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Development of personalized travel products for smart tour guidance services


Abstract and Figures

Smart tourism is the application of the key technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. This research proposes a smart tourism system to develop the personalized travel products for smart tour guidance services. The proposed smart tourism system consists of a smart tourism app and a smart tourism server. Adobe XD is used to UI/UX design of the android based smart tourism app. The smart tourism server provides the recommend travel products to FITs before or during the trip. FITs can create the personalized travel product using the chosen recommend travel products, tour information such as tourist attractions, lodgments, and restaurants. During the trip, FITs can use smart tour guidance services according to the tour schedule in the personalized travel product. In the developed smart tourism system, FITs can modify the personalized travel product during their trips and register them as the recommend travel products after their trips.
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.33) (2018) 58-61
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Research paper
Development of Personalized Travel Products for
Smart Tour Guidance Services
JeongWoo Jwa1*
1 Department of Telecommunication Eng., Jeju National University,
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, 63243, Republic of Korea
*Corresponding author E-mail: E-mail:
Smart tourism is the application of the key technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. This research proposes a smart tourism system to
develop the personalized travel products for smart tour guidance services. The proposed smart tourism system consists of a smart tourism
app and a smart tourism server. Adobe XD is used to UI/UX design of the android based smart tourism app. The smart tourism server
provides the recommend travel products to FITs before or during the trip. FITs can create the personalized travel product using the cho-
sen recommend travel products, tour information such as tourist attractions, lodgments, and restaurants. During the trip, FITs can use
smart tour guidance services according to the tour schedule in the personalized travel product. In the developed smart tourism system,
FITs can modify the personalized travel product during their trips and register them as the recommend travel products after their trips.
Keywords: smart tourism, android app, free independent travelers (FITs), UI/UX design, context awareness.
1. Introduction
Smart tourism is the application of the 4th industrial revolution
based on Internet of Things (IoT), communication systems, cloud
computing, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) [1]-[4]. Smart
tourism system can support tourist activities before, during, and
after the trip using the key technologies of the 4th industrial revo-
lution. Smart tourism system provides the personalized travel
products which can be created based on the tourism big data ana-
lytics. Tourists can select the personalized travel products using
tourist context before or during their trips. The personalized travel
products should include tour information to provide tour guidance
services interworking with communication infra such as free WiFi
and beacons in sightseeing spots. The personalized travel products
also include sightseeing spots, restaurants, and hotels as that in e-
Tourism system.
The tour information includes Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) [5]
based on the multimodal navi. MaaS provides a myriad of innova-
tive mobility service providers such as ridesharing and e-hailing
services, bike-sharing programs, and car-sharing services as well
as on demand pop-up bus services. The modeling and categoriza-
tion of pedestrian path components is developed for smart tour
guide services [6]. The pedestrian networks have attributes of
node and link to provide information on the geometry of the map
for the pedestrian navigation system. Therefore, the pedestrian
networks include road types, pedestrian facilities, road types, pe-
destrian facilities, surrounding environments, road conditions,
road surfaces, and annotations. The pedestrian networks have
annotations of links to create the shapefile of the walking tourist
attraction. The pedestrian networks have the geographic infor-
mation more valuable for smart tour guide. The pedestrian net-
work is developed using on-site GPS trajectories matched with
photos in sightseeing spots. The developed pedestrian network can
be used to create the digital tourist map on the geographic infor-
mation system (GIS) system in the smart tourism system. The
digital tourist map includes tour information. The digital tourist
map displays on the mobile maps such as Naver Maps, Kakao
Maps, and Google Maps. Tourists can choose multimodal navi
routes and geotagged tourist contents such as storytelling, curation,
guidance, etc., which are provided in conjunction with location
information, sensors, beacons installed at tourism destinations.
They are used to provide smart tour guide services at tourism at-
tractions during the trip [7][8]. Tourists can use smart tour guid-
ance services using the tour information in the personalized travel
products during their trips.
The android based smart tourism app [9] is developed for free
independent travelers (FITs) based on big data analytics of KT
BigSightTM [10]. The Jeju special self-governing province devel-
ops the tourist big data platform and provides big data analytics
[11][12]. The tourist big data platform provides tourists infor-
mation on tourism destinations by data analysis of call data rec-
ords (CDRs) of mobile communication network, tourist’s access
logs collected by communication infra such as free WiFi access
points (APs) and beacons installed in tourist destinations, and big
data collected from public and private sectors. The location-based
multilingual audio tour guide system using the server-based TTS
engine [13] can provide smart tour guidance services interworking
with beacons and GPS data on tourist spots during the trip. The
audio tour guide services using geotagged tourist contents provide
safe and comfortable route and path guidance for pedestrians and
handicapped or elderly people. The smart tourism app using the
beacon information from the beacon SDK (Tamra SDK) [14] will
be developed for smart tourism. In this paper, the smart tourism
system is proposed to provide smart tourism to FITs.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
2. Development of Personalized Travel Prod-
ucts for Smart Tour Guidance Services
2.1. Development of Smart Tourism System
Smart tourism as a part of smart city supports tourist activities
before, during, and after the trip using the key technologies of the
4th industrial revolution. Before the trip, tourists can select rec-
ommended travel products and tourist information. Tourists can
modify the travel products and make the personalized travel prod-
ucts. During the trip, tourists can use smart tour guidance services
using the personalized travel products and can modify the travel
products. After the trip, tourists can register the personalized trav-
el products to the smart tour system as the new recommended
travel products. The android based smart tourism app is developed
to provide the recommend travel products using big data analytics
before the trip. The location-based multilingual audio tour guide
system is also developed to provide smart tour guide services dur-
ing the trip. The android based smart tourism app should be devel-
oped to provide the personalized travel products for FITs. Adobe
XD [15] is used to the UI/UX design of the smart tourism app.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the proposed smart tourism
system. The proposed smart tourism system consists of a smart
tourism app, a smart tourism server, and interworking systems
such as a multimodal navi server, a weather information server, a
tourist big data server, etc. The smart tourist app can create my
travel product and provide the smart tour guidance service. Before
or during the trip, my travel product can be created using the rec-
ommended travel products and tour information provided by the
smart tourism server. During the trip, the smart tour guidance
service is provided according to the tour schedule of my travel
product interworking with a multimodal navi, communication
infra such as free WiFi APs, beacon, and mobile networks. The
multilingual audio tour guide system can provide smart tour guid-
ance services using geotagged tourist contents in my travel prod-
uct. My travel product can provide safe and comfortable route and
path guidance services. The smart tourism server can create rec-
ommended and personalized travel products, tour information
interworking with a multimodal navi server and the tourist big
data servers. The digital tourist map is also developed in the smart
tourism server based on the pedestrian networks on the GIS sys-
tem and the mobile maps.
Fig. 1: The proposed smart tourism system consists of a smart tourism app
and a smart tourism server
The recommended travel products can be developed local special-
ists as well as travel professionals to create new travel products
utilizing differentiated local tourist contents. The recommended
travel product includes the recommend tour information according
to the tour schedule. The recommend tour information includes the
recommended tourist attractions, lodgments, and restaurants. The
tour information of the recommended tourist attraction includes
geotagged tourist contents to provide smart tour guidance services
during the trip. Figure 2 shows the UI/UX design of recommended
travel product and tour information of tourist attractions using
Adobe XD. Figure 2(a) shows a 3-night and 4-day recommended
travel product for 20s or 30s during the summer vacation season in
Jeju that is stored in my travel product. Figure 2(b) shows the
recommended tour information of Echo Land theme park included
in my travel product. The recommended tour information of the
tourist attraction can be classified based on travel time, weather,
tourist context information such as age and gender using the pe-
destrian networks on the GIS system.
(a) Recommended travel product (b) Recommended tour information
Fig. 2: The UI/UX design of recommended travel product and tour infor-
mation of tourist attractions using Adobe XD
The travel routes for pedestrians in the digital tourist map can be
developed using the pedestrian networks on the GIS system. The
tour information of the digital tourist map can be developed on the
mobile maps such as Naver Maps, Kakao Map, and Google Maps.
Figure 3 shows the digital tourist map of Echoland that is devel-
oped on Google Earth. The tour information of the digital tourist
map is created by Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and displays
it on mobile Google Maps. The tour information includes POI,
point of story, point of risk, point of photo, etc. The train routes
(blue) and pedestrian routes (green) are shown separately on the
digital tourist map of Echo Land. The tour information of Echo
Land can be classified to 4 courses according to travel time of
pedestrian routes as shown in Fig. 2(b), Fig. 3, and Fig. 4(b).
Fig. 3: The digital tourist map of the tourist attractions on Google Earth
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
(a) Tour schedule of a travel product (b) Digital tourist map of Echo Land
Fig. 4: The UI/UX design of the tour schedule of a travel product and
digital tourist map of Echo Land using Adobe XD
Figure 4 shows the UI/UX design of the tour schedule of travel
product and digital tourist map of Echo Land using Adobe XD.
Figure 4(a) shows the tour schedule of the recommended travel
product as shown in Fig. 2(a). Figure 4(b) shows the digital tourist
map of Echo Land created by KML on the GIS system and Google
2.2. Development of Personalized Travel Products Using
the Recommended Travel Products
The smart tourism system provides the recommended travel prod-
ucts and tour information of tourist attractions. Tourists can select
and modify recommended travel products and tour information of
recommended tourist attractions to create the personalized travel
products in the smart tourism system. Travelers can easily and
conveniently create personalized travel products by deleting
and/or inserting tourist information such as sightseeing spots,
accommodation, restaurants from recommended travel products in
the proposed smart tourism system. The modified travel product
can be saved as my travel product in the user terminal.
Figure 5 shows the proposed development procedures of personal-
ized travel products using the recommended travel products and
tour information of tourist attractions: The tourists can creates the
personalized travel products as follows:
(1) Select recommended travel products
Before or during the trip, tourists search on the smart tourism
server and select recommended travel products and recommended
tour information. The chosen travel products and tour information
is stored in the user terminal. Tourist can also download the digital
tourist map of the travel products and tour information. Tourist
can check tour information on the digital tourist map.
(2) Make the personalized travel itinerary
Tourist can make the personalized travel itinerary by deleting
and/or inserting tourist information from the stored travel products.
(3) Create the personalized travel product
Tourist requests the personalized travel product to the smart tour-
ism server. The smart tourism server creates the personalized trav-
el product interworking with the multi modal navi and the GIS
platform. The smart tourism server modifies tourists' selected
travel products according to his travel itinerary to create the per-
sonalized travel product. The smart tourism server calculates the
tour distance and time and includes those in the personalized trav-
el product.
(4) Create the digital tourist map
The smart tourism server creates the digital tourist map of the
personalized travel information according to the chosen tour in-
formation of tourist attractions.
Fig. 5: Development procedures of personalized travel products using the
recommended travel products and tour information of tourist attractions
(5) Download the personalized travel product and the map
The downloaded travel product is stored as my travel product.
Tourist can use smart tour guidance services according the tour
schedule of my travel product.
Figure 6 shows the UI/UX design of making the personalized
travel itinerary using Adobe XD. Figure 6(a) shows the recom-
mended travel products and tour information that is stored in the
user terminal. In Fig 6(a), the course modify button is used to
make the personalized travel itinerary. Tourists complete the trav-
el itinerary by deleting and/or inserting tour information on a day-
by-day basis from the recommended travel products as shown in
Fig. 6(b). Tourists can also delete and/or add tour information
from the selected date as shown in Fig. 7.
(a) Selected travel product (b) Make the personalized travel itinerary
Fig. 6: The UI/UX design of making the personalized travel itinerary using
Adobe XD
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Fig. 7: The UI/UX design of creating the tour schedule of the travel prod-
uct on the selected date using Adobe XD
3. Conclusion
In smart tourism, the smart tourism system interconnecting with
the tourism big data platform should be developed to support tour-
ist activities before, during, and after the trip. The objective of the
study is to develop the smart tourism system. The developed smart
tourism system consists of a smart tourism server and a smart
tourism app interworking with a multimodal navi, a tourist big
data platform, and communication infra. The developed smart
tourism server provides the recommended travel products, tour
information, and the digital tourist map on the mobile maps. The
mart tourism app can create the personalized travel product inter-
working with the smart tourism server. The personalized travel
product include tour information to provide smart audio tour guide
services by the geotagged tourist contents such as storytelling,
curation, guidance. The proposed smart tourism system can be
further developed to provide MaaS based on the multimodal navi.
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
by the Ministry of Education (2017036515). This research was sup-
ported by the 2018 scientific promotion program funded by Jeju Nation-
al University.
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... Netnography-based studies were developed to analyze secondary information retrieved from social media [e.g., 41] and Web pages [e.g., 42], while one study [43] used ethnography methods combined with digitization techniques towards cultural sustainability. There is also a vast number of theoretical studies (n = 17, 38.6 %) promoting the conceptualization of emerging topics [e.g., 14,16,44], proposing the development of smart solutions for tourism products [45,46], management models [47] and vocational models [48], or simply analyzing the implications of specific technologies from the I4.0 era in the tourism sector [e.g., 13,15,17,49,50,51,52,53,54,55]. This might be partially explained by the fact that T4.0 is not a well-established concept in the literature, while the discussion around the digital transition in the tourism sector is still in process. ...
... Following, the digital maturity of tourism companies is embraced by the studies of [35,56]. The third feature concerns the development of recommendation systems [45,46] based on Big Data analytics. ...
... Furthermore, a multilingual audio tour guide system is also available for visitors to use during the recommended itinerary. Still on the recommendation topic, [45] propose a smart tourism system consisting of a smart tourism application and a smart tourism server. Similar to the study by Ref. [46], the smart application suggests a travel product to the user through Big Data analytics. ...
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The tourism sector is presently facing new challenges resulting from the increasing digitalization of society. Boosted by industry 4.0, new tourism dynamics are emerging. Nonetheless, the real significance of this revolutionary trend and its implications still lack further development. Aiming to assess the state-of-the-art about the digital transformation on the tourism sector, triggered by the 4.0 paradigm, the present study followed a systematic literature review approach, adopting the PRISMA protocol guidelines. A total of 44 manuscripts were considered relevant for analysis. The findings illustrate that the 4.0 paradigm is being embraced from three main perspectives: the visitor-technology interaction and its influence on decision-making, the digital competencies in tourism students, and the technology penetration in different sub-sectors of the supply chain. However, studies conceptualizing the 4.0 paradigm in the tourism sector are lacking, beyond empirical research on areas such as digital skills, pros and cons of industry 4.0 technologies, and spatial consequences.
... Netnography-based studies were developed to analyze secondary information retrieved from social media [e.g., 41] and Web pages [e.g., 42], while one study [43] used ethnography methods combined with digitization techniques towards cultural sustainability. There is also a vast number of theoretical studies (n = 17, 38.6 %) promoting the conceptualization of emerging topics [e.g., 14,16,44], proposing the development of smart solutions for tourism products [45,46], management models [47] and vocational models [48], or simply analyzing the implications of specific technologies from the I4.0 era in the tourism sector [e.g., 13,15,17,49,50,51,52,53,54,55]. This might be partially explained by the fact that T4.0 is not a well-established concept in the literature, while the discussion around the digital transition in the tourism sector is still in process. ...
... Following, the digital maturity of tourism companies is embraced by the studies of [35,56]. The third feature concerns the development of recommendation systems [45,46] based on Big Data analytics. ...
... Furthermore, a multilingual audio tour guide system is also available for visitors to use during the recommended itinerary. Still on the recommendation topic, [45] propose a smart tourism system consisting of a smart tourism application and a smart tourism server. Similar to the study by Ref. [46], the smart application suggests a travel product to the user through Big Data analytics. ...
Technology has been accompanying tourism since the sector’s early ages and always took part in its value chain. Nowadays, a new era marked by emerging, digital, and constantly changing technologies regulates the path through which modern society should move, disrupting and influencing everyday life. This revolutionary path within the industrial context led to the emergence of tourism 4.0, entailing new challenges to the sector. Despite the increasing relevance of the 4.0 paradigm, there is still no conceptual background addressing the tourism 4.0 concept and little is known about its real effects. Based on these insights, the following research question was elaborated: what are the key potentialities of industry 4.0 technologies in the tourism sector? Aiming to deepen knowledge of these potentialities, a systematic literature review was conducted to examine the state-of-the-art implications of industry 4.0 on the tourism sector, identifying the main gaps within the literature, and providing future research paths. Bibliometric and content analyses were performed with 50 eligible manuscripts. From the latter, major categories such as hospitality, education, visitor experience, or destination management emerged, exploring, and discussing issues related to technological competencies, sustainability, technology integration, technology interaction, digital solutions, or smart tourism. Nonetheless, perhaps due to the novelty of the 4.0 paradigm in the tourism sector, the contributions of several manuscripts are modest, while some topics still need more in-depth debate. Along with these observations, several gaps were identified, specifically around themes such as digital literacy, geographical implications of I4.0 implementation, benefits and disadvantages of I4.0 technologies in the tourism context, safety/security issues, and influence on visitors’ experiences.
With the rapidly developing technology, the tourism experience has started to enrich and innovative/personalized services and competitive advantage in tourism have started to gain importance. Smartness in tourism refers to tourism activities supported by technology. This study aims to classify the current literature on the subject of smartness in tourism. First of all, a qualitative research was carried out by explaining the concepts of smart tourism and smart tourism destination in the literature. Within the scope of the research, a qualitative research was conducted using systematic literature review method. In the research, 264 academic publications related to smartness in tourism were analyzed in terms of the destinations where they were applied, the scope of the journals they were published, the language of the publication, the methods and approaches, and suggestions were made for further studies.
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This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the needs of remembering the past (preservation and revitalization), the needs of living in the present (livability), and the needs of planning for the future (attainability). Therefore, the vision of SCC is to improve livability, preservation, revitalization, and attainability of a community. The goal of building SCC for a community is to live in the present, plan for the future, and remember the past. We argue that Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to provide a ubiquitous network of connected devices and smart sensors for SCC, and big data analytics has the potential to enable the move from IoT to real-time control desired for SCC. We highlight mobile crowdsensing and cyber-physical cloud computing as two most important IoT technologies in promoting SCC. As a case study, we present TreSight, which integrates IoT and big data analytics for smart tourism and sustainable cultural heritage in the city of Trento, Italy.
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Smart tourism is a new buzzword applied to describe the increasing reliance of tourism destinations, their industries and their tourists on emerging forms of ICT that allow for massive amounts of data to be transformed into value propositions. However, it remains ill-defined as a concept , which hinders its theoretical development. The paper defines smart tourism, sheds light on current smart tourism trends, and then lays out its technological and business foundations. This is followed by a brief discussion on the prospects and drawbacks of smart tourism. The paper further draws attention to the great need for research to inform smart tourism development and management.
The global positioning system (GPS)-enabled mobile phones provide the location-based tourist guide applications for indoor or outdoor environment. In this paper, we develop the location-based audio tour guide system using speech synthesis provided by the server-based text-to-speech (TTS) engine. The mobile audio guide travel application provides real-time tour information in multilingual versions at the major tourist attractions. The developed audio tour guide system is consisted of the tour guide service system, the wiki-based tourist information collection system, the tour information DB, the server-based TTS engine, and Android and IOS mobile apps. The developed tourist guide system is very helpful for tourists and enhancing self-guided tours of outdoor locations. The audio tour guide services also provide safe and comfortable route and path guidance for pedestrians and handicapped or elderly people. One of the essential components for an audio guide system is the geotagging tour information. We are building the location-based tour information DB and photos for smart audio tour guide in the major walking tourist spots in Jeju and Seoul.
Smart tourism provides various tour and tourism services based on Internet of Things (IoT), communication system, bigdata and Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the key technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. In this study, we develop the android based smart tourism application for individual tourists based on the tourism bigdata analytics. The tourism bigdata platform provides tourists information on tourism destinations and festivals by data analysis of Call Data Records (CDRs) of mobile communication network and access logs of WiFiAPs and Beacons. The bigdata platform also provides tourist's creditcard usage patterns with bigdata analytics. The Android based smart tourism App. consists of recommended travel products, my travel products, tourist destinations and tourist information such as lodgments and restaurants. The recommended travel products consist of personalized tourist attractions, lodgments and restaurants based on the number of tourists and creditcard usage at tourist attractions. The recommended travel products and tourist attractions are provided based on tourism bigdata analytics. Tourists can select and modify recommended travel products to create the personalized travel products and saved as my travel products. The smart tourism App. allows tourists to register my travel products as recommended travel products after their trips.
Conference Paper
Smart tourism destinations are characterized by a pervasive presence of new technologies able to influence and improve the quality of tourist experiences. Understanding how tourists perceive and evaluate the assets and point of interests of a smart tourism destination is the first step for supporting decision makers and urban planners in making coherent and informed decisions aiming at improving the competitiveness of the destination. In this paper, we present a novel approach based on Granular Computing and Rough Set Theory for the analysis of the collective perception of a community of users with respect to points of interest (POI) in a smart tourism destination. The approach supports the classification of the POIs with respect to the tourists’ perception by leveraging on the Three-way decision model and Probabilistic Rough Sets. The creation of multi-level granular structures representing the users’ opinions is an added value of the approach when dealing with many POIs and large communities of tourists. An illustrative example related to the city of Salerno is reported to demonstrate the capability of the approach in supporting decision makers in the evaluation of tourist experiences.
Smart Cities are paving the way for the development of new services in the field of tourism. The “smart” concept is based on the intensive deployment of Information and Communication Technology infrastructures, as well as on the proliferation of mobile technology and its apps. However, a destination is not smart because it makes intensive use of technology. It is smart because it also uses technology in order to seek a deeper understanding about the characteristics and meaning of human mobility. It uses latent knowledge and capacities to empower local institutions and industries to create knowledge-based policies and advanced mobile services for visitors. This paper presents a new approach to the Smart Destination concept and a cloud-based infrastructure designed to reach that vision. This infrastructure promotes the creation of advanced mobile tourism applications by tourism stakeholders with tools adapted to people with no programming skills.
Pedestrian Network Models for Mobile Smart Tour Guide Services
  • Jeong-Woo Jwa
Jeong-Woo Jwa, "Pedestrian Network Models for Mobile Smart Tour Guide Services," International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol.8, no.1 (2016), pp.73-78.