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Neural-Network-Controlled Spring Mass Template for Humanoid Running


Abstract and Figures

To generate dynamic motions such as hopping and running on legged robots, model-based approaches are usually used to embed the well studied spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model into the whole-body robot. In producing controlled "SLIPic" behaviors, existing methods either suffer from online incompatibility or resort to classical interpolations based on lookup tables. Alternatively, this paper presents the application of a data-driven approach which obviates the need for solving the inverse of the running return map online. Specifically, a deep neural network is trained offline with a large amount of simulation data based on the SLIP model to learn its dynamics. The trained network is applied online to generate reference foot placements for the humanoid robot. The references are then mapped to the whole-body model through a QP-based inverse dynamics controller. Simulation experiments on the WALK-MAN robot are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in generating bio-inspired and robust running motions.
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Neural-Network-Controlled Spring Mass Template for Humanoid Running
Songyan Xin, Brian Delhaisse, Yangwei You, Chengxu Zhou,
Mohammad Shahbazi, Nikos Tsagarakis
Abstract To generate dynamic motions such as hopping and
running on legged robots, model-based approaches are usually
used to embed the well studied spring-loaded inverted pen-
dulum (SLIP) model into the whole-body robot. In producing
controlled SLIP-like behaviors, existing methods either suffer
from online incompatibility or resort to classical interpolations
based on lookup tables. Alternatively, this paper presents the
application of a data-driven approach which obviates the need
for solving the inverse of the running return map online.
Specifically, a deep neural network is trained offline with a
large amount of simulation data based on the SLIP model to
learn its dynamics. The trained network is applied online to
generate reference foot placements for the humanoid robot. The
references are then mapped to the whole-body model through a
QP-based inverse dynamics controller. Simulation experiments
on the WALK-MAN robot are conducted to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of the proposed approach in generating bio-inspired
and robust running motions.
The Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) model is
a well recognized template model [1] for hopping and
running based on the biomechanical studies [2], [3]. Despite
its simplicity, it accurately describes the CoM dynamics,
ground reaction force profiles, and transitioning between
different phases of motion observed in humans [4]. Thanks
to its reductive and platform-independent model, it has been
widely used in the design and control of legged robots [5]–
[8]. In particular, the controlled SLIP is used as a planner
in the high-level control structures of robot to provide it
with references that are implicitly consistent with the natural
dynamics of running.
The SLIP running is a dynamic gait rendering cyclic
stability, which requires a sufficiently large prediction hori-
zon for control. Early studies in this regard are largely
influenced by the simple intuitive control implemented on
Raibert’s hoppers [9]. The machines were able to exhibit
dynamic behaviors while it was assumed that the control
of hopping height, speed and posture are decomposed. Al-
though inspiring, all those robots share similar design of
light prismatic legs, i.e., a SLIP-like morphology. When
it comes to controlling legged robots with non SLIP-like
morphologies like a humanoid, such an intuitive approach
inspired by biology alone shows limited success. Moreover,
the aforementioned decoupling leads to long convergence
time due to the simplistic model used for control.
A large body of research in the SLIP literature has been
directed towards more accurate and realistic controls, most
of which may be categorized into two schemes: the methods
Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via
Morego, 30, 16163 Genova, Italy.
Fig. 1. WALK-MAN Lower body running in simulation. The Center of
Mass dynamics of the robot is controlled to match that of a SLIP model. A
neural network trained offline with a large amount of SLIP simulation data
is used to encode the foot placement behaviour.
which implement dead-beat like controllers through solv-
ing the running return maps [10]–[13]; and tabular control
methods relying on look-up tables constructed upon the
data generated by comprehensive forward-in-time simula-
tions covering a wide range of SLIP states and parameters
[14]–[16]. Application of the former to online control is
not preferred, due to the non-linear optimization inevitably
involved in the computations. The latter is fast enough
for online implementation since a look-up table can be
constructed offline. However, it is practical only for the range
of parameters using which the look-up table is constructed.
Moreover, the size of the table grows exponentially with
the number of the input variables, which challenges the
generality of the approach.
The present work strives to fill the gap between the non-
linear optimization method and the classical look-up table
method by using a deep neural network. The network is
trained offline with large amount of simulation data based
on the SLIP model to learn its dynamics. Once this most
time-consuming part has been done, the trained network
could be easily deployed online for real-time querying. The
knowledge learned from simulation data are encoded in a
limited number of weight parameters and this parametric
representation does not enlarge with inputs and outputs.
Comparing to the look-up table approach, the interpolation
between data are naturally embedded inside the network.
Having developed an effective data-driven controller for
the SLIP planner, we consider the embedding of the template
behaviors into the whole-body robot. At this stage we need
to focus also on the abstracted out dynamics such as the
touchdown impact and torso stabilization. The former is
known to be a real challenge in control of legged robots in
general and dynamic gaits in particular, as the impact phe-
nomenon is a fuzzy phase of motion. In order to make sure
that the planned template behaviors, which are intentionally
constrained to be energy conservative, remain feasible for
the real robot, we adopt an energy regulation technique that
determines the takeoff moment as the moment at which the
energy lost due to the touchdown impact has been restored.
Application of this takeoff event condition on top of the
previously proposed leg length modulation [17] remarkably
improves the robustness against uncertainties introduced by
the touchdown impact and other unmodeled dynamics in
the planning phase. This takeoff event modulation together
with the CoM reference trajectory and the touchdown angle
tracking, all planned by the controlled SLIP, are mapped into
the whole-body robot through a state-of-the-art QP-based
inverse dynamics controller.
The paper is arranged as follows. In Section II-A, the
SLIP model and its dynamics in stance and flight phase are
described. Section II-B gives details about how the training
data are generated and how it is used to train the neural
network. Section III-A deals with the mapping issue from
template model to whole-body model. Section III-B presents
the formulation of whole-body controller. Simulation results
are presented in Section IV and conclusions are given in
Section V.
A. Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
Fig. 2. The spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model. The figure
shows the sequence of events (Apex-TD-TO-Apex) and phases (flight-
stance-flight) involved in one step of running. The leg angle at TD moment
(θT D ) decides the evolution of stance and ascending flight phases.
The spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model con-
sists of a point mass mand a massless spring with stiffness k
and rest length l0as shown in Figure 2. Three phases (flight-
stance-flight) are involved in one step of the running motion
and they are separated by touchdown (TD) and takeoff (TO)
events. During flight phase, the mass follows a ballistic
projectile trajectory with the dynamics:
(¨x= 0
where (x, z)are the coordinates of the point mass in sagittal
plane, and gis the gravitational acceleration. The massless
leg can be arbitrarily positioned during flight phase in
preparation for the touchdown. At the touchdown moment,
the system switches to stance phase, the point mass follows
the dynamics:
m¨z=k[l0(x2+z2)1/21]zmg (2)
Once the leg length l=p(x2+z2)reaches its rest length
l0during spring extension, the system takes off and enters
the flight phase again.
The apex point ( ˙z= 0) during flight phase is usually
chosen to study the periodic motion of system. At the apex
point, the system state can be described by one variable ˙x
(or z) due to the total energy conservation:
2m˙x2+mgz E(3)
where Eis the total energy of the system which is conserved
throughout the whole process. Here the velocity ˙xat apex
point is chosen since we are more interested in regulating
the running speed. Given the speed at one apex point, the
system behavior in the ensuing stance and flight phases is
fully determined by the touchdown angle θT D. The next apex
state is a function of current apex state and the touchdown
˙xn+1 =f( ˙xn, θT D,n)(4)
where ndenotes the current running step. A one step
deadbeat controller emerges by inverting this apex return
T D,n =f1( ˙xn,˙x
where θ
T D,n is the touchdown angle that ensures reaching
the desired velocity ˙x
n+1 at the next apex. However, the
hybrid nature of the return map and nonlinearity of stance
phase dynamics (2) exclude the possibility of finding a closed
form solution for this inverse relationship. As such, the
problem of finding θ
T D,n is inevitably transformed into a
nonlinear optimization problem:
T D,n = argmin
n+1 f( ˙xn, θ)|
s.t. θmin < θ < θmax
where θis the touchdown angle to be optimized to bring the
system state at next apex f( ˙xn, θ)as close as possible to the
desired one ˙x
n+1 respecting the angle limits. Usually, this
time-consuming optimization process can only be conducted
offline, while convergence cannot be guaranteed. These lim-
itations motivate us to explore a different possibility which
better suits the online implementation requirement, that is a
neural-network-based representation for the inverse mapping
B. Deep Neural Network Controller
The proposed neural network takes the inputs [ ˙xn,˙x
and outputs the touchdown angle θ
T D,n. A deep learning
techniques is adopted to train the network offline. The trained
network is then applied online which produces an output for
every possible inputs. Below, we first describe how valid
datasets are generated for training the network and then
present the structure of the neural network and the training
process in detail.
1) Data Generation: The neural network under con-
sideration learns from datasets that comes from apex-to-
apex simulations of the SLIP model as given in (4). Each
simulation produces one dataset. For simplicity, we choose
a constant energy level and all simulations are performed
with this energy level Econs. Given a fixed energy level,
the initial state can be completely determined by an initial
horizontal velocity ˙x0. Together with a touchdown angle θ0,
we can simulate forward the SLIP model to get the next apex
velocity ˙x1=f( ˙x0, θ0). At this point, a training example has
been generated. A general representation of this process is:
1=f( ˙x(i)
0, θ(i)
from which a training example (x(i),y(i))is collected as:
(x(i)= [ ˙x(i)
y(i)= [θ(i)
where i=1,2, ..., n. Repeating this process with a different
initial velocity and touchdown angle, the whole data set can
be collected:
. . .
. . .
One thing worth mentioning is that the initial velocity
0and touchdown angle θ(i)
0can be chosen randomly but
should be within reasonable limits. Specifically, touchdown
angle limits are defined as: θ[0,tan1(µ)] where µis
the static friction coefficient. The velocity is limited in the
range [0,p2(Econs mgl0)/m]where the upper bound is
defined with respect to the minimum height (rest length l0),
the slip model can take. Below is the pseudocode used to
generate the training data sets. To be concise, we have not
Algorithm 1: Generating the training data sets
1X,Y= [], [];
2for simulation (i=0, i<n, i++) do
0=rand(0,p2(Econs mgl0)/m);
1=f( ˙x(i)
0, θ(i)
6x(i)= [ ˙x(i)
7y(i)= [θ(i)
8X.insert(x(i)) ;
9Y.insert(y(i)) ;
10 end
presented the guard functions inside the forward simulation
we used to eliminate those bad data examples such as certain
combination of ˙x(i)
0and θ(i)
0which leads to negative vertical
velocity at TO moment. In this paper, the parameters used
for training is Econs = 750, m = 85, l0= 0.8, k = 42500.
A training set of size 30000 is collected and 5% of it has
been used as test set.
2) Neural Network Structure and Training: To learn
the generated data, a fully-connected feed-forward network
(FNN) has been used. Compared to tabular approaches [14]
which check the entry closest to a given input and produce
the associated output, FNN allows to generalize to different
inputs. In addition, it can model non-linear functions by using
non-linear activation functions, improving over the previous
linear methods [18]. For a given input x(i), we can define
the FNN in a recursive way as follows:
hl=fl(Wlhl1+bl),l∈ {1,· · · , L}
with h0=x(i)and hL=ˆy(i),(10)
where Lis the total number of layers, flis the activation
function applied on the corresponding layer l,Wlare the
weight matrices, blare the bias terms, and ˆy(i)is the
predicted output. We can summarize the above equation by
ˆy(i)=fNN (x(i);W)where W={W1,b1,· · · ,WL,bL}
are the weights that need to be optimized. In our experiments,
our network has 3 hidden layers with 20, 50, and 20 units
respectively. We used ‘relu’ as the non-linear activation func-
tion for each hidden layer. To avoid overfitting, we regularize
our network using dropout. The training was carried out
using the mean-squared loss:
||y(i)fNN (x(i);W)||2,(11)
along with the Adam optimizer. We trained the network for
100 epochs using a batch size of 128, and a learning rate of
We now describe how the planned template behaviors are
encoded into the whole-body robot. The humanoid robot used
for the simulations is the WALK-MAN [19]. In simulation
we only use the lower-body of the robot for simplicity but
with the idea in mind that the upper body could improve
the performance by fully utilizing the swing motion of arms
The Equations of Motion of the robot in the standard form
are given as:
q+G(q) = ST
where H(q)is the mass matrix, C(q,˙
qis the velocity
terms and G(q)is the gravitational forces. λsymbolizes the
ground reaction forces (GRFs) and Jcis the corresponding
contact Jacobian. q= [qT
a]Trepresents the generalized
coordinates which include the 6 DoF floating-base coordi-
nates qfand actuated body joint coordinates qa,τis joint
torques and Sτ= [0na×6,Ina]is a selection matrix for the
actuated joints.
A. SLIP model to Whole-body Model
The fundamental difference between the template and real
robot models is the inertia distribution. Different from the
SLIP model which can arbitrarily position its mass-less leg
during the flight phase, the swinging movement of heavy
legs of our humanoid robot would cause noticeable change
in the torso orientation. One needs to carefully consider
this in designing the swing leg movement, otherwise the
robot can shortly lose the balance. We avoid this problem
by limiting the movement speed of swing leg at a cost of
velocity regulation speed.
Apart from that, the effect of touchdown impact for the
robot with heavy legs is severe, and it results in considerable
energy loss in each step. Since our SLIP model simulation
is conducted at a certain energy level (3), it is critical to
maintain the same energy level for the robot to ensure
relevant mapping. A number of strategies are proposed to
compensate the energy loss. In [17], an energy correction
law is proposed to inject energy with pre-compressed spring
leg before touchdown based on a pre-computed value of the
energy loss assuming an ideal inelastic impact.
Eloss =1
The resting length of the spring at touchdown is changed
0+ ∆l(14)
where l=p2∆Eloss/k. In practice, we find it difficult to
compute an accurate estimation of the energy loss due to the
touchdown timing inaccuracy and impact model mismatch.
The impact is usually modelled as an elastic contact lasting
for a period grater than an instant. As such, techniques
relying merely on feed-forward calculations such as the one
presented above may not guarantee an appropriate energy
regulation. To tackle this issue, we propose a touchdown
energy boost up and takeoff energy cut-off action pair. At
TD instant, extra boost up energy Eboost has been added
so as to make sure that the system will achieve higher energy
level when the leg extends to reach
0+ ∆l+ ∆lboost (15)
where lboost =p2∆Eboost/k is the extra extension due
to boost energy. However, for the TO detection, instead of
checking leg length, energy checking will be used to decide
the TO moment:
T O :E=1
2mv2+mgz > Econs (16)
where Econs is the desired energy level, beyond this level,
the robot switches to flight phase immediately. Applying this
method on the humanoid robot, we are able to bring the
system energy to desired level in one step.
B. Whole-body torque controller
Whole-body dynamics controller receives CoM position,
torso orientation, feet poses and contact state (no support,
left foot support, right foot support, double support) as
inputs and generate joint torques as outputs. Inside the con-
troller, a quadratic programming (QP) problem is formulated
[20] [21] [22] [23] [24]. The optimization variable x=
qT,λT]Tcombines generalized acceleration and ground
reaction forces. Joint torques τcan be easily calculated with
(12). The cost function is a weighted combination of multiple
Each task is defined by the corresponding Qimatrix and ci
vector and corresponding weights ωi. During the optimiza-
tion process, several constraints are considered:
q+Gb(q) = JT
q= 0,(19)
τ[τmin,τmax ],(20)
where subscript bin (18) stands for the 6 DoF of floating
base and this constraints ensure the dynamic feasibility. (19)
makes sure there is no slip in contact points, (20) reinforces
joint torque limits. For each contact point, the contact wrench
is defined as λi= [fix, fiy , fiz , mix , miy , miz ]T, where f
and mdenote force and torque. The nonlinear friction cone
is approximated as a linear polyhedral cone which limits the
contact force in feasible range with respect to the friction
coefficient µ:|fix/fiz | ≤ µ,|fiy /fiz | ≤ µ. The unilateral
constraints fiz >0make sure the robot stays in contact
with the ground. Finally, d
xmiy/fiz d+
mix/fiz d+
yrestricts the ZMP inside support polygon
which is a rectangle defined within the limits [d
x, d+
y, d+
y]based on the foot geometry.
Tracking of main tasks such as centroidal dynamics [25]
(CoM tracking and angular momentum dissipation) and body
position and orientation tracking are explained below. The
whole-body linear momentum lGand angular momentum
kGare commanded with PD control laws:
GpG) + Kl
where pdes
Gand ¨
Gare desired CoM position, velocity
and acceleration which come from the template model trajec-
tory. pGand ˙
pGdenote the current state of the CoM. Kl
dare the feedback gains. For the angular momentum part
kG, we only dissipate it and Kk
dis the damping coefficient
and kGis the current angular momentum of the robot.
For any interested part of the robot, its position and
orientation can be also tracked through PD control laws:
pref =¨
pdes +Kp
p(pdes p) + Kp
pdes ˙
ωref =˙
ωdes +Kω
plog(Rdes RT) + Kω
d(ωdes ω)(22)
where pdes,˙
pdes and ¨
pdes are respectively the desired position,
velocity and acceleration which come from the template
model. Rdes,ωdes and ˙
ωdes are respectively the desired ori-
entation, angular velocity and angular acceleration. pand ˙
denote the current position and velocity. Rand ωare current
orientation and current angular velocity. log(Rdes
the logarithm of a orientation matrix which gives the error
between the desired and current orientation [26].
The simulation environment used in this paper is Gazebo +
ROS (Robot Operating System). The default physics engine
ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) has been chosen to simulate
the whole-body robot. The control loop runs at 1 kHz and
control commands are sent to Gazebo through ROS. Two
dimensional sagittal plane hopping has been simulated first
to verify the proposed method. After that, running in three
dimensional space has been conducted by composing two
template models [27].
A. Hopping in Sagittal Plane
Fig. 3. Snapshot of sagittal plane hopping. The green sphere represents
the CoM of the whole-body robot. The three green traces show the history
of CoM and center points of the feet. Two states (Stance and Flight) and
two events (TD and TO) are involved.
The hopping motion in sagittal plane can be well ap-
proximated by a two dimensional SLIP model. Two phases
involved in the motion: stance phase and flight phase. A state
machine has been employed to monitor the phase transitions.
It is constantly checking TO or TD event to trigger the
corresponding transition. TD happens when the feet touch
the ground. Different checking methods (feet height, force-
torque sensor) may trigger the transition at varying moment.
Thanks to the energy boost and cut-off (15) (16) correction,
the robot could end up with the same TO energy level.
Tasks involved in each phase are different. The whole-
body controller will switch between the various tasks based
on the state machine.
During the stance phase, tasks being closely tracked are:
centroidal dynamics (21), torso orientation regulation (22)
and ground reaction force distribution (equal distribution
between the feet). For the feet, no specified goals are given,
they adapt to the ground due to the non-slip constraints (19).
At the TD moment, the high level controller will forward
simulate once with the SLIP model (rest length modified for
energy injection purpose) to get the whole CoM trajectory
during the following stance phase. This CoM trajectory is
then been used as desired tracking trajectory for the whole-
body controller.
During the flight phase, the robot is under-actuated. The
system CoM follows a ballistic trajectory. The only task
to be controlled is the foot placement. In this work, no
trajectories are specifically designed for the feet. The foot
placement targets with respect to CoM are calculated from
the touchdown angle provided by the trained neural network:
(Gxf=l0sin(θT D)
Gzf=l0cos(θT D)(23)
For accurate velocity tracking, on top of the touchdown
angle provided by the trained neural network, an simple PID
controller has been added:
θT D =θff +θfb
=fNN ([ ˙x, ˙x]) + PID( ˙x˙x)(24)
where θT D is the reference touchdown angle sent to the
whole-body controller which is composed of a feed-forward
term θff and a feedback term θfb.˙xis the current CoM
velocity and ˙xis the desired one during the next flight
For this sagittal plane hopping case, the goal is to regulate
the forward speed to 1.0 m/s. The robot is released from
a 0.85 m height in the air and with an initial velocity of
0.3 m/s in xdirection. It directly enters flight phase after
releasing. These initial states are chosen rather randomly
without special calculation. The CoM velocity recorded from
the simulation is plotted in Figure 4. As a comparison, we
also plot the data recorded from another simulation in which
the Raibert foot placement controller has been used [28].
Theoretically, the SLIP model should be able to regulate to
any achievable velocity in one step. However, this ability
is limited by the touchdown angle range and also by the
kinematic limits and actuation limits presented in the whole-
body robot. In spite of that, it can be seen that the neural
network controller took fewer steps to reach the desired
velocity and also with less regulation error. In both cases,
the energy correction law successfully regulate the energy to
the desired level within one step. The results also prove its
B. Running
Running is a three dimensional movement. In the previ-
ous section, the two-dimensional case has demonstrated the
effectiveness of the neural network controller. To extend it
to three dimensional space, two possibilities are: 1) com-
posing two two-dimensional SLIP model to generate three
dimensional running. 2) considering the 3D-SLIP model.
The later one requires generating new simulation data and
train a new neural network with expanded input and output
dimensions. In this paper, we adopt the former idea. Without
any modification of the trained neural network, we directly
apply it to the lateral plane motion. Actually, observing the
Fig. 4. Sagittal plane hopping CoM velocity. On the left side is the results
from the neural network controller, and the right one comes from the Raibert
controller. In both cases, the robot are released from the same height of 0.85
m with a forward velocity of 0.3 m/s. The target velocity is 1 m/s.
Fig. 5. Sagittal Plane Hopping Energy Level. Results come from different
controllers but the same energy regulation law. The left one is our neural
network controller and the right one is the Raibert controller
training data, a large amount of simulation ends up with
reversed TO velocity comparing to the initial velocity which
is exactly the case of lateral hopping motion. Therefore,
running is treated as a hopping motion composed of sagittal
hopping and lateral hopping, each component is governed by
a two-dimensional SLIP model. These two template models
are synchronized by a state machine as shown in Figure 6.
Tasks controlled in single stance phase are: centroidal dy-
namics, torso orientation and swing foot placement tracking.
For the stance foot, no specified goals are given, it adapts to
the ground due to the non-slip constraints (19). No ground
reaction force distribution is needed since all forces comes
from the single stance foot. In flight phase, only the foot
preparing for landing is paid more attention to and it is
controlled carefully to track the touchdown angle provided
by neural network. The other foot stays in idle mode in
horizontal direction and only keeps a clearance between itself
and the ground. Additionally, any foot in the air is always
controlled to be parallel to the ground.
Again, the CoM velocity results are compared between
the neural network controller and the Raibert controller are
shown in Figure 7. The neural network controller shows
better regulation speed and less steady state error.
In this paper we proposed to use a deep neural network
to encode the dynamics of a simple template model and
then map to the whole-body robot. Different from the non-
linear optimization based approach or the classical tabular
method, it transfers most of the computations offline. Once
trained, the query of learned knowledge is very fast and can
Fig. 6. Snapshot of running. The green sphere stands for the CoM position
of the robot. The three green traces represent the history of CoM and center
points of the feet. State machine includes three states: Flight, Left Stance,
Right Stance. Two events (TO and TD) trigger the transition between these
Fig. 7. Running CoM velocity plot. Results from composed neural
network controller (left) and composed Raibert controller (right). The robot
is released from the height of 0.85 m with a forward velocity of 0.2 m/s.
After three steps it regulates to desired velocity 1.5 m/s.
be embedded into real-time control framework. The two-
dimensional SLIP model long-term dynamics (return map)
has been successfully learned by the neural network. The
approach itself is general and not limited to this 2D case
with low-dimensional inputs and outputs. In future work,
we plan to add more freedoms to this model, for example
energy level changes, varying leg stiffness. More interesting
extension would be the 3D-SLIP model.
This work is supported by the European Horizon 2020
robotics program CogIMon (ICT-23-2014 under grant agree-
ment 644727).
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... where θ n is the angular vector of robot joints at node b M n . As shown by (12) and (13), for redundantmanipulators, the FK mapping f is easy and certain, but the IK mapping f −1 is always extremely complicated and countless. In this article, an ANN-based IKS that features strong nonlinear fitting is used to approximate and replace the IK mapping f −1 , and further a DRL-IKS structure is proposed to preserve all the possibilities of IK solutions without any training set. ...
... Remark 6: The training set is indispensable in most of the previous IK methods based on ANN [9], [11], [12]. The acquisition of training data is tedious and expensive for redundant robots. ...
... The proposed DRL-IKS is compared with two state-of-the-art methods (including the fully-connected feed-forward network (FNN) [12] and the hybrid of deep deterministic policy gradient and inverse kinematics (HDDPGIK) [30]) in the scenarios Fig. 4. The performance comparisons in terms of energy consumption EnCo and success rate SuRa are given in Table IV, where the EnCo denotes the energy consumption to execute the entire path by (21). The SuRa represents the success rate of the IK solving, and the success rate is defined as the percentage of successful times of obtaining the IK solutions with the errors in the same form of (15) falls into 10 −2 in total tests. ...
Motion planning and its optimization is vital and difficult for redundant robot manipulator in an environment with obstacles. In this paper, a general motion planning framework that integrates deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is proposed to explore the length-optimal path in Cartesian space and to derive the energy-optimal solution to inverse kinematics. First, based on maximum entropy framework and the Tsallis entropy, a DRL algorithm with clipped automatic entropy adjustment is proposed to make the agent to be qualified to cope with diverse tasks. Second, a path planning structure that combines traditional path planner and DRL is proposed, which integrates the powerful exploration capability of the former and exploitation of experience replay of the latter to enhance the planning performance. Third, based on the exploration ability of DRL and the nonlinear fitting ability of artificial neural networks, a structure is proposed to provide an energy-optimal inverse kinematics solution for redundant robot manipulators. Finally, experimental results on both simulated and real-world customized scenarios have verified the performance of the proposed work.
... Artificial neural network shows a strong ability of nonlinear information processing, and is gradually applied in bipedal walking [47][48][49]. Xin et al. [50] therefore attempted to solve the problem by using an artificial neural network to train the optimized datasets for running. The results suggest that the trained neural-network-based generator can effectively realize online gait generation for fast running with satisfying accuracy. ...
... In addition, 5% of the datasets are selected as the test sets. Compared to the current studies that check through all the feasible regions of control variables [50], the proposed method based on the IWSA algorithm is suggested to be more efficient and generate well-distributed data. ...
Advanced humanoid robots highlight the ability of fast walking and adaptability to uneven terrain. However, owing to the complexity in walking dynamics, disturbances introduced by terrain height variations can adversely affect the bipedal walking performance. Moreover, to generate periodic gaits, most methods require to solve the gait generation problem by using nonlinear optimization approaches, resulting in difficulties for online control. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an online gait generation method to find periodic gaits for fast walking on uneven terrain by using a pre-trained neural network. First, to enhance the terrain adaptability, this paper proposes an improved walking pattern that allows the robots to skip the last single support phase. Such improvement enlarges the feasible step region when stepping down. A compensation strategy is also proposed to reduce the velocity tracking error. Then the improved whale swarm algorithm (IWSA) is applied to generate various datasets that cover the ranges of target velocities and terrain height variations. A back-propagation (BP) network is employed to train these datasets offline to learn the gait dynamics, which is further used to generate the optimal trajectories. Simulation results suggest that, compared with the current methods, the proposed method can solve the walking return map in a short time, with improvements in both maximum walking speed and terrain adaptability.
... From the physical embodiment of SLIP principles in Raibert's early hoppers [4] to compliant legged bipeds designed by Hurst and colleagues [5], [6], this promise of energetic economy through passive compliance has subsequently motivated many successful robot designs. Beyond design, the SLIP model has also served as a common template model [7] to guide the control of hopping and running, both for robots that incorporate physical compliant mechanisms [8], [9] and those that provide active compliance [10] (e.g., via transparent actuation [11]). ...
... The corresponding flat outputs can then be computed via (12) and (13). Original states and inputs are in turn determined by (7) and (8). ...
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This paper considers the optimal control problem of an extended spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model with two additional actuators for active leg length and hip torque modulation. These additional features arise naturally in practice, allowing for consideration of swing leg kinematics during flight and active control over stance dynamics. On the other hand, nonlinearity and the hybrid nature of the overall SLIP dynamics introduce challenges in the analysis and control of the model. In this paper, we first show that the stance dynamics of the considered SLIP model are differentially flat, which has a strong implication regarding controllability of the stance dynamics. Leveraging this powerful property, a tractable optimal control strategy is developed. This strategy enables online solution while also treating the hybrid nature of the SLIP dynamics. Together with the optimal control strategy, the extended SLIP model grants active disturbance rejection capability at any point during the gait. Performance of the proposed control strategy is demonstrated via numerical tests and shows significant advantage over existing methods.
... From the physical embodiment of SLIP principles in Raibert's early hoppers [4] to compliant legged bipeds designed by Hurst and colleagues [5], [6], this promise of energetic economy through passive compliance has subsequently motivated many successful robot designs. Beyond design, the SLIP model has also served as a common template model [7] to guide the control of hopping and running, both for robots that incorporate physical compliant mechanisms [8], [9] and those that provide active compliance [10] (e.g., via transparent actuation [11]). ...
... The corresponding flat outputs can then be computed via (12) and (13). Original states and inputs are in turn determined by (7) and (8). ...
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This paper considers the optimal control problem of an extended spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model with two additional actuators for active leg length and hip torque modulation. These additional features arise naturally in practice, allowing for consideration of swing leg kinematics during flight and active control over stance dynamics. On the other hand, nonlinearity and the hybrid nature of the overall SLIP dynamics introduce challenges in the analysis and control of the model. In this paper, we first show that the stance dynamics of the considered SLIP model are differentially flat, which has a strong implication regarding controllability of the stance dynamics. Leveraging this powerful property, a tractable optimal control strategy is developed. This strategy enables online solution while also treating the hybrid nature of the SLIP dynamics. Together with the optimal control strategy, the extended SLIP model grants active disturbance rejection capability at any point during the gait. Performance of the proposed control strategy is demonstrated via numerical tests and shows significant advantage over existing methods.
... Apgar et al. [42] presented a fast-online trajectory optimisation method, which utilises the reduced-order model for online planning and the full-order robot for trajectory tracking. Xin et al. [43] applied a data-driven method for humanoid running, which uses the neural network (NN)-based controller and the whole-body controller to guide the actual robot control. Mistry et al. [44] provided a kinematics-based WBC method and constructed a task-priority framework on the SARCOS/ATR CBi robot platform. ...
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Bipedal gait control has always been a very challenging issue due to the multi‐joint and non‐linear structure of humanoid robots and frequent robot–environment interactions. To realise stable and robust bipedal walking, many aspects including robot modelling, gait stability and environmental adaptivity should be considered to design the gait control method. In this paper, a general description of bipedal gait and the corresponding evaluation indicators are introduced. Moreover, the existing bipedal gait control methods are classified into model‐based gait, stability criterion‐based gait and learning strategy‐based gait and a comprehensive review is conducted. Finally, the existing challenges and development trends of bipedal gait control are presented.
... It is formulated as a quadratic programming (QP) problem [18] [19] [20] [21]. In our previous implementation [22], joint accelerationq and 6D GRFs λ ∈ R 6Ns have been collected as optimization variables and joint torques τ is then calculated from them. However, the 6D GRFs is not appropriate for those under-actuation cases such as biped with line feet or quadruped with point feet. ...
... Recently, researchers have introduced artificial neural networks in legged robots to explore the possibility of realtime implementation using non-linear models. Xin et al. [16] adopted a neural network to generate referential foot placements for a bipedal robot hopping and running based [18] adopted central pattern generators and neural networks to generate bipedal locomotion. However, the neural networks used in the following research investigations lack generality and work exclusively on specific robots. ...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we present a novel approach for bipedal walking pattern generation. The proposed method is designed based on 2D inverted pendulum model. All control variables are optimized for an energy efficient gait. To obviate the need of solving non-linear dynamics on-line, a deep neural network is adopted for fast non-linear mapping from desired states to control variables. Normalized dimensionless data is generated to train the neural network, therefore, the trained neural network can be applied to bipedal robots of any size, without any specific modification. The proposed method is later verified through numerical simulations. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed approach can generate feasible walking motions, and regulate robot’s walking velocity successfully. Its disturbance rejection capability was also validated.
... It is formulated as a quadratic programming (QP) problem [18] [19] [20] [21]. In our previous implementation [22], joint accelerationq and 6D GRFs λ ∈ R 6Ns have been collected as optimization variables and joint torques τ is then calculated from them. However, the 6D GRFs is not appropriate for those under-actuation cases such as biped with line feet or quadruped with point feet. ...
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We present a unified control framework that generates dynamic walking motions for biped and quadruped robots with online relative footstep optimization. The footstep optimization is formulated as a discrete-time Model Predictive Control problem which determines future footstep locations. The framework has a hierarchical structure consisting of three layers: footstep planner, trajectory generator and whole-body controller. The footstep planner plans next footstep position based on Linear Inverted Pendulum (LIP) model. Relative footstep optimization is proposed to enable automatic footstep planning without the use of any predefined footstep sequences. The trajectory generator will generate CoM and feet trajectory given the next footstep placement. In order to generalize to quadruped robots, "virtual leg" concept has been used to coordinate leg pair movement. The whole-body inverse dynamic controller calculates joint torques to track given Cartesian reference trajectories. To include under-actuation into consideration , contact vertices formulation of ground reaction forces (GRFs) has been adopted. Generalized whole-body controller can handle biped robot with line feet as well as quadruped robots with point feet walking with dynamic gaits. Several simulations have been performed to demonstrate the robustness and generality of the proposed framework.
To achieve agile running of a biped robot, dynamic stability, joint coordination, and real-time ability are required. In this paper, a task-space-based controller framework is constructed with a reduced-order 3D-SLIP model. On the top layer, a 3D-SLIP model based planner is employed for center-of-mass trajectory planning. The planner built with optimization for table divided apex state, and a neural network is used to fit the optimized table for real-time planning. On the bottom layer, a task-space-based controller with full-body dynamics is utilized, which solves the quadratic programming for the optimized joint torque in real-time. A 12-DOF biped robot model with a point-foot is used for simulation verification. The simulation result show that stable running and single-cycle apex state change running can achieved with the framework.KeywordsBiped robotDynamic runningMotion control3D-SLIP model
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We refine and advance a notion of parallel composition to achieve for the first time a stability proof and empirical demonstration of a steady-state gait on a highly coupled 3DOF legged platform controlled by two simple (decoupled) feedback laws that provably stabilize in isolation two simple 1DOF mechanical subsystems. Specifically, we stabilize a limit cycle on a tailed monoped to excite sustained sagittal plane translational hopping energized by tail-pumping during stance. The constituent subsystems for which the controllers are nominally designed are: (i) a purely vertical bouncing mass (controlled by injecting energy into its springy shaft); and (ii) a purely tangential rimless wheel (controlled by adjusting the inter-spoke stepping angle). We introduce the use of averaging methods in legged locomotion to prove that this “parallel composition” of independent 1DOF controllers achieves an asymptotically stable closed-loop hybrid limit cycle for a dynamical system that approximates the 3DOF stance mechanics of our physical tailed monoped. We present experimental data demonstrating stability and close agreement between the motion of the physical hopping machine and numerical simulations of the (mathematically tractable) approximating model.
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We refine and advance a notion of parallel composition to achieve for the first time a stability proof and empirical demonstration of a steady-state gait on a highly coupled 3DOF legged platform controlled by two simple (decoupled) feedback laws that provably stabilize in isolation two simple 1DOF mechanical subsystems. Specifically, we stabilize a limit cycle on a tailed monoped to excite sustained sagittal plane translational hopping energized by tail-pumping during stance. The constituent subsystems for which the controllers are nominally designed are: (i) a purely vertical bouncing mass (controlled by injecting energy into its springy shaft); and (ii) a purely tangential rimless wheel (controlled by adjusting the inter-spoke stepping angle).We introduce the use of averaging methods in legged locomotion to prove that this “parallel composition” of independent 1DOF controllers achieves an asymptotically stable closed-loop hybrid limit cycle for a dynamical system that approximates the 3DOF stance mechanics of our physical tailed monoped.We present experimental data demonstrating stability and close agreement between the motion of the physical hopping machine and numerical simulations of the (mathematically tractable) approximating model. More information:
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In this work, we present WALK-MAN, a humanoid platform that has been developed to operate in realistic unstructured environment, and demonstrate new skills including powerful manipulation, robust balanced locomotion, high-strength capabilities, and physical sturdiness. To enable these capabilities, WALK-MAN design and actuation are based on the most recent advancements of series elastic actuator drives with unique performance features that differentiate the robot from previous state-of-the-art compliant actuated robots. Physical interaction performance is benefited by both active and passive adaptation, thanks to WALK-MAN actuation that combines customized high-performance modules with tuned torque/velocity curves and transmission elasticity for high-speed adaptation response and motion reactions to disturbances. WALK-MAN design also includes innovative design optimization features that consider the selection of kinematic structure and the placement of the actuators with the body structure to maximize the robot performance. Physical robustness is ensured with the integration of elastic transmission, proprioceptive sensing, and control. The WALK-MAN hardware was designed and built in 11 months, and the prototype of the robot was ready four months before DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals. The motion generation of WALK-MAN is based on the unified motion-generation framework of whole-body locomotion and manipulation (termed loco-manipulation). WALK-MAN is able to execute simple loco-manipulation behaviors synthesized by combining different primitives defining the behavior of the center of gravity, the motion of the hands, legs, and head, the body attitude and posture, and the constrained body parts such as joint limits and contacts. The motion-generation framework including the specific motion modules and software architecture is discussed in detail. A rich perception system allows the robot to perceive and generate 3D representations of the environment as well as detect contacts and sense physical interaction force and moments. The operator station that pilots use to control the robot provides a rich pilot interface with different control modes and a number of teleoperated or semiautonomous command features. The capability of the robot and the performance of the individual motion control and perception modules were validated during the DRC in which the robot was able to demonstrate exceptional physical resilience and execute some of the tasks during the competition.
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ATRIAS 1.0 is a spring-legged, monopod robot designed and built as a prototype towards a human-scale 3D biped. The monopod has to meet certain requirements concerning locomotion dynamics and energy efficiency to meet the goal of a biped that can autonomously walk and run efficiently and robustly outdoors, untethered over realistic (non-ideal) terrain. The design of ATRIAS 1.0 includes adequate control authority for robust locomotion as well as incorporating the idea of passive dynamics for high energy economy. Towards this effort, the passive dynamics of ATRIAS 1.0 are designed to match the key features of the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum model: a massless leg, mass centered at the hip joint, and a series spring between the ground and the mass at the hip joint. In this paper the authors discuss the key features of this unique robot design.
A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation presents a mathematical formulation of the kinematics, dynamics, and control of robot manipulators. It uses an elegant set of mathematical tools that emphasizes the geometry of robot motion and allows a large class of robotic manipulation problems to be analyzed within a unified framework. The foundation of the book is a derivation of robot kinematics using the product of the exponentials formula. The authors explore the kinematics of open-chain manipulators and multifingered robot hands, present an analysis of the dynamics and control of robot systems, discuss the specification and control of internal forces and internal motions, and address the implications of the nonholonomic nature of rolling contact are addressed, as well. The wealth of information, numerous examples, and exercises make A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation valuable as both a reference for robotics researchers and a text for students in advanced robotics courses.
Conference Paper
Recently several hierarchical inverse dynamicscontrollers based on cascades of quadratic programs havebeen proposed for application on torque controlled robots.They have important theoretical benefits but have never beenimplemented on a torque controlled robot where model inaccuraciesand real-time computation requirements can beproblematic. In this contribution we present an experimentalevaluation of these algorithms in the context of balance controlfor a humanoid robot. The presented experiments demonstratethe applicability of the approach under real robot conditions(i.e. model uncertainty, estimation errors, etc). We propose asimplification of the optimization problem that allows us todecrease computation time enough to implement it in a fasttorque control loop. We implement a momentum-based balancecontroller which shows robust performance in face of unknowndisturbances, even when the robot is standing on only onefoot. In a second experiment, a tracking task is evaluatedto demonstrate the performance of the controller with morecomplicated hierarchies. Our results show that hierarchicalinverse dynamics controllers can be used for feedback controlof humanoid robots and that momentum-based balance controlcan be efficiently implemented on a real robot.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we propose a novel walking method for torque controlled robots. The method is able to produce a wide range of speeds without requiring off-line optimizations and re-tuning of parameters. We use a quadratic whole-body optimization method running online which generates joint torques, given desired Cartesian accelerations of center of mass and feet. Using a dynamics model of the robot inside this optimizer, we ensure both compliance and tracking, required for fast locomotion. We have designed a foot-step planner that uses a linear inverted pendulum as simplified robot internal model. This planner is formulated as a quadratic convex problem which optimizes future steps of the robot. Fast libraries help us performing these calculations online. With very few parameters to tune and no perception, our method shows notable robustness against strong external pushes, relatively large terrain variations, internal noises, model errors and also delayed communication.
One popular approach to controlling humanoid robots is through inverse kinematics (IK) with stiff joint position tracking. On the other hand, inverse dynamics (ID) based approaches have gained increasing acceptance by providing compliant motions and robustness to external perturbations. However, the performance of such methods is heavily dependent on high quality dynamic models, which are often very difficult to produce for a physical robot. IK approaches only require kinematic models, which are much easier to generate in practice. In this paper, we supplement our previous work with ID-based controllers by adding IK, which helps compensate for modeling errors. The proposed full body controller is applied to three tasks in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Trials in Dec. 2013.
In this paper, the authors describe the design and control of RHex, a power autonomous, untethered, compliant-legged hexapod robot. RHex has only six actuators—one motor located at each hip— achieving mechanical simplicity that promotes reliable and robust operation in real-world tasks. Empirically stable and highly maneuverable locomotion arises from a very simple clock-driven, open-loop tripod gait. The legs rotate full circle, thereby preventing the common problem of toe stubbing in the protraction (swing) phase. An extensive suite of experimental results documents the robot’s significant “intrinsic mobility”—the traversal of rugged, broken, and obstacle-ridden ground without any terrain sensing or actively controlled adaptation. RHex achieves fast and robust forward locomotion traveling at speeds up to one body length per second and traversing height variations well exceeding its body clearance.