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Uncertainty Analysis for a Wave Energy Converter: the Monte Carlo Method


Abstract and Figures

Developing wave energy converter technology requires physical-scale model experiments. To use and compare such experimental data reliably, its quality must be quantified through an uncertainty analysis. To avoid uncertainty analysis problems for wave energy converter models, such as providing partial derivatives for time-varying quantities within numerous data reduction equations, we explored the use of a practical alternative: the Monte Carlo method (MCM). We first set out the principles of uncertainty analysis and the MCM. After, we present our application of the MCM for propagating uncertainties in a generic Oscillating Water Column wave energy converter experiment. Our results show the MCM is a straightforward and accurate method to propagate uncertainties in the experiment; thus, quantifying the quality of experimental data in terms of power performance. The key conclusion of this work is that, given the demonstrated relative ease in performing uncertainty analysis using the MCM, experimental results reported in the future literature of wave energy converter modelling should be accompanied by the uncertainty in those results. More broadly, this study aims to precipitate awareness among the wave energy community of the importance of quantifying the quality of modelling data through an uncertainty analysis. We therefore recommend future guidelines and codes pertinent to uncertainty analysis for wave energy converters, such as those developed by the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), to incorporate the MCM with a practical example.
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Uncertainty Analysis for a Wave Energy Converter:
the Monte Carlo Method
Jarrah Orphin#1, Irene Penesis#2, Jean-Roch Nader#3
#National Centre for Maritime Engineering & Hydrodynamics, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania Locked
bag 1395, Launceston, Tasmania, 7250, Australia
Abstract— Developing wave energy converter technology requires
physical-scale model experiments. To use and compare such
experimental data reliably, its quality must be quantified through
an uncertainty analysis. To avoid uncertainty analysis problems
for wave energy converter models, such as providing partial
derivatives for time-varying quantities within numerous data
reduction equations, we explored the use of a practical alternative:
the Monte Carlo method (MCM). We first set out the principles of
uncertainty analysis and the MCM. After, we present our
application of the MCM for propagating uncertainties in a generic
Oscillating Water Column wave energy converter experiment.
Our results show the MCM is a straightforward and accurate
method to propagate uncertainties in the experiment; thus,
quantifying the quality of experimental data in terms of power
performance. The key conclusion of this work is that, given the
demonstrated relative ease in performing uncertainty analysis
using the MCM, experimental results reported in the future
literature of wave energy converter modelling should be
accompanied by the uncertainty in those results. More broadly,
this study aims to precipitate awareness among the wave energy
community of the importance of quantifying the quality of
modelling data through an uncertainty analysis. We therefore
recommend future guidelines and specifications pertinent to
uncertainty analysis for wave energy converters, such as those
developed by the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), to
incorporate the MCM with a practical example.
KeywordsWave Energy Converter, Experimentation,
Uncertainty Analysis, Monte Carlo Method
Uncertainty analysis is an indispensable tool in each phase
of an experimental program. Its uses include ensuring an
experiment can indeed answer a proposed question or set of
questions; estimating and using uncertainties in the design,
construction, debugging, execution, and data analysis phases;
and finally to provide a quantitative indication of the quality of
experimental results in the reporting phase [1]. This last use, in
essence, makes data meaningful. Without such an indication,
not only is it impossible to assess the reliability of results, but
these results cannot be compared, either among themselves or
with reference values [2]. It is, therefore, apparently obligatory
to perform an uncertainty analysis for a wave energy converter
(WEC) experiment, if it is to be of scientific or practical value.
Strikingly, one rarely encounters evidence of uncertainty
analysis in the literature on WEC experimentation. Few studies
on this subject have been published [3-5]. Given developing
WEC technology toward commercial readiness is requiring
multiple stages of physical-scale model experiments [6, 7], with
each stage acquiring ostensibly valuable information for due
diligence and future technology and business development, this
lack of uncertainty analysis evidence is alarming. In the context
of the wave energy industry, unknown reliability of
experimental results, at bottom, hinders the ultimate goal of
reducing levelised cost of energy (LCOE).
A key reason why WEC experimentation literature lacks
uncertainty analysis is due to the challenge of modelling a
complex WEC system in a complex environment [6, 8].
Oftentimes it is not straightforward to, first, provide a
mathematical description of the model and, second, evaluate
how variables and their associated uncertainties influence the
model’s behaviour. In the latter case, such an evaluation
requires propagating the uncertainties of each variable through
the data reduction equations (DRE’s) that describe the model.
This task can be difficult or inconvenient when the model
contains many variables with multiple DRE’s common for
most WECs. While the wave energy community has recently
provided general guidance on the principles and use of
uncertainty analysis as it relates to WEC experiments [6, 9],
treatment of other methods for propagating uncertainty is
lacking. In particular, the Joint Committee for Guides in
Metrology (JCGM) provides a supplement to the “Guide to the
expression of uncertainty in measurement” (GUM) [2]
concerned with the propagation of uncertainty using the Monte
Carlo method (MCM) [10]. The MCM is a practical alternative
to the GUM uncertainty framework based on the law of
propagation of uncertainty. It can be applied to overcome
various problems in uncertainty evaluation, for example, when
the probability density function (PDF) for the output quantity
is not a Gaussian distribution; when a model is arbitrarily
complex; or when it is difficult or inconvenient to provide the
partial derivatives of the model, as needed by the law of
propagation of uncertainty.
This paper deals with demonstrating an application of the
MCM for evaluating uncertainty in a WEC experiment. The
rationale for exploring the use of the MCM in this instance was
to overcome difficulty in providing the partial derivatives of an
Oscillating Water Column (OWC) wave energy converter
model. While we focus on uncertainty analysis in the reporting
of results phase, that is, a post-test uncertainty analysis, the
general methodologies presented can be easily adapted for the
use of uncertainty analysis in all other phases of a WEC
experiment. Moreover, this work may also be applied to
uncertainty analysis for numerical models.
The paper is structured as follows. First we provide
methodologies of uncertainty analysis according to the guide to
the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)
uncertainty framework [2], and the MCM [10]. Following this
are descriptions of the mathematical model of the OWC WEC
and experimental setup. Section III presents the results and our
discussion of these results. After, we make a recommendation
for the adoption of the MCM in future versions of guidelines
and codes on uncertainty analysis for WECs
There are two primary theoretical considerations of this
paper. The first deals with methodologies for evaluating
measurement uncertainty through an uncertainty analysis. The
second deals with characterising the hydrodynamics and
performance of the OWC wave energy converter.
A. Uncertainty analysis
This section sets out, first, the general procedure for
evaluating measurement data and expressing uncertainty in
measurement [2, 10, 11] and, second, presents our application
of these in evaluating measurement uncertainty in an OWC
wave energy converter experiment, using the Monte Carlo
Method (based on [10] and [1]). For convenience, notation is
take from the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
guideline 7.5-02-07-03.12 Uncertainty Analysis for a Wave
Energy Converter” [12]. Noted, this section is an extension
similar previous work on this subject [5].
The principles of evaluating uncertainty in measurement are
categorised into three groups: (a) standard uncertainty, (b)
combined uncertainty, and (c) expanded uncertainty. Standard
uncertainty is itself grouped into two types: Type A (random
uncertainty) and Type B (systemic uncertainty). Combined
uncertainty is evaluated using the law of propagation of
uncertainty or, as in this paper, through the Monte Carlo
Method. Expanded uncertainty is obtained by multiplying
combined uncertainty by a coverage factor, typically taken
from the Student t-distribution (see [13]).
Evaluating Type A standard uncertainty us-A is based on
statistical analysis. It requires determining the average 𝑞 of a
quantity q and the deviation s(q) of its random variation,
obtained from n independent observations qk under the same
measurement conditions:
Type A standard uncertainty us-A is the experimental standard
deviation of the mean s(𝑞), given by
Type B standard uncertainty us-B is evaluated by scientific
judgement based on available information on the possible
variability of an input quantity Xi. The pool of information may
include calibration data or previous measurement data,
experience, manufacturers’ specifications, uncertainties
assigned to reference data, or any other reliable source of
information. It is also important to identify and evaluate
uncertainties arising in linear models due to nonlinear
phenomena. For example, in this experiment we have assumed
linear damping, but we can see in Fig. this assumption contains
a non-negligible amount of uncertainty, which must be
quantified and propagated through the data reduction equations
of interest. Hence, it is important to evaluate the significance
and quality of each variable of the experiment, where inputs
may be measured, assumed, or calculated.
Type B uncertainty in this experiment was evaluated
primarily using end-to-end instrument calibration data, by
performing a regression analysis to determine the standard error
of the estimate SEE:
where and 𝑀 is the number of calibration points and 𝑦𝑗𝑦𝑗
the difference between the calibrated data point and the fitted
In a similar manner, Type B uncertainty uB of the
hydrodynamic damping coefficient uB(δ), assumed to be linear
with a linear relationship between pressure pc and air volume
flux Q inside the OWC chamber (Fig. 8), was evaluated through
a multivariate normal regression analysis:
where yi is the vector of responses, Xi is a design matrix of
predictor variables, 𝛽 is vector of regression coefficients, and
ei is a vector of error terms, with multivariate normal
distribution. The error terms (difference between actual and
predicted values) are calculated for each independent
observation and substituted into Eq. 3 giving a measure of both
the repeatability (Type A) and accuracy in the linear damping
assumption (Type B).
The standard uncertainty us is the combination of Type A and
Type B uncertainties through the root-mean-square:
In most cases, the DRE, for example OWC hydrodynamic
power, is not measured directly, but is determined from N other
(measured or assumed) input quantities X1, X2, …, XN through
a functional relationship f:
The combined standard uncertainty uc(y) is the positive
square root of the combined variance uc2(y), given by
Eq. 7 is referred to as the law of propagation of uncertainty.
The partial derivatives 𝜕𝑓/ 𝜕𝑥 (often referred to as sensitivity
coefficients) are equal to 𝜕𝑓/ 𝜕𝑋 evaluated at 𝑋=𝑥; 𝑢(𝑥)
is the standard uncertainty associated with the input estimate xi;
and 𝑢(𝑥,𝑥) is the estimated covariance associated with xi and
xj. For cases where estimated quantities xi are independent and
thus uncorrelated (𝑢(𝑥,𝑥)~=0), the second term in Eq. 7 can
be neglected. For cases where input estimates are correlated,
for instance pc and Q (Fig. 8), the degree of correlation between
xi and xj is estimated using Pearson's correlation coefficient (see
Expanded uncertainty U is the combined uncertainty us
multiplied by a coverage factor k to give an overall uncertainty
with a 95% level of confidence. Coverage factor in this
investigation was determined using a student T-Distribution
Alternatively, the Monte Carlo method may be used to
determine the combined uncertainty of a quantity, or of any
number of DRE’s which are a function of multiple independent
and/or correlated quantities, which can themselves be functions
of multiple quantities. Among other benefits of using MCM for
uncertainty propagation, the method avoids the need to provide
partial derivatives of difficult or inconvenient models, as
required by the law of propagation of uncertainty. This is the
primary reason we have explored its use in this paper.
Drawing on the basic methodology presented in [1], the
MCM flow chart shown in Fig. 1 (noted, this methodology
assumes us-A is calculated for the DRE of interest from multiple
observations using Eq. 2). First, the assumed true or nominal
values Xtrue of each quantity of a DRE are input. The estimates
of the elemental Type B uncertainties us-B for each quantity are
then input. An appropriate probability distribution function
(Gaussian, rectangular, triangular, etc.) is assumed for each
error source βj, with a Gaussian distribution used in this
example. For each quantity Xj, random values from a
(pseudo)random number generator are assigned to its error
source(s). The individual error sources are then summed and
added (or subtracted) to the true values of each quantity to
obtain “measured” values. Using these measured values, the
result of the DRE is calculate.
This process corresponds to running the Monte Carlo
simulation once (M = 1). The sampling process is repeated M
times to obtain a distribution for the possible DRE result values.
From this distribution, mean 𝑞MCM and standard deviation sMCM
statistics can be calculated (sMCM is the combined standard
uncertainty uc of the DRE). The selection of M depends on
when the standard deviation has converged (M = 1000 was used
in this study, see Fig. 3 for convergence study used to determine
M). Typically, convergence of 1-5% is reached after relatively
few iterations (< 500). Once a converged value of uc is obtained,
the expanded uncertainty for the result at a 95% confidence
level is U = 2 uc.
Fig. 1 Schematic of MCM for uncertainty propagation. Directly calculated
random standard uncertainty of the data reduction equation, us-A, is used
(shown as random error, εr).
B. Mathematical model
1) Hydrodynamic power: In line with previous experiments
of a similar nature [9, 11, 12], the air turbine power take-off
(PTO) system was assumed to exhibit essentially linear
pneumatic damping characteristics; that is, a linear relationship
between OWC chamber pressure pc and air volume flux Q
across the turbine, thus representing a Wells turbine [13-16]:
The numerical derivation of volume flux Q (oscillating
airflow caused by change in wave elevation inside the chamber)
where Sc is the area of the free surface, vs is the velocity at
which the free surface oscillates, and 𝑣
is the mean free
surface velocity inside the OWC chamber. The instantaneous
power P of the OWC is:
The mean power Ph is determined by integrating the
instantaneous power over the wave period.
where T is the phase-averaged wave period. By introducing
Equation (9) into Equation (12), assuming linear wave theory,
the relationship is expressed as:
where Ap is the amplitude of the chamber pressure measured by
the pressure sensor.
2) Incident wave power: The regular wave power Pi per
device width, assuming intermediate water depth, is calculated
where η0 is incident wave amplitude, ρ is water density, g is
gravitational acceleration, Cg is the group velocity and L is the
wave crest width corresponding to the OWC inlet width.
3) Capture width ratio: Hydrodynamic power Ph is non-
dimensionalised by the incident wave power Pi in order to
quantify its hydrodynamic efficiency in harnessing incident
wave power Pw. This parameter, commonly known as the
capture width ratio (CWR), is given by,
And capture width ratio Pw,δ calculated with OWC power as
function of δ:
C. Experimental setup
The 2D experiments were performed in the Australian
Maritime College Towing Tank. This 100 m long, 3.55 m wide,
1.5 m deep tank has a single paddle flap type wave generator at
one end and a damping beach at the other. The 1:8 scale,
breakwater integrated bent-duct OWC wave energy converter
(see [12]) was installed about halfway in the tank (Fig. 2). The
OWC model was built into a fully-reflective, flat-faced wall.
Refer to Fig. 2 and Table 1 for other further details about the
experimental program and parameters.
D. Data processing
Data processing and analysis has been performed following
ITTC recommended procedures and guidelines [8, 10, 17, 18],
and the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) with
their guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement
(GUM) framework [2, 7]. Time series data were trimmed such
that data used for analysis contained only that which was
considered stationary (see Fig. 5).
Fig. 2 Drawings of 1:8 scale OWC wave energy converter integrated into a flat-faced breakwater showing A side, B top and C front views. This model was
tested in the Australian Maritime College Towing Tank.
Parameter Details
Model 1:8 scale breakwater integrated OWC wave
energy converter, with linear PTO damping
simulated using porous mesh cloth (Enviro-
Water depth 1.47 m
Waves Long-crested regular waves:
H = 0.05 m, f = 0.3 – 0.45 Hz.
Incident wave probe, WPinc
OWC wave probe 1, WPowc1
OWC wave probe 1, WPowc2
OWC pressure sensor, PSowc (Honeywell
Controls TruStability)
Conditions 6 x linear PTO damping values:
δ1 ~= 1237 Nsm-5
δ2 ~= 2390 Nsm-5
δ3 ~= 3482 Nsm-5
δ4 ~= 4607 Nsm-5
δ5 ~= 5412 Nsm-5
δ6 ~= 6497 Nsm-5
E. Monte Carlo method for uncertainty propagation
Here we present a graphical presentation of the Monte Carlo
method simulation setup for propagating uncertainties, applied
to a generic OWC wave energy converter experiment (fig. 4A),
and the MCM simulation output of expanded uncertainty of
quantities and DRE’s fig. 4E). Illustrated in fig. 4A are the
nominal inputs for each quantity (measured or assumed), their
associated standard uncertainties (evaluated or assumed), and
the DREs required to calculate the final result of capture width
ratio Pw. Assumed nominal and uncertainty values have been
taken from standard reference materials. Some quantities (S, g,
h, ρ and L) are wave independent, whereas the remaining
quantities are wave dependent. figs. 4B, C, D show exemplar
results (i = 1, H = 0.05 m, f = 0.34 Hs, δ5 ~= 5412 Nsm-5 ) of
propagating quantities that are not single values, but time series.
For each simulation i, the basic method is that of multiplying
each individual data point of the selected time series with a
random number, taken from a normal distribution N.
The MCM was applied because most quantities are
inherently transient in typical WEC experiments, due to waves.
This leads to difficulty in evaluating and propagating
uncertainties. For example, propagating uncertainties through
integral functions is not practical using the law of propagation
of uncertainty, because one must provide the standard
uncertainty for each measured and influence quantity, and
partial derivatives of each DRE, some of which themselves
become variables in higher-level DRE’s, for example Cg. In
contrast, it can be seen that the MCM provides a
straightforward way in which to propagate uncertainties; only
the DRE and the standard uncertainty associated with each
quantity have to be provided.
To glimpse what the outputs of a MCM uncertainty
propagation looks like, expanded uncertainty functions of
primary DRE’s – incident wave power Pi, OWC power Ph, and
capture width ratio Pw – are given (fig. 4E). Also included are
example results of OWC power Ph and its constituents (Pc, Q),
after M = 1000 simulations. fig. 4F, H, J show the mean value
(black line) and the variation of each data point (grey dots). fig.
4G, I, K show the histogram of peak amplitude values,
including the mean (black line) and expanded uncertainty to a
95% confidence interval with k = 2 (black dashed lines). These
peak amplitude uncertainty values are reported as the final
uncertainty associated with final result statements.
To determine how many iterations of the MCM simulation
are necessary, a convergence study must be conducted (fig. 3).
Convergence is determined by calculating at each iteration the
combined standard deviation sMCM of a DRE of interest, for
example OWC power Ph. Subsequently plotting sMCM shows the
convergence behaviour. From fig. 3 it may be seen that after
only 300 iterations the value has converged to within 2% of the
fully converged value. We repeated this process for all primary
DRE’s, and deemed that after 100 iterations the values were
fully converged.
As one may see, performing a pre-experiment uncertainty
analysis using the MCM would be also be relatively
straightforward, by assuming nominal values and analytical
wave signals with estimated elemental uncertainties
Fig. 3 Convergence of expanded uncertainty U (2.sMCM = U) of OWC power
We report the results and discuss them in three parts. First,
time series data show how data were trimmed in the stationary
region for analysis, as well as provide an indication of the
repeatability of experimental runs. Second, uncertainty of
measured quantities is presented and, third, results for the
propagation of uncertainty using the MCM. Throughout this
section, while we report and discuss the results of dependant
variables in their context, we do so only briefly; the focus is on
reporting and discussing uncertainty results. Uncertainty results
reported are those calculated at the peak amplitude quantities
and data reduction equations, to a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Fig. 4 A graphical representation of the Monte Carlo method for propagating uncertainties in a generic OWC wave energy converter experiment. A, MCM
simulation (M = 1000), with example results of time-variant quantities of OWC power Ph for i = 1, with black profiles being the actual time series and the grey
dots the standard uncertainty multiplied by a random number taken from a normal distribution N. (B, C, D). E, MCM simulation output: expanded uncertainty
U (95% confidence interval) of each quantity and data reduction equation, with example results plotted for i = 1:M (F, H, J). G, I, K, histogram subplots
showing the mean (black line) and expanded uncertainty (dashed lines) of Pc,max, Qmax and Phmax respectively. Example results are H = 0.05 m, f = 0.34 Hs, δ5
5412 Nsm-5.
A. Time series
Selected repeat experimental runs of one wave condition
(H=0.05 m, f=0.45 Hz) indicate minor observed variation in
both magnitude and phase for measured quantities (Fig. 5).
Incident wave profiles in Figs. 5A, B, and C include one run for
each of the six damping conditions (coloured lines) along with
nine dedicated repeat runs (black lines). The standard deviation
of the mean (Type A standard uncertainty uA) for wave height
H and period T, determined from each individual wave defined
by the zero-up crossing, was 0.0008 m and 0.0008 s
respectively. While in general the profiles show sinusoidal
characteristics, there are slight nonlinearities observed in the
first three waves of the trimmed time series profiles. It is
assumed these nonlinearities have a negligible influence on the
primary wave parameters of H and T.
Measurements inside the OWC chamber of pressure pc and
surface elevation ηowc in Figs. 5D, E, and F include nine
dedicated repeat runs. Similarly, these results indicate only
slight variation and, in effect, are highly repeatable
experimental runs for this wave condition. There are minor
nonlinearities observed in the pc profiles around the zero
crossing, which may be attributed to a physical effect in the
hogging and sagging of the damping simulator (porous mesh
material) after ηowc reaches its maximum and begins to fall
causing a positive-negative change in pc. Wave probes inside
the OWC chamber WPowc1 and WPowc2 evidently measured
similar ηowc quantities, indicating the free surface inside the
chamber was essentially level during its cycle. This confirms
the validity in the flat-plate assumption used to numerically
derivate air volume flux Q. Noted, wave frequencies around
resonance exhibited up to 10% variation between ηowc1 and ηowc2,
which hinders the said assumption, however this uncertainty is
accounted for in the standard error of the estimate of the
pneumatic damping coefficient.
B. Uncertainty of measured quantities
To quantify the uncertainty of measured quantities, we first
evaluated standard uncertainty components and then used the
MCM to combine these standard uncertainties, giving the
expanded uncertainty. For each of the measured quantities in
the experiment, expanded uncertainties U were less than 10%
on average, with Type A uS-A and Type B uS-B standard
uncertainties less than three percent on average (Fig. ). All uS-A
results for measured quantities contained outliers, the
maximum of which reached five percent. Looking at uS-B results,
we can see that all the data fall below 2.5% uncertainty. These
results are very similar to those presented in [5] and the
example in [12], with the exception of uS-B(pc) in this
experiment, which had a smaller uncertainty of 2.5%, with 0.5%
arising from calibration data of PSowc, and 2% assumed to
account for for the uncertainty of the instrument used to
calibrate the pressure sensor. In comparison, uB(pc) in [5] was
~ 5%. This reduced uB(pc)is a consequence of testing at a larger
scale of 1:8 (compared with 1:20), such that the calibration
range of PSowc for the 1:8 scale was larger and thus the variation
relatively smaller.
Fig. 5 A-E, Synchronised time series profiles of repeated runs (overlayed) of one wave condition (H=0.05 m, f=0.45 Hz). A, incident wave surface elevation,
ηinc; B, cropped data in the stationary region; C, a crop of one incident wave to aid examination of the repeatability of incident waves; D, surface elevation
inside the OWC chamber, ηowc1,2, measured by wave probes WPowc1,2 (left axis), and pressure inside the OWC chamber, pc (right axis); E, cropped data in the
stationary region, used in the analysis; and F, a crop of one wave showing repeatability and relation of pc and ηowc1,2 inside the OWC chamber.
C. Uncertainty of data reduction equations
Uncertainty results for the data reduction equation’s (DRE’s)
of interest were generally larger compared with measured
quantities’ uncertainty (Fig. ). In terms of standard uncertainty,
uS-A was always smaller than uS-B. The largest uS-B result was
observed in pneumatic damping δ, with approximately four
percent uncertainty on average, and a maximum of 15%. This
result was primarily due to the systematic uncertainty arising
from the linear damping assumption (Eq. 4). Air volume flux Q
showed an approximate three percent uS-B value, with this uS-B
uncertainty component being a combination of the OWC wave
probes’ calibration data (see Eq. 10) and an assumed 2%
uncertainty to account for the piston assumption of water
elevation inside the OWC chamber. There were no uS-B
components estimated for incident wave power Pi, OWC power
Ph,, OWC power Ph,δ as function of δ, capture width ratio Pw, or
capture width ratio Pw,δ as function of δ, as these are functions
of other DRE’s and quantities. Noted, Ph,δ and Pw,δ are the result
of calculating OWC power using Equation 13, with Ph,δ being
a function of Pc and δ, and then using this Ph,δ to calculate
capture width ratio Pw,δ as function of δ. These power
calculations with δ are useful for scaling up power results and
associated uncertainty, as they take into consideration the linear
damping assumption.
Expanded uncertainty U results for DRE’s were less than
~15% on average. However, some values of δ, Ph,δ and Pw,δ
reached 25-30%. Pw,δ showed largest overall expanded
uncertainty, as expected considering it is a function of both
OWC and wave power. Ph,δ and Pw,δ calculations as a function
of δ and Pc (Equation 13) were larger compared with Ph and Pw,
due to δ having a large Type B uncertainty. In the context of
relevant work [5], where an experiment was conducted on a
1:20 scale model version of the 1:8 scale model investigated
here, these expanded uncertainty results are less than half of
those reported in previous work, for reasons discussed above.
To further the analysis of uncertainty in the primary DRE’s
– incident wave power, OWC power and capture width ratio –
we then plotted the results of each experimental condition
across the wave frequency range tested (Fig. ). The following
sections report on these results and discuss their significance.
(1) Incident wave power: Incident wave power Pi decreased
monotonically as wave frequency increased, and the
uncertainty associated with these results was less than 5% on
average (Fig. A). Of this, ~60% was due to the measurement of
the incident wave elevation ηin, with the other four variables of
Pi making up the remaining ~40% (Fig. B). Slight variation of
incident wave power was observed between experimental
conditions (δ1-6) of the same wave condition, evident in
different magnitudes for a particular wave frequency. The
largest difference in magnitude was observed to be 5%.
Interestingly, there was also a systematic difference in
magnitude between experimental runs for the frequency range
tested. This is observed by inspecting, for example, δ4 (square
marker) and δ5 (diamond marker) where Pi for δ5 is always
larger than δ4, by ~2% on average. This illuminates a systematic
error in the experiment; the measurement of ηin is the
predominant source of this systematic error, which we infer is
due to experimental runs being conducted on different days,
and therefore subject to a separate calibration set.
2) OWC hydrodynamic power: The effect of pneumatic
damping on OWC power was observed to be significant around
the resonance frequency of the WEC, both in terms of
magnitude and the broadness of the response spectrum (Fig. C).
At the resonant frequency of f = 0.37 Hz, Ph,δ for the lightest
damping condition δ1 was approximately twice the value
observed for the heaviest damping condition δ6. In general, the
heavier the damping, the lower the Ph,δ, except at ~0.1 Hz either
Fig. 6 Uncertainty analysis results, including A Type A us-A, B Type B us-B, and C expanded uncertainty U. Boxplots represent uncertainty results for each
experimental run of each condition, with normal convention (box = median with 25th and 27th percentiles, whiskers = extreme points not considered outliers,
circles = outliers. B, sensor calibration data constitutes us-B for measured quantities, whereas us-B for δ is the systematic uncertainty in the linear damping
assumption. C, U is to 95% CI, with k varying depending on n of each respective experimental run.
side of the peak, where this trend begins to reverse, due to the
peakier behaviour of light damping. In terms of the power
response spectrum, increasing damping increased the
broadness of the spectrum across the frequency range.
Uncertainty results (bar plots) for Ph,δ showed a trend of
increasing absolute uncertainty with increasing magnitude of
Ph,δ. This trend agrees with findings of a similar study [5]. The
largest observed uncertainty of 17.8% occurred at the resonant
frequency for the δ1 condition. Fig. D shows that of this 17.8%,
~80% of the uncertainty was due to δ, and ~20% due to Pc.
Fig. shows the damping results for each condition, whereby
Pc and Q are plotted against each other, from which the
uncertainty in the linear damping assumption be visualised.
From Eq. 9, theoretical δ is calculated from the ratio of pc and
Q; however, experimentally δ is determined by taking the
gradient of the multivariate linear regression line of pc vs. Q.
This damping coefficient is assumed to be frequency
independent; thus, it represents the damping on the system for
all frequencies tested for that damping condition. Evident in
Fig. , however, is nonlinear behaviour exhibited by pc and Q. The
nonlinearity generally increased with decreasing δ, that is,
fewer number of porous mesh damping simulators. The SEE of
the smallest δ (δ = 1237 Nsm-5), corresponding to one layer of
damping mesh, was on average 8.5%, with maximum 15.0%,
and minimum 5.5%. This variation can be attributed to a
physical effect where the mesh damping simulator does not
exhibit completely rigid characteristics, rather it hogs and sags
slightly due to pc and Q driven by ηowc. This linear damping
uncertainty is considered a Type B uncertainty, and is
propagated as such through the hydrodynamic power Ph DRE
using the MCM.
4) Capture width ratio: The trends and uncertainty results
of pw are similar to those of Ph,δ (Fig. E). This was expected due
to Pi‘s linear decreasing trend. It can be see that Pw,δ reaches up
to a value of three. Put another way, the breakwater integrated
WEC is harnessing three times the incident wave energy, due
to reflection and resonance. The uncertainty results are very
similar to those of Ph,δ, due to Pi uncertainty making up
Fig. 7 Main data reduction equation (DRE) results (left axes) with associated expanded uncertainty (right axes), evaluated using the Monte Carlo metho
d (95%
CI, k = 2). A, Incident wave power Pi, with B showing the proportion of each quantities’ uncertainty within the Pi
DRE; the maximum observed uncertainty of
i is selected to show by example (box on bar plot). C, OWC power Ph, with D, proportions of maximum uncertainty. E, Capture width ratio Pw, with F,
proportions of maximum uncertainty.
approximately one third of Pw,δ ‘s total uncertainty. These
results compare favourably to similar work [5]; however, it is
assumed these results are more accurate in describing the
overall uncertainty of the presented DRE’s due to using the
integral of the phase-averaged result rather than simply the
mean of the amplitude. In this way, the uncertainty in nonlinear
behaviour is captured and propagated through the DRE’s.
Fig. 8 Pc vs. Q, showing the damping δ for each condition (δ1-6) and the
associated Type B uncertainty determined through linear regression (Eq. 6).
To avoid uncertainty propagation problems, such as
providing partial derivatives for complex models with many
time-varying variables and data reduction equations, we
explored using the Monte Carlo method as a practical
alternative for uncertainty analysis. We provided the principles
of uncertainty analysis and the methodology of a MCM
uncertainty analysis, along with a graphical representation and
demonstration of propagating uncertainties of time-varying
Standard and overall uncertainty results for measured
quantities in the experiment were presented. Standard
uncertainty results – Type A and Type B – averaged less than
three percent to a 95% confidence interval. These uncertainties
along with other influence quantities were propagated through
the DRE’s related to OWC power performance. Incident wave
power expanded uncertainty across all frequencies testing
averaged less than five percent. The largest expanded
uncertainty for pneumatic damping was 31% for δ1,
corresponding to one layer of porous mesh, with a mean of
8.6%. Hydrodynamic power and capture width ratio showed
similar result trends and expanded uncertainties, with a
maximum of ~18% observed for δ1 condition.
While we focused only on a post-experiment MCM
uncertainty analysis (reporting phase), the general
methodology may be applied to pre- and during-experiment
phases, including planning, design, debugging, construction,
execution, and data analysis. Moreover, the MCM is a suitable
and straightforward way in which to perform an uncertainty
analysis on complex WEC models. Therefore, we recommend
future guidelines and codes pertinent to uncertainty analysis for
WECs, such as those developed by the International Towing
Tank Conference (ITTC) and international Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), to incorporate the MCM and provide a
simple practical example.
In future work we intend on investigating the use and
usefulness of pre-test uncertainty analysis using the Monte
Carlo method.
We thanks the AMC staff, technicians, and students for their
contribution of this work.
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... For example, spatial variations of generated waves in wave tanks [19] coupled with difficult to measure interactions and absorbed power of an array of heaving-buoy WECs lead to uncertainty levels that mostly concealed motions and power [20]. Capture width ratio of oscillating water column (OWC) WECs has also been shown to be especially susceptible to uncertainty [21,22]. More broadly, uncertainty extends beyond the laboratory to uncertainty in wave resource assessment [23e25], mean annual energy production (MAEP) estimates [25,26], and open water tests [27]. ...
... [28]. While these are a good step toward rigorous, standardised best practices, the guidance is relatively immature; it lacks important uses of UA, such pre-test or general uncertainty analysis, alternative methods to propagate uncertainty such as the Monte Carlo method (MCM) [22,29,30], and WEC-specific methods for evaluating Type A and Type B uncertainty [21]. To refine this guidance, we carried out a 1:30 scale experiment of a case study oscillating water column (OWC) WEC, based on Australian company Wave Swell Energy's Uniwave® technology, 1 which is a bottom-fixed device with a unidirectional flow power take-off (PTO) system enabled by passive valves. ...
... The output of the MCM is the standard deviation of the PDF of Y, taken as the general uncertainty u G ðYÞ. An appropriate value for M is determined by calculating the standard deviation of Y at each iteration and stopping the process when a converged value is reached ( [22]). A converged value to within 5% is considered to give an acceptable approximation of u G ðYÞ (Mz 5000 is typically sufficient). ...
Ocean wave energy has significant technical potential but limited full-scale deployments and technology convergence. Consequently, guidelines for developing wave energy converters (WECs) are still developing themselves, especially around experimental uncertainty analysis (UA). To develop a comprehensive WEC-specific UA methodology, we conducted a 1:30 scale experiment of a case study oscillating water column (OWC) WEC. This paper presents the methodology, which describes UA principles and means to identify parameters causing uncertainty, and demonstrates new WEC-specific UA methods: general uncertainty analysis (GUA), the Monte Carlo method (MCM) for uncertainty propagation, and Type A and Type B uncertainty evaluation. Results show the expanded uncertainty averaged ± 16% for capture width ratio and ± 6% for wave loads; Type B uncertainty tended to be slightly larger than Type A uncertainty; and uncertainty in regular waves slightly larger than irregular waves. The MCM was found to be effective and efficient in uncertainty propagation. In general, given WECs tend to maximise motions, use a power take-off system, and must survive storms, WEC model tests may be especially susceptible to uncertainty due to nonlinearities and modelling complexities. In conclusion, UA should be carried out in WEC model test experiments. We close with recommendations for refining relevant international guidelines.
... This considers the total mean As with previous experimental investigations conducted using bent duct type OWC de-173 vices (cf. [6,[44][45][46][47]49]), two assumptions were made regarding the volume flux. Firstly, it 174 is understood that the dynamic oscillation within the OWC chamber will induce different 175 excitation modes of the free surface. ...
... which was the lowest of the tested damping. Orphin et al. [49] found that as damping 884 increased, the uncertainty associated with δ consequently decreased as the relationship be-885 tween p c and Q became more linear. As such, it is assumed that the uncertainty associated 886 with the optimal damping condition, LDV 5, will be substantially less than that presented 887 for the LDV 1 condition investigated. ...
Full-text available
Currently, ocean wave energy technology is in its infancy relative to the mature renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar. Due to its early stage of development, ocean wave energy has high associated Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE), a measure of lifetime costs relative to lifetime energy production. Several solutions have been derived in an attempt to reduce this high LCOE, of which breakwater integration of wave energy converters presents a viable option. Current full-scale commercial and demonstration devices indicate that OWC device integrated breakwaters are typically limited to nearshore and onshore operational regions. However, industries such as aquaculture and offshore wind are exploring the viability of placing these structures in deeper waters, where these traditional concepts would not be applicable, providing opportunity for the development of floating offshore multi-purpose structures. This article describes a proof-of-concept for a floating breakwater integrated with Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converters (WEC). For an integrated device of this type there are multiple key aspects that are inter-related and each must be understood: energy extraction performance, wave attenuation and quantifying platform motions. In order to adequately report on each aspect in a logical manner the study is presented in two parts. This paper covers the energy extraction aspects, while the second part deals with wave attenuation and motion characteristics [1]. The wave energy extraction characteristics of the installed devices are explored across parameters including device configurations, breakwater width, power take-off damping, wave height and motion constraints, all of which was achieved through model scale hydrodynamic experimentation. The major findings indicate that OWC device spacing is a key parameter in the design of multi-device structures, as device-device interaction can have constructive or destructive interferences on the energy extraction. Additionally, the results of the OWC device performance, under the influence of the aforementioned parameters, provides new insights to the development of floating offshore multi-purpose structures and their feasibility.
... To date, within the realm of wave energy conversion, the literature on robust optimization has predominantly focused on the development of robust control frameworks [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Furthermore, concerning the study of wave energy and WEC uncertainties, the existing literature primarily covers environmental [18][19][20][21][22] and full/high-scale prototyping or experimental uncertainties and subsystems' influence on performance [23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. The neighboring Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) field of research directs its attention to WEC structural and maintenance cost uncertainties [30] (in which the so-called Wavestar device is considered as a case study) and the power take-off (PTO) reliability relationship with hull geometry [31]. ...
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Among the challenges generated by the global climate crisis, a significant concern is the constant increase in energy demand. This leads to the need to ensure that any novel energy systems are not only renewable but also reliable in their performance. A viable solution to increase the available renewable energy mix involves tapping into the potential available in ocean waves and harvesting it via so-called wave energy converters (WECs). In this context, a relevant engineering problem relates to finding WEC design solutions that are not only optimal in terms of energy extraction but also exhibit robust behavior in spite of the harsh marine environment. Indeed, the vast majority of design optimization studies available in the state-of-the-art consider only perfect knowledge of nominal (idealized) conditions, neglecting the impact of uncertainties. This study aims to investigate the information that different robustness metrics can provide to designers regarding optimal WEC design solutions under uncertainty. The applied methodology is based on stochastic uncertainty propagation via a Monte Carlo simulation, exploiting a meta-model to reduce the computational burden. The analysis is conducted over a dataset obtained with a genetic algorithm-based optimization process for nominal WEC design. The results reveal a significant deviation in terms of robustness between the nominal Pareto set and those generated by setting different thresholds for robustness metrics, as well as between devices belonging to the same nominal Pareto frontier. This study elucidates the intrinsic need for incorporating robust optimization processes in WEC design.
... In the cases above mentioned is common to approach the uncertainty propagation problem with a classical partial derivative method. Instead, in [10], a Monte Carlo method is explored as a pratical alternative for complex models. For what concern WECs array, the models physical validation presents some difficulities due to replicating numerical model characteristics complications. ...
Conference Paper
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The optimisation design of Wave Energy Converters (WEC) to reduce the cost of energy of the technology is a widely investigated topic. In literature classical optimisation strategies have been presented and applied to identify the optimal system parameters of WECs to optimise specific techno-economic metrics. The performance of the optimal identified devices relies on these nominal parameters and it can be strongly affected by construction and modelling uncertainties. In this context, the concept of robustness of the optimal solution plays a relevant role in the identification of a device whose performance is affected as little as possible by uncertainties of various kinds. In the first part of this paper different declinations of robustness concept are derived from other fields of application and described. The identified robustness indexes are then applied to optimal solutions obtained via classical optimisation to evaluate its importance in the design process of WECs. Strictly related to this kind of methodology is the Sensitivity Analysis (SA) technique, it aims to investigate how the input variation (due to uncertainties or external noise or additional environmental parameters) influences the output results of a defined numerical model and highlight the relative input parameters relevance. Sensitivity Analysis, therefore, can be a valuable tool applicable in the uncertainty set estimation to identify the variables most subject to such uncertainties and their prominence. The main objective of the work is to underline the importance of introduce the robustness evaluation of WECs during the optimisation process since classical optimisation techniques can lead to solutions that are affected by uncertainties.
Technical Report
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Guidelines aimed at assisting offshore renewable energy technology developers in getting the most of testing campaigns. This document covers laboratory and field testing.
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This research presents a methodology for carrying out uncertainty analysis on measurements made during wave basin testing of an oscillating water column wave energy converter. Values are determined for Type A and Type B uncertainty for each parameter of interest, and uncertainty is propagated using the Monte Carlo method to obtain an overall Expanded Uncertainty with a 95% confidence level associated with the Capture Width Ratio of the device. An analysis into the impact of reflections on the experimental results reveals the importance of identifying the incident and combined wave field at each measurement location used to determine device performance, in order to avoid misleading results.
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Maritime structure integration is widely considered as a potential solution for reducing the high Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) associated with Wave Energy Converter (WEC) technologies. However, the majority of published research has focused on fixed structure integration [1,2], with far fewer investigating the potential for floating structure integration [3]. Expanding on previous works [4,5], this article investigates the performance of a π-type floating breakwater integrated with multiple Oscillating Water Column (OWC) WECs through model scale hydrodynamic experimentation. While under varying structural arrangements including device configurations and motion constraints, the model was subjected to 13 generic irregular wave spectra. Results of the experimental investigation illustrate that OWC device integration provides distinct benefits to the non-dimensional performance parameters of the floating breakwater in irregular sea states, which correlates strongly with the results obtained from previous regular wave analyses [4,5]. With firm correlation between the regular and irregular analyses, it is hypothesized that device development could potentially forgo regular wave investigations in preference of irregular wave testing, as it yields a broader bandwidth of results with reduced temporal requirements. Similarly, it is illustrated that the irregular non-dimensional parameter spectra can be used to effectively predict the performance characteristics of the device across different sea states. This article furthers the concept validation and feasibility of OWC WEC integrated floating breakwaters, and aids in the progression of the concept through the Technology Readiness Levels.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a practical example of an uncertainty analysis applied to the results of an oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter (WEC) model test experiment in regular waves. The 1:20 scale OWC device equipped with a porous mesh power takeoff (PTO) system was integrated into a fully reflective breakwater and installed in the Australian Maritime College Model Test Basin. Using phase-averaging as a data analysis technique, device performance in terms of capture width was determined across the frequency range tested, using probe data of the incident wave elevations, and the resulting wave elevations and pressure inside the OWC chamber. This paper is devoted to evaluating the uncertainty of this data. Type A uncertainty (statistical means via repeat observations) was determined through a series of repeat observations, whereas Type B uncertainty (non-statistical means) was determined using sensor calibration data and through regression analysis. Total uncertainty results include < ± 2% for all wave probe data, < ± 11 % for pressure, ± 22% for damping, producing a total uncertainty of ± 30% for the mean power of the device. This large uncertainty in power is because the calculation is a function of damping and pressure that both eventuated to relatively large uncertainty. This study highlights the importance of presenting experimental results with a description of the uncertainties involved.
Conference Paper
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Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converters (WECs) are one of the most studied, developed and tested devices associated with Ocean Renewable Energy (ORE) today. Variations in concept design and hydrodynamic characteristics have been researched extensively, however the main issue associated with ORE is the high Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE). One of the most promising applications devised to potentially decrease the LCOE is maritime structure integration by sharing the costs associated with construction, and lowering the costs of maintenance. This paper investigates physical model experimentation into the effect that lip extrusion of a breakwater integrated bent duct type OWC has on the performance. The importance of the investigation has implications regarding tuning of the device for site-specific breakwater integration and constructability. It is documented that a bent duct OWC observes change in its natural resonance frequency through variation in length of the swept path of the geometrical cross-section. Subsequently, lip extrusion could present a way of tuning the device to suit a site-specific sea state, and is a design consideration that will affect both optimal power absorption and constructability. It was found that the longer the lip extrusion the lower the performance and that the no lip extrusion case resulted in the maximum non-dimensional capture width of 2.2 compared to the maximum lip extrusion considered in this paper corresponding to 1.4. This is a positive result for construction consideration as less materials are required, however, using lip extrusion to tune OWC resonance might come at the cost of performance.
This paper presents an investigation on air compressibility in the air chamber and its effects on the power conversion of oscillating water column (OWC) devices. As it is well known that for practical OWC plants, their air chambers may be large enough for accommodating significant air compressibility, the “spring effect,” an effect that is frequently and simply regarded to store and release energy during the reciprocating process of a wave cycle. Its insight effects on the device’s performance and power conversion, however, have not been studied in detail. This research will investigate the phenomena with a special focus on the effects of air compressibility on wave energy conversion. Air compressibility itself is a complicated nonlinear process in nature, but it can be linearised for numerical simulations under certain assumptions for frequency domain analysis. In this research work, air compressibility in the OWC devices is first linearised and further coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC. It is able to show mathematically that in frequency-domain, air compressibility can increase the spring coefficients of both the water body motion and the device motion (if it is a floating device), and enhance the coupling effects between the water body and the structure. Corresponding to these changes, the OWC performance, the capture power, and the optimised Power Take-off (PTO) damping coefficient in the wave energy conversion can be all modified due to air compressibility. To validate the frequency-domain results and understand the problems better, the more accurate timedomain simulations with fewer assumptions have been used for comparison. It is shown that air compressibility may significantly change the dynamic responses and the capacity of converting wave energy of the OWC devices if the air chamber is very large.
Prior research on wave energy devices such as Oscillating Water Column (OWC) systems has revealed the complex nature of the interactions between ocean waves and these systems. This is especially true when such devices are arranged in arrays. Within these arrays, the multiple scattered waves produced by each device interact and can lead to unexpected fluctuations of the power captured by each individual OWC. In the present study, a finite element model based on linear wave theory has been developed to study scattered waves around single and multiple oscillating water column wave energy conversion devices. The power capture efficiency of a single cylindrical OWC deduced from the finite element model is compared with the numerical approximation used by Evans and Porter (1997). The efficiency of the single OWC is then compared with that of an array of OWCs of the same dimensions, as a function of array spacing, pneumatic damping and direction of the incident waves. It is found that the presence of neighboring OWCs has a significant influence on the power capture efficiency of individual devices, even for large separations, and that the optimal pneumatic damping for OWCs in an array may differ from that of an isolated OWC of the same dimensions.
The performance of oscillating water column (OWC) systems depends on a number of factors in a complex manner. The objective of this work is to analyse the influence of the wave conditions, the damping caused by the turbine and the tidal level on the efficiency of the conversion from wave to pneumatic energy that occurs in the OWC chamber. To achieve this, a comprehensive experimental campaign is carried out, involving in total 387 tests of a model OWC under varying wave conditions (both with regular and irregular waves), damping coefficients and tidal levels. It is found that the damping exerted by the turbine is the factor that most affects the chamber efficiency—even more than the wave conditions. It follows that a proper selection of the turbine is crucial not only to the performance of the turbine itself but also to that of the chamber, which reflects the importance of the turbine–chamber coupling in OWC systems. The next factor in order of importance is the wave period. Finally, we find that the influence of the tidal level, which is examined in this work for the first time, is significant under certain conditions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A simple model of an OWC-type wave-energy device is used to illustrate a powerful accurate method for computing the hydrodynamic coefficients when sharp edges are present. The device consists simply of a vertical partially immersed circular cylinder open at either end, with power being extracted by constricting the flow of the air trapped in the cylinder above the internal free surface. The method involves the use of the theory of pressure distributions for OWC devices and the hydrodynamical coefficients are computed using an accurate Galerkin method which preserves the reciprocity relations.