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* Corresponding author:
Andreas Bartl
Detritus / Volume 03 - 2018 / pages 37-42
© 2018 Cisa Publisher. Open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license
Andreas Bartl *,1, Alan H. Tkaczyk 2, Alessia Amato 3, Francesca Beolchini 3, Vjaceslavs
Lapkovskis 4 and Martina Petranikova 5
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Chemical, Environmental & Bioscience Engineering, Getreidemarkt 9/166,
1060 Vienna, Austria
University of Tartu, Institute of Physics, W. Ostwaldi Street 1, 50411 Tartu, Estonia
Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences-DiSVA, via Brecce Bianche, 60131, Ancona, Italy
Riga Technical University, Lomonosova str 1A/1, 1019 Riga, Latvia
Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kemivägen 4, 421 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
The availability of certain raw materials is crucial to
Europe’s economy (EC 2014). The COST Action CA15102,
Solutions for Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Under Extreme
Conditions (, focuses on the sub-
stitution of CRMs in high value alloys and metal-matrix
composites used under extreme conditions of tempera-
ture, loading, friction, wear, corrosion, in energy, transpor-
tation and machinery manufacturing industries. Presently,
the European Commission identies 26 raw materials or
groups of raw materials of strategic importance; these
materials exhibit both a high supply risk and important
economic impact (EU 2017). The present communication
reviews the current situation for a subset of this list: cobalt,
niobium, tungsten, yttrium, and the rare earth elements
(REE). It is evident that a strategy should be developed for
the identied materials to close the loop and minimize the
demand for virgin resources.
2.1 Cobalt
Cobalt (Co) belongs to group 9 of the periodic table.
The interest in Co is due to its industrially useful properties
including ductility, malleability and magnetizability. These
characteristics, combined with heat resistance (melting
point 1495°C and boiling point 2870°C) and strength, make
cobalt suitable for a wide variety of industrial and military
applications (Minerals UK 2009).
Co has been known since ancient times. The rst evi-
dence dates to 2600 B.C., when blue glazed pottery was
found in Egyptian tombs. Co-containing materials have
been used as pigments for decades. The pure metal was
isolated by Georg Brandt in 1735 (Donaldson and Beyers-
mann 2005).
The vast majority of Co is mined in Congo, which
accounted for 54% of mine production in 2016. Further-
more, about half of the global reserves of Co are estimated
to be in Congo. The importance of other countries is limit-
ed, with the individual share of other countries not exceed-
ing 6%. Table 1 gives an overview of the geographical dis-
tribution of Co mining and reserves.
Typically, Co is used for metallurgical applications, as
a component of superalloys, for the building of turbine
engines for aircrafts, in the chemical sector (catalysts,
adhesives, pigments, agriculture, and medicine), for the
European industry is dependent on the import of raw materials. The European Com-
mission has recognized that some raw materials are crucial for the function of the
European economy and show a high risk of supply shortage. This communication
addresses supply and substitution options for selected critical raw materials: cobalt,
niobium, tungsten, yttrium, and the rare earth elements. For each element, the most
relevant data concerning mining, abundance, recycling rates and possible substi-
tutes are summarized and discussed.
Article Info:
25 January 2018
11 July 2018
22 August 2018
Available online:
10 September 2018
Circular economy
Critical raw materials
A. Bartl et al. / DETRITUS / Volume 03 - 2018 / pages 37-4238
production of cemented carbides, and for the ceramics
and enamels industry (CDI 2006). Nevertheless, the most
common application is the manufacture of lithium-ion bat-
teries, used for the power supply of electronic equipment.
China is the leading consumer of cobalt, with nearly 80%
of its consumption being used by the rechargeable battery
industry (Shedd 2017a).
The recycling of Co is massively dependent on the appli-
cation. Co-containing alloys are reprocessed into similar
alloys and do not require a specic recycling technology.
Hardmetal scrap is commonly recovered within the metal
carbide sector. As lithium-ion batteries are the most com-
mon application, several recycling procedures have been
developed for this area. The process commonly starts with
reductive leaching (e.g. H2SO4, H2O2) followed by extraction
and cobalt precipitation (Chen et al 2011, Pagnanelli et al
2016, Jian et al 2012). Cobalt recycling from applications in
pigments, glass, paints, etc. is not readily possible as these
usages are dissipative (EU 2016).
Table 2 summarizes possible substitutes for Co. For
some applications, however, Co is essential as substitution
would lead to a loss of product performance. This is in par-
ticular the case for the application with the highest share,
lithium-ion batteries (25%). Even though intensive research
is being conducted in this area, a short-term breakthrough
cannot be expected (Nayak 2017).
Considering the many uses, the recent Co demand has
grown and it is essential to counteract the increased pro-
duction of waste with increased recovery efforts (Cheang
and Mohamed, 2016). According to EC 1014b, the end-of-
life recycling input rate in the European Union in 2014 was
16%. For the USA, a recycling rate of 32% was reported in
1998 (Shedd 2004). In a more recent document, howev-
er, the EU Commission estimates the end-of-life recycling
input rate to be zero (EC 2017).
2.2 Niobium
Niobium is a transition element of group 5. Due to its
properties, it belongs to the group of refractory metals
(Bauccio 1993). A Nb-containing oxide was rst described
by Charles Hatchett in 1801 who proposed the name
Columbium (Hatchett 1802). Due to its similar properties,
Nb could not be distinguished from Tantalum until 1865.
Even if the ofcial IUPAC name is Niobium (Nb), the name
Columbium (Cb) is still widely used in North America.
Nb reserves are virtually inexhaustible (Schulz and
Papp 2014), but are classied as critical due to the high
production and deposit concentration in Brazil, as shown
in Table3.
Ferroniobium is by far the most important application
for Nb and consumes almost 90% of the market (TIC 2016).
Ferroniobium itself is used almost exclusively as an alloy-
ing element for steels containing Nb. In particular steel
numbers starting with 1.45 or 1.46 may contain Nb, even if
the concentration is below 1% (DIN 2014). Other end-uses
are Nb chemicals, vacuum-grade Nb master alloys, pure Nb
metal and Nb alloys such as NbTi (TIC 2016).
Commonly, Nb is not recycled as pure element but
Nb-containing steels and superalloys are recycled for the
same alloy. Thus, Nb recycling is not a question of tech-
nology, but of logistics. According to Papp (2017), the
amount of recycled Nb is not available, but it may be as
high as 20%. However, other sources report recycling rate
of 56% (Birat and Sibley 2011). As Nb is used in relatively
low concentrations (<1%) in alloys (DIN 2014), separate
handling of Nb is often not worthwhile. Therefore, the ele-
ment is strongly diluted in iron scrap, where it no longer has
any function. Only recently, the European Commission has
claimed that the end-of-life recycling input rate is as low as
0.3% (EU 2017).
It is reported that Nb can be substituted by other mate-
rials, as summarized in Table 4. In any case, a loss of per-
formance or higher cost accompany the substitutes (Papp
2017). It should also be noted that the possible substitutes
themselves (e.g. W) are critical or mine production is much
lower than for Nb (e.g. Ta). Therefore, it is essential to rein-
troduce Nb into the product cycle. Demand for new ore
could be reduced through improved scrap management.
Mine production 2016 Estimated reserves
[t] Share [1000 t] Share
Congo 66,000 54% 3,400 49%
China 7,700 6% 80 1%
Canada 7,300 6% 270 4%
Russia 6,200 5% 250 4%
Australia 5,100 4% 1,000 14%
Zambia 4,600 4% 270 4%
Cuba 4,200 3% 500 7%
Philippines 3,500 3% 290 4%
Madagascar 3,300 3% 130 2%
New Caledonia 3,300 3% 64 1%
South Africa 3,000 2% 29 0%
United States 690 1% 21 0%
Other countries 8,300 7% 690 10%
World total (rounded) 123,000 7,000
TABLE 1: World Mine Production and estimated reserves of Co (Shedd 2017a).
A. Bartl et al. / DETRITUS / Volume 03 - 2018 / pages 37-42
Nb-containing steel grades should not be mixed with oth-
er steel grades, but rather should be remelted for similar
2.3 Tungsten
Tungsten (W) has the highest melting point of the pure
metals and is irreplaceable in special industrial applica-
tions (BGS 2011). The name tungsten is derived from the
Swedish words tung (heavy) and sten (stone) and goes
back to Frederik Cronstedt, who described a high-densi-
ty mineral in 1757 (ITIA 2011). Juan José de D´Elhuyar is
considered to be the discoverer of tungsten. In 1783, he
reduced tungsten oxide with charcoal (ITIA 2011).
Cemented carbides, also known as hardmetals, are the
main use of tungsten and cover 56% of the market, followed
by steel/alloys (20%), mill products (17%) and others (7%)
(Somerley 2011). Other applications include catalysts, pig-
ments, lubricants, electronics and electrical applications,
solar power, medical and dental applications (Christian
et al. 2011). Special attention is paid to W applications in
materials under extreme conditions (Schubert et al. 2008).
As Table 5 shows, China is of paramount importance
for tungsten production. In 2016, the country accounted
for 82% of mine production. Vietnam, the second largest
producer, is lagging behind and has a share of 7%. No data
are available for the USA, but it has been reported that a
new tungsten mine was opened in northwest Utah in 2016
(Shedd 2017b). In 2016, however, 76% of the tungsten
imported into Europe came from Russia (EC 2014a).
According to Shedd (2011), the recycling rate for tung-
sten in the USA was 46% in 2000. A recent study (Zeiler et
al 2018) shows that on a global scale the end-of-life recy-
cling rate of tungsten (i.e. ratio of old scrap fed back) is
30% by 2016 and the recycling input rate (i.e. ratio of new
and old scrap fed back) is 35%.
Possibilities for W-containing waste materials are
described by Testa et al. (2014) and Shishkin et al. (2010),
for example. Potential substitutes for W are summarized in
Table6. In some applications, however, substitution would
lead to higher costs or loss of product performance (Shedd
2017b). Although depleted uranium or lead are not classi-
ed critical, their use is extremely problematic due to its
toxicity. It should also be noted that tungsten carbide has
unique properties which cannot be met by the suggest-
ed substitutes. For instance, Mohs harness of WC is 9.5,
while MoC lags far behind (5.5). It must be concluded that
tungsten is indispensable for certain applications at the
2.4 Yttrium
Yttrium (Y) is a transition metal but is also considered to
be a rare earth element (REE) along with scandium and the
lanthanoids (Connelly et al. 2005). Y is mainly consumed
in the form of high-purity oxide compounds for phosphors,
in ceramics, electronic devices, lasers, and metallurgical
applications (Gambogi 2016).
World production of Y came almost exclusively from
China, as Table 7 shows. Minor amounts of mine produc-
tion are reported for Brazil, India and Malaysia. However, the
estimated reserves are quite large (more than 0.5 Million t)
and far exceed mine production, which was estimated at
8,000 to 10,000 t in 2015 (Gambogi 2016). In contrast to
mine production, China’s dominance of global reserves is
less pronounced. As shown in Table 7, only 41% of reserves
are estimated in China followed by the USA, Australia and
India. The reserves of Y are linked to those of rare earths
(Gambogi 2016).
In many cases, Y is irreplaceable, as substitutes are
generally much less effective. Especially in electronics,
Application Possible substitutes
Magnets Barium or strontium ferrites, neodymium-iron-boron, nickel-iron alloys
Paints Cerium, iron, lead, manganese, vanadium
For curing unsaturated polyester resins Cobalt-iron-copper or iron-copper in diamond tools; copper-iron-manganese
Cutting and wear-resistant materials Iron, iron-cobalt-nickel, nickel, cermets, ceramics
Lithium-ion batteries; Iron-phosphorous, manganese, nickel-cobalt-aluminum, nickel-cobalt-manganese
Jet engines Nickel-based alloys, ceramics
Petroleum catalysts Nickel
Mine production 2016 Estimated reserves
[t] Share [1000 t] Share
Brazil 58,000 90% 4,100 95%
Canada 5,750 9% 200 5%
Other countries 570 1% n.a. n.a.
World total (rounded) 64,300 4,300
Application Possible substitutes
Alloying elements in high-strength
low-alloy steels
Molybdenum and vanadium
Alloying elements in stainless -
and high-strength steels
Tantalum and titanium
High-temperature applications Ceramics, molybdenum, tantalum,
and tungsten
TABLE 2: Possible substitutes for Co (Shedd 2017a).
TABLE 3: World Mine Production and estimated reserves of Nb (Papp 2017).
TABLE 4: Possible substitutes for Nb (Papp 2017).
A. Bartl et al. / DETRITUS / Volume 03 - 2018 / pages 37-4240
lasers, and phosphors, Y cannot be replaced by other ele-
ments. Yttrium oxide could be substituted by CaO or MgO
as stabilizer in zirconia ceramics, but a lower toughness
has to be accepted (Gambogi 2016).
Yttrium can be extracted from secondary resources
preferably by hydrometallurgical processes, as they are
also used for primary ores (Innocenzi 2014). Currently, no
large scale Y recycling facility is documented (UNEP 2011),
but progress is being made, including investigations into
the recovery of Y from at panel displays, spent optical
glass and ceramic dusts.
2.5 Rare Earth Elements
The rare earth elements (REE) comprise the group of
14 lanthanides, of which promethium exhibits the lowest
natural abundance. In addition to the 14 lanthanides, scan-
dium and yttrium also belong to the REE group (Connelly et
al. 2005), since these elements have chemical and physical
similarities with the lanthanides.
REE are considered to be of critical importance in sus-
Mine production 2016 Estimated reserves
[t] Share [1000 t] Share
China 71,000 82% 1,900 61%
Vietnam 6,000 7% 95 3%
Russia 2,600 3% 83 3%
Other countries 1,700 2% 680 22%
Canada 1,680 * 2%* 290 9%
Bolivia 1,400 2% n.a. n.a.
Austria 860 1% 10 0.3%
Spain 800 1% 32 1%
Rwanda 770 1% n.a. n.a.
United Kingdom 700 1% 51 2%
Portugal 570 1% 3 0.1%
United States n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
World total (rounded) 86,400 3,100
* Data for 2015
Application Possible substitutes
Cemented tungsten carbides Carbides based on molybdenum carbide and titanium carbide, ceramics, ceram-
ic-metallic composites (cermets), tool steel
Tungsten mill products Molybdenum
Tungsten steels Molybdenum steels
Lighting Carbon nanotube laments, induction technology, light-emitting diodes
Applications requiring high-density or the ability to shield radiation Depleted uranium or lead
Armor-piercing projectiles Depleted uranium alloys or hardened steel
Mine production 2011 Estimated reserves
[t] Share [1000 t] Share
China 8,800 99% 220 41%
India 55 0.6% 72 13%
Brazil 15 0.2% 2.2 0.41%
Malaysia 4 0.04% 13 2.4%
USA n.a. n.a. 120 22%
Australia n.a. n.a. 100 19%
Sri Lanka n.a. n.a. 0.24 0.04%
Other countries n.a. n.a. 17 3%
World total (rounded) 8,900 540
TABLE 5: World Mine Production and estimated reserves of W (Shedd 2017b).
TABLE 6: Possible substitutes for Co (Shedd 2017b).
TABLE 7: World Mine Production and estimated reserves of Y (Cordier 2012).
A. Bartl et al. / DETRITUS / Volume 03 - 2018 / pages 37-42
tainable applications. REE and their compounds also nd a
multitude of applications in various branches of industry.
Their demand is due to their use in various high-technol-
ogy applications, for example, phosphors for uorescent
lamps, high strength permanent magnets, metallurgy, and
applications in a number of green energy technologies.
The main applications of REE are catalysts, metallurgy,
magnets, electronics and in optical, medical, and nuclear
technologies (Long et al. 2010).
China plays a dominate role in the production of REE.
As shown in Table 8, China accounted 80% of mine produc-
tion in 2016, followed by Australia with an 11% share. Other
producers are of inferior importance. Global mine produc-
tion in 2016 was around 132,000 t.
REE are relatively abundant in the earth’s crust, and
there are signicant deposits outside China. Even if China
hold 80% of mine production, only 37% of the estimated
reserves are in China. Relevant deposits are located in
Brazil, Thailand, Russia and India. As summarized in Table
8, minor REE deposits are estimated in several other coun-
Despite their highly fragmented applications, viable
recycling technologies are already available today. In real-
ity, however, less than 1% of REE are currently returned to
the production cycle. (UNEP 2011, Tunsu et al. 2015). It is
estimated that improvements in recycling can be achieved,
particularly in the area of magnets, uorescent lamps, bat-
teries and catalysts (Jowitt 2018).
The present paper elucidates the availability, critical
nature, and analysis of production value chains and down-
stream processes of for selected critical elements: cobalt,
niobium, tungsten, yttrium, and the rare earth elements.
The European share of reserves and mine production
of these crucial elements is very low or even zero. Mine
production is often concentrated in a single or very few
countries. For Yttrium, 99% of mine production is in Chi-
na. As the selected elements are crucial for the European
industry, actions to reduce the dependency are strongly
encouraged. On the one hand, the COST Action CA15102
evaluates the possibilities of replacing these critical mate-
rials with common materials without signicant loss of
performance. On the other hand, the demand for critical
materials can be reduced by substituting new ores by sec-
ondary raw materials. It is evident that recycling needs to
be signicantly increased, as current recycling rates fall to
zero (e.g. for Co).
This publication is based upon work from COST Action
CA15102 supported by COST (European Cooperation in
Science and Technology): “Solutions for Critical Raw Mate-
rials Under Extreme Conditions (CRM-EXTREME)”, Working
Group WG 4 – Value chain impact,
Furthermore, the authors would like to acknowledge net-
working support from COST CA15102.
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[t] Share [1000 t] Share
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United States 5,900* 4% 1,400 1%
Russia 3,000 2% 18,000 15%
India 1,700 1% 6,900 6%
Brazil 1,100 1% 22,000 18%
Thailand 800 1% 22,000 18%
Malaysia 300 0.2% 30 0.03%
Vietnam 300 0.2% n.a. n.a.
South Africa n.a. n.a. 860 1%
Canada n.a. n.a. 830 1%
Greenland n.a. n.a. 1,500 1%
Malawi n.a. n.a. 136 0.1%
World total (rounded) 132,000 120,000
* Data for 2015
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share, economic limitations and future potential, ITIA Tungsten
Newsletter, May 2018, 1-18.
... In addition, the high demand for cobalt also results from a growing market for electronics, which is present in every aspect of our lives and more people can now afford such devices. Apart from its application in the production of LiBs, cobalt is very important in metallurgical applications as a component of superalloys, e.g., for turbine engines for aircrafts [6,7], in the chemical industry as catalysts, adhesives, pigments, and sensors [8,9], in the ceramic and enamel industry [9,10], or in medicine [11,12]. ...
... In addition, the high demand for cobalt also results from a growing market for electronics, which is present in every aspect of our lives and more people can now afford such devices. Apart from its application in the production of LiBs, cobalt is very important in metallurgical applications as a component of superalloys, e.g., for turbine engines for aircrafts [6,7], in the chemical industry as catalysts, adhesives, pigments, and sensors [8,9], in the ceramic and enamel industry [9,10], or in medicine [11,12]. ...
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This article presents studies on the recovery of cobalt from a spent cobalt oxide catalyst, left after the preparation of industrial catalysts. Apart from cobalt, the tested material contained iron, copper, zinc, and nickel. Leaching was proposed as a simple and feasible operation to treat the spent cobalt oxide. The 0.1–8.0 M H2SO4 solutions were applied as leaching agents at an ambient temperature and at 70 °C. An 8.0 M H2SO4 solution at 70 °C leached two-fold more Co(II) than a 0.1 M H2SO4 solution at the same temperature. Similar to Co(II), regardless of the leaching temperature, the Fe ion was leached more efficiently with 4.0 or 8.0 M H2SO4 than with a 0.1 M acid. It should be emphasized that the Co(II) content in the solution after leaching was predominant at >90% (~4800 mg/dm3), compared to other metal ions. The ANOVA analysis indicated that both the sulfuric(VI) acid concentration and temperature had a significant effect on the leaching efficiency. An increase in acid concentration from 0.1 to 8 M and the temperature of leaching (from ambient to 70 °C) had a positive effect on the Co leaching efficiency (an increase from ~20 to almost 50%). The proposed hydrometallurgical treatment of the spent cobalt oxide catalyst is a response to the waste-to-resource (WTR) approach.
... The excellent characteristics of niobium (Nb), such as high-temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and superconductivity, make it widely used in high-strength corrosionresistant low-alloy steels, aerospace materials, superconducting materials, advanced electronics, medicine, the nuclear industry, and many other areas [1][2][3][4]. Brazil as a single country is responsible for over 90% of global niobium production [5,6]. The growing demand for niobium will lead to a combination of supply risk and economic importance indices [4]. ...
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With the development of the steel industry, China’s demand for niobium is increasing. However, domestic niobium resources are not yet stably supplied and are heavily dependent on imports from abroad (nearly 100%). It is urgent to develop domestic niobium resources. The Bayan Obo deposit is the largest rare earth element deposit in the world and contains a huge amount of niobium resources. However, the niobium resource has not been exploited due to the fine-grained size and heterogeneous and scattered occurrences of Nb minerals. To promote the utilization of niobium resources in the Bayan Obo deposit, we focused on the mineralogical and geochemical characterization of six types of ores and mineral processing samples from the Bayan Obo deposit, using optical microscopes, EPMA, TIMA, and LA–ICP–MS. Our results show that: (1) the niobium mineral compositions are complex, with the main Nb minerals including aeschynite group minerals, columbite–(Fe), fluorcalciopyrochlore, Nb–bearing rutile, baotite, fergusonite–(Y), fersmite, and a small amount of samarskite–(Y). Aeschynite group minerals, columbite–(Fe), and fluorcalciopyrochlore are the main niobium-carrying minerals and should be the primary focus of industrial recycling and utilization. Based on mineralogical and geochemical investigation, the size of the aeschynite group minerals is large enough for mineral processing. Aeschynite group minerals are thus a significant potential recovery target for niobium, as well as for medium–heavy REE resources. The Nb–rich aegirine-type ores with aeschynite group mineral megacrysts are suggested to be the most significant niobium resource for mineral processing and prospecting. Combined with geological features, mining, and mineral processing, niobium beneficiation efforts of aeschynite group minerals are crucial for making breakthroughs in the utilization of niobium resources at the Bayan Obo.
... The missing link necessary to complete the cycle of applicability of these composites is the requirement for the end-of-life recycling [13]. The primary purpose is to highlight the available technologies for recycling fibre-reinforced composites and the socio-economic and other environmental implications, using aluminium-based composites as an example. ...
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High strength fibres of carbon, boron, silicon carbide, tungsten, and other materials are widely used to reinforce metal matrix composite materials. Carbon and boron fibers are usually used to reinforce light alloys based on aluminum and magnesium. Products made from these materials are characterized by high strength and rigidity and can be used for a long time. Technological waste containing such fibres are hazardous to the environment because they are durable and have needle-like and other sharp shapes. Therefore, they must be disposed of with extreme care. A significant incentive for the processing and reuse of waste composites of this type is the relatively high cost of production of the primary fibre and the material as a whole. With the increase in the production of such materials in recent years, the need to recycle composite waste is becoming increasingly important. Three main options for primary processing are used to prepare composites for their subsequent use. They are mechanical, thermal, and chemical grinding technologies. One of the actual and practical areas of processing technology is the method of powder metallurgy. This paper presents the main stages of processing composite materials based on an aluminium matrix and B-W fibres to obtain powder compositions. The results of the studies showing the possibility of the effective use of the obtained crushed waste to manufacture concrete products and the production of cutting and grinding tools are presented.
... TiAl-Si alloys have been developed as a replacement for materials containing critical metals (especially cobalt, tungsten, chromium, or niobium) [80,81]. In 2010, the European Union (EU) published a study on critical raw materials. ...
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This paper describes the effect of silicon on the manufacturing process, structure, phase composition, and selected properties of titanium aluminide alloys. The experimental generation of TiAl–Si alloys is composed of titanium aluminide (TiAl, Ti3Al or TiAl3) matrix reinforced by hard and heat-resistant titanium silicides (especially Ti5Si3). The alloys are characterized by wear resistance comparable with tool steels, high hardness, and very good resistance to oxidation at high temperatures (up to 1000 °C), but also low room-temperature ductility, as is typical also for other intermetallic materials. These alloys had been successfully prepared by the means of powder metallurgical routes and melting metallurgy methods.
... Once associated with instead of transition metals, gold can be dissolved under alkaline conditions using the electrochemical process of biocyanidation via stable dicyanoaurate complex formation with gold ions (Li et al. 2020). The concentration of some rare earth elements (REEs) and valuable metals in e-waste as secondary sources is often comparatively higher than natural ores from the earth's crust (Bartl et al. 2018). ...
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Solid waste, especially electronic waste is increasingly considered as secondary sources of base, critical, precious, rare and heavy metals. Some microorganisms that possess specific metabolic pathways, adapted to the recycling of these materials, have been shown to be a cost-effective resource in the bioleaching of such secondary sources. Bioleaching not only provides an efficient alternative to extract and recuperate metals, but it also provides a green approach for tackling environmental challenges. As such, while environmental concerns have limited the use of chemical cyanidation, biocyanidation is a more sustainable approach that utilises cyanogenic organisms that are able to solubilise gold and other noble metals via cyanogenesis and through the production of specific metabolites and siderophores. To illustrate this process, this review describes cyanogenesis and explores its use and associated challenges through the cyanogenic metabolic pathways (i.e. enzymes and intracellular functions), biocyanidation and metal complexation. In addition, the following process of metal-cyanide complex formation is also summarised. Finally, recent biotechnological developments, which promote recovery and provide guidance for the improvement of downstream processes for recovery from pregnant solutions, will be described.
... However, overexploitation and outdated technology in past decades has caused serious environmental pollution and the generation of large amounts of tungsten slag in China (Liu et al., 2010). Therefore, under tighter environmental requirements and government management, the exports of the main intermediate, Ammonium Para Tungstate (APT) powder products from China has decreased in recent years, but China is still the world's main producer of primary tungsten, accounting for almost 80% of output in 2016 (Bartl et al., 2018). ...
... A recent work by Bartl et al. [10] deals with the substitution possibility and supply chain of CRMs such as cobalt, niobium, tungsten, yttrium, and REE. For each element, the most relevant data concerning mining, abundance, recycling rates, and possible substitutes are updated. ...
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The European Union (EU) identified a number of raw materials that are strategic for its economy but suffer at the same time from a high supply risk. Such critical raw materials (CRMs) are used in a wide range of commercial and governmental applications: green technology, telecommunications, space exploration, aerial imaging, aviation, medical devices, micro-electronics, transportation, defense, and other high-technology products and services. As a result, the industry, the environment, and our quality and modern way of life are reliant on the access and use of them. In this scenario, recycling may be a strategic mitigating action aimed at reducing the critical raw materials supply risks. In this work, a design strategy is proposed for alloys selection that minimizes the number of CRMs with the lowest end-of-life recycling input rate. The method is illustrated with an example.
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Resumen La Economía Circular (EC) emerge como alternativa a la insostenibilidad de la economía lineal y, cada vez se produce más información y más propuestas científicas. Esta tendencia señala la importancia que va adquiriendo la disciplina. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de la producción científica en materia de EC mediante un estudio bibliométrico empleando la base de datos Web of Science, 2017-2022. Los resultados muestran que en dos años se ha cuatriplicado la producción científica, identificando 136 grupos de trabajo, entre otros hallazgos destacan cuatro equipos de investigadores en torno al tema de logística inversa con el mayor número de citas en el tema. De las 377 publicaciones sobre EC, el análisis de citas conduce a redes con pocos nodos, lo que sugiere que son estudios poco analizados en la literatura, sin embargo, en la co-citación se muestra mayor interés en los vínculos entre artículos.
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Meeting consumers’ demands for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) products in the face of diminishing natural resources necessitate a shift from take-make-dispose to circular economy approaches. Mobile handsets are ubiquitous but only a fraction are returned into the economy at the end; many are locked in consumers' households. These small EEE hold residual value as well as critical resources, such as Rare Earth Elements. Incentives for destockpiling exist but are insufficient to alter long-term end-of-use behaviour. Household recycling behaviour tends to be used as a template for EEE end-of-use. But established explanatory factors for household recycling might not be fully relevant for small electronic devices: their size permits stockpiling, whilst their continued utility can encourage retention as back-up or “safety” devices. This study aimed to elucidate the relevance of factors specific to the nature of small EEE, notably their physical characteristics and working order. A panel of academics and professionals from the global waste and resource management sector was consulted using Delphi methods. The results show that factors commonly applied to foster recycling, such as altruism or pro-environmental behaviour, do not necessarily apply to small EEE. On the other hand, the device’s features and working order are critical factors in the end-of-use decision-making process. This study concludes that practical and situational factors should be used to favourably alter decisions for small EEE, including devices’ characteristics. In effect, updated situational factors could unlock a global “destockpile lifestyle” to realise full value from the reuse and recycling of small EEE.
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Recycling is an essential part of the global tungsten flow. A wide variety of recycling technologies for tungsten exists today. Processes are tailored to deal with different scrap types and to produce well-defined recycling products. The paper presents the current share of recycling in the global tungsten flow and elaborates on the economy of recycling. The available recycling technologies and their industrial relevance is summarized. Based on the tungsten end-use pattern and the associated tungsten products, the future potential of tungsten recycling is discussed.
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Mobile and stationary energy storage by rechargeable batteries is a topic of broad societal and economical relevance. Lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology is at the forefront of the development, but a massively growing market will likely put severe pressure on resources and supply chains. Recently, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have been reconsidered with the aim of providing a lower-cost alternative that is less susceptible to resource and supply risks. On paper, the replacement of lithium by sodium in a battery seems straightforward at first, but unpredictable surprises are often found in practice. What happens when replacing lithium by sodium in electrode reactions? This review provides a state-of-the art overview on the redox behavior of materials when used as electrodes in lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, respectively. Advantages and challenges related to the use of sodium instead of lithium are discussed.
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A composite material (CM), containing boron-tungsten fibres and aluminium-alloy matrix is investigated. A method of grinding has been used for processing of CM Al-W-B. The grinding has been carried out in several stages in order to obtain a powder with pre-determined particle size. A morphology of Al-W-B CM particles is described. Particle size depends on the degree of comminution, and is defined within the range of 1-350 μm. The CM powder contains milled aluminium-alloy matrix and finely dispersed boron and tungsten. The chemical composition of the investigated material has been established. Results of the study of morphology and particle dimensions of the Al-W-B CM powder, and crushing mechanism are shown. A dependence of energy spent on the degree of milling is shown. Possible applications of the Al-W-B composite powder as a ligature in metallurgy, and for a composite ceramics are noted.
The rare earth elements (REE) are vital to modern technologies and society and are amongst the most critical of the critical elements. Despite these facts, typically only around 1% of the REE are recycled from end-products, with the rest deporting to waste and being removed from the materials cycle. This paper provides an overview of the current and future potential of the recycling of the REE, including outlining the significant but currently unrealised potential for increased amounts of REE recycling from end-uses such as permanent magnets, fluorescent lamps, batteries, and catalysts. This future potential will require a significant amount of research but increasing the amount of REE recycling will contribute to the overcoming some of the criticality issues with these elements. These include increased demand, issues over security of supply, and overcoming the balance problem where primary mine-derived sources overproduces lower demand REE without necessarily meeting demands for the higher demand REE.
Studies of the removal of cobalt were carried out in a batch cell via an electrogenerative system. Use of electrogenerative system had successfully demonstrated the feasibility of recovery of co-ions simultaneously. Studies of removal of cobalt from chloride solution were accomplished using ammonium chloride as supporting electrolyte medium. The influence of catholyte and supporting electrolyte concentrations on cobalt recovery were carried out by varying the initial cobalt concentrations and ammonium chloride concentration respectively. The result showed that 0.50 M of ammonium chloride was the optimum concentration with < 95% of cobalt being removed from an initial Co(II) concentration of 200 mgL-1 in 4 h of operation. A high free energy of – 403.89 kJ mole-1 was generated in the electrogenerative process. Cell performance of 85.6% with 100% cobalt recovery was obtained from 200 mg L-1 of Co2+ in 0.5 M NH4Cl. The influence of pH adjustment was examined at pH 7. The morphology of cobalt deposited was also observed by scanning electron microscopy.
An innovative process was optimized to recover Co from portable Lithium Ion Batteries (LIB). Pilot scale physical pretreatment was performed to recover electrodic powder from LIB. Co was extracted from electrodic powder by a hydrometallurgical process including the following main stages: leaching (by acid reducing conditions), primary purification (by precipitation of metal impurities), solvent extraction with D2EPHA (for removal of metal impurities), solvent extraction with Cyanex 272 (for separation of cobalt from nickel), cobalt recovery (by precipitation of cobalt carbonate). Tests were separately performed to identify the optimal operating conditions for precipitation (pH 3.8 or 4.8), solvent extraction with D2EHPA (pH 3.8; Mn/D2EHPA=4; 10% TBP; two sequential extractive steps) and solvent extraction with Cyanex 272 (pH 3.8; Cyanex/Cobalt=4, 10% TBP, one extractive step). The sequence of optimized process stages was finally performed to obtain cobalt carbonate. Products with different degree of purity were obtained depending on the performed purification steps (precipitation with or without solvent extraction). 95% purity was achieved by implementation of the process including the solvent extraction stages with D2EHPA and Cyanex 272 and final washing for sodium removal.