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A Domain-General Sense of Confidence in Children



Our minds constantly evaluate the confidence in what we see, think, and remember. Previous work suggests that confidence is a domain-general currency in adulthood, unifying otherwise independent sensory and perceptual representations. Here, we test whether children also possess a domain-general sense of confidence over otherwise independent perceptual dimensions. Six- to nine-year-olds completed either three simple perceptual discrimination tasks: a number task (“Which group has more dots?”), an area task (“Which blob is bigger?”), and an emotions task (“Which face is happier?”), or three relative confidence tasks, selecting which of two trials they are more confident on. We find that while children’s discrimination performance across the three tasks was independent and constituted three separate factors, children’s confidence in each of three dimensions was strongly correlated and constituted only a single factor. Our results suggest that confidence is a domain-general currency even in childhood, providing a mechanism by which disparate perceptual representations could be integrated.
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A domain-general sense of confidence in children
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-%- 8)$'$&#$&$"#)-)$$$$&$'##
)$-)$#Jconfidence acuity)$%$&#)#(##(#,$&'$-
8&-&%$8$#$&$"'-%$ $&$&$&8-%$$&
#$;C- "8@C'## /B6?+
Here, we use this novel and accessible measure to test children’s confidence acuity in
three distinct perceptual dimensions: number, area, and emotion perception (Odic, 2018; Vo et
al., 2014). We first confirm the domain-specificity of these dimensions in children aged 6 to 9,
then investigate whether confidence sensitivity in these dimensions nonetheless correlates,
signalling domain-generality, or if children’s confidence representations are domain-specific
before formal schooling and become domain-general as they develop.
&$#:$-&;MKE@L@'$&#M K1@BB@B 6/
#?)$-)$$&#$ '$)%6B-&)-$
$&%8%F$)#-&)&#-'%$#;(C# /BBI?+4&
F$%$&#-&#3-" ++-&#),#&'#$-'
Materials & Procedure
.#-&$(:0; DDE?#-)$# 8&-&"(%%#$
#$' #-($(8#&8(8$#;'(? (
8((#;? $8'$:)###;'$?+&'##
#8$8F#$# 8&-&$&#-'$-$;nK6?8#')
'#)-%-$%$&)-)$#-'$#$&#$&'## #8#-$
Discrimination Condition. $&#-'$-$ -&#8'( 
 '$$' $':+4&#($&)"$%%-$#($8
%$&")'$#,#&($-$ -&8#,$$&"(G
$&#8)$$#%$&#- $&:)'$)#&-#)
$&$8$&")#$"%(-,;++ <4&$#&$P>?$"%(-,;<& 
$&$#$&$>?+--# $&:)'$8"$%(-,$-
$&-&$#$$&$#,;++ <4&$#, $#$&>?+%$-')$
$8")-$-$#$&$%'G-&8$&-&'#;6)'#? -&
Number Discrimination. 4&#$#,8#'%$G#%#$#:)
-&#)):'$'(#$';? ##%'($&$#(#&
8$&$& &''#;(C# /BBI?+&#8#$%8
($# 8$&$&8$#$&%$$&($#$&&$;?%BBBmsA
"%%-$(')$$&$%($8$# #&8-&%%"
$#-&$0+0;++ 008$#B($#? /+ +6 + +BH+
Area Discrimination+4&#$#,8#'%$#$#:)-&#
($$#-'$;- /BI?+&8#&88')&#(($&
%$(')&#(($&&$;?%BBBms 8#,$$%
8((# #&8-&%%"$#-&$0+0;++ D 0B8):#
01 BB():#? /+ +6 ++BH+
Emotion Discrimination+4&#$#,8#'%$#$#:)-&#
'$#-'$;3$+ /B6?+&#8$8%'%-#$&$%%'$
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%-#&))>+4$$&#$' 8$,BBN&))BBN%-%'
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Discrimination Condition
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$# r';0D?K+BE pK+1IH r;0D?K+/1 pK+BDD '#$,$$-$
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4#')%$-&-&#---#%-$%$ 8%$-&#
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#$($# -"$&(#$%$)'$#(''G$&$"
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4&#$'$w "#%$&$&'###&84( )-$)"#
#$(#&"#%-&%$&#;(C# /BBI@- /BI?+
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Confidence Condition
'##;#4(%'#$#$##$-&-? -&#$&#%$&$8$#
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8%$&$-&8(#$$&$#8#$$&'$$# F;/ EI?K
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-$#($8--- r#R+BD )$$$#$-$+
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-%-#-'$8#$#%$)$+$ -$- 8#%$&#'
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%#(#F$##+4&%$w $#)#$4(+
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'$-%-#-'$%--- #&$8,-$#8$&w ;
/ #4(/?+4&##$#$##$-$#$$$&#-'$-$##$#
Principal Component Analyses.4%$&-%'$&'$%-&#
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#')%#$%"(#$%-$#$&$:)$&':'')##("-; -, 
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-')$8#:$-$ $&#-$("':$$?+$##$&
))$#%"-+#' #)$#$"-$&$$&)-)$
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General Discussion
##%-%-8&-&#)-)$#-'$%'(  '$
8##-$ $&confidence9'$#"$&##''###$
-$-#$$$#%-$ :$)"#8,$#; 
 C'## /B1@C'## /B6?+2% $&% $&$-&
##1#&'##%-%-8$&$# ##$$&$
-%-#$&'$&&$")'$ ##-'((%-&
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 ++;DDE?+4&.#-&)&#-#4(:+Spatial Vision10 600A601+
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and Early Development of Number Processing;)+0BH?+-'-.##+
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-, + C- T+;DE1?+)##"-#+Nature264 E61AE6I+
# 4++ C# +;DIB?+8$-&F%"#$$$&%%,8+
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.- .+ ' + G 3+ C& +;/BB6?+:-$)):'$$&'$-
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#-'-+Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences113 /0E1A/0I+
# + # T+ '' + ' + C ++;/B1?+4&'$-$"
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'$& T++  +T+ -&' T+T+ C$& +3++;/BBI?+4&-')$"#$
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15 1EDA1D+&$$)#OO+OB+0EHIO.+H+6+1ED
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#-'$$#+##&8)#- ---')"#$#-#;(#
(-,$#-$%+VV$#pR+B VVV$#pR+BB+
Descriptive statistics, tests against chance, and average estimates of fit to the Weber model.
'# MLDHNM t p d W$ wLDHNM )#$
'( I+66LEI+HE I6+0BM //+I R+BB 0+61 6 +/0L+E +0BM +B/L+BB +B0M
 IH+HILI0+6/ IE+E6M 00+0B R+BB H+/B 6 +BL+B +BM +BL+BB +B0M
'$ E0+I1L1D+I0 EE+DBM +DH R+BB +IE 0D +0BL+1 +66M +BIL+B/ +6M
'( EH+1ELE+BH IB+/DM +/6 R+BB +EI 0E +H0L+0H +EM +L+BI +EM
 I/+BBLEE+BB IE+BBM /+DH R+BB /+BH 0E +0/L+1 +6IM +0L+BE +DM
'$ 1E+00L10+/E E+6BM I+10 R+BB +01 01 +0L+D +60M +/L+0 +/IM
Correlations between tasks with and without controlling for age. Accuracy data is correlated
using Pearson r, while model fit estimates are correlated using Spearman’s
. Correlations
controlling for age are shown in brackets.
 '$  '$
'( +1;+H? +B1;+B6? +B/;+B/? +BB;+BB?
 +BB;+BD? +/0;+/DX?
'( +61VV;+61VV? +HDVVV;+1BVVV? +06X;+06X? +11VV;+11VV?
 +60VV;+60VV? +/B;+/B?
XpR+B VpR+BH VVpR+B VVVpR+BB
Factor loadings of measures by dimension.
#-'$$ %-
# ')$ ')$/ ')$0 ')$
--- +/1 +DH0 +BBD +IB6
w +B61 +D1 +B0E +DHI
--- +D11 +B6I +B6E +I/B
w +DE +B/I +BE0 +I1H
--- +61 +I1 +IE +I6
w +B/0 +61 +DBB +DBI
" /+BE +IE +66 6+H/
0HN 0N /6N EHN
Note: Lower w values indicate better precision.
... Therefore, in the studies reported here, we set out to test these two predictions: (1) whether there are strong correlations between detecting accuracy in the self and others when given access to the same task (and not when using an unrelated task), and (2) whether these correlations are eliminated when controlling for individual differences in the imprecision of decisions in that task. We chose to use a task tapping into children's perception of area, an early-developing ability used previously in metacognitive tasks (Baer & Odic, 2020a;Baer et al., 2018;Salles et al., 2016). This task allows us to experimentally manipulate the imprecision of the decision by making the shapes close in size (harder, more imprecision) or disparate (easier, less imprecision), something much harder to achieve in the memory tasks used in past work. ...
... The prediction of the SDT/Simulation account is that self and other reasoning on these two tasks should correlate despite the removal of these third variable explanations, provided one critical condition is true. The SDT account requires that they will correlate if and only if they are both computed from the same decision imprecision, which is thought to be dimension-specific (Baer et al., 2018;Vo et al., 2014). That is, children's confidence in their own or another's estimate of the number of words on a page should be related, but both should be entirely unrelated to their confidence in their own or another's estimate of the emotional expression on a face. ...
... To assess individual differences in children's sensitivity to confidence, we administered the Relative Confidence Task from Baer et al. (2018). In each trial, children had to make a simple choice, like whether a yellow or blue shape is larger (see Fig. 1 and Odic, 2018). ...
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The world can be a confusing place, which leads to a significant challenge: how do we figure out what is true? To accomplish this, children possess two relevant skills: reasoning about the likelihood of their own accuracy (metacognitive confidence) and reasoning about the likelihood of others' accuracy (mindreading). Guided by Signal Detection Theory and Simulation Theory, we examine whether these two self- and other-oriented skills are one in the same, relying on a single cognitive process. Specifically, Signal Detection Theory proposes that confidence in a decision is purely derived from the imprecision of that decision, predicting a tight correlation between decision accuracy and confidence. Simulation Theory further proposes that children attribute their own cognitive experience to others when reasoning socially. Together, these theories predict that children's self and other reasoning should be highly correlated and dependent on decision accuracy. In four studies (N = 374), children aged 4-7 completed a confidence reasoning task and selective social learning task each designed to eliminate confounding language and response biases, enabling us to isolate the unique correlation between self and other reasoning. However, in three of the four studies, we did not find that individual differences on the two tasks correlated, nor that decision accuracy explained performance. These findings suggest self and other reasoning are either independent in childhood, or the result of a single process that operates differently for self and others. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11409-021-09263-x.
... Therefore, children were given an easier version of the backward masking task in Experiment 1, where they were only required to subjectively judge whether they perceived the stimuli (two-point scale). They then conducted the four-point PAS version of Experiment 2. Although no study examined whether children could evaluate PAS, many studies about metacognition showed that children can evaluate their confidence (Baer et al., 2018;Hembacher & Ghetti, 2014;Lyons & Ghetti, 2011Salles et al., 2016). ...
... The children may have reported a more detailed subjective awareness in the four-choice response than in the two-choice response. Furthermore, 5-6-year-olds could respond to the PAS, which is consistent with previous research on metacognition in young children (Baer et al., 2018;Hembacher & Ghetti, 2014;Lyons & Ghetti, 2011Salles et al., 2016). Considering the results of this study and previous studies, 5-6-year-olds may not only report their confidence in the discrimination of visual stimuli but also their subjective awareness of visual stimuli. ...
... How might children recognize uncertainty in their own mental model? Even though previous research suggests that explicit metacognitive skills do not emerge until later school years, recent research suggests that even preschoolage children have an internal sense of uncertainty that reflects the subjective difficulty of various tasks, such as judging numerical quantities or emotional expressions (Baer et al., 2018;Vo et al., 2014). Taken together, this past work suggests that children are sensitive to the uncertainty in observed evidence and are motivated to explore when evidence is surprising or ambiguous with respect to their beliefs. ...
... The current results are consistent with the idea that a gap in knowledge can drive exploration in general. However, children differ in their metacognitive skills (Baer et al., 2018) and their rate of learning and conceptual change (Zaitchik et al., 2014). Therefore, it remains unknown what role children's ability to monitor the uncertainty in their own knowledge, compared with the extent of the gap (or rate of change) in their knowledge, plays in children's information-seeking behavior. ...
How do changes in learners’ knowledge influence information seeking? We showed preschoolers ( N = 100) uncertain outcomes for events and let them choose which event to resolve. We found that children whose intuitive theories were at immature stages were more likely to seek information to resolve uncertainty about an outcome in the related domains, but children with more mature knowledge were not. This result was replicated in a second experiment but with the nuance that children at intermediate stages of belief development—when the causal outcome would be most ambiguous—were the most motivated to resolve the uncertainty. This effect was not driven by general uncertainty at the framework level but, rather, by the impact that framework knowledge has in accessing uncertainty at the model level. These results are the first to show the relationship between a learning preference and the developmental stage of a child’s intuitive theory.
... For instance, 6-year-olds, but not 4-5-yearolds, will, similarly to the Risko et al. study (2014) with adults, physically rotate a paper map as opposed to engaging in mental rotation (Armitage & Redshaw, 2022). In addition, this is the age range where children are gaining metacognitive access to their subjective uncertainty (Baer et al., 2018;Vo et al., 2014) and where the child's developing working memory abilities begin to be guided explicitly (Ahmed et al., 2022;Forsberg et al., 2021;Spanoudis et al., 2015). We will return to the role of metacognition in the sampling-remembering trade-off later on. ...
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Most work in the last 50 years on visual working memory and attention has used a classic psychophysical setup: participants are instructed to attend to, or remember, a set of items. This setup sidesteps the role of cognitive control; effort is maximal, tasks are simple, and strategies are limited. While this approach has yielded important insights, it provides no clear path toward an integrative theory (Kristjánsson & Draschkow, 2021) and, like studying a town’s walkability by having its college students run the 50-yard dash, it runs the danger of focusing on edge cases. Here, in this theoretical opinion article, we argue for an approach with a Gibsonian flavor where dynamic relationships between the agent and the environment are understood functionally, in light of an agent’s goals. This means a shift in emphasis from the performance of the mechanisms underlying a narrow task (“remember these items!”) to their control in pursuit of a naturalistic goal (“make a sandwich!”, Land & Hayhoe, 2001). Here, we highlight the sampling-remembering trade-off between exploiting goal-relevant information in the environment versus maintaining it in working memory. We present a dynamic feedback model of this trade-off – where the individual weighs the subjective costs of accessing external information versus those of maintaining it in memory – using insights from existing cognitive control models based on economic principles (Kool & Botvinick, 2018). This trade-off is particularly interesting in children, as the optimal use of internal resources is even more crucial when limited. Our model makes some specific predictions for future research: 1) an individual child strikes a preferred balance between the effort to attend to goal-relevant information in the environment versus the effort to maintain it in working memory, and 2) in order to maintain this balance as underlying memory and cognitive control mechanisms improve, the child will have to increasingly shift toward remembering.
This paper presents rational inattention as a new, transdiagnostic theory of information seeking in neurodevelopmental conditions that have uneven cognitive and socio‐emotional profiles, including developmental language disorder (DLD), dyslexia, dyscalculia and autism. Rational inattention holds that the optimal solution to minimizing epistemic uncertainty is to avoid imprecise information sources. The key theoretical contribution of this report is to endogenize imprecision, making it a function of the primary neurocognitive difficulties that have been invoked to explain neurodivergent phenotypes, including deficits in auditory perception, working memory, procedural learning and the social brain network. We argue that disengagement with information sources with low endogenous precision (e.g. speech in DLD, orthography‐phonology mappings in dyslexia, numeric stimuli in dyscalculia and social signals in autism) constitutes resource‐rational behaviour. We demonstrate the strength of this account in a series of computational simulations. In experiment 1, we simulate information seeking in artificial agents mimicking an array of neurodivergent phenotypes, which optimally explore a complex learning environment containing speech, text, numeric stimuli and social cues. In experiment 2, we simulate optimal information seeking in a cross‐modal dual‐task paradigm and qualitatively replicate empirical data from children with and without DLD. Across experiments, simulated agents’ only aim was to maximally reduce epistemic uncertainty, with no difference in reward across information sources. We show that rational inattention emerges naturally in specific neurodivergent phenotypes as a function of low endogenous precision. For instance, an agent mimicking the DLD phenotype disengages with speech (and preferentially engages with alternative precise information sources) because endogenous imprecision renders speech not conducive to information gain. Because engagement is necessary for learning, simulation demonstrates how optimal information seeking may paradoxically contribute negatively to an already delayed learning trajectory in neurodivergent children. Research Highlights We present the first comprehensive theory of information seeking in neurodivergent children to date, centred on the notion of rational inattention. We demonstrate the strength of this account in a series of computational simulations involving artificial agents mimicking specific neurodivergent phenotypes that optimally explore a complex learning environment containing speech, text, numeric stimuli, and social cues. We show how optimal information seeking may, paradoxically, contribute negatively to an already delayed learning trajectory in neurodivergent children. This report advances our understanding of the factors shaping short‐term decision making and long‐term learning in neurodivergent children.
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This paper presents rational inattention as a new, transdiagnostic theory of information seeking in neurodevelopmental conditions including developmental language disorder (DLD), dyslexia, dyscalculia, and autism. Rational inattention holds that the optimal solution to minimizing epistemic uncertainty is to avoid imprecise information sources. The key theoretical contribution of this report is to endogenize imprecision, making it a function of the primary neurocognitive difficulties that have been invoked to explain neurodivergent phenotypes, including deficits in auditory perception, working memory, procedural learning, and the social brain network. We argue that disengagement with information sources with low endogenous precision (e.g., speech in DLD, orthography-phonology mappings in dyslexia, numeric stimuli in dyscalculia, and social signals in autism) constitutes resource-rational behaviour. We demonstrate the strength of this account in a series of computational simulations. In experiment one, we simulate information seeking in artificial agents mimicking an array of neurodivergent phenotypes, which optimally explore a complex learning environment containing speech, text, numeric stimuli, and social cues. In experiment two, we simulate optimal information seeking in a cross-modal dual-task paradigm, and qualitatively replicate empirical data from children with and without DLD. Across experiments, simulated agents’ only aim was to maximally reduce epistemic uncertainty, with no difference in reward across information sources. We show that rational inattention emerges naturally in specific neurodivergent phenotypes as a function of low endogenous precision. For instance, an agent mimicking the DLD phenotype disengages with speech (and preferentially engages with alternative precise information sources) because endogenous imprecision renders speech not conducive to information gain. Because engagement is necessary for learning, simulation demonstrates how optimal information seeking may paradoxically contribute negatively to an already delayed learning trajectory in neurodivergent children.
Sometimes we should persist to succeed. But other times it might be wiser to give up on the task at hand and focus our energy on something new. Knowing whether a task is worth the effort potentially requires multiple capacities, including sensitivity to one’s own likelihood to succeed on the current problem, the associated costs with continuing to pursue it, and evaluation of opportunities for reward from the success. But these capacities may be particularly challenging for young children. Here we ask how young children are sensitive to cognitive cost (one’s capacity and the opportunity cost of persisting) and reward probability (how likely they are to receive a reward when succeeding) when making decisions. Using a simple counting task, we showed that 4- to 5-year-old children in the US (N = 40, pre-registered) chose to give up more when the task was more difficult (and therefore cognitively more costly), especially when the probability of reward was low. These results extend previous findings and suggest the ability to consider and evaluate cognitive cost and reward probability may be in place by 4 years of age.
Learners use certainty to guide learning. They maintain existing beliefs when certain, but seek further information when they feel uninformed. Here, we review developmental evidence that this metacognitive strategy does not require reportable processing. Uncertainty prompts nonverbal human infants and nonhuman animals to engage in strategies like seeking help, searching for additional information, or opting out. Certainty directs children’s attention and active learning strategies and provides a common metric for comparing and integrating conflicting beliefs across people. We conclude that certainty is a continuous, domain-general signal of belief quality even early in life.
Extensive work has been done on the metacognitive capacities of humans, as well as to investigate metacognitive processes in nonhuman animals. What we propose here, however, is that there are two very different forms that metacognition can take: either model-based (implicating at least a simplified model of the thinker's own mind), or model-free (representing some mental state or process in oneself in the absence of any such model). The focus of all work on human metacognitive judgments has been on the model-based variety, as have been most attempts to discover metacognition in animals. We first review recent studies suggesting that there are no resources shared between human metacognitive judgments and the sorts of behavioral tests employed with animals, implying that the latter fail to provide evidence of even simplified forms of model-based metacognition. Thereafter the question of model-free metacognition in animals is pursued. Negative verdicts are rendered on a pair of possible claims of this sort. But two positive answers are defended. One is that epistemic emotions like curiosity and interest, as well as the signals involved in failed memory searches, implicate representations whose content is, unknown. The other is that decisions to deploy attentional / mental effort (which many animals besides humans can do) depend on appraisals of an analog-magnitude signal representing the extent to which executive resources are engaged.
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Strategic collaboration according to the law of comparative advantage involves dividing tasks based on the relative capabilities of group members. Three experiments (N = 405, primarily White and Asian, 45% female, collected 2016–2019 in Canada) examined how this strategy develops in children when dividing cognitive labor. Children divided questions about numbers between two partners. By 7 years, children allocated difficult questions to the skilled partner (Experiment 1, d = 1.42; Experiment 2, d = 0.87). However, younger children demonstrated a self‐serving bias, choosing the easiest questions for themselves. Only when engaging in a third‐party collaborative task did 5‐year‐olds assign harder questions to the more skilled individual (Experiment 3, d = 0.55). These findings demonstrate early understanding of strategic collaboration subject to a self‐serving bias.
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Significance The ability to detect dominance relationships is essential for survival because it helps individuals weigh the potential costs and benefits of engaging in a physical competition. Here we show that infants as young as 6 mo of age are capable of detecting dominance relations when provided with an ecologically relevant cue such as social group size. Furthermore, infants can infer the social dominance relationship between two competing individuals based on the size of the group to which they belong, and expect individuals from a numerically larger group to get their way. These findings reveal that infants may have an evolutionarily ancient cognitive capacity to represent social dominance relations that is shared with other species within the animal kingdom.
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Metacognition, the ability to assess one's own knowledge, has been targeted as a critical learning mechanism in mathematics education. Yet the early childhood origins of metacognition have proven difficult to study. Using a novel nonverbal task and a comprehensive set of metacognitive measures, we provided the strongest evidence to date that young children are metacognitive. We showed that children as young as 5 years made metacognitive "bets" on their numerical discriminations in a wagering task. However, contrary to previous reports from adults, our results showed that children's metacognition is domain specific: Their metacognition in the numerical domain was unrelated to their metacognition in another domain (emotion discrimination). Moreover, children's metacognitive ability in only the numerical domain predicted their school-based mathematics knowledge. The data provide novel evidence that metacognition is a fundamental, domain-dependent cognitive ability in children. The findings have implications for theories of uncertainty and reveal new avenues for training metacognition in children.
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Preschoolers' ability to make judgments of learning (JOLs) was examined in 3 experiments in which they were taught proper names for animals. In Experiment 1, when judgments were made immediately after studying, nearly every child predicted subsequent recall of every name. When judgments were made after a delay, fewer showed this response tendency. The delayed JOLs of those who predicted at least 1 recall failure were still overconfident, however, and were not correlated with final recall. In Experiment 2, children received a second study trial with feedback, made JOLs after a delay, and completed an additional forced-choice judgment task. In this task, an animal whose name had been recalled was pitted against an animal whose name had not been recalled, and the children chose the one they were more likely to remember later. Compared with Experiment 1, more children predicted at least 1 recall failure and predictions were moderately accurate. In the forced-choice task, animal names that had just been successfully recalled were typically chosen over ones that had not. Experiment 3 examined the effect of providing an additional retrieval attempt on delayed JOLs. Half of the children received a single study session, and half received an additional study session with feedback. Children in the practice group showed less overconfidence than those in the no-practice group. Taken together, the results suggest that, with minimal task experience, most preschoolers understand that they will not remember everything and that if they cannot recall something at present, they are unlikely to recall it in the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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Prior reports that feeling-of-knowing (FOK) accuracy increases through childhood and remains constant during adulthood are inconclusive because (a) they used absolute FOK judgments that can be contaminated by differences in the threshold for claiming to know, (b) they used measures of FOK accuracy that are not invariant across different degrees of recognition-test difficulty, and (c) they did not rule out the possibility that age-related differences in FOK accuracy may be caused by changes in the reliability of FOK judgments. We avoided these methodological problems in two studies by using relative FOK judgments, by computing Goodman-Kruskal gamma coefficients to assess FOK accuracy, and by assessing the test–retest reliability of the subjects' FOK judgments. We found that 6-year-olds had less reliable FOK judgments but greater FOK accuracy than 10-year-olds or 18-year-olds. Moreover, 18- and 70-year-olds had equally reliable FOK judgments and equivalent FOK accuracy. Possible reasons for the greater FOK accuracy of youngsters included their lower rate of commission errors and more frequent recognition of correct answers for their commissions. Implications are drawn for the study of metacognitive development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Young children can quickly and intuitively represent the number of objects in a visual scene through the Approximate Number System (ANS). The precision of the ANS - indexed as the most difficult ratio of two numbers that children can reliably discriminate - is well known to improve with development: whereas infants require relatively large ratios to discriminate number, children can discriminate finer and finer changes in number between toddlerhood and early adulthood. Which factors drive the developmental improvements in ANS precision? Here, we investigate the influence of four non-numeric dimensions - area, density, line length, and time - on ANS development, exploring the degree to which the ANS develops independently from these other dimensions, from inhibitory control, and from domain-general factors such as attention and working memory that are shared between these tasks. A sample of 185 children between the ages of 2 and 12 years completed five discrimination tasks: approximate number, area, density, length, and time. We report three main findings. First, logistic growth models applied to both accuracy and Weber fractions (w; an index of ANS precision) across age reveal distinct developmental trajectories across the five dimensions: while area and length develop by adolescence, time and density do not develop fully until early adulthood, with ANS precision developing at an intermediate rate. Second, we find that ANS precision develops independently of the other four dimensions, which in turn develop independently of the ANS. Third, we find that ANS precision also develops independently from individual differences in inhibitory control (indexed as the difference in accuracy and w between Congruent and Incongruent ANS trials). Together, these results are the first to provide evidence for domain-specific improvements in ANS precision, and place children's maturing perception of number, space, and time into a broader developmental context.
Visual confidence refers to an observer’s ability to judge the accuracy of her perceptual decisions. Even though confidence judgments have been recorded since the early days of psychophysics, only recently have they been recognized as essential for a deeper understanding of visual perception. The reluctance to study visual confidence may have come in part from obtaining convincing experimental evidence in favor of metacognitive abilities rather than just perceptual sensitivity. Some effort has thus been dedicated to offer different experimental paradigms to study visual confidence in humans and nonhuman animals. To understand the origins of confidence judgments, investigators have developed two competing frameworks. The approach based on signal decision theory is popular but fails to account for response times. In contrast, the approach based on accumulation of evidence models naturally includes the dynamics of perceptual decisions. These models can explain a range of results, including the apparently paradoxical dissociation between performance and confidence that is sometimes observed. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Vision Science Volume 2 is September 15, 2016. Please see for revised estimates.
The idea of a common currency underlying our choice behaviour has played an important role in sciences of behaviour, from neurobiology to psychology and economics. However, while it has been mainly investigated in terms of values, with a common scale on which goods would be evaluated and compared, the question of a common scale for subjective probabilities and confidence in particular has received only little empirical investigation so far. The present study extends previous work addressing this question, by showing that confidence can be compared across visual and auditory decisions, with the same precision as for the comparison of two trials within the same task. We discuss the possibility that confidence could serve as a common currency when describing our choices to ourselves and to others.