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Supplemental Material, Appendix_1_Px - Codesigning a Measure of Person-Centred Coordinated Care to Capture the Experience of the Patient: The Development of the P3CEQ
Appendix 1: List of measures considered for inclusion in stage 1
1. Adapted Picker Institute Cancer Survey
2. Ambulatory Care Experiences Survey (ACES)
3. Brief 5 A’s Patient Survey
4. Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care Questionnaire
5. Care Evaluation Scale for End-of-Life Care (CES)
6. Care Transitions Measure (CTM)
7. CCAENA questionnaire Continuity of Care between care levels
8. Client Centred Care questionnaire
9. Client Perception of Coordination Questionnaire (CPCQ)
10. Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ)
11. Coleman Measures of Care Coordination
12. Components of Primary Care Index (CPCI)
13. Consultation And Relational Empathy (CARE) measure
14. Consultation Care Measure
15. Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
16. Family Satisfaction in the Intensive Care Unit (FS-ICU 24)
17. Family-Centred Care Self-Assessment Tool
18. Follow Up Care Delivery
19. General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ -R2)
20. Giving Youth a Voice (GYV)
21. Health Care Empowerment Questionnaire
22. Health Tracking Household Survey
23. Icelandic Perceived Involvement in Care Scale (I-PICS).
24. Improving Chronic Illness Care Evaluation (ICICE)
25. Interpersonal Processes of Care Survey
26. Korean Primary Care Assessment Tool (KPCAT)
27. Long Term Condition (LTC 6) questionnaire
28. Measure in development - Nuffield Trust
29. Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-28)
30. Medical Home Index (MHI)
31. National Survey for Children’s Health (NSCH)
32. National Survey of Children With Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
33. National Voices I statements
34. NHS in patient adult survey
35. North West London Integrated Care Pilot: Patient survey
36. Oncology Patients’ Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale
37. Outcomes assessment for people with long-term neurological conditions
38. OxPie
39. Parents' Perceptions of Primary Care (P3C)
40. Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC)
41. Patient Perceived Continuity of Care from Multiple Providers (CC-MC)
42. Patient Perception of Continuity Instrument (PC)
43. Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC)
44. Patient Perceptions of Care (PPOC)
45. Patients Assessment of Care for chronic Conditions (PACIC)
46. Patients Assessment of Care for chronic Conditions (PACIC) +
47. Patients Perceptions of Integrated Care Survey (PPIC)
48. Patient-Service User Questionnaire - Integrated Care Evaluation Pilots
49. Personal Identity Threat
50. Person centred climate questionnaire
51. Person-centred inpatient scale
52. Person-Directed Care (PDC)
53. Physician Office Quality of Care Monitor (QCM)
54. Picker Patient Experience (PPE-15)
55. PREPARED Survey
56. Primary Care Assessment Survey (PCAS)
57. Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT)
58. Primary Care Multimorbidity Hassles for Veterans With Chronic Illnesses
59. Primary Care Questionnaire for Complex Paediatric Patients
60. Primary Care Satisfaction Survey for Women (PCSSW)
61. Promoting Healthy Development Survey PLUS (PHDS-PLUS)
62. Quality from Patient's Perspective (QPP) questionnaire - long
63. Quality from Patient's Perspective (QPP) questionnaire - short
64. Relational and Management Continuity Survey in Patients with Multiple Long-
Term Conditions
65. Resources and Support for Self-Management (RSSM)
66. Responsiveness of primary care services
67. R outcomes
68. Schizophrenia Quality Indicators for Integrated Care
69. Symphony Patient Experience Questionnaire
70. The Satisfaction Profile (SAT-P)
71. The Outcomes and Experiences Questionnaire
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