeal. On the other hand, E-REn exists because of the lack of choice, making it unpredictable and out of the box. It is determined that differences in emotional, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses, along with the COVID-19 phenomenon, play a significant role in reconstructing these three types.
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Restorative environments help renew psychological resources depleted in environments that do not fully support intended functions. The design of restorative environments can be aided and underlying theory elaborated with a means for measuring psychological factors thought to work in restorative experiences. This paper reports on four studies carried out to develop such a measure, the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS). Each study employed several strategies for assessing reliability and validity. Factor analysis was used to examine the stability of the measure's factor structure across different sites and studies. To assess criterion, convergent, and discriminant validities, measures of emotional states and other environmental qualities were also completed for each site. The sites selected for evaluation differed on theoretically relevant dimensions (natural-urban; outdoor-indoor), enabling checks on the PRS's sensitivity to meaningful differences among environments. The results were consistent across the studies, which also involved different subject populations (American, Swedish, Finnish) and presentation modes (on-site, video, photographic slides). Although the factor analytic results introduce some interpretive qualifications, substantial validity coefficients and sensitivity to meaningful differences between sites speak to the utility of the measure.
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This study examined 274 college students' psycho-physiological responses to the six major terrestrial biomes (desert, tundra, grassland, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, and tropical forest), while taking into account the influences of three perceived physical variables (complexity, openness, and water features) presented in the biomes. The purpose of the study was to examine which specific natural setting can evoke the most positive reactions from people. ANCOVA tests and post hoc comparisons using the setting scores across the participants' data on the responses to 48 biome slides regarding scenic beauty, preference, the Short-version Revised Perceived Restorativeness Scale and the Short-version Revised Restoration Scale were performed. The results indicated that tundra and coniferous forest were the most favored biomes, whereas desert and grassland were the least favored. These findings appeared to support the forest hypothesis rather than the long-held savanna hypothesis. In addition, the results of multiple regression analyses indicated that the three perceived physical factors explained 9% more variance of the respondents' reactions than the biome classification. This finding suggested that a nonhabitat-specific approach to environmental responses holds more promise than a habitat-specific approach.
The utility of different theoretical models of restorative experience was explored in a quasi-experimental field study and a true experiment. The former included wilderness backpacking and nonwilderness vacation conditions, as well as a control condition in which participants continued with their daily routines. The latter had urban environment, natural environment, and passive relaxation conditions. Multimethod assessments of restoration consisted of self-reports of affective states, cognitive performance, and, in the latter study, physiological measures. Convergent self-report and performance results obtained in both studies offer evidence of greater restorative effects arising from experiences in nature. Implications for theory, methodology, and design are discussed.
Research findings may be more publishable if significant results are reported. This type of publication bias would increase the likelihood of "chance" relationships being disseminated. The implications of these assumptions are empirically investigated in a correlational analogue study. A large number of significant relationships were found in several groups of subjects between their actual scores on 45 SVIB scales and scores on 10 "experimental" scales which were determined by a set of random numbers. Furthermore, "logical" factors were shown to underly relationships which existed among scores on a given random scale with its significant correlations to SVIB scales. Considerations in such overkill in simple correlational studies are the subject-to-variable ratio, variable independence, and more stringent probability levels.