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Status of brands in children’s consumption: What letters to Santa posted on La Poste website tell us

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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the research is to identify some different consumption styles on the basis of a large collection of posts to Santa, written by some children and/or their families. One of our main interests focuses on the presence and weight of brands and licenses in their wish lists. We have had access to all the anonymous posts sent to Santa Claus on the French Post's website during the 2013 and 2014 Christmas holidays. We analyzed the nature of the wish lists as shown in the 43,000-post database, thanks to several textual data analysis techniques. Great heterogeneity was found among children’s and family’s postures regarding that specific ritual. The different types of emails reflect the meaning families associate to Christmas time but also, their different consumption styles or attitudes towards consumption: reasoned, educational, hedonistic or materialistic for example. When focusing on brands and licenses, we can also observe significant differences in the way families and children include them in their consumption decisions. Brands could have a very different weight in the Christmas wish lists and their natures reflect a number of various value transmission projects. The French market of Christmas children brands is rather stable and focuses on a few top leading global brands like Playmobil, Barbie or Lego. At least one of the ten leading brands is mentioned in half of the Christmas wish lists. The brands confirm they are very clearly gendered and associated to the children’s ages. Peak time for brand desire is alleged to be reached between the age of 7 and 9. To our knowledge, our research is the first to analyze such a huge amount of spontaneous data to capture children’s consumption styles and attitude towards brands. Thanks to our classification, a first typology of parental consumption styles has been identified.
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Received: 9 October 2017
Accepted: 31 July 2018
DOI: 10.1002/mar.21153
Status of brands in childrens consumption: What letters to
Santa posted on La Poste website tell us
Stéphane Ganassali
IAE, IREGE, Université de Savoie Mont Blanc,
Annecy, France
IAE, IREGE, Université de Savoie Mont
Blanc, 4 chemin de Bellevue, BP 80439,
AnnecyleVieux, 74944 Annecy, France.
The purpose of the research is to identify different consumption styles based on a
large collection of letters to Santa written by some children and/or their families and
submitted to the French Post website (La Poste). One of our main interests focuses on
the presence and weight of brands and licenses in childrens wish lists. We have had
access to all the anonymous posts sent to Santa Claus through La Postes website
during the 2013 and 2014 Christmas holidays. We analyzed the nature of the wish
lists as shown in the 43,000post database using several textual data analysis
techniques. Extensive heterogeneity was found among childrens and families
postures regarding that specific ritual. The different types of emails reflect the
meaning families associate with Christmas time but also their different consumption
styles or attitudes toward consumption: reasoned, educational, hedonistic, or
materialistic, for example. When focusing on brands and licenses, we can also
observe significant differences in the way families and children include them in their
consumption decisions. Brands could have a very different weight in Christmas wish
lists and their natures reflect different value transmission modes. The French market
for Christmas children brands is rather stable and focuses on a few top leading global
brands such as Playmobil,Barbie,orLego. At least one of the ten leading brands is
mentioned in half of evaluated Christmas wish lists. The analysis confirms that brands
are very clearly gendered and associated with the childrens ages. Peak time for brand
desire is alleged to be reached between the age of 7 and 9. To our knowledge, our
research is the first to analyze a large sample of spontaneous data to capture
childrens consumption styles and attitudes toward brands. Because of our
classification, a first typology of parental consumption styles has also been identified.
brands, childrens consumption, gifts, santa, textual data analysis
Many families feel Christmas is an experience centered on children
(DeChant, 2002; Herpin & Verger, 1996; Perrot, 2000). As a result,
such times are occasions for episodes of physical and symbolic
consumption where the letters to Santa takes center stage. For the
child, it is an activity that marks the beginning of celebrations,
blending belief and ritual (LéviStrauss, 1952), and explaining their
expectations (Figures 1, 2, and 3).
When writing to Santa, the child is often answerable based on their
good behavior; they express their wishes and endorse the prescribers
role to their own benefit. Since this practice most often involves an
adult, children learn how to obtain what they want, and they act in their
own way, as rational consumers. This epistolary tradition has become
Psychol Mark. 2019;36:514. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
... Even though Bettelheim (1976) outlines the importance of fairy tales and stories for the socialisation of children, children's Christmas gift requests have only been quantified in literature (Ganassali, 2019;O'Cass and Clarke, 2002;Otnes et al., 1994;Martínez-Pastor et al., 2013;Richardson and Simpson, 1982;Robertson and Rossiter, 1976). Along with their relationship to advertising (Buijzen and Valkenburg, 2000;Pine et al., 2007;Witkowski, 2020), overall studies on the meaning of Christmas have largely focussed on adults (Clarke, 2007;Hirschman and LaBarbera, 1989;Tynan and McKechnie, 2005). ...
... Stereotypical gender specific requests have also been found (Richardson and Simpson, 1982;Downs, 1983;Martínez-Pastor et al., 2013) as has a correlation between children's requests for Christmas and the advertising they watch (Buijzen and Valkenburg, 2000;Pine and Nash, 2002;Pine et al., 2007). Ganassali (2019) recent study showed, through a quantitative content analysis of French children's letters, that generally requests themselves are quite heterogenous. Four types of child consumer were represented within the letters: gourmets, educated, brand name droppers and sweet tooth, based on the brands and products named. ...
... 250 letters were obtained with parental, principal and school authority approval in a first larger data collection. Similar to other studies (Ganassali, 2019), letters written by parents (e.g. without syntax and spelling mistakes or with too developed hand writing or purely machine written letters) have been discarded. ...
Purpose This paper seeks to explore the functions of Christmas mythemes for children’s consumption culture development. In addition, the purpose of this study is to provide an insight on the development of Central European Children into customers and how mythemes are associated with the wishing behaviour. Design/methodology/approach Levi-Strauss’ (1955) structural analysis was used to uncover the mythemes of the Christmas story for Austrian children. These mythemes then informed a thematic analysis of 283 Austrian children’s Christmas letters. Campbell’s (1970) functions of myths were used to reflect on the findings. Findings The Christmas mythemes uncovered were found to encourage materialism by linking self-enhancement (good acquirement) with self-transcendent (good behaviour) values. The role of myths to relieve the tension between the incongruent values of collective/other-oriented and materialistic values is expanded upon. Such sanctification of selfish good acquisition is aided by the mythemes related especially to the Christkind and baby Jesus. Instead, marketers should use Christmas mythemes which emphasise family and collective/other-centred values. Originality/value By first uncovering the “mythemes” related to Christmas, the authors contribute to the academic understanding of Christmas, going beyond origin or single myth understandings and acknowledging the multifaceted components of Christmas. The second contribution is in exploring mytheme’s representation in children’s Christmas letters and reflecting on their functions. This differs from previous literature because it looks at one of the main cultural vehicles for Christmas socialisation and its intersection with the mythemes that feed children’s consumption culture formation. Through the authors’ presentation of a conceptual framework that links mytheme functions with proximal processes using a socioecological viewpoint, the authors demonstrate the guidance of mythemes in children’s development. The third contribution is a reflection on the potential ethical implications for children’s formation of their consumer culture based on the functions of the mythemes. Furthermore, the authors add to the existing body of research by investigating a Central European context.
... Araştırma sonucuna göre çocuklarına izin veren ailelerin tüketim konusunda çocuklarını daha fazla serbest kıldıkları söylenebilir. Yapılan çalışmalarda ebeveyn tutumunun çocuk tüketimine mantıklı, eğitici, hedonik ya da materyalist olarak yansıdığı ifade edilmektedir (Clarke, 2008;Clarke & McAuley, 2010;Wisenblit, Priluck, & Pirog, 2013;Ganassali, 2019). Bekâr anneler üzerinde yapılan bir çalışmada, çocukların hem kendilerinin hem de ailelerinin karar alma süreçlerini etkiledikleri, etki mekanizmalarının ve dinamiklerinin ise aile yapısına göre önemli ölçüde farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir (Chaudhury & Hyman, 2019). ...
... Çocukların alışveriş yaparken tüketici olarak ihtiyaç duydukları tutumları kazanma süreci ise tüketici olarak sosyalleşmedir (Ward, 1974: 2). Tutumlar sadece sosyalleşme yönlü tüketim davranışında değil materyalizm gibi birçok tüketim boyutunda da etkisini göstermektedir (Clarke, 2008;Clarke & McAuley, 2010;Wisenblit, Priluck, & Pirog, 2013;Ganassali, 2019 Çocuklara ilişkin özellikler Tablo 2'de gösterilmiştir. Tablo 2'de görüldüğü gibi, çocukların %56,4'ü 5 yaşındadır. ...
... (Schreiner ym. 2018) Lapset eivät synny kuluttajiksi vaan kehittyvät sellaisiksi kognitiivisen kehityksen ja ympäristötekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksesta (Ganassali 2019). Länsimaissa lapset ovat brändien ympäröimiä ja kuluttamisen voidaan ajatella ilmaisevan yksilön mieltymyksiä verrattuna muihin. ...
... Tuotemerkeillä kerskailevilla suurin osa toiveista on tarkasti jotain tuotemerkkiä ja opettavaisten tavaroiden osuus on liki olematon. (Ganassali 2019) Aineisto ja menetelmät Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu alkuopetuksen oppilaiden puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista. Menetelmäksi valittiin teemahaastattelu, koska haluttiin selvittää lasten käsityksiä mahdollisimman avoimesti, mutta kuitenkin auttaa heitä tarkastelemaan aihetta riittävän monipuolisesti (Hirsjärvi & Hurme 2008). Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yhdestä koulusta, kahdelta eri alkuopetuksen luokalta, joiden opettajat osallistuivat opettajankoulutuksen kehittämiseen tähtäävään hankkeeseen. ...
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The Finnish version first and the English one below. Tämä tutkimus kohdentuu käsityönopettajien kokemuksiin yhteisopetuksesta ja siihen, millaisia haasteita he ovat kohdanneet toteuttaessaan yhteisopetusta. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty kymmenessä perusopetuksen koulussa, joista osallistui yhteensä 22 käsityötä opettavaa opettajaa yhteisopetusta koskeviin teemahaastatteluihin. Aineisto koostuu lukuvuoden 2018–2019 aikana kerätyistä yhteensä 11 ryhmä- ja yksilöhaastattelusta, joihin osallistui kerralla 1–3 käsityötä opettavaa opettajaa. Litteroidut haastatteluaineistot analysoitiin teemoittelemalla ja tyypittelemällä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella käsityön yhteisopetus voidaan jaotella kolmeen tyyppiin yhteisopetuksen toteuttajina: alkavat, kehittyvät ja ammattimaiset. Opettajien kokemukset profiloituvat näihin kolmeen tyyppikuvaukseen. Ne eroavat toisistaan siinä, missä vaiheessa yhteisopetukseen kehittymistä eri vaiheessa olevat opettajaparit ovat. Näyttää siltä, että yhteisopetus helpottaa ja antaa opettajille varmuutta opetuksen suunnittelussa, oppilaiden suunnittelu- ja valmistusprosessien ohjaamisessa sekä oppilasarvioinnissa. The focus of this research was on the experiences of craft teachers in co-teaching and the challenges they have encountered in implementing co-teaching. The data were collected from ten elementary schools, with a total of 22 craft teachers participating in thematic interviews on co-teaching. The material consists of a total of 11 group and individual interviews from the 2018–2019 academic year, with 1–3 craft teachers at a time. The transcribed interview materials were analysed by theming and making type descriptions. Based on the research results, co-teaching of craft can be divided into three types: emerging, advanced and proficient. It seems that co-teaching makes it easier for teachers to plan teaching, guide students’ design and to manufacture processes and student assessment.
... Although men and women spend similar amounts on gifts for relatives and people in close social relationships, there is a big difference in what is spent on friends and distant social relationships between genders, as women spend significantly more. Ganassali (2019) concluded that children and young people live Christmas intensely. In the letters, they write to Santa Claus there are four types of messages: gourmet (reflect the desire to ask for a single gift, usually expensive); sweet tooth; toys; and branded sweets. ...
... Individuals who have a direct family member under the age of 16 are those who estimate spending more at Christmas time, which is in line with the study of Dyble, Van Leeuwen e Dunbar (2015), who consider that at Christmas, people buy gifts of greater value for close family members and individuals from their social relationships. This is expected, according to Ganassali (2019), because children and young people live Christmas intensely, which makes families with children and young people (under 16) spend more at this time of year. Thus, Hypothesis 7 is empirically supported. ...
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The research analyzes the estimated consumption at Christmas time in Portugal. Christmas is a religious holiday and also one of the most consumerist and profitable occasions in Christian countries, which may be considered a contradiction. A quantitative methodology based on a questionnaire was used, where participants answered a set of sociodemographic questions and indicated with whom they would spend the next Christmas. They also indicated the estimated amount they will spend on gifts and consumer goods. The sample consists of 1077 Portuguese individuals over 18 years old. The results show that Portuguese individuals expect to spend more on gifts than on other consumer goods. In addition, the estimated consumption over the Christmas holidays increases with age, the number of people in the household, level of education, and monthly household income. Individuals who estimate spending more are men, religious people, individuals who have a direct family member under the age of 16, married people (or those with a long-term partner). The study helps to understand the motivations of consumption at Christmas time and its importance in economic development. Finally, the research intends to contribute to unravel the spirit of Christmas and expose the symbolism present in society's social and cultural expressions. Percepção do consumismo dos portugueses na época de Natal Resumo A presente investigação tem como objetivo analisar o consumo estimado pelos portugueses na época de Natal. O Natal transporta em si uma contradição, por ser considerado um feriado religioso mas também uma das ocasiões mais consumistas e lucrativas para o mundo cristão. Utilizou-se uma metodologia quantitativa baseada num questionário, onde os inquiridos, para além de responderem a um conjunto de questões de índole sociodemográfica, indicaram com quem passariam a festividade. Indicaram também o valor a gastar em presentes para oferecer e em bens de consumo na época de Natal. A amostra é constituída por 1.077 indivíduos portugueses, maiores de 18 anos. Os resultados demonstram que esses indivíduos estimam gastar mais em presentes para oferecer do que em bens de consumo. Verifica-se também que o consumo estimado para essa época do ano aumenta com a idade, com o número de elementos do agregado familiar, com o nível de escolaridade e com o rendimento mensal do agregado familiar. Os indivíduos que estimam gastar mais na época de Natal são: homens; os que têm religião; os que possuem familiar direto com menos de 16 anos; e os que são casados ou vivem em união de fato. O estudo ajuda a perceber as motivações do consumo na época natalina e a sua importância no desenvolvimento econômico. Espera-se que este estudo venha a contribuir para desvendar o espírito de Natal e expor o simbolismo presente nas variadas manifestações sociais e culturais da sociedade. Palavras-chave: Natal. Consumo. Materialismo. Afetividade familiar. Mercado de Natal. Percepción del consumismo portugués en la temporada navideña Resumen La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el consumo estimado por los portugueses en Navidad. La Navidad conlleva una contradicción, ya que es al mismo tiempo una fiesta religiosa y una de las ocasiones más consumistas y rentables para el mundo cristiano. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa basada en un cuestionario, en el que los encuestados además de responder un conjunto de preguntas de carácter sociodemográfico e indicar con quién pasarían la próxima Navidad, también informaron la cantidad estimada que gastarían en regalos y en bienes de consumo en la época navideña. La muestra constó de 1 077 individuos portugueses mayores de 18 años. Los resultados demostraron que los portugueses estiman gastar más en regalos que en bienes de consumo. También se verificó que el consumo estimado para esa época aumenta con la edad, con el número de miembros de la familia, con el nivel de educación y con el ingreso mensual del hogar. Las personas que estiman gastar más en Navidad son: hombres; los que tienen religión; los que tienen un familiar directo menor de 16 años; y los casados o parejas de hecho. El estudio ayuda a comprender las motivaciones del consumo en Navidad y su importancia en el desarrollo económico. Se espera que este estudio contribuya a desvelar el espíritu navideño y exponer el simbolismo presente en las variadas manifestaciones sociales y culturales de la sociedad. Palabras clave: Navidad. Consumo. Materialismo. Afectividad familiar. Mercado navideño.
... Christmas has long since become a celebration not only of the family, but especially aimed at children, and this can be seen in the giving of toys and other gifts, the letters to Santa Claus and Baby Jesus, and the little shoes on the mantelpiece waiting for midnight (Cruz, 2013). During this festive season, where children experience Christmas intensely (Ganassali, 2019), they should be taught the importance of solidarity and giving, and compassion and love for others should be encouraged (Burroughs, 2019). As a form of solidarity, family businesses often reinvest a portion of their profits in the local community, supporting economic growth and contributing to the prosperity of the region (Casey et al., 2023). ...
The purpose of this investigation is to study the Christmas symbology importance and its relationship with consumerism in the Christmas season. An exploratory study is carried out, and it is based on a questionnaire survey consisting of three parts: estimated consumption in the Christmas season, the importance of the Christmas symbology and some sociodemographic variables. The sample in this study is composed of 1086 Portuguese individuals, who are over 18 years old. The results show that the variable Christmas symbology presents good reliability and a structure with three factors: Christmas season Ornaments, Prosperity and Abundance, and Nativity and History of Jesus. The Christmas tree, the Christmas lights and the nativity of Jesus are the symbols to which people grant higher levels of importance. The greater the importance given to Christmas symbols, the greater the estimated consumption value in the Christmas season, while the factor Nativity and History of Jesus is the one which contributes the most to consumerism. This chapter develops a comprehensive study that is expected to contribute to understand the Christmas symbology importance for the Portuguese population and its relationship with consumerism. This chapter explores an area in which there are few studies, because it is not only about the Christmas symbology importance but also about its relationship with consumerism in the Christmas season. The different symbols which characterize this season are filled with stories and meaning, giving the people’s lives importance. Therefore, this study is both groundbreaking and relevant for the Portuguese population.
... Os indivíduos que possuem familiar direto com menos de 16 anos são os que estimam gastar mais na época de Natal, o que vai ao encontro do estudo de Dyble, Van Leeuwen e Dunbar (2015), que consideram que no Natal as pessoas compram presentes de maior valor para familiares próximos e indivíduos das suas relações sociais. Isso é o esperado, de acordo com Ganassali (2019), pois as crianças e os jovens vivem intensamente o Natal, o que faz com que as famílias com crianças e jovens (com menos de 16 anos) gastem mais nessa época do ano. Assim, a Hipótese 7 é suportada empiricamente. ...
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A presente investigação tem como objetivo analisar o consumo estimado pelos portugueses na época de Natal. O Natal transporta em si uma contradição, por ser considerado um feriado religioso mas também uma das ocasiões mais consumistas e lucrativas para o mundo cristão. Utilizou-se uma metodologia quantitativa baseada num questionário, onde os inquiridos, para além de responderem a um conjunto de questões de índole sociodemográfica, indicaram com quem passariam a festividade. Indicaram também o valor a gastar em presentes para oferecer e em bens de consumo na época de Natal. A amostra é constituída por 1.077 indivíduos portugueses, maiores de 18 anos. Os resultados demonstram que esses indivíduos estimam gastar mais em presentes para oferecer do que em bens de consumo. Verifica-se também que o consumo estimado para essa época do ano aumenta com a idade, com o número de elementos do agregado familiar, com o nível de escolaridade e com o rendimento mensal do agregado familiar. Os indivíduos que estimam gastar mais na época de Natal são: homens; os que têm religião; os que possuem familiar direto com menos de 16 anos; e os que são casados ou vivem em união de fato. O estudo ajuda a perceber as motivações do consumo na época natalina e a sua importância no desenvolvimento econômico. Espera-se que este estudo venha a contribuir para desvendar o espírito de Natal e expor o simbolismo presente nas variadas manifestações sociais e culturais da sociedade. Palavras-chave: Natal. Consumo. Materialismo. Afetividade familiar. Mercado de Natal. Artigo submetido em 29 de março de 2020 e aceito para publicação em 22 de setembro de 2020.
... amelyek indokolhatók a válaszadók korával és márkapreferenciáival (vö. Ganassali, 2019;Törőcsik, 2006), addig más kategóriákban (pl. non-food napi fogyasztási cikkek) az előhívott márkanévi asszociációk nem felelnek meg a korcsoport fogyasztási szokásainak. ...
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The mental lexicon stores not only linguistic information about words and grammatical rules, but it also reflects our personality and the world around us. Changes in society and changes of the economical environment one lives in also shape our mental lexicon-thus it should be possible to gain some insights of the world in which the test person lives by only investigating word association data he or she provides. The present paper follows a twofold aim. First, whether word association data provides insights about the test persons: consumption trends, age and geographical location. In a second step, I am going to analyze whether changes in society and in economy, connected to the change of regime in Hungary in the 1990's, were reflected in word association databases. To answer these questions the research uses word association databases from the 1980's and 2000's, collected in Hungary, and investigates brand names appearing in those databases. Results show that age and geographical location of the test persons are partly predictable based on brand names they use and recent changes of the consumption market can also be reconstructed by analyzing brand names in the databases.
Purpose – Christmas is the most consumed event of the year, always full of traditions, namely family ones, which are very significant. In this way, it is intended to find out the importance of traditions at Christmas time and analyze their implications for family businesses. Design/methodology/approach – The study is quantitative in nature, based on a questionnaire survey carried out with 551 Portuguese individuals, over 18 years of age, where different issues related to Christmas traditions and family are addressed. Findings – The results demonstrate that the Christmas traditions scale is made up of four factors: family traditions on Christmas Eve, aspects related to the Christmas spirit, changes in Christmas traditions with the COVID-19 pandemic and traditions of participating in events with family at Christmas. Cod and octopus dishes are the most popular dishes on Christmas Eve. In relation to sweets/desserts, king cake, rabanadas, vermicelli, children’s bread and sponge cake are the most common on Christmas Eve. Originality/value – The study helps to understand Portuguese Christmas traditions, providing knowledge that allows defining strategies for family businesses, improving the experience and relationship with consumers at a special time of year. It is hoped that the trends in Christmas traditions in this study will contribute to unveiling the Christmas spirit, also serve as a marketing image and create curiosity and motivation on the part of other cultures to visit Portugal during this festive season, in order to experience Christmas traditions
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This article aims at providing researchers and practitioners with methodological guidelines for thematic analysis of responses to open-ended questions. Four types of methods are introduced, adapted to various situations related to abundance of corpus and presence of a code-book. On the basis of two real studies (the main one provides 4,936 responses), the paper illustrates the following techniques: responses tables, content analysis, multiple co occurrences factorial analysis and lexical grouping with thematic dictionary. Verbatim extraction is finally reminded as a possible demonstration of the previous analyses results.
The children's and teenagers' market has become increasingly significant as young people have become more affluent and have an ever growing disposable income. Children as Consumers traces the stages of consumer development through which children pass and examines the key sources of influence upon young people's consumer socialisation. It examines: * the kinds of things young people consume * how they use their money * how they respond to different types of advertising * whether they need to be protected through special legislation and regulation * market research techniques that work well with young people. Children as Consumers will be useful to students of psychology, sociology, business and media studies, as well as professionals in advertising and marketing.
Résumé L’objectif de cet article est de conduire une réflexion autour du concept de rationalité limitée chez les enfants consommateurs. La première partie s’attache à démontrer la pertinence du concept en mobilisant les théories du développement psychologique de l’enfant et envisage les conséquences de cette rationalité sur les comportements de consommation. La seconde partie expose les incidences de la rationalité limitée des enfants consommateurs d’une part sur le développement de certains courants de recherches en marketing et d’autre part sur les méthodes de collecte des données à appliquer auprès de cette cible.
Résumé Cet article propose une analyse critique des perspectives utilisées dans la recherche en marketing pour modéliser le processus de socialisation des consommateurs. Pour pallier certaines limites inhérentes à ces approches, quelques fondements clés de la psychologie culturelle sont discutés afin d’éclairer la notion de participation à des activités conjointes de consommation et souligner que, dans le développement des compétences du consommateur, l’interaction avec autrui joue un rôle central, et que ce développement dépend de la transformation d’éléments institutionnels qui légitiment une culture de consommation historiquement située.
This study focuses on consumer behaviour of children when writing to Santa Claus. We examined the nature of their requests and styles by analysing the contents of 382 emails sent to Santa Claus’s website Le Père Noël de La Poste. More than 50% of the gifts requested, are branded items. The strategies underlying the requests are linked to the representations of Santa Claus that children have of him. We have built a semiotic square summarizing these representations. The letters to Santa Claus constitute a form of socialisation that reflects children in the process of growing up as well as young consumers who are familiar with brands.
Class does make a difference in the lives and futures of American children. Drawing on in-depth observations of black and white middle-class, working-class, and poor families, Unequal Childhoods explores this fact, offering a picture of childhood today. Here are the frenetic families managing their children's hectic schedules of "leisure" activities; and here are families with plenty of time but little economic security. Lareau shows how middle-class parents, whether black or white, engage in a process of "concerted cultivation" designed to draw out children's talents and skills, while working-class and poor families rely on "the accomplishment of natural growth," in which a child's development unfolds spontaneously—as long as basic comfort, food, and shelter are provided. Each of these approaches to childrearing brings its own benefits and its own drawbacks. In identifying and analyzing differences between the two, Lareau demonstrates the power, and limits, of social class in shaping the lives of America's children. The first edition of Unequal Childhoods was an instant classic, portraying in riveting detail the unexpected ways in which social class influences parenting in white and African American families. A decade later, Annette Lareau has revisited the same families and interviewed the original subjects to examine the impact of social class in the transition to adulthood.